Theory about China? Anybody? Also, medical discussion

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Wednesday, May 12, 2010 7:10 PM


If any of you watch world news you have to notice that there has been like ?six? different stabbfests in as many weeks where in China where men walk into the nearest elementary school and start hacking up as many kiddies as they can get to... What is going on over there?!>? I have this theory that someone over there finally perfected mind control and is REALLLLLY narcissistic and just wants the whole country to themselves and is takin' 'em out one class at a time.... Seriously, where's that get fun ? Also, have been reading where a large segment of the population can't afford daycare so some padlock and chain their toddelers up in empty rooms where they work!

Don't get me wrong, I'm not just pickin' on China, we've been f*ckin over our kids in this country pretty well lately, too. I just don't get it... After the second or third incident would you not keep your kid home?? And is there supposed to be more honor in attacking a child with large sharp pointy things or can they just not afford guns? And would you rather be shot or stabbed to death, I mean-if you had to pick?

Rest in peace kids...I truly hope you ARE in a better place..

PS sorry to be so morbid, y'all, but I just can't get it out of my head...


Thursday, May 13, 2010 12:17 AM


It's wiggin me too - bout all I can say to it, is that it's the natural consequence of treating them as subhuman, really.

I'd be interested in finding out the socio-economic backgrounds of the perps as compared to the victims, cause while I have no evidence this is the case, I *have* seen a similar mentality before.

It's a pretty grim tale, and it didn't sell, but an enlightening one, although the Burke series is better for that.


ETA: I know this is a seriously minority opinion, but I consider the lack of any self-defense teaching to be unnatural for children, given that one of the main reasons for it is so that we can abuse them with impunity, and it is that very kind of learned helplessness which hurts them the most when they become teens - but I also think it is that helplessness these perps are aiming at, cause where better for an intended massacre than a place you know is unarmed, and that the people within are defenseless ?


Thursday, May 13, 2010 1:49 AM


I concur, it's the inhuman conditions, plus, china is huge, and everything gets multiplied, not by four, but something much larger. Remember this iPad was made inna factory that has a quarter of a million workers. We don't known what something like that does to people. It brings the old nuclear sub experiments teo mind, re:how long it takes people to go insane without any unnatural influences, just situationally.

A friend of mine in china has a theory he calls Chang's Dong. At the institution of the one child policy, there was a tremendous amount of female infanticide, setting off a gender imbalance that would only get worse. The opening up of china brought in men and export women, who sought a better womens rights environment elsewhere. He said fairly early on that if this goes unchecked, the male population will go insane due to a lack of females, they will get violently competitive. He also thought that Beijing knew this and was setting up for a war, possibly with India or south east Asia.

Of course a run of such incidents in a row speaks to either a new media coverage of fhe event (imagine if every gun death in America were news like it is in japan) -or- something happened which set off the string, like experimenting with a new drug, probably not as intentional mind control, but just normal fucking with people like antidepressants.


Thursday, May 13, 2010 2:41 AM



Originally posted by Iremisst:
If any of you watch world news you have to notice that there has been like ?six? different stabbfests in as many weeks where in China where men walk into the nearest elementary school and start hacking up as many kiddies as they can get to... What is going on over there?!>?

I think they are just really hungery.


"Hero. I have come to respect you." "I am forced to agree with Hero here."- Chrisisall, 2009.


Thursday, May 13, 2010 2:51 AM


Maybe all that China school killing/slashing is a byproduct of their culture that includes eating dogs, drowning baby girls, and watching a lot of Tom Cruise movies.

Another big factor is they all look alike. Imagine if everyone, even your spouse, looked just like you....that would drive you insane at some point, right?


Thursday, May 13, 2010 3:04 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

The explanation that I read is that China as virtually no mental health treatment: Only 5% of people in China with mental health disorders has ever seen a mental health professional. Supposedly, at least three of the attackers already had prior history, and one of them was scheduled for a another appointment the very next day.

But why young schoolchildren???

These people are very angry. If they had guns, they would be spraying a mall, or a McDonalds, or their local officials. But gun ownership is outlawed in China, requiring up-close and personal knife-type attack. The schools are apparently VERY soft targets, and children are considered very precious. So attacking a school is not only possible (unlike attacking a workplace, for example) but also generates the maximum collective pain.


Thursday, May 13, 2010 4:12 AM


I didn't realize gun ownership is outlawed in China, but I guess it makes sense... don't wanna give the people you treat like a barcode any REAL power. And why give them any mental health treatment, after all (sarcastically!) there's nothing wrong.... Da Fuhrer say's KEEP WORKING!...

Not that this amounts to a hill of beans, but it still pisses me off...Some years ago I worked at a casino and there was a chinese gal worked in the place next to me and one day she came over and started running down my wedding ring saying " oh, your diamond is soo small, why you marry man like that?" I'd never even said two sentences to her before and she just comes over and insults me like that?!... I guess to her marraige is just an economic arraingement, not a lifestyle choice... If I wasn't so flabberghasted I'd a said "Well, the position for goldigging whore was already filled when I married him!" Mark that down under things you wish you'd said.........


Thursday, May 13, 2010 4:45 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by Jongsstraw:
Maybe all that China school killing/slashing is a byproduct of their culture that includes eating dogs, drowning baby girls, and watching a lot of Tom Cruise movies.

Another big factor is they all look alike. Imagine if everyone, even your spouse, looked just like you....that would drive you insane at some point, right?

Those are two of the stupider statements I've ever heard from you. And that's saying something.

Do you think all black people look alike, too?

Or do you just think it's funny when children are murdered?


Thursday, May 13, 2010 4:48 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by SignyM:

These people are very angry. If they had guns, they would be spraying a mall, or a McDonalds, or their local officials. But gun ownership is outlawed in China, requiring up-close and personal knife-type attack.

So it's NOT about the guns making people go crazy and kill, huh?


The schools are apparently VERY soft targets, and children are considered very precious. So attacking a school is not only possible (unlike attacking a workplace, for example) but also generates the maximum collective pain.

Yup. No matter where you go, people can go bonkers and cause an enormous amount of pain and damage.

Maybe China needs to close its borders to keep all those illegals out. After all, it MUST be the illegals committing all these crimes, right? [/sarcasm]


Thursday, May 13, 2010 5:09 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

The mental health thing is valid, from my experience. We had a Korean and a person from China on our mental health forum...both said the only place they could talk freely was there; apparently in both cultures (and Japanese too I would guess and from what I've read), mental illness carries such huge stigma that any of those who CAN, keep it quiet, and rarely is any kind of treatment or help given, they're just shoved in wards, like we used to do.

Also, tho' it's a gross thing to say, do bear in mind that these people put girl babies out on hillsides to die; given that and the fact that China has a limit on one child per family, it's a mentality that minimizes children being viewed as "humans", in my opinion.

It's horrific, and a good statement that having guns does NOT make people less crazy, but I think having guns would make it worse, not better, nonetheless. I wish there were some way we could help, but I know how impossible that is! One can only hope things change down the line, and have pity for the children involved.

"I'm just right. Kinda like the sun rising in the east and the world being round...its not a need its just the way it is." The Delusional "Hero", 3/1/10


Thursday, May 13, 2010 5:22 AM


Damn, kwicko, you are "Angry Man" today, aren't you ?... You know arguing with every ludicrous comment on here will drive you nuts, right? I'm gonna change your name to "kwick to bring grudges inta other posts"

Frustration, baby, you gotta BREATHE....


Thursday, May 13, 2010 5:29 AM


"Damn yokels, can't even tell a transport ship ain't got no guns on it." - Jayne Cobb

Turns out all those Chinese people from China are actually from China. They're only illegal if they question the Govt.

Iremist, I'm guessing the perps had (are any of them still alive?) too much false information raddling around in their noggins.

And/or having been royally reamed by the system.

Remember Groosalugg from Angel? In "There's No Place Liked Plrtz Glrb", it didn't take long for him, from hearing the lies, to wanting to kill Angel.

One thing you can count on: You push a human too far, and sooner or later they'll start pushing back.

But not necessarily in the right direction.

Mind control or not, I'm not sure what the motive would be. Unless it's just to incite fear.

Hmmm... gonna need a Mulder quote for this one.

MULDER: Fear. It's the oldest tool of power. If you're distracted by fear of those around you, it keeps you from seeing the actions of those above.

Find here the Serenity you seek. -Tara Maclay


Thursday, May 13, 2010 5:43 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

What are Chisese people?

"I'm just right. Kinda like the sun rising in the east and the world being round...its not a need its just the way it is." The Delusional "Hero", 3/1/10


Thursday, May 13, 2010 5:49 AM



Those are two of the stupider statements I've ever heard from you.
Did you hear it or read it? There is a difference.


Do you think all black people look alike, too?
Only during a solar eclipse.


Or do you just think it's funny when children are murdered?
Not nearly as funny as aborted ones.


Thursday, May 13, 2010 6:20 AM


"Damn yokels, can't even tell a transport ship ain't got no guns on it." - Jayne Cobb

Fixed. Got my hands mixed up.

Careful, Niki, The Spelling Fairy might tickle you with a spork for doing its job.

Find here the Serenity you seek. -Tara Maclay


Thursday, May 13, 2010 6:35 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Not just tickle me, might pick up on MY typos...eep!

(Actually just thought the comment might be aimed at me, so snarked back with help of Spelling Fairy)

"I'm just right. Kinda like the sun rising in the east and the world being round...its not a need its just the way it is." The Delusional "Hero", 3/1/10


Thursday, May 13, 2010 6:36 AM


Sometimes you own the libs. Sometimes, the libs own you.

My understanding is that there is a strong 'copycat' element in the pattern of attacks.

Like Mike, I'm not enjoying the casual racism in this thread much either. Not for me.

Heads should roll


Thursday, May 13, 2010 8:20 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by Iremisst:
Damn, kwicko, you are "Angry Man" today, aren't you ?... You know arguing with every ludicrous comment on here will drive you nuts, right? I'm gonna change your name to "kwick to bring grudges inta other posts"

Frustration, baby, you gotta BREATHE....

I'm not "Angry Man"; I'm "Officially The Angriest Man on The Internetâ„¢". What part of "Angriest" did you not understand?

You're right, of course - there isn't time to argue with EVERY ludicrous comment on here. I prefer to poke fun at some of the most ludicrous, and in Jongsie's case, the more stupid comments on here.

I mean, seriously, saying something like "They all look alike to me" about any ethnic group really IS stupid, I think you'd have to agree.

The fact that Jongsie doesn't know one Chinese person from another just means he's ignorant. But when he comes out and says things like "They all look alike", that's just downright STUPID. It's almost as if he's channeling Wulfieboy, and wearing that idiocy as a badge of dishonor.

And yes, I *DO* think Jongsie's drinking the bongwater again. Something's off with the guy. He's been pretty reasonable for a while, so either he's gone off his rocker, lost his marbles, truly gone fishing, or someone has hijacked his account to spew moronic statements that have little to no bearing on reality.

And Jongsie? Nice straw man on the abortions. Or were you trying to claim that there were Chinese people going around to schools and stabbing aborted fetuses? Either way, you're not making any sense. Nothing good ever happens on meth, buddy. Put the pipe down and step away.


"I supported Bush in 2000 and 2004 and intellegence [sic] had very little to do with that decision." - Hero, Real World Event Discussions


Thursday, May 13, 2010 8:25 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by Jongsstraw:

Those are two of the stupider statements I've ever heard from you.
Did you hear it or read it? There is a difference.

What if I "bothed" it? :) Can I have my text-to-speech feature on, and both hear it AND read it, thereby "bothing" it? ;)



Or do you just think it's funny when children are murdered?
Not nearly as funny as aborted ones.

Nice. I bet you find dead retarded babies a laff riot, eh?


Thursday, May 13, 2010 8:29 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by RahlMaclaren:
Fixed. Got my hands mixed up.

Careful, Niki, The Spelling Fairy might tickle you with a spork for doing its job.

I know The Spelling Fairyâ„¢, and I can assure you he appreciates all the help he can get, even from The Grammar Nazisâ„¢.

The Spelling Fairyâ„¢ isn't concerned with a typo here and there. The Spelling Fairyâ„¢ is concerned with people who systematically and repeatedly mangle the language with willful disregard and malice aforethought.

Or so I've heard. ;)


Thursday, May 13, 2010 9:22 AM


Don't even get me started on the horrors of a State deciding whether folks can have children, or how many, the truth of that is a nightmare beyond your comprehension, and you're probably better off for it.

THAT policy is, imho, the singlemost abusive of all Chinas human rights violations combined, a root of many evils, and the seed of their own destruction as a nation and culture.

If you wanna know, really want to know enough to dive into a rabbithole and risk the mental consequences of the fallout from such policies, however, I will give you just two words, which are plenty enough.

Ceausescu's children.



Thursday, May 13, 2010 10:13 AM



Originally posted by Kwicko:
Nice. I bet you find dead retarded babies a laff riot, eh?

What's Nancy Pelosi have to do with this?


"Hero. I have come to respect you." "I am forced to agree with Hero here."- Chrisisall, 2009.


Thursday, May 13, 2010 10:24 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by Hero:

Originally posted by Kwicko:
Nice. I bet you find dead retarded babies a laff riot, eh?

What's Nancy Pelosi have to do with this?


"Hero. I have come to respect you." "I am forced to agree with Hero here."- Chrisisall, 2009.

About as much as Trig Palin. Why do you ask?


Thursday, May 13, 2010 2:38 PM


It strikes me that Much of this doesn't make a whole lot of sense, and a fair amount of it is sarcasm and mike cant identify sarcasm on site ( oh, ad just in case that's really true, there it just was)

Here's another theory, just because this has turned out tonbe the case in crimes in the past, such as companies shooting their workers in the 80s... That didn't really happen, it was the cover story for the govt massacring folks. Given the lost tradition of this for the commies, it cant be ruled out as a possibility, sort of like the "rule by example" which doesn't officially happen, but really, it does really happen. Not saying it's probable, just Possible.

Oh, and Mike, it's not furrier, phooey, that was Fuhrer, or should have been. Anyway, it's Chairman. Bear in mind that Chairman Mao was actually substantially worse than the Fuhrer, killing many times as many of his countrymen, women and children. The only worse leader on an absolute scale is arguably Stalin, who also was largely responsible for the rise of Mao.

There is a national psychosis re kids, with the one child as being the anchor for that... Bah socialism.


Thursday, May 13, 2010 2:48 PM



Originally posted by Jongsstraw:
Maybe all that China school killing/slashing is a byproduct of their culture that includes eating dogs, drowning baby girls, and watching a lot of Tom Cruise movies.

Another big factor is they all look alike. Imagine if everyone, even your spouse, looked just like you....that would drive you insane at some point, right?

I've had the same thing said to me about Westerners by a Chinese person. Someone somewhere has done a study on feature recognition across races.


Thursday, May 13, 2010 3:57 PM



People look for different hints. The shape of the skull varies tremendously among the Chinese, and basically not at all for Caucasians, but there is basically almost no difference in coloration among the Chinese, some are slightly lighter, but thats about it, so they wouldn't measure that as much.

But sommome of it is personal. I have some friends who have twins in the family, and the kids develop very early on means for telling the twins apart, the shape of the nose, curve of the chin, these things undoubtedly figure heavy into their reading of other faces they meet later in life.

I'm certain Jong was joking.


Thursday, May 13, 2010 3:57 PM


Double post


Thursday, May 13, 2010 4:08 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

DT: I'm certain Jong was trying to be funny, too. I'm pretty sure Michael Richards was trying to be funny as well. So was Don Imus. Funny stuff, eh? Let's all sit around and tell our favorite ni**er and Jew jokes, and see how funny that gets.

Saying it's a joke doesn't mean it's any less offensive or stupid a thing to say.


Thursday, May 13, 2010 4:32 PM


It seems that this thread has disenegrated from its original question. But that is not going to stop me. There have been some things said I must add in my two cents, mostly because some right and some wrong has been voiced. I am, of course, ignoring nimrod cannon ball opinions. My credentials to say all of this is that I have studied Chinese culture including living there for some time. That said...

I think the multiple occurrences have a lot to do with a reactions being contagious. Think back to the school shootings in America. We could have asked the same thing about Americans then. What it boiled down to was a person with a problem acted out in a very bad way. Other people with similar problems saw this and somehow got the idea that it would be a solution for them too. I am not saying it is an excuse. But this is a factor to remember.

Knives? If you are going to get in a fight in China (a real one, not a few punches thrown), it is going to be with knives. Guns are out of the picture, so knives are the next best thing. They are easy to get a hold of. They do the damage. In a really twisted way, that part of the saga makes sense.

Kids? I think the person who said soft-target had it the closest. The one-child policy doesn't really make children not as valued (it does that to unborn children, but that is a different rant) does the opposite. That one kid you have is your one chance so you better not screw it up. Imagine a classroom full of Daddy's little princesses and Mama's perfect angels and that is about what you get. Most normal/well-adjusted kids I met were minority kids whose families were allowed to have more than one. Going for kids was probably the most devastating thing that could have been done. Think of it as the Chinese version of a school shooting.

Why? The mental health situation in China is not good. People who do not conform to what people are supposed to be (this goes for any disability and extends to how much you weigh or what size your wedding ring is) are pointed out and made fun of. It is a kind of group control, like peer pressure was in high school. Result - you do everything to fit into the mold you are supposed to. Which means sometimes denying yourself the help you need, and that was most definitely a factor. Society pressure is ENORMOUS. China probably has one of the highest student suicide rates in the world (India would be a close second). These situations are just taking it one step beyond not getting the grade you wanted on a test. Sad but true.

But more than that...there is evil in the world and every person living has the opportunity to sink to the bottom. Everyone has a breaking point, sad as that may be. Add to that that people are inherently selfish... Again, not an excuse. Sounds a bit cliche I am sure, but it is true and experience has held that up. While the government there may be responsible for many things, I don't think this is one of them. There are too many other incidents in other countries just as terrible for this to be just a China problem.

The one question I don't see being asked is "We're actually hearing about this?" The media in China is so tightly controlled I find it hard to believe that this made it out. There was a knife fight that killed a student and sent another to the hospital at a university I was at and the next day NOBODY said anything! The one peep we heard was quickly turned the next day into "Oh, I don't know who it was." If there are more incidents, I doubt we will be hearing about them.

So there are my two cents. Rip away.


Thursday, May 13, 2010 4:33 PM


Keep the Shiny side up

Unfortunately, this is far from the sickest weirdness that's happened in China. I came across this in research for another thread.


Some of the most extreme violence took place in the southern province of Guangxi, where a Chinese journalist found a "disturbing picture of official compliance in the systematic killing and cannibalization of individuals in the name of political revolution and 'class struggle.'"[31] Senior party historians acknowledge that "In a few places, it even happened that 'counterrevolutionaries' were beaten to death and in the most beastly fashion had their flesh and liver consumed [by their killers]."[32] Not even the minor children of 'enemies of the people' were spared, as more than a few were tortured and bludgeoned to death, dismembered and some of their organs - hearts, livers, and genitals - eaten during 'human flesh banquets'.[33] As a result of this frenzied killing and 'obligatory cannibalism', an estimated 100,000 people were killed in Guangxi alone.[33]

Google "cannibalism cultural revolution" and you'll find more.

I've got to wonder if the recent killings are the result of 60 years of indoctrination of the population gone very wrong.

"Keep the Shiny side up"


Thursday, May 13, 2010 5:14 PM


Sometimes you own the libs. Sometimes, the libs own you.


Originally posted by Journey:
It seems that this thread has disenegrated from its original question. But that is not going to stop me. There have been some things said I must add in my two cents, mostly because some right and some wrong has been voiced. I am, of course, ignoring nimrod cannon ball opinions. My credentials to say all of this is that I have studied Chinese culture including living there for some time. That said...

I think the multiple occurrences have a lot to do with a reactions being contagious. Think back to the school shootings in America. We could have asked the same thing about Americans then. What it boiled down to was a person with a problem acted out in a very bad way. Other people with similar problems saw this and somehow got the idea that it would be a solution for them too. I am not saying it is an excuse. But this is a factor to remember.

Knives? If you are going to get in a fight in China (a real one, not a few punches thrown), it is going to be with knives. Guns are out of the picture, so knives are the next best thing. They are easy to get a hold of. They do the damage. In a really twisted way, that part of the saga makes sense.

Kids? I think the person who said soft-target had it the closest. The one-child policy doesn't really make children not as valued (it does that to unborn children, but that is a different rant) does the opposite. That one kid you have is your one chance so you better not screw it up. Imagine a classroom full of Daddy's little princesses and Mama's perfect angels and that is about what you get. Most normal/well-adjusted kids I met were minority kids whose families were allowed to have more than one. Going for kids was probably the most devastating thing that could have been done. Think of it as the Chinese version of a school shooting.

Why? The mental health situation in China is not good. People who do not conform to what people are supposed to be (this goes for any disability and extends to how much you weigh or what size your wedding ring is) are pointed out and made fun of. It is a kind of group control, like peer pressure was in high school. Result - you do everything to fit into the mold you are supposed to. Which means sometimes denying yourself the help you need, and that was most definitely a factor. Society pressure is ENORMOUS. China probably has one of the highest student suicide rates in the world (India would be a close second). These situations are just taking it one step beyond not getting the grade you wanted on a test. Sad but true.

But more than that...there is evil in the world and every person living has the opportunity to sink to the bottom. Everyone has a breaking point, sad as that may be. Add to that that people are inherently selfish... Again, not an excuse. Sounds a bit cliche I am sure, but it is true and experience has held that up. While the government there may be responsible for many things, I don't think this is one of them. There are too many other incidents in other countries just as terrible for this to be just a China problem.

The one question I don't see being asked is "We're actually hearing about this?" The media in China is so tightly controlled I find it hard to believe that this made it out. There was a knife fight that killed a student and sent another to the hospital at a university I was at and the next day NOBODY said anything! The one peep we heard was quickly turned the next day into "Oh, I don't know who it was." If there are more incidents, I doubt we will be hearing about them.

So there are my two cents. Rip away.

Thanks Journey, interesting.

Heads should roll


Thursday, May 13, 2010 7:14 PM


Journey, I think you most definately have a point there, about how social expectations in opposition to folks inherent desires or morality can drive them over the edge.

And mind, props for diving in headfirst with an actual attempt to discuss it, you got a yard of guts, I'll give ya that.

But in regards to the social expectations thing, it's something I have been poking my nose into for a while, noting that when you have a highly conformist society it begins to result in serious pyschological damage to folk forced to participate in it, and eventually, some of them don't.

Some opt out, becoming reclusive, and I have always thought that more than any other cause was the primary motivation of most hikikomori.
Michael Zielenziger wrote a book related to this, and I found it pretty informative, cause it is true, some folk, myself included, withdraw from society not because of mental illness, but because they find the society of their country so appalling, so repulsive, they cannot remain a part of it and stay sane.

And I think, that some of this in China, it might be an extreme reaction of this same drive, but instead of simply withdrawing, they choose to actively retaliate, perhaps without even a conscious awareness of the desire or intent, something Alice Miller touches on in her own work, and I have seen all too many times even here - we do unto them, over and over, and act surprised when they finally act out against us and our society, like an abusive pet owner who wonders why they just got bit.

And as repressive as Chinese society is, it's gotta be worse for them, cause society and culture aside, they're human beings, and human beings have certain natural inclinations, and when those inclinations are counter to what they are being taught, how they are forced to behave, it results in all manner of mental aberration.

Americans react to this by trying to classify it, treat it as some kind of disorder to choke on the kool-aid of lies and distortions we use to cover ugly truths, Chinese seemingly react by ignoring it, or criminalising/marginalising those individuals.

I'd like to say I am surprised by this, but yanno, I'm not - this was always coming, sure as day follows dawn, when you create a society counter to human instinct, every child born to it is a potential ticking bomb, and once the fuse is lit by some incident that may not even be noticeable by anyone else, once that final straw has snapped, it's not a matter of if, it's a matter of when.

So every time you try to crush the humanity out of a child, pound their square peg into societies round hole, all I hear is a pop...

And tick, tick, tick.



Friday, May 14, 2010 2:01 AM



And I would argue that people who took offense should stop whining. I can call it not funny without calling for censorship, I think that's the libertarian perspective, right?


I suspect that it all makes children more valued, not less

Also, the conformist society might be a factor of population density, I notice the trend in that direction when I go into the city, it doesn't help if you have a govt which supports the idea though. Grey pajamas anyone?


Friday, May 14, 2010 2:07 AM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:

Don't even get me started on the horrors of a State deciding whether folks can have children, or how many, the truth of that is a nightmare beyond your comprehension, and you're probably better off for it.

dont see how thats anyting to do with the topic at hand....raging psycho murders kids....blame China 4 its zero population growth policy..?

and what's the other extreme mr opinionated

Let them breed like rats and let those in the baby making business create a bankrupt welfare state


Friday, May 14, 2010 2:38 AM



Originally posted by dreamtrove:

I'm certain Jong was joking.

Penny for the smart lady, although the part about Tom Cruise movies was sincere.


Friday, May 14, 2010 2:44 AM



Originally posted by Kwicko:

Saying it's a joke doesn't mean it's any less offensive or stupid a thing to say.

Thank you Miss Vanderbilt, except you've always defended it if it's a Liberal like Letterman or Mahr "joking" about raping Sarah Palin's daughter, or South Park "joking" about Palin's Down's Syndrome son. Then it's a real hoot.


Friday, May 14, 2010 2:52 AM



You don't think the one child policy has anything to do with Chinas collective mental health? Been there lately?

Oh, and Jong, for the record, frem is a little girl and mike is a cat.


Friday, May 14, 2010 3:09 AM



Originally posted by dreamtrove:

Oh, and Jong, for the record, frem is a little girl and mike is a cat.

I'm wonderin' where that gets fun. Care to elaborate?


Friday, May 14, 2010 3:26 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by Jongsstraw:

Originally posted by Kwicko:

Saying it's a joke doesn't mean it's any less offensive or stupid a thing to say.

Thank you Miss Vanderbilt, except you've always defended it if it's a Liberal like Letterman or Mahr "joking" about raping Sarah Palin's daughter, or South Park "joking" about Palin's Down's Syndrome son. Then it's a real hoot.

Care to show me where I defended South Park doing that? Care to show me where I defended Bill Maher joking about raping underage girls?


Friday, May 14, 2010 6:48 AM


Hey now, I've only let Wendy borrow this name twice.
Damn surprised anyone caught on though, what gave it away ?

ETA: Oh, you mean the avatars.
Mine is Enma Ai, a spirit of rage and revenge, and like Lucy from Elfen Lied (the former av), an example of the very worst consequences of mistreating people when they're too young to do anything about it.

She is the main character of a series known as Hell Girl, or Jigoko Shoujo, which revolves around the horrors of that kind of revenge, and the damage it does to both ends of the transaction, and everyone around them, showcasing the social consequences of that kind of behavior.

But one thing for sure, once she has been set loose, once the string is pulled, no force in heaven, hell or earth is gonna stop her - an even more important lesson in thinking about the *consequences* of taking such actions, and what one's personal accountability IS.

Unlike the mindless drek Hollywood shovels out by the bucketful - I warn you though, for all that there's a serious factor of creepy to it.



Friday, May 14, 2010 9:44 AM


Kitty, you defended Bill mahr to rap hem he brought it up. You said mar meant to be joking about knocking Bristol up when he was talking about willow. He may have meant that, but he's a pretty crude guy. I also kinda always assumed he was gay. I don't know if it was all the affectations, or the whole dating Ann coulter thing.

I'll check it out some time. At the moment I have a ton of stuff to do. It's not all going to get done of course. Damn. I need lackeys.


Friday, May 14, 2010 10:02 AM


Freedom is Important because People are Important


I hate to get all 'Piratey' here, but is it possible that there's something in the water?

I don't mean the water specifically, but it occurred to me that China has put some odd things in odd products. Toys with date-rape drug in them, or whatnot. This, they have done to exports.

What might they do to products of internal consumption? What is their toxin disposal method for factories? What do their safety protocols and environmental hazard policies look like?

I wonder if some chemical that alters the mind might not have been used or disposed of in a product/place where the population has been impacted?


"Liberty must not be purchased at the cost of Humanity." --Captain Robert Henner

"You can lose a quark you don't girth." -Dreamtrove's words to live by, translated by Ipad


Friday, May 14, 2010 11:18 AM


Or drugs in the regimen


Friday, May 14, 2010 11:37 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by dreamtrove:
Kitty, you defended Bill mahr to rap hem he brought it up. You said mar meant to be joking about knocking Bristol up when he was talking about willow. He may have meant that, but he's a pretty crude guy. I also kinda always assumed he was gay. I don't know if it was all the affectations, or the whole dating Ann coulter thing.

I'll check it out some time. At the moment I have a ton of stuff to do. It's not all going to get done of course. Damn. I need lackeys.

I don't recall defending Bill Maher. I recall discussing David Letterman.

Could it be that y'all have your on-air personalities mixed up? Didn't Letterman apologize, like the very next day? Seems we're all still anxiously awaiting Jongsie's apology, then.

I won't hold my breath.


"I supported Bush in 2000 and 2004 and intellegence [sic] had very little to do with that decision." - Hero, Real World Event Discussions


Friday, May 14, 2010 11:45 AM


Your right,I thought it was letterman, I was assuming that raps memory was better than mine.


Friday, May 14, 2010 12:19 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by dreamtrove:
Your right,I thought it was letterman, I was assuming that raps memory was better than mine.

By the way, it wasn't Rappy, either. It was our Jongsie.

Here's the thread:

I read about 2/3 of it, and I didn't find any mention of Maher. I *DID* find Jongsie offering to rape my 14-year-old daughter, though, and calling it "good sport". Guess I'm lucky I don't have any kids with creeps like him stalking around...


"I supported Bush in 2000 and 2004 and intellegence [sic] had very little to do with that decision." - Hero, Real World Event Discussions


Friday, May 14, 2010 12:59 PM


Jong, sorry. If I open two windows, i lose stuff because the window auto refresh when you switch back to them, a detail which has to be fixed because it slows everything down a lot.

Well at least Jong didn't offer to take me in a manly fashion. Speaking of which, where is Wulfie? I have expected him to show up to defend Horowitz, seeing as they share an unusual viewpoint, thst the real racism in this country is against white males, though I'm sure that Mr. H believes that there is discrimination against Jews as well.

Not looking to air my problems here, (which i suspect is what i did that annoyed Frem before) but I think it's time to fish for help. At the moment I'm lying in bed with a rest heart rate of 120. My mom is quitting smoking, and she has this little machine, so I tried it out a few days ago, now I have it here, it hasn't gone down, its somewhat worrisome. Anyone have any ideas please pass them along.

Health gadgets are probably a should have. It totally would not have occurred to me to check my pulse rate, but the machine is not wrong, I timed it. Monday I can try to get some Valium, other than that I'm fresh out of ideas other than not work too hard and drink lots of water.


Friday, May 14, 2010 1:16 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

Concentrate on your breathing and on relaxing your muscle groups. I've had similar problems before - racing heart rate, despite low blood pressure. Try to get your breathing down to ten breaths per minute, then 8, then 6... It's VERY relaxing. And while you're doing that, look at your foot. Relax it. One. Muscle. At. A. Time. *ALL* the way relaxed. Keep going. Now your ankle. Now your calf. Slow your breathing.

Feel your heart rate slowing? You absolutely can control it quite simply. It's like zen, or meditation; it's just mental exercise aimed at willing your body to do what you say, and now you're saying, calmly, "Reeeeeeelllllllaxxxxx..."


"I supported Bush in 2000 and 2004 and intellegence [sic] had very little to do with that decision." - Hero, Real World Event Discussions


Friday, May 14, 2010 1:50 PM


Mike, thanks, I'll try it. This has been going on for four days at least, and I've tried relaxing, but not slow breathing, the sites say there's a serious o2 risk, but my moms gadget is an o2/pulse measure, so I can try that.

High pulse rate is caused by low blood pressure, not high, I also have low bp, I've had it for many years, even since a very very very near fatal car crash.

Any idea what caused yours?


Friday, May 14, 2010 6:03 PM


Forgive my intrusion, but I had ta say that twice in my life my blood pressure has fallen so much that my brain actually "rattled". Not kidding. My head just kinda turned into a large morocca and I felt and kind of heard my brain rattle. Seemed like a two second seizure...

Totally disorienting!... Anyway, continue talking amongst yourselves...






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