There is no proposed mosque at Ground Zero

UPDATED: Tuesday, August 24, 2010 19:52
VIEWED: 8913
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Tuesday, August 24, 2010 1:06 PM


Sometimes you own the libs. Sometimes, the libs own you.


They didn't "try and put themselves in that spotlight," right-wing interests shined this absurd and despicable spotlight on them

No, I don't think the people behind the centre wanted to whip up all this controversy - I don't mean that kind of spotlight. But they did want to take advantage of the location near to ground zero to amplify their message, and for the centre to stand in such a prominent location as an immediate refutation of the idea that anything resembling 'true Islam' was responsible for 9-11.


You wanna be cynical? Maybe the right waited a year, so that the folks behind the thing would have sunk a ton of cash into this site before the protest so they couldn't just pull out and go somewhere else. The right gives 'em a year to get comfortable with the idea and then pulls the rug out from under them.

That's a little cynical for me. But then I don't like conspiracy theories, and things being 'not what they seem'. I still struggle with the idea of sockpuppets being active on this site.

It's not personal. It's just war.


Tuesday, August 24, 2010 1:40 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by AURaptor:

Originally posted by HKCavalier:
]One more mosque in lower Manhattan would not turn America into the EU. Not even close.

But keep dreamin'. I'm sure OBL is having the same dream, AU.


Again, watch the video.

And it's not " one more mosque " <- See Niki ? He said MOSQUE! It's not a gorram YMMA ! ( young men's muslim association ), or any such nonsense.

Actually, by definition under Islam, a "mosque" is a place in which ONLY religious prayer is done. Hence, this community center IS NOT a "mosque". It has a gym, a basketball court, a pool - all places that are NOT for prayer. Nice fail, though.

It's no more a mosque than a YMCA is a church.

AURaptor's Greatest Hits:

Friday, May 28, 2010 - 20:32 To AnthonyT:
Go fuck yourself.
On this matter, make no mistake. I want you to go fuck yourself long and hard, as well as anyone who agrees with you. I got no use for you.

Friday, May 28, 2010 - 18:26 To President Obama:
Mr. President, you're a god damn, mother fucking liar.
Fuck you, you cock sucking community activist piece of shit.
... go fuck yourself, Mr. President.


Tuesday, August 24, 2010 1:42 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by AURaptor:
Almost 3,000 innocent people died on 9/11, and you want to compare that to " being fooled " by a radio broadcast ?

There are no words......

No, I don't compare 9/11 to War of the Worlds; I compared your paranoia over something that has NOTHING to do with 9/11 to War of the Worlds and people being fooled. You've been fooled, as usual. And your comprehension is for shit.

AURaptor's Greatest Hits:

Friday, May 28, 2010 - 20:32 To AnthonyT:
Go fuck yourself.
On this matter, make no mistake. I want you to go fuck yourself long and hard, as well as anyone who agrees with you. I got no use for you.

Friday, May 28, 2010 - 18:26 To President Obama:
Mr. President, you're a god damn, mother fucking liar.
Fuck you, you cock sucking community activist piece of shit.
... go fuck yourself, Mr. President.


Tuesday, August 24, 2010 1:48 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by Riverlove:
This Imam is now taking his anti-American views abroad and telling Islamic countries that America is racist and intolerant. And our US taxpayer dollars are funding his betrayal of his country. And the State Dept., which approved this tour of lies and misconceptions, is not yet denouncing what he is saying.

Bullshit. This is his FOURTH trip abroad (others were paid for by the BUSH State Department), and he preaches a message of moderation. His family has been targeted in the past, yet he still insists that there is much right with America. He even wrote a book about it.

AURaptor's Greatest Hits:

Friday, May 28, 2010 - 20:32 To AnthonyT:
Go fuck yourself.
On this matter, make no mistake. I want you to go fuck yourself long and hard, as well as anyone who agrees with you. I got no use for you.

Friday, May 28, 2010 - 18:26 To President Obama:
Mr. President, you're a god damn, mother fucking liar.
Fuck you, you cock sucking community activist piece of shit.
... go fuck yourself, Mr. President.


Tuesday, August 24, 2010 2:07 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by kpo:

Exactly, and I believe him. But no political statements on this site please, for humanity's sake. Even ones that I otherwise support being disseminated and broadcast, like Rauf's bridge-building message. I think it's quite like if this guy Rauf and the Cordoba initiative decided to hand out fliers about Cordoba's history of Islamic greatness and tolerance - at the funerals of Western suicide bomber victims. It's tasteless and insensitive to use such venues as a platform. Yet there's an argument that such a venue is exactly where Rauf's message of reconciliation and understanding needs to be heard the most - isn't there?

What do you KNOW about the history of Cordoba, that you haven't heard or read here?

Did you know that it was under constant attack from Christian armies, pretty much from the day it was built?

Did you know that it fell to those armies in the 1300s, and has remained in Christian hands ever since?

What's the big "victory" that's allegedly being symbolized here? That Muslims had a foothold in Spain, and were quickly and roundly defeated?

AURaptor's Greatest Hits:

Friday, May 28, 2010 - 20:32 To AnthonyT:
Go fuck yourself.
On this matter, make no mistake. I want you to go fuck yourself long and hard, as well as anyone who agrees with you. I got no use for you.

Friday, May 28, 2010 - 18:26 To President Obama:
Mr. President, you're a god damn, mother fucking liar.
Fuck you, you cock sucking community activist piece of shit.
... go fuck yourself, Mr. President.


Tuesday, August 24, 2010 2:10 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by HKCavalier:

Originally posted by kpo:
I'm saying there's a big spotlight on ground zero, and it's tacky for groups with a political message and agenda to try and put themselves in that spotlight.

A year ago there was no spotlight! Laura Ingraham interviewed the Imam's wife on Fox News and she applauded what they were doing--she interviewed the wife, it was a human interest story, nothing more. And her husband was a respected Muslim moderate who had long since said everything the right is in an uproar about now.

The building has been in the news for a year and nothing about this "controversy" until a week ago.

They didn't "try and put themselves in that spotlight," right-wing interests shined this absurd and despicable spotlight on them for nothing but political gain. You got this whole thing backwards. It's the right, in the last two weeks that decided they could make political hay with this story so they did. Where were they a year ago? Why wasn't this an issue a year ago, when Glenn Beck was chatting with the Imam himself? Couldn't have anything to do with the 2010 elections coming up--no, no, not at all.

You wanna be cynical? Maybe the right waited a year, so that the folks behind the thing would have sunk a ton of cash into this site before the protest so they couldn't just pull out and go somewhere else. The right gives 'em a year to get comfortable with the idea and then pulls the rug out from under them.


Hey, hey, hey, don't be mean. We don't have to be mean, because, remember, no matter where you go, there you are.

Also, there was no big "spotlight" on Ground Zero, either. For the past 9 years, pretty much nothing has been going on there. Lots of talk, not much action. For all the talk of American exceptionalism, I'm sure it must be galling that a bunch of "them" are actually BUILDING SOMETHING in the area, when no replacements for the Twin Towers have even been started.

Y'all wanna be mad about something? Be mad that there aren't two shiny new towers standing on Ground Zero. Be mad that y'all walked away and forgot all about it, until someone else decided they wanted to build something real there.

AURaptor's Greatest Hits:

Friday, May 28, 2010 - 20:32 To AnthonyT:
Go fuck yourself.
On this matter, make no mistake. I want you to go fuck yourself long and hard, as well as anyone who agrees with you. I got no use for you.

Friday, May 28, 2010 - 18:26 To President Obama:
Mr. President, you're a god damn, mother fucking liar.
Fuck you, you cock sucking community activist piece of shit.
... go fuck yourself, Mr. President.


Tuesday, August 24, 2010 2:15 PM


Freedom is Important because People are Important

"That Muslims had a foothold in Spain, and were quickly and roundly defeated?"


I don't disagree with the intention of your narrative, but I do have an issue with this particular fact.

I have a small amount of knowledge about the Muslim foothold in Spain. Of specific interest to my family is the Kingdom of Toledo in Spain.

It wasn't precisely what we consider brief. Also, point of interest- when Alfonso united the Houses of Leon and Castile and ousted the invaders, it was a much less bloody affair than you'd imagine. To this day, the crest of Toledo celebrates Alfonso and the union of the Houses. Two Lions, Two Castles.


Due to the use of Naomi 3.3.2 Beta web filtering, the following people may need to private-message me if they wish to contact me: Auraptor, Kaneman, Piratenews. I apologize for the inconvenience.


Tuesday, August 24, 2010 2:19 PM


Freedom is Important because People are Important


Wikipedia has a brief entry on it.


Due to the use of Naomi 3.3.2 Beta web filtering, the following people may need to private-message me if they wish to contact me: Auraptor, Kaneman, Piratenews. I apologize for the inconvenience.


Tuesday, August 24, 2010 4:29 PM


Sometimes you own the libs. Sometimes, the libs own you.


What's the big "victory" that's allegedly being symbolized here?

None whatsoever, in my eyes. I'm talking about a different Islamic political statement, more about conciliation and understanding and 'Islam's better side' - but a political statement nonetheless.


What do you KNOW about the history of Cordoba, that you haven't heard or read here?

I knew enough that when I heard the name of the building and organisation, I immediately grasped that this wasn't about Islamic 'victory' or domination over the West. I even posted about Cordoba's history and that particular significance in this very thread, near the top (before anyone else), take a look

It's not personal. It's just war.


Tuesday, August 24, 2010 7:52 PM



Originally posted by HKCavalier:
But no, of course reality revolves around the feelings and whimsical prejudices of those among us who would blame 1.66 billion people for the psychotic acts of 13.

Well since they haven't disowned that scam artist masquerading as a carpenter and his crooked little friends yet... oh, wait, OHHH, you were talkin about the nimrods on the planes...

Nevermind, carry on, then.


I do not serve the Blind God.






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