I got this (no shit) from FauxNews, which had the decency to actually report it. Good on HER, for speaking up and saying how it is, which no other Repub..."/>


Meghan McCain Blasts Tea Party Movement, Palin

UPDATED: Tuesday, February 16, 2010 19:08
VIEWED: 3914
PAGE 1 of 2

Wednesday, February 10, 2010 9:45 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

I got this (no shit) from FauxNews, which had the decency to actually report it. Good on HER, for speaking up and saying how it is, which no other Republican seems to have the balls to do (skip to 4:18, I couldn't find a clip without the beginning bullshit):


Meghan McCain had some choice words for Sarah Palin, former Rep. Tom Tancredo and the conservative Tea Party movement as a whole during her appearance Monday on ABC's "The View."

McCain, the daughter of Sen. John McCain known for occasionally parting ways with the views of her Republican dad, was particularly scathing in her assessment of Tancredo's speech on the opening day of the National Tea Party Convention on Thursday in Nashville. In the speech, Tancredo said people "who could not spell the word vote or say it in English" elected a "committed socialist ideologue" because the country does not require a "civics literacy test."

"It's innate racism, and I think it's why young people are turned off by this movement," McCain said. "And I'm sorry -- revolutions start with young people, not with 65-year-old people talking about literacy tests and people who can't say the word vote in English."

Though speakers at the convention repeatedly rejected the "racist" label during the three-day event and held sessions on ways to attract young activists to their cause, McCain pointed to Tancredo's speech as a sign of what's wrong with the Tea Party movement.

"This rhetoric will continue to turn off young voters, and anybody that says different is smoking something -- period," she said.

McCain also criticized her father's former running mate for comments she made during an interview with "Fox News Sunday."

In the interview, Palin suggested that President Obama could improve his re-election chances by declaring war on Iran.

"You should never go to war unless it's the absolute last circumstance," McCain said on "The View."

On "Fox News Sunday," Palin also called for White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel to "step down," in part for using the word "retarded" in a strategy session last year which only recently became public -- but at the same time, Palin defended conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh's use of the word as "satirical."

McCain said that assessment is "exactly what is wrong with politics today."

"We can't placate and say Democrats can say one thing and Republicans can say another thing," she said.



Wednesday, February 10, 2010 10:35 AM


America loves a winner!

Maybe when Meghan grows up, she'll understand about what makes this country great.


The T.Rex they call JANE!


Wednesday, February 10, 2010 10:42 AM


I remember seeing this nice sweet gal when she was led to the slaughter and appeared on Bill Mahr live a few months ago. It was absolutely brutal what Mahr and fellow Lib Paul Begalia did to her. They ripped her limited mentality to shreds, and they did it with a big broad smile. Little Meghan so wants to be loved and accepted by the media, so wants to be invited to things outside of her daddy's world. I do not begrudge her one iota. She has guts. I said the same thing about Tancredo yesterday.


Wednesday, February 10, 2010 10:44 AM


Harsh. And I'm responding to your first version, when you said she is to McCain what the Dixie Chicks are to country.

I'm sorry, AURaptor, but I think Meghan McCain's got a point here, whatever her ideological differences are with her father. But where Meghan isn't making the connection is suggesting that there are forces out there actively trying to discredit the tea party movement on both sides of the political spectrum by associating all of them with racists. It's the old divide and conquer strategy, only instead of preying on preexisting differences in opinion to fracture everything, they've introduced artificial sources. Easier to control, I guess.

Off topic: Sarah Palin suggested Obama could improve his election chances by declaring war on Iran? That may be the worst reason for a war ever. Seriously, just, WHAT? Is she kidding?


Wednesday, February 10, 2010 10:48 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...


Maybe when Meghan grows up, she'll understand about what makes this country great.
Oh, good, my first real guffaw of the morning!

If you think what Tancredo said and the roar of approving applause is what makes this country great, you should time-travel a couple of hundred years and own some slaves. That's where that mentality belongs, not in the present day!

If you think Palin trashing Obama's use of a teleprompter then scrawling cheat sheets on her hand to answer questions any fifth grader could, making her LOOK like a fifth grader and totally ridiculous, well, there's just no hope for you. You and your tea-party mentality are respectfully requested to take a long walk off a short pier, and leave the discussions to those in the real world!


Wednesday, February 10, 2010 10:55 AM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
Maybe when Meghan grows up, she'll understand about what makes this country great.


What is it, AU? What makes this country great?
The laws that get broken by them that make them, or can afford to cover up their misdeeds?
Our sheer power through military might?
Our lying elected officials that screw interns in the White House?
Our elective poverty?
Our mandatory insurance?
Our reality TV shows?
Our drug war?
Our terrorism war?
Rush Limbo?

What, AU? What?

IMO this country greatness is found in our heart as a nation. Our charity, our empathy, our love and our willingness to give of ourselves, even if it sometimes isn't comfortable.
Our cell phones are cool, as well.

The laughing Chrisisall


Wednesday, February 10, 2010 10:59 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by Bytemite:
Harsh. And I'm responding to your first version, when you said she is to McCain what the Dixie Chicks are to country.

I'm sorry, AURaptor, but I think Meghan McCain's got a point here, whatever her ideological differences are with her father. But where Meghan isn't making the connection is suggesting that there are forces out there actively trying to discredit the tea party movement on both sides of the political spectrum by associating all of them with racists. It's the old divide and conquer strategy, only instead of preying on preexisting differences in opinion to fracture everything, they've introduced artificial sources. Easier to control, I guess.

Off topic: Sarah Palin suggested Obama could improve his election chances by declaring war on Iran? That may be the worst reason for a war ever. Seriously, just, WHAT? Is she kidding?

I self edited my original post because, upon reflection, it didn't hold up. Meghan's views , if not her tact and savvy, probably are very close to her fathers. There really isn't too much of a disconnect between them. Which had a lot to do w/ why the GOP lost the 2008 election. ( I'm fine w/ anyone who'd suggest the GOP had no shot, no matter who they ran...I get that )

As for Palin's remark, I'd not put any stock into what Barbara Wahwah had to say on the matter. I haven't heard the full quote, and it didn't seem like Bab's had either. I suspect that Palin's point was that it would take a very unlikely event, such as war w/ Iran, to save this President's popularity poll. I don't know, but probably didn't translate very well, taken out of context. Or in context, for that matter.

The T.Rex they call JANE!


Wednesday, February 10, 2010 11:05 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Started a thread on this, Raptor, with the direct quote. Essentially, you're wrong. She said it, and she followed it with a sentence that showed her approval of the idea: "...toughen up and do all that he can to secure our nation and secure our allies. I think people would shift their thinking a bit."


Wednesday, February 10, 2010 11:08 AM



Originally posted by AURaptor:

I self edited my original post because

*mock but real-seeming anger*

The laughing Chrisisall


Wednesday, February 10, 2010 11:24 AM


Niki, telling someone to get out of a thread for their viewpoints is just opening yourself up to an accusation that you're trying to control the conversation.

Differing opinions get to stay because they make things interesting.

But, yeah, Palin. I think I liked it better this morning, before this thread, when I managed to avoid knowing much about her. It's easier to be open-minded, plus I kind of like to avoid politically polarizing figures or messages, because they're usually just a distraction. The only time I care about any of them is if/when they've pissed me off about something.

I'll just put her out of my mind again. Done.


Wednesday, February 10, 2010 11:33 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

"Though speakers at the convention repeatedly rejected the "racist" label during the three-day event ..."

And now we know where Rap got his little 'Jewish' joke. He's been hanging out with the tea-baggers, and picked up a little something.

Better get it looked after Rap.


Silence is consent.


Wednesday, February 10, 2010 2:18 PM


She's a young lady with a good heart, and she means well - that buys a LOT of cred with me, folks, especially when she's willing to speak to it publicly.

Does she have limited experience and a perhaps a shorter view of the world, sure - all but inevitable result of traditional parenting and treating your child like a helpless pet, although whatever my differences with McCain, and they are legion, I must credit him with being a better father than I would have otherwise thought, cause his daughter shows quite a few elements of positive and constructive parenting, to both her credit and his.

And while she might lack in experience and specific knowledge, she lacks neither heart nor courage, which counts for a lot because the first two can and will be broadened by the girl herself over time.

If she's not hacked off at the knees every time she opens her mouth, that is.

You don't expect a flower to bloom three days after you plant it, and if you clip it early, it never does - but if you nuture and cultivate it patiently, then wonder of wonders, nature does the rest.

This girl is just sprouting, and while there are those like Rappy, who will only be happy if she winds up twisted into some demented mirror image of their own tremendously distorted worldview, I for one want to see what *SHE* does, and will simply offer encouragement toward her own growth, on her own path.

She's right though, you don't look at the folks in power for the future, you look at the young people staring at them like they're off their rocker.

Side notes: yanno, I never watched "The View" before, ever, ok ?
(I did watch this clip, cause I been keepin a loose eye on this girl as a potential future leader, she has the capability, and the potential.)

I dun watch conventional MSM nor common television cause it's usually complete freakin garbage, so yeah, I ain't never seen The View before.

I know Baba Wawwa is an idealogue, ok, you ain't gotta be tellin me that, I've known it for longer than you, prolly, and I have no idea who the woman sitting to the left of her is...

But I had no idea anyone was lunatic enough to let Whoopi Goldberg comment on politics!
And I mean that in the best of ways, cause THAT lady is a Dark Spark, a sideways thinking smartass of the worst order, and FOR THAT REASON, prolly hands down the best thing to happen to public political discussion of any kind, cause she sure as shit ain't gonna sugar coat it - not with a mouth like hers she ain't!

And yeah, her mouth gets her in trouble on occasion, but heaven knows I'd rather some of that than someone afraid to speak their mind.

Anyhows, I might not end up agreeing with Miss McCain here in the end, but I do very much wish her to grow and develop into a leader for her own generation, and that she shows a hell of a lot more sense than our current crop of political yahoos gives me some hope, yanno ?



Wednesday, February 10, 2010 2:31 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by AURaptor:
Maybe when Meghan grows up, she'll understand about what makes this country great.


The racism? You were going to say it's the racism that makes us great, right?


Work is the curse of the Drinking Class.
- Oscar Wilde


Wednesday, February 10, 2010 2:36 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Posted by Auraptor:

I self edited my original post because, upon reflection, it didn't hold up.

Since when has that been an obstacle to giving voice to those howler monkeys that live in your head?


Work is the curse of the Drinking Class.
- Oscar Wilde


Wednesday, February 10, 2010 6:53 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed PirateNew.org wooHOO!!!!!!

Meegan McCain Mafia princess

John McCain: The Manchurian Commie Candidate

Tea Partier Debra Medina closing on Bilderberger Kay Bailey Hutchison for governor of TX

Anti-Tea Party Web Site by Demorat Mafia Union Stealing Union Pension Funds

Hijacked Tea Party traitors take aim at founder Ron Paul

Ron Paul Warns Of Neo-Con Takeover Of Tea Party Movement

Racheal Maddow Is A Man-Hating Dildo-Strapping Lesbian

GOP Commie Beatnik Sodomite Savage Weiner: Palin the “Dolly Parton” of the Republican Tea Party, only exists to get illegal alien Hussein Obama "re-elected":

NSFW: images.piratenews.org/sarah_palin_for_president_sharon_stone.jpg

UPDATE APOLOGY by Marvel Comics: Captain America Says Tea Parties Are Dangerous and Racist



Thursday, February 11, 2010 7:19 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Skipping PN's usual never-ending rant, except for

Racheal Maddow Is A Man-Hating Dildo-Strapping Lesbian
Uh, you forgot "Jewish princess", PN, you're slipping!

As far ss Meghan, I disagree with her 99.9% of the time, but I can still admire her for speaking up and telling it like it is.

I wasn't seriously suggesting he leave, dear, I was making a point. Guess I did a lousey job of it...

And believe me, I was told I was trying to "control the conversation" over and over and over again elsewhere--every time it was because I pleaded for just a LITTLE less ugliness, since that's about all that existed there. I wasn't the only one doing so, but I dared to speak up, so became a target. The "clique" there controlled it to such an extent that people learned to stay away from that forum, keep their mouths shut, or GO away, which I did. So it's nothing new for me, but I wasn't dreaming of any "control" with my remark; this place is so open it doesn't NEED it; the few nutbags are tolerated, if picked on when they make stupid remarks. End of explanation.


Thursday, February 11, 2010 8:03 AM


I agree with Ms. McCain, to a point. It isn't fair to call the tea-baggers inherently racist. I do, however, think that it is fair to call them tea-baggers (as a diagnostic and pejorative).

I sympathize with their frustration, and admire their willingness to lower an already debased public discourse, but I get McCain's point of view. It must be maddening to have someone who is ostensibly on the same side as you, and also a bit of a nut job, making you a nutjob by association. Sort of like the way I feel about Kucinich.

I wonder how history will treat the tea-baggers--perhaps a footnote, like the Know Nothings.


Thursday, February 11, 2010 8:12 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Two things I want to say: I don't believe the tea-baggers are nutjobs. There are nutjobs in every movement; these are just getting a lot of attention. I think they are mostly misguided people being used for political gain, and I understand their frustration and anger...both are excellent tools to use because visceral emotions get in the way of using one's brain.

As to the resounding applause to what Tancredo said, it's been used to define them as racists. I don't actually see that; I see a crowd all worked up and applauding things out of expectation, not real thinking (for most of them anyway). For me, it's like people laughing at a stand-up comic; if someone told the same "joke" outside the club, they might not find it the slightest bit funny, but they EXPECT humor, so laugh.

I'd bet that many of those people who applauded enthusiastically, if the same things were said to them in another venue, wouldn't agree. This was the opening speech, yes? So they were ripe for an outlet for their anger, and ready for Tancredo to give voice to their frustrations.

I could, of course, be totally wrong. Maybe clinging to the naivete that most Americans aren't like that? I dunno.


Thursday, February 11, 2010 8:22 AM


There may be tea-baggers who are not nutjobs, and I imagine it must be rather awkward to participate in a "movement" attracts a disproportionate ammount of nuttery. It's a haven for Birthers, Minute Men and the like.

I eagerly anticipate a counter movment of Red Coats, which works as 1) an allusion to our rightful masters, the English and 2) reference to socialism, which is rad.


Thursday, February 11, 2010 8:32 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by mincingbeast:
There may be tea-baggers who are not nutjobs, and I imagine it must be rather awkward to participate in a "movement" attracts a disproportionate ammount of nuttery. It's a haven for Birthers, Minute Men and the like.

I eagerly anticipate a counter movment of Red Coats, which works as 1) an allusion to our rightful masters, the English and 2) reference to socialism, which is rad.

" Birthers " are a non issue, which the Left keeps propping up, so as to paint anyone who stands for smaller Gov't and lower taxes as being some sort of nut job.

" Minute Men", in contrast, are outstanding examples of what true Americans are.... individuals who care about this country and have become fed up w/ Fed Government's unwillingness to deal w/ the issue of sovereignty. They didn't form as any response to Obama becoming President, if you recall, but when BUSH was pushing his " comprehensive " immigration bill, which was nothing more than a massive expansion of Gov't that did next to nothing in addressing the problem.

To be honest, the Tea Party movement had its origins from BUSH era policies.

The Healthcare Town Hall meetings were simply another log on the fire.

The T.Rex they call JANE!


Thursday, February 11, 2010 8:34 AM


with all due respect, my definition of outstanding americans does not encompass any vigilantes but for the punisher.


Thursday, February 11, 2010 8:41 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...


To be honest, the Tea Party movement had its origins from BUSH era policies
Now there's something I CAN agree with. Both those who got frustrated by the government, and now those who are turning said frustration on Obama, even tho' the PROBLEMS that cause their anger had its obvious origins in the Bush administration as well.


Thursday, February 11, 2010 9:35 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by Niki2:

To be honest, the Tea Party movement had its origins from BUSH era policies
Now there's something I CAN agree with. Both those who got frustrated by the government, and now those who are turning said frustration on Obama, even tho' the PROBLEMS that cause their anger had its obvious origins in the Bush administration as well.

It's not Obama or Bush, but WASHINGTON D.C. which is the problem. They don't listen to the people, and the people are getting pissed.

Obama is only taking what Bush did and piling on. We didn't want Gov't health care. The town halls showed that. The politicians didn't listen. They scolded us, and mocked us, and said they were going to pass it , whether we liked it or not.

Massachusetts elected a Republican to the late Ted Kennedy's senate seat. Scott Brown ran SPECIFICALLY against the Fed Gov't take over of healthcare.

Obama and Pelosi didn't care.

“We’ll go through the gate. If the gate’s closed, we’ll go over the fence. If the fence is too high, we’ll pole-vault in. If that doesn’t work, we’ll parachute in."

They're STILL not listening. I can only hope, come November, that both parties finally get the message.

The T.Rex they call JANE!


Thursday, February 11, 2010 10:12 AM



We didn't want Gov't health care.

Um. Medicare is government health care, and medicaid. I'll admit both have skyrocketing costs, and definitely need to be fixed so they don't bankrupt us, but they were created as a safety net for the elderly and disabled.

I don't actually have any problem with that. Maybe you do, beyond the skyrocketing costs?

But, if not those two programs, I'm pretty sure what you mean is you don't want Universal or Single Payer Health Care, which is a type of government run healthcare, but does not preclude programs intended for the elderly and disabled.

Though I think by the time of the town halls, that pretty much looked impossible so what everyone was talking about was a PUBLIC OPTION, which is not government-run health care so much as it is government run insurance. And it all looks increasingly to be either unimplementable in America, or just a plain old bad idea.


Scott Brown ran SPECIFICALLY against the Fed Gov't take over of healthcare.

Scott Brown ran specifically against the Fed Gov't take over of state-run healthcare in Massachusetts, which he supports, and which is more robust than any of the proposed Fed Gov't systems.

From wikipedia:


Brown supported the 2006 Massachusetts health care reform, which requires all residents to purchase health insurance.


Scott Brown may not be the good old boy he seems to be, or which his party and their tv/radio voices are portraying him as.


Thursday, February 11, 2010 10:42 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by Bytemite:

We didn't want Gov't health care.


Brown supported the 2006 Massachusetts health care reform, which requires all residents to purchase health insurance.


Scott Brown may not be the good old boy he seems to be, or which his party and their tv/radio voices are portraying him as.

There's a huge difference in State run care ( single payer, universal, how ever you want to portray it ) and Federally mandated Gov't care for all. The people of MA can address the concerns they have on their own healthcare system w/ out having to grovel to D.C. At most, it's a states issue, not one for the Federal Gov't to get involved with.

And what ever Scott Brown is, it's clear that the people of MA didn't want more of the same from the Democratic machine. They wanted REAL hope and change, and got it.

Director: Bureau of Bigfoot Affairs


Thursday, February 11, 2010 10:52 AM


Maybe. The Democratic Opponent really screwed up her campaign, too.

The only reason I'm not outright conceding the point to you here is I don't trust anyone from the two major parties, and I'm taking a "wait and see" attitude. Generally any political candidate tends to disappoint me and earn my ire pretty quickly, at which point my attitude is "screw this guy, get someone else in here."


Thursday, February 11, 2010 10:55 AM


BTW: Mincing - welcome to the shark infested waters of RWED.

Yeah, believe me, I feel ya when it comes to Kookie Kuchinich, but he's kinda tolerable as long as he keeps his bloody hands outta my gun safe, which is mostly what I disagree with him on...

And in comparison, there's a DAMNED lot of other people, me being an outright Anarchist, who are on "my side", who I would really, really rather NOT be affiliated with!

You just wanna say "HEY YOU!, get OFF my side!" sometimes.

Interesting bit on the Tea Party mess from FDL.
Tea Partiers: Ron Paul Bad, ConAgra & Bombing Iran Good

And yeah, I know there's some racist dickheads who happen to be supporters of Ron Paul, but my take on that has always been the same - they pay taxes and don't care for how their used either, even if they are asshats, and since the Constitution protects all americans equally, in theory, let em rant and rave, I can support their desire not to be savaged by taxes without supporting their racist idiocy.
(or even, many a time, helping the former while lobbing underhanded torpedos into the latter.. heh heh)

If naught else, they do serve as a collective of "disposable" political assets useful to accomplishing a purpose without any regard to what happens to em because of it - sometimes the very best use of an unstable, dangerous resource is to use it UP, yes ?

Just some thoughts.



Thursday, February 11, 2010 11:58 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...


We didn't want Gov't health care. The town halls showed that.
What you mean "we", kimo sabe? WE Americans already HAVE government-run health care, and want reform of the money-gouging private system (I take it you're in love with them? Give it time)...we just don't want the compromised-away insurance company gimme the bill has turned into. Thank YOUR guys for that!

it's clear that the people of MA didn't want more of the same from the Democratic machine
Clear to YOU perhaps, but what facts do you have to back that up? How do you know they didn't vote out of anger at Scozafava (SP?) being so lax and offending them? How do you know there aren't other reasons? For example, how about all the people who were interviewed and said they voted the way they did because of local issues? How do you know it's SPECIFICALLY the reason you stated? That's your opinion, obviously, but back it up before you state it's "clear".

Again, I dare you. Show us facts to back up your claims.


Thursday, February 11, 2010 12:35 PM


Nobody has any clue what went down with Brown, if they're honest, but theories abound. Nobody gave a damn about the election until it was too late to set up the infrastructure for gathering reliable exit poll data.

I would like to advance two pet theories:

1) the voters of mass. did it for the lulz, to PWN healthcare, or, in the alternative

2) the voters acted on emotion, and contrary to their best interets, because coakley wasn't sufficiently simian or interestd in the red sox and brown wasn't coakley.

both equally valid points, and just as valid as suggesting that it was some sort of deliberate, thoughtful statement from the voters.


Thursday, February 11, 2010 12:35 PM


please excuse the double post--if my garbage was not thoughtful the first time, a second helping does not help.


Thursday, February 11, 2010 1:13 PM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...


the voters acted on emotion, and contrary to their best interets, because coakley wasn't sufficiently simian or interestd in the red sox and brown wasn't coakley.
Well said, and I agree. Pardon my ignorance, but what are lulz and PWN?

What you said is true; nobody can truly know all the reasons they voted as they did, but I don't believe it's all any one reason, and I think Coakley definitely shot herself, and the rest of us, in the foot.


Thursday, February 11, 2010 1:33 PM


your ignorance is commendable, because it means that you are innocent of trolling, and not a 13 year old boy. uhm, lulz are evil laughs, a corruption of lol, like schadenfreude. you know that sense of well being you get when somebody gets kicked in the nads, or when sarah palin does something dumb? that's lulz. and to pwn is to own, or express dominance and disdain for.


Thursday, February 11, 2010 1:54 PM


King of the Mythical Land that is Iowa


Thursday, February 11, 2010 2:02 PM


Cause the image just cracks me up, but it's also an effective explaination.


Thursday, February 11, 2010 7:21 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by Niki2:

I could, of course, be totally wrong. Maybe clinging to the naivete that most Americans aren't like that? I dunno.

Most Americans - the resounding majority of us - ARE NOT like that. You realize that there were only 600 people attending that big nasty tea-bagging rally, right?


Work is the curse of the Drinking Class.
- Oscar Wilde


Thursday, February 11, 2010 8:17 PM


America loves a winner!


Yeah, it's a real brain burner as to why, down double digits just weeks before the election, that Brown was able to mount a huge come back and take the seat held by a Democrats for over 4 decades.

As a Republican.

In Massachusetts.

" “She’s simply better known and better liked than Brown,’’ said Andrew E. Smith, director of the University of New Hampshire Survey Center, which conducted the poll for the Globe. "

And while you're free to play stupid all you want, and pretend Brown's victory was something entirely different than it was....

Less than an hour after Scott Brown was sworn in as the Republican junior senator from Massachusetts, he made it clear where he stands on bipartisan compromise.

"I'll be the 41st vote, not the 60th vote," Brown said at a brief press conference following his oath of office Thursday night.

Of course, that includes his vote on health care reform, which Brown promised during his campaign he would kill.

"It just wasn't good for Massachusetts," he said. "We need to go back to the drawing board and start again."

Fool yourself into believing what ever it is that lets you sleep at night. Brown stated what he was running for, and down late in the game, his position carried the day for him, all the way to D.C.

Director: Bureau of Bigfoot Affairs


Thursday, February 11, 2010 8:24 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Yeah, it's a real brain burner as to why, down double digits just weeks before the election, that Brown was able to mount a huge come back and take the seat held by a Democrats for over 4 decades.

Is that the same way the Republicans managed to lose the NY 23rd Congressional District, a seat that had been solidly Republican since the Civil War?

Because CLEARLY the Democrats mounted a huge comeback to take that seat that had been in Republican hands for nearly 150 years, right?


Work is the curse of the Drinking Class.
- Oscar Wilde


Friday, February 12, 2010 6:41 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

as to Rappy's irrelevant snarks: "What Mike said". As to Brown's potential "bipartisanship", we'll see who gets to say when he starts voting.

Oh, did you get where he threw the tea partiers under the bus regarding his election? It'll be interesting to see who gets elected when he comes up next time.

Fool yourself into believing what ever it is that lets you sleep at night
Applicable to yourself, since from what you post it’s obvious you're the one deluding yourself into believing the weird things you espouse. Wouldn’t want to disillusion you at this late date. Oh, and along with that, remember how the tea party crowed over LOSING THE ELECTION to a Democrat, because they'd ruined it for that Republican in the 23rd? Smart politics. 'Nuff said.

You realize that there were only 600 people attending that big nasty tea-bagging rally, right?
--REALLY? I thought it was a million, or a billion...or maybe a brazillion. I know "'cuz I saw it on TV". You must be wrong. Tho' I DID wonder why the trees were all green and nice in some shots and totally barren in otheres--I'm sure we can find a way to blame it on the Dems...

Cheney walks into the Oval Office and tells Bush “Mr. President, three Brazilians died in Iraq today.”
Bush jumps to his feet and cries in anguish “Oh my god! How many are in a Brazillion?!”

Thanx for the explanation, Minc; it actually speak to where I’ve been hanging OUT on the internet. I’ve been on since I was dx’d and started looking for info, so until I came to the other Firefly site and then here, and ever since, I’ve been researching stuff and only on mental health forums. Ignorant, I hope I AIN’T.

I never went to political forums, always assumed a) they’d be ugly, b) they’d be full of one side or another and go after anyone disagreeing, and c) who wants to talk only to the “choir”? That’s what I love about here...differing points of view and good debates!

Frem, that’s just gross and beneath you (tho’ I do understand).


Friday, February 12, 2010 7:35 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by Kwicko:

Yeah, it's a real brain burner as to why, down double digits just weeks before the election, that Brown was able to mount a huge come back and take the seat held by a Democrats for over 4 decades.

Is that the same way the Republicans managed to lose the NY 23rd Congressional District, a seat that had been solidly Republican since the Civil War?

Because CLEARLY the Democrats mounted a huge comeback to take that seat that had been in Republican hands for nearly 150 years, right?

Only it wasn't " solidly Republican since the Civl War ".

But if you want to compare 1 House seat to the events in New Jersey, Virginia , Massachusetts.... by all means...have at it.

Keep thinking that the American people really DO like ObamaCare, and that we're just too stupid to understand it, and have to be lectured MORE by our Great Community Leader.....

Director: Bureau of Bigfoot Affairs


Friday, February 12, 2010 7:41 AM


America loves a winner!


Seems your emoticons are doing your thinking for you. Ought be the other way around, dontchya think ?

Your argument is with Scott Brown, not me, dear.


Less than an hour after Scott Brown was sworn in as the Republican junior senator from Massachusetts, he made it clear where he stands on bipartisan compromise.

"I'll be the 41st vote, not the 60th vote," Brown said at a brief press conference following his oath of office Thursday night.

Of course, that includes his vote on health care reform, which Brown promised during his campaign he would kill.

"It just wasn't good for Massachusetts," he said. "We need to go back to the drawing board and start again."

And that you didn't take the time to distinguish who it was you were replying to, it comes off as though you're directing this quote towards me....

" You realize that there were only 600 people attending that big nasty tea-bagging rally, right?"

I never said that, nor was that in any of my threads. Take time to clear those things up, so as to avoid confusion in the future. If ya can.

Thanks bunches.

Director: Bureau of Bigfoot Affairs


Friday, February 12, 2010 7:55 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Now you're being just plain silly, "dear"! If you can't distinguish who's being responded to, that's sad. Obviously it was Mike who made the crack about 600 people; obviously I was responding to him in a humorous manner. Hell, I even QUOTED his remark, then responded to it. what kind of tactic is it to ignore what's being responded to? It's not a very good one...

My other remark wasn't an argument with Brown, it was a response to your statements about him. You haven't responded to my question about him throwing the tea partiers under the bus, when they are crowing about being the reason he won. Come to think of it, I don't think you've ever responded to anything I've asked. I guess that IS your modus operandi; it's also not a very good one.


Friday, February 12, 2010 8:25 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by Niki2:

My other remark wasn't an argument with Brown, it was a response to your statements about him. You haven't responded to my question about him throwing the tea partiers under the bus, when they are crowing about being the reason he won. Come to think of it, I don't think you've ever responded to anything I've asked. I guess that IS your modus operandi; it's also not a very good one.

Yes, Mark Brown threw the Tea Party crowd under the bus. He wants to appeal to a broad cross section of his constituents. Those who vote for him... IN MASSACHUSETTS.( Where registered Democrats out number Republicans 3 to 1 ) What really needs to be said ?

How can you say I've never responded to your questions, when I've offered up multiple replies to your posts? I saw this question and replied. If you've asked any other questions, and I some how missed them between your undirected or snarky remarks.... Sorry ? I don't know what else to say .

Director: Bureau of Bigfoot Affairs


Friday, February 12, 2010 8:31 AM


exit polls > anecdotes.

without reliable information, the election victory is a tabula rasa, and you can project your biases upon it to your heart's content.

to some it says that even the liberals are turning on obama; to others (myself included) it merely confirms that the people of mass. are all mouth-breathing redsox fans. how's that for some liberal elitism?


Friday, February 12, 2010 10:52 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...


I even QUOTED his remark, then responded to it. what kind of tactic is it to ignore what's being responded to? It's not a very good one...

There's a question. Answer it. You accused me of falsely attributing something to you which was obviously directed at Mike. Then never acknowledged it. What you did in crediting me with accusing YOU when I responded directly to a quote of Mike's deserved a snark.

And I've asked many questions, mostly for you to back up what you say with facts, which you've never even mentioned again, much less responded to.


Sunday, February 14, 2010 10:06 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Here comes the Tea Party attack on Meghan McCain for speaking out--you KNEW it was coming:

Here’s one example of how little the McCain brand is cherished by the conservative grassroots. Les Phillip, the self-identified Tea Party Republican candidate challenging party-switching Rep. Parker Griffith (R-Ala.), just fired off a lengthy statement attacking Meghan McCain — who’s become a sort of a spokeswoman-without-a-constituency for GOP moderation — for comments attacking apparent racism inside the Tea Party movement.

“Myself, and several other black conservative candidates, have enjoyed broad and growing support from the tea party movement,” says Phillip. “Ms. McCain has led a life of privilege and couldn’t understand the pressures of living from paycheck to paycheck. I respect her father’s service to this country, but she ridicules what she cannot understand.”

They're sure eating their own these days! That's a great comeback to remarks that bringing back literacy tests and putting down people who "can't spell vote" being inately racist. Yes indeedee...


Sunday, February 14, 2010 10:08 AM


America loves a winner!

McCain was never considered the conservative's 'own'.

Director: Bureau of Bigfoot Affairs


Sunday, February 14, 2010 10:19 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by AURaptor:
McCain was never considered the conservative's 'own'.

Then you're no conservative.


Sunday, February 14, 2010 10:21 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by Kwicko:

Originally posted by AURaptor:
McCain was never considered the conservative's 'own'.

Then you're no conservative.

Just in the manner of Thomas Jefferson.

Director: Bureau of Bigfoot Affairs


Sunday, February 14, 2010 11:06 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

Jefferson wasn't exactly a conservative, y'know. Pretty freakin' liberal in his day. And spendy, too. Bought enough land to double the size of the country, on the taxpayers' dime.


Sunday, February 14, 2010 1:07 PM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...


Just in the manner of Thomas Jefferson.

Oh, gawd, stop me, it hurts too much~!






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