SWAT death squad murders 7-yr/old girl on live TV

UPDATED: Friday, May 21, 2010 07:56
VIEWED: 3447
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Tuesday, May 18, 2010 5:56 PM



Originally posted by Bytemite:
I mean, the whole point of those is showing that the Detroit police are causing more problems than they are solving, and that a number of people would actually prefer not having them, which means they think vigilantes might do a better job, which means the two options are being compared, which means the two options are comparable.

Case in point, last week, noise complaint from a site three resident, neighbors stereo.

Now, you call a cop over that, you know what you get ?

You wait a damn long time cause they don't give a shit about anything that doesn't net em glory or money, so you're talking 30-90 minute wait, right off, and a bad attitude about it when they do show up for wasting their time with such petty concerns.

Then there's that they have NO concept of being discrete, so you have this big, loud police cruiser with it's engine running in the middle of a VERY quiet and rather small residential complex, winding up folk, making them nervous, curious as to what's going on, and the rumors and gossipmongering...

Then you got some beefy steroid sucker, invariably white and disliking anyone who ain't, showing up at your doorstep with a "knock" that sounds like he's kicking in the door, alerting everyone in that building and the one beside it to his presence at your residence...

At which point he "invites" himself in, and starts grilling you, name-address-employment-record, and does a sweep for wants and warrants on YOU before ever addressing the problem, while he's doing an eyeball sweep of anything in your place he can hang you out to dry for...

(Mind you, by now your neighbors have turned off the stereo, if they wouldn't have already)

Then he goes to your neighbors apartment and does prettymuch the same thing, followed by an encouragement to keep the noise down, something guaranteed to start continuing friction rather than solve much of anything...

Then he hands you a complaint number, which'll get filed in some pile of paperwork which will no doubt never see the light of day till the mandatory requirement is up and they put it in the shredder - and leaves, with confusion, chaos and disorder in his wake, and the problem far from solved.

Realizing this, although not in such detail, the lady calls me, on my direct line, my pocket cell kept just for this purpose.

Response time, 2.5 minutes, and on her doorstep, in a VERY quiet conversation, I inform her of her options, without pushing or demanding anything, point out that I work for her, indirectly, and as such it's her decision, I will simply give her the options.

She chooses discretion, and so no official report gets made, and the complex management is informed to have a quiet word and a bit of advice about not having the stereo up against a shared wall if at all possible, and the problem seems to have resolved itself handily, without any trouble or recurrance - it being a friday night and such things happen here and there, you know ?

No blamestorm, no brawl, no chaos, just a nice, quiet sorting of events with the right people.

You're damned right most folks prefer us.



Tuesday, May 18, 2010 7:40 PM


i noticed Bill OReilly had a segment on his show tonight about a drug raid that was overkill... basically had a swat team barge in on a family that had like an ounce of weed. this is absolutely outrageous to me!!

then, later on Fox... Chuck Krauthammer comes on and says that basically, yeah, the 'war on drugs' is justified. what??? you call yourself a conservative? you claim to promote personal liberty and freedom of choice, freedom of coercion from government... and yet you endorse government coercion of behavior?

now im perfectly willing to admit that it has been republicans who have promoted the drug war, from the beginning... atleast since Nixon. but how can you maintain the facade that you care about liberty, and yet promote a policy of govt protected thugs, raiding peoples properties and throwing them in prison, for harming who??.. but themselves??? i absolutely detest such people and notions.

if you believe in liberty, act like it! quit telling people how to live!! where do these so called 'conservatives' get off telling sovereign people what to do with their own bodies?? leave that to Michelle Obama and the Dems(sugar.. salt anyone?). in a country that puts more people away for drug offenses, then all the violent crimes combined.. this is absolutely detestable!! if you are 'conservative', then act like it! and have faith that the Lord has ultimate dominion over mankind..

its enough to make me scream

i dont care if someone wants to do heroin or eat a container of butter every day! so long as they dont come crawling to me for subsidies, that ought to be the right of a free individual, in a free society. anything beyond that is unadultered authoriatarianism, and its appalling and revolting, when a person claims to uphold freedom, yet denies what another might choose to ingest..?? be consistent, for God sakes!!!.. and get with it!

my God, some people.......


Wednesday, May 19, 2010 6:53 AM


The cops are *still* persisting in the bold faced lie that the gramma jumped one of them and tried to wrestle the gun away, despite hard evidence to the contrary, and several witnesses and officers already admitting it didn't happen that way.

The video didn't show it, but witnesses from the neighborhood (along with an admission from the official reports) indicate they brought that fucking APC with them too - puttin on a show for the cameras.
(Yes, I've seen it, and it's as damning a thing as you could possibly imagine, complete with *immediate* pre-meditated coverup discussion.)

And now with this goddamn attitude, holding to a story everyone now knows is a lie, spitting in the faces of the community, grandstanding in the papers and calling the attorney and the childs family a bunch of greedy moneygrubbers for daring to sue (and I'd like to slap that prick Bing for such an inflammatory comment), trying to lionize the cop despite a previous history of complaints, prettymuch flipping the community the bird...

Do they WANT a fucking riot ?
Hell, maybe they do, nice excuse to slaughter a bunch of em in the chaos, not that it'll go that way, but goddamn, man....

Sharpton is downtown tryin to put a chill on things before they turn ugly, and Al being Al, of course he's gonna do some grandstanding and media whoring, but it's all to good purpose if it brings the community together in applying pressure on the so-called authorities without the violence and rage that's slowly but steadily building up while the police stoke the fire.

And of course, since Fieger doesn't have the vid in his possession, they can't take it from him, and there seems a concerted effort on behalf of the DPD to hunt down and "solve" that little problem, which is causing all kinds of headaches, one of them technical in nature - rumor has it they wiped the A&E tape at the scene, and the cruiser cam that was pointed in that direction had one of those mysterious malfunctions.

Yanno, when the pet rat is missing, and the snake has a big bulge in him - do we really *have* to see the act in question to realize what happened ?

Everything they've done just highlights their guilt, taking a tragic and avoidable accident sparked by bad procedure and negligence, and making it into a full on cover up and criminal conspiracy.

Well, one thing you can say about Detroit, it's easy to identify the worst crooks - they're the ones wearing badges.



Wednesday, May 19, 2010 7:16 AM


I am not wholly ignorant, but rather, merely a glib asshole. I recognize that Anarchy isn’t quite all Sex Pistols and teen angst, and now I know a bit more about it. Thank you. I’ll promptly forget it, I’m sure, and be left with the conviction that anarchy! and reflexive disdain for the system offer no solutions. The law does, however, as unglamorous as that may be. Here, if any good comes from this awful situation, or if there is any redress to be had(wrongful death suits, criminal conviction of the shooter), it will be accomplished within the hated legal system, not without it.

In case it is not clear: I am a system sucker. I’m all for decentralizing power, and that’s why I’m a system sucker. That, and I only trust law enforcement officers to carry out the law, that being their mandate and so forth. I don’t want to believe in anything, but I think I believe in the law. Laugh at me like I’m a little kid that believes in Santa, if you will. I'll laugh back.


Wednesday, May 19, 2010 8:00 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


if you believe in liberty, act like it! quit telling people how to live!! where do these so called 'conservatives' get off telling sovereign people what to do with their own bodies?? leave that to Michelle Obama and the Dems(sugar.. salt anyone?).

Some people, indeed.

Aren't these the same conservatives who also want to tell people who they can and can't marry, who they can and can't have sex with, that they have no choice at all if they get pregnant, and more?

And you're whining about Michelle Obama and "the Dems" telling people how to live?


Wednesday, May 19, 2010 12:36 PM


Mince, in answer to your argument there...

What of us then ?

Site three informs the cops they ain't welcome, brings us in, crime drops to nil, the people feel safe again, in fact safe enough that I am continually having to admonish them that we're only human and can't be everywhere at once so they do need to do their part by helping see to their own protection.

That being mostly simple stuff, keep your door and vehicle locked, don't leave the blinds wide open if you're facing the street and have valuables in plain sight, etc etc...

Our wages come in part from the rent they pay, we're part of the package, and we answer to, and are accountable to, the management and the residents of that complex, respectively.

And because we don't go all wacky with the stormtrooper toys, since we have a minimal equipment and one hand free policy, we're cheap, this place isn't high end, we're talkin incomes around $20-25k here, mind you.

I've found that in the job, the more crap you're carrying, the less of your attention is on the job, so we remove the toys - you get a flashlight, a whistle on a lanyard and the watchclock.

And no, we don't do armed, if it comes to the point where you're *needing* a weapon, you have abysmally screwed up and should just fax your resignation immediately.

Essentially, we ARE the answer to the system, when the system doesn't work.

Imma offer this, without comment, just, well... you'll see.



Thursday, May 20, 2010 2:42 AM



Originally posted by mincingbeast:

I don't get it. Animals aren't capable of forming intent! Please explain yourself more clearly.

Your right. The TV crew was at fault. The lion accidently killed and ate the gazelle.

Just another example of the Americans taking advantage of a poor confused African whose only crime was wanting to live in harmony with its fellow Africans while singing and dancing with the local talking meerkats and warthogs.


"Hero. I have come to respect you." "I am forced to agree with Hero here."- Chrisisall, 2009.


Thursday, May 20, 2010 2:53 AM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:
The irony of you calling anyone a liar when your entire job rests upon your ability to do it isn't lost on me whatever.

I didn't call anyone a liar. If the man has a video I say make copies and give them to everyone, but make sure the original goes to the police investigating this crime. If he does not have a video when he claims he did, then he's lying, if he does have it but it does not show what it claims it shows, he's lying.

Unless and until someone proves otherwise, that cop is innocent.

You rail against the injustice of the police and system all the while prejudging the case and harping on evidence that may not exist or, if it does exist, may not show what you think it does.


"Hero. I have come to respect you." "I am forced to agree with Hero here."- Chrisisall, 2009.


Thursday, May 20, 2010 3:02 AM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:
The video didn't show it...puttin on a show for the cameras.

Not much of a show. Perhaps someone had a cellphone camera? Probably not, nobody carries those things.

Maybe its the new invisible Police APC like the one my deparment uses.


"Hero. I have come to respect you." "I am forced to agree with Hero here."- Chrisisall, 2009.


Thursday, May 20, 2010 7:13 AM


That all you got, Jackboot boy ?

I did mention having seen the same clip Fieger has, did I not ?

Did you not even read the coverage, the fact that an A&E camera crew from "The First 48" was involved here ?

And the cops admitted the APC was on the scene, cause that pissant Weekly happens to be the one who drives it, something you'd also know if you stepped out of the shell of your insulated arrogance and actually did your homework, but of course, why should you when the loaded system hands you nothing but set-up slam dunks and all you have to do is stand there looking pretty ?

You know, for a prosecutor you really don't understand the value of your right to remain silent, cause it's a good way for you in particular not to look like an idiot, or did you somehow miss the fact that every time you open your mouth to me that winds up happening to you ?

Oh, and on a side note, I think Evans has lost his mind, or gone senile on us or something, cause this is just fuel to the fire, on top of everything else.



Thursday, May 20, 2010 12:38 PM


I'm thinking about the pros and cons already, surprisingly, there ARE pros.

Cons are obvious. Camera crew calls to mind the earlier accidental shooting of the seven year old. In the minds of a wounded community, that could feel almost like rubbing people's faces in what happened, even possibly endorsing it.

On the other hand, maybe what Evans is looking for is to try to broadcast himself as an example of how the police force SHOULD work, and get all the trigger happy "hollywood" bullshit out of his own people. It might also humanize the cops for people who are so upset with them.

Evans from what you say is a hardass old school cop, he doesn't need fancy explosions and yahoo, he can be character driven television.


Thursday, May 20, 2010 3:57 PM


I dunno Byte, I think he's cracked, his behavior has been noticeable erratic since the beginning of the Hutaree mess, and I believe the stress is gettin to him, I can't go into detail on that just yet...

The A&E camera crew apparently ignored the demand to wipe the footage, and the MSP has been given the footage from one camera, but the other cam operator has refused to cough it up, more on that when I know more.

Sharpton is on the scene, as is now, Jesse Jackson (whom even I dislike), a regular one-two punch, and Mike Cox, who can't be bothered to actually do his job, or really do ANYTHING but suck corporate and GOP dick on the states time and dime, all the while sabotaging everything he can reach cause his party ain't in charge of it, has the nerve to start flaming him for trying to unfuck the situation before it turns into a riot.

And that on top of that prick Bing calling the family "greedy" for wanting justice for their daughter in the only way they can make the authorities understand it, that was harsh, the man should keep his mouth shut if he's not gonna help, and THIS bit of shite was especially jarring.

Sorry, but it wasn't the CULTURE throwing a fucking flashbang, it wasn't the CULTURE driving a goddamn APC down a residential street, and it wasn't the CULTURE holding the gun that killed Aiyana!

And the people have spoken THEIR sentiment about it, just as anticipated, following the lead of the Townships.

After voting to cut $6.5 million from the Detroit Police Department budget Wednesday, and deliberating to reconsider that vote, the Detroit City Council decided to keep the cut in place today, anticipating a veto from Mayor Dave Bing.

And we'll run that veto over too, if we have to, Pugh is a good guy, man of integrity, and someone I respect - although him and Evans are fighting an uphill battle trying to clean up Detroit, yeah.



Friday, May 21, 2010 7:56 AM



It's all so damned sad, poor girl didn't have nothin to do with any of this, her only involvement was being in the wrong place, at the wrong time, and outside of her family, everyone seems bent on using that fact in one fashion or another, without any regard to her, as a person, as a human being who is no longer with us, all of us robbed of her potential company, for good, ill, or otherwise, never knowing who she might have become.

And forgetting this, well, that's an act of disrespect to her no matter who does it, and one I refuse to indulge in for any reason whatsoever.

Therefore, despite it not being related to VI's efforts in any substantial way, but simply because she deserves to be remembered as a person, a human being in her own right, she goes on the wall of the fallen today, to pointedly remind everyone of Aiyana the PERSON, rather than as an 'unfortunate incident'.

It's little enough, I know, but it means something to me.
