Know Thy Enemy.

UPDATED: Thursday, June 17, 2010 08:49
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Friday, June 11, 2010 5:08 AM




The Christian Fascists Are Growing Stronger

by Chris Hedges

Tens of millions of Americans, lumped into a diffuse and fractious movement known as the Christian right, have begun to dismantle the intellectual and scientific rigor of the Enlightenment. They are creating a theocratic state based on “biblical law,” and shutting out all those they define as the enemy. This movement, veering closer and closer to traditional fascism, seeks to force a recalcitrant world to submit before an imperial America. It champions the eradication of social deviants, beginning with homosexuals, and moving on to immigrants, secular humanists, feminists, Jews, Muslims and those they dismiss as “nominal Christians”—meaning Christians who do not embrace their perverted and heretical interpretation of the Bible. Those who defy the mass movement are condemned as posing a threat to the health and hygiene of the country and the family. All will be purged.

The followers of deviant faiths, from Judaism to Islam, must be converted or repressed. The deviant media, the deviant public schools, the deviant entertainment industry, the deviant secular humanist government and judiciary and the deviant churches will be reformed or closed. There will be a relentless promotion of Christian “values,” already under way on Christian radio and television and in Christian schools, as information and facts are replaced with overt forms of indoctrination. The march toward this terrifying dystopia has begun. It is taking place on the streets of Arizona, on cable news channels, at tea party rallies, in the Texas public schools, among militia members and within a Republican Party that is being hijacked by this lunatic fringe.

Elizabeth Dilling, who wrote “The Red Network” and was a Nazi sympathizer, is touted as required reading by trash-talk television hosts like Glenn Beck. Thomas Jefferson, who favored separation of church and state, is ignored in Christian schools and soon will be ignored in Texas public school textbooks. The Christian right hails the “significant contributions” of the Confederacy. Sen. Joseph McCarthy, who led the anti-communist witch hunts of the 1950s, has been rehabilitated, and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is defined as part of the worldwide battle against Islamic terror. Legislation like the new Jim Crow laws of Arizona is being considered by 17 other states.

The rise of this Christian fascism, a rise we ignore at our peril, is being fueled by an ineffectual and bankrupt liberal class that has proved to be unable to roll back surging unemployment, protect us from speculators on Wall Street, or save our dispossessed working class from foreclosures, bankruptcies and misery. The liberal class has proved useless in combating the largest environmental disaster in our history, ending costly and futile imperial wars or stopping the corporate plundering of the nation. And the gutlessness of the liberal class has left it, and the values it represents, reviled and hated.

The Democrats have refused to repeal the gross violations of international and domestic law codified by the Bush administration. This means that Christian fascists who achieve power will have the “legal” tools to spy on, arrest, deny habeas corpus to, and torture or assassinate American citizens—as does the Obama administration.

Those who remain in a reality-based world often dismiss these malcontents as buffoons and simpletons. They do not take seriously those, like Beck, who pander to the primitive yearnings for vengeance, new glory and moral renewal. Critics of the movement continue to employ the tools of reason, research and fact to challenge the absurdities propagated by creationists who think they will float naked into the heavens when Jesus returns to Earth. The magical thinking, the flagrant distortion in interpreting the Bible, the contradictions that abound within the movement’s belief system and the laughable pseudoscience, however, are impervious to reason. We cannot convince those in the movement to wake up. It is we who are asleep.

Those who embrace this movement see life as an epic battle against forces of evil and Satanism. The world is black and white. They need to feel, even if they are not, that they are victims surrounded by dark and sinister groups bent on their destruction. They need to believe they know the will of God and can fulfill it, especially through violence. They need to sanctify their rage, a rage that lies at the core of the ideology. They seek total cultural and political domination. They are using the space within the open society to destroy it. These movements work within the confining rules of the secular state because they have no choice. The intolerance they promote is muted in the public assurances of their slickest operators. Given enough power, and they are working hard to get it, any such cooperation will vanish. The demand for total control and for a Christian nation and the refusal to permit any dissent are on display within their inner sanctums. These pastors have established within their churches tiny, despotic fiefdoms, and they seek to replicate these little tyrannies on a larger scale.

Many of the tens of millions within the Christian right live on the edge of poverty. The Bible, interpreted for them by pastors whose connection with God means they cannot be questioned, is their handbook for daily life. The rigidity and simplicity of their belief are potent weapons in the fight against their own demons and the struggle to keep their lives on track. The reality-based world, one where Satan, miracles, destiny, angels and magic did not exist, battered them like driftwood. It took their jobs and destroyed their future. It rotted their communities. It flooded their lives with alcohol, drugs, physical violence, deprivation and despair. And then they discovered that God has a plan for them. God will save them. God intervenes in their lives to promote and protect them. The emotional distance they have traveled from the real world to the world of Christian fantasy is immense. And the rational, secular forces, those that speak in the language of fact and evidence, are hated and ultimately feared, for they seek to pull believers back into “the culture of death” that nearly destroyed them.

There are wild contradictions within this belief system. Personal independence is celebrated alongside an abject subservience to leaders who claim to speak for God. The movement says it defends the sanctity of life and advocates the death penalty, militarism, war and righteous genocide. It speaks of love and promotes fear of damnation and hate. There is a terrifying cognitive dissonance in every word they utter.

The movement is, for many, an emotional life raft. It is all that holds them together. But the ideology, while it regiments and orders lives, is merciless. Those who deviate from the ideology, including “backsliders” who leave these church organizations, are branded as heretics and subjected to little inquisitions, which are the natural outgrowth of messianic movements. If the Christian right seizes the legislative, executive and judicial branches of government, these little inquisitions will become big inquisitions.

The cult of masculinity pervades the movement. Feminism and homosexuality, believers are told, have rendered the American male physically and spiritually impotent. Jesus, for the Christian right, is a muscular man of action, casting out demons, battling the Antichrist, attacking hypocrites and castigating the corrupt. This cult of masculinity, with its glorification of violence, is deeply appealing to those who feel disempowered and humiliated. It vents the rage that drove many people into the arms of the movement. It encourages them to lash back at those who, they are told, seek to destroy them. The paranoia about the outside world is stoked through bizarre conspiracy theories, many championed in books such as Pat Robertson’s “The New World Order,” a xenophobic rant that includes attacks on liberals and democratic institutions.

The obsession with violence pervades the popular novels by Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins. In their apocalyptic novel, “Glorious Appearing,” based on LaHaye’s interpretation of biblical prophecies about the Second Coming, Christ returns and eviscerates the flesh of millions of nonbelievers with the sound of his voice. There are long descriptions of horror and blood, of how “the very words of the Lord had superheated their blood, causing it to burst through their veins and skin.” Eyes disintegrate. Tongues melt. Flesh dissolves. The Left Behind series, of which this novel is a part, contains the best-selling adult novels in the country.

Violence must be used to cleanse the world. These Christian fascists are called to a perpetual state of war. “Any teaching of peace prior to [Christ’s] return is heresy…” says televangelist James Robinson.

Natural disasters, terrorist attacks, instability in Israel and even the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are seen as glorious signposts. The war in Iraq is predicted, believers insist, in the ninth chapter of the Book of Revelations, where four angels “which are bound in the great river Euphrates will be released to slay the third part of men.” The march is inevitable and irreversible and requires everyone to be ready to fight, kill and perhaps die. Global war, even nuclear war, is not to be feared, but welcomed as the harbinger of the Second Coming. And leading the avenging armies is an angry, violent Messiah who dooms hundreds of millions of apostates to a horrible and gruesome death.

The Christian right, while embracing a form of primitivism, seeks the imprint of law and science to legitimate its absurd mythologies. Its members seek this imprint because, despite their protestations to the contrary, they are a distinctly modern, totalitarian movement. They seek to co-opt the pillars of the Enlightenment in order to abolish the Enlightenment. Creationism, or “intelligent design,” like eugenics for the Nazis or “Soviet” science for Stalin, must be introduced into the mainstream as a valid scientific discipline—hence the rewriting of textbooks. The Christian right defends itself in the legal and scientific jargon of modernity. Facts and opinions, once they are used “scientifically” to support the irrational, become interchangeable. Reality is no longer based on the gathering of facts and evidence. It is based on ideology. Facts are altered. Lies become true. Hannah Arendt called it “nihilistic relativism,” although a better phrase might be collective insanity.

The Christian right has, for this reason, its own creationist “scientists” who use the language of science to promote anti-science. It has fought successfully to have creationist books sold in national park bookstores at the Grand Canyon and taught in public schools in states such as Texas, Louisiana and Arkansas. Creationism shapes the worldview of hundreds of thousands of students in Christian schools and colleges. This pseudoscience claims to have proved that all animal species, or at least their progenitors, fit on Noah’s ark. It challenges research in AIDS and pregnancy prevention. It corrupts and discredits the disciplines of biology, astronomy, geology, paleontology and physics.

Once creationists can argue on the same platform as geologists, asserting that the Grand Canyon was not created 6 billion years ago but 6,000 years ago by the great flood that lifted up Noah’s ark, we have lost. The acceptance of mythology as a legitimate alternative to reality is a body blow to the rational, secular state. The destruction of rational and empirically based belief systems is fundamental to the creation of all totalitarian ideologies. Certitude, for those who could not cope with the uncertainty of life, is one of the most powerful appeals of the movement. Dispassionate intellectual inquiry, with its constant readjustments and demand for evidence, threatens certitude. For this reason incertitude must be abolished.

“What convinces masses are not facts,” Arendt wrote in “Origins of Totalitarianism,” “and not even invented facts, but only the consistency of the system which they are presumably part. Repetition, somewhat overrated in importance because of the common belief in the masses’ inferior capacity to grasp and remember, is important because it convinces them of consistency in time.”

Augustine defined the grace of love as Volo ut sis—I want you to be. There is, he wrote, an affirmation of the mystery of the other in relationships based on love, an affirmation of unexplained and unfathomable differences. Relationships based on love recognize that others have a right to be. These relationships accept the sacredness of difference. This acceptance means that no one individual or belief system captures or espouses an absolute truth. All struggle, in their own way, some outside of religious systems and some within them, to interpret mystery and transcendence.

The sacredness of the other is anathema for the Christian right, which cannot acknowledge the legitimacy of other ways of being and believing. If other belief systems, including atheism, have moral validity, the infallibility of the movement’s doctrine, which constitutes its chief appeal, is shattered. There can be no alternative ways to think or to be. All alternatives must be crushed.

Ideological, theological and political debates are useless with the Christian right. It does not respond to a dialogue. It is impervious to rational thought and discussion. The naive attempts to placate a movement bent on our destruction, to prove to it that we too have “values,” only strengthens its legitimacy and weakness our own. If we do not have a right to be, if our very existence is not legitimate in the eyes of God, there can be no dialogue. At this point it is a fight for survival.

Those gathered into the arms of this Christian fascist movement are desperately struggling to survive in an increasingly hostile environment. We failed them; we owe them more: This is their response. The financial dislocations, the struggles with domestic and sexual abuse, the battle against addictions, the poverty and the despair that many in the movement endure are tragic, painful and real. They have a right to their rage and alienation. But they are also being used and manipulated by forces that seek to dismantle what is left of our democracy and abolish the pluralism that was once the hallmark of our society.

The spark that could set this conflagration ablaze could be lying in the hands of a small Islamic terrorist cell. It could be in the hands of greedy Wall Street speculators who gamble with taxpayer money in the elaborate global system of casino capitalism. The next catastrophic attack, or the next economic meltdown, could be our Reichstag fire. It could be the excuse used by these totalitarian forces, this Christian fascism, to extinguish what remains of our open society.

Let us not stand meekly at the open gates of the city waiting passively for the barbarians. They are coming. They are slouching toward Bethlehem. Let us shake off our complacency and cynicism. Let us openly defy the liberal establishment, which will not save us, to demand and fight for economic reparations for our working class. Let us reincorporate these dispossessed into our economy. Let us give them a reality-based hope for the future. Time is running out. If we do not act, American fascists, clutching Christian crosses, waving American flags and orchestrating mass recitations of the Pledge of Allegiance, will use this rage to snuff us out.
Copyright © 2010 Truthdig, L.L.C.


Friday, June 11, 2010 5:46 AM


Freedom is Important because People are Important

"The cult of masculinity pervades the movement. Feminism and homosexuality, believers are told, have rendered the American male physically and spiritually impotent. Jesus, for the Christian right, is a muscular man of action, casting out demons, battling the Antichrist, attacking hypocrites and castigating the corrupt. This cult of masculinity, with its glorification of violence, is deeply appealing to those who feel disempowered and humiliated. It vents the rage that drove many people into the arms of the movement. It encourages them to lash back at those who, they are told, seek to destroy them. The paranoia about the outside world is stoked through bizarre conspiracy theories, many championed in books such as Pat Robertson’s “The New World Order,” a xenophobic rant that includes attacks on liberals and democratic institutions."


This sounds startlingly familiar.


"On this matter, make no mistake. I want you to go fuck yourself long and hard, as well as anyone who agrees with you. I got no use for you." --Auraptor

"This vile and revolting malice - this is their true colors, always has been, you're just seeing it without the mask of justifications and excuses they hide it behind, is all. Make sure to remember it once they put the mask back on." --Fremdfirma


Friday, June 11, 2010 5:57 AM


Damn fool - he flat admits they cannot be reasoned with, and then suggests reasoning with em as a solution ?

I got a better one.
They like hellfire and brimstone so much, let em have some.

And yeah - I'm pissed.

In case ya missed it, my self-adopted bratling, Wendy is in legal hot water cause of some of these theophilic monsters.

Their "story", they were just "witnessing" and Wendy attacked them for no reason, yeah, right, sure, uh-huh...

Ok, firstoff, we have clearly posted NO SOLICITING signs, that means no sellin any goddamn thing including your bullshit sadist religion.
(she lives on the other side of the complex, mind)

Secondly, their "witnessing" is just a cover while they case our residents for future burglary attempts - yeah, I recognize the slimy little pukes as the ones I been chasin off for the past two months, so I know cursed well what the damn deal is there.

So they run into her, just wakin up cause she works nights, and the five of em notice shes cute, shrimpy and ALONE (nor obviously armed) and decide to invite themselves in, with what I'd say was nefarious intent, and then refuse her stern warning to leave immediately, and disregard her three second warning - apparently there was some kinda back and forth during that but she won't talk about it - and so she zerks on em and starts THROWING them out, and none too gentle about it, during which one of em (not the ringleader who was the first to flee, of course) hit her...

So she kicked him, with sufficient force to land him out in the street - he's in the trauma ward still, he'll make it, but he's gonna be hatin life for a long, long time.

I wish to hell she'd called me, I really do.

Funny, if she *had* attacked them without reason this'd go easy, probation and a fine, but because she has committed the heinous and unforgiveable "crime" of self-defense (cue: shrieks of horror, running about with arms flailing) and usurped the perogative of our benevolent lords in blue *snarl*, they're all pissed off about it, and since she trashed a bunch of honkey-cracker fundies (i.e. people who actually MATTER to the Gov/Courts around here) they've been all kinds of dicks about it - it's a DAMN lucky thing I was there when the fucking stormtroopers decided to try barging in her place and makin an arrest without a warrant, that would have gotten ugly cause she mighta panicked and killed one of em.

Only reason that didn't go worse was that they realized who was blockin the door and since I do use the same range they do, they do know about that horrific Saiga - thank you fucking second amendment!

So it's down to my lawyer (who *I* have to foot the fuckin bill for) and their lawyer (bankrolled by the church, of course), and the fucked up courts around here, and the ugly realities of "justice", such as it is in a system so corrupt.

As it stands she's prolly gonna have to front the deductible on that scumbag punks medical, and it's a fat chunk of change, which also means imma have to loan her more than half of it, on top of payin off the lawyer - and I doubt this is the end of it with these slimy bible-bangin theophiles either, grrrr.

How dare she not just let em get on with it, how dare she assert her personhood and property rights, doesn't she know a peons place ?

AND she's barred the door with her couch, and just about everything she owns weighin it down or backin it up, and she will NOT come out, which means I gotta take up both of her shifts in addition to my own, joy bloody whoopee.

All cause a couple of punkass murdergod worshippers couldn't keep their damn hands to themselves, and decent people wind up payin the price while four of five skip free and clear to go on doin that kinda shit.

But now they've done it, oh yes they have, I didn't rescue that kid from some nasty fosters basement cell (who's also a "good christian", of COURSE) to have her spiral down into PTSD and catatonia, and the only way she's ever gonna come to terms with this and cope - being PUNISHED for defending herself, is if real justice is done, and other than my work shifts, I got plenty of time, all the time in the world, long as I am still suckin air, to make them pay, and pay, and pay...

I've also gotta ask the lawyer about this one..

This act does not require licensing of any private security guards employed for the purpose of protecting the property and employees of their employer and generally maintaining security for their employer. However, any person, firm, limited liability company, business organization, educational institution, or corporation maintaining a private security police organization or a private college security force may voluntarily apply for licensure under this act. When a private security police employer or private college security force employer as described in this section provides the employee with a pistol for the purpose of protecting the property of the employer, the pistol shall be considered the property of the employer and the employer shall retain custody of the pistol, except during the actual working hours of the employee. All such private security people shall be subject to the provisions of sections 17(1) and 19(1).

Not that she's gonna like that either, ten to one she outright refuses to carry one unless there's no bullets in it, which kinda defeats the purpose.


You've no idea how bitterly I despise them cross frontin, hypocritical, murderous slime and their hellspawned religion of evil - tell me folks, every time there's death, carnage and horror here in america, who's usually responsible ?

Reason with em, yeah, right, only one way to do that.


ETA: No shit, Anthony, it's right from the playbook gettin quoted from our resident iron heads, to which I only got one thing to say.

Repensum Est Canicula!


Friday, June 11, 2010 7:53 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by AnthonyT:
"The cult of masculinity pervades the movement. Feminism and homosexuality, believers are told, have rendered the American male physically and spiritually impotent. Jesus, for the Christian right, is a muscular man of action, casting out demons, battling the Antichrist, attacking hypocrites and castigating the corrupt. This cult of masculinity, with its glorification of violence, is deeply appealing to those who feel disempowered and humiliated. It vents the rage that drove many people into the arms of the movement. It encourages them to lash back at those who, they are told, seek to destroy them. The paranoia about the outside world is stoked through bizarre conspiracy theories, many championed in books such as Pat Robertson’s “The New World Order,” a xenophobic rant that includes attacks on liberals and democratic institutions."


This sounds startlingly familiar.


"On this matter, make no mistake. I want you to go fuck yourself long and hard, as well as anyone who agrees with you. I got no use for you." --Auraptor

"This vile and revolting malice - this is their true colors, always has been, you're just seeing it without the mask of justifications and excuses they hide it behind, is all. Make sure to remember it once they put the mask back on." --Fremdfirma

Doesn't it just?


On this matter, make no mistake. I want you to go fuck yourself long and hard, as well as anyone who agrees with you. I got no use for you. --Auraptor

This vile and revolting malice - this is their true colors, always has been, you're just seeing it without the mask of justifications and excuses they hide it behind, is all. Make sure to remember it once they put the mask back on. --Fremdfirma


Friday, June 11, 2010 8:32 AM


Freedom is Important because People are Important

Hello Frem,

You need anything, you know how to reach me.

In the mean time, some suggestions for the girl who doesn't like bullets:

The FlashLauncher has been recommended by some members of my Neighborhood Watch family who are squeamish about lethal weapons. There is an orientation video here:

And I'm sure you know where to get a taser if that sort of thing suits you.


"On this matter, make no mistake. I want you to go fuck yourself long and hard, as well as anyone who agrees with you. I got no use for you." --Auraptor

"This vile and revolting malice - this is their true colors, always has been, you're just seeing it without the mask of justifications and excuses they hide it behind, is all. Make sure to remember it once they put the mask back on." --Fremdfirma


Friday, June 11, 2010 12:53 PM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Gawd, Frem, that's SICK! Well, actually, BOTH are. I couldn't get through the article, it would put the cherry on my already awful day (wallet stolen...change bank account/ATM, no checks/ATM for over two weeks, call all bills and change bank account number, new Medicare card, new insurance, AAA...and on and on). I couldn't take any more, but I read the first couple of paragraphs.

There are no words to describe those people.

Actually, that about covers it for the second one, about Wendy...with the addition of , fuck 'em all,

I wish there were a way we could help her...

Hippie Operative Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
signing off

To our President: “Mr. President, you're a god damn, mother fucking liar. Fuck you, you cock sucking community activist piece of shit.... oh, go fuck yourself, Mr. President” ...Raptor

To Anthony, unquestionably the most civil person on this forum: “Go fuck yourself. On this matter, make no mistake. I want you to go fuck yourself long and hard, as well as anyone who agrees with you. I got no use for you. ...Raptor

To Frem: “You miserable piece of shit.” ...Raptor

To Niki: “My guess is it won't just be your ugly face you dislike.....Well, it's true......if you had a soul.” ...Raptor

...Remember, remember, the ugliest member...


Friday, June 11, 2010 1:12 PM


Now we're even


Saturday, June 12, 2010 1:01 AM


Unwise, Zitboy, very unwise.

Well, she still won't come out, and those punks were hangin round in the park about 2am last night, prolly seein if they could time the security patrols, the friggin punks, it's like they don't even gotta bother hiding it, grrr.

And of course, the typical round of ugly doesn't stop for nothin.

Damn cops want primo accomodations, no wonder they're pissed about the budget cut.

Was up to me they'd be workin out of a broom closet, and when these keystonesque bastards *are* the source of over half the crime and shootings, more cops on the street is the last damn thing we want or need.

You know, shit like this - and yes, this has become the typical response, because of the possibility of being beaten, killed, or railroaded in Worthy's private empire, folks have ceased cooperating and have started reacting to the boys in blue by emptying the magazine - were it not for the fact that neither the local creeps OR the local cops can shoot worth a damn we'd be up to our ass in bodies.

(worth noting that at one point two of the cops were accidently shooting AT EACH OTHER.)

Of course, unless your one of the "priveledged class" around here, in which case it's all ok, right ?

Seven shots in the back and it's "self-defense", but a teenage girl kicks a buncha would-be thieves and rapists outta her home and it's a "violent assault", yeah, sure.. fuck.

And of course, the reek comin off of this one, since they can't bitch that Pugh is workin overtime AT HIS JOB (yanno, actually DOING work in his position) or that he fekkin *needs* that bodygaurd and isn't stupid enough to trust the other cops when they're out of control and all pissed about the budget cut - I'm sure they have a convenient accident in mind too...
If it weren't for the fact that he'd rather not be associated with us politically, we'd be happy to do the job at a better price than he's gettin.

Anthony, it's not so much the whole firearm thing with her, as she does know how to use one, it's the *idea* of committing violence - there's really only one threat that'll make her go into a violent frenzy, which is how I got a pretty good idea what happened even when she will not talk to me about it.

My concern is her mental state, since she's prolly re-evaluating her worldview in light of the fact that SHE is the one in trouble for this, while the "authorities" fawn over the sleazebags - cause if she decides in for a penny, in for a pound and figures to go kamikazee and finish the job, imma have to do something about that, not out of any respect or sympathy for them, but for her.

And it's not easy for me to hold my own claws in check, cause you remember that pullman quote ?

"There are two great powers ... and they’ve been fighting since time began. Every advance in human life, every scrap of knowledge and wisdom and decency we have has been torn by one side from the teeth of the other. Every little increase in human freedom has been fought over ferociously between those who want us to know more and be wiser and stronger, and those who want us to obey and be humble and submit."

The latter ?
Well, that's the damn theophiles, I don't care what flavor, save that it's the damn biblethumpers over HERE poisoning our law and society the most...

But look at it, they've stood against EVERY DECENT THING, every social advance, from health and sanitation, to proper medical practice, to literacy and education, womens rights (and they're still stompin on one in particular), the idea of children as human beings, "every little increase in human freedom", and there they are, tooth and claw, holding the line and taking it back if they can.

They're monsters, the very definition of evil, and most of the time by virtue of tolerance I can pretend to be civil towards em, but at the moment, no - and even if my own beliefs do encourage their elimination it should NEVER be done out of passion, but rather with no more emotion than cleaning out the litterbox.

The hard part is gonna come when those punks do eventually try something, cause imma have to keep a solid lid on that boilin kettle and handle it in a professional manner, despite a desire to be excessively vicious about it, and the high likelyhood I'd prolly get away with it - but *I* would know, we hold a high standard of conduct and I damn well mean to keep to it.

And some part of me kinda pities them, too - how bloody fuckin stupid can you be, to try assaulting my ad-hoc daughter, and then come back to try burglary against my very lair, while I am out there, thus crossing sabres with me in the dark while I have complete home field advantage ?

So they're not only evil, they're stupid besides, and that's even more offensive, it is.



Saturday, June 12, 2010 1:27 AM


America loves a winner!

This "article" is the best attempt at misdirection and deception since a piece of fruit was offered to that nice girl in the garden.....

" Being correct does not excuse a violation of form " - Ducky, NCIS.


Saturday, June 12, 2010 4:39 AM


...? You're atheist, AURaptor. They're talking about the CHRISTIAN Right, not you. Why do you feel compelled to defend them?

Honestly, I don't care much what religion someone is. Christians would be okay if they brought some sanity and tolerance to their interpretation of the bible.

But the article does have a point, even if the slant is pretty vicious. The most tolerant Christian (well, Mormon, technically the same, though in practice pretty different) I've ever met is my Grandma, who remarkably doesn't hate any of my family for rejecting her beliefs. She's even just about adopted her brother-in-law's boys from South Carolina, who he disowned because they had the AUDACITY to marry themselves some brown people. They're doctors, and very smart, successful by any standards, and so are their wives, ALSO doctors, but because he's so bitter and filled with hate, he's cast out anyone who might care about him in his twilight years. That's how foolish and hurtful and ridiculous it all is.

But my Grandma would most certainly vote against any gay rights if she had the option though, and I hate to say that, but I *know* she would. She's otherwise a decent person, but the religion poisoned her against a group of people just because it tells her they're sinful. The religion pits people against each other, ever since that son of a bitch Saint Dominic.

I mean, literally a son of a bitch.


In the earliest narrative source, by Jordan of Saxony, Dominic's parents are not named. The story is told that before his birth his mother dreamed that a dog leapt from her womb carrying a torch in its mouth, and "seemed to set the earth on fire." This story is likely to have emerged when his order became known, after his name, as the Dominican order, in Latin Dominicanus and by a play of words was interpreted as Domini canis, the Lord's hound.

This order is where the Catholic religion's ideas about conversion by force arose, and it predates most of the protestant reformation splits, and pretty much all the sects have an element of the Dominican order expressed in some way or another. But there's also always been an element of mistrust towards outsiders, all they way from the persecution Jesus faced to the Christians having to live in catacombs to escape the Romans after Jesus died. And as the religion eventually grew more powerful, that simple mistrust sometimes grew into outright hatred and violence towards outsiders.

I don't WANT to agree with the article, and I really wish Christians would make a better showing of themselves. You know that whole parable about the Good Samaritan? NOT a Christian! In fact, a member of a race of people Jesus' followers actually hated!

But as harsh as that article is, I'm hard pressed to disagree.


Saturday, June 12, 2010 4:54 AM


I'm so sorry, Frem. There is no justice in the world anymore.

Niki, I couldn't get through that article either.


Saturday, June 12, 2010 7:14 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Just to be a nitpicker, I think it's actually "know THINE enemy", isn't it?

Nothing to see here, move along...

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
signing off


Saturday, June 12, 2010 7:43 AM



Originally posted by Niki2:
Just to be a nitpicker, I think it's actually "know THINE enemy", isn't it?

You the Biblical sense?

(Sorry, hadda go there--but you are correct)


Hey, hey, hey, don't be mean. We don't have to be mean, because, remember, no matter where you go, there you are.


Tuesday, June 15, 2010 7:16 AM


Actually this might wind up with a happier ending after all, leastways I can hope so.

Last night those dipwads tried hitting the complex on the other side of us, which has inferior security - they're gated, but they don't patrol the fence, so that's more security theatre than real protection, still, it's a deterrent cause it raises the difficulty, being that you have to lug your haul out by hand since you cannot get a car in there so easy.

So they made their play and had the misfortune to have the resident encounter them looting his place while returning from work, and coming up against a pack of punks, one of whom was holding a crowbar, in his doorway - said resident pulled his CCW and they scattered, and the poor bastard in the doorway had nowhere to go and surrendered, which turned into a minor clusterfuck as the gate security came rushing over and abandoned the gate, causing the local cops to throw something of a hissy when they initially couldn't get in.

So, one in custody, and they made a quick sweep of the area and bagged up another one hiding in the bushes, that one being the ringleader, and not being completely fucking stupid put them in seperate cars and read them the full miranda, which they practically had to shout OVER them (or so they told me) cause they were already trying to point the finger at each other.

I get wind of this from their gate gaurd, who gives me the headsup, quick description and the BOLO, so I call in the emergency relief guy and haul ass over to Wendy's place and start tappin on the door, pleading with her to come out - cause if she can positively ID these guys this'll improve matters immensely, and maybe get the local cops off our case a bit by handing them a two-fer on a plate.

Mind you, being well schooled in the value of preparedness in the face of michigan winters, she was well stocked and could have holed up in there for a month and more, and I wasn't gonna crash her door cause that'd validate her feelings of not being safe - I was gonna leave that till she was damn good and ready to come back out rather than pressure her needlessly, you see.

So she cracks the window open and I try to explain but she ain't much listening, so I do the one thing I can think of and stick my hand out in the same gesture I used when pulling kids out of hell, and she grabs it with both of hers, and off we go, with message to Larry to close the window for us.
(wasn't no time to clear the blocked door)

We get over there, and of course they ain't none to happy to see us, right up till they get the idea they can maybe bag these guys up with TWO crimes, and so I take her over to the first car and she does indeed positively identify the punk within as one of the ones who crashed her place - and I explain the good cop/bad cop game to her en route to the other, where she also IDs the creep as the one who started it at her place, and then on cue, "lunges" for him with apparent intent to strangle, only to be "restrained" by me (she was a bit more enthusiastic than called for, but I can understand that!) and I pull her off to where they're doing the paperwork with the tired, annoyed resident who's seriously PO'd that they took his piece.

Yon ringleader totally spilled his freakin guts after I dragged her off, in between repeated denials and blaming his buddies, all of it on the cruiser cams audio and AFTER he'd gotten the full miranda warning, so that'll be his ass, and her putting on the sad face at the cops seems to have mitigated their ire over being threatened and stood off at her door earlier - I dunno how much they got out of the other punk, but this oughta be enough for my lawyer to start chewing serious ass now that matters have clarified a bit.

Once matters had settled and the local PD packed off the creeps, and alas, the residents CCW, telling him to pick it up at the station tomorrow (dunno the legality of this, but we weren't in any position to dispute it) and the gate gaurd was back at his post, I loaned the resident in question my Bersa in the meantime, which he came by and dropped off with his thanks about an hour or so ago, having picked up his Keltech as early as he could get over there to do so.

As for Wendy, I dug out my Norinco M1897, which oughta serve till she can put away enough for a 20G street sweeper, and I loaded it with rubber ball shot, tho heaven knows it's pretty pointless since that old monster is as big as she is and I doubt she'd ever actually need it, but if it makes her feel safe then it's doin the job - and Larry is setting up a mace systems alarm kit with panic button for her, which is in my opinion a far more useful and effective measure, and she's back on the schedule, which is good cause the lawyer ain't cheap and she's still likely to get stuck with that punks medical bill, although whatever charges they wanted to throw at her are now a lost cause, thankfully.


Ah, and THAT was gratifying - lawyer called, they arrested the other two today as well, one of whom had an outstanding failure to appear in a sexual assault case, so he's gonna try and settle it up today if possible, and cut us a break on the bill in exchange for me replacing that pain in the ass serpentine belt on his caddy, since it's slipping and the AC isn't working as well as he'd like... I knew that was comin, the bastard, but he's my bastard, so there it is.

And so off to find a damn belt for that monster, cause if I can get *that* outta the way and Wendy back in the shift rotation, I might be able to get a freakin day off, for once...


PS. That church is gonna be pretty pissed, I know, and validating their typical christian "persecution" complex, oh woe is us, so put upon cause we can't impose our will on the unbelievers, yadda yadda, but really - right now I don't fuckin care.


Tuesday, June 15, 2010 7:26 AM


Freedom is Important because People are Important


It's always nice to hear a happy ending. Thanks, Frem.


"On this matter, make no mistake. I want you to go fuck yourself long and hard, as well as anyone who agrees with you. I got no use for you." --Auraptor

"This vile and revolting malice - this is their true colors, always has been, you're just seeing it without the mask of justifications and excuses they hide it behind, is all. Make sure to remember it once they put the mask back on." --Fremdfirma


Tuesday, June 15, 2010 7:33 AM


This is why I LIKE Frem (tho he thinks Im a racist SOB who should be dragged out and shot..)

He does the right thing.


Tuesday, June 15, 2010 9:01 AM


Yeah. Plus, all his stories are chock full of good advice on what to do when the shit hits the fan.

Makes me want to start sniffing around Salt Lake City and understand what the breakdown is with police and private security jurisdiction. I don't know the lay of my own town. That's dangerous, and also possibly not being aware of resources I might have available.

Anyway. I'm so glad for Wendy. She's probably feeling much better now that her attackers are being prosecuted. She probably now feels like she has her life in control again.

Frem, do you think you'll take her aside and talk about what happened? From her reaction to when you reached out to her, it almost sounds like she was having traumatic flashbacks to when you rescued her. She might have been reliving more than that, holed up in there. She might have other relapses too, while this new injustice is still rankling her nerves.


Tuesday, June 15, 2010 8:55 PM


Interesting article. Confirms what I have already experienced, and it's filtering through to other places now.

Some of the discussions here and on other boards kind of support that article and how about the Extreme Right are rewriting history and science in order to support their rather warped world view.

Some examples I can think of -

"Scientific evidence is flawed and not to be trusted - especially not scientific evidence that comes from academia"

"Creationism should be taught along side evolution in science, because really evolution is based on above mentioned science and therefore might be wrong."

"All world events involving muslims are a demonstration that there is some kind of world take over theory and a religious war is inevitable."


Wednesday, June 16, 2010 7:27 AM


Wacky fun down at the courthouse today, oh joy, oh joy...

Btw - it's generally a good idea to not change the belt on a caddy till the damn engine cools off, leastways if ya don't want burnt fingers, owie, and make sure to bring a damn long breaker bar to move that stubborn bitch tensioner, gack.

Although I did get some amusement out of it - that car was running worse than a slipping belt would explain, and when I looked it over it still had the original factory air, oil and other filters, nor have the plugs or oil been changed, ever... and I told him as much, and from the look on his face I think Victory Lane is in some deep, DEEP shit, cause that's where he's been takin it and paying to have this stuff done.

So I did the belt and the work-over besides, since he was payin for the parts and throwin me a bigger break on the bill, which is good cause the bastard does not come cheap, and it got me a half day this mornin off the books.

So we get there, and the obligatory mongolian strip tease, which is gonna happen *anyway* cause alla my metal bits set off the detectors, so fucked if I ain't gonna play it for all it's worth...
You know that scene in Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome, about six minutes in ?
"Leave your weapons here, it's the law..."
Something kind of like that, followed by back and forth through that damn detector till I am standin there in my (worn for the purpose) black boxers with skull trim, and threatening to throw THOSE on the pile - This is why I don't do airports, mind you.

So they gimme back my threads, and then send one of the goons with us, you'd think they don't trust me or something ?

Now, remember me sayin all that shit is decided before anyone actually sets foot in the courtroom, and the dog and pony show is just fluff for the masses to pretend it isn't ?
Well, this is the discussion WHERE that shit is decided, and I wanted to be there for it, and most especially I wanted the bastard there with me.

Damn good thing, they wanted to charge HER for her excessive response and throw in a fine or community service, and we ain't havin none of that, fuck no, hell no - given recent events clarifying the situation that response was entirely justifiable, and fucking her over as a sop to their church was where I drew the line, absolutely, utterly not - not just cause of moral principles, but there's pyschological issues to be considered here, not that such is any of their damn business.

As for the punks, well, mister fractured-pelvis got what was comin to him, and we didn't see no need to charge him, we coulda, but I let that one go in exchange for letting the "crime" of self-defense slide.
Crowbar-monkey gets a B&E, first offense, probation, fine, community service, likely shovelling old ladies walks this winter, and more than likely robbing their places, knowing the type.
Ringleader boy takes the big dive, since he spilled his guts on tape before the churchs hoity-toity lawyer showed up to pour oil (and money) on the waters and try to smooth things over, he tried to say it was coerced but that didn't fly when she was forty feet away pouting when he did mosta the spilling, and he takes a double dose of B&E on top of a record for arson and vandalism, plus the usual bullshit which'll get trimmed off on the final dealmaking, stuff like tryin to run, aiding/abetting, etc.
Date-rape boy gets it hard too, failure to appear for a prior sexual offense, being placed at the scene of both crimes by a witness, and in possession of a substance that tested positive for GHB when arrested, that'll all come to roost when he faces the music for the original charge he failed to appear for - I wanted him remanded, but the churchies lawyer sleazed and slimed all over that one.
(I also told the cops to make sure it wasn't soap, but they didn't get the joke.)
As for Mister Just-standing-there, while he can be placed at both scenes, that's all we really got on him, so he gets cut loose with a warning for trespassing - which is fine, you always let one get away to spread the story, yanno ?

And of course, any of the five ever showing their face on the property around here and in a heap of trouble - especially what with the cop tellin the churchie lawyer they'll not bother investigating whatever *happens* to them at that point, and that's a deep lake, don't you know...
Hell, *I* was a bit shocked, but I guess they're pissed off about dealin with this instead of the run of tasty drug money forfeiture both counties are on a rampage with right now.

None of these punks is gonna do any time, I know it, but they won't be comin round site three no more, and one could hope the horror stories they spread create even more discouragement - there's already tales, but the lowlife hoodlums we have a treaty with and the suburban punkbitches ain't the same community, but as long as word gets around, I don't much care.

When I picked up my gear on the way out, one of the door goons was admiring my Taurus M4510 - "The fuck is THAT, issat legal ?!" - hell yes, I told him, and one of the other badges chimes in about my "Zombiekiller" (The Saiga) and we had a companionly chat about how much firepower can be legally had if you try hard enough, but I hadda cut it short so the bastard could keep another appointment.

Final tally between the medical and his fee comes around eight thou, which is damn painful, but given most "self-defense" cases involve a firearm and run about thirty thou all told, we got off cheap, I still don't have to like it though, it shouldn't fall on YOU financially or otherwise when you're in the right, that's just bullshit - and if/when the church inevitably files civil, imma file counterclaim and stick THEM with the medical bill, since the punk racked it up in the commission of a crime.


As for Wendy, that's tricky, Byte...

Firstoff, she's a closet kid, so she's mildly agoraphobic anyways, even in that basement she was "safe" from everything but the fosters, and a huge part of PTSD is that whole not-feeling-safe problem, so her reaction turtling makes perfect sense, and I think having the alarm with panic button and a blaster full of nonlethal shot oughta prettymuch do for that, since we twinned it to MY alarm, so her hittin it will bring me in a storm rush.

The stickier issue is that other than being put away and ignored, she never suffered any physical or other indignities, and having been around other rescuees the very idea of intimate physical contact freaks her completely the hell out you see, with one very troublesome exception - I did mention the phrase Hikaru Genji Plan, before, yes ?

She's well aware said idea is foredoomed due to age difference and how her hero/mentor/father-figure crush comes off to me as downright creepy, but it's not like she always takes the bratty daughter consolation prize gracefully, which puts an extra degree of complication in matters - usually they grow out of it and get successfully brushed off by the reality that their chosen idol is a mean, ruthless jerk, but she's more of a "warts and all" philosophy, and Alice is no help cause she finds it all too amusing that I get so bloody wound up about it and tend to overreact - which given my own experiences you can understand, but that just seems to encourage her to push my buttons to get a rise outta me even when she ain't bein serious.

Ergo, it makes it especially difficult to discuss matters of that nature with her, even in a self-defense context, and I can't pawn it off on no one else cause she'll just wig out on em and clam up.

On the job though, she's stone-cold professional, being able, and allowed to do this work, which she seems to enjoy greatly ("her world" as she calls it) and happens to be perfectly suited for, she treats it with an almost religious reverence - so I think gettin back on the schedule will do her a world of good as well, she'll be subbing in for me tomorrow night, but has predictably declined to carry any weapon but her alarms panic button.
(Does that make ME her CCW?)

Anyhows, she'll work it out, she's a tough kid in her own way, tho I know she don't look it.



Wednesday, June 16, 2010 7:43 AM


Mad Frem: The Site Warrior

Man, you got my respect for all the shit you gotta deal with, and how well you handle it.

The sincere Chrisisall


Wednesday, June 16, 2010 9:29 AM


5x5, Frem.

I had another idea. I can see you rolling your eyes over there, I know hearing my "ideas" are probably like having to listen to those Feds in you neighborhood trying to tell you "okay, we got to set up this and this" and you saying "I already did that twenty minutes ago."

But this might help.

From what I can tell, it was the sense that the system was taking away Wendy's right to defend herself that left her feeling so helpless, right? The cops wouldn't take her word that the nice little church missionaries fully deserved their ass kicking, right?

What if, in addition to the Frem-signal, she got some of those stuffed bears with the cameras in them to monitor the doors and windows and other access points in a room? Then she could take back that control over her right to self defense, knowing she'll always have evidence to prove she reacted in direct proportion to threat.


Wednesday, June 16, 2010 5:52 PM


Not a bad idea in theory, Byte - but having seen for herself just how easy it is to tap a camera feed, it raises privacy issues, and since that's her sanctuary, no dice.

That's one of the things frustrating my niece now as well, since her experience firsthand with how I turned her schools surveillance system against its administration, and followed by a chance phone call right after she did something untoward, combined with her guilty verbal fumbling clueing me in has given her the idea that *any* camera, anywhere, might be porting it's feed to my machine - this isn't true, nor logistically possible, but she's a little paranoid about it, especially in combination with my ability to figure out what she's thinking.

Of course, Wendy having played assistant and general gopher off and on, and seeing just how easy it is to compromise such a thing, while less paranoid about it, she certainly wouldn't want a camera in her place for any reason, not even a webcam - she's watched me track a guy all the way across Ann Arbor via Google StreetView once, mind you.

Oh, yes, and now everyone's having a laugh about the Overlord Undies, the best laid plans of mice and men, I tellya...

And just cause gallows humor is really about the only humor to be had around here currently, and as a stunning piece of contrast, lemme point out the kitten killer got 2-10 in slam today.

Just goes to show ya, even evil has standards.

I think da boyz wanna have a talk wid ya about dat, son...



Wednesday, June 16, 2010 7:44 PM


Ok, maybe I'm havin' trouble reading in english tonight, but I scanned this thread three times and I'm still not seeing where you say which particular brand of religiocity you're having troubles with?


Wednesday, June 16, 2010 8:49 PM


Freedom is Important because People are Important


I'd guess that it's hard to nail down just one specific. But I do have a guess of the type of thing.

Of course, the worst ones don't hold up signs. Frem can probably speak for himself much more fully and eloquently.


Due to the use of Naomi 3.3.2 Beta web filtering, the following people may need to private-message me if they wish to contact me: Auraptor, Kaneman, Piratenews, Wulfenstar. I apologize for the inconvenience.


Wednesday, June 16, 2010 9:14 PM


In this case, specific ?
Baptists, and even *those* come in many different flavors.

As a general thing ?
That whole gamut from Judaism to Christianity, which does, yes, include Muslims, Bahai, etc - but really any belief that includes as part of it's core beliefs ramming it down the throat of others on a bayonet, and/or bumping off unbelievers and heretics.

Funny thing about that, name every single decent social, ethical, or human advancement, and behind it you will find a heretic - it's the very ability, desire, and will to question which makes a visionary, without whom mankind stagnates and fails to adapt.

I am of the firm belief that many of our ills now are in some part related to a long practice of suppressing, culling, or even murdering most of our potential visionaries in their childhood, a practice still with us, but not nearly as badly as before.



Thursday, June 17, 2010 3:55 AM


Actually, here's a perfect example.

I was walking across a bridge one day and I saw a man standing on a ledge, about to jump off. So I ran over and said, "Stop! Don't do it!"

"Why shouldn't I?" he asked.

"Well, there's so much to live for." "Like what?"

"Well, are you religious?" He said yes. I said, "Me too!"

"Are you Christian or Buddhist?" "Christian." "Me too!"

"Are you Catholic or Protestant?" "Protestant." "Me too!"

"Are you Episcopalian or Baptist?" "Baptist." "Wow, me too!

"Are you Baptist Church of God or are you Reformed Baptist Church of God?"
"Reformed Baptist Church of God." "Hey,me too!"

"Are you Reformed Baptist Church of God, Reformation of 1789 or Reformed Baptist Church of God, 1915?"

He said, "Reformed Baptist Church of God, Reformation of 1915."

I said, "Die, heretic scum!!" And pushed him off the bridge.

That about sums it up - but also remember I am a Maltheist, and believe that particular divinity is a disgusting sort of vampire which feeds on misery and carnage, setting up those divisions deliberately by influencing folks who are weak to it's influence, and then feasting on the bloodshed and horror that results.
So, with that in mind I suppose you can understand how I feel toward the true believers, neh ?

I *might* just bip down the courthouse again today to watch the fallout - the DPD once again blew off the deadline to answer for their behavior, and Judge Cook wasn't havin none of their excuses, they didn't even file for an extension till 25 min after the deadline, and you can tell they bashed it out in a hurry...

And they got nothin, no plan, no nothin, the only people they got assigned to it are folk they had to desk cause they committed one too many abuses, and as such a lotta them wind up handling complaints they themselves initiated, and it's not like they ain't gonna cover for their buddies.

I hope she finds em in Contempt, I really do - although I doubt it'll be much more than a stern lecture with another polite little tap on the wrist as they let it slide, again, and again, and again... remember, this was supposed to be done, handled, finished, by 2008, and here we are, and they're beggin for 2011 - and who pays for that shit, we do, not only in money, but in the lives these showboating jackboots destroy.

I also wondered what Laura was doin there yesterday, and now I know, I woulda spared some time to discuss that one, for sure.

She doesn't mention it, but a lotta these folks are poor, too - when you're hoping for enough junk mail to use for toilet paper, a set of dress pants ain't exactly in your budget range, and some of the folk they drag in there are homeless and happen to be *wearing* everything they own, hell-O ?!

They wanna talk proper court attire so damn much, I might just put forth a motion to make em wear powdered wigs, see how they like that shit.

Think I'll give it a miss though, no sense winding em up, tempting that it is, besides, I have GOT to get that kid something smaller than that gawdaful cannon of mine - it's a Norinco clone of the ole trench sweeper, complete with replica M1917 16" Bayonet - now imagine little miss less-than-five-feet-tall with the stupid thing in hand and you got a recipe for disaster in the making, since it's slamfire capable and WILL go off if she drops it... between the awfulness of the eardrum wrecking boom, and the chaos and carnage of a 12G load of rubber ball shot bouncing around a small apartment, that's just a bad, BAD idea, so imma find a local shop that's got a Mossberg 50580 in 20G in stock, and a box of rubber ball shot for it.



Thursday, June 17, 2010 8:00 AM


Hoo boy, that judge was pissed.

Problem is, that $1000.00USD - where's it gonna come from but us taxpayers, which makes it kind of a shell game, but it oughta stoke public ire enough to put more pressure on these pricks - be nice if it came outta the police budget though.

Got damn lucky on the Mossberg, some shop up near bay city had one on clearance, so all in all it's...
Nuh uh, NOT gonna say it, not gonna tempt fate, oh hell no.



Thursday, June 17, 2010 8:49 AM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:
Actually, here's a perfect example.

I was walking across a bridge one day and I saw a man standing on a ledge, about to jump off. So I ran over and said, "Stop! Don't do it!"

"Why shouldn't I?" he asked.

"Well, there's so much to live for." "Like what?"

"Well, are you religious?" He said yes. I said, "Me too!"

"Are you Christian or Buddhist?" "Christian." "Me too!"

"Are you Catholic or Protestant?" "Protestant." "Me too!"

"Are you Episcopalian or Baptist?" "Baptist." "Wow, me too!

"Are you Baptist Church of God or are you Reformed Baptist Church of God?"
"Reformed Baptist Church of God." "Hey,me too!"

"Are you Reformed Baptist Church of God, Reformation of 1789 or Reformed Baptist Church of God, 1915?"

He said, "Reformed Baptist Church of God, Reformation of 1915."

I said, "Die, heretic scum!!" And pushed him off the bridge.

Yeah, that's one of my hubby's favorites, too. And we're both surrounded by people who simply just wouldn't get it or would distort even that for their own purposes, it really is fascinating that we as a people haven't blown ourselves to kingdom come already....






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