Your protectors at work.

UPDATED: Monday, March 1, 2010 17:27
PAGE 1 of 1

Monday, February 22, 2010 3:35 AM


I'm rather amazed he got caught, usually they get away with this.

Report: Ex-deputy illegally used information from police database, faces felony

Guess he prolly didn't share the take with the boys at the office or something.

Disclaimer: I hate repo guys - it's one thing when someone obviously tanks the payments, but it's *another* when the dealership has engaged in chicanery, the finance company has sold the loan down the river to unscrupulous scum, or they're playing games to get back a car now "worth" more than the remaining payments, if only they can get their hands on it...

Cue changing the payment date/amount without proper notice, going straight to repo and mailing the notice on a saturday evening after post pickup, KNOWING that the poor bastard won't get it till monday afternoon at soonest, and sending the repo guys out saturday night to hunt it down.

THAT is some serious bullshit, folks.

Funny thing is, since it's private property and I have no effective way to know for sure if you're an actual "justified" repo or a really clever crook, and being here on the property in the middle of the night doesn't exactly convince me of honest intentions...

If you try that shit while I'm on site and on schedule, you will *NOT* get that car out of here without one hell of a fight, up to and including me pulling retaining pins and tossing them in the lake (I will, of course purchase and provide replacements, the next business day) and parking my vehicle sideways across the exit - there's only two ways out of here and I goddamn guarantee you ain't gettin no tow truck with a load out either one if I decide it ain't gonna happen.

You wanna repo a car here, you call the friggin property manager and do that crap during normal business hours like an honest human being...

But you come creepin up on site three in the middle of the night with any kind of nefarious intent, your ass is *MINE*, and I can do anything I please about it short of layin hands to you, and if you swing on me, I get to do THAT too.

Btw, the local repo guys hate me with a psychotic passion since I can hear the engine note of any vehicle entering the complex from anywhere within it, and thus will be in visual contact in under ten seconds, and physical proximity in under thirty if I hear a large truck engine, especially since there HAVE been some thefts north of here using a tow truck and phony repo documents, and so I got every excuse to screw with em.



Monday, February 22, 2010 4:00 AM


Keep the Shiny side up


CINCINNATI -- Three men were arrested in an undercover sting at the Bengals playoff game Saturday.

Police say Ronell Harris was working at the game as a security guard for Tennable Security when he stole security wristbands.

They say he also had help from Michael Hauser.

Police said they discovered the theft when a third man, Michael Cockrecc tried to sell a wristband for $50 to an undercover police officer.

All three are charged with theft and will appear in court Monday afternoon.

So does this make all private security crooks?

"Keep the Shiny side up"


Monday, February 22, 2010 5:20 AM



Think Frem's been pretty clear before that definitely, not all private security is honest.

But I think you're making a point here about generalizations? Maybe Frem does categorize all cops, lawyers, and here repo-guys as bad news, but my impression is it's probably justified where he lives. And I think a lot of the stuff he and other users post here is indicative of if not every cop/lawyer/repo-guy being corrupt, there being a big enough problem to make this a very real concern.


Monday, February 22, 2010 5:50 AM


Keep the Shiny side up


Originally posted by Bytemite:
But I think you're making a point here about generalizations? Maybe Frem does categorize all cops, lawyers, and here repo-guys as bad news, but my impression is it's probably justified where he lives.

Yep. Generalizations seem to get a pretty heavy workout on this forum.

Could very well be that Fremd has met more than his share of bad cops and very few good ones. I've met a bunch of good cops and very few bad ones. Not sure it's fair to tar every cop with the same brush because some aren't on the level. Just like all private security shouldn't be called crooks just because some are.

"Keep the Shiny side up"


Monday, February 22, 2010 7:49 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Ditto Geezer.


Monday, February 22, 2010 9:05 AM


Well, if the crooked private security guys got paid vacations, and undue influence on the show trial followed by a slap on the wrist and a return to duty, or in especially nasty cases were allowed to slink off and join other security firms, over and over...

The analogy might hold.

As it is, crooked security folks get blackballed, hard, by any respectable company - but yes, you *DO* have a shitload of crooks in private security, like Pinkertons, Wackenhut (now part of Group4 Securicorps), DynCorp, Blackwater, etc.

I will and do acknowledge that contract security is *more* full of crooks than the police force, and that's sayin something! - but it's a caveat emptor kinda proposition and you should do your homework before hiring, I'll also acknowledge that as a general rule, security folk are some of the *laziest* people alive, seriously...

But thing is, if your contract security screws it up, steals from you, doesn't do the job, or abuses your clients -

Try firing your cops, hell, try NOT PAYING your cops, and see what happens - remember our county is currently in a cold war with our own police force right now over the budget and behavior we're trying to hold them accountable for by snapping shut the purse strings, and they're *pissed* about it and retaliating like a mafia protection racket.

Anyhows, there's not quite as much overlap between the professions as folk think, but where there is, I'll take less professional folk without the special privileges who are actually accountable to the people that pay the bills, myself.

But the point I was raising about usually gettin away with it - see, a lot of collections agents, repo men, and private investigators, many of whom are former law enforcement themselves, and a lot of those slid out of being prosecuted for something worse with a 'voluntary' retirement, cultivate and maintain relations with current law enforcement personnel who misuse their database access to feed them info.

This is almost NEVER pursued or prosecuted, and is a big factor in why I hate such databases even existing in the first place, because it's literally impossible to prevent unauthorized access without assigning enough folk to it that you wind up with everyone watching everyone else and nothin gettin done.

Hence my surprise that they bothered to follow up on something as comparatively minor as this, as opposed to more serious abuses which also happen, like police using the database to stalk their ex's.

It ain't so much that I dislike police, or even the idea of police, which I do, but tolerate as a necessary social cleanup crew - it's that they have deviated so far from their purpose that they're practically waging war on their protectees while acting like a street gang or mafia, becoming a worse variation of the very thing they were founded to prevent.

Hell, one of the minor quibbles of my job actually involves defending this place FROM the damned police, who were recently caught, btw, lying about having a ticket quota (which is, mind you, illegal here) for two straight YEARS, as documented official policy!

And see, this is *private property*, they can NOT legally come in here and start swinging their spotlight around checking license plate stickers to see if they're out of date, that's an illegal search without probable cause, nor can they approach vehicles on foot and peek in the windows hoping for an excuse to search them, that kinda fishing expedition bullshit seriously pissed off the property manager, you see, especially since when they *DID* need them, the response time was over ninety minutes even for an emergency.

So, unless they're responding to an actual emergency or direct service call, I'll take issue with em bein here, which mostly involves standing in clear view of their cruiser cam and giving extensive lectures on exactly what the relevant law is and why the fourth amendment protection is so vitally important - since I cannot physically take action against them, I can damned sure annoy them into leaving since they dare not provoke an incident either.

We do have a sort of truce at the current time, the new guys they replaced the ones they had to fire for brutality and murder are actually fairly decent people, a little idealistic, but that's ok, and catching out a trio of burglars red handed, by the book, with enough solid evidence to put them away good and proper helped relations immensely - we may not like each other, but we're professionals and the job comes before personal feelings.

But it's still at odds with the whole idea of policing when the police and the community they are supposed to be protecting are enemies, and one of my assigned functions is to protect this place from their excesses.

So yeah, I got an issue with that, and I am ALWAYS going to have an issue with that, Robert Peel laid down those principles for a reason, and ignoring them never does sit well with me.



Monday, February 22, 2010 9:15 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Posted by Grampa:

Yep. Generalizations seem to get a pretty heavy workout on this forum.

Often within your own posts!


Work is the curse of the Drinking Class.
- Oscar Wilde


Sunday, February 28, 2010 8:47 AM


An update to this, apparently they've finally gotten around to doing something about the rampant database abuse.
(which is part of WHY I am against them having such databases in the first place)

Harris Co. deputy charged with selling criminal background info

Bout damn time, I would say, but at least it's a friggin start.



Monday, March 1, 2010 5:27 PM


And this, just for Geeze.

More Blackwater bullshit.

Assholes, Levin is pretty pissed about it, but unfortunately given certain of his indebtedness to foreign interests (the so-called ally we'll not name here) he doesn't really have the moral authority to raise that much of a stink about it, bleh.

Yanno, I *refuse* to arm my people, we don't do the kind of "security" that'd require such a thing (although I, personally, did way back when) cause it's not where we wanna go with the biz.

My opinion on it is that if you should ever find yourself in a position where you *need* a weapon, you have so severely fucked up that you oughta just go home and fill out your resignation and save me the damned trouble of firing ya.

Seriously, most of what we DO is light residential, scare off peepers and burglars (home invaders go after homeowners, not apt dwellers who have nothing to take and who's neighbors will get pissed about the noise and call the cops, heh) none of which is especially risky, and the real bulk of the job is providing a friendly, approachable person who can handle after-hours situations without them blowing up INTO an incident, from a puppy that got off the leash (calmed down and retrieved) to an old lady who twisted an ankle bringing in groceries (first aid and a call to her relatives) to maintainence issues, there's truly VERY little which might require anything beyond a phone call, so why burden my people with one more gadget to distract them from the job at hand ?

Not to mention the obvious fact that a firearm especially is worse than useless in that environment because there's NO clear line of fire where you're not going to endanger innocent people should you pull the trigger, I find that an unacceptable risk - and when hiring a company that does pack heat, this is a consideration you'd do well to think over.







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