[quote]Outraged at the proposed building of a 9/11 Anti-Memorial Mosque right near Ground Zero, radio host and [u]Tea Party Express chairman[/u] Mark Wil..."/>


Tea Party isn't racist, no indeed...

UPDATED: Saturday, June 5, 2010 14:12
VIEWED: 7756
PAGE 4 of 6

Friday, May 28, 2010 11:57 AM



"Kane, Wulf, are you guys black?"

Yeah, wouldnt that be funny? Or just ironic if I was? WOuld that make what I say more important? Less?

Kwick you are such a racist yourself, and the worst part is you don't even see it.


Friday, May 28, 2010 12:16 PM


Freedom is Important because People are Important

"Yeah, wouldnt that be funny? Or just ironic if I was? WOuld that make what I say more important? Less?"


I'm more concerned with how your views reflect on humanity than how they reflect on any ethnic group. I constantly have to remind myself that the human race is a cauldron of infinite diversity that runs the gamut to every extreme.

Wulf often enjoys using movie clips to illustrate his points. I will transcribe a movie excerpt to illustrate Wulf's general plan to solve all ills:

Spock: *compassionately* "They're dying."

Kirk: *vehemently* "LET THEM DIE!"


"Liberty must not be purchased at the cost of Humanity." --Captain Robert Henner

"You can lose a quark you don't girth." -Dreamtrove's words to live by, translated by Ipad


Friday, May 28, 2010 1:33 PM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...


Even positive stereotypes can hurt people, because people have unrealistic expectations, or people might even resent someone out of envy or jealousy.

I've heard of Chinese and Japanese people getting beaten up in America for the perception of their being smart and taking away American manufacturing jobs. Of course, these are people who were BORN in the United States, but that logic doesn't matter to people who are angry.

Oh, SO well said, thank you!

Mike, I had to giggle; he didn't even get it, did he? Wow...and that wasn't even slightly subtle! No, Wulf, that wouldn't make what you have to say less valid...to US. If, on the other hand, you knew one of US was Black, it might make what we say less valid to YOU. The fact that you ask that shows how you think.

Wulf, he was applying YOUR definitions TO you. Try to understand:

If you believe Blacks are inferior in intelligence (which you do), then

IF you were Black, obviously you'd be of lower intelligence, according to your scale.

Given you don't show a lot of intelligence and none of us HERE is as smart, inventive or whatever as the people Mike or I could rattle off who are/were Black and made their mark on history, then doesn't that mean you must be Black?

No, wait, let's put it in simpler terms. Given your beliefs:

Blacks are less intelligent;
You exhibit less intelligence; ergo
You must be Black.

Or, in reverse:

Whites are more intelligent
Blacks have done important, intelligent things
If you're White, why haven't you?

According to what YOU believe, see, not what he or I believe. It's called hoist on your own petard. If they're less intelligent, why have they succeeded so marvelously? If Blacks are dumber, why haven't YOU succeeded marvelously, if you're White?

Ahhh, the failings of the RWA mentality. I see what was written in that book SO much among our RWAs here. It's amazing.

Maybe he doesn't get it even now, actually...remember, Mike:

They particularly had trouble figuring out that an inference or deduction was wrong. To illustrate, suppose they had gotten the following syllogism:

All fish live in the sea.
Sharks live in the sea.
Therefore, sharks are fish.

The conclusion does not follow, but high RWAs would be more likely to say the reasoning is correct than most people would. If you ask them why it seems right, they would likely tell you, “Because sharks are fish.” In other words, they thought the reasoning was sound because they agreed with the last statement. If the conclusion is right, they figure, then the reasoning must have been right. Or to put it another way, they don’t “get it” that the reasoning matters--especially on a reasoning test.

There you have it.

Wow--looking that up, by accident I discovered the author is "Dr. Bob"! He's had a fantastic internet site on mental illness for years, and has put tons of effort into providing information for people. I learned a lot from using his site as a reference to self-educate on mental illness. He just jumped up two notches in my opinion of him!

"I'm just right. Kinda like the sun rising in the east and the world being round...its not a need its just the way it is." The Delusional "Hero", 3/1/10


Friday, May 28, 2010 1:43 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by Wulfenstar:
"White men can't jump" - true to a certain extent. I can't dunk to save my life.

I can. So that myth is disproven.


"Asians are good at math" - true in my experience.

Most anyone who applies themselves and studies math becomes proficient at it, in my experience.


"Latinos like to drink"- also true to my experience.

I know very few racial groups who DON'T like to drink. Can you name any?


"Blacks are violent thugs" - again, true to my experience.

The Klan are violent thugs. Neo-Nazis are violent thugs. True, in my experience.


All of these could be considered racist and/or putting down/holding down a "people".

And every one of them can be said about any other group of people, if one's aim is to demean that group and marginalize or demonize them.


But is there truth to them? yes.

Is there truth to them when applied to much wider, more inclusive groups? "People like to drink." "People can be violent thugs." "People are good at math." All true. Your gross stereotyping of groups isn't "breaking through" to them in any way; it's using the biases you already hold and WANT to see in those groups as a basis to dismiss those groups. "Well, I'd help you out, but you Latinos like to drink, and you black folks are violent thugs, so I'm afraid I can't help you."


So, when you recognize the truth, instead of calling raciss and ending the discussion, why not work to fix these steretypes?

Or at least make these stereotypes less common?

(Except for the being good at Math part...)

By making it less likely to be able to easily prove a steretype, you also end the "raciss" aspect of it.

You cite stereotypes to reinforce our own biases, not to end the racism of them. You use stereotypes to JUSTIFY your racism.


"I supported Bush in 2000 and 2004 and intellegence [sic] had very little to do with that decision." - Hero, Real World Event Discussions


Friday, May 28, 2010 1:51 PM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

I'm learning so much!

I guess Kirk Hinrich is Black...damn, I never knew that!

Let's see: I'm great at English, lousey at math, which I don't like. Choey is fantastic at math, hated English and hasn't half the vocabulary I do. What race does that make each of us?

I thought it was Native Americans who liked to drink? Or no, wait, wasn't it the Irish? I must have gotten that one wrong too. Damn.

And, stupidly, I thought the Klan and Neo-Nazis were vicious thugs. Now I'm told it's only Blacks...wow.

"I'm just right. Kinda like the sun rising in the east and the world being round...its not a need its just the way it is." The Delusional "Hero", 3/1/10


Friday, May 28, 2010 1:58 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by Wulfenstar:
"Kane, Wulf, are you guys black?"

Yeah, wouldnt that be funny? Or just ironic if I was? WOuld that make what I say more important? Less?

Kwick you are such a racist yourself, and the worst part is you don't even see it.

OF COURSE I see it. I have my prejudices. I know this. I try to confront them at every turn. A person much smarter than I once asked me a very important question when I said something really stupid: "Why do you think that?" It has come in quite handy throughout my life.

Unfortunately, we all seem to have our prejudices and biases. What's important is to confront them, question them, fight them, and examine them and cast them aside and move forward toward a more enlightened existence, hopefully.

MY prejudices should be MY problem; I should not inflict them on those who I am prejudiced against, who haven't earned my prejudice. Nothing is so fragile and useless as an unexamined, deeply held belief, never questioned nor contemplated.

Someone famous probably said that first; if they didn't, credit it to me and put in on my tombstone, under "Magnificent Bastard".

Now, as to your question...


Yeah, wouldnt that be funny? Or just ironic if I was? WOuld that make what I say more important? Less?

Funny? No. Sad? Yes. Ironic? No. Sad? Yes.

More important? No. Less? No. AS important? Yes.


"I supported Bush in 2000 and 2004 and intellegence [sic] had very little to do with that decision." - Hero, Real World Event Discussions


Friday, May 28, 2010 3:50 PM


I think it's ironic how when someone does suggest a solution his punk ass is instantly dismissing or decrying it, it's such a wonderfully handy excuse to do absolutely fucking nothing, all the while blaming the very problems he himself is a primary contributor to.

But then, that's only to be expected of someone who wussed out when they realized it would take actual work to start solving problems even in their own community - so how can anyone expect different now, and if you do pin him down in spite of the weasel waffling he does to justify his hate, he'll just go cower under a rock for a while and sleaze back later with the same old shite.

I *did* however feel the need to mention the vo-tech thing, which is a technical variation on the sudbury educational model, and has always worked quite well.

And yes, I *did* make weapons, even though by that time no one bothered me and the school in question wasn't in that kinda neighborhood, but so what of it, I learned how to use the machines to build stuff, regardless of what the stuff was, and that was the entire point of it, learn how to use tools to create - WHAT you create, initially, is far less important, and frankly, if you turn out a right nice quality blade, you done good - you built a tool that helped you immediately improve your environment, did you not ?

Greg's lamp bong was also a wonderful exercise in dual-use creativity, it was a pretty lamp, with a hidden bong in it, effective for decoration, illumination, and..ahem.. inspiration, as well.

Instead of demeaning the use the talents are put to, laud them for learning the talents!

One of the kids from metalshop, he made a really nice spring pin, magazine fired zip-gun, although in truth it was closer to a hand cocked pistol, and eventually went into gunsmithing as a business.

Anyhow, I now return you to your futile attempt to educate the Kowardly Klansman, good luck with that.



Friday, May 28, 2010 4:28 PM


I have nothing to say to this debate with wulf, I just wanted to comment on the subject line.

There is racism in the tea party. I don't see why this makes it different from the democratic or republican parties. Anyone who has been to Hillaryis44.com knows that the was more racism spewed by democrats in the '08 election season than the rest of the political spectrum put together, though in fairness, that's where white people had a black guy competing for their job, and they might behave like this regardless of their stripe.

I know several tea partiers, and they're all incredibly proressive, and not at all like wulf, but they would probably vote for the same candidates as wulf. They support Ron Paul, Jesse Ventura, and the host of standard silent majority and libertarian reformers.

No one really supports Rand Paul, and the main gripe is one not mentioned here I think, but the main complain I hear is an opposition to dynastic politics. This image is precisely the image of govt. That they are fighting against. To many of them, Obama isn't even Obama, he's clinton, bush was bush, sr., etc. Nonetheless, they would vote for rand Paul if they were in KY, because they would rather have him than a run of the mill politician. If the democrats were to put up a major fight the power liberal or democrat like bernie sanders or Russ feingold, they would probably have a better chance.

Overall, I've reviewed the situation and decided for the moment that I think the tea party is the closest were going to get to real reform. I don't agree with it, or support it, but it's not the Antichrist, and it's not worse than standard democrat or republican. They will probably be an ally in fighting the powers that be, even when they themselves are compromised by it.

All of that said, there are some disturbing things going on, particularly with those trying to lead the tea party and call it their own. Check out Glenn Beck making fun of Malia Obama, it's pretty sick. I suspect he should seek help at the newest mental clinic or drug rehab. I expect more disturbing stuff until there's a real leadership, after which, I think we'll get a less disturbing movement which sucks more because it has corrupt leadership. C'est la vie.


Friday, May 28, 2010 4:46 PM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by dreamtrove: Check out Glenn Beck making fun of Malia Obama, it's pretty sick. I suspect he should seek help at the newest mental clinic or drug rehab. I expect more disturbing stuff until there's a real leadership, after which, I think we'll get a less disturbing movement which sucks more because it has corrupt leadership. C'est la vie.

You'll criticize Glenn Beck for making fun of the Prez for interjecting his own daughter in a press conference, yet give the President himself a pass ?

This could not have anything less to do w/ the Tea Party or feigned racism, and everything to do w/ the most egregious and fabricated of " awwww, that's so cute " moments in a time of utmost global crisis..... the destruction of our environment, and the shielding of one's political career, all for purely partisan purposes.

Bones: "Don't 'rawr' her!"
Booth: "What? she'rawred' me first."


Friday, May 28, 2010 5:23 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by Wulfenstar:
"I think vocational education would be a better idea, in that it would be a START, and give students jobs they could work at virtually immediately.."

Again, nice idea but not workable.

You really don't understnad the magnitude of the problem.

Granted, open up shop class and some will learn to make birdhouses.

The rest will make spikes.

Wulfie, do you ever try to apply your logic and standards to other issues, ones that are closer to your heart?

You're saying we absolutely shouldn't try to help or educate anyone, because some will use that against us.

Can't I use that exact same argument to show why we shouldn't allow guns to be owned by citizens? Surely some will use them for good - but the rest will use them as weapons!

Really. Think before you speak.

And don't hand me any of your constitutional bullshit, because you don't give two fucks about anything that's in the Constitution, except when it's convenient for you to do so.

Further, those "the rest" that will make spikes? So what? I thought you WANTED everybody to have the tools to defend themselves! Were you lying when you said that? Or are you lying now?


On this matter, make no mistake. I want you to go fuck yourself long and hard, as well as anyone who agrees with you. I got no use for you. --Auraptor

This vile and revolting malice - this is their true colors, always has been, you're just seeing it without the mask of justifications and excuses they hide it behind, is all. Make sure to remember it once they put the mask back on. --Fremdfirma


Friday, May 28, 2010 5:28 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


You'll criticize Glenn Beck for making fun of the Prez for interjecting his own daughter in a press conference...

Yes. Because GlenBeck *just this week* decried a reporter for "stalking" Sarah Palin's kids, saying that you NEVER mention the kids, and that he would never do so, not to Sasha and Melia, not to Chelsea, not to ANYBODY's kids.

Which is pure horseshit, because he's always done this kind of shit, and he's doing it again.


On this matter, make no mistake. I want you to go fuck yourself long and hard, as well as anyone who agrees with you. I got no use for you. --Auraptor

This vile and revolting malice - this is their true colors, always has been, you're just seeing it without the mask of justifications and excuses they hide it behind, is all. Make sure to remember it once they put the mask back on. --Fremdfirma


Friday, May 28, 2010 5:31 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by Niki2:I'm learning so much!

I guess Kirk Hinrich is Black...damn, I never knew that!

Let's see: I'm great at English, lousey at math, which I don't like. Choey is fantastic at math, hated English and hasn't half the vocabulary I do. What race does that make each of us?

I thought it was Native Americans who liked to drink? Or no, wait, wasn't it the Irish? I must have gotten that one wrong too. Damn.

And, stupidly, I thought the Klan and Neo-Nazis were vicious thugs. Now I'm told it's only Blacks...wow.

Nope, Niki - you missed it. Earlier this week, it was proclaimed that the Nazis were all gay. So that makes white supremacists like Wulfie and Kaneman totally gay, and apparently now they're going to infect soldiers with their AIDS, according to the right-wingers.


On this matter, make no mistake. I want you to go fuck yourself long and hard, as well as anyone who agrees with you. I got no use for you. --Auraptor

This vile and revolting malice - this is their true colors, always has been, you're just seeing it without the mask of justifications and excuses they hide it behind, is all. Make sure to remember it once they put the mask back on. --Fremdfirma


Friday, May 28, 2010 5:39 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by AnthonyT:
"Your plan, no offense, does nothing. It is a wasted effort without the community and culture behind it."


You keep suggesting my plan is supposed to create change in and of itself. It's not. It's supposed to gather total holistic information about what works and what doesn't. I don't think a large-scale, comprehensive, holistic approach towards understanding the problems of education has ever been attempted. We keep implementing one solution after another, sometimes on a large scale, without ever completely understanding the elements of the problem.

By contrast, we can look at your plan, Wulf. Nothing. Literally nothing. I'm not sure what that means, exactly. Shut down the education system in underperforming areas? What do you mean by your plan to do nothing?

Anthony, you give me hope for this crazy old world sometimes. I've been trying to point out for years that most major problems don't have *A* solution; there's not that one big thing that you can do that will magically fix everything that's wrong with that particular area. You have a thousand tiny solutions, and you implement them all, and you see what's working and what isn't, and you adjust and try some more, and you keep at it. We've been hamstrung by the sound bite, the idea that one thing will change everything in a school, an ocean, a financial system, a war, or an election. One thing, one man, can't change anything; but everything, every man (and woman, and child), when working together, can change anything, can DO anything. There's no limit to what we can do.


Friday, May 28, 2010 5:40 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by Kwicko:

Originally posted by Wulfenstar:
So Nix,

whats your solution then?

No more throwing money at it, no more blaming whitey, no more allowing for things to continue the way they are.

Whats your solution?

and please dont take the "education is key" way out either.

Tho it might be, its a refuge for people who want to wash their hands of the problem and get out of the conversation.

Now you are in it, answer. Whats the solution?

What's YOUR solution, Wulfie? You've offered nothing at all. You just want to say, "Yup, they're just inferior, that's all." and wash your hands of it and walk away. You're in it, too. Answer; what's the solution?


"I supported Bush in 2000 and 2004 and intellegence [sic] had very little to do with that decision." - Hero, Real World Event Discussions

C'mon, Wulfie - what's your solution? What have you got? You gave Anthony 16 minutes; I've given you HOURS.

Why can't you answer?


Friday, May 28, 2010 5:48 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Link to Beck making fun of an 11-year-old girl.

No wonder Rappy likes him.


Friday, May 28, 2010 5:56 PM



For Christ sake.

Politicians do the kid thing all the time. Listen to the Glenn beck thing, it's deeply disturbed. Not only is it leaning towards racist, and just generally very very creepy, it goes on way past the one line it was good for towards being deep seeded mental illness with a pretty severe drudge addiction on top. This is completely uncalled for. It's enough to make me, a person who was not inclined to dislike Beck, someone who I find to be more rational than most, to move straight into not only not liking him, but not actually wanting to know or associate with him. I would expect in a normal world for it to directly precede his resignation wer it not for his four million listeners, which neither fox nor the syndicate will give up on.

Still, everyone should recognize when someone on their side is being genuinely creepy.

If you want to win an argument, the first thing you have to to is to make people want to be on your sued, meaning that your side is something somewhere that would make people want to be on it. That would mean that you would have to be someone they would want to associate with, not someone they might call the cops on.

Obama is a very likable guy. He comes across as someone you'd want to know. He makes me want to like him, and I do, like him. Unfortunately for him, that doesn't make me like his policies. But, hey, it's a start. He has gotten me to listen to his world view. I actually think the republican who presents best to the public at the moment might be Michael Steele. Not because he's also black, I just think it's true. The man is very even handed and level headed.

The right needs more of that. Sure there's room for off the wall emotional outpouring like beck, but if that's his idea of comedy, then forget it. I've long thought the right needed a Jon stewart or even a Steven colbert, but he has to present well, and actually be funny, and not at all creepy.

Oh, and to show it's personal, and not political, you know who presents better than beck to the public? Bill O'Reilly.

Yes, people on the left like him fine, even though he's all the way on the right. Perhaps that's because he acts human.


Friday, May 28, 2010 7:09 PM


Pffth, I leave folks kids out of it, as I recall I made specific point in not jumpin on Palins kid over carryin one of mommys ultra expensive designer bags - kid looked happy, mommy paid for it, not my problem, nor my biz.

And that said, JUST to wind up Wulfie, cause, well, he's wound up everyone else enough...

I'm sure PN will find it amusing too.



Saturday, May 29, 2010 6:53 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

I'm glad I missed the Glenn Beck thing--his apology was put up in another thread, and just the partial description of the "skit" sickened me sufficiently not to want to hear more. I've seen enough of Beck to extrapolate...tho' from what I read, maybe even MY imagination would have failed me.

And yes, the hypocricy is specifically because he bitched about Palin's kids being "stalked"--which isn't true; while the reporter is going beyond reasonable grounds to rent a place near them, in my opinion, it doesn't constitute "stalking", which charge would naturally be expected, given Palin and Beck.

To say at one point that one should leave the kids out of it, then immediately afterwards say things which are, as far as I know, the single WORST example of putting the "kid" right in the middle, is inexcusable. Of course, few expect anything different from Beck, but apparently it hit a nerve somewhere along the line to force him to apologize.

And no, because I know it's coming; Letterman's cracks do NOT compare. He was speaking of Palin's older daughter, who DID get pregnant out of wedlock so there is at least SOME basis behind the joke, which was certainly beyond the pale nonetheless. What little I've read about what Beck did is waaaay beyond that! Letterman only comes in a distant second.

As to Obama "using" his daughter to get an "awww", it's only someone of such RWA mentality who would try to maximize that, considering Palin trotted out the entire family on stage again and again, INCLUDING a tiny baby who surely shouldn't have been subjected to that. Obama kept his kids out almost entirely during the campaign and since (except when the media catches them outside the White House playing with their dog, etc.); Palin used her family at every opportunity.

Mike, no, I didn't miss that absurdity. I was responding directly to the claims made. The Gay Nazi thing would have been one more, but it both didn't relate to the original post, and would have extrapolated that they're Nazis, which I don't believe. I figured there were already enough to make my snarking point. By the way, it wasn't put forth that ALL Nazis were gay, just the "special forces" Hitler supposedly surrounded himselves with. Tho' I'm sure if the speaker thought he'd have been believed by claiming they all were, he's have used that...

"I'm just right. Kinda like the sun rising in the east and the world being round...its not a need its just the way it is." The Delusional "Hero", 3/1/10


Saturday, May 29, 2010 7:04 AM


Frem: They're also members of the spongebob squarepants fan club!

XD XD XD laughing too hard, ow. Fantastic picture, sheer genius.


Sunday, May 30, 2010 7:21 AM



Originally posted by Kwicko:
Kane, Wulf, are you guys black? Because if you are, that might confirm your theory. You two seem to be two of the most unintelligent posters here. By your rationale, wouldn't that make you black?

Either of you guys architects, engineers, doctors, inventors, teachers, astronomers, composers, mathematicians, anything like that? Either of you?

If not, then why are you such miserable failures? I mean, how else can you explain the fact that I can rattle off the names of famous black people in each of those fields? If they're so inferior to you, why have you not risen above them? Shouldn't you be deeply shamed by your failure and wasted potential?

What the fuck are you talking about? I am no failure by any measurement. However, I know hundreds of black failures. Blacks can't even keep their streets clean. That's their fault. Not me being a racist...and they smell bad.


Sunday, May 30, 2010 7:43 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Naw, not racist...not YOU!

To our President: “Mr. President, you're a god damn, mother fucking liar. Fuck you, you cock sucking community activist piece of shit.... oh, go fuck yourself, Mr. President” ...Raptor

To Anthony, unquestionably the most civil person on this forum: “Go fuck yourself. On this matter, make no mistake. I want you to go fuck yourself long and hard, as well as anyone who agrees with you. I got no use for you. ...Raptor

To Frem: “You miserable piece of shit.” ...Raptor

...so much for "togetherness"...this, instead, weakens us...


Sunday, May 30, 2010 3:42 PM


cries of 'racism' are the last vestige of defense for intellectual cowards who cannot defend their philosophy on merit.

i wonder how many people on the left, if polled, would admit to believing that they have a greater claim on the decisions of another individual, then that indivual him/herself?

you know what thats called? slavery. forcing someone to do something against their will. ill skip that the democrat party is the party of segregation.. since its too easy to argue

i bet none of you liberals bashing the tea party have ever even BEEN to a tea party event.

hmm.. now what was the last leftist event i was at? oh right, it was an illegal immigrant rally! i think La Raza(meaning 'the Race') organized it. they were calling Americans racists, bigotts, and demanding their land back( along with housing, schools and healthcare). funny how the template never changes....

i dont see people in groups- as far as im concerned, every human being is an INDIVIDUAL. unlike the democrat party, i dont break people down into classes or groups: african-americans, latinos, gays, women, athiests, poor, rich(evil 'white males'). people are individuals to me, not voting blocks, not segments of society to villainize or victimize


Sunday, May 30, 2010 3:51 PM



I think your post iz internally inconsistent, but I basically agree with your first point. It's a weak argument typically MADD by people who are afraid.

Or made, not mothers against drunk driving.

Remind me to write an app for that.


Sunday, May 30, 2010 4:08 PM


fair. well explain why my point is inconsistent.. maybe i can attempt to clarify for you

calling members of the tea party 'racists', is like me calling all hippies of the 60's anti-americans. were there some among them? sure. does that marginalize the message of the entire movement? hardly

however, i do think its valid to point out that philosophically, the Democrat party has been the party of 'racism', since it is they who choose to compartmentalize of divide people into superficial groups, which they then cater to directly with special legislation ie affirmative action


Sunday, May 30, 2010 4:40 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by sockpuppet:

I think your post iz internally inconsistent, but I basically agree with your first point. It's a weak argument typically MADD by people who are afraid.

Or made, not mothers against drunk driving.

Remind me to write an app for that.

Peek-a-boo, I see you. ;)


Sunday, May 30, 2010 4:42 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by antimason:
cries of 'racism' are the last vestige of defense for intellectual cowards who cannot defend their philosophy on merit.

i wonder how many people on the left, if polled, would admit to believing that they have a greater claim on the decisions of another individual, then that indivual him/herself?

you know what thats called? slavery. forcing someone to do something against their will. ill skip that the democrat party is the party of segregation.. since its too easy to argue

i bet none of you liberals bashing the tea party have ever even BEEN to a tea party event.

hmm.. now what was the last leftist event i was at? oh right, it was an illegal immigrant rally! i think La Raza(meaning 'the Race') organized it. they were calling Americans racists, bigotts, and demanding their land back( along with housing, schools and healthcare). funny how the template never changes....

i dont see people in groups- as far as im concerned, every human being is an INDIVIDUAL. unlike the democrat party, i dont break people down into classes or groups: african-americans, latinos, gays, women, athiests, poor, rich(evil 'white males'). people are individuals to me, not voting blocks, not segments of society to villainize or victimize

You don't see people in groups, except for all the "liberals" you grouped together, and all the "La Raza illegal immigrants" you grouped together (did you check their papers, or do you just assume all Hispanics are illegal?)...


On this matter, make no mistake. I want you to go fuck yourself long and hard, as well as anyone who agrees with you. I got no use for you. --Auraptor

This vile and revolting malice - this is their true colors, always has been, you're just seeing it without the mask of justifications and excuses they hide it behind, is all. Make sure to remember it once they put the mask back on. --Fremdfirma


Sunday, May 30, 2010 5:19 PM


Freedom is Important because People are Important

"calling members of the tea party 'racists', is like me calling all hippies of the 60's anti-americans. were there some among them? sure. does that marginalize the message of the entire movement? hardly."


I stopped attending Tea Party gatherings because the people delivering the message were delivering an increasingly divisive one.

The tone of these things has changed a great deal since Ron Paul stopped campaigning for President.

I miss his rEVOLution movement that put Love at the center of everything. It was a kinder, gentler gathering back then. It was a movement that you could be proud to take part in. You didn't feel great swells of shame as someone riled people up with hate.


"On this matter, make no mistake. I want you to go fuck yourself long and hard, as well as anyone who agrees with you. I got no use for you." --Auraptor

"This vile and revolting malice - this is their true colors, always has been, you're just seeing it without the mask of justifications and excuses they hide it behind, is all. Make sure to remember it once they put the mask back on." --Fremdfirma


Sunday, May 30, 2010 5:26 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by kaneman:

Originally posted by Kwicko:
Kane, Wulf, are you guys black? Because if you are, that might confirm your theory. You two seem to be two of the most unintelligent posters here. By your rationale, wouldn't that make you black?

Either of you guys architects, engineers, doctors, inventors, teachers, astronomers, composers, mathematicians, anything like that? Either of you?

If not, then why are you such miserable failures? I mean, how else can you explain the fact that I can rattle off the names of famous black people in each of those fields? If they're so inferior to you, why have you not risen above them? Shouldn't you be deeply shamed by your failure and wasted potential?

What the fuck are you talking about? I am no failure by any measurement. However, I know hundreds of black failures. Blacks can't even keep their streets clean. That's their fault. Not me being a racist...and they smell bad.

So you're saying you keep the streets clean? You're a street sweeper? Hardly a job that proves your "superiority" to any black person. Plus I bet it leaves you smelling pretty bad.


On this matter, make no mistake. I want you to go fuck yourself long and hard, as well as anyone who agrees with you. I got no use for you. --Auraptor

This vile and revolting malice - this is their true colors, always has been, you're just seeing it without the mask of justifications and excuses they hide it behind, is all. Make sure to remember it once they put the mask back on. --Fremdfirma


Sunday, May 30, 2010 5:37 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by antimason:
fair. well explain why my point is inconsistent.. maybe i can attempt to clarify for you

calling members of the tea party 'racists', is like me calling all hippies of the 60's anti-americans. were there some among them? sure. does that marginalize the message of the entire movement? hardly

Many, many, many millions of "conservatives" and "libertarians" have called those "hippies" anti-American and worse, and it's still being done today by people just like you and Wulfie here. Don't wanna be lumped in with the worst examples of your group? Stop doing it to others. You've done it to me pretty consistently, assigning me many positions I've never held or endorsed.

So why are you complaining about others doing to you what you have done so regularly to them?


however, i do think its valid to point out that philosophically, the Democrat party has been the party of 'racism', since it is they who choose to compartmentalize of divide people into superficial groups, which they then cater to directly with special legislation ie affirmative action

Yeah, there you go again, grouping a whole party into your convenient little compartments, and then labeling them all as racists, which you JUST said was the last refuge of not having any argument.


cries of 'racism' are the last vestige of defense for intellectual cowards who cannot defend their philosophy on merit.

So now you admit to being an intellectual coward, huh? Or do you mean that to apply to everyone BUT you?

You're only consistent in your utter lack of consistency. You really should take some time and see if you can untangle that lump of spaghetti you call your mind. Your positions are all wonky.


On this matter, make no mistake. I want you to go fuck yourself long and hard, as well as anyone who agrees with you. I got no use for you. --Auraptor

This vile and revolting malice - this is their true colors, always has been, you're just seeing it without the mask of justifications and excuses they hide it behind, is all. Make sure to remember it once they put the mask back on. --Fremdfirma


Sunday, May 30, 2010 9:58 PM



Originally posted by antimason:
cries of 'racism' are the last vestige of defense for intellectual cowards who cannot defend their philosophy on merit.

Bullshit, you don't go citing Stormfront, Turner and Klan diatribes to me and then try to pretend your not a fucking racist, it is what it is, and being called on it pisses you and your hateful little buddies off, is all.
Or did you not realize that "more reasonable than a foaming rabid maniac" isn't exactly all that reasonable when you started trying to slip the mask back on the vile true face of modern "conservatism" ?

i wonder how many people on the left, if polled, would admit to believing that they have a greater claim on the decisions of another individual, then that indivual him/herself?

As an anarchist I do resent bein called a leftist every bit as much as I do a rightwingnut, neither term applies, and additionally, self determination is prettymuch what the core of anarchism is about.
You do NOT fool me, here - this is pure projection, trying to shell game around pretending that YOU know best for them as well, and they don't, just because modern liberalism pushes an agenda (and one I don't care for) doesn't absolve modern conservatism of pushing one, especially since neither damn side ever wants to cut the leash, just change which hand holds it, so stop pretending otherwise.

you know what thats called? slavery. forcing someone to do something against their will. ill skip that the democrat party is the party of segregation.. since its too easy to argue

Oh no, let's go there, LET'S...

Like how the republican party used it as an EXCUSE to destroy the entire idea of "consent of the governed" reducing this great nation to rule of the gun, in essence making us *ALL* slaves, tax-feeders for their imperial supergovernment engine and it's goddamn war machine, and who's the first poor damn fools sent in as cannon fodder, I ask you ?

The democrats may have been punks, but you don't get to plead that case to someone who knows enough history to call bullshit on it, cause those same republican slime who were decrying "slavery" were also practicing gunpoint conscription, so it wasn't slavery they were ever against, it was the idea of someone OTHER THAN THEM doing it.

So your precious fucking republicans, and their masked shills like Barr pretending to be libertarians, are not the shining beacons of freedom you're trying to hold them up as, and they never were.

i bet none of you liberals bashing the tea party have ever even BEEN to a tea party event.

Now that's too easy - the last one I checked into was over in Ann Arbor, and more than half the members were some homeowners/community org concerned about how to keep "those people" (i.e. people darker than them) out of "their" neighborhood, citing a whole bunch of the typical bullshit, racist reasons I'm sure you will immediately try to justify while preaching that there's nothing wrong with Redlining either.

I sarcastically suggested hanging a dummy from a rope at the entrance to the community (they had no idea who I was) and they not only took it seriously, they thought the idea had merit!


hmm.. now what was the last leftist event i was at? oh right, it was an illegal immigrant rally! i think La Raza(meaning 'the Race') organized it. they were calling Americans racists, bigotts, and demanding their land back( along with housing, schools and healthcare). funny how the template never changes....

Uh huh, I smell manure coming off that, cause I don't think your attitude woulda lasted five minutes - but go ahead, tell us all about how (race of the week) is lazy, shiftless, greedy, hateful... and then rail about how not-racist you are, sure...

Wanna sell us a bridge next ?

i dont see people in groups- as far as im concerned, every human being is an INDIVIDUAL. unlike the democrat party, i dont break people down into classes or groups: african-americans, latinos, gays, women, athiests, poor, rich(evil 'white males'). people are individuals to me, not voting blocks, not segments of society to villainize or victimize

Uh huh, you SPOUT it, but you don't believe it, and it shows, like a bad used car salesmans tired old threadbare rap as he halfheartedly tries to sell you some jalopy, it's but a tattered rag trying desperately to hide the white robe, isn't it now ?

Face it, once folks have seen you and yours with the mask off, it's never going to fool em again.




Monday, May 31, 2010 2:48 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by AnthonyT:

The tone of these things has changed a great deal since Ron Paul stopped campaigning for President.

I miss his rEVOLution movement that put Love at the center of everything. It was a kinder, gentler gathering back then. It was a movement that you could be proud to take part in. You didn't feel great swells of shame as someone riled people up with hate.


No kidding, Anthony. There was a period of time there when, whacky as I might have thought Ron Paul could be, there definitely WAS a feeling of "Hope" and "Change" emanating from his campaign, and it honestly felt like a place where disaffected voters from both the left AND the right could find a rational refuge. Now that whole movement seems to have been taken over by the war-hawking neo-cons, and has become a refuge from rationality. And people like anti here, and his buddy Wulfie, are the movement's own worst spokespeople and enemy.

I actually enjoy discussing issues with rational libertarians like you and SergeantX and a few others. More of the Ron Paul branch of libertarianism would be welcomed, instead of this new strain of neo-libertarianism rooted firmly in the neo-con agenda.


On this matter, make no mistake. I want you to go fuck yourself long and hard, as well as anyone who agrees with you. I got no use for you. --Auraptor

This vile and revolting malice - this is their true colors, always has been, you're just seeing it without the mask of justifications and excuses they hide it behind, is all. Make sure to remember it once they put the mask back on. --Fremdfirma


Monday, May 31, 2010 4:14 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by Kwicko:

You'll criticize Glenn Beck for making fun of the Prez for interjecting his own daughter in a press conference...

Yes. Because GlenBeck *just this week* decried a reporter for "stalking" Sarah Palin's kids, saying that you NEVER mention the kids, and that he would never do so, not to Sasha and Melia, not to Chelsea, not to ANYBODY's kids.

Which is pure horseshit, because he's always done this kind of shit, and he's doing it again.


Only Beck NEVER has done this, and only made the comment about Maliah A F T E R Obama shamelessly interjected her into a press conference in which had zero to do w/ her or their private views. OBAMA did this, no one else.

Bones: "Don't 'rawr' her!"
Booth: "What? she'rawred' me first."


Monday, May 31, 2010 4:36 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

Yes, Sarah Palin has N E V E R put her kids out on the stage for political gain, and she would N E V E R use them as political props.

Sure she wouldn't.

Hell, she'd hide behind them and let them take a bullet if she got the chance.

You're saying that once a candidate mentions their kids, or brings them up onstage, the kids are fair game, right? That IS what you're saying here.


On this matter, make no mistake. I want you to go fuck yourself long and hard, as well as anyone who agrees with you. I got no use for you. --Auraptor

This vile and revolting malice - this is their true colors, always has been, you're just seeing it without the mask of justifications and excuses they hide it behind, is all. Make sure to remember it once they put the mask back on. --Fremdfirma


Monday, May 31, 2010 8:07 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...


cries of 'racism' are the last vestige of defense for intellectual cowards who cannot defend their philosophy on merit.

Hysterical. Of course, citing racism where it actually EXISTS as proven by fact never, ever happens, and calling out someone who by their very words is racist is only a coward's argument (see the quotes from the beginning of this thread for what I mean).

In actuality, cries of 'using racism' and people who claim "cries of 'racism', are the last vestige of defense for intellectual cowards who cannot defend their philosophy on merit" are the easily-grabbed defenses of people who don't want to admit they or others are racist and rationalize away their cohorts of their racist actions/words.

Sockpuppet (go back to your own personna, purty please?) and the others are right; your argument is totally contradictory, fine example of RWA mentality: you claim you see people as individuals, yet happily lump "liberals" together several times.

wonder how many people on the left, if polled, would admit to believing that they have a greater claim on the decisions of another individual, then that indivual him/herself?
I'm a liberal, and no, I don't, at all. I believe in personal responsibility for MYSELF; I also recognize there are many, many people who don't, and tho' I would not personally decide anything for anyone else, I recognize that our government is there to TRY and protect the rights of all citizens. Which of course you'll view as the above, even tho' it's false.

calling members of the tea party 'racists', is like me calling all hippies of the 60's anti-americans. were there some among them? sure. does that marginalize the message of the entire movement? hardly
Absolutely valid. However, given I’ve shown examples of the HEADS of the “Tea Party” movement displaying actual racism, and the applause their remarks gain from Tea Partiers at Tea Party events, as well as the fact that there are DAMNED few colors of skin beyond Caucasian at ANY Tea Party event, is a different matter entirely. The HEADS of the Black Panthers, for example, clearly show their agenda and their hatred; ergo, yes, I will label them for what they were. I don’t believe all Tea Partiers are racist, but if the leaders of a group expound a philosophy, it is fair to believe that is indicative of a large part of that group.

I don’t say “all Republicans” or “all Conservatives” are racist, but numerous LEADERS of the TEA PARTY have shown distinct, undeniable racism, and their followers applaud those statements. That speaks to me.

I also recognize that

the Democrat party has been the party of 'racism', since it is they who choose to compartmentalize of divide people into superficial groups, which they then cater to directly with special legislation ie affirmative action
is a skewed view showing you are incapable of recognizing that, in order to TRY protect the equality of all, some legislation attempts to excoriate the more problematic of a society which insists on racism as their right. How you can deny that in the face of physical actions by people (who would most often declare themselves Republicans) in not only limiting the freedoms of others, but doing them actual physical harm, some authority should attempt to eradicate this, shows your concrete thinking. Which I realize nobody can ever help you to recognize.

Anthony pegs my feelings on the matter.

Oh, Crappy, you are SO determined to find an excuse to blame Obama it’s beyond pathetic. Palin used her entire family a as many events as she could. After her daughter spoke up about abstinence, she made sure the comment was refuted—we’ll never know how, but we can guess. AFTER that, Letterman made a bad joke about her pregnant-out-of-wedlock daughter, for which he was demonized. Ergo by your “reasoning”, Letterman had no guilt in making the remark because he did so AFTER Sarahcuda had used her children shamelessly on stage (which made them public figures, by the way).

Obama made ONE remark about his daughter, which remark Glen Beck used to disparage the intelligence of his children and do a hideous skit which smacked of so many negative things everyone recognized it, but he did it AFTER Obama made his remark. Ergo that excuses it, by your "reasoning".

To rant one day about "leave the families alone", then follow it a couple of days later with the most disgusting USE of another's family is blatantly, undeniably hypocrisy, end of story.

Your reasoning is abysmal. To even compare Obama’s one remark (and he didn’t have his daughter on stage to beam and show her off, as Palin did, is abhorrent and speaks of someone so locked into hatred of Obama that no reasoning, no facts, will ever dent it.

Aside from which, I think you just write the things you do to get attention and cause controversy, proving what you write the bullshit it is.

To our President: “Mr. President, you're a god damn, mother fucking liar. Fuck you, you cock sucking community activist piece of shit.... oh, go fuck yourself, Mr. President” ...Raptor

To Anthony, unquestionably the most civil person on this forum: “Go fuck yourself. On this matter, make no mistake. I want you to go fuck yourself long and hard, as well as anyone who agrees with you. I got no use for you. ...Raptor

To Frem: “You miserable piece of shit.” ...Raptor

...so much for "togetherness"...this, instead, weakens us...


Monday, May 31, 2010 8:15 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

So, Rappy, shall we all join in and make fun of Palin's retarded kid, since she's made so many remarks about him? I mean, according to you, that means the kid's fair game, right?


Monday, May 31, 2010 1:53 PM


whats that Anarchist? sorry i didnt quite catch all that.. something about life being so terrible, everything wrong and unjust. you know.. you may as well just practice what you preach and run along.. live in the wild somewhere- detached from society. its going to be awhile untill all government worldwide break down and people learn to fend for themselves. oh and dont forget your laptop, made possible by American capitalism. id hate to miss your bitching about American society

Niki, Kwicko..

being lectured by you two marxists about individual liberty and self responsibility has got to be the epitomy of irony. its laughable. give me the lecture about personal responsibility, while in the same breathe defending socialized medicine. ive been waiting for that one..


Monday, May 31, 2010 6:53 PM



Originally posted by Kwicko:

Originally posted by kaneman:

Originally posted by Kwicko:
Kane, Wulf, are you guys black? Because if you are, that might confirm your theory. You two seem to be two of the most unintelligent posters here. By your rationale, wouldn't that make you black?

Either of you guys architects, engineers, doctors, inventors, teachers, astronomers, composers, mathematicians, anything like that? Either of you?

If not, then why are you such miserable failures? I mean, how else can you explain the fact that I can rattle off the names of famous black people in each of those fields? If they're so inferior to you, why have you not risen above them? Shouldn't you be deeply shamed by your failure and wasted potential?

What the fuck are you talking about? I am no failure by any measurement. However, I know hundreds of black failures. Blacks can't even keep their streets clean. That's their fault. Not me being a racist...and they smell bad.

So you're saying you keep the streets clean? You're a street sweeper? Hardly a job that proves your "superiority" to any black person. Plus I bet it leaves you smelling pretty bad.


On this matter, make no mistake. I want you to go fuck yourself long and hard, as well as anyone who agrees with you. I got no use for you. --Auraptor

This vile and revolting malice - this is their true colors, always has been, you're just seeing it without the mask of justifications and excuses they hide it behind, is all. Make sure to remember it once they put the mask back on. --Fremdfirma

No. I am fortunate enough to live with a bunch of white people in CT....We have no need for people to clean our streets ...We don't litter, paint graffiti, drink 40's, or beat our children...But, again I'm white....That is the point. My lake views are fantastic. And black people's homes do smell. I think it's the fish they eat...Or they aren't taught to wipe their asses. However, they sure can jump...


Monday, May 31, 2010 7:10 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by antimason:
whats that Anarchist? sorry i didnt quite catch all that.. something about life being so terrible, everything wrong and unjust. you know.. you may as well just practice what you preach and run along.. live in the wild somewhere- detached from society. its going to be awhile untill all government worldwide break down and people learn to fend for themselves. oh and dont forget your laptop, made possible by American capitalism. id hate to miss your bitching about American society

Niki, Kwicko..

being lectured by you two marxists about individual liberty and self responsibility has got to be the epitomy of irony. its laughable. give me the lecture about personal responsibility, while in the same breathe defending socialized medicine. ive been waiting for that one..


I'm still savoring the irony of being labeled a "marxist" by a neo-con posing as a hard-core right-wing "libertarian". That's rich.


On this matter, make no mistake. I want you to go fuck yourself long and hard, as well as anyone who agrees with you. I got no use for you. --Auraptor

This vile and revolting malice - this is their true colors, always has been, you're just seeing it without the mask of justifications and excuses they hide it behind, is all. Make sure to remember it once they put the mask back on. --Fremdfirma


Monday, May 31, 2010 9:47 PM



Originally posted by antimason:
whats that Anarchist? sorry i didnt quite catch all that.. something about life being so terrible, everything wrong and unjust. you know.. you may as well just practice what you preach and run along.. live in the wild somewhere- detached from society.

No, you move.
-Captain America.


Tuesday, June 1, 2010 5:49 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Oh, goodie, now I'm a MARXIST Muslim dyke operative. I should make that my screen name... It just gets better and better. You are right, however; we should just mock you rather than try to engage you, as your mindset is so perverse and unrealistic. You are insane and inane at the same time.

To our President: “Mr. President, you're a god damn, mother fucking liar. Fuck you, you cock sucking community activist piece of shit.... oh, go fuck yourself, Mr. President” ...Raptor

To Anthony, unquestionably the most civil person on this forum: “Go fuck yourself. On this matter, make no mistake. I want you to go fuck yourself long and hard, as well as anyone who agrees with you. I got no use for you. ...Raptor

To Frem: “You miserable piece of shit.” ...Raptor

...so much for "together"...this, instead, weakens us...


Tuesday, June 1, 2010 6:27 AM


Antimason: The hypocrisy of Anarchists is noted, but doesn't especially discredit the arguments, which is that government sucks and bastards everywhere are gaming the system to steal from taxpayers.

It's very difficult to shrug off a system that's subversive in every aspect of manufacturing and culture, as you noted, but that doesn't mean it's not a good idea to shrug it off.


Tuesday, June 1, 2010 9:03 AM



"And that said, JUST to wind up Wulfie, cause, well, he's wound up everyone else enough... "


That bit actually made me laugh.

What, Frem?

You've got your cause (children being treated as adults?), Sig has hers (all corporations=bad), Nix (Hippies are great and you all should just shut up about the truth about us) and I have mine...

so what?

Wanna fight about it? lol

ETA: Oh, and btw, I was one of those who made a zip-gun when I was 11. I had to buy the bullets for it at 15 bucks a pop too.

Mine was more of a slingshot haphazzard pos, but well, use what you got.

So don't quote verse to me Frem just cus I got out and am trying to fix this shit from outside, instead of wallowing in it and pretending the manure smells just fine.


Tuesday, June 1, 2010 9:20 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Hippies are a thing of the past; if you didn't keep bringing them up, they'd STAY there! I suppose my cause would be "dissent in patriotism, and debate is FUN!"

or "Harm none; do as ye will"

or "Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and good with ketchup"

or something...

To our President: “Mr. President, you're a god damn, mother fucking liar. Fuck you, you cock sucking community activist piece of shit.... oh, go fuck yourself, Mr. President” ...Raptor

To Anthony, unquestionably the most civil person on this forum: “Go fuck yourself. On this matter, make no mistake. I want you to go fuck yourself long and hard, as well as anyone who agrees with you. I got no use for you. ...Raptor

To Frem: “You miserable piece of shit.” ...Raptor

...so much for "together"...this, instead, weakens us...


Tuesday, June 1, 2010 9:25 AM



Funny. Mine is...

Be Excellent to each other... and party on, dudes...

Child of the 80s I guess... :)P


Tuesday, June 1, 2010 9:56 AM



So don't quote verse to me Frem just cus I got out and am trying to fix this shit from outside, instead of wallowing in it and pretending the manure smells just fine.

...By shit, you don't mean the people in the slums... I hope.

Off hand, fixing people from the outside is for psychologists. Fixing people from the inside is for knives.

I honestly can't tell you which is better. :x


Tuesday, June 1, 2010 9:58 AM



"Off hand, fixing people from the outside is for psychologists. Fixing people from the inside is for knives."

lol I've got to remember that one.


Tuesday, June 1, 2010 10:27 AM


Freedom is Important because People are Important

"So don't quote verse to me Frem just cus I got out and am trying to fix this shit from outside, instead of wallowing in it and pretending the manure smells just fine."


What a bizarre statement. You claim that what should be done is 'nothing.' Literally, nothing. Your position is that we should stop helping the people in need so that they can help themselves. So your noble effort to 'fix' this from the outside amounts to... Nothing.

I will hope that the burden of doing nothing does not weigh upon you overmuch, as you struggle mightily to fix this from the outside, sir.


"On this matter, make no mistake. I want you to go fuck yourself long and hard, as well as anyone who agrees with you. I got no use for you." --Auraptor

"This vile and revolting malice - this is their true colors, always has been, you're just seeing it without the mask of justifications and excuses they hide it behind, is all. Make sure to remember it once they put the mask back on." --Fremdfirma


Tuesday, June 1, 2010 10:32 AM




"Give a man a fish and he'll eat for a day. Teach a man to fish, and he'll eat for a lifetime"... but then, if after teaching that man to fish he still expects/wants a handout... take him kindly by the hand to a boat, take that boat out to the middle of the ocean, take the man, put him on a raft with a fishing pole, and leave him to his own fate.

It's less harsh than making him a slave to those that control the fish.


Tuesday, June 1, 2010 10:41 AM


Freedom is Important because People are Important


What are you trying to say exactly, in real world terms? Because the last real-world solution you offered to anything amounted to, "Let them die."

Are you already at the part where we tried to teach the needy to fish and are now letting them starve? Or did I miss your big, "Teaching the Needy to Fish" plan?

And while they're learning to fish, do you feed them meanwhile? Or is the lesson delivered under starvation?

Better yet, abandon your parable and speak of reality. What is your actual plan of action, sir? I realize it's hard to put one down in concrete terms, lest people deride you as you have derided their plans, but do try, please.


"On this matter, make no mistake. I want you to go fuck yourself long and hard, as well as anyone who agrees with you. I got no use for you." --Auraptor

"This vile and revolting malice - this is their true colors, always has been, you're just seeing it without the mask of justifications and excuses they hide it behind, is all. Make sure to remember it once they put the mask back on." --Fremdfirma


Tuesday, June 1, 2010 11:13 AM



Plan of action. Ok. I do have one. Not that its going to be well received...

But I need to put it into words so folks have something to attack.

Give me a day to do so.

I doubt this thread will drop off before I can respond.






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