Obama debates Limbaugh

UPDATED: Friday, February 12, 2010 10:49
VIEWED: 1081
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Tuesday, February 9, 2010 7:39 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Tuesday, February 9, 2010 8:46 PM


hahaha... oh come on thats not fair!! its funny though

I actually like Rush, hes pretty entertaining.. hes not likely to come around like Glen Beck has. i just think guys like him and Hannity and Levin(the talk radio crowd) are just wrong on foreign policy! that and they havent addressed the Fed, and its role in our debt and welfarism and crony corporatism. its hard for guys like them to admit that they were duped by Bush and the other Rockefeller republicans, who were just socially conservative democrats

in their defenses though, theyve come a long way since their Bush apology years. i listen to them all during the day, my job allows me.. and Rush will mention the NWO, atleast in passing now. Hannity's in love with Reagan, but atleast he believes the ant-governmnent rhetoric. the left HATE Glenn Beck.. thats always good.

sometimes i wonder.. what are the chances of Obama coming around, becoming say.. a libertarian? does he know whats really being orchestrated, or does he actually believe in central economic planning and world government!? but i just kid myself.. this guys practically the chosen one of the NWO


Wednesday, February 10, 2010 7:33 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

"socially conservative democrats"?? Oh, my, there goes another keyboard, and a waste of ice tea!

Oh, you watch Faux News all day, eh? Okay, that explains you and everything you say. That's helpful.

Video was funny, tho'.


Wednesday, February 10, 2010 9:05 AM



Originally posted by antimason:
'...that and they havent addressed the Fed, and its role in our debt and welfarism and crony corporatism. its hard for guys like them to admit that they were duped by Bush and the other Rockefeller republicans, who were just socially conservative democrats

in their defenses though, theyve come a long way since their Bush apology years. i listen to them all during the day, my job allows me.. and Rush will mention the NWO, atleast in passing now. Hannity's in love with Reagan, but atleast he believes the ant-governmnent rhetoric. the left HATE Glenn Beck.. thats always good.

sometimes i wonder.. what are the chances of Obama coming around, becoming say.. a libertarian? does he know whats really being orchestrated, or does he actually believe in central economic planning and world government!? but i just kid myself.. this guys practically the chosen one of the NWO...'

Whoa Howdy , Anti !

Long time , no see...

Seems you've been scarcer than frogs' hair 'round here for a month of Sundays...

Figure you musta been trekkin' the far rim of the 'Verse for a spell ; You still steering clear of the Reavers ?

Send us some 'post' ; 'cause you know we love to get post...


Wednesday, February 10, 2010 9:15 AM



Originally posted by Niki2:
"socially conservative democrats"?? Oh, my, there goes another keyboard, and a waste of ice tea!

I'd bill Limbaugh Inc. for that.

The laughing Chrisisall


Wednesday, February 10, 2010 9:23 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Oh shit, I forgot, he watched Fox Noise all day! So he was just spouting the line, eh? Silly me!

By the way, I don't think a lot of us who lean left "hate" Beck; mostly he's too absurd and "out there" to pay attention to...amusing sometimes, but little else.

The only thing I "hate" about any of them is that their audience buys what they say hook, line and sinker (as you obviously do) and know nothing else. THAT I hate, and it's a damned shame. But themselves? They're guys plying a schtick for a paycheck, that's all...


Wednesday, February 10, 2010 9:39 AM


the only thing that i hate about beck is that people take him seriously. aside from that, his frequent gaffes and chubby histrionics bring a lot of mocking joy to my life. more power to him!

i actually have a soft spot for limbaugh. i listened to him with my grandpa during the summers when i was a kid, and always thought that it was rad when he'd bash rio linda. rio linda ought to be bashed. plus, hes sort of funny, and has a genius for meanness. politics aside, limbaugh is like an uncle that you are simulatenously fond of, and embarassed of whenever he talks.


Thursday, February 11, 2010 5:55 AM


America loves a winner!

The T.Rex they call JANE!


Thursday, February 11, 2010 6:52 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...


the only thing that i hate about beck is that people take him seriously. aside from that, his frequent gaffes and chubby histrionics bring a lot of mocking joy to my life. more power to him!

hes sort of funny, and has a genius for meanness. politics aside, limbaugh is like an uncle that you are simulatenously fond of, and embarassed of whenever he talks.
Depends on how you mean "fond"...I recognize his genius, and that he's quite up front that he does what he does for a paycheck (he may be the only one that honest about it!), and I think he's a lot smarter than he appears, so maybe "appreciate" is closer to how I feel...except for the "take him seriously" part, because FauxNews' sycophants DO!

I will grudgingly admit, however, that his willingness to be civil with Jon Stewart was admirable (despite the editing), and that Stewart was right in saying that he's the sanest one there, "which is like being the skinny kid at fat camp"...


Thursday, February 11, 2010 12:11 PM



Originally posteted by Niki2 "socially conservative democrats"?? Oh, my, there goes another keyboard, and a waste of ice tea!

Oh, you watch Faux News all day, eh? Okay, that explains you and everything you say. That's helpful.

hey.. im not going to sit here and defend Fox..

but will you admit that any one of the MSNBC, CBS, CNN or ABC networks are more Left leaning?? if youre honest you will.. so whats your point? all the cable networks work within the accepted(controlled)political paradigm. thats why i do get information outside of the Bube Tube... dont you? its a silly presumption.

are Rachel Maddow, Chris Mathews and Keith Olberman supposed to be objective? MSNBC claims to be just as 'fair and balanced' as FOX, so lets be real here


Thursday, February 11, 2010 12:16 PM



Originally posted by out2theblack:

Whoa Howdy , Anti !

Long time , no see...

Seems you've been scarcer than frogs' hair 'round here for a month of Sundays...

Figure you musta been trekkin' the far rim of the 'Verse for a spell ; You still steering clear of the Reavers ?

Send us some 'post' ; 'cause you know we love to get post...

haha.. yeah i know, im sure my commentary was sorely missed around here .. about as much as another mind-numbing Obama speech


Thursday, February 11, 2010 12:41 PM



Originally posted by Niki2:

By the way, I don't think a lot of us who lean left "hate" Beck; mostly he's too absurd and "out there" to pay attention to...amusing sometimes, but little else.

Beck has done a pretty good job of covering ideological movements. hes no scholar, by any means, but atleast he includes some historical political perspective. some people care that over 100 million people died under communist regimes, just in the last century- and not just expansion and war, but 'purging' their own citizens. statism, in all its different forms, may even be more dangerous then.. *gasp* religious fanaticism!! i mean all commentators are prone to some hyperbole, but i personally dont believe hes THAT far off the mark


The only thing I "hate" about any of them is that their audience buys what they say hook, line and sinker (as you obviously do) and know nothing else. THAT I hate, and it's a damned shame.

no i dont. look if you actually believe Obamas masterfull spin, then THATS the real shame


But themselves? They're guys plying a schtick for a paycheck, that's all...

hey, atleast they can make a paycheck- it means they have an audience. they can actually turn a profit, unlike the liberal news rags like NY Times or Washington Post, or the state-run media outlets like MSNBC


Thursday, February 11, 2010 1:02 PM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Hooo, boy: good job of jumping to conclusions and labeling me with them without knowing a shred of the facts!

We've been through this topic at great length, and pretty much came to agreement. FauxNews is neither fair nor balanced, and they friggin' LIE without conscience. They were Dumbya's water carriers, even HE joked about it, and are now water carriers for the tea party nutwings and their ilk.

I've said over and over that I both know MSNBC is extremely left leaning and that I find Olberman to be amusing more than anything else most of the time. He's too pompous for me. As for Maddow, whatever her leanings, she makes a serious effort to find out the FACTS and present them. Matthews is a blow-hard who likes to talk over his interviewees, I have no use for him. You forgot Schulz, who I won't even go INTO!

It seems obvious from what you say that, like FoxNoise, you knock others without ever watching or knowing anything about 'em. You slurp up everything they say hook, line and sinker, apparently, because what I see coming from you is the FauxNews line, verbatum. Me, I like a number of sources.

I've said time and time again that I don't take anything the MSM says for granted; at most, I use them as jumping-off points to research the matter myself, to find out how much is slanted, how much has been omitted, how much is based on fact. That goes for all MSM: however, I wouldn't be caught dead watching Fox Noise; the video clips others show of them is quite bad enough, thank you!

But our long, long thread brought up myriad instances of FauxNews lying outright, stretching the truth enormously, and being fraudulent. A prime example was their pathetic attempt to enlarge the numer of people in the crowd at the tea party Washington event. Even they had to apologize afterward, but calling it an accident was a gigantic joke, since it was two different events, months apart, SPLICED TOGETHER.

FauxNews is worse than any TV show or station out there, is I believe the conclusion we came to. We went into the difference between "omitting", "slanting" and "outright fraud", and FauxNews was the only one who fit the latter category.

As to Beck, omigawd, you HAVE to be kidding! The man is two sandwiches short of a picnic; he proclaims the most outlandish fantasies, he's truly one of the great nutbags of our time! Just that one bit he did on the markings on various buildings--in New York I believe it was?--was enough to leave one shaking their head and laughing.

As for making a paycheck, you listen to ClusterFox too much; their claims of ratings are just a bit off, in reality. MSN does great, thank you, and so do Olberman and the rest of them. But if you want to watch Faux News all day, hey, go for it--just don't take everything they say verbatum.


Thursday, February 11, 2010 7:08 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by antimason:

Originally posteted by Niki2 "socially conservative democrats"?? Oh, my, there goes another keyboard, and a waste of ice tea!

Oh, you watch Faux News all day, eh? Okay, that explains you and everything you say. That's helpful.

hey.. im not going to sit here and defend Fox..

but will you admit that any one of the MSNBC, CBS, CNN or ABC networks are more Left leaning??

More "left leaning" than FOX? You're kidding, right?

Fucking Attilla the goddamned Hun was more left-leaning than FauxNews. EVERYBODY is more left-leaning than Faux; THAT WAS THE POINT NIKI WAS MAKING!


are Rachel Maddow, Chris Mathews and Keith Olberman supposed to be objective? MSNBC claims to be just as 'fair and balanced' as FOX, so lets be real here

Cites, please? Can you please show us all where MSNBC trademarked the phrase "Fair and Balanced™"? Oh, that's right - it was FauxNews that did that!

I've never actually heard MSNBC claim to be fair and balanced. In fact, they bill themselves as "The Place For Politics™". You can look that up later; don't take my word for it.


Work is the curse of the Drinking Class.
- Oscar Wilde


Thursday, February 11, 2010 7:09 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by antimason:

Originally posted by out2theblack:

Whoa Howdy , Anti !

Long time , no see...

Seems you've been scarcer than frogs' hair 'round here for a month of Sundays...

Figure you musta been trekkin' the far rim of the 'Verse for a spell ; You still steering clear of the Reavers ?

Send us some 'post' ; 'cause you know we love to get post...

haha.. yeah i know, im sure my commentary was sorely missed around here .. about as much as another mind-numbing Obama speech

Well, if Obama lost about 80 IQ points and the ability to speak in complete, coherent sentences...


Thursday, February 11, 2010 7:12 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by antimason:
hey, atleast they can make a paycheck- it means they have an audience. they can actually turn a profit, unlike the liberal news rags like NY Times or Washington Post, or the state-run media outlets like MSNBC

Again, cites, please?

Can you show us your evidence that MSNBC is either "state-run" *OR* unprofitable?

Or are you just going off the "facts" that Beck and O'Reilly fed you?

Heck, maybe you've got MSNBC mixed up with Fox Business Network...


Friday, February 12, 2010 8:24 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

MSNBC has NEVER claimed to be fair and balanced. They're quite openly left-leaning, Mike is right. Comparing the two, however, is pathetic; once again: Faux News lies outright, commits fraud and claims outrageous things with no substance in fact. MSNBC leans left, but makes the effort to get their facts straight, and their sins are limited to omission and occasional slanting of text. NO comparison.

And Mike's right, Attila would definitely be more left-leaning. So would Hitler...


Friday, February 12, 2010 8:49 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by Niki2:
MSNBC has NEVER claimed to be fair and balanced. They're quite openly left-leaning, Mike is right. Comparing the two, however, is pathetic; once again: Faux News lies outright, commits fraud and claims outrageous things with no substance in fact. MSNBC leans left, but makes the effort to get their facts straight, and their sins are limited to omission and occasional slanting of text. NO comparison.

And Mike's right, Attila would definitely be more left-leaning. So would Hitler...

Fox " lies out right, commits fraud and claism outrageous things with no substance in fact " ?

Really? Wow. And MSNBC has never been guilty of ANY of that.

Wow... And yet FOX is the most watched, most trusted of all cable news channels. How's that figure ?

Director: Bureau of Bigfoot Affairs


Friday, February 12, 2010 10:49 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Nope. MSNBC has never done those things; you'd have to give specific facts to prove your allegation; there are readily-available specific facts on FauxNews having done so, however. Wanna compare? I dare you.

FauxNews is the one claiming it is the "most trusted"; just 'cuz you say you are doesn't mean it's so. As to "most watched", depends on how you look at it.






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