Oh here's one for PN

UPDATED: Monday, February 8, 2010 09:31
PAGE 1 of 1

Sunday, February 7, 2010 8:30 AM


I know, shouldn't encourage him, but this just totally BEGS for it!

Australian censor board demands large-breasted porn-stars

Hey, maybe it's a plot to size up those 'explosive breast implants' the TSA seems to bent on searching for, given how eagerly they "search" well endowed women, eh ?

Anyone else see this as a buncha perveted old lawmakers with a fetish trying to justify it, or is it just me ?



Sunday, February 7, 2010 10:50 AM


Not really. Just an unintentional side effect of them trying to crack down on child pornography. Is it going too far??? Maybe, but my heart doesn't go out to the porn industry which seems to be alive and well and going strong.


Sunday, February 7, 2010 10:55 AM



Originally posted by Magonsdaughter:
Not really. Just an unintentional side effect of them trying to crack down on child pornography. Is it going too far??? Maybe, but my heart doesn't go out to the porn industry which seems to be alive and well and going strong.

If men & women would just put-out more, there would be virtually no porn industry!

"Put-out." When's the last time you heard that one, eh?

The laughing Chrisisall


Sunday, February 7, 2010 11:00 AM


Quite recently, actually


Sunday, February 7, 2010 11:09 AM


What about small breasted women in general. Does this mean if a woman is an A-cup she is not allowed to go to the beach in a swimsuit. Maybe they need a law that enforces them to wear burqas.


Sunday, February 7, 2010 12:07 PM


I've known 13 year olds with D cup sizes when I was in school. This is totally going to backfire if the spirit of the law is to try to put the breaks on child pornography.

You know, honestly, I know there's abuse of minors out there and I have real questions about whether teenagers are wise enough in general to make good decisions about sex, but on the other hand, I wonder if all of this is really just going against the grain of thousands of years of human nature. Most girls start their period when they're thirteen, and hell, not more than 100 years ago, you could be married as soon as you started your cycle. If the other kid was around the same age, sometimes parents arranged marriages between kids as young as seven. Sometimes in the DAMN CRADLE. Doesn't this all have ramifications?

Not that I'm saying it's okay, nothing is okay without consent, and consent from teens and younger is a specious claim at best.


Sunday, February 7, 2010 12:22 PM



Originally posted by Bytemite:
Doesn't this all have ramifications?

Plastic surgery stimulus initiative.

The laughing Chrisisall


Sunday, February 7, 2010 3:05 PM


(WARNING: Rant - not polite, probably offensive, certainly profane.)

Yanno, while I really, really have work to do, I also feel a seriously pressing need to put this lunacy in perspective.

What, exactly, convinces folk that the all-or-nothing sledgehammer approach used in the ever so successful *sneer* "war on (some) drugs", is any kinda good idea ?

I mean, seriously, I hate the freaks prolly worse than anyone here, since I've come pointblank with the aftermath of the bastards far too often for my liking, but unlike mosta them folk in their ivory towers, at least I maintain a goddamned sense of perspective about it.

Does anyone here REALLY think this is gonna have an iota of effect on the problem of child-predators, especially when they dance around actually confronting real enablers in favor of shit like this ?

Which, BY ITSELF would be bad enough, but knee-jerk-feel-good measures like this actually compound the damage, not only by impacting folk who have nothing to do with it - adult porn providers hate the bastards too, not that anyone else ever seems to notice, and one reason I don't get along so well with other advocates is that they're bloody crusaders with a puritanical streak a mile wide and no sense of discretion or restraint, folk who'd scream a fit over a damned art museum, and whatnot...

But worse is the hysteria factor it raises, which does all manner of harm they never see, and thus don't seem to care about, like loving fathers terrified to even smile at their daughters out of fear of dread accusations and the witch hunt, which, the father being a young girls first source of male affection and approval that does NOT have a sexual component to it, comes back like a goddamn boomerang when those girls never get that lesson cause their father kept em at arms length, and so they seek it elsewhere, and then you wind up with girls who have those concepts all but indelibly linked in their minds and go seeking them at inappropriate ages.

But no, no one wants to talk about that, cause it don't fit in their little black and white world, doesn't wanna face the fact that by scaring fathers into rejecting their own children in self defense from the witch hunt, they're putting those kids right on a damn conveyor belt straight to the predators they're supposedly defending them from!

Not to mention how fucking demeaning it is to them to be treated as naught more than a victim waiting to happen, since our society cannot even conceive of allowing a child to defend themselves cause that might hinder some of the severely authoritarian and often abusive parenting styles these same crusaders tend to favor, cause a child who can defend themself is an anathema to that whole concept - and so they're treated as helpless invalids despite the fact that a well parented kid will blow off a predator trying to groom them before the bastard gets anywhere and in the case of a physical confrontation tend to give a damned good account of themselves even if unskilled.

I'm more pissed than usual about it cause I am already busy and Justin hands me something that needs some boot up the ass relative to this kinda of thing, apparently some provider just dumped a website for a girls gymnastic team as "adult content" due to this same hysteria and idiocy - factually you simply cannot prevent lookers and lurkers from drooling, other than not screwing folks up mentally (which, yanno, the atmosphere of fear and hysteria, the culture of fear... isn't bloody HELPING on...) to where they wind up like that to begin with - they will always, ALWAYS, find something outside the scope of prohibition to drool over, it's gonna happen.

So what next, ban cameras ?

Or how bout this one, and this is WHY I am bringin it up and so very, very, pissed off about it.

So, indeed, what next... Burqas for kids ?
And what comes next, sure as day follows dawn, hmmm ?


You ever wanted to really understand the mindset behind that bullshit, there it is, laid out in detail, that's how it gets there, and that is where it goes.

And here we are with the asshats behind this recent batch of idiotic hysteria marching onward-christian-soldiers right down that very bloody path themselves as they decry others having done so, without a single thought to the cliff they're eventually gonna march off.

Like we don't have our own fucking potential Taliban right here in the form of rabid puritans, not just in america, australia, or the UK, or EU, but everywhere, all over the planet - the middle east just had the misfortune to have them longer, and not hack them off at the knees before they got their hooks in cause the social developments most helpful to doing so came somewhat after they'd already done it.
(and I'll leave off for another topic how our interference helped em out by giving them a threat to help wind up hysteria and fear about, which we've now justified entire)

And so, I just wanted to give folk some insight on how that shit happens, and where it comes from, to make it abundantly clear how important some fucking perspective and restraint are when it comes to a matter such as this, cause it's a damn dangerous slope to fall off if you march right onto it unawares.

And now if you'll excuse me, I gotta get back on the phone to some people.


PS. I see Traveler nailed that line of thought hisself, but I still think it NEEDED to be said, all of this.


Monday, February 8, 2010 6:44 AM


Well, but there ARE fathers out there who are sexually abusive, though, real scumbags who have daughters just to exploit them this way. With pretty similar results: low self-esteem, sense of betrayal from parents and lack of affection in particular from the abuser, and a naive hope and prayer for their One True Love to take them away from it all. Burns them every time.


Monday, February 8, 2010 9:31 AM


There's that, and what's worse is something called the Incest Exception Loophole, which rewards an inter-family predator by allowing the court to class it as incest instead of what it really is, and reduce what should be a significant felony to a misdemeanor somewhere below stealing chickens.

I note that the latter article dances around WHO deliberately introduced those exceptions, but I am pretty sure I don't have to add 2+2 for you here, and they also dance around why trying to change it slams into a brick wall, which is why they haven't done as well as they should on this front.

There's a lot of political MONEY being funnelled into that resistance, often via the Libertarian party and some more conservative politicians of either mainstream party, by "such and such fund" or "so and so memorial foundation", the front groups I have mentioned before - and it doesn't help a lot when that is backed up by Dobson-eqsue Black Pedagogy supporters who get offended by the idea that a family does not OWN the child, that the child might be considered in some ways a human being, a person in their own right, even before the "magic number", you see.

Me, I'm ALL FOR confrontation with the freak fronts, but no one else seems to have the guts, and I am kind of iffy on screwing up the hard work of well meaning people by reacting in a fashion that may no longer be appropriate to the situation since times have changed.

Still, my thought on it is, that opposition is a problem, and no opposition = no problem, and there's a *reason* they call me the Wrecking Ball.
I just ain't sure doin that would help matters, and have concerns about collateral damage to a social/political force that took decades to build.

Some days I do feel like a bull tiptoeing through a china shop, yeah.

That said, still - perspective, going after those inter-familial and circle-of-trust predators is helpful, but not at the expense of making parents afraid to love their children whatsoever for fear of a witch hunt, and I've been seeing signs of that for quite a while now.

That can be just as damaging as they other.







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