Sick teacher writes horrific things--FIRE HIM!

UPDATED: Monday, November 1, 2010 12:36
VIEWED: 3411
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Thursday, October 28, 2010 5:11 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Thursday, October 28, 2010 5:29 AM


Hey now.

1) Evidence that Niki is anything other than she claims is weak at best. She might be a spokesperson for the democratic party, it's possible, which is what I think you mean when you call her an Operative. But you don't attack someone unless you know, and even then, telling someone you want them to die over the internet is some ugly business.

2) Even in the Serenity movie, Mal didn't kill the Operative.

You guys. You get so caught up in your fights and your anger you forget your opposition are people, and people can be won over.

I'm trying still to reach some understanding with people like Niki, kinda... There's times RWED is too much for me and I think it might make me go (more) insane. Times I've felt really low, and thought it not worth it to say much. It comes and goes. Anyway.

Gay people are people as well, I do believe they're born the way they are and in non-interference and judgment in their lives. Though I'm also willing to concede that like with the feminists and with planned parent hood, there may be sinister influences that have crept into some of the organized groups. But that's a problem you have, PN, you blame the victims being manipulated as well as the people pulling the strings. You'd be more credible if you could separate that out, and you have important things to say, so credibility is a good thing.


Thursday, October 28, 2010 5:41 AM


Um, Byte, I think that was sarcasm. I think he was referring to her being gay.


Thursday, October 28, 2010 5:49 AM


I know he was, but he also sees Niki as an easy and/or acceptable target because he thinks she's an Operative.

I'm not sure why I bothered though. Maybe it's because I wouldn't want someone saying that at me, seeing as there would be personal consequences.


Thursday, October 28, 2010 11:17 AM


Well, I suppose in the technical sense, she is.

I mean, it's not like we made any great secret of the fact that we financially and logistically supported her relief efforts in the gulf, nor that we have other lines a communication besides RWED.

You really think that if there was a chance to stick a pin in her local jackboot wannabes, and I didn't think the doin of it would compromise her principles I wouldn't hand her the chance to do it ?

You really think she wouldn't take it ?

But then, while it's pretty obvious why the RWAs have such a shrieking fit about the lady, I think what's pissin John off more than a little is that she happens to have more of my confidence and support than he does, in other words, simple jealousy.

Or, yanno, I could just be sayin all that to wind em up even worse - works either way, so it's win-win on that front.

So Nyyyyaaah!

I do not serve the Blind God.


Thursday, October 28, 2010 11:18 AM


I've gotten to the point where I just take it for granted that entering RWED instantly comes with *WARNING-crazy is the language most often spoken here!* labels...

Some days I think that is half the fun,though, visit insanity- go back to normal boring life.


Thursday, October 28, 2010 11:19 AM



Originally posted by Wishimay:
I've gotten to the point where I just take it for granted that entering RWED instantly comes with *WARNING-crazy is the language most often spoken here!* labels...


Shit, why else you think we put up with John-boy so tolerantly, it's the nuttery that makes this place FUN!



Thursday, October 28, 2010 1:06 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by Fremdfirma:
Well, I suppose in the technical sense, she is.

I mean, it's not like we made any great secret of the fact that we financially and logistically supported her relief efforts in the gulf, nor that we have other lines a communication besides RWED.

You really think that if there was a chance to stick a pin in her local jackboot wannabes, and I didn't think the doin of it would compromise her principles I wouldn't hand her the chance to do it ?

You really think she wouldn't take it ?

But then, while it's pretty obvious why the RWAs have such a shrieking fit about the lady, I think what's pissin John off more than a little is that she happens to have more of my confidence and support than he does, in other words, simple jealousy.

Or, yanno, I could just be sayin all that to wind em up even worse - works either way, so it's win-win on that front.

So Nyyyyaaah!

I do not serve the Blind God.

Perfectly said.

The modern definition of "socialist" is anyone who's winning an argument against a tea-bagger.

AURaptor's Greatest Hits:

Friday, September 24, 2010
I hate Obama's America. You're damn right about that.

Friday, May 28, 2010 - 18:26 To President Obama:
Mr. President, you're a god damn, mother fucking liar.
Fuck you, you cock sucking community activist piece of shit.
... go fuck yourself, Mr. President.


Thursday, October 28, 2010 1:10 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by Wishimay:
I've gotten to the point where I just take it for granted that entering RWED instantly comes with *WARNING-crazy is the language most often spoken here!* labels...

Some days I think that is half the fun,though, visit insanity- go back to normal boring life.


It *IS* oddly funny, though...

PN and a whole slew of the rest of the right-wingers around here claim to be all about life and liberty - but boy, show 'em someone enjoying their life and using their liberty in ways the righties don't like and officially approve, and their VERY FIRST INSTINCT is to call for that person to be killed.

They so love life and liberty that they will straight-up fucking MURDER YOUR ASS if you don't believe in their exact kind of life and liberty.

The modern definition of "socialist" is anyone who's winning an argument against a tea-bagger.

AURaptor's Greatest Hits:

Friday, September 24, 2010
I hate Obama's America. You're damn right about that.

Friday, May 28, 2010 - 18:26 To President Obama:
Mr. President, you're a god damn, mother fucking liar.
Fuck you, you cock sucking community activist piece of shit.
... go fuck yourself, Mr. President.


Thursday, October 28, 2010 1:13 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)



Omar Little for teh WIN!!1!

The modern definition of "socialist" is anyone who's winning an argument against a tea-bagger.

AURaptor's Greatest Hits:

Friday, September 24, 2010
I hate Obama's America. You're damn right about that.

Friday, May 28, 2010 - 18:26 To President Obama:
Mr. President, you're a god damn, mother fucking liar.
Fuck you, you cock sucking community activist piece of shit.
... go fuck yourself, Mr. President.


Friday, October 29, 2010 5:29 AM


I don't think niki2 is gay. Now, Kwicko is a different story...that boy lives with a cucumber up his ass. Niki may be an old unwashed hippie chick, but I'm sure she likes sucking cock. So, my point is Kwicko should die...not Niki2.


Friday, October 29, 2010 8:15 AM



Originally posted by kaneman:
I don't think niki2 is gay. Now, Kwicko is a different story...that boy lives with a cucumber up his ass. Niki may be an old unwashed hippie chick, but I'm sure she likes sucking cock. So, my point is Kwicko should die...not Niki2.

You obsess over Kwik's sexuality so much, I have come to assume you are deeply in the closet yourself. Come out, you'll be happier that way.

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."


Friday, October 29, 2010 8:22 AM



Originally posted by Storymark:

Originally posted by kaneman:
I don't think niki2 is gay. Now, Kwicko is a different story...that boy lives with a cucumber up his ass. Niki may be an old unwashed hippie chick, but I'm sure she likes sucking cock. So, my point is Kwicko should die...not Niki2.

You obsess over Kwik's sexuality so much, I have come to assume you are deeply in the closet yourself. Come out, you'll be happier that way.

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."

Stated like a queer with experience. You gays crack me up.


Friday, October 29, 2010 9:25 AM


Kaneman, here's something your mouth needs.....


Friday, October 29, 2010 10:32 AM



Originally posted by Jongsstraw:
Kaneman, here's something your mouth needs.....

Hey, you got the color right....


Friday, October 29, 2010 11:43 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Wow. Initially I ignored this, as is obviously a PN slatherthread. It popped up again so I clicked on it out of curiosity. Imagine my shock when I saw the first post...then went on to see I was discussed...THEN went to the site and read the article. ...Wow.

First: I’m not gay. I’m bisexual. I’ve enjoyed sex with both men and a woman. I loved one man and one woman with all my heart in my life. I don’t know if any of you can ever understand this, but to me it’s the person, not the sex of the person, which I find sexy, loveable, whatever you want to call it. I hold a tiny dream that some day humans might evolve beyond animals, given we have no need of procreation any more in the original sense, and be able to love others irregardless of sex, as well as irregardless of religion, nationality, race, or whatever. A relationship with a woman is totally different from a relationship with a man in so many ways, and I know the same holds true for men. Each has so many lessons in it to teach, and so many wonderful things to learn, I’m actually sad everyone doesn’t get a chance to experience it. I’m also sad that I never realized I was bisexual earlier (just as I’m sad I wasn’t diagnosed bipolar earlier); my life would have been quite different. So no, I’m definitely not “gay”, that means I wouldn’t enjoy sex with my husband, and I do, and so does he. We’ve been together over thirty years, as I’ve said before, He stuck it out for the 4-1/2 years Jo lived with us (and by the way, did his best to love her and tolerate her during that time); I’m infinitely glad he did, because once I “woke up” and saw how horribly screwed up she was, I understood a relationship would never be sustainable with her, much as I loved her, and much as I know she loved me, insofar as she was able. Jim and I have never loved each other more than since she left, and I think we never loved each other AS MUCH before she came. That’s where my sexuality stands.

Second, coming here from the real world, or even the rest of the internet, again I am reminded just how INhuman this place is, how happily people wish each other death and how easily people are inhuman to one another. It doesn’t bother me much anymore, I’m used to it, just reading this thread reminded me. I went to the website of another TV show last night to comment on something and ended up reading a lot of the exchanges. I’m on a message board for people meeting up in SF tomorrow for the Sanity Rally, and of course I run that mental-health website. Coming here was like going to another incredibly uglier one. What a shame it represents Firefly, created by a man with more soul and humanity than many I’ve known! Byte’s remark reflects, well, is right on:

You get so caught up in your fights and your anger you forget your opposition are people
I think I would amend it to say “you get so caught up in your hatred and lack of self-control that you DON’T THINK of your opposition as people. It’s not about forgetting, it’s quite deliberate. I’m not sure why you bothered either, Byte, but it was nice to see someone do so.

Third, no, Byte, by “operative”, at least in how he first used it, PN was claiming I was working for...I’m not sure what, but something much more subversive than the Democratic Party...oh, wait, I think it was Al Qaeda or something. Whatever it was, it was pretty evil, and at least at one or two places he’s claimed I’m a Jew or a Jew Operative or something, I dunno, I lose track ‘cuz I don’t pay much attention. But I’m not an operative for anyone, least of all the Democratic Party! I’m an unabashed liberal, but definitely not a member of the Democrats!

DT, it wasn’t sarcasm, it was spittle, pure and simple.

Frem, support for my work in the Gulf was about helping the GULF, it wasn’t about being an operative. Yes, I added onto it anything I could ferret out about the situation, and in that way became a kind of operative, but only insofar as gaining information...operatives usually do more than that. My signature is a joke, pure and simple, and a snark at PN.

You really think that if there was a chance to stick a pin in her local jackboot wannabes, and I didn't think the doin of it would compromise her principles I wouldn't hand her the chance to do it ?

You really think she wouldn't take it ?

That’s an interesting one. Since you added about compromising my principles, I can’t actually say. I’m not sure there would be much I would do to anyone; it gets so complicated, you see. There is how much harm are they doing and to how many people, versus how much harm would I be doing to them and through them to those who love them, etc., and so much more. The scenarios are myriad, but I don’t think there are too many where I would take any action. I’m not you, much as I admire you in many ways. I have to live with ME, and my credo is “harm none, do what ye will”. If someone were being harmed in front of me, yeah, I’d react, but to plan and carry out something “operativeish”...I pretty much doubt it.


I've gotten to the point where I just take it for granted that entering RWED instantly comes with *WARNING-crazy is the language most often spoken here!* labels...
Yup. For me it’s more “I've gotten to the point where I just take it for granted that entering RWED instantly comes with *WARNING-viciouscrazy is the language most often spoken here!* labels...”, but there’s enough non-vicious insanity and even a bit of SANITY to make it worth the trouble...most of the time.

Mike, your statement about the RWAs is, of course, so right on as to be hysterical, but also a totally insane dichotomy which has always mystified me...

Kane, as usual, isn’t worth responding to, except to say I agree with JS about what his mouth needs. I’d also suggest professional help for his brain, if I thought it would do any good.

Then there’s the last, and by far most important, point: The article itself. I’m not even slightly important in the greater scheme of things, nor is PN, but did anyone pay attention to the article? It’s horrific, it’s sickening, it should make any of the saner among us want to scream and retch. WHY is that person still employed as a teacher, if he still is??? That is a very, very sick individual who shouldn’t be within twenty feet of ANY child, EVER...and he’s a TEACHER?!?!?! My gawd. THAT’s important, I’m not.

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Friday, October 29, 2010 12:09 PM



Originally posted by kaneman:

Originally posted by Storymark:

Originally posted by kaneman:
I don't think niki2 is gay. Now, Kwicko is a different story...that boy lives with a cucumber up his ass. Niki may be an old unwashed hippie chick, but I'm sure she likes sucking cock. So, my point is Kwicko should die...not Niki2.

You obsess over Kwik's sexuality so much, I have come to assume you are deeply in the closet yourself. Come out, you'll be happier that way.

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."

Stated like a queer with experience. You gays crack me up.

Thou dost protest too much.

You clearly can't get gay guys off your mind. You bring it up every chance you get, and force it in any other time. I think a clear picture is forming.

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."


Friday, October 29, 2010 12:10 PM


Free speech.

Like it or hate it.

As always, I'd prefer to KNOW what a person thinks.

And as to teachers having bad views..

One of my Social Studies teachers dragged me up in front of class as a point.


Good times.

"Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies"


Friday, October 29, 2010 12:19 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.


Originally posted by Niki2:
I don’t know if any of you can ever understand this, but to me it’s the person, not the sex of the person, which I find sexy, loveable, whatever you want to call it.

I understand it.

Just because something can't be explained doesn't mean it becomes yours.


Friday, October 29, 2010 12:25 PM


I really dont know why people like Nix arn't rabid Ron Paul fans.

"Most people want to preven other people from doing things they don't like...."

"Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies"


Friday, October 29, 2010 12:43 PM



Originally posted by Storymark:

Originally posted by kaneman:

Originally posted by Storymark:

Originally posted by kaneman:
I don't think niki2 is gay. Now, Kwicko is a different story...that boy lives with a cucumber up his ass. Niki may be an old unwashed hippie chick, but I'm sure she likes sucking cock. So, my point is Kwicko should die...not Niki2.

You obsess over Kwik's sexuality so much, I have come to assume you are deeply in the closet yourself. Come out, you'll be happier that way.

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."

Stated like a queer with experience. You gays crack me up.

Thou dost protest too much.

You clearly can't get gay guys off your mind. You bring it up every chance you get, and force it in any other time. I think a clear picture is forming.

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."

Well, when reponding to gays (Kwicko, Niki2, storymark) is it crazy to call you gay? You don't see me calling DT, Aurapt,Hero,byte,PR, Pn, Pcat,Jong,Frem,or any other gay...You have all admited to being queer at one time or another(niki...saying she's bi-sexual two posts up..same thing) So, I see your agenda. I don't get lost in your pinko shit. I say what I three are gay. Kwicko has posted about his gay boyfriends, Niki has posted about fucking women, you have posted about being molested by your dad and liking it.....what is a girl to think?.....Well, it's true.....

Kwicko, I formally condemn your mother for not aborting you. Yeah, I'm sure her brother was happy to have a son, but you are inexcusable....


Friday, October 29, 2010 3:25 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by kaneman:
I don't think niki2 is gay. Now, Kwicko is a different story...that boy lives with a cucumber up his ass. Niki may be an old unwashed hippie chick, but I'm sure she likes sucking cock. So, my point is Kwicko should die...not Niki2.

And here we have it again.

Funny, because we keep being told by the righties here that if Muslims weren't so radical, they'd be speaking out and policing their own, denouncing the hatred and vitriol.

So day after day, I hear righties like Kaney, Rappy, Wulfie, and PN saying straight out that I should be murdered, for no reason other than that I don't believe like they do.

And to date, not one single right-winger has ever stepped forward to "police their own".

By the logic of the righties, that means you really all DO want me murdered, right? You hate me so much for exercising my freedoms, I'm such an overwhelming threat to your existence, that I should be killed outright.

It's very revealing. It tells me an awful lot about every "conservative" here, and what you REALLY believe, down in that deep, dark hole where you hide.

The modern definition of "socialist" is anyone who's winning an argument against a tea-bagger.

AURaptor's Greatest Hits:

Friday, September 24, 2010
I hate Obama's America. You're damn right about that.

Friday, May 28, 2010 - 18:26 To President Obama:
Mr. President, you're a god damn, mother fucking liar.
Fuck you, you cock sucking community activist piece of shit.
... go fuck yourself, Mr. President.


Friday, October 29, 2010 3:58 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

School Board member resigns over Facebook comments.


Friday, October 29, 2010 5:37 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


they so love life and liberty that they will straight-up fucking MURDER YOUR ASS if you don't believe in their exact kind of life and liberty.
What they don't understand (You listenin' Wulfie?) is that they may as well wear jackboots.

Rand Paul supporter stomps head of opponent


Friday, October 29, 2010 7:25 PM



So day after day, I hear righties like Kaney, Rappy, Wulfie, and PN saying straight out that I should be murdered, for no reason other than that I don't believe like they do.

And to date, not one single right-winger has ever stepped forward to "police their own".

By the logic of the righties, that means you really all DO want me murdered, right? You hate me so much for exercising my freedoms, I'm such an overwhelming threat to your existence, that I should be killed outright.

It's very revealing. It tells me an awful lot about every "conservative" here, and what you REALLY believe, down in that deep, dark hole where you hide.

I'm fairly new here, wouldn't seem right for me to 'police' anyone, but I agree that all the name calling and 'threatening' is pointless and disrespectful, whether there is any meaning behind it or not. I would argue that you can't judge all conservatives, or even all RWED conservatives by the hatred of 4 people, but you have every right to be angry.

Far as that teacher goes, how the hell did someone like that have a full time teaching job when I'm stuck working part-time teaching after-school programs and private lessons? Oh yeah, cause I was an idealistic fool who finished a music ed major after the economy and government screwed us all over...


Friday, October 29, 2010 7:30 PM


Hey Niki,

I'm sorry shit like this goes down and I'm greatly dismayed that you are the chosen target. I've said it before more than once, and these boys never have word one to say to it, but women--smart, outspoken, dedicated women posters like you get treated absolutely dreadfully by these little boys on the right--singled out, denigrated, obsessively insulted.

Before you, SignyM and Rue basically were this board for years, as far as I'm concerned. And those two are very tough people. They managed to keep their gender out of the forum for years and in retrospect I think that was an exceptionally wise strategy. As soon as some of these boys find out someone is a woman, they invariably turn pervasively ugly in their dealings with them. It sickens me.

It's the central problem with the right as I see it: they have no respect for women or for emotional people in general. They violate their children, they ignore and talk down to the women in their lives, they readily justify profound abuse and violation of their "enemies" without a trace of empathy, and they violate their own emotional selves with their ideologically driven contempt for what they've been forced to see as weakness.


Hey, hey, hey, don't be mean. We don't have to be mean, because, remember, no matter where you go, there you are.


Friday, October 29, 2010 7:44 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Originally posted by Bytemite:

Hey now.

1) Evidence that Niki is anything other than she claims is weak at best. She might be a spokesperson for the democratic party, it's possible, which is what I think you mean when you call her an Operative. But you don't attack someone unless you know, and even then, telling someone you want them to die over the internet is some ugly business.

2) Even in the Serenity movie, Mal didn't kill the Operative.

Nikovich is a proud lesbian dyke, as she brags in her hot lesbo posts.

Mal killed a cop in the Serenity comic, plus a whole lotto other folk. In fact, every member of Serenity killed a lotta folk.

Mal fought the Operative in mortal combat, for his right to post a video on an internet forum, a crime punishable by death.

Mal woulda killed the Operative, if the assassin hadn't backed down after being paralyzed. Mal did promise to kill him if he ever saw him again.

The problem with USA is that it's populated with cowards, regardless of sexual preference. Yes, there're some great gay patriots, but Nikovich aint one of em.


Friday, October 29, 2010 7:52 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Hey, but it was fun while it lasted. I thought Signy M would be detectable with a little bit of digging
But RUE??? Rue figured that "Rue" was such a blatantly feminine name that everyone would figure that out. I guess if I want to come back for some unbiased discussion, I'll have to sockpuppet.

Male conservatives.. sigh. So friggin' fragile!.


Friday, October 29, 2010 7:58 PM



Mal killed a cop in the Serenity comic, plus a whole lotto other folk. In fact, every member of Serenity killed a lotta folk.

Mal fought the Operative in mortal combat, for his right to post a video on an internet forum, a crime punishable by death.

Mal woulda killed the Operative, if the assassin hadn't backed down after being paralyzed. Mal did promise to kill him if he ever saw him again.

Yeah, okay. That's true.

But the internet isn't reality, and I'd even argue that killing people in reality, even if they're bastards or tyrants, tends to just increase support for their side.

You depose a tyrant, you get the royal family plotting your imminent overthrow in a few years. The only way I can see to create a lasting regime change from corporatism and the existing government ruling class is a bloodless coup.

Otherwise you set yourself up for something cyclical. I'm not saying no punishment, because that is satisfying, and for the gutless manipulators pulling our strings from behind the scenes, repercussion is an actual deterrent. Bullies tend to stand down the moment someone stands up to them.

But killing in general seems a bad idea. And on the internet, not only do death threats not carry much weight, but it also seems like an overreaction to just some anonymous person you've never met who's not a real threat IRL.


Friday, October 29, 2010 8:08 PM



As soon as some of these boys find out someone is a woman, they invariably turn pervasively ugly in their dealings with them. It sickens me.

It's the central problem with the right as I see it: they have no respect for women or for emotional people in general. They violate their children, they ignore and talk down to the women in their lives, they readily justify profound abuse and violation of their "enemies" without a trace of empathy, and they violate their own emotional selves with their ideologically driven contempt for what they've been forced to see as weakness.


Some of the things that get said are very anti-feministic or in Wulf's case even misogynistic (he likes shock value 9_9), but I've never seen any of them attack someone just on the basis of being a woman.

And that last paragraph, is as much of a demonization of "all" conservatives as conservatives demonize "all liberals."

Oh look, I wasn't whiny and didn't talk down to you. It's a Halloween miracle. Yes, I'm bitter.


Friday, October 29, 2010 8:12 PM



Originally posted by SignyM:
Hey, but it was fun while it lasted. I thought Signy M would be detectable with a little bit of digging
But RUE??? Rue figured that "Rue" was such a blatantly feminine name that everyone would figure that out. I guess if I want to come back for some unbiased discussion, I'll have to sockpuppet.

Male conservatives.. sigh. So friggin' fragile!.

I was thrown off because I'd never heard the name Signy before and thought you were talking about a profusions of "signs." Like the "M" had a so many "signs" it was a "SignyM." I still pronounce your handle "Sine-ee," I can't help it.

And "Rue" is not particularly femmy if your turn of mind is something more piratical and swashbuckling, in which case the first association with "Rue" is "Ye'll rue the day, ye ever laid eyes on the likes of me!" or some such. "Rue" meant to me only that the poster in question had lived long enough to have regrets.


Hey, hey, hey, don't be mean. We don't have to be mean, because, remember, no matter where you go, there you are.


Friday, October 29, 2010 8:30 PM



Originally posted by Bytemite:
Some of the things that get said are very anti-feministic or in Wulf's case even misogynistic (he likes shock value 9_9), but I've never seen any of them attack someone just on the basis of being a woman.

And that last paragraph, is as much of a demonization of "all" conservatives as conservatives demonize "all liberals."

Oh look, I wasn't whiny and didn't talk down to you. It's a Halloween miracle. Yes, I'm bitter.

Byte, I'm sorry, but you have some blinders on you call lack of bias. Do I really have to write a disclaimer for every generalization I make around you? If you call yourself "conservative" but you don't indulge in any of the things I describe, then isn't it obvious by now that I ain't talking about you? If you cannot see the conservative movement as it exists in this country and on this board as starkly, predominantly misogynistic and contemptuous of empathy, I cannot help you. I'm not talking about hardcore iconoclasts like you and DT, I'm talking about the frickin' movement, is that not clear to you?

And it's so very ironic that you mention Wulf. Back when you first came to this board and Wulf found out you were female he immediately started laying into you and trying to push your buttons any which way he could, even though you weren't saying anything Frem and others hadn't said to him already. This has been an M.O. with Wulf, though he's since expanded his contempt to include all and sundry.

And now, of course, we have Kaneman's unending attack on Kwicko--and what is his central theme? That Kwicko is gay/effeminate/not a man. It's how they roll. Yes, I said "they." It doesn't mean I'm describing all people who consider themselves conservative. It's just if the shoe fits.


Hey, hey, hey, don't be mean. We don't have to be mean, because, remember, no matter where you go, there you are.


Friday, October 29, 2010 8:53 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Originally posted by piratenews:

The problem with USA is that it's populated with cowards, regardless of sexual preference. Yes, there're some great gay patriots, but Nikovich aint one of em.

Here's a gay jew doin it right, except she's insanely 'voting' for AllCIAduh Dictator Hussein Obama Soetoro for the Commie Jew World Odor.


Rosanne Barr: people are saying that 9-11 was an inside bush job

Um...I SAY BUSH DID IT, OK? Bush was the president and he knew about it in advance, and so did Condi and so did Cheney and so did Rumsfeld. and he did nothing to stop it, and that has been proven. You are completely wrong--the 9-11 truth community did not begin BEFORE 9-11!

Why are you defending a mass murderer? I am not a machine, or imposing anything on you at all! I say Bush did it and I also say his dad killed jfk! I will say what I think here on my blog, in case you didn't know that.

Bush needed a big war to cover his real war against the working class. His father took control of this country after he executed Kennedy, and the CIA has run it ever since. REmember Poppy Bush was the head of the CIA, and was quite upset that black people were getting too powerful. Check it out, it's all true---read Trance Formation America.

Bush Sr.was head of the cia when he took control of this country through a coup that killed president kennedy. He needed to get his hands on social security and tax money so that he and cheney could build Dubai with it, and retire there to have sex with underaged prostitutes. Mossad is the CIA too, and so are the Jesuits. You guys are so positive and kind of naive too, in a way, God love you though. You start getting political around 2001, after the us killed millions of civilians for oil in vietnam, and after the us killed and tortured hundreds of thousands in SA for decades for american business interests, and after Desert Storm, Nagasaki Hiroshima and every other shameful satanic thing we have done--not to mention 10,000 tribes of dead native Americans who live below third world level in our backyards. Yes, 9-11 was a wake up call for the middle classes, but everyone else has known for hundreds of years that this entire country was built by slavery by oppression and by secret operations to murder those who disagreed with the Power at the Top. (the Bush family is part of the English Royal family, don't forget--america became a country in the most conservative revolution of all time, and was founded on only rich white male property owners being able to vote--don't overly romantisize our history, and pretend it was all good until 9-11.

i am well aquainted with all the above, believe me, the sauds, the carlysle group, the fed and all of it. I have big time spooky friends too--including Michael Moore, Cynthia Mckinney and others.

I am not shooting off at the hip at all when I say that Bush (W and Sr.) colluded with the sauds and the international mf and the insurance companies, the cia and mossad to do this to america in order to get at the piles of social security money and other tax money in the usa, on behalf of "the investor classes"--in the name of rogue capitalism (pirates and criminals) his homeys.

They (bush family interests) staged an international monetary coup, and took over the ME drug trade and oil trade, as well as put Iran into checkmate, as it functions as China's gas station, among other things, all of which is mentioned in Condi Rice's "project for a new century" that follows the dictates of Zbigniew Brzezinski plan for the retainment of us power in the middle east.

That is what the people I know are saying about 9-11, and they are saying it because there is more and more proof of it. Sorry if that upsets anyone. Follow the money. The rich are attacking the poor now, and making the poor fund it all, while keeping opiates cheap and making huge profits there too.

Yes, Clinton was and is another us drug lord (mena airport and nafta). Yes there is only one party in this country--the money party...but---the democratic party as putrid as it is has alan grayson and other socialists within it and we need a ton more of them this election cycle, it's our only hope. People are letting bush w. and cheney and rumsfeld off the hook for torture and mass murder --why? (funding is threatened by mentioning their names, that's why---when we asked Bono to help us in the 2000 and 2004 elections, we were told that his funding would be cut if he opposed the republican party)--its a stinking scam from top to bottom, and big money is behind all of it, especially the republicans who despise socialism because it helps blacks, and they are racists, and their black members are self haters--(the highest degree minorities and women can attain in this social structure is to be a rogue self hater that hates everyone like themself, toadies and trolls).

But socialism will prevail here and everywhere else--and in america it will be peculiarly american and be mixed with some capitalism--it will be called people-ism and it will work and nothing will be able to stop it, look at south america if you do not believe me. Things are changing.

School board says faggots must die...


Friday, October 29, 2010 8:55 PM



It's the central problem with the right as I see it: they have no respect for women or for emotional people in general. They violate their children, they ignore and talk down to the women in their lives, they readily justify profound abuse and violation of their "enemies" without a trace of empathy, and they violate their own emotional selves with their ideologically driven contempt for what they've been forced to see as weakness.

Why don't ya tell us how you really feel? I imagine (or at least hope) it took more than a couple of righties acting like jackasses to convince you that every conservative must be an abusive, womanizing, overzealous asshole. That's a pretty harsh generalization. I hope y'all don't see me like that.

EDIT: Just caught up to your response to Byte, so I think I understand your position better. I still don't agree with it, but I now find it less offensive.


Saturday, October 30, 2010 12:53 AM


The irony of all this is just HOW often I get taken for a female elsewhere, even when the name I am using isn't as ambiguous as usual!

What part of "BogTheMighty" sounds like a chick, I ask you ?

But that has more to do with other folks interpretations of a cognitive process that really DOES work in both directions, so it's not like it matters, save that yes, authoritarian jackboot lickers immediately either try to get in your pants, start talkin down to you like you're five, or come flying at you with inexplicable hostility, and it's all just plain STUPID.

Not all of em, but goddamn enough of em to give any who ain't a bad name as their vitriol smears the lens, you understand ?

As to WHY killing is a bad idea, Byte, once again I will post it, in hopes people actually READ it and learn some bloody thing from it.


Marilee sat down with the abruptness of a gun returning to battery. She laughed as she looked out the window through which she could see nothing but sky from her present low angle. "Well," she said, "Danny, I suppose you'd better explain that. I hadn't expected to hear from a mercenary that force doesn't accomplish anything."
"Ex-mercenary," Pritchard corrected. The smile was back. "And force accomplishes a lot of things. They just aren't the ones you want here. Bring in the Slammers and we kick ass for as long as you pay us. Six months, a year. And we kick ass even if the other side brings in mercs of their own—which they'll do—but that's not a problem, not if you've got us." Unit pride lasted even after the unit's work became a matter of distaste. Pride beamed now from Danny Pritchard's face, and his hand caressed a tank that only his mind could see.
"So," the man went on. He got up without thinking about the action because he was focused on plans, on possibilities. "There's what? Three hundred thousand people on Tethys?"
Marilee's eyes narrowed. "On the Council Islands, about. There's a lot more in little holdings on the unclaimed islands, but I don't think anyone can be sure of numbers."
"So," Pritchard repeated. The word was his equivalent of the Enter key when his mind was computing possibilities. "You want to kill fifty kay? Fifty thousand people, let's remember they're people for the moment."
"I don't want to kill anybody!" the woman snapped. She swung abruptly to her feet again. Her boots rapped on the inlaid floor over which her visitor's heels had glided unheard. "I don't even want to kill Bev Dyson. I grew up with him, after all, I . . . maybe he did kill my husband. But I don't want to know that for sure. And I don't want him killed."
"You see," said Danny Pritchard, as if he had not heard his companion expose a part of herself that she had not known existed, "if we go in quick and dirty, the only way that has a prayer of working is if we get them all. If we get everybody who opposes you, everybody related to them, everybody who called them master—everybody."
"They aren't all dangerous!" Marilee shouted. She turned to the wall of trophies and went on in nearly as loud a voice. "They aren't any of them dangerous, except maybe a few. What are you talking about?" She spun back to Pritchard.
The ex-soldier nodded in agreement. "They're not dangerous now, but they will be after the killing starts. Believe me—" he raised a hand to forestall another protest— "I've seen it often enough. Not all of them, but one in ten, one in a hundred. One in a thousand's enough when he blasts your car down over the ocean a year from now. You'll see. It changes people, the killing does. Once it starts, there's no way to stop it but all the way to the end. If you figure to still live here on Tethys."

"M—Danny!" the woman said. "I told you, I don't want killing. Why do you keep saying that?"
"What do you think the Slammers do, milady?" asked Danny Pritchard. His grin was wide as a demon's, as cruel as the muzzle of the guns he remembered using so well. "Work magic? We kill, and we're good at it, bloody good. You call the Slammers in to solve your problems here and you'll be able to cover the Port with the corpses. I guarantee it. I've done it, milady. In my time."

Available via the Baen Free Library.

That's just the way it is, folks - you either solve your problems ANOTHER WAY, or you fucking kill EVERYBODY.

And that ain't no way to solve anything, save the question of whether we as a species are gonna self destruct or not.


I do not serve the Blind God.


Saturday, October 30, 2010 2:23 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by TheHappyTrader:

So day after day, I hear righties like Kaney, Rappy, Wulfie, and PN saying straight out that I should be murdered, for no reason other than that I don't believe like they do.

And to date, not one single right-winger has ever stepped forward to "police their own".

By the logic of the righties, that means you really all DO want me murdered, right? You hate me so much for exercising my freedoms, I'm such an overwhelming threat to your existence, that I should be killed outright.

It's very revealing. It tells me an awful lot about every "conservative" here, and what you REALLY believe, down in that deep, dark hole where you hide.

I'm fairly new here, wouldn't seem right for me to 'police' anyone, but I agree that all the name calling and 'threatening' is pointless and disrespectful, whether there is any meaning behind it or not. I would argue that you can't judge all conservatives, or even all RWED conservatives by the hatred of 4 people, but you have every right to be angry.

Oh, hell, Happy - I'm used to it by now. And I've certainly gotten in my share of digs as well. Funny thing is, when I do it, I'm deluged with private messages asking me to back off, scolding me, chiding me for such behavior, I'm called out on the board by lefties, righties, and centrists alike. So there definitely *IS* self-policing, but none of it seems to come from the right end of the political spectrum.

And I try to make a point of NOT threatening peoples' lives.


Far as that teacher goes, how the hell did someone like that have a full time teaching job when I'm stuck working part-time teaching after-school programs and private lessons? Oh yeah, cause I was an idealistic fool who finished a music ed major after the economy and government screwed us all over...

Hang in there. You sound like the kind of teacher I'd want my kids to have, if I had kids.

The modern definition of "socialist" is anyone who's winning an argument against a tea-bagger.

AURaptor's Greatest Hits:

Friday, September 24, 2010
I hate Obama's America. You're damn right about that.

Friday, May 28, 2010 - 18:26 To President Obama:
Mr. President, you're a god damn, mother fucking liar.
Fuck you, you cock sucking community activist piece of shit.
... go fuck yourself, Mr. President.


Saturday, October 30, 2010 2:33 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

"Comrades, we must continue to be studious"

With a catchy slogan like that, how can they fail?

Nice broomhandle Mauser, too.

The modern definition of "socialist" is anyone who's winning an argument against a tea-bagger.

AURaptor's Greatest Hits:

Friday, September 24, 2010
I hate Obama's America. You're damn right about that.

Friday, May 28, 2010 - 18:26 To President Obama:
Mr. President, you're a god damn, mother fucking liar.
Fuck you, you cock sucking community activist piece of shit.
... go fuck yourself, Mr. President.


Saturday, October 30, 2010 4:55 AM



Originally posted by Kwicko:

Funny, because we keep being told by the righties here that if Muslims weren't so radical, they'd be speaking out and policing their own, denouncing the hatred and vitriol.

That's one of your more creative analogies I must say. How much policing goes on from your side? You push buttons, and sometimes you push them rather hard. None of us are innocent.


So day after day, I hear righties like Kaney, Rappy, Wulfie, and PN saying straight out that I should be murdered, for no reason other than that I don't believe like they do.

I imagine those comments were figurative rather than literal, and in the context of the debate. Even so, it's not serious, it's the stupid internet. It's just role playing for some. Honestly, it's pretty rare to see anything get under your skin like this seems to have.


And to date, not one single right-winger has ever stepped forward to "police their own".
Again I ask, which left-wingers have policed you? But I do see how it's gotten much worse here in terms of the vulgarity used against you and a couple others. It's horrible and wrong. Take it from its' source, which means not giving it any thought, water off a duck.


By the logic of the righties, that means you really all DO want me murdered, right? You hate me so much for exercising my freedoms, I'm such an overwhelming threat to your existence, that I should be killed outright.

I think sometimes we all perhaps have those silly thoughts when we get real steamed up over an issue, but it's not real. People shouldn't write it here. I don't like threats of any kind. They do because it's easier than thinking and debating. From my hard right perspective, I believe you have every right to live, think, and act according to your beliefs, and I don't wish any ill will upon you.


It's very revealing. It tells me an awful lot about every "conservative" here, and what you REALLY believe, down in that deep, dark hole where you hide.

We all have more shared desires and goals and ideals than not. Then the actions of the infinite amounts of special interest groups continue to divide people on everything. Our Govt. doesn't work right when it does things that 60% or 70% of Americans disagree with in favor of these special interest groups, or for obvious ideologically divisive issues, regardless of who's in power. We don't "hide", we Conservatives live in the same place as you.


Saturday, October 30, 2010 6:01 AM



And it's so very ironic that you mention Wulf. Back when you first came to this board and Wulf found out you were female he immediately started laying into you and trying to push your buttons any which way he could, even though you weren't saying anything Frem and others hadn't said to him already. This has been an M.O. with Wulf, though he's since expanded his contempt to include all and sundry.

No, I was including Wulf. He first asked me if I was a man-castrating feminazi, and then the rest of his comments were harmless. Maybe I somehow avoided getting his full ire, that Sig and Rue have gotten, I wouldn't KNOW. The stipulation that I put in my post is that "I'VE never seen." I've only been around two years, this board has been around almost a decade, I'm aware that things either may have changed or there might be behavior I haven't seen.

Hard core iconoclast? Do I SEEM conservative to you? I'm not either one. But when someone is being mischaracterized, demonized, and/or told they should go die, then no matter how much I disagree with them, I'm going to call that out. Well, mostly. I used to object to whenever kaneman, kwicko, and AURaptor got into their spats, but I eventually realized they kinda like it that way.

Judging by Happy Trader's response, no, it wasn't obvious. You didn't once write "some" anywhere in that. It's kind of like that conversation being had elsewhere about whether someone can say "Liberals..." or "Muslims..." and only mean "some liberals" and "some muslims."

You can justify that you IMPLIED "some," but some people are going to read "all" into that. Unless that deliberate confusion is the intention, or you're fishing for responses from the side you're putting down (which is apparently the full sum of your rationale for calling ME conservative, a flawed assumption at best and deliberate insult at worst), then don't imply, SAY. You don't get credit for something unless you SAY it. No one here is a mind reader.


Saturday, October 30, 2010 7:20 AM


I hate to disagree with you, HK (it almost never happens). But I don't think gender has anything to do with it. In all my years here on RWED, I was most hurt by posts made by SignyM and Rue, and we are all women.

Intolerance of ambiguity is the mark of an authoritarian personality.
-Theodor Adorno, philosopher and composer (1903-1969)


Saturday, October 30, 2010 8:16 AM



Originally posted by Bytemite:
No, I was including Wulf. He first asked me if I was a man-castrating feminazi, and then the rest of his comments were harmless.

Jeez, Byte, I KNOW you included Wulf--that is precisely what made your comments ironic! I think you're practicing a bit of revisionist history, but, y'know, that's your call.

I don't know what it is. You seem able to have perfectly reasonable conversations with plenty of people on this board, but when you talk to me you repeatedly ignore crucial context and accuse me of all manner of wickedness.

Hard core iconoclast? Do I SEEM conservative to you? I'm not either one.
Now this. So, you're NOT an iconoclast??? You're even more of a hardcore iconoclast than I thought if you won't even cop to that descriptor (that's a joke). Honestly, I find your political ideas kinda all over the map. You seem much more interested in not being "pigeon holed" than you are in presenting a coherent point of view. That's just my read. I assume you are a much more coherent individual than I have so far been able to suss out, so I try not to get into it with you.

You cannot fight how others think or feel about ya without trying to control them--you know what I mean? You end up like a Totalitarianism-of-One, with your own personal Politburo trying to control the flow of information. It is a strategy guaranteed to alienate the hell out of people, which, seems to be the point more often than not with the folks who employ it.

But when someone is being mischaracterized, demonized, and/or told they should go die, then no matter how much I disagree with them, I'm going to call that out. Well, mostly. I used to object to whenever kaneman, kwicko, and AURaptor got into their spats, but I eventually realized they kinda like it that way.
And you don't think it's a little bit of a stretch to lump "mischaracterizing" someone with telling them "they should die?" And you intend to police all of this bad behavior (with the exception of kaneman, kwicko and AURaptor) yourself?

Back to the actual subject of this thread: I think there is a deep vein of misogyny running through conservative thought. It is, in my view, a predominant phenomenon. Do you disagree? Misogyny, to my mind, includes homophobia and corporal punishment of children, both of which are normalized within the conservative movement--y'know, anything resembling a woman (anything with emotions, anything that cries, anything that openly expresses love for men) needs to be put down, corralled, controlled. Of course there are conservatives, plenty of 'em, who don't think this way, but a lot of the conservatives whom I've met who do not think this way, nonetheless FEEL this way. And there are a fair number of liberals who would NEVER think this way, but also, deep down, FEEL this way--and to my mind, such feelings undermine their liberalism. It runs deep in the culture, is all I'm saying. Y'know, not all Christians hate women and homosexuals, but it's in their favorite book, i'n'it?

Not a lot of liberals out there claiming that homosexuals should kill themselves. But a lot of conservatives are very threatened by "the gay." There's a reason for that, no? How many liberals running for Congress are running on a platform of opposing abortion even in cases of rape and incest? There's a reason for that, too, isn't there?


Hey, hey, hey, don't be mean. We don't have to be mean, because, remember, no matter where you go, there you are.


Saturday, October 30, 2010 8:27 AM



Originally posted by canttakesky:
I hate to disagree with you, HK (it almost never happens). But I don't think gender has anything to do with it. In all my years here on RWED, I was most hurt by posts made by SignyM and Rue, and we are all women.

What? So, my saying that there's misogyny at the core of why folks like Wulf and Kane attack Niki and other women on this board in the way they do, negates the possibility that Signy and Rue might hurt you? Apples and oranges, right? Just because misogyny exists doesn't mean all the pain in women's lives is misogynistic in origin.


Hey, hey, hey, don't be mean. We don't have to be mean, because, remember, no matter where you go, there you are.


Saturday, October 30, 2010 8:37 AM



I think you're practicing a bit of revisionist history, but, y'know, that's your call.

If his comments weren't harmless, why do I get along all right with Wulf?

Perhaps you're assuming Wulf treated me the same as he treated Sig and Rue. But I don't think you should try to tell me you know my own life and feelings better than I do.


I don't know what it is. You seem able to have perfectly reasonable conversations with plenty of people on this board, but when you talk to me you repeatedly ignore crucial context and accuse me of all manner of wickedness.

This ire currently right now stems from the sudden and out of nowhere attack you made on me previously about my irritating advice. The accusing of wickedness is a new thing. The ignoring crucial context is a product of my lack of context and likely related to the question of my competence.

In short, I used to like you, a lot, because I have pretty much always agreed with your positions. Then a few months ago you started saying that I've treated/targeted you unfairly, which I didn't understand, at all. In addition to attacks from Sig and Pheonix Rose and kaneman, this prompted me to try to abandon the board. When I found myself pulled back in, I began to avoid allowing myself to become emotionally invested again, and this is the first time (second now) I've directly posted to you since then. This is because, simply, I don't trust you anymore.

I'm willing to admit I'm annoying and I can be passive aggressive sometimes in my posting style. It is nothing personal against you, but rather my posting style and personality. I give you my full endorsement to dislike me now.

I feel bad about Pheonix Rose, though, she was justified. I was behaving badly because of all the other stuff going on.


Honestly, I find your political ideas kinda all over the map. You seem much more interested in not being "pigeon holed" than you are in presenting a coherent point of view. That's just my read. I assume you are a much more coherent individual than I have so far been able to suss out, so I try not to get into it with you.

This is what is accurate. I am not able to be coherent.


You cannot fight how others think or feel about ya without trying to control them--you know what I mean? You end up like a Totalitarianism-of-One, with your own personal Politburo trying to control the flow of information. It is a strategy guaranteed to alienate the hell out of people, which, seems to be the point more often than not with the folks who employ it.

Although now I'm also a totalitarianism just because I point out unfairness and bad behaviour.


There's a reason for that, too, isn't there?

The homosexuality and anti-abortion sentiments are a result of interpretations of religion. Not all conservatives are religious, and even many religious conservatives, like Happy Trader, don't buy into those interpretations and support gay rights. You concede that, but then you continue to argue that this is somehow some fundamental principle to conservatism.

It's not, no more than man-hating is fundamental to feminism.


Saturday, October 30, 2010 9:00 AM



Originally posted by HKCavalier:
So, my saying that there's misogyny at the core of why folks like Wulf and Kane attack Niki and other women on this board in the way they do, negates the possibility that Signy and Rue might hurt you?

No. I'm saying the hostility on RWED goes deeper than misogyny. Obviously, RWED posters have their issues of misogyny, homophobia, racism, etc. like everyone else.

What I mean to say is that I don't see the hate speech against Niki on this thread as misogynistic. Unless a poster says something explicit about Niki as a woman, I don't see the misogyny. That is, there are many other reasons to target Niki other than the fact that she happens to be a woman. Just like a black person or a gay person may be hated for reasons that have nothing to do with their being black or gay.

Here on RWED, I see males hurting males, females hurting females, and both males and females hurting those of the opposite gender. The reason? Opposite POLITICS. Niki embraces opposing political values than her attackers. Just like SignyM/Rue and I had words: opposite politics. In both cases, the attacks had nothing to do with gender. As far as I know, Wulf and Kane would not speak the same way to a woman with values similar to their own.

RWED is a boiling cauldron of political resentment, and sure misogyny will sometimes piggyback on said resentment. Maybe of all the attacks on liberals, misogynists would be harsher on female liberals than on male ones. But I don't think misogyny is the main fuel for the hatred, if you will.

Just MHO.

Intolerance of ambiguity is the mark of an authoritarian personality.
-Theodor Adorno, philosopher and composer (1903-1969)


Saturday, October 30, 2010 9:25 AM



RWED is a boiling cauldron of political resentment, and sure misogyny will sometimes piggyback on said resentment. Maybe of all the attacks on liberals, misogynists would be harsher on female liberals than on male ones. But I don't think misogyny is the main fuel for the hatred, if you will.

Yes. This is what I think. I know I'm not a victim here, despite hurt feelings I'm fostering. I know I'm targetted less than someone like Niki, Sig, Rue, AuRaptor, PN, kaneman, Wulf, and etc., because I don't choose sides on principle. I try to just say my piece and acknowledge when someone has a valid point more than I try to prove people wrong.

The times I have been targetted... I guess I just have a thin skin. But such as it is.


Saturday, October 30, 2010 9:45 AM



Not all conservatives are religious, and even many religious conservatives, like Happy Trader, don't buy into those interpretations and support gay rights.

Thank you Byte, you have have just saved me from embarrassing myself on a big rant attempting to defend my religion and inadvertently shifting the focus of this thread, which I don't recall being "issues with the conservative philosophy as dictated to us by liberals." Didn't it have something to do with a teacher?

Before anyone decides to condemn Christianity and the Bible as a hateful book meant to oppress homosexuals, take a look at a gay Christians's take on the bible. Rev. Mel White makes an excellent case.


Saturday, October 30, 2010 12:36 PM


I think it's kind of ironic you said that, HKCav, since I had the STRANGEST comment thrown at me by some of Augustus's people this past Friday.

They said I was the closest thing Anarchists have to a jackbooted stormtrooper.

Try wrapping your mind around THAT.


I do not serve the Blind God.


Saturday, October 30, 2010 12:52 PM



Originally posted by Bytemite:
You continue to make the error of saying that all conservatives are the same. Yet, it annoys you when conservatives say all liberals are the same.

Byte, no.

I have yet to say that all conservatives are the same. You gonna do this again? Am I gonna write another lengthy post clarifying my position, explicitly saying (as I just did in my last post) that there are many conservative individuals that do not conform to the predominant prejudices of the conservative movement as a whole as I see it, only to have you come back with this same argument against lumping all conservatives together?

This is absurd. I am careful with my words. I am well aware of this point you insist on making to me over and over again. Even within this one thread, you have forced me to be quite explicit that there are exceptions--in my very last post to you--and yet you persevere in misquoting me!

What is that?

There's a conservative movement in this country and it has various characteristics, defined, I'm sorry, not by the eccentric individual, but by the leaders and the themes of the movement as they are defined, for better or worse, in the media. You can say that the media is incorrect, but the media is, y'know, our culture's way of knowing itself.

Similarly, there is a Liberal movement in this country, and it in no way reflects my every thought and deed, though--for the sake of this argument--I'd say I'd pretty much qualify as a liberal in most people's book.

If someone starts a post, "the problem with Liberalism, as I see it..." I don't leap in thinking "HE'S TALKING ABOUT ME HE'S TALKING ABOUT ME HE'S TALKING ABOUT ME." No, he's first and foremost talking about himself and how he sees the world. But, yeah, he may also be attempting to paint all Liberals as evil homosexuals. I promise you, whether or not I reply to this guy will not depend on my being "annoyed" by his claim that all Liberals are the same.

Now, it looks as though HappyTrader feels that I've maligned "all Christians" when I point out that the Bible has misogynistic passages. Really? Is that news? To anyone? Even the article he quotes concedes that the bible has some choice nastiness on the subject, but that the Holy Spirit shows us that some of the Bible's specific teachings are outdated. I would agree with that sentiment wholeheartedly.

You feel the need to "inform" me that not all conservatives are religious and that not all religious people are conservative--both points I conceded in my last post.

Y'know what? There's a difference between "conservative" the adjective, referring to a political ideology, and "conservative" the noun, referring to individual humans. I can talk about what I perceive to be "conservatism," its faults, its failings, its dangers, without maligning one single person who calls himself a "conservative." I can do the same with "liberalism" and "Christianity."

I've known some very decent Christians, but Christianity, as such, troubles me a good deal, nonetheless. I've known some very respectable devout Muslims, people I would trust more than most, but I am very disturbed by some of the nasty stuff in their holy book.

THANK THE GODS, human beings tend to suck when it comes to being absolutely true to the crazy creeds to which we ascribe.

People, when left to their own devices, tend to be naturally decent, in spite of their hateful beliefs.

Which is not to say that people don't also perpetrate much evil in the name of their hateful beliefs as well--'cause that happens too. And that's why I get upset about hateful belief systems--not to demonize the followers of said hateful belief system--I WOULD NEVER DO THAT as the very thought of it makes me want to puke--but to give such people the benefit (such as it is) of my perspective. Your mileage will vary.

My use of the word "wickedness" in my last post was a bit of Firefly inspired hyperbole. I'm sorry. You say that you've decided that I am harmful to you. I've been getting that impression from you for quite some time now--so, thanks for clearing that up. I'm very sorry to hear it.

I'm sorry I've hurt you. It was not my intent.

I know I got no harm for you in my heart and I wish you absolutely well and, if it will make things any easier for you, I promise I will not address you or discuss a post of yours without your specific request for me to do so. I can do that. I appreciate your contribution to this board and I'd feel like a louse if I was the reason you stopped posting.


Hey, hey, hey, don't be mean. We don't have to be mean, because, remember, no matter where you go, there you are.


Saturday, October 30, 2010 1:01 PM


You know, it's a sad damn thing when due to inability to communicate effectively with each other, two people who agree on damn near every point worth a mention can't seem to get along.

Cause I honestly feel that is the issue here, communications failure - rather than clash of differences.

Just sayin...

ok, yes, being a meddling busybody, but as a fellow anarchist I feel the need cause of the ability to comprehend both of ya on a level beyond mere words, so forgive my presumption if unwanted


Saturday, October 30, 2010 1:19 PM



I agree with you 100%.


Hey, hey, hey, don't be mean. We don't have to be mean, because, remember, no matter where you go, there you are.

Your input is always welcome. You wouldn't be a good Anarchist unless you were your brother's (and sister's) keeper, now would ya?






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