Funny how this works, we were JUST discussing this in another thread.....

UPDATED: Sunday, May 23, 2010 16:41
VIEWED: 9405
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Monday, April 26, 2010 5:22 AM


America loves a winner!

And then I come across this little gem....


Carnage That College Ignores
Malcolm A. Kline, April 15, 2010

Storied Soviet dictator Josef Stalin once famously said that one man’s death is a tragedy, a thousand is a statistic. He and his successors compiled so many human statistics that the unfortunately few academics and intellectuals who are trying to ascertain the true number are still working on it.

“One cannot discuss the past, present, or future while they lay there unacknowledged,” University of Pennsylvania historian Alan Charles Kors pointed out in a speech to the Atlas Foundation last November. “We are surrounded by slain innocents and the scale is wholly new.”

“This is not the thousands of the Inquisition, it is not the thousands of American lynching, this is not the six million dead from Nazi extermination.” Kors is the co-founder of the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE).

“The best scholarship yields numbers that the mind must try to comprehend—scores and scores and scores and scores of millions of bodies, all around us,” Kors said on November 9, 2009. “Martin Malia, author of The Soviet Tragedy, with only partial views of the Russian Archives, posited 20 million dead.”

“Robert Conquest, who’d been right all along, argued in his revision of the Great Terror for yet more millions of deaths.” When I went to see a lecture Conquest gave at the Smithsonian back in the 1990s with a student from Marquette, the young man told me that the professor who taught his Soviet studies course never even mentioned this death toll: That professor was George McGovern, the former Democratic senator who ran unsuccessfully for president in 1972.

As Kors laid it out for the audience at the Atlas dinner, the inside view is even more startling. “Anton Antonov-Ovseyenko—consulting with those historians who had studied the problem for Khruschev, who kept the numbers secret—claimed at least 50 million dead, excluding the victims of civil war and World War II.”

“Gorbachev’s right-hand man, Alexander Yakovlev, in a century of Soviet violence, entered the Archives for the last Soviet leader and wrote that 60 million were slain in the Soviet Union alone.” Moreover, as Kors points out, this is not the total but the base of the basest atrocities.

“The brilliant Chinese author Jung Chang with her husband, historian Jon Halliday, had access to scores of Mao Zedong’s closest friends and collaborators,” Kors said. “They benefited from the temporary opening of the Russian Archives (the Russians had kept the most detailed tabs on Mao).”

“In their stunning book, Mao: The Unknown Story, they reached the figure of 70 million individual lives snuffed out by Mao’s deliberate choices. If we count those dead of starvation from the Communist’s ability to experiment with human interactions in agriculture, 20 to 40 million in three years in China alone” perished.

“It was no accident of time or place that the concentration of power over all human life in a centrally planned society attracted and rewarded the aggressive, unscrupulous, and demagogic—who would attract around them the simultaneously submissive and ruthless,” Kors observes. “Central planning would bring forth leaders who took power, not as a necessary evil, but as an end in itself.”

Kors made many valuable observations in his address. I’ve never known him to make anything but.

He draws an interesting distinction between the system so-called elites cannot bring themselves to critique and the one they have nothing good to say about and say it a lot—the American one. “In a society that broke, on behalf of merit, the seemingly eternal chains of ‘station by birth,’ they cry injustice,” Kors notes.

Indeed, the U. S. may be the only nation, and seems to have been for a very long time, in which you are not born into your job, whether in the board room or the boiler room.

Malcolm A. Kline is the Executive Director of Accuracy in Academia.

Bones: "Don't 'rawr' her!"
Booth: "What? she'rawred' me first."


Monday, April 26, 2010 5:28 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


If we count those dead of starvation from the Communist’s ability to experiment with human interactions in agriculture, 20 to 40 million in three years in china alone” perished.

So when I bring up the number of people who died from the economic conditions of capitalism, I'm SURE you'll have no objections!

Goose sauce= gander sauce


Monday, April 26, 2010 5:57 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by SignyM:

If we count those dead of starvation from the Communist’s ability to experiment with human interactions in agriculture, 20 to 40 million in three years in china alone” perished.

So when I bring up the number of people who died from the economic conditions of capitalism, I'm SURE you'll have no objections!

Goose sauce= gander sauce

Ignore everything else, and cherry pick a quote which I'm sure you'll feel gives you the right to distort and falsely lay any imagined # of deaths at the feet of capitalism.

By all means, have at it.

Bones: "Don't 'rawr' her!"
Booth: "What? she'rawred' me first."


Monday, April 26, 2010 6:39 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...


Storied Soviet dictator Josef Stalin once famously said that one man’s death is a tragedy, a thousand is a statistic
So does Cheney, and others in the military, don't kid yourself.

As to cherry picking; yes, you can point to any single dictatorship, etc., for the millions of deaths that resulted. But to be fair, you have to take into consideration that America has been engaged in numerous conflicts, so you'd have to add all those up to get a fair total, which I don't think anyone has bothered to do--or to put on the internet, because I've tried to find figures.

Our way is more subversive, we don't portray ourselves as murders, or not care how many dead are counted. But we back people who have carried out massacres aplenty, and have engaged in things which will never come to light. Only a few of them have, like Abu Grabe (SP?), waterboarding, things that happened at Gitmo, the recent killing which came to light, Blackwater's obscenities. They are only the tip of the iceberg and we may never know more.

So to "cherry pick" individual dictators or regimes isn't'd have to put each individual one up against what America has done, and I believe that if you did, our numbers would be right up in there with many of them.

I believe a portion of what America has caused has come from good intentions, but the results are still the same.

"I'm just right. Kinda like the sun rising in the east and the world being round...its not a need its just the way it is." The Delusional "Hero", 3/1/10


Monday, April 26, 2010 6:55 AM


America loves a winner!

Never under estimate the Left's ability to morally equivocate - ANYTHING - to support their world view.

The main PURPOSE of this linked article is to show how the Left wing academia ignores, minimizes, and other wise leaves out the true horrors that have occurred in some parts of history, while hyper analyzing others.

Just as you are doing, right here, Niki.

Bones: "Don't 'rawr' her!"
Booth: "What? she'rawred' me first."


Monday, April 26, 2010 7:06 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Ignore everything else, and cherry pick a quote which I'm sure you'll feel gives you the right to distort and falsely lay any imagined # of deaths at the feet of capitalism. By all means, have at it.

You're not gonna weasel out on this one, are you? 'Cause I'm kinda busy right now, but several examples of capitalism's experiments on agriculture spring to mind immediately. One kind of experiment is exemplified by Haiti, Africa, and Mexico which have become economic and social basket cases due to the determination by TPTB (banks, international trade organizations) that their agriculture was "inefficient", and therefore these nations "should" serve as sources of cheap labor.

And I'm not done yet.

The main PURPOSE of my response is to show how the right wing academia ignores, minimizes, and other wise leaves out the true horrors that have occurred in some parts of history, while hyper analyzing others.
Fixed that for ya!


Monday, April 26, 2010 7:14 AM


America loves a winner!

Those are a stretch. A HUGE stretch. You're gonna blame Haiti's cluster F of mismanagement on BANKERS ?


Bones: "Don't 'rawr' her!"
Booth: "What? she'rawred' me first."


Monday, April 26, 2010 7:23 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

I'm not hyperanalyzing, merely trying to bring perspective to the question. We'll never KNOW how many deaths American intervention has caused; as I said, I can't find anything on the internet regarding same. If you want to be straightfoward about it, you should recognize that choosing one dictatorship or another to compare figuresis fallacious; we've been under the same type of government (essentially) all our history, while dictators and tyrants have come and gone within others. Ironically, it's the opposite: figures on individual regimes have been analyzed and counted; figures on all America has done probably never have. So there is your 'hyperanalyzing" in truth.

If you were to be fair, you'd recognize that we are victims of propaganda and censorship, so WE can't know ourselves:

Project Censored has named the "corporate media blackout" of the number of Iraqi deaths caused by US occupation (which it estimates at over one million) as the number one censored story for 2009.[2] In December 2007, the Iraqi government reported that there were 5 million orphans in Iraq - almost half of the country's children

The Army of the Republic of Vietnam ARVN suffered 266,000 killed from 1959 through 1975, Rummel's range was 216,000 at the low end and 316,000 at the high end.[1] A PBS estimate was a quarter of a million. 1,100,000 Vietnam People's Army and National Front for the Liberation of Vietnam military personnel were killed during the Vietnam War. R.J. Rummel reviewed the many casuality data sets, this number is in keeping with his mid-level estimate of 1,011,000 North Vietnamese combat deaths.What percentage of the remaining 849,000 North Vietnamese Regulars died in South Vietnam is unknown. If 80% of the North Vietnamese died in South Vietnam this equals 680,000 men, and then 251,000 Viet Cong for a total 931,000 combat deaths.South Vietnam suffered the bulk of one estimated 500,000[9] to 2,000,000 civilians killed. Rummel estimated (apart from the post 1975 communist power consolidation) that a low-level of 486,000 civilians died, the mid-level was 843,000, and the high level was 1,200,000.

Bear in mind this is only two wars, these are the only "official" figures easily available, and the fact that we were only responsible for a portion of them. So it's just a random sampling.

You can love America, Raptor, while at the same time admitting her failings and that our government HAS done some attrocious things and been responsible for the deaths of millions. You can just as easily, if you want to, blame Germany for ALL the deaths it caused over all its history, but in fairness you could only count those from 200 years ago, since that is the time we've had available to be responsible for deaths.

If you could but try to see the big picture, I think you'd feel differently. If you could count that many deaths for which America has been accountable have been kept from us because there HAS been censorship of verifiable figures, and take into account the various conflicts we've been responsible for by backing forces which later turned out to be large-scale murderers--ergo we've had a hand in causing those deaths--you'd be forced to admit that American has had her share of responsibility for millions of deaths.

I wish you could, but I realize your need to defend that in which you believe as blameless, or rationalize that we can't have been as bad as others in our destruction of life, you'd be a truer advocate for the things you argue. There are no blacks and whites, America is not perfect, and seeing things from a wider perspective might well make you not defend America less, but rather want all the more to improve her.

"I'm just right. Kinda like the sun rising in the east and the world being round...its not a need its just the way it is." The Delusional "Hero", 3/1/10


Monday, April 26, 2010 7:28 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


The main PURPOSE of my response is to show how the right wing academia ignores, minimizes, and other wise leaves out the true horrors that have occurred in some parts of history, while hyper analyzing others.

Yup. Just as you accuse "left wing" professors of ignoring the deaths that could somehow (allegedly) be laid at the feet of Marxism, you and he conveniently ignore and obfuscate the number of deaths that could in the same fashion be linked to capitalism.

Where is this author's research showing where and how he applied the same methodology to the capitalistic Western world, and what are his results from doing so?

Also, will he even admit what his methodology IS, if he even has any such criteria?

I know it's very convenient for you to say, "Well, since you on the left didn't mention this, then it must be because you don't think it happened", but that's not really true, is it? I mean, you haven't mentioned the deaths caused by capitalism; does that mean you don't think one single person has ever died in such a system?

By the way, I wonder if this esteemed academician included native Americans in his methodology (assuming he HAS a methodology, or any actual research at all) for determining the number of deaths that can be lain at the feet of capitalism. Or is he includes any slave deaths in his figures.


"I supported Bush in 2000 and 2004 and intellegence [sic] had very little to do with that decision." - Hero, Real World Event Discussions


Monday, April 26, 2010 7:30 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

Niki - It's very convenient for Rappy, though - those deaths in Vietnam and Iraq? Those had nothing to do with America! Those deaths have to be laid entirely at the feet of... well, SOMEONE ELSE! And besides, if we actually DID ever kill anyone, it was for their own good. Really. :)

Oh, and Geezer wants you to stop bullying Rappy. Apparently rebutting someone's bullshit with actual facts is now considered "bullying" them...


Monday, April 26, 2010 7:58 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

No, Mike, hurling epithets and calling people names is "bullying", you know perfectly well that's what Geezer was saying.

You're one of the biggest bullies here and you know it. You've freely admitted you like being a "shit disturber", and for more often than not, you exaggerate or deliberately misinterpret what Raptor says, and I have to believe you know that too.

There's a huge difference between debating facts and figures and picking on someone. I've done it, I admit, and I've also read your posts with distaste often because they're personal attacks, not refutations. I wish you and a couple of others were as affected by what Geezer said as I was. It was a valid statement, and this place would be mightily improved if either side were more willing to be less personally attacking. You and I and others are every bit as culpable in the devolution of threads as any on the other side. You in particular can't seem to resist posting comebacks and getting into one-on-one hatefests to the point where the original theme of the thread was completely lost.

To be fair, shots are taken across both bows. But I wonder how nasty it get be if those with more self-control didn't give in to snarking back--or at least in quite the vicious way sometimes happens, and you frequently do.

As much as I'm coming to believe more and more that Raptor is here to stir things up rather than express reasonable views, I kow you get a kick out of triggering him and going to extremes to minimize've explained yourself that you enjoy it. So be it; that's your right certainly. It's not what I want to do. We all choose where we get our enjoyment, all we can do is be responsible for ourselves, not what the other person does.

NOT exonerating myself at all, but I heard what Geezer said; it's valid; I'm going to try and pay heed to it. I doubt you will at all, and that's a shame. I know I'm being preachy, but that's how I feel about the issue.

"I'm just right. Kinda like the sun rising in the east and the world being round...its not a need its just the way it is." The Delusional "Hero", 3/1/10


Monday, April 26, 2010 12:59 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by Niki2:
No, Mike, hurling epithets and calling people names is "bullying", you know perfectly well that's what Geezer was saying.

You're one of the biggest bullies here and you know it. You've freely admitted you like being a "shit disturber", and for more often than not, you exaggerate or deliberately misinterpret what Raptor says, and I have to believe you know that too.

No offense, Niki, but that's a load of crap, and you know it. You're contradicting your own post in another thread, too:


As to bullying, I don't think anyone here bullies anyone else. There are a few who get ugly and attcking, and Raptor is one of them, and his attitude is to crazy that I find it hard to believe they truly reflect how he feels. I'm trying to figure out how to deal with him, the best way, I realize, being to ignore him. I haven't managed that; his statements are so over the top that I take the bait all too often. I'll try to do better.

As for exaggerating or misinterpreting what Rappy says, how is that possible, if I use his exact words and quotes showing EXACTLY what he said? As I've pointed out to him time and time again, it's not MY fault he holds resolutely stupid ideas and communicates them in manifestly stupid and ineffective ways. If he were able to more clearly communicate what he actually MEANS, it would go a long way toward us knowing what the hell he means when he says the kind of shit he says.

As for you trying to do better, maybe you could start with a personal apology to Gino for ganging up on him with a few others. If that wasn't bullying, I don't know what is. In fact, you bullied him enough that he left the site, possibly forever.


There's a huge difference between debating facts and figures and picking on someone. I've done it, I admit, and I've also read your posts with distaste often because they're personal attacks, not refutations. I wish you and a couple of others were as affected by what Geezer said as I was. It was a valid statement, and this place would be mightily improved if either side were more willing to be less personally attacking. You and I and others are every bit as culpable in the devolution of threads as any on the other side. You in particular can't seem to resist posting comebacks and getting into one-on-one hatefests to the point where the original theme of the thread was completely lost.

I'd likely be a lot more affected by Geezer's words if he ever once noted his own hyprocrisy in these matters, both in his own actions and words, and in pointing out the "bullying" when it's coming from the right.

As I've noted, you're certainly not above getting into the one-on-one hate-fests, either.

Personally, I'd be more than happy to have a reasoned, mature discussion with Rappy, but he's made it abundantly clear that he will NOT partake in any such debate. He'll run away from any legitimate question, he'll sidestep real issues, he'll call a few names, declare "I win!" and disappear. Since it's so obvious that he is unable to discuss things in a rational manner, I'll simply respond in kind, and ridicule him at every turn.

I've tried refuting Rappy with facts, only to have him respond with such sterling rejoinders as "Go fuck yourself," "You can't read," "I know you are, but what am I?" and the like. I tried to point out to him specific passages in a law that mark out the difference between "may" and "shall" in that law, and was told I didn't know what the hell I was talking about; in other words, any time Rappy is solidly refuted with hard, cold facts, his retort is something along the lines of - paraphrasing here - "I'm right, you're wrong, you have no case, I win, you lose, go fuck yourself, you're a child." So I tend to post up the facts, then when he refuses to see them, I ridicule. Signy tends to have much more patience with Rappy than I do; I've seen her post facts for days, only to be told by Rappy - who all the while has provided ZERO facts, cites, or evidence at all - that she's full of shit, doesn't know anything at all, and should shut up before she embarrasses herself. Seriously, how would YOU deal with such a fuckwit? Do you keep trying to engage them in rational conversation, or do you point and laugh at their blatant stupidity? At some point, I think you just have to laugh.

[I note for the record, you're certainly not above pointing and laughing at the idiocy of others; your recent Sue Lowden post proves that point. Or is it only wrong to point out the idiocy to someone's virtual face, as it were?]


To be fair, shots are taken across both bows. But I wonder how nasty it get be if those with more self-control didn't give in to snarking back--or at least in quite the vicious way sometimes happens, and you frequently do.

And I'm frequently not alone in that. Yes, if attacked, I will defend myself. And I will respond in kind. If someone wants to get nasty, I'll oblige. Sue me, or get over it. When was the last time Rappy told you he was going to fuck your dead mother? Maybe you haven't received that high honor yet. Rest assured, at some point, you will.


As much as I'm coming to believe more and more that Raptor is here to stir things up rather than express reasonable views, I kow you get a kick out of triggering him and going to extremes to minimize've explained yourself that you enjoy it. So be it; that's your right certainly. It's not what I want to do. We all choose where we get our enjoyment, all we can do is be responsible for ourselves, not what the other person does.

I'm starting to get the feeling that a great deal of your enjoyment comes in pointing out the failings of others... while chiding them if they do the same.

You can be as preachy as you want, but it's not going to go very far if you don't practice what you preach.


"I supported Bush in 2000 and 2004 and intellegence [sic] had very little to do with that decision." - Hero, Real World Event Discussions


Monday, April 26, 2010 1:10 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Those are a stretch. A HUGE stretch. You're gonna blame Haiti's cluster F of mismanagement on BANKERS ?
Absolutely! And even the person you love to hate- Clinton- apologized for that.

And BTW... No, Clinton is not a "leftist" and not even a "liberal". With NAFTA, CAFTA and GATT, he's firmly in the camp of international capital.


"It may have been good for some of my farmers in Arkansas, but it has not worked. It was a mistake," Clinton told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on March 10. "I had to live everyday with the consequences of the loss of capacity to produce a rice crop in Haiti to feed those people because of what I did; nobody else."


Monday, April 26, 2010 1:15 PM


Flame wars. No offense to anyone, but the minute it turns to flame wars and who did what to who, I'm out of the conversation. When we focus on who did what, however warranted our anger over a particular instance might be, rational discussion goes out the window.

I enjoy a good dig and a sense of humour - I try to avoid doing it to people myself, because I really do want to show everyone here the respect a fellow browncoat deserves. But mincingbeast and Kwicko often force giggles from me, just because of the quality of the burn/zinger. Mincingbeast in particular says delightfully horrible things, he's a bit like the Joker in The Dark Knight, "Wanna see a magic trick? I'm gonna make this pencil disappear." Just today I snickered at one Niki gave out, and Kwicko, it's often fun to get into a back and forth comedy routine with him. He reminds me of one of my old friends that way.

At some point, however, a line CAN get crossed, where a jab or persistent jabs can be motivated by something deeply personal, and it gets uncomfortable.

No one BULLIES, that presupposes someone comes in here unable to take care of themselves, and I think we've posted enough warnings about the RWED that people jump in among the sharks with open eyes. But neither is flame warfare thread jacking my preferred mode for the RWED.


Monday, April 26, 2010 1:22 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Back to the original topic:

ANOTHER form of capitalist agricultural experimentation (aside from the one that tossed people off their family farms and forced them into collectives... er, I mean factory farms) is the experimentation with genetic engineering.

But, still busy,more later.


Monday, April 26, 2010 1:31 PM


I also agree with the counterpoint to the original topic. The Marxists have killed a lot of people, but so many other factors have killed innocents, it's mind boggling to think of how many people have died needlessly.

The author cited in AU's initial post brings up a very good point. All the innocents who die, imagine how much, by their death, the human race is being reduced and deprived. How much potential wasted, what advances could have been made if they lived, if their children lived. The pointless loss, the needless suffering, the diminishment of the human spirit, the collective consciousness if it exists and the richness of LIFE. With every murder, by intention or willful negligence, the world goes a little more grey.

But the citation makes a mistake, by focusing on only one factor, we betray the memory of the others wrongfully dead. We betray ourselves.


Monday, April 26, 2010 1:31 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

Byte, thanks for that. And you're right, Mincing is just TOO funny. He cracks me up on a regular basis, and his stuff is just too whacky and fun to not laugh at.

Chrisisall gets his zingers in, too, often hilariously. And yeah, I too often get involved in the minutia, when I should just stick to the one-liners.

Oh, and Signy - I'll wait, because I've got a feeling this is going to be GOOD! :)


"I supported Bush in 2000 and 2004 and intellegence [sic] had very little to do with that decision." - Hero, Real World Event Discussions


Monday, April 26, 2010 2:15 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:

The main PURPOSE of this linked article is to show how the Left wing academia ignores, minimizes, and other wise leaves out the true horrors that have occurred in some parts of history, while hyper analyzing others.


The main PURPOSE of this linked article is reinforce the OP's decision years ago to swing as far right today as he was left in his disillusioned youth.

Dumb, thoughtless toadies need their leaders (Left, Right, or Alliance) ; Browncoats think for themselves.

The laughing Chrisisall


Monday, April 26, 2010 2:29 PM



Originally posted by Bytemite:
flame warfare thread jacking

MY KIND OF RWED!!!!!!hahahahahahah!!!!

The laughing Chrisisall


Monday, April 26, 2010 3:01 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Yes, Liberal Commies NEVER mention the number of dead by genocide...

50-million aborted Amerikans so far

Frakkin Juice!


Monday, April 26, 2010 3:05 PM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Woa...I just came back and found this. Ouch, Mike!

First, my wording was wrong. I should have written "As to bullying, I don't think ANY GROUP here bullies anyone else", which is what I was thinking. That was what I was replying to; Geezer saying I was joining others in bullying.

Second, no, you're not a bully, you're "shit disturber". There is definitely a difference. I see your snarks as more enjoying yourself than actually being angry, as opposed to Raptors, which I see as containing genuine animosity. I love the jabs Mincing gets in, as they're almost always humorous, and if we can't laugh at ourselves, we're no good.

Okay, beyond semantics:

You're right; if Raptor was clearer, it would lead to less misunderstanding. I can only think of one example, and I realized it after the fact so didn't go back and deal with it. His crack to me that obviously I was willing to let "criminals, rapists and drug dealers, and their ilk" (or something to that effect) come over the border. I realized afterward that he was addressing specifically that group of people, not saying all Hispanics fit that category. If he'd said the same, with the addition of "along with perfectly innocent people", I don't think we'd have jumped to the conclusion we did that the statement was racist. That's JUST my interpretation, nobody else need agree with me.

I think you misrepresented my exchange with Gino. I kept trying to reason with him; he kept getting uglier and angrier; he ordered me to stop posting to him, and I refused, at which point he threatened to "go after" me and did, dogging all my post and posting in many threads. When someone explained why he might have been the way he was (which had mystified not only me), I said if that were the case, I wished he’d come back and I’d never mention the issue again. That’s “ganging up”? I seem to recall there were only one or two other people involved, and they, like I, were confused as to how he had seemed to change from someone we respected into someone who hated America and Americans and wanted us bombed! How can you say I ganged up on him? You were HERE then, I’m sure you were!

I never, ever told Gino to leave the site; in fact I asked him to stay. He left the site once after engaging a number of us angrily; my mistake was that when he returned and began again, I remarked that he hated Americans. I believe that might have re-triggered his anger, and I admitted after the person who told us why he might have behaved as he did that if that was the case, I was sorry I’d continued as we left off and wouldn't mention the issue again. I’m very confused as to how you can think I went after him...

As to Geezer admitting his own snarking, I’m not responsible for anyone else, and he made one mild comment to me, a valid one to a degree, and that’s all. And I not only never denied, I remarked several times within the post you’re responding to that I’m as guilty as anyone of being triggered into responding unpleasantly. I said it first, and repeated it.

As to “Do you keep trying to engage them in rational conversation, or do you point and laugh at their blatant stupidity?”, you already know that I do both. And as to “I note for the record, you're certainly not above pointing and laughing at the idiocy of others” I ALREADY said it. It’s not noting for the “record’, I already put it on the record myself.

I never, ever said you were alone in know that. As to the dead mother thing; yes, it was a horrific thing to say, but IN MY OPINION, hanging around someone’s neck like an albatross and bringing it up again and again does no good to anyone. I’ve been treated rudely; so have you; I’ve treated others rudely; so have you. Neither of us is innocent, nor are many of the people here. It just is what it is.

It was an attempt on my part to mitigate it by me SAYING I knew I was being preachy, however “I'm starting to get the feeling that a great deal of your enjoyment comes in pointing out the failings of others... while chiding them if they do the same” is unfair and unkind. You know who I am, you know how and what I post, and I spend far more time discussing and debating than I ever do chiding anyone. I chide MYSELF as well as others, and as far as practicing what I preach, I’ve admitted my own failing along that line several times, not just in this thread, and am trying to take Geezer’s words to heart and start once again endeavor to respond to posts without throwing the first stone. I’m not perfect, but I keep trying.

I don't want to start a flame war, far from it. But I felt I had to defend myself, as all that hurt, coming from you. That's all I have to say.

"I'm just right. Kinda like the sun rising in the east and the world being round...its not a need its just the way it is." The Delusional "Hero", 3/1/10


Monday, April 26, 2010 3:21 PM



Originally posted by Niki2:
I felt I had to defend myself, as all that hurt, coming from you. That's all I have to say.

Attack the attack; that's my motto- or it would be, if I started having a motto.

The laughing Chrisisall


Monday, April 26, 2010 3:26 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

Aw, hell, Niks - we'll work it out. You unloaded a bit, I overreacted, but we'll figure it all out at some point, and we'll be all good again, I've no doubt.

Meanwhile, we just have to keep our sense of humor. At this point, it's damn near all we've got! :)


"I supported Bush in 2000 and 2004 and intellegence [sic] had very little to do with that decision." - Hero, Real World Event Discussions


Monday, April 26, 2010 3:31 PM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Oh good...I was wondering if it was overreaction or defensiveness or something. Just didn't seem like you. I'm happy to leave it in the trash where it belongs if that's okay; sorry I got preachy. I still need to learn to be responsible for only myself, in progress.

Peace out, dude...

Or, we could have a nice flame war; I'll start:

You're nothing but a Commie Fascist Marxist Socialist Nazi...uh, what's the worst thing I can come up with?

Aha, I got it: TEXAN!!! Put THAT in your pipe and smoke it, Mister Smartmouth!

"I'm just right. Kinda like the sun rising in the east and the world being round...its not a need its just the way it is." The Delusional "Hero", 3/1/10


Monday, April 26, 2010 3:35 PM


Oh my, the Darkside is encroaching...

The laughing Chrisisall


Monday, April 26, 2010 3:38 PM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Where? WHERE? I don't see Cheney...omigawd, is he coming to get me??

"I'm just right. Kinda like the sun rising in the east and the world being round...its not a need its just the way it is." The Delusional "Hero", 3/1/10


Monday, April 26, 2010 3:43 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by Niki2:

Oh good...I was wondering if it was overreaction or defensiveness or something. Just didn't seem like you. I'm happy to leave it in the trash where it belongs if that's okay; sorry I got preachy. I still need to learn to be responsible for only myself, in progress.

Peace out, dude...

Or, we could have a nice flame war; I'll start:

You're nothing but a Commie Fascist Marxist Socialist Nazi...uh, what's the worst thing I can come up with?

Aha, I got it: TEXAN!!! Put THAT in your pipe and smoke it, Mister Smartmouth!

The funny part about that, Niki, is that when you call a Texan an arrogant asshole, he takes it as a compliment!

I'm Texan, and not. Not born here. Grew up here. And there. And everywhere. Including just down the coast from you a bit, at Fort Ord. Twice, for a year at a time. The last time in this house, right here:

Loved Monterey. Beautiful place.


Monday, April 26, 2010 3:49 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


At some point, I think you just have to laugh.
Well... and you owe me several keyboards by now, I think you know that Kwicko!

As for being patient... not patient at all! Just not as funny as you guys!


Monday, April 26, 2010 3:50 PM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Oh, gawd, I LOVE Monterey...and Carmel...and especially Pacific Grove, where we go regularly to otter-watch! It's so beautiful down there and...

Hey, wait a minute! You tryin' to distract me by talking about a place I love or something?? Won't work, you're still a Commie Fascist Marxist Socialist Nazi ... uh ... LIBRUL! So THERE!

(p.s. I know you're not a "real" Texan, by the way, I make note of such was just the nastiest thing I could think of to call you. All that other stuff has been misused so much the past two years that it's lost its power...)

"I'm just right. Kinda like the sun rising in the east and the world being round...its not a need its just the way it is." The Delusional "Hero", 3/1/10


Monday, April 26, 2010 3:55 PM


Monterey looks cool.

The laughing Chrisisall


Monday, April 26, 2010 4:00 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

Signy, you've shown the patience of SEVERAL saints in your dealings with Rappy. And you're damned funny to boot.

And Niki? I actually *DO* take "librul" as a compliment. "Progressive", too, as long as you aren't trying to sell me insurance! :)


Monday, April 26, 2010 4:02 PM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Hmmm, looked it up. Envy you having been in Monterey Bay Area, but too few trees.

Tried to do the same...but how'd you do that? I tried, but all that shows up in the URL is ""

Tricky Mikey...

"I'm just right. Kinda like the sun rising in the east and the world being round...its not a need its just the way it is." The Delusional "Hero", 3/1/10


Monday, April 26, 2010 4:11 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

Ummm... I went to GoogleMaps, punched in my old address (414 Kerling Rd, Seaside, Monterey), and up it came. I still need to play around and find the street view to see if I can get a better view of the house. I'd love to see how much it's changed, or if it's even still there. It's been nearly 40 years...


Monday, April 26, 2010 4:35 PM


'...The Holodomor (Ukrainian: Голодомор; translation: murder by hunger) was a famine in the Ukrainian SSR from 1932–1933, during which millions of inhabitants died of starvation in a peacetime catastrophe unprecedented in the history of Ukraine.[1][2][3][4] Estimates on the total number of casualties within Soviet Ukraine range mostly from 2.6 million[5][6] to 10 million.[7] Primarily as a result of the economic and trade policies instituted by Joseph Stalin, millions of Ukrainians starved to death over the course of a single year.'

Documentary Film , with Translations reportedly Coming Soon :


Monday, April 26, 2010 6:23 PM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Oh, dear, Sig, don't get me started. You KNOW what happens!!

Monterey is lovely, right on the ocean

If you went pretty much directly West from where he lived, you'd get this (Fort Ord Dunes St. Park, am I right, Mike?):

It's famous as the place John Steinbeck spent a lot of years, and proud of it. Cannery Row is a big tourist attraction; the site of a number of now-defunct sardine canning factories. The street name, formerly a nickname for Ocean View Avenue, became official in January 1958 to honor John Steinbeck and his famous novel "Cannery Row". It's a tourist-shop-and-restaurant area...the food is fantastic!

Another big tourist attraction is Monterey Bay Aquarium, which was built into one of the canneries on Cannery Row:

Just a couple of miles South is Carmel--verrry rich, verry beautiful, with houses perched on cliffs overlooking gorgeous little coves:

One main street, which dead ends on the beach; VERY rich tourist area, but the town is kept real small so it remains quaint. Clint Eastwood was mayor there for years, and he did a great job of keeping development in Carmel itself to a minimum:

The buildings are mostly "quaint" on the main street, too...little tiny shops with very expensive merchandise!

They rent cottages, our favorite has always been the Lamplighter, where we've stayed many times. The houses off the main street are fantastic--in some cases literally!

Carmel was built up in the 1920s. So there's everything from cute little cottages

to rather fanciful cottages

to more modern (EXPENSIVE!) big homes

But the really rich stuff is right on the cliffs (only one I could find)

Then there’s Pacific Grove...little place just outside Monterey, not much to look at but it goes all along the point out into the Pacific, with little pull-outs where you can park and otter watch. And it’s a beautiful coastline.

This is “Lover’s Point Park” can walk down to the beach—GREAT tidepooling—or drive out to the very end and otter watch.

The point goes out furthest into the ocean—across Monterey Bay you can see Santa Cruz; if you turned just a bit left, you’d be looking out into the Pacific Ocean

like this

The otters hang out in the kelp forests, and there are always at least a couple of them...sometimes you only get a glimpse through binoculars, but other times you can get lucky and see them up close:

Okay, I’ll quit with the travelogue nowI hope these come out, too tired to go back and look for others if any of them don't...bring back any memories, Mike?

"I'm just right. Kinda like the sun rising in the east and the world being round...its not a need its just the way it is." The Delusional "Hero", 3/1/10


Tuesday, April 27, 2010 6:29 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Irish Potato Famine. One million dead, one million emigrated. Funny thing, Ireland (owned by British land barons) was exporting food (beef, wheat, butter, milk, cheese) the whole time.


Tuesday, April 27, 2010 8:02 PM


Monteray looks lovely. I'll put it on my list of places to visit.

The world's a shitty place at times, isn't it? There have been extreme, violent and cruel regimes throughout history. The 20th century saw a battle of the ideologies - generally who could be the biggest arseholes. I'm not sure what the point of this thread is? Is anyone arguing that Stalin didn't kill millions - he hid behind ideology, but basically he kept up (and surpassed) the ruthless traditions of the Tsars in suppressing/murdering masses of the population. It was an unfortunate Russian tradition. So much for Marxism being for the masses.

SO there have been a host of hideous regimes - I guess in modern times, Stalin and Hitler have managed to kill more between them.

I don't think you can equate anything that has happened in the US or by the US as being quite as bad. I think some horrendous stuff has been done to the Native populations - here as well, and slavery and so on, but there was something mindblowing about the sheer numbers and systematic murdering of people in Europe in the first half of the century that kind of beggars belief.

Stalinist Russia - a hideous place all round, really. One of the problems I have with those who advocate government overthrow or abandonment of legal processes is exactly what happens in places like Russia, which pretty much experienced anarchy for a number of years until people had finished killing off their enemies and the most brutal, most hideous were left weilding power that was unlimited by any legislature.

Hmmmm... just a thought.


Wednesday, April 28, 2010 3:18 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


I don't think you can equate anything that has happened in the US or by the US as being quite as bad.
Then I propose that you're not used to thinking about history objectively, and that is the point of this thread.

Stalinist Russia did bad stuff. My dad lived through some of it. Stalinist Russia also did good stuff: Stalin had industry move behind the Urals - massive undertaking allowing them to them survive and ultimately to defeat Hitler. Since the famous dodge of the right-wing is to say either "On balance, it was for the best" or "It was for a good cause", don't you think that applies here too?

Because really, without Russia Hitler would have permanently acquired all of Europe, England, and North Africa. Israel wouldn't exist, and neither would the Jews.

So, are we comparing individuals, nations, or systems? If we're comparing systems (ism versus ism) ... think about all of the violence and death in south and central America, Africa, southeast Asia and the Middle East over the past century alone. Does that total up to millions, or billions? Because right off the bat, I can tally least five million murders (two million in Vietnam) caused by the USA alone... and that's not counting starvation and disease, just people shot or blown up. If I were to tally deaths due to economic blockades... similar to the Ukraine, which seems to be Rappy's current hobby-horse... and to murderous repressive regimes supported by the USA, how many do you think that would be? And if I were to factor in deaths caused by economic conditions... "business friendly" Western banks and corrupt industries working hand-in-glove with corrupt local leaders... how many dead do you think THAT would be?

If we were to have a REAL discussion... not just throwing shit onto the board... then we would do a deeper analysis of which system is better overall, taking into account the fate not only of the centers of power but also the various client states/ economic colonies on both side of the equation, since the inception of Soviet Russia (roughly 1917).


Wednesday, April 28, 2010 5:18 AM


Keep the Shiny side up


Originally posted by SignyM:
Because right off the bat, I can tally least five million murders (two million in Vietnam) caused by the USA alone...

So you don't consider the North Vietnamese support of an insurgency in South Vietnam, and later a full-on invasion of South Vietnam by NVA troops, at least a contributing factor to the deaths in Vietnam?

"Keep the Shiny side up"


Wednesday, April 28, 2010 6:06 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by Geezer:

Originally posted by SignyM:
Because right off the bat, I can tally least five million murders (two million in Vietnam) caused by the USA alone...

So you don't consider the North Vietnamese support of an insurgency in South Vietnam, and later a full-on invasion of South Vietnam by NVA troops, at least a contributing factor to the deaths in Vietnam?

"Keep the Shiny side up"

To about a similar degree that U.S. trade sanctions against Japan were at least a contributing factor to the Rape of Nanking, making the U.S. at least partly culpable for that atrocity...


"I supported Bush in 2000 and 2004 and intellegence [sic] had very little to do with that decision." - Hero, Real World Event Discussions


Wednesday, April 28, 2010 7:06 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Of course it's a contributing factor. But one could also say:

So you don't consider the U.S. support of war in Vietnam, sending in thousands of troops and supporting conscription of thousands more South Vietnamese troops, at least a contributing factor to the deaths in Vietnam?

Nobody that I'm aware of has tallied up the number of deaths attributable to both US invasion of, sanctions against, and US BACKING of governments around the world, not to mention covert actions and unprompted killings by out-of-control troops. You can't. Specific overthrown regimes and massacres have been tallied after the fact, but apportioning them out to what country is responsible for these and what country is responsible for those isn't possible.

Also I repeat: we can never know the tally of deaths caused by US action, whether in full or in part, because the government will be sure we never know. While we didn't create the kind of horrific massacres of the Holocaust, we have BACKED and put in power those who much responsibility to we carry for those? Our troops have been directly responsible for massacres on their own, in one place or another; you have to add that in as well.

I don't say we've been the WORST, by any means; I merely make the point that we have sufficient blood on our hands that we have our place in the list.

"I'm just right. Kinda like the sun rising in the east and the world being round...its not a need its just the way it is." The Delusional "Hero", 3/1/10


Wednesday, April 28, 2010 7:27 AM


Keep the Shiny side up


Originally posted by Kwicko:
To about a similar degree that U.S. trade sanctions against Japan were at least a contributing factor to the Rape of Nanking, making the U.S. at least partly culpable for that atrocity.

Not the answer to my question.

"Keep the Shiny side up"


Wednesday, April 28, 2010 7:30 AM


Keep the Shiny side up


Originally posted by Niki2:
Nobody that I'm aware of has tallied up the number of deaths attributable to both US invasion of, sanctions against, and US BACKING of governments around the world, not to mention covert actions and unprompted killings by out-of-control troops.

Not the answer to my question either.

I'm really interested in getting an answer from SignyM.

"Keep the Shiny side up"


Wednesday, April 28, 2010 12:44 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by Geezer:

Originally posted by Kwicko:
To about a similar degree that U.S. trade sanctions against Japan were at least a contributing factor to the Rape of Nanking, making the U.S. at least partly culpable for that atrocity.

Not the answer to my question.

"Keep the Shiny side up"

Not the answer you were looking for, anyway.


"I supported Bush in 2000 and 2004 and intellegence [sic] had very little to do with that decision." - Hero, Real World Event Discussions


Wednesday, April 28, 2010 2:02 PM



Originally posted by SignyM:

I don't think you can equate anything that has happened in the US or by the US as being quite as bad.
Then I propose that you're not used to thinking about history objectively, and that is the point of this thread.

I possibly have the chance of seeing things more objectively than many on the board, seeing as though I do not live in the US and have no national pride in the place, have been a critic of US foreign policy and would be considered left wing in the US - in Texas, I'd probably be lynched for being a commie. At the very least I am seeing things as objectively as you do, I just disagree with you.

Stalinist Russia did bad stuff. My dad lived through some of it. Stalinist Russia also did good stuff: Stalin had industry move behind the Urals - massive undertaking allowing them to them survive and ultimately to defeat Hitler. Since the famous dodge of the right-wing is to say either "On balance, it was for the best" or "It was for a good cause", don't you think that applies here too?
Because really, without Russia Hitler would have permanently acquired all of Europe, England, and North Africa. Israel wouldn't exist, and neither would the Jews.

Seeing as some of the biggest Jewish purges happened in Stalinist Russia, I doubt that many Jewish people would have the same view. I'm not right winged, so I don't hold that view and in any event I can't see that on the balance it was for the best. Even if Russia was responsible for the defeat of Germany, it's occupation and control of Eastern Europe was hardly a cause celebre for the people who endured those puppet regimes.

So, are we comparing individuals, nations, or systems? If we're comparing systems (ism versus ism) ... think about all of the violence and death in south and central America, Africa, southeast Asia and the Middle East over the past century alone. Does that total up to millions, or billions? Because right off the bat, I can tally least five million murders (two million in Vietnam) caused by the USA alone... and that's not counting starvation and disease, just people shot or blown up. If I were to tally deaths due to economic blockades... similar to the Ukraine, which seems to be Rappy's current hobby-horse... and to murderous repressive regimes supported by the USA, how many do you think that would be? And if I were to factor in deaths caused by economic conditions... "business friendly" Western banks and corrupt industries working hand-in-glove with corrupt local leaders... how many dead do you think THAT would be?

I still don't see that they compare in terms of atrocities. Not everything IS equal. You are comparing a regime which systematically slaughtered, starved and enslaved millions of its own people, and the rest lived in fear of being next on the persecution wheel. The only rule of law was that of a cruel, paranoid tyrant who regularly killed off his own friends and who surrounded himself with sociopathic torturers. Stalin's treatment of his own soldiers who had fought for him and the Soviet Union was abhorrent, he left 100,000's of them to languish indefinitely in gulags after they had been freed from German prisoner of war camps because he considered that, having surrendered they were traitors.
I don't consider that much good has come out of Stalinist Russia. He set up a morally bankrupt country whose citizens had to endure crappy standard of living, and fear of arbitrary retribution and to this day still suffers from the weight of its difficult past, being pretty much run by crooks. Nothing much has changed, just the crooks have a different ideology.
It would have to go down as one of the worst, repressive regimes in history. I wouldn't wish my worst enemy to have to endure living there in that time, so I'd say yeah, you can't compare that stuff with what the US has done, even when they've done things that are abhorrent. I don't think they compare on scale, cruelty of intent, and downright insanity. If you haven't read it, Stalin: The Court of the Red Tsar by Simon Sebag Montefiore is an amazing book, horrific but compelling.


Wednesday, April 28, 2010 6:15 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


it's occupation and control of Eastern Europe was hardly a cause celebre for the people who endured those puppet regimes.
Funny thing is, my hubby grew up in Hungary. I can say w/o equivocation you don't know the whole story, so let me give you some idea:

When Hungary entered the war, they were a feudal country. They had landless peasants, lords and dukes, overseers with whips. My husband's mother worked as a governess for a lord. They had (aside from the peasants whom they whipped for motivation) a driver, various cooks, maids and laundresses, kitchen servants, servants who took the food to the sideboard, and the most refined servants who served the food at table.

My husband's father grew up in a family where the mother was married off to a duke, who promptly spent her inheritance and died in an insane asylum... but not before HIS family threw the wife and her four children out onto the street.

Many Hungarian idolized Hitler. Those who left in 1956 still put picture of Hitler up no their walls... I know, I saw them.

Many Hungarians.. especially the peasants and the poorer people... actually liked life under Communism. Conditions were harsh after WWII... hubby likes to remind me there was one working truck in the whole nation.. but better than before the war. He grew up in a lot of places: at his grandparents' in the hills in summer, or sometimes at his uncle's farm on the karst, in Tata in the winter, and in Budapest when he was older than 5. He remembers wandering the streets of Budapest with his younger brother, completely safe. There is an island in the middle of the Danube called Margitsziget (St Margaret's Island) entirely devoted to fun. They had hot springs and - even then- a wave pool!

In 1956, the "revolution" was fomented by college students, but when it started to run out of steam the revolutionaries emptied the jail cells of thugs and former (and not so former) Nazis. My hubby remember walking past people... still alive... who'd been hung upside down from lamposts, slowly bleeding to death from hundreds of razor cuts. This was the work of the "revolution".

And even though he was afraid of the Russian tanks, and still remembers how a .50 caliber sounds hitting a stone wall... he remembers the Russian soldiers as lonely.

He has a lot to say about how the US press treated him and other immigrants. Needless to say, the US press wasn't interested in how he REALLY felt, or what he REALLY had to say. All they wanted to hear was RAH RAH USA!

I used to think that hubby's view of Hungary was based on fond childhood memories until his aunt visited the USA. We toured her through the exurbs of a very nice city in the NE, and what she said was: "It's all very nice, but nobody can use it. It's all owned by somebody" Her eventual view of the USA was "bleh".

So I think your view is incomplete, based in biased information.


Not everything IS equal.
Except death. Death IS the great equalizer, isn't it? And death for death, I wouldn't be surprised if Kissinger and Stalin were in the same league.


Wednesday, April 28, 2010 6:26 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


So you don't consider the North Vietnamese support of an insurgency in South Vietnam, and later a full-on invasion of South Vietnam by NVA troops, at least a contributing factor to the deaths in Vietnam?
What was the insurgency against? The French colonization of Vietnam. Ho Chi Minh was fighting French Expeditionary forces and the Emperor, and American intervention was originally to support of French rule. Ho Chi Minh actually thought we might support HIM, because of our history as a breakaway colony. Silly man! By then, we had become an empire!

The First Indochina War (also known as the French Indochina War, The Anti-French War, the Franco-Vietnamese War, the Franco-Vietminh War, the Indochina War, the Dirty War in France and as the Anti-French Resistance War in contemporary Vietnam) was fought in French Indochina from December 19, 1946, until August 1, 1954, between the French Union’s French Far East Expeditionary Corps, led by France and supported by Emperor Bảo Đại’s Vietnamese National Army against the Việt Minh, led by Hồ Chí Minh and Võ Nguyên Giáp. Most of the fighting took place in Tonkin in Northern Vietnam, although the conflict engulfed the entire country and also extended into the neighboring French Indochina protectorates of Laos and Cambodia.


Wednesday, April 28, 2010 6:36 PM



Originally posted by SignyM:

it's occupation and control of Eastern Europe was hardly a cause celebre for the people who endured those puppet regimes.
Funny thing is, my hubby grew up in Hungary. I can say w/o equivocation you don't know the whole story, so let me give you some idea:

When Hungary entered the war, they were a feudal country. They had landless peasants, lords and dukes, overseers with whips. My husband's mother worked as a governess for a lord. They had (aside from the peasants whom they whipped for motivation) a driver, various cooks, maids and laundresses, kitchen servants, servants who took the food to the sideboard, and the most refined servants who served the food at table.

My husband's father grew up in a family where the mother was married off to a duke, who promptly spent her inheritance and died in an insane asylum... but not before HIS family threw the wife and her four children out onto the street.

Many Hungarian idolized Hitler. Those who left in 1956 still put picture of Hitler up no their walls... I know, I saw them.

Many Hungarians.. especially the peasants and the poorer people... actually liked life under Communism. Conditions were harsh after WWII... hubby likes to remind me there was one working truck in the whole nation.. but better than before the war. He grew up in a lot of places: at his grandparents' in the hills in summer, or sometimes at his uncle's farm on the karst, in Tata in the winter, and in Budapest when he was older than 5. He remembers wandering the streets of Budapest with his younger brother, completely safe. There is an island in the middle of the Danube called Margitsziget (St Margaret's Island) entirely devoted to fun. They had hot springs and - even then- a wave pool!

In 1956, the "revolution" was fomented by college students, but when it started to run out of steam the revolutionaries emptied the jail cells of thugs and former (and not so former) Nazis. My hubby remember walking past people... still alive... who'd been hung upside down from lamposts, slowly bleeding to death from hundreds of razor cuts. This was the work of the "revolution".

And even though he was afraid of the Russian tanks, and still remembers how a .50 caliber sounds hitting a stone wall... he remembers the Russian soldiers as lonely.

He has a lot to say about how the US press treated him and other immigrants. Needless to say, the US press wasn't interested in how he REALLY felt, or what he REALLY had to say. All they wanted to hear was RAH RAH USA!

I used to think that hubby's view of Hungary was based on fond childhood memories until his aunt visited the USA. We toured her through the exurbs of a very nice city in the NE, and what she said was: "It's all very nice, but nobody can use it. It's all owned by somebody" Her eventual view of the USA was "bleh".

So I think your view is incomplete, based in biased information.


Not everything IS equal.
Except death. Death IS the great equalizer, isn't it? And death for death, I wouldn't be surprised if Kissinger and Stalin were in the same league.

Thanks for your insights into what life might have been like in Hungary. There are always different perpectives to take into consideration. I would never assume that I had a fully complete story on anything, especially things that I have had no personal experience with. My views are based upon reading, films based on the writings of expats (The Unbearable Lightness of Being and Sunshine) and talking with friends and collegues from those parts of the world. I have never heard such details about the Hungarian '56 Revolution which most people I have spoken to saw as largely peaceful, with reasonable demands and view Imre Nagy as a bit of a folk hero. And despite your stories, I still feel angered that the Soviets brought in the tanks and stymied with their usual bloody retribtion the kind of reforms that happened a decade or so later anyway.

My understanding (which I concede may be flawed) was that Hungarian communism was the softest for want of a better word that those of other areas, that is that people actually didn't have to bad a life and their leaders weren't complete shits, unlike Romania and other countries. I think this probably true for the last few decades of communism in the eastern bloc, rather than the whole post ww2 period. A lot of people I know have had some good things to say about life in the communist bloc, and they had the perspective of living in both the east and the west and seen the flaws of both systems. They ended up in the west, many of them political refugees and that was the point, the political systems they fled allowed little or no dissent, and people were watched, bugged, excluded from employment and educational opportunites and imprisoned if they were seen to not support the system.

Post stalin eastern bloc calmed down somehwat, but I would still contend that Stalinist Europe along with facist Germany were two of the worst regimes in history - there are a host of other hideous ones, Idi Amin's Uganda, Pol Pot's Cambodia spring to mind - although neither came close to the sheer numbers killed, they certainly came close with the level of brutality and insane killing.

If I was going to make a comparison of US bad stuff, I'd probably compare it to British and French colonialism and the treatment of colonised populations, war mongering, exploiting of resources.


Thursday, April 29, 2010 3:04 AM


Keep the Shiny side up


Originally posted by SignyM:
What was the insurgency against? The French colonization of Vietnam.

The French left in 1954. Insurgency and outright invasion continued until the mid 70's. Did someone fail to tell the insurgents and NVA the French had left?

C'mon, SignyM. You know very well what insurgency and invasion I meant.

Please explain how the attacks on South Vietnam from the late 50's through the mid 70's by both insurgents sent by the North Vietnamese government and North Vietnamese regular army troops, and the casualties caused thereby, were the fault of the United States alone.

"Keep the Shiny side up"


Thursday, April 29, 2010 3:44 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Geezer, let me supply you with the history of Vietnam which you were too invested to look up for yourself:


In 1941, the Viet Minh — a communist and nationalist liberation movement — emerged under Ho Chi Minh to seek independence for Vietnam from France as well as to oppose the Japanese occupation. An estimated 2 million Vietnamese, or 10% of the population then, died during the Vietnamese famine of 1944–45.
So I guess we can add ANOTHER 2 million to the tally of dead due to capitalism, right?

Following the military defeat of Japan and the fall of its Empire of Vietnam in August 1945, Viet Minh occupied Hanoi and proclaimed a provisional government, which asserted independence on 2 September.

In the same year the Provisional French Republic sent the French Far East Expeditionary Corps, which was originally created to fight the Japanese occupation forces, in order to pacify the liberation movement and to restore French rule. On November 20, 1946, triggered by the Haiphong Incident, the First Indochina War between Viet Minh and the French forces ensued, lasting until July 20, 1954.

Despite fewer losses — Expeditionary Corps suffered one-third of the casualties of the Chinese and Soviet-backed Viet Minh — during the course of the war, the French and Vietnamese loyalists eventually suffered a major strategic setback at the Siege of Dien Bien Phu, which allowed Ho Chi Minh to negotiate a ceasefire with a favorable position at the ongoing Geneva conference of 1954. Colonial administration ended as French Indochina was dissolved. According to the Geneva Accords of 1954 the forces of former French supporters and communist nationalists were separated south and north, respectively, with the Vietnamese Demilitarized Zone, at the 17th parallel north, between.

Of particular interest, and most relevant to the post-1954 period:

A Partition of Vietnam, with Ho Chi Minh's Democratic Republic of Vietnam in North Vietnam, and Emperor Bao Dai's State of Vietnam in the South Vietnam, was not intended by the 1954 Agreements and they expressly forbade the interference of third powers. Counter to the counsel of his American advisor, the State of Vietnam Prime Minister Ngo Dinh Diem toppled Bao Dai in a fraudulent referendum organised by his brother Ngo Dinh Nhu, and proclaimed himself president of the Republic of Vietnam. The Accords mandated nationwide elections by 1956, which Diem refused to hold, despite repeated calls from the North for talks to discuss elections. In July 1955, South Vietnamese President Ngo Dinh Diem rejected the nationwide elections agreed to by France and North Vietnam at the Geneva Conference of 1954. The pro-Hanoi Vietcong began a guerrilla campaign in the late 1950s to overthrow Diem's government, which an official Vietcong statement described as a "disguised colonial regime."

It traces back to Diem, a corrupt leader installed by his brother who refused to abide by the agreement meant to re-unite Vietnam.

And what was Ho Chi Minh agitating for? Elections! If Diem had simply agreed to elections, this could have all been avoided.






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