Double-dip recession

UPDATED: Tuesday, August 31, 2010 13:09
VIEWED: 6240
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Saturday, August 28, 2010 7:55 PM



Byte was suggesting a useful turnabout, using their own rules and concepts to encourage them to lay their heads on the chopping block FOR us

When hunting dangerous (but predictable) game, irresistible bait is an underrated advantage. Snap goes the trap. Up goes the curtains. Up goes the blinders.


Saturday, August 28, 2010 7:58 PM


Freedom is Important because People are Important

Hello Signy,

In reviewing my responses, I think I found some areas where I may have used harsher and more aggressive language than was necessary. I may have pushed you. This wasn't intentional, but that doesn't make it right. I'd like to apologize.

Some other time, we can try again if you're up to it.



Due to the use of Naomi 3.3.2 Beta web filtering, the following people may need to private-message me if they wish to contact me: Auraptor, Kaneman, Piratenews. I apologize for the inconvenience.


Sunday, August 29, 2010 8:10 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Anthony, no apology is necessary. My language to you was extreme.

For the record, I was neither drunk nor high, I hadn't just gotten into a fight with hubby or daughter, my personal finances are fine, and there are no immediate health crises.

Let's just say my head blew up in frustration.

It wasn't triggered by any one thing, but many:

There are weather-related catastrophes happening all over the globe: record heat and fire in Russia and Brazil. 20% of Pakistan under water. Massive floods in China. (You should see the pictures of the floating -garbage islands behind the Three Gorges Dam. They're thick enough to walk on. Ugh.), a 20-year drought in Australia, water temperatures of 97(!) degrees near Aceh with near-total coral loss (Imagine 97 deg water. If you were to step into the ocean to cool off, you'd warm up instead.)

A full 25% of the USA population believes in faeries, ghosts, and Jehaysus. Certifiably insane.

A large portion of the population doesn't think that THIS "gubmint" is the problem, but that ALL gubmint is bad. And who do you suppose has been funding that line of thought? Corporations. (I'm not talking metaphorically or generally. Groups like Koch Industries and the Chamber of Commerce have been working for YEARS, spending billions of dollars to dismantle the government.)

About 80% of the population... despite the worst financial screwing-over in almost a century and decades of health-insurance abuse ... thinks that corporations are the answer.

Our military, which is "the" money-pit in our Federal budget, is not about to go down without swinging. If it EVER comes to a budget showdown, we could face an open military coup.


We are facing problems that require the coordinated efforts of hundreds of millions to solve effectively. Nothing else will work: not small bands of people trying to create a "new society", not small groups of survivalists, not people who think they are going to (somehow) "trick" the wealthy into giving up their power.

I read this is Slaughterhouse 5 and it has stuck with me for decades as being irreducibly honest and tragically true:


America is the wealthiest nation on Earth, but its people are mainly poor, and poor Americans are urged to hate themselves To quote the American humorist Kin Hubbard, 'It ain't no disgrace to be poor, but might as well be.' It is in fact a crime for an American to be poor, even though America is a nation of poor. Every other nation has folk traditions of men who were poor but extremely wise and virtuous, and therefore more estimable than anyone with power and gold. No such tales are told by the American poor. They mock themselves and glorify their betters. The meanest eating or drinking establishment, owned by a man who is himself poor, is very likely to have a sign on its wall asking this cruel question: 'If you're so smart, why ain't You rich? ' There will also be an American flag no larger than a child's hand-glued to a lollipop stick and, flying from the cash register....

Americans, like human beings everywhere, believe many things that are obviously untrue, the monograph went on. Their most destructive untruth is that it is very easy for any American to make money. They will not acknowledge how in fact hard money is to come by, and, therefore, those who have no money blame and blame and blame themselves. This inward blame has been a treasure for the rich and powerful, who have had to do less for their poor, publicly and privately, than any other ruling class since, say, Napoleonic times.

Many novelties have come from America. The most startling of these, a thing without precedent, is a mass of undignified poor. They do not love one another because they do not love themselves. Once this is understood the disagreeable behavior of American enlisted men in German prisons ceases to be a mystery.

...Every other army in history, prosperous or not, has attempted to clothe even its lowliest soldiers so as to make them impressive to themselves and others as stylish experts in drinking and copulation and looting and sudden death. The American Army, however, sends its enlisted men out to fight and die in a modified business suit quite evidently made for another man, a sterilized but unpressed gift from a nose-holding charity which passes out clothing to drunks in the slums.

When a dashingly-clad officer addresses such a frumpishly dressed bum, he scolds him, as an officer in an army must. But the officer's contempt is not, as in 'other armies, avuncular theatricality. It is a genuine expression of hatred for the poor, who have no one to blame for their misery but themselves.

A prison administrator dealing with captured American enlisted men for the first time should be warned: Expect no brotherly love, even between brothers. There will be no cohesion between the individuals. Each will be a sulky child who often wishes he were dead.... They were known everywhere to be the most self-pitying, least fraternal and dirtiest of all prisoners of war... They were incapable of concerted action on their own behalf. They despised any leader from among their own number, refused to follow or even listen to him, on the grounds that he was no better than they were, that he should stop putting on airs.

So it goes.


Sunday, August 29, 2010 9:22 AM



A large portion of the population doesn't think that THIS "gubmint" is the problem, but that ALL gubmint is bad. And who do you suppose has been funding that line of thought? Corporations. (I'm not talking metaphorically or generally. Groups like Koch Industries and the Chamber of Commerce have been working for YEARS, spending billions of dollars to dismantle the government.)

I agree to most of what you've said, with one caveat.

Chamber of Congress is corporate lobbyists, and corporate lobbyists trying to lobby for corporations is pretty much definite.

But I'd like to express doubt that all forms of Anti-Government stem from gullible saps like me and Frem buying into everything the US Chamber of Commerce says wholesale. You're still painting lots of different people with different viewpoints with the same brush.


We are facing problems that require the coordinated efforts of hundreds of millions to solve effectively. Nothing else will work: not small bands of people trying to create a "new society", not small groups of survivalists, not people who think they are going to (somehow) "trick" the wealthy into giving up their power.

If you're going to fight TPTB, you need safe ground to stand on to attack from. It's also very possible certain people want to push the system beyond a breaking point and loot the system wholesome, in which event it also isn't a bad idea to have set up safety nets in advance. And I don't know how you intend to turn public opinion against TPTB without exposing the zeal of proto-fascism against actual independence for what it is. We don't want to trick them into giving up their wealth, we want to trick them into hanging themselves.

When you talk about the coordinated efforts of hundreds of millions to solve effectively, you can only be talking about THE government, THIS government, setting new taxes. With the national debt only growing bigger and thus inflation only getting worse, this only means people getting less money for their wages and having to rely on credit. This keeps us chained to the current system, and keeps wealth always flowing upward. Especially considering 1/3 of the taxes we pay go to corporate welfare (not counting the military budget), some amount goes to a general fund for political campaign contribution, lots going into porkbarrel... Etc.

Seriously, Sig, you might need to consider this government might be corrupt and as much an enemy to your concerns as the corporations are. Most of the people going into government are people COMING from the oil industry, weapons manufacturing, insurance companies, banks, and so on.


Sunday, August 29, 2010 9:29 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

I've avoided this thread until now because it's not something I'm particularly interested in and I figured it would be the usual material, gone over again and again.

So reading it cold, all the way through, and not having participated in it before, I can tell you one thing: They're right, Sig, you are coming across as a foaming-at-the-mouth extremist...not only that, but the only nasty stuff I've read has come from you: calling people names, assuming negative things about them, and just getting down in the gutter. I, too, think either there is something else at work or you are so obsessed with your point of view that you're not wiling to give an inch, and claim anyone who IS willing to give an inch is a coward, a corporation ass-kisser, etc.

Anthony, your apology is DEFINITELY not necessary. Sig has gone after everyone in a pretty aggressive manner, and most people here have tried to respond to her POINTS, not her acidic words. You've been totally reasonable. I'm glad Sig is willing to admit her language is extreme, I wish she were able to tone it down so she could be heard more effectively.

I happen to agree with you on a number of things, but the way you're coming across turns me off something fierce. I'm not "concerned", as I figure what someone posts is up to them to be responsible for, but it's unnerving to see one person be virtually the only one in the discussion to get as nasty as you have. That's just my opinion from my obsrevation.

That said, to other points made here:

Frem, your post which began

Now, I do realize that a lot of "old-money" passed down in the dynasties was obtained in nefarious fashion, but going after that retroactively is as damn fool as slavery reperations... suing the grandson for the deeds of his grandpa is idiotic, but if the jackass in power happens to be the same one who committed the bulk of the criminal activity, they should be fair game!

That said - think on this.

Is great; I agree with every word!

Someone—I think it was Anthony—said the inheritance tax is a matter of “taxing you because you’re richer”. I disagree. I think the inheritance tax is a fair thing because it taxes money NOT EARNED by the person who receives it. You could say yes, but it WAS earned by the person who died, but I disagree. Whatever you earn while alive, you enjoy while alive. If you earn too much to enjoy during your lifetime, I don’t think it’s fair to “take it with you” by giving it to someone who didn’t work to earn it. Some, yes, but not all. I definitely don’t think it’s taxing because someone’s rich, I think it’s taxing because it’s only fair to get what you worked for.

Byte, I too am dismayed and horrified by the “corporation as person” decision. Like you, I think if they’re going to get the “right” of being able to spend millions on getting the candidates they want elected, then they should get every single “responsibility” individual people get, along with it.

As for Obama being blamed for TARP...I’ve heard it, and I’ve heard him being blamed for the economic problems in general, with TARP being included in the sentence.

As to rich people getting rich by stealing, no, it’s not always true. But when you look at the pay of CEOs, the “golden parachutes”, the fact that even those who ground us into recession then walked away millionaires, and the bonuses, a hellofalot of them did, in my opinion!

I don't believe in a flat tax, because if you make $12,000 a year, at way a 10% tax, you pay $1,200, which is a DAMNED hard thing to come up with and probably means housing and food are tougher to come up with! Alternatively, if you make $30,000 a year, your tax is $3,000, which is maybe uncomfortable but doesn't threaten your ability to survive. If you make a million dollars a year, your tax is $100,000 - and that doesn't make a DENT in what you have to live on.

To me, that's insane, especially as people who "earn" an exhorbidant amount of money usually don't do equivalent work to earn it, often get it through the above: golden parachutes, bonuses, speculation, inheritance, as well as, in general, corporations' habit of paying it's upper eschelon MANY times that of its workers.

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Sunday, August 29, 2010 9:37 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

I agree 100% about what's going on in the world, Sig, and you know both that I am more aware of it than many and FAR more pissed off about it than most. I see the blindness--unconscious and deliberate--of these things as not making them change for far too long in the future for me to ever see it in my lifetime, and it makes me grateful I don't have children and weep for the children to come.

But while I empathize with your anger and frustration, I don't find it a reason to attack people HERE, because those who know already know and those who need convincing never will be.

I liked your point about Koch and the Chamber...I would add FreedomWorks and a few others which fund things people THINK are grass roots but which are actually corporatist greed-mongers in disguise manipulating--quite well--the population. I WISH to hell more people would open their eyes about this...seems no matter how many people point it out, they continue to believe these movements are "grass roots". Yes, to a degree they are, but to a larger degree they are staged, propagandized pushes by the monied.

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Sunday, August 29, 2010 9:39 AM



Byte, I too am dismayed and horrified by the “corporation as person” decision. Like you, I think if they’re going to get the “right” of being able to spend millions on getting the candidates they want elected, then they should get every single “responsibility” individual people get, along with it.

I don't want them to have either. What could be done with those protections is insane and leads to a ridiculous abuse of power. And any punishment or reckoning leveled at them they could just put off by paying enough money.


Sunday, August 29, 2010 11:55 AM


Of all the threads to be considered for re-titling, this one is most needy while the others get distorted. Somebody needs to get their blinders re-aligned.


Originally posted by Klesst:

Originally posted by SignyM:
look guys, I'm fed up and disgusted. The right-wingers, they're a lost cause. May as well clean house with a machine gun.*

"When economies collapse, governments follow".

You don't seem to realize how close to fascism we are. And things are only going to get worse. Fires in Russia and Brazil, floods in Pakistan and China, killer heat on the East Coast and 97 deg water temps near Aceh, with massive coral bleaching.

I think I've heard something similar before.

You still don't get it, do you? they'll find you! That's what they do! It's ALL they do! You can't stop them! They'll wade through you! They'll reach down your throat and tear your fuckin' heart out! Listen, and understand. Those right wingers are out there. They can't be bargained with. They can't be reasoned with. They don't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And they absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead.

As simple, eloquent, and elegant as that was, it was still far too complex and it sailed well over the heads of the audience you have in this thread.
Confirmed by the retarded reply which followed.


Sunday, August 29, 2010 12:04 PM


And the circle-jerk just kept going.

Originally posted by kaneman:

Originally posted by two:

Originally posted by kaneman:
I love that this is an economic thread about how shitty our economy is and at the same time a Liberal circle-jerk(minus Byte). I find it hilarious that conservatives are keeping away from this thread...we are laughing our asses off. And will join this thread in early November. Your President Sucks, his economic policies suck, or is all Bush's fault? decide......Squirt.

Now, it’s arguable that even in early 2009, when President Obama was at the peak of his popularity, he couldn’t have gotten a bigger plan through the Senate. And he certainly couldn’t pass a supplemental stimulus now. So officials could, with considerable justification, place the onus for the non-recovery on Republican obstructionism. But they’ve chosen, instead, to draw smiley faces on a grim picture, convincing nobody. And the likely result in November — big gains for the obstructionists — will paralyze policy for years to come.

You are using the word "obstructionists" as if it is a bad thing. I feel they are trying to do the right thing by obstructing a monstrous federal bureaucracy(with political points earned ). Putting trillion of debt on my children is unacceptable. That is why we have a tea party is non-partisan movement (despite what the MSM tells you or FOX for that matter). we railed against Bush and voted for Ron Paul.

That there is a tea party caucus is huge. However, all big government types are going to go in the next 20 years...this is just the beginning the "middle" has awoken. We do not want Obama and we do not want it what you will....

One could, of course, point out the example of "obstructionists" elected in 1994, stopping Clinton's runaway spending with the government shutdown of 1995, and allowing the massive expansion and gains of the economy during his reign.
Obstructionists who obstruct the evil and liberal are worthwhile. If they opposed actual progress, that would be a problem. For example, SDS or moveon or Black Panthers.


Sunday, August 29, 2010 2:56 PM


That's funny, a blatant sockpuppet created for the express purpose of self-agreement and echo-boxing whinging about a supposed circle jerk - seriously Rappy, how stupid do you think we are ?

That said...

Siggy, lemme address the white elephant in your room for you, in the bit of time here I got to do it.

When you strip away all the justifications and mental contortions and look at it from a wider perspective, while arguably more accountable in principle (if not in fact), the US Government is nothing more than another one of those corporations, simply bigger, stronger, and with it's own armed forces.

And EVERY BIT as predatory, abusive, and rapacious by its very nature and design, given that corporations were initially modeled upon that structure to begin with, it's vile and treacherous offspring, as it were.

So one can imagine I am none too keen on swimming into the jaws of a shark to escape a pack of pirahna.

Now, if we can get them to eat EACH OTHER, great - bonus in that such would not require the tremendous power base initially, and substantially less as they weaken each other to where they can effectively be ignored - problem is, you have to lay your LOCAL groundwork first before you dare, or you will be trading one set of would-be tyrants for another, closer set of them, although admittedly being in torch and pitchfork range does tend to be a strong check against local abuses, as local politician Elmer "FUD" Parraghi learned to his peril when more people showed up to vote him OUT than ever did to vote him IN, meh heh heh.

Anyhows, you're viewing a bigger, meaner predator as your savior here, and I think that is a bad, bad mistake, as a government powerful enough to give you what you want, is also powerful enough, on it's merest whim, to take all you have.

As for flaky weather, my region of MI looks like a damn disaster area after being pounded by several amazingly powerful thunderstorms which tended to wipe out power for large sections (but not here as we have underground cable right from the substation) a handful of tornados, and even the edge of a freakin earthquake, despite this, one reason I moved here is that from a natural catastrophe viewpoint it's one of the safest places in the country...

ETA: Thread reference.
And the flash floods, yeah, can't forget those...

But yeah, it's pretty obvious we can't just keep crapping on momma nature cause she's revvin up a serious bitchslap for us - I trust individuals to do that more than policy though, I *DO* try to make a best effort at not adding to the problem if I can, yanno, and encourage others to do the same - remember, the half-hearted and offhand support of a million is still better than the rabid support of a hundred, past a certain point, quantity BECOMES quality.
(Yes, it's an evil overlord concept, but it still works!)

Just my two pence on it.


I do not serve the Blind God.


Monday, August 30, 2010 8:51 AM


Actually I think I understand what caused the emotional blowout, Siggy - the hard part is gonna be putting into words, but I'll try, just to convey that yes, I *DO* understand, that someone does, precious little comfort that it is.

It comes from the realization that any ability to turn back from the brink is on a time limit, and as you look around, see people talking AT each other, instead of TO each other, celebrating malice, licking the boots of their overlords while pretending it's some kind of defiance to appease what little humanity they got left when public school and society get done mainlining them into the corporate drone pool - and everywhere the hate and fear, the scourging of nature itself into a godforsaken, poisoned wasteland all in the name of progress and profit, the Blind Gods Rage I call it, and all the fools feeding into it with their religions, and petty politics, intolerance and savaging each other cause of shit they THINK is important, have been told is important, but is really to keep them at each others throats so they never become a threat, while the powers that be look on with amusement, and encourage other peons to to do so, from the gladiator dome to reality TV, your bread and circuses, as near as a lazy lift of the remote from the comfy couch, which you paid six times it's value for when the credit card company gets done with you in the house you will pay the debt for over your entire life, and never actually own, all illusion and pretense drowning out the things that really MATTER.

And you realize, somewhere in there, that we seem to be doomed, that time *is* running out, tick tick tick, and every tick of that clock echos in the back of your mind like the crack of doom, yet no one else seems to even fucking notice, much less seem inclined to DO anything about it...

And THAT, M'lady, is enough to drive anyone half-crazy.

You better believe I understand it, and more than I ever wanted to know about fighting seemingly lost causes, but you can't let it drive you mad, or you might as well join the horde, and if you can't figure a way to solve the problem, stall for time!

I've been "in this" thirty and some years, and only recently managed to help strike a powerful blow in cutting off a primary source of jackboot worshippin cannon fodder, and workin on educational reforms that'll slow it to a trickle - yes, something big, now, solve it at a stroke, that'd be nice, but when you have no ability to DO that, ponder each individual stroke of a saw that can fell a mighty oak, that one stroke doesn't do a whole lot to it, but you're not, by far, as alone in it as you sometimes feel.

And every time you touch another soul you have a unique opportunity to offer them the handle of your saw, whether they choose to take a stroke or not isn't up to you, and should you try to make it so, you in this act become the very thing you fight against, demeaning and defeating your own purposes, unwilling and unwitting.

Above all, take heart that there *are* folk in the world who'll openly fight the good fight till the last dying breath, and many more who will pick up the torch and carry it forward - and many, MANY more who will, if they can get away with it when no one else is looking, help shove it along an inch or two themselves, but not if you alienate them.

Many is the time that someone looking the other way, or making an all-too-convenient "mistake" has benefitted me greatly.

The plans and schemes of tyrants are broken by many things. They shatter against cliffs of heroic struggle. They rupture on reefs of open resistance. And they are slowly eroded, bit by little bit, on the very beaches where they measure triumph, by countless grains of sand. By the stubborn little decencies of humble little men.
-In the Heart of Darkness: David Drake/Eric Flint.


I do not serve the Blind God.


Tuesday, August 31, 2010 12:51 PM



Tuesday, August 31, 2010 12:52 PM


"...So as FED Chairman, Helicopter Ben Bernanke, gets ready to climb aboard his chopper, once again, with bags of money to be released into the economy as his final "nuclear option" for fixing things up, the financial corporations are eagerly holding up their hands anticipating even more inflated balance sheets to fund ever bigger corporate mergers and acquisitions. So that even more people can be laid off, reducing effective purchasing power in the community again."


Tuesday, August 31, 2010 1:09 PM



Originally posted by out2theblack:

I would disagree with that link. I've worked in the financial buisness for 16 years. I work hard for my clients and believe my firm works hard for me. I do live in CT, however not Greenwich(which belive it or not is an overcrowded shit-hole...way to close to NYC) I choose a much more secluded spot in the "north west corner" of CT. My firm is mostly an investment bank and does wonders for our economy.

The reason this economy sucks is because of governmental intrusion in the housing and credit markets, not because some guy wants my firm to open an IRA, 401K, or a college saving plan for himself and his family. It doesn't suck because some company wants my firm to bring itself into the open market and agrees to an IPO.

Get a clue. It is all about governmental interference. Do you have a better way for companies to go public or a guy to start an IRA that beats what the "financial class" does?






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