FBI Federal Breast Inspectors check for suicide boobies

UPDATED: Thursday, February 11, 2010 10:44
VIEWED: 49637
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Wednesday, February 3, 2010 2:35 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


MI5 hunting breast implants of death

Authorities alarmed by possibility of surgically placed bombs.

LONDON – Agents for Britain's MI5 intelligence service have discovered that Muslim doctors trained at some of Britain's leading teaching hospitals have returned to their own countries to fit surgical implants filled with explosives, according to a report from Joseph Farah's G2 Bulletin.

Suspected suicide bomber

Women suicide bombers recruited by al-Qaida are known to have had the explosives inserted in their breasts under techniques similar to breast enhancing surgery. The lethal explosives – usually PETN (pentaerythritol Tetrabitrate) – are inserted during the operation inside the plastic shapes. The breast is then sewn up.

Suspected suicide bomber

Similar surgery has been performed on male suicide bombers. In their cases, the explosives are inserted in the appendix area or in a buttock. Both are parts of the body that diabetics use to inject themselves with their prescribed drugs.

Suicide bomber training camp

The discovery of these methods was made after the London-educated Nigerian Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab came close to blowing up an airliner on Christmas Day with explosives he had stuffed inside his underpants.

Keep in touch with the most important breaking news stories about critical developments around the globe with Joseph Farah's G2 Bulletin, the premium, online intelligence news source edited and published by the founder of WND.

Nuclear bombs can be hidden in breast implants

Hours after he had failed, GCHQ – Britain's worldwide eavesdropping "spy in the sky" agency – began to pick up "chatter" emanating from Pakistan and Yemen that alerted MI5 to the creation of the lethal implants.

All airline passengers get Xrayed for suicide boobies

A hand-picked team was appointed by Jonathan Evans, the head of MI5, to investigate the threat. He described it as "one that can circumvent our defense."

Suspected suicide bomber

Top surgeons who work in the National Health Service confirmed the feasibility of the explosive implants.

Suicide bomber manufacturing facility

In a report to Evans, one said:

"Properly inserted the implant would be virtually impossible to detect by the usual airport scanning machines. You would need to subject a suspect to a sophisticated X-ray. Given that the explosive would be inserted in a sealed plastic sachet, and would be a small amount, would make it all the more impossible to spot it with the usual body scanner."

RAPEscan body scanners cannot detect plastic explosives in airport checkpoints

Explosive experts at Britain's Porton Down biological and chemical warfare research center told MI5 that a sachet containing as little as five ounces of PETN when activated would blow "a considerable hole" in an airline's skin which would guarantee it would crash.

RAPEscans now required for all airline passengers

"We will need to conduct full-body cavity search of all airline passengers, just to be sure."

TSA to inspect all penises for ball bombers

Israeli director US Dept of Homeland Security sells Israeli RAPEscanners to all airports

The Three Jew Stooges

"You can fool some of the people all of the time, and those are the ones you want to concentrate on."
-George W Bush, Gridiron Dinner, March 2001


Sunday, February 7, 2010 9:16 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Male Police Stripping Innocent Woman Completely Naked:

Dial 911 and die, or get robbed by copsters.

CIA Shoots Down Plane With US Mother and Infant Aboard

Airport staff print out naked photos of passengers, pass them around


Wednesday, February 10, 2010 7:50 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


My Left Breast Put Fancy TSA Scanner to the Test

A funny thing happened to me at airport security this week: The full-body scanner appeared to detect my fake left breast.

After I sauntered sleepily through the regular scanner at Denver International Airport, the TSA guy motioned me into the clear, cylindrical, full-body scanner (aka, the Millimeter Wave). The woman there asked me to step on the yellow footprints and raise my arms above my head. She murmured into a headset to start the scan. There was a quick motion through the plexiglass. She asked me to turn, step on the green footprints and hold my arms straight out. Another scan.

She motioned me out of the scanner and asked me to wait for word from someone in some secret room somewhere, someone looking at a vision of my body sans jeans, cardigan, turtleneck, etc. Hmmm . . .

Then she said she needed to check something. And she began sweeping her hands around my left breast and rib cage.

This didn't bother me all that much; in fact it made me smile. For one thing, I don't really have any feeling in my left breast. That's because it doesn't exactly exist. For six years now, it's been a composition of part of my lat dorsi (mid-back muscle) and a skin graft from my back, supplemented by a sac of silicone. That, ladies and gentlemen, is the result of a mastectomy and reconstruction, which in turn is the result of breast cancer.

Since I've broached the subject of breast surgery, let me detour here to address any of you who might be thinking of elective enhancement. I totally understand the consternation that may result from being small-breasted. But are you really willing to have major surgery to alter this fluke -- or blessing? -- of Mother Nature? Really? General anesthetic? A breathing tube that'll leave your throat sore for days? Taking a month or so off from exercise and exertion to recover from surgery? Hoping you don't have rejection issues? Really?

Back to the TSA. As the security screening woman felt me up, I mentioned to her that I have an implant, the result of mastectomy. She relayed the information to those unseen through her microphone.

A few seconds later, she sent me on my way. And I tweeted and Facebooked about the experience. A friend in Tallahassee mentioned that friend of his had to lift his shirt to expose his colostomy bag to the TSA in Philadelphia. I'm happy I didn't have to expose anything to the scanning lady, and she should be too. Medical professionals I've met consider my surgical aftermath a work of art, but laypeople might be kind of weirded out by the oval skin graft and the way I can flex my breast (the lat dorsi still seems to work!). Then again, this is nothing compared to what my friend Diane goes through -- she has two rebuilt hips and two fake tatas, the latter courtesy of breast cancer.

Yet, the so-called Millimeter Wave isn't aiming to detect things like my fake left breast, according to Carrie Harmon, a TSA spokeswoman in Denver.

"It looks for metallic and non-metallic items under clothing," she says. "It could have been something else inside your body."

Except the only other things around my fake left breast were a cotton tank top and cotton turtleneck. Who needs underwires when there's so little to support?

"That's not a usual experience," Harmon says.

My plastic surgeon, Dr. Winfield Hartley, agrees.

"I know they have tightened security but you are the first patient I have heard from that has had a . . . search from images of a gel implant," Hartley said in an e-mail. "I expect we will see a lot more of this type of security until the image readers get used to seeing implants."

Frankly, I think it's a good thing that they're being careful about my left breast. It's probably only a matter of time until someone tries to be the first "boobie bomber." Because, really, shoes and underpants are so passe in the terror world these days.

The takeaway here is, if you have fake body parts, you should be prepared to explain them to the full-body screening folks at the TSA.

Meanwhile, I've got a great revenue idea for those folks. They could sell images from the body scanners to us after we gather up our belongings. It'd be sort of like those photos of us screaming on rollercoasters that theme parks offer up after the ride is over. Only it'd be weird X-ray-like images.

Really, it could be a money-maker for the feds. And it might cut down on the risk/fears of TSA employees going all rogue by selling our scans to, say, National Enquirer or some such. They could offer both digital and print images. Use them for your holiday cards, frame them for the office. I'd probably post mine on Facebook.

But that's just me. Think about it, TSA folks.

Note how spineless this sheeple is, just laughing about being strip searched and sold into slavery at gunpoint as a stripper porn star. The first slaves sold in USA were white Europeans...

I literally fight parking tickets harder than this sheep fights to keep her clothes on in public.


Thursday, February 11, 2010 8:28 AM


That SHOULD read TetraNITRATE...'Bitrate' is another thing entirely , as I'm sure you know...

Someone in that news source misstruck a key , and the proofers didn't know to catch it...


Thursday, February 11, 2010 8:52 AM


Wow. Another casualty in the war on terror. Boobies are no longer trustworthy...maybe they never were.

FBI Breat Inspector must be the dream job of 13 boys everywhere.


Thursday, February 11, 2010 9:29 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

I had many conflicting reactions to this story.

One is that exploding breasts are a waste of good surgery. And seriously, what women wants her implants to explode ? Plus, how do you list that as a potential complication of surgery ? And, would that be a black-box warning ?

On a different note, by definition, you have to be a little bit of a boobie to be a suicide bomber - making the phrase 'suicide boobies' redundant.

But in all seriousness - PN's shilling aside - I never did like the technology. It's an invasive search of innocent people. And wherever the technology is deployed, it is an unavaoidably abusive situation.


Silence is consent.


Thursday, February 11, 2010 10:44 AM







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