Best week ever...for conservatives!

UPDATED: Wednesday, January 27, 2010 08:50
VIEWED: 2538
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Tuesday, January 26, 2010 9:48 AM


"Nope, not in the real world.

I rarely, if ever, wish this, but by gawd, I wish you were bipolar! We'd see how much of an "excuse" you'd find it then! Amazing that anything and everything YOU don't experience is an "excuse"...may what goes around come around all over your head, you bastard.

Yeah, you're right, it pisses me off; your judgments sicken me. I don't want to work, eh? Go to your special hell"

Go take your pills.

Have a nice little bath, with nice little candles, and relax.

Im sure what I've said has upset you so much that you are unable to look for a job today...

(ok, you deserved that for what you said.)


Tuesday, January 26, 2010 10:07 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

Ehhh Niki

Remember - Wulf hates everyone who isn't exactly like him.

I think we should all just make an effort to give him really, really good advice. Advice that would truly help him. I can't think of a better way to drive him to self-destruct even faster than he is already.


Silence is consent.


Tuesday, January 26, 2010 10:11 AM


"Remember - Wulf hates everyone who isn't exactly like him."

Sadly... noone is exactly like me.

If they were, then we would all be living a lot more free, and no matter what I said.. it wouldn't affect you.


Tuesday, January 26, 2010 10:14 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

"... and no matter what I said.. it wouldn't affect you."

What makes you think it does (aside from the fact that it amuses me to jerk you around) ? Isn't you thinking that somehow you 'affect' me just a leeeetl self-important ?

(Now I'll wait and see how much self-control you have - but I'm betting myself that this WILL goad you to respond.)


So, while I'm waiting, I have a really good piece of advice for you, Wulfie. I think you need to start a list of all the groups of people you hate. Just let your mind wander. What irks you to the point of dumping on a whole groups of people. Undeserving blacks ? Uppity women ? Women who work outside of the home ? Liberals ? The unemployed ? You get the idea.

NOW ... try and figure out roughly what pecentage of the population you hate. Add up all the people you hate - let's say 10% for blacks, 10% for the unemployed, 10 % for liberals, 20% for uppity women + 50% for women who work outside of the home ... without hardly even trying, it's already 90% of the entire population. But I'm sure you could do even better !

Then think that that percentage of the population hates you.


Tuesday, January 26, 2010 10:23 AM


What I meant by that Rue, was that while I may think you are wrong, you have the right to say it. So long as your words don't turn to actions that affect me.


Tuesday, January 26, 2010 10:25 AM


"So, while I'm waiting, I have a really good piece of advice for you, Wulfie. I think you need to start a list of all the groups of people you hate. Just let your mind wander. What irks you to the point of dumping on a whole groups of people. Undeserving blacks ? Uppity women ? Liberals ? The unemployed ? You get the idea.

NOW ... try and figure out roughly what pecentage of the population you hate. Add up all the people you hate - let's say 10% for blacks, 10% for the unemployed, 10 % for liberals, 20% for uppity women + 50% for women who work outside of the home ... without hardly even trying, it's already 90% of the entire population. But I'm sure you could do even better !

Then think that that percentage of the population hates you."

Ok, see? This is what I get for playing nice with you, Rue.


Tuesday, January 26, 2010 10:26 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

It's called democracy. Which, I suspect, is your biggest issue with the good ole' US of A.


Silence is consent.


Tuesday, January 26, 2010 10:29 AM


Is being a bitch what you think Democracy is? Well NOW that makes all sorts of sense!


Tuesday, January 26, 2010 10:34 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

Ah, right on track !

Goooood boy !


Silence is consent.


Tuesday, January 26, 2010 10:36 AM



Originally posted by Skywalken:
[B the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in favor of free speech,

Actually, since the Supreme Righties rules in favor of unlimited expenditures of money for political speech, by corporations, they ruled in favor of *E*X*P*E*N*S*I*V*E* speech.


Tuesday, January 26, 2010 11:02 AM


Btw... thought this was appropriate...

yeah, just keep pushing us to be more like those good Brits...


Tuesday, January 26, 2010 11:49 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...


Sadly... noone is exactly like me.
Thank gawd for small favors.

Yeah, Rue, I tend to forget...but I don't think it's that he "hates" others, I think he's just desperate because he can't keep up with the adults...which would mean living in he lashes out. Advice wouldn't help, you know that by now...pity is really the only response, and not taking him seriously. Which I don't.

NewOld: VERY good point, "expensive speech" it is! Especially as it leaves out those of us without billions to blow!


Tuesday, January 26, 2010 11:59 AM


Yeah, cus... you know... having Big Daddy government bail you out (or "help/welfare you out") is what an ADULT would do. Its what a fully functioning, honorable, strong adult would do... no doubt.

Silly me for thinking that people can and SHOULD make it on their own. You know, handle their own shit without looking for a handout.


Tuesday, January 26, 2010 12:21 PM


Seriously, sixties, forced into retirement from corporate job.

It's not an issue of getting out of work.


Tuesday, January 26, 2010 12:27 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

Oh, hey Nikki

The reason to give Wulfie good advice is b/c he's so irrational, just getting that advice will inexorably drive him to do the opposite. He can't help himself, even when we tell him what we're doing.

It's my very open plan to make him self-destruct. With very good, helpful advice. In fact, the better the advice, the faster the process goes.


Silence is consent.


Tuesday, January 26, 2010 12:58 PM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

, Byte, you're not getting through. You never will, and besides, his getting it wrong gives me giggles; you wouldn't want to ruin that, would you?

Ahhh, Rue, sensei, I see your way, it is the path of wisdom... (...but it's not nearly as much FUN! )

Bad Niki, bad girl, stop playing with your food...


Tuesday, January 26, 2010 1:55 PM


Oh it ain't about him, Niki - I don't address his dumb ass cause I think it's gonna have any effect on him, and even in the few cases it does it's a bloody waste of effort using an anvil to drive an idea the size of a mustard seed through his thickass skull, that ain't why at all.

Remember, not everyone has the same level of reasoning and life experience to know just how much of a bullshit story he's trying to sell there, consider well that most kids and teens these days are woefully adrift and too susceptible to influences like that.

So it ain't him I do it to reach, it's folks passing by, lurking, reading, who might, lacking the knowledge and experience to know different, buy into that line of shit - at which point it becomes harder and harder to come to ones senses cause it involves admitting X amount of your entire LIFE was a complete lie, and most folk ain't got the guts.

So, while asshats like him emulate their abusers by themselves holding out the same pretty shiny piece of bait, someone to blame other than themselves for the misery...

People like ME show you the sharp, pointy HOOK underneath that pretty fucking bait.

It's got shit to do with him, save as a bad example, and everything to do with destroying the very myths he's trying to ignorantly perpetuate like a good little windup toy.

Who needs a strawman when you have an ACTUAL moron from the other side to use for political target practice ?

You could almost make the case that he's saving me half the trouble of deconstructing these idiotic myths by coming here to spout them, which means I don't hafta get MY hands all slimy touchin em.


This is vengeance, and so I will ferry you to Hell...


Tuesday, January 26, 2010 2:11 PM


It is not about searching for a lesser job. It is about getting any job. When jobs were lost, it was across the board. Even lesser skilled jobs have been lost.

If you're a manager of a department store, would you hire an experience sales clerk, the position you are looking to fill, or a mechanical designer with the ability to work with 3D modeling software? The problem is not being over qualified. It is being unqualified for the position. The department store wants people who have knowledge of customer relations and the use of a cash register. A mechanical designer does not qualify. Having a higher education does not mean you are going to get a lesser paying job over a qualified candidate.

I will also add this about unemployment insurance in my state.
In my state you don't automatically lose your unemployment if you take a low paying job. They have a formula and reduce your unemployment accordingly. Unemployment is also taxable. Of the $385 I qualify for, I only see $330. State and Federal governments get their share. I have yet to fill out my income tax, so I am not sure how much I will get back, if any.

And finally. I am another person, here, who has bi-polar disorder. I need to take medications to treat it. The differience is like night and day. By the grace of God, Walgreens has a policy that costs $20 a year and saves me 80% on my medications. That adds up to several hundreds of dollars a year. My doctor has also reduced his fee considerably, after I lost my job. There are miracles out there. I also decided to go on my states Foodshare program. Because I get unemployment, it is only $16 a month. Foodshare will increase to $200 when my unemployment insurance ends. I just wanted to get the ball rolling because it takes time to get these programs going.


Wednesday, January 27, 2010 8:50 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Ahh, I see Frem. Good point.

Excellent point too, Traveler, about being qualified for specific jobs. I forgot to add that one, and mistakenly just thought of it as part of being "overqualified". In CA they reduce our unemployment AND our disability if we work, too, and it's taxable as well.

Hello to a fellow sufferer, too; I'm happy your meds work for you (as you know, we're each different and what works for one may not work for another, or may have extreme side effects). I hope your side effects are minimal; I'm on Lamictal and had to lower the dose because my balance became awful and I fell a lot; thankfully it's worked, tho' the balance still isn't perfect. But th med works, so I'm grateful; all I have is dry mouth, so have to carry a little bottle of ice tea with me everywhere. It could be SO much worse. I consider myself extremely lucky to be Bipolar II; I lived with a Bipolar I and know a few. What they suffer can be excrutiating.

What people who put down those of us with mental illness never realize is that our meds can make life almost as difficult as the disorder. They can make it to the point where we can barely function, much less hold a job. Simply put, meds for other diseases are attacking something in the body; our meds have to attack something in the BRAIN, so they have to get through the blood/brain barrier. As a result, we have to take higher doses than for other illnesses, and the side effects on our BODIES can be devastating as a result. Just a tidbit of useless information.






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