Female Condom....with teeth

UPDATED: Monday, June 21, 2010 16:41
VIEWED: 3280
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Sunday, June 20, 2010 9:47 AM



Sunday, June 20, 2010 10:50 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

Those "teeth" should be razor blades. Pivoted inward and spring-loaded, to shred the "manhood" of anyone who would rape a woman.


Sunday, June 20, 2010 11:09 AM



In south Africa, the overwhelming reason to avoid being raped is not honor, dignity or the desire not to be pregnant, it's AIDS, The last thing you want is to cause the attacker to bleed. Actually, if you wanted to improve on it, subcutaneous tranquil would work nicely. If it didn't also nail the host.

I wouldve dug up the movie poster by I couldn't find it.


Sunday, June 20, 2010 12:12 PM


Strikes me as closing the barn door after the horses took a header, always has.

Dead assholes don't rape no one, and ENOUGH people can make anyone dead, they try hard enough.

Problem comes with that whole self-defeating mindset, and as-long-as-it's-not-me kind of cowardice that prevents a cooperative response to these jackasses.

It's also idiotic to try a standup fight, the fuckers gotta sleep, gotta eat, gotta piss, and it's not like THEY are so very willing to risk their necks for each other either.

You do it right, you can fuck someone up with a handful of sand, it's more a matter of will and cooperative response than anything else, and this pathetic little stopgap is all but useless cause it plays on the assumption it's going to happen to you - which is half the battle surrendered before it even starts.



Sunday, June 20, 2010 2:30 PM


African rape gangs are a downside of anarchy. It would take an org of some kind to do for them, maybe tribalism.


Sunday, June 20, 2010 2:54 PM


African rape gangs are a downside of superstition and inter-tribal racism, I'd say.

The warlord style governments involved are often complicit.


Monday, June 21, 2010 3:09 AM



I'm not sure. African rape gangs probably rape people because they like to rape people. South africa has more reported rapes than the rest of the world combined, or did a few years ago, but now it's been spilling over into the rest of southern Africa. The average south african girl is raped before she enters high school, and 1/3 of the population has AIDS. The thing is, theres really no one to stop them. Of course in the case of south Africa, the president is a convicted rapist, so I shouldn't say anarchy. I suppose if there was no govt there would be some sort of vigilante force.

It's very politically incorrect to point out that all of this started when Nelson Mandela became president. I only mention it because I think people should know. Mandela didn't end apartheid, DeClerk, a lifelong anti-apartheid activist ended apartheid, something that the people who elected him knew he would do. Nelson Mandela is a life long terrorist who pled guilty to 134 counts of murder for killing random civilians. What Mandela really did that was unthinkable was he encouraged gangs to migrate to south Africa so they would vote the ANC into permanent power, which they did, which he knew they would do, just as he knew they would go around raping and killing, but just didn't care.

Our govt supports the ANC not because we oppose racism, the ANC is a racist organization, and I don't mean in the Wulf sense, I mean against minority blacks, even Zuma is a token Zulu to try to prove that the ANC doesn't hate Zulus. But we support them because theyre gloablists, which is to say they are hell bent on conquering Africa. Our only request of the ANC to get our support was that they change the C for Communist into C for Congress.

ETA: S. Africa has tribes, but it also has races. There are three distinct black races if you don't count the Indians, the bushmen and their kind, zulus and their kin, and bantus et al. I don't know about tribal conflict between the Bantu majority groups, that would be like when the irish fought the sicilians in the us and things like that. If that's happening i'd call it intertribal, but I think otherwise its just regular racism. Maybe you have more up to date info on it. I've only been following it haphazardly for the last few years.


Monday, June 21, 2010 3:31 AM



"She looked at me and said, 'If only I had teeth down there,'"


Monday, June 21, 2010 4:12 AM



African rape gangs probably rape people because they like to rape people.

Politically correctness aside, because you're usually pretty correct with historical research, so I'd give you the benefit of the doubt with Nelson Mandela.

Is that supposed to read "African rape gangs probably rape people because GANGS like to rape people"? I could go for that, maybe, though that goes back to what's creating gangs in Africa, and once again what's creating the gangs is probably inter-tribal tension.

There's always a reason for rape. Rape is bad, BAD, but there are reasons it happens. In war/ inter-tribal tension situations, rape is used as a weapon, a genocidal tool. You mention in South Africa, the government is a racist institution against minority tribes. Bet that's a major reason people look the other way in cases of rape, the inter-tribe tension and also because the government is complicit.

And surely you've heard about the superstition that goes around, about AIDs being a curse, and that sleeping with a virgin can cure it? Seriously, that's probably the most likely reason for 1/3 of all girls being raped before highschool.

It doesn't really help that there's a few African leaders who run around saying that AIDs isn't even a virus... Though they might be right that it was originally introduced to the population by the WHO.

Absent of war and inter-racial tension, it can be because of disenfranchisement of males and a lack of available females for socially acceptable kinds of coupling. Rejection/denial can be another common cause, but that's often associated with the "lack of available females" thing.

It's possible rape can occur within some tribes because of the favouritism displayed towards eldest sons, who often have multiple marriages. Younger sons may only get themselves a bride if their older brothers die, which then the harem gets turned over to them. But that's speculative, and I have no evidence for it.

I suspect rape in Africa tends to be the inter-tribal and the AIDs superstition thing.


Monday, June 21, 2010 5:28 AM


I know most folks prolly won't understand what I mean by this, but those villages down there, what they need is to find themselves seven samurai.

But then, you'd have to have an understanding and appreciation for the full complexity of the story to really "get" what I mean by that.



Monday, June 21, 2010 8:01 AM



Originally posted by dreamtrove:
I wouldve dug up the movie poster by I couldn't find it.

Huh. I found five.


Originally posted by Fremdfirma:
Strikes me as closing the barn door after the horses took a header

Yeah, it is that. I'm all for your exterminate the rapist idea. But, I would ask, is there a good option to protect women while we're waiting for all the rapists to be exterminated?


Monday, June 21, 2010 8:23 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

I don't see it as a bad thing, nor do I see it as creating a false sense of security; there IS no sense of security, false or otherwise, in that circumstance. Yes, it's kind of like locking the barn door, etc., but how do you STOP it before the "horse escapes"? Cooperative effort would be nice, but not realistic. Given how frequent rape is there, obviously there's a mentality that condones it, and getting men to be cooperative in stopping rape is a joke...we're so much more "civilized", yet look at how many men are on the front lines of stopping rape...damned few!

Same with the psychological me knowing I'd "tagged" the bastard and caused him pain would help ALEVIATE the psychological problem, rather than make it worse...unless, as I said, you have a method of stopping a rapist before he rapes. I understand you know ways, but how many women do?

Me, I'm in favor of it...and the razor idea appeals to me, too, for which I should be ashamed. I probably will be...maybe tomorrow, if I remember it.

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
signing off

To our President: “Mr. President, you're a god damn, mother fucking liar. Fuck you, you cock sucking community activist piece of shit.... oh, go fuck yourself, Mr. President” ...Raptor

To Anthony, unquestionably the most civil person on this forum: “Go fuck yourself. On this matter, make no mistake. I want you to go fuck yourself long and hard, as well as anyone who agrees with you. I got no use for you. ...Raptor

To Frem: “You miserable piece of shit.” ...Raptor

To Niki: “My guess is it won't just be your ugly face you dislike.....Well, it's true......if you had a soul.” ...Raptor

To Kwicko:" You're the putrid slime which oozes between troll's toes, you're so low.” ...Raptor

...Remember, remember, the ugliest member...


Monday, June 21, 2010 9:13 AM


Hmm, I ain't usin' it anyway, and I've considered being cauterized or sewn up or something. But I understand that's not really an option for other women.

Whatever happened to the chastity belts, you know, the non-stupid ones that don't have a hole lined with teeth? It's not like women don't wear pants and panties nowadays. Buckles and cleverly disguised keys and such for ease undoing the belt for bathroom purposes, and otherwise difficult to get into?

Though, granted, the bigger problem this would cause is the unsatisfied rapist deciding to take their power play through other forms of physical violence. Women would still need to know some self-defense, but anything that could buy them time, isn't that a good thing?


Monday, June 21, 2010 11:14 AM



Yes, that would be the they in question. Actually, the gangs are unrelated to tribal affiliations, they spawned mostly the same way they do here, and have international associations with our gangs.

They're largely based on cocaine and diamond trafficking. THe current ones were spawned in Liberia and Sierra Leone, and really gained a central african foothold in the wake of the Central African war, which was the fallout from Rwanda, or rather the spill over.

Africa is really a lot more like Europe than anyone would care to admit, especially the western press which tends to over-simplify things and reduce everything to primitive tribalism. The most tribal areas in africa now I believe are in east africa, areas really similar to Afgh and W. Pakistan, the parts of africa you're likely to find Al Qaeda. For all our govts. stances on all of that, I really have no issue with tribal east africans, I think they get a raw deal.

The worst gang in Africa is the RUF, and I forget what their sister gang in the US is, but they are teh former minions of Charles Taylor in Sierra Leone, trying to create a pro Taylor (of Liberia) govt in S.L. I see wiki will tell you that it disbanded in 2007:
Which is not the case. They now work for Robert Mugabe (Zimbabwe) where they wreak havoc and spill over the border.

As for how bad the RUF is: (Double warning, horrific stuff, and also hearsay, but hearsay from many different sources):

Select to view spoiler:

They do it their own guys what the Nazis did to their victims. Their victims? Try they dismember them and eat them alive. Yeah, I know, when I first ran into it my mind had to do a real mind bend to get around the concept worse than nazis" not a space I think existed. RUF doesn't generally accept new recruits, you have to be born into it, or adopted very early. usually this involves cutting open a rape slave. They are then raised in an environment of torture and drugs. I can't say this for sure, bt it appears to be true. Certainly stories now coming out of Zimbabwe match those which came out of S.L. Women are seized off the street and cut open if pregnant, random civilians slaughtered, eaten, etc. I posted a story here about someone that Mugabe wanted to question: The RUF went to visit him, and finding him not home, interviewed his wife. It was apparently cordial and informative. Then they sawed off her legs. Why? Because they are insane. Joseph Mengela level insane.

These guys are not a tribe, they're not related to a tribe, not assembled out of a tribe. The scariest part for us is that they share tactics ideas and financial operations with US gangs. Gives one pause. Esp. when some kid says "oh, these guys are cool."

Anyway, I'm with Frem, just plain old guns are probably a better defense.


You might be right about politicians looking the other way for ethnic reasons, there is a lot of tribal voting in South Africa (and here too) Tribal voting of course doesn't refer to tribes, it's when people vote their genetic group, like blacks voting for Obama, or Irish people for Kennedy. But also, there could be a lot of political reasons to look the other way. Militias are useful to despotic regimes to carry out crimes that it does not want to have officially committed, like assassination of opponents.

Yes, I've heard the superstitions, but I don't believe anyone believes them any more than I believe muslims think that they will get 72 virgins.

The stats I read from S.A are that the *avg* girl is raped before HS.


It doesn't really help that there's a few African leaders who run around saying that AIDs isn't even a virus... Though they might be right that it was originally introduced to the population by the WHO.

Yes, your right, Mugabe and Mbeki and co are not helping the problem. They actually sometimes claim it doesn't exist. I suspect that this enables people to believe they don't have it. I

I'm virtually certain that AIDS was spread by the WHO, the case is a lock: They admitted to fabricating documents to make it look like they didn't, thus proving that they did. The real question is whether they did this *intentionally*. Last time this came up, I would have said "No." but now I'm not so sure. The amount of genocidal positioning by eugenicists and globalists involved in the founding of the UN and WHO which have come to light. It's clear to me now that the aim of this crowd in 1955 was removal of black populations, probably for a new phase of white-populating black africa, and iea whose time was just about to pass, but they didn't know that yet.


Hmm, I ain't usin' it anyway, and I've considered being cauterized or sewn up or something. But I understand that's not really an option for other women.


Good God. They've gotten to you. Think long and hard about TPTB and what they want. We know they are Eugenicists, Right? Okay, what do they want? To reduce the world population, they say it all the time. In particular, to reduce the population of people who oppose them. They really don't want women having children. They Really don't want women raising their own children. This is why there is a public school system. This is why there is mainstream television programming.

Because they know what they don't want you to know:

The hand that rocks the cradle is the hand that rules the world.

really, it stuns me that people don't get it. I find it obvious. If feminists raelly wanted a matriarchy, they might look into this very simple rule.

Here's how it works: Your power=the total hours of people working for your benefit times their average expertise times the average hours they put into the task, minus the sum total of the powers working against you.

Okay, that formula is well known and widely accepted in business.

Now apply that to the career working woman: Her hours are taken up by her job. She has very little free time. If she has no kids, then no one else is working for her success. together, her team has her expertise from her job.

This is why there are mom and pop shops. Because mom and pop have kids. And they raise them.

Sterilizing the population is a goal of TPTB. Hell, it's their #1 goal, way above everything else. Why? because you aren't them. They want an army of ants. They want drones they can enslave, kill at will, and replace at will. As long as we're willing to accept their rules, their victory in the game is absolutely ensured.


See my above post. The worry for South Africans is AIDS. The secondary growing worry is of being harvested for the unborn child. Things are pretty bad. I suspect these trump the psychological trauma. In africa right now, people are being eaten alive. If you survive that, there might be some PTSD. I don't mean the psych trauma is not an issue for africans, I just mean that I think it's not the first worry on their list.


Monday, June 21, 2010 12:04 PM


No, we've had this conversation before. It's mostly because 1) I don't want any liabilities when I go in somewhere to kick some ass, 2) I'm bat shit crazy, 3) I will not do diapers, ever, and don't consider babies cute, 4) I'm mad as hell about the constant pressure I feel from the damn mormon culture in Utah over marriage and pregnancy, 5) I'm bat shit crazy, 6) I would be negligent, unaffectionate, and generally a horrible parent, 7) The idea of physical intimacy with anyone makes me nauseated, 8) the effort of finding someone to impregnate me would not be worth it, and then having to PUT UP WITH THEM, annoying AS HELL, 9) the mainstream media uses the stupid fantasy about romance and parenthood on women to lock them into single mother debt slavery forEVER, and 10) I'm bat shit crazy.

I'd actually do it to myself, because I'd really not want to go into those deathholes they call a hospital and get some superfreak infection. I ought to look into this.

Other women can have babies babies babies, whatever. Just keep the little pustules outta my face. They're okay once they're not screaming all the time and once they're potty trained, but before then I don't want anything to do with them.


Monday, June 21, 2010 1:27 PM



Originally posted by Bytemite:
Hmm, I ain't usin' it anyway, and I've considered being cauterized or sewn up or something. But I understand that's not really an option for other women.

It's not a good option at all. As female circumcision proves, being sewn up offers no barrier to physical violation, only causing more pain and a whole lot more blood. (Combine this lovely little tradition with an AIDS and rape-gang epidemic, and that's a whole lot of infected blood.)
I dunno about cauterizing, never heard of anyone doing that. Even if it worked, though, anything that would actually block the passage for good and all would also block urine, which seems a bad plan.


Whatever happened to the chastity belts, you know, the non-stupid ones that don't have a hole lined with teeth? It's not like women don't wear pants and panties nowadays. Buckles and cleverly disguised keys and such for ease undoing the belt for bathroom purposes, and otherwise difficult to get into?

Though, granted, the bigger problem this would cause is the unsatisfied rapist deciding to take their power play through other forms of physical violence.

I'm glad you answered your own question, here. From what I understand, this toothy little device it designed to inflict pain, theoretically making an attacker less capable of moving and allowing a victim some time to get away. And since it's a condom, it offers protection from nasty diseases as well as nasty attackers.

I can't imagine it makes for very erotic foreplay conversation. "Just a minute honey, I need to slip out my rape-defense device. Yep, I have it so you won't abandon me for being damaged, I love you that much." Messed up gorramn situation overall, if you ask me.


Monday, June 21, 2010 1:37 PM



Originally posted by Bytemite:
No, we've had this conversation before. It's mostly because 1) I don't want any liabilities when I go in somewhere to kick some ass, 2) I'm bat shit crazy, 3) I will not do diapers, ever, and don't consider babies cute, 4) I'm mad as hell about the constant pressure I feel from the damn mormon culture in Utah over marriage and pregnancy, 5) I'm bat shit crazy, 6) I would be negligent, unaffectionate, and generally a horrible parent, 7) The idea of physical intimacy with anyone makes me nauseated, 8) the effort of finding someone to impregnate me would not be worth it, and then having to PUT UP WITH THEM, annoying AS HELL, 9) the mainstream media uses the stupid fantasy about romance and parenthood on women to lock them into single mother debt slavery forEVER, and 10) I'm bat shit crazy.

I'd actually do it to myself, because I'd really not want to go into those deathholes they call a hospital and get some superfreak infection. I ought to look into this.

Other women can have babies babies babies, whatever. Just keep the little pustules outta my face. They're okay once they're not screaming all the time and once they're potty trained, but before then I don't want anything to do with them.

You're "Bat Shit Crazy"? You sound like the type that would invent a condom that would shred a dick


Monday, June 21, 2010 1:46 PM


Look, I was never proposing my own personal choices for other women, and I'm a little extreme. But there's got to be something better than allowing things to go that far. It's a humiliation, is what it is, an invasion.

And I imagine "hold on, got to take out my vagina dentata" isn't really any better of an opener.

I also note you're going to have the same problem of physical violence from an unsatisfied rapist with this tooth thing, as well. It's better to not let them get that close at all.

Isn't all this toothy stuff a little too close for comfort to the magic flaps? Said she-who-is-contemplating-cauterizing-herself. But still, I just can't see this being a good idea at all.


Monday, June 21, 2010 1:53 PM


Whozit: No, I actually find that sadistic. Besides, how would you enforce equal punishment on a woman, if she were to rape a man? Because that's what this is about. Punishment, as opposed to deterrence. Maybe they deserve it, and I'd most certainly intervene if I saw a rape, but clear from my schoolyard days, I still live by the kosherized rules that you never go for the junk. If you know how to fight, there are better ways to incapacitate someone, without practically going to third base with them.

What about the inevitable point when women intentionally rape men, with this kind of garbage, for the luls and evuls?

What a bunch of dumbhattery our species engages in over insignificant biological functions and fluid exchange. But perhaps my views are too deviant for me to contribute usefully to this thread any longer. I'll go ahead and bow out now.


Monday, June 21, 2010 4:19 PM



Highlight the above description of the RUF in my earlier post, hidden under spoiler brackets if you think what we are talking about are dicks.


Yeah, it's a moronic idea of course, the rapist would take it out first, I don't imaging they attack dick first. Also, you run a risk that anyone who's seen se7en can appreciate:rapists are sick fucks and particular the gangs in africa were talking about here, there's no guarantee that they couldn't just take the thing out, invert it, and then use it, in the end of a pole if they have to, maybe after they're done with the raping.

One of my rules of life: don't construct a guillotine in the city square if you don't want your own head to roll.

By this logic, don't carry around your own genital torture device. Hell, I would even carry a gun cause I know statistically, this follows. If I were to give some real serious advice to these women, it would be "get the he'll out of south Africa. You guys have more rapes per years that the rest of the world combined, and you're only 0.5% of the population!"


What you're actually contemplating here is not birth control, it's suicide. The things your considering doing to yourself, the RUF do to some of their victims. It kills them. Youre missing the part about your major circulatory and nervous system layout. It's like the lorena bobbit thing. almost all men who have their penises cut off die as a result. Reason? Major arteries. Since a man is only generating sperm and a woman is supplying blood flow to a whole nother person, I have to assume the situation would be radically worse for a woman.

As far as the hand that rocks the cradle goes, case in point: the Mormon church.

Here are some other baby-centric religions: Judaism, islam, the RCC. oh, and the Amish. Oh right, they don't rule the world.,., to which I say, oh yea? Just wait.

As for rape in America, I would remind folk that men are raped 2:1 over women, IIRC, tho not by women.


Also, don't do something stupid like off yourself. For those who intentionally do things or take things that harm themselves physically, I have to say that nature has a well controlled and balanced system fir you survival. Even trying to push it in a positive direction can result in your immediate departure from the living. Those who possess the stupidity to affect themselves in a negative way seem to face natures wrath in a far more devastating manner. Anyone at all in touch with the planet should be able to tell that instinctively.

ETA: I see people have this done to try to not due from a botched hysterectomy or uterine cancer operation. I found some nuns who were having hysterectomies so they wouldn't sin, who ran into complications, because as I said, nature has a special hell for those who cannot respect it.

Also, I thought this thread was about the disaster that is south Africa, a much more poignant and interesting topic than peoples personal hangups.


Monday, June 21, 2010 4:41 PM


Very good points on the invert thing. Yes, there was something bothering me about this that screams it's a bad idea. There it is.

Oof, bowing out? Okay, this time for real.






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