Boobies are for babies

UPDATED: Monday, July 12, 2010 19:45
VIEWED: 5701
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Sunday, July 4, 2010 8:07 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

They don't carry milk, they're filled with embalming fluid


Sunday, July 4, 2010 8:22 PM


Sorry dude, I like breasts.
But not the over-sized implanted kind.
Small, large, but natural, it's all good. Always has been.
I'm no baby. In fact, I'm lactose intolerant. But to deny a male hetero fascination with female anatomical differences is... illogical.

The laughing Chrisisall


Sunday, July 4, 2010 9:00 PM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
Sorry dude, I like breasts.

I like 'em, too. With you all the way there, Chris. (except for the male and hetero part.)



Sunday, July 4, 2010 9:35 PM



Originally posted by RiverDancer:
(except for the male and hetero part.)

To deny a female homo fascination with female anatomical similarities is... illogical.
(And such fascination is hot)

The laughing Chrisisall


Monday, July 5, 2010 1:46 AM


Our society is Puritan and backwards, that's what the fascination is. If there were tits everywhere, men wouldn't stare. When the story about us being decended from bonobos came out, which appears to be the real missing link, i looked up some pictures, they look real human, and the females have breasts, unlike other female apes, just not as large as human women.

The size of the human brain requires a longer nursing period, because the brain is evolutionarily new and the womb is not adapted to a two year gestation like other large brained animals such as a whale or an elephant.

Tits are only fatty due to fat replacement of muscle tissue, which happens with age. The muscle is needed to carry milk for a longer period of time. Hence, tits are potentially a sign of big brains. Also, tits show an overall musculature body tone, like asses, these are the first places for musculature to give out, so anti-gravity tits are also a positive evolutionary indicator.

What I mean to say is:


Monday, July 5, 2010 3:25 AM


Breasts = musculature? I must have read that wrong...


Monday, July 5, 2010 3:45 AM


"Ladies, button up. We don't want to see your tits any more."


King of the Mythical Land that is Iowa


Monday, July 5, 2010 3:49 AM


King of the Mythical Land that is Iowa


Monday, July 5, 2010 3:52 AM


The article itself is just unbeliavably offensive.

The author's theory: Get women back barefoot into the kitchen by insulting their bodies.

"Breasts are nothing special" is about the kindest thing this person has to say.

He could have really found a better angle for his pro-family-values message.

What a dolt.

I'm a heterosexual woman and I find breasts utterly beautiful and enjoy seeing them, whether related to sex OR feeding babies. So screw that stupid article!

ETA: Oh, the hypocrisy! He brings up women in Mali who go topless all the time and where breasts cause less uproar and are less sexualized.

Then he tells women to cover up.



Monday, July 5, 2010 4:44 AM


My friends have large cleavage. For some reason I always end up staring at it. It's either my tendency to avoid looking people in the eyes and that's just where the gaze ends up, or the deliberate attempts to draw attention to the cleavage.

Either way, they need to stop making fun of me. I'm not leering, there's no interest or attraction on my side, and apparently I can't help it.

Are we talking about boobs? Um, Why? Bulbous tumour-like projections on the torso that leak a pus-like fluid. Yeah, real attractive.


Monday, July 5, 2010 4:49 AM



Originally posted by Bytemite:
My friends have large cleavage. For some reason I always end up staring at it. It's either my tendency to avoid looking people in the eyes and that's just where the gaze ends up, or the deliberate attempts to draw attention to the cleavage.

Either way, they need to stop making fun of me. I'm not leering, there's no interest or attraction on my side, and apparently I can't help it.

Are we talking about boobs? Um, Why? Bulbous tumour-like projections on the torso that leak a pus-like fluid. Yeah, real attractive.

There is nothing wrong with you. We all stare at giant tits....Let em make fun of you for it...could be far worse things that you could be getting ribbed about.


Monday, July 5, 2010 4:56 AM


What's with the anti-breast thing? :(

Do you really find them that visually offensive? Because the milk=pus comparison sounds kind of over the top.

I mean, it's one thing to not be into them, but that description just sounds so negative and almost angry.


Monday, July 5, 2010 4:59 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

I think the jew doctor may have a point.


Monday, July 5, 2010 5:07 AM


AR: I can do the same with men! :)

Really, focusing on anything and calling anatomy "beautiful" is not something I understand. Aside from the whole "it's alive!" thing, which is amazing and cool, humans are all really gross.

Do you know that everyone sheds over a billion dead cells a day? If people had microscopic vision, we could see it following everyone around like a cloud of pestilence. Awesome, but again, disgusting. Let's not even get into toxic secretions or the stuff that stays INSIDE.

So yeah. Colour me not impressed by secondary sex characteristics. At the most basic level, all it is is fleshy bits and bags of fluid.


Monday, July 5, 2010 5:13 AM



It does sound less aggressive when you apply it to the whole of the human body.

I can't share that view, but I can understand it better.


Monday, July 5, 2010 5:18 AM



Originally posted by Bytemite:
AR: I can do the same with men! :)

Really, focusing on anything and calling anatomy "beautiful" is not something I understand. Aside from the whole "it's alive!" thing, which is amazing and cool, humans are all really gross.

Do you know that everyone sheds over a billion dead cells a day? If people had microscopic vision, we could see it following everyone around like a cloud of pestilence. Awesome, but again, disgusting. Let's not even get into toxic secretions or the stuff that stays INSIDE.

So yeah. Colour me not impressed by secondary sex characteristics. At the most basic level, all it is is fleshy bits and bags of fluid.

Hate to see how you view a vagina....

”Niki--condescending arrogant fat old bi-polar hag....You are an does not need a sockpuppet to tell you to fuck off" ...sayeth Kane


Monday, July 5, 2010 7:10 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

I'm a boob girl myself. I think they're lovely, but then I like the physique, male and femal. Just watched "Family Man" and never realized before how buff Nicolas Cage is. Not over-built, just nice.

The human body is as pretty as any other body, horses are spectacular, some dogs are wonderful, cats are elegant; it goes on and on. I used to wear a push-up bra and enjoyed having cleavage, partly because I was skinny as a rail when young and had pathetic little A cups. My first boyfriend made me feel better by saying "anything over a handful is just a waste".

I understand the caveman genes that make men obsessive about boobs and hips; back then they were a sign of fertility. It's just been genetically carried on; the day we evolved beyond that, too (but that it should only happen), we'll evolve as a species. Until then, eh, the salivation is just a "guy thing". Let 'em have their fun. Which is not to say we can't enjoy them too...

The only sad thing is the TRUE obsession PN has with all things sexual and homosexual. He should get help.

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
signing off


Monday, July 5, 2010 11:17 AM



Hate to see how you view a vagina....

A what?

Animals are pretty gross too, since Niki mentioned it. I've had to clean up cat and dog vomit and leavings a few times.

Also plants.


Monday, July 5, 2010 12:42 PM


Byte, now you got me remembering an old Star Trek episode, betcha Chrisisall could even tell us which one...oh, nvm, found it on the quote lookup.
*robotic voice*
"Ugly bags of mostly-water!"

S'funny, I don't look at peoples eyes neither unless I am doin that mindbender-voice trick, usually I am lookin at at point between their knees - this is cause it lowers your head and protects you from most effective head strikes, pulls your visual focus away from being head or eye faked, and allows you to watch their hands, and most importantly, where they put their feet cause that gives away their intentions a split second before they act and gives you the edge.

Bonus points in that you can pull off a Kubric Stare at the same time.


I do not serve the Blind God.


Monday, July 5, 2010 1:14 PM


Byte's description of boobs is accurate, but far too polite.

I have long maintained that those who are fascinated with the sagging, leaky protrusions are infantile. Boobs are regrettably mammalian eyesores.

Compared to the majesty of hairy, rock hard pectorals *pauses to squeeze and flex own hairy, rock hard pecs* boobs are lame and icky. Anyway, ya'll ought to feel shame over your secondary sexual characteristics, and primary ones, too.

On another note, weird Frem. I interpret eye contact as aggression, and only make it if I'm trying to pick a fight. Between the knees may be better than the throat...


Tuesday, July 6, 2010 7:06 AM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:
usually I am lookin at at point between their knees - this is cause it lowers your head and protects you from most effective head strikes, pulls your visual focus away from being head or eye faked, and allows you to watch their hands, and most importantly, where they put their feet cause that gives away their intentions a split second before they act and gives you the edge.

I usually look at the throat- it gives me a good peripheral view of the entire biped, plus lets me concentrate on my primary objective of crushing or tearing/biting out the windpipe.

The laughing Chrisisall


Tuesday, July 6, 2010 7:47 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Funny thread, I get a kick ouf ot how we each view things.

Frem, I loved that quote; there's no question a different species, robot or alien would view us as weird, but like all other species, we are focused on our own. And those caveman genes run deeeep--otherwise we wouldn't have so much aggression and war, eh?

Interesting people don't look others in the eyes--I don't think about it much. I know I keep right on typing when talking to Choey or Jim sometimes, which can make them think I'm not listening, but I am. If discussing something important, I try to look people in the eye; in casual conversation around the house, if I'm doing something I keep on doing it and carry on the conversation at the same time.

Made me go to the internet, where I found some interesting stuff:

When you are talking to somebody, do you look that person in the eye the whole time?

It is a big thing in America that people look each other in the eye when having a discussion. According to Americans, if you look away when talking to somebody, they believe you have something to hide. What do you think about this premise?

I agree, Americans make such a big deal about looking somebody in the eye that you're talking to.

The Japanese on the other hand consider looking somebody in the eye as very disrespectful, especially if the person you're talking to is your superior. I think Nigerians are the same way.

So, what obtains in America is more of a culture than anything else. As far as I'm concerned, not looking somebody in the eye while you speak to them is not a sign that you have something to hide.


It's a form of nonverbal communication known as oculesics and has a large influence on social behavior.

A myth; you can't trust someone who won't look you in the eye. Or, if someone's eyes dart to many things in the room while you're talking with them they're "shifty-eyed" or shy.

According to Wikipedia, a Canadian study with 3- to 6- month-old infants found that smiling in the infants decreased when adult eye contact was removed. A British study found that direct gaze facilitated face recognition by infants. Other research confirmed the belief that the direct gaze of adults influences the direct gaze of infants.

Sadly, some adults avoid eye contact because of early childhood wounding. Researchers who study relationships find there is a big difference between people who make friends easily and those who don't. Generally, people in successful relationships tend to make frequent eye contact when conversing.

Eye aversion can be a positive thing when a cognitive task is at hand. Apparently, looking someone in the eye requires mental processing that could be distracting when trying to respond to questions on a test or concentrating on an activity.

However, we often look for clues in the eyes of people with whom we communicate. We want to know if we're accepted. People tend to make less eye contact with individuals they dislike.

Maintaining constant eye contact is virtually impossible, arouses strong emotion, and can be stressful. Eye contact between two people rarely lasts longer than three seconds before one or both participants has a strong urge to look away.

When it comes to eye contact with animals - watch out. Eye aversion is strongly recommended. Direct eye contact in most species is seen as aggressive and threatening.


In the Islamic faith, Muslims often lower their gaze and try not to focus on the opposite sex's faces and eyes after the initial first eye contact, other than their legitimate partners or family members, in order to avoid potential unwanted desires.

In many cultures, such as East Asia and Nigeria, it is respectful not to look the dominant person in the eye; references such as "shifty-eyed" can refer to suspicions regarding an individual's unrevealed intentions or thoughts.

Nevertheless, the seeking of constant unbroken eye contact by the other participant in a conversation can often be considered overbearing or distracting by many even in western cultures, possibly on an instinctive or subconscious level.

Interesting stuff. Much more interesting than a discussion of boobs; I'd love to hear what others think.

The underlined part especially interested me. On one hand: "Recent studies suggest that eye contact has a positive impact on the retention and recall of information and may promote more efficient learning." Yet "A study by University of Stirling psychologists concluded that children who avoid eye contact while considering their responses to questions had higher rates of correct answers than children who maintained eye contact." So eye contact EFFECTUATES learning, but has the OPPOSITE effect when answering.

"Looking at faces is quite mentally demanding. We get useful information from the face when listening to someone, but human faces are very stimulating and all this takes processing. So when we are trying to concentrate and process something else that's mentally demanding, it's unhelpful to look at faces."
Really interesting.

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
signing off


Tuesday, July 6, 2010 8:13 AM



Originally posted by Niki2:
So when we are trying to concentrate and process something else that's mentally demanding, it's unhelpful to look at faces.

I guess I'm kinda weird that way- I look directly into a person's eyes when talking or listening, so constantly in fact that I try to REMEMBER to occasionally glance away.

*Helpful hint: when talking to someone you'd rather not, smile too much and fix your gaze just under one of the two eyes, and keep it there. This will make the other person uncomfortable & make them want to stop.

The laughing Chrisisall


Tuesday, July 6, 2010 9:38 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
Sorry dude, I like breasts.
But not the over-sized implanted kind.
Small, large, but natural, it's all good. Always has been.
I'm no baby.

Boobs is nice...

My great-nephew , aged nearly 11 months , is a total boob-man !

If he even looks at a picture of Scarlett , he begins an open-mouthed drool and tries to draw near enough for contact.

Any female that picks him up has to be forewarned that he WILL be attempting grabbage of the boobage...

He doesn't care for man-pecs at all ; he totally wants the girls...He acts like he's being ripped off if he sees thoracic hirsuteness peeking from a shirt-collar , and who can blame him for that ?

REAL girls just ain't made like that , even a toddling child knows it , and prefers sexy women with real cleavage...


Tuesday, July 6, 2010 11:40 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Thankx for the hint, Chris, I'll remember that. When people go off on me I generally smile and stare at them anyway, and the results are hysterical, it really flumoxes 'em. But "just under the eyes" sounds like a good maneuver too.

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
signing off


Tuesday, July 6, 2010 1:48 PM


I'm a legman myself, but the overall effect of curves in the silhouette of a woman are beautiful so boobs are part of it, they are nice, but almost as nice are the narrower shoulders, the hips, a thin angular neck, and a tight, not too thin or muscly stomach, female tummys are yummy.

I really can't think of a feature of women I don't like.... well perhaps the part where they tell you their problems and don't really want you to suggest a solution... but that's a WHOLE nother can of worms.

Key thing is, legs get me going before boobs do. And as wash would say, "that part where her legs meet her back" isn't bad either, though legs, hips and tummy come first in my book.

"...we need a hood ornament..."


Tuesday, July 6, 2010 2:27 PM



Originally posted by reenact12321:
I really can't think of a feature of women I don't like.... well perhaps the part where they tell you their problems and don't really want you to suggest a solution... but that's a WHOLE nother can of worms.


You know how to drive someone with an ISTP personality flat bonkers ?

Spend TWO HOURS whinging about a problem, and then when they go to solve it accuse them of incompetence, interfere with their efforts, bitch about their methods or the cost, and then when they do fix the goddamn thing act all insulted and pretend you weren't all that concerned about it, accuse them of overreacting and constantly nitpick about it for WEEKS...

And this is why she's the EX-Fremgirl, folks.

Most folk have more sense, they know whinging to me about something is gonna provoke me to do something so they will shut the hell up, and also happen to be well aware of how it's likely to get handled, and wisely keep their trap shut if such isn't their intention.

For mine own, I care about the strength and purity of a girls spirit more than what she looks like...well, mostly, if she's like well over a decade younger than me it just creeps me the hell *OUT* when they start with the games, especially as I am more sensitive about that thing than most cause of some of my work, and I never quite know how much they're serious versus just winding me up to watch me wig out about it.


I do not serve the Blind God.


Tuesday, July 6, 2010 2:42 PM


never had the age problem, a girl a decade younger would be creepy for a whole kind of other reason. The illegal/not developed kind of problem. lol

...and now we wait for Wulf to swing in and make a comment about "if there's grass on the field..."

"...we need a hood ornament..."


Tuesday, July 6, 2010 3:46 PM


Well, me bein forty and not quite lookin it (thanks in part to a partial jaw reconstruction) has something to do with it, plus all that work against the hellcamps and getting involved in yankin other kids outta hellholes and foster care nightmares back when I was a mid-late teen myself, you see ?

A lotta my former rescuees are well past legal age and some still have idol issues despite the deliberately exaggerated facade of obnoxious jackass I use to discourage it - and mind you, it's not easy to be convincingly nasty when they're well aware you're risking your very neck for folks like them with no hope of real accomplishment or acknowledgement.

(And I really, REALLY need to vent a bit here, sorry...)

But it's Wendy that's the current pain in my arse, like a stray cat you fed who follows ya home and won't leave....
Ok, that's a bit harsh, but still - I pulled her outta hell and have been prettymuch the closest thing to a father she's ever known, via a legal loophole - - in exchange for her former fosters not getting thrown in jail where they belonged, cause that'd dump her right back into that screwed up system.

Little did I know the obnoxious bratling had a Hikaru Genji Plan goin on right from the very start...

And every time I bring up the 22 year age difference and the fact that she *looks* like a kid and how much that totally creeps me, she then proceeds to verbally beat me over the head with my own fucking lectures about youth rights, self determination, respect of others personhood and stupid socio-religious rules that make no real-world sense, even going so far as to emulate my own voice and delivery!

Fate has a sick sense of humor, and being abundantly hoisted on my own petard in this fashion is about the cruelest joke I could imagine - this is made worse by the recent realization that she's probably *always* going to need a caretaker even if she is legally an adult because no one will take her seriously cause of how she looks, she cannot see in full daylight and thus cannot drive, and thanks to closet-kid syndrome has a limited life expectancy with certain unavoidable health issues looming in her future, which she is all too well aware of herself.

And so I treat her as a self-adopted, spoiled rotten daughter, a consolation prize she does NOT accept in good grace, and proceeds to do stuff like push the boundries causing me to get flustered and snap at her, then turns on the waterworks (ok, imma sucker, shaddap) and then starts lookin for weakpoints to exploit, again, hoisting me on my own damn petard as she learned all those mindtricks from me, curse it.


And now I gotta go do rounds at site three, with HER covering site four and in radio range, allowing her to needle me about it every blasted check-in.


PS. And of *course* pulling her irons out of the fire over that group of punks hasn't curtailed her interest not one friggin bit, noooo.


Tuesday, July 6, 2010 4:07 PM


Youth self-determination, sure, but that don't mean you give up YOUR self-determination, either. They're equal, both your determinations have to have a say in the relationship for it to be consensual, and unfortunately, your self-determination is not into it.

if she wants to call you a hypocrite over it, that's on her, but I don't see it as hypocritical to have lines you don't want to cross. Can't change how you feel and can't change taste.

Just don't tell her I said that. I might be able to berserker too, but I suspect she could kick my ass.


Tuesday, July 6, 2010 4:12 PM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:
A lotta my former rescuees are well past legal age and some still have idol issues despite the deliberately exaggerated facade of obnoxious jackass I use to discourage it

Whoa, whoa, WHOA! You do WHAT to discourage WHO? Excuse me, presenting an "exaggerated facade of obnoxious jackass" to keep young women at bay, is like washing your hair with catnip to keep felines away! No no no, you're supposed to act like the gay friend, duh! You're supposed to READ Twilight, not act like a character in the book!


Tuesday, July 6, 2010 4:23 PM


oh, I didn't know I hit a nerve. Don't know much about you Frem so I'm doing a lot of "who? what? hell holes? system" I'm assuming you're a social worker though from what I can glean.

"...we need a hood ornament..."


Tuesday, July 6, 2010 4:34 PM



Originally posted by HKCavalier:
duh! You're supposed to READ Twilight, not act like a character in the book!


Sorry. It's Buffy or bust!

Get it? Bust?

The laughing Chrisisall


Tuesday, July 6, 2010 5:29 PM



Originally posted by chrisisall:

Originally posted by HKCavalier:
duh! You're supposed to READ Twilight, not act like a character in the book!


Sorry. It's Buffy or bust!

Get it? Bust?

That's like the old Cheech & Chong movie , where the cops are overflying the beach with the helo , and the cop-in-charge says , " Ok , you guys shut up about the tits , we've got a bust to think about !"

Now , back to our regularly-programmed boobage :

Brought to you as a public service by O2tB. And Furious Fanboys.


Tuesday, July 6, 2010 5:43 PM



Originally posted by Bytemite:
My friends have large cleavage. For some reason I always end up staring at it. It's either my tendency to avoid looking people in the eyes and that's just where the gaze ends up, or the deliberate attempts to draw attention to the cleavage.

Byte , did I mention that I like your friends ?

I'd love to get to know them better , all the while helping you to become more averse to your er, problem...

I'm sure that we can work out a way to see eye-to-eye on this. Always willing to help out a friend , yep , that would be me.


Tuesday, July 6, 2010 5:58 PM


Byte - she knows exactly what she's pulling, and so do I, she just thinks she can grind me down about that by "exercising her ability to negotiate", yet another trick from my own bag - I get sick enough of it, I'll put on my firing range ear protectors and lock out the amp.
As for the other, hell Byte, she can kick *MY* ass, handing it back to me on a plate was one of the things what sped up my retirement and hand-over to Justin, which kinda makes my threatening to clobber her kinda laughable.

HKCav - might work if that was, yanno.. credible, besides, there's a line between being just a jerk and geniunely horrifying - I gotta deep well of ruthless coldblooded malice to draw on, backed up by a morality and philosophy that can come off as borderline "evil" to a westerner, so yeah, I can shock, outrage and offend em - idols fall hard, and I am always willin to help push mine over...
But like Mal put it in Jaynestown, it ain't about me, it's about what they need to believe to get through the day, only I would rather they believe in themselves, become heros, instead of waiting for one.
(That was damn funny though, I needed a good laugh - and is it just me, or does Cullen look like Syndrome from The Incredibles ?)

Reenact - nah, you didn't hit a nerve so much as I just reallllly needed to vent about a situation that's been rookin me bad for almost a year now, is all.

And no, no quite a social worker, well, maybe a villainous sorta one, who also built a pocket empire out of it, although I am no longer in charge of it.

Here's some background on "what I do" and how that all came about.
This started back in like, the early to mid 80's, so I been at this a long, LONG time, and for the record.. "won", actually DID the impossible and helped greatly to smash WWASPS and all their hangers-on.

And in some unrelated thread I explained how I wound up in charge of Wendy, as well.
Bout halfway down - and I dunno if I mention it in either thread, but for whatever reason girls tend to have a much, much higher survival rate of severe abuse due to mental resiliance or something, which is why most of the rescuees that actually do survive, as opposed to offing themselves within the year (a very common problem) are girls.

And back to walkin rounds some more, listenin to her complaining about how hot it is, and our uniforms, which are, admittedly, not summer weight here, but it ain't like I ain't out there bakin MY brains too!


I do not serve the Blind God.


Wednesday, July 7, 2010 2:21 AM


that last pic, forget the boobies, those green eyes are hypnotic.

"...we need a hood ornament..."


Wednesday, July 7, 2010 2:22 AM


damn double post glitch


Wednesday, July 7, 2010 4:45 AM


Frem's a lot younger than I would've thought.

The story, like so many of these, speaks to we have a pretty screwed up system and I'm game to toss the whole thing out and start over. Not sure how to do that, I guess that's the overall story.

Have to gnaw over that one. You can't fight the system and win, I suspect, it has an immune system, so I guess the two approaches are hide from it, which is what I take it Frem's overall take is atm, or suck up to it, form some symbiotic relationship which the system acknowledges that is beneficial to it, and then allows you to coexist, which Pirate News has done (okay, that last one was a joke) but seriously, I think that's more what the Israelis have done.

Of course the system will never let you save its victims above board, because it squashes life in general, and anyone who defends it, but it might be persuaded to tolerate someone, if the collective result of the group was beneficial nin some way to TPTB.

Just a thought.


Wednesday, July 7, 2010 4:47 AM



They're colored contacts. If I wasn't familiar with the color or the concept, no one really had eyes that color.


Wednesday, July 7, 2010 4:49 AM


More pictures of boobies


Wednesday, July 7, 2010 5:28 AM



Wednesday, July 7, 2010 5:55 AM


For those that need it told, and because its hilarious....


Wednesday, July 7, 2010 7:10 AM


Some tits for everyone to get their hands on:

Re the recent food discussion

For the girls

Who can't help but look (check the chicks in the background)

So get it together

Take a look around

And find some tits.

Meanwhile, I'm headed to the beach to see these

get wet


Wednesday, July 7, 2010 7:16 AM


I'LL be in my bunk.


Wednesday, July 7, 2010 7:27 AM


Just because

Amaze your friends, confuse your enemies!

Great for home

or office


Wednesday, July 7, 2010 10:17 AM


I'm I the only one not suprised that our resident homo(kwicko) has nothing to do with this thread....Hilarious.

”Niki--condescending arrogant fat old bi-polar hag....You are an does not need a sockpuppet to tell you to fuck off" ...sayeth Kane

Kwicko wrote, "I've got a soft spot for animals"
I'm guessing he's talking about his anus......Well, it's true........


Wednesday, July 7, 2010 10:25 AM


if you want to see boobies, why not just look at pornography, and get your fap on? this isn't really the ideal venue for pursuing your revolting, infantile heterosexual impulses, is it?


Wednesday, July 7, 2010 10:40 AM


now those are some bewbs! mmm!


Wednesday, July 7, 2010 11:29 AM


Man, what is up with man nipples? Srsly.

The hair I understand at least, makes you less appetizing to the masters... I mean, carnivores, who want a quick snack instead of something they have to pluck and baste and sheeot.






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