I've been thinking and it occurred to me to try and do some shopping, some little things, while down there, to help out the folks in the Gulf. If anyone..."/>


Update question re: Gulf volunteer

UPDATED: Tuesday, July 20, 2010 17:20
PAGE 1 of 1

Monday, July 19, 2010 7:03 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

I've been thinking and it occurred to me to try and do some shopping, some little things, while down there, to help out the folks in the Gulf.

If anyone would be interested in any souvenirs, etc., or anything, let me know what, how much you want to spend, and I'll try to find it. DO NOT SEND MONEY, please. I don't know what prices will be, how much time I'll have, etc. Just tell me what kind of thing you're interested in (even just shells, t-shirt, tourist crap, stuff they sell in tourist shops, anything not huge) and I'll look for it. It's another way we can help the actual PEOPLE down there. Or if you want me to just hand a fisherman something, tell me how much.

If I find what anyone likes at the price they instruct, I'll bring it home, send it to you and you can send me back the money then. I, unlike some here, DO trust YOU. Jim will give me whatever total amount is needed and I'll give it back to him when you send me the money. So I really don't want ANYONE sending me money beforehand, and you'll have to give me your snail-mail addy so I can send it to you.

I warn you, we're already up to $325, with one left to come in via snail-mail, so with my own pledge, that's $150 over the original figure. So I'm going to use the extra to buy some little things (that's how this started), so I'd like snail-mail addies from those of you who've contributed anyway, pretty please? My e-mail, again, is Nikovich@pacbell.net. If you don't send me an address or instructions to give a couple of bucks directly to a gulf resident, you will get a little something back from your original donation via PayPal, see, so better to get a memory token, 'cuz it'll only be a few bucks each. A token, on the other hand, will always be a concrete reminder of how you helped. It's something you should be proud of and have to keep. I'm going to try and find stuff that relates to the spill; I'll bet dollars to donuts they're putting out tourist stuff about that by now, eh? So plese, send me your snail-mail addy; I promise not to abuse it in any way, and it'll be much more fun for me than refunding the amount via PayPal!

It's just a thought, I'm not ASKING anyone to have me buy anything, this idea just occurred to me when I herd back from IBRRC that I'd be going to work with them, and since I'm going to buy little trinkets for the original donors, I thought I'd suggest it.

Thanx. Let me know. Hope noboidy minds my updates (well, except the obvious people).

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
signing off


Monday, July 19, 2010 7:11 AM


Freedom is Important because People are Important


Please spend any excess funds from my portion of the proceeds to live like a human being whenever possible. I expect money will be tight, and I'll be glad if you can dine on something other than canned beans and dollar menu McDonald's food on occasion.

I'm actually very concerned for the quality of your living conditions while you're down there, as I can think of nowhere I'd go on vacation for a week or more with the paltry sum you have in your possession.


Due to the use of Naomi 3.3.2 Beta web filtering, the following people may need to private-message me if they wish to contact me: Auraptor, Kaneman, Piratenews. I apologize for the inconvenience.


Monday, July 19, 2010 7:43 AM



Originally posted by Niki2:
I've been thinking and it occurred to me to try and do some shopping, some little things, while down there, to help out the folks in the Gulf.

If anyone would be interested in any souvenirs, etc., or anything, let me know what, how much you want to spend, and I'll try to find it. DO NOT SEND MONEY, please. I don't know what prices will be, how much time I'll have, etc. Just tell me what kind of thing you're interested in (even just shells, t-shirt, tourist crap, stuff they sell in tourist shops, anything not huge) and I'll look for it. It's another way we can help the actual PEOPLE down there. Or if you want me to just hand a fisherman something, tell me how much.

If I find what anyone likes at the price they instruct, I'll bring it home, send it to you and you can send me back the money then. I, unlike some here, DO trust YOU. Jim will give me whatever total amount is needed and I'll give it back to him when you send me the money. So I really don't want ANYONE sending me money beforehand, and you'll have to give me your snail-mail addy so I can send it to you.

I warn you, we're already up to $325, with one left to come in via snail-mail, so with my own pledge, that's $150 over the original figure. So I'm going to use the extra to buy some little things (that's how this started), so I'd like snail-mail addies from those of you who've contributed anyway, pretty please? My e-mail, again, is Nikovich@pacbell.net. If you don't send me an address or instructions to give a couple of bucks directly to a gulf resident, you will get a little something back from your original donation via PayPal, see, so better to get a memory token, 'cuz it'll only be a few bucks each. A token, on the other hand, will always be a concrete reminder of how you helped. It's something you should be proud of and have to keep. I'm going to try and find stuff that relates to the spill; I'll bet dollars to donuts they're putting out tourist stuff about that by now, eh? So plese, send me your snail-mail addy; I promise not to abuse it in any way, and it'll be much more fun for me than refunding the amount via PayPal!

It's just a thought, I'm not ASKING anyone to have me buy anything, this idea just occurred to me when I herd back from IBRRC that I'd be going to work with them, and since I'm going to buy little trinkets for the original donors, I thought I'd suggest it.

Thanx. Let me know. Hope noboidy minds my updates (well, except the obvious people).

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
signing off

You are fantastic. What a scam artist you are(never let a good disaster go to waste). How many other sites are you running this scam on? I want in. You have no shame. Try getting a fucking job and you wouldn't have to bilk these nutters for their cash...Absolutely HILARIOUS, right down to the "pretty please beg"....Holy shit this is classic.


Monday, July 19, 2010 7:47 AM


This is a bit strange. I would never send money to someone on a board. This does go to show what I've always thought of you nutters...


Monday, July 19, 2010 10:32 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Nope, Anthony, not gonna happen, but you're a sweetie. You either get a trinket or a refund, your choice. It's only for two weeks, love, I'll survive. And I assume since I'm going under IBRRC's patronage, they'll either provide housing and food or point us to where we can eat and stay cheap. I'm not worried. So stop worrying (tho' it makes me feel good that you did); I'll be just fine.

Also, Jim's a worry-wart like you, so as I mentioned before, he's pulled money from our retirement to provide me with "emergency funds"; we don't use credit cards but I have my ATM/Visa so I can pull funds if I need to. Choey gave me her old cell phone (her son bought her a new one) which put Jim at ease about me being so far away (gawd I love that man!), she's letting me pa (grudgingly) to join her plan as of last week, and she's going to loan me her laptop (which he also bought her last year). That's so neat, means no internet cafes for me, and I can even come here and post! I may be too pooped to get out much, so I really appreciate that.

RivKaneZit, of course you wouldn't ever trust anyone. It's the difference between you and most of the other people here; they have hearts. They care enough to want to help out down there and can't do it themselves, and I know full well I represent (most) everyone here by every thing I do. They're very special people and I'll never stop being grateful for them giving me this opportunity.

You aren't special at all, on the other hand. Are you ever going to shut up? Everyone knows your spiel by now, even if they haven't been here for a month. What are you going to have to post about when I upload photos of myself there and people receive trinkets? EVERYONE knows it's a bullshit game of yours, just as dogging virtually my every post to say something as nasty as you can come up with, so why not put your time to better use.

You know, it just occurred to me. I wonder if you're actually a teenage boy with time on his hands? What you post is about what would be epected of someone maybe 10-13 years old, like making hang-up phone calls. I wonder...

Lemme give you a hint: Calling me a con artist, fat, with cats, dildoes, and whatever else doesn't do a damned thing to me, I just slide right over it because I know that everyone here knows you and is as bored with it as I am. I don't mind you wasting your time, but it's a shame you have to waste that of others who just don't gloss over your sad idiocy without reading.

You can go right ahead and amuse yourself as much as you want, little boy; it means nothing to anyone except you and your ilk, and THEY don't mean anything either. Your vendetta against me and dogging my posts doesn't say a word about me, but speaks volumes about you. It bothers me not at all, just makes me smile at how weirdly sad you are to keep on and on and on.


Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
signing off


Monday, July 19, 2010 12:08 PM


Nope, not happenin - any overage you spend on film, memory cards and camera batteries since as of now you are a contracted agent of VI and those funds are allocated to the documentation and confirmation of the situation on the ground to corroborate other accounts and imagery since 90% of what we have is aerial and it'd help a lot to have someone at ground level with a camera.

I was leery of making such an affiliation but given there's no way to be subtle about it, not that you ever wanted to, we made it official and therefore you are one of our "goons" and at least an honorary member of VI, callsign "Nike".

Any technical details or additional equipment requirements will be handled via official channels.


I do not serve the Blind God.


Monday, July 19, 2010 6:07 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


You know, it just occurred to me. I wonder if you're actually a teenage boy with time on his hands? What you post is about what would be epected of someone maybe 10-13 years old, like making hang-up phone calls. I wonder...

C'mon, Niki - it didn't honestly JUST occur to you, did it? The fact that calling someone "gay" is RiverKaneyCheney's idea of the worst insult he can come up with told me all I need to know about him. He offers the world nothing; never has, never will.

AURaptor's Greatest Hits:

Friday, May 28, 2010 - 20:32 To AnthonyT:
Go fuck yourself.
On this matter, make no mistake. I want you to go fuck yourself long and hard, as well as anyone who agrees with you. I got no use for you.

Friday, May 28, 2010 - 18:26 To President Obama:
Mr. President, you're a god damn, mother fucking liar.
Fuck you, you cock sucking community activist piece of shit.
... go fuck yourself, Mr. President.


Tuesday, July 20, 2010 1:26 AM


NIKI2 "Calling me a con artist, fat, with cats, dildoes, and whatever else doesn't do a damned thing to me, I just slide right over it"

Slide over what? The dildos or the cat?

Your pics will be photo-shopped. You are a desk top publisher, are you not? It wouldn't surprise me one bit if you had the pics already made. Trinkets? You are good NIKI2, really good....Local shells would be how I would do it NIKI2. You are welcome...Bet you already thought of that.


Tuesday, July 20, 2010 8:51 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Oh, damn, Frem, that's ALMOST a good argument (especially if I get to be codenamed "Nike"--I've never forgotten that and am two more books down the line). Always wanted to be an agent of something devious. Maybe we can figure out how to get something useful to CNN's "IReport" or something...(evil laugh), expose BP for some further nefariousness...

What's VI stand for? Can we name the agency? That would be fun. All suggestions welcome..."VI" is boring.

However, here's a "gotcha" right back: The camera is digital (no film); I already own the memory cards and can download/empty them to Choey's laptop every day (no cost); the camera is rechargeable (no cost since I'll use the electricity of wherever I stay). So neener neener to YOU! :wink": Instructions for cost of equipment denied. No snail mail = refund, period.

But I accept the appointment; travel costs have been paid, cost of living will be covered by IBRRC (we won't tell them I'm an agent of another organization), so the rest is freebie; agent will decide how best to utilize same at agent's own discretion.

So what's the organization? Gotta be something Firefly/Gulf oriented. Get 'yer thinking cap(s) on. Gotta go change my sig ("Code Name Nike", I love it!).

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of __________________, code name ‘Nike”,
signing off


Tuesday, July 20, 2010 5:20 PM


I figured you'd appreciate it - as for the usefulness of the pictures, just remember to upload them to the provided Email address, mostly we second off to Indymedia, and really, did you think all those aerial shots are from mainstream sources ?

Actually VI has existed in spirit since about 1985, in official name since 1989, and since has been incorporated under a couple official names when necessary for red tape and paperwork purposes, and I think the most applicable of those would be...

Veritas Intercontinental

Bit of an old in-joke that, but I'm pretty sure you catch the gist of it anyways, given the situation and related business, it was the name attached to photographic and audio evidence of those places that "did not exist", when we passed them over to media sources.

Of course it's at your discretion, but if you had any clue of what the paperwork hassle of an overage return is you'd be a little more likely to have a little mercy in that respect, I *hate* red tape, I do...

Do remember to keep an eye on your email, as any discussion here is unofficial informal discussion.


I do not serve the Blind God.