Americans have giant tantrum, votes for 1937 crash. CA bellweather.

UPDATED: Thursday, November 4, 2010 03:09
VIEWED: 1251
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Wednesday, November 3, 2010 3:48 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Nearly two years after a Democrat promising hope and change entered the White House, amid an economic crisis left behind by an unpopular Republican, unemployment remained at century-high levels. Despite new stimulus programs, recovery seemed far off. Opponents in the GOP (and even some in the president's own party) called for cutting spending to reduce the budget deficit. Democrats were split: Was the president acting as boldly as possible—or was he not nearly bold enough? Pundits on the left accused him of dithering and caving in to "big business." Yet as a midterm election approached—one that might decide whether the president and his programs had much of a future—right-wing demagogues on the stump and in the media accused the White House of imposing socialism on America. The year was 1934; the president was Franklin D. Roosevelt.
Americans just voted for the same guys who got us into this mess in the first place. The same ones that GWB catered to for 8 years, and the ones Obama failed to challenge.

What happens next?

What the Tea Baggers think they voted for was a government-free rosy economy. What most Tea Baggers don't know: Their "anti-gubmint" movement was funded by the USA Chamber of Commerce and China, the mysterious billionaire Koch brothers, the health insurances (who are looking for a regulation-free but mandatory climate) and guided by ALEC.... the same people who created the mess in the first place.

In 1937, Roosevelt faced a choice. A feisty Congress pushed for Federal spending cuts and increased taxes. The mild recovery which began with Roosevelt's stimulus crashed; the economy suffered another deep downturn.

So with a divided government, it's unlikely that the economy will get vigorous, persistent re-balancing recovery. Either the government will be in complete stasis (if Obama has more balls than I think he goes), or drift slowly into the "screw Main Street" policies favored by big business. Money will flow faster to banks, the stock market, the military-industrial complex, foreign businesses and insurances. Unemployment extensions will be a thing of the past. Health-care coverage could be slowly warped into must-pay-and-get-screwed configuration. Environmental protection???

By 2012, things will look really ugly (again). It may be enough to take down the world economy (again). So what happens after that?

Like many dying empires, the impetus will be to push the same policies even more. To find a series of "enemies" to blame their economic failure on. The "enemies" will be the usual suspects: illegals, blacks, Muslims... and while we're at it, gays. (No mention, of course, of the thieves at the top). Internal security... all those measures that were originally pushed by Bush and continued by Obama... warrantless search and seizure... will be proposed as "the answer" against our "enemies". If history and past performance is any guide, there will be roughly 15-20% of the population who refuse to see the handwriting on the wall. Their answer will be "more of the same, only harder and faster".

What then?

They've said CA is a bellweather. In this state, we had a clear choice: big gubmint or big business? We chose big gubmint.

Your prognostications?


Wednesday, November 3, 2010 3:55 AM


America loves a winner!


Americans just voted for the same guys who got us into this mess in the first place. The same ones that GWB catered to for 8 years, and the ones Obama failed to challenge.

Biggest lie the Left continues to spout.

( Keep it up, it's worked SOO well for you so far )

Bush wasn't on the '08 ballot, nor the '10 ballot, and yet the Dems continue to run against him.

There are more freshman GOP in this class than at any time in the modern era.

The 'same guys' who are responsible for the economic recession are Reid, Frank, and Boxer. Not the new guys, like Rand Paul and Marco Rubio.

I know you get this, but your blind hatred for freedom and your false pride in your democratic socialist utopia keeps you from growing up and facing reality.

"The modern definition of 'racist' is someone who is winning an argument with a liberal."


Wednesday, November 3, 2010 4:32 AM



Originally posted by SignyM:
Their "anti-gubmint" movement...

Readers, please note the Tea Party is not "anti-gubmint." They want as much gubmint as the liberals, just in different places. Liberals are "anti-gubmint" in certain areas as well.

You can thank the Tea Party for the ruthless and abusive gubmint at airports, at borders, in Iraq, in Afghanistan, a gubmint that is sucking the economy dry at the tune of 750 billion dollars a year. Furthermore, they want the gubmint to enforce their moral and religious values in marriage, in the womb, in schools, in language, etc.

Here are their non-negotiable core beliefs, from

How do you enforce them? In most of these, you need MORE GUBMINT!

MORE GUBMINT! Illegal Aliens Are Here illegally.

MORE GUBMINT! Pro-Domestic Employment Is Indispensable.

MORE GUBMINT! Stronger Military Is Essential.

MORE GUBMINT! Special Interests Eliminated.

Less gubmint. Gun Ownership Is Sacred.

Less gubmint. Government Must Be Downsized.

Less gubmint/MORE GUBMINT! National Budget Must Be Balanced.

Less gubmint/MORE GUBMINT! Deficit Spending Will End.

Less gubmint. Bail-out And Stimulus Plans Are Illegal.

Less gubmint. Reduce Personal Income Taxes A Must.

Less gubmint. Reduce Business Income Taxes Is Mandatory.

Less gubmint/MORE GUBMINT! Political Offices Available To Average Citizens.

Less gubmint/MORE GUBMINT! Intrusive Government Stopped. (They want less intrusion in some places and more intrusion in others.)

MORE GUBMINT! English As Core Language Is Required.

MORE GUBMINT! Traditional Family Values Are Encouraged.

Here are some of criteria for a party to qualify as "anti-gubmint":

1. End the war on terrorism, including Iraq and Afghanistan.
2. End the war on drugs and legalize all substances.
3. End foreign aid.
4. End the Federal Reserve.
5. End legislation allowing the existence of corporations.
6. End all gubmint grants and private contracts to corporations, which suck up more money than all welfare programs put together.
7. End all income taxes, on individuals and businesses.
8. End all alphabet agencies.

THIS is what a real "anti-gubmint" party would look like. The Libertarian Party used to meet these criteria for "anti-gubmint"... but has since then compromised so much it no longer qualifies. As far as I know, there is no political party in the USA which is "anti-gubmint"; they are all squabbling about shifting the gubmint, not reducing or eliminating it.

"What would Optimus Prime do?"
- sign at Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear


Wednesday, November 3, 2010 4:33 AM


"Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies"


Wednesday, November 3, 2010 4:47 AM


Signy, put down your bottomless kup of kommunist kool-aid for a second. In January 2007 President Bush had 2 years to go as President. In January 2007 Pelosi became Speaker of the House, and the DEMOCRATS took control of Congress. Barney Frank & Chris Dodd got the Chairs of their respected houses on Banking and Finance.

When banking "crisis" hit in 2008, it was ALL DEMOCRATS in charge in Congress....the Bush Admin. warned about the need to reform Freddie & Fannie, but Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, and Senator Obama blocked those the MAJORITY in Congress they could and did do that. Why blame Bush & Republicans when they had no say in fiscal policy or the bailouts from the start? Everything went down the tubes after the Democrats got control of Congress. Obama has been lying to Americans, and so have most Dems on this subject, but guess what...Americans see right through the lies & false blame bullshit of Obama. Last night was a resounding defeat for Democrats and Obama. It'll be interesting to see what the crybaby punk-ass Obama says and does about all this now. Will he continue to go against the majority of Americans on every issue and commit more political suicide? Or will he cooperate with his "enemies" even though it'll kill him. Bill Clinton chose the latter and got re-elected. Obama really has no choice, but I'm sure he still find a way to choose un-wisely.

The great FAILED Democrat excursion into left-wing Socialism is DEAD!


Wednesday, November 3, 2010 5:30 AM


"The great FAILED Democrat excursion into left-wing Socialism is DEAD!"

But, it will be back. Socialism, Communism... they are zombie-like and never die until the people promoting them

1. Grow up

2. Wise up

3. Die

"Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies"


Wednesday, November 3, 2010 6:11 AM



Originally posted by Wulfenstar:
"The great FAILED Democrat excursion into left-wing Socialism is DEAD!"

But, it will be back. Socialism, Communism... they are zombie-like and never die until the people promoting them

1. Grow up

2. Wise up

3. Die

Other than the dying option, none of the above will ever happen. You think the left-wing media is gonna change their tune because of this election? Nope, they spin and rationalize just like the Libs in RWED are doing today. I start to have hope that America has woken up, but then I see Californians electing the same Democrats who've bankrupted the state, and then to see Nevadans re-elect the despicable Harry Reid causes me to shake my head. So it's a mixed bag of tricks....didn't get all I was hoping for, but got enough to halt any further Dem destruction.


Wednesday, November 3, 2010 6:21 AM



Originally posted by SignyM:

They've said CA is a bellweather. In this state, we had a clear choice:

...And the choice had nothing to do with learning to spell correctly , right ?

The term you might be looking for is 'bellwether'.

You can look it up later.

Thought you were supposed to be all educated and sciency and all that...


1. a wether or other male sheep that leads the flock, usually bearing a bell.
2. a person or thing that assumes the leadership or forefront, as of a profession or industry: Paris is a bellwether of the fashion industry.
3. a person or thing that shows the existence or direction of a trend; index.
4. a person who leads a mob, mutiny, conspiracy, or the like; ringleader.


Wednesday, November 3, 2010 6:22 AM



Technically they didn't vote the same morons in, they voted in different morons on the same party ticket.


Wednesday, November 3, 2010 6:33 AM


... fully loaded, safety off...

While all of you decide who's running the playground... I just got a message from my insurance rep that if I want to renew my policy it's going to cost me 35% MORE. Are you F*CKING KIDDING ME? Again? "Usually that only happens when there's a diagnosis of a long term ailment." "Sorry to disappoint you but we're the picture of health, even dropped a few pounds." "Well, I'll call them and shop you guys around - thanks for calling!"
So what are the new Freedom loving, pro small gubmint, pro small business buddies guys going to do? I can't wait to be disappointed.

Look! It's a Donkephant! An Elephonkey!

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day -


Wednesday, November 3, 2010 6:36 AM


A Demopublican! A Republicrat!

I'll just sip my TEA, sit back and laugh...

"Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies"


Wednesday, November 3, 2010 6:39 AM


... fully loaded, safety off...


Originally posted by Wulfenstar:

I'll just sip my TEA, sit back and laugh...

Watch you don't choke on it you might end up working for the hospital.

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day -


Wednesday, November 3, 2010 6:49 AM


I tell you what...

I'll drink my TEA... you drink your bitterness.

Mine tastes of chamomile and... freedom, real hope, and a comforting return to the ideals and spirit that has always made us great..

Yours now... probably tastes a mite bit worse...

"Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies"


Wednesday, November 3, 2010 6:58 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...


Mine tastes of chamomile and... freedom, real hope, and a comforting return to the ideals and spirit that has always made us great..
You got the chamomile, but you're gonna be sorry about the others, 'cuz they're not gonna happen. Now we get to watch and shake our heads and smile sadly, because we know what's coming and it won't be your fantasies.

My ice tea tastes exactly the same as it did yesterday; both parties are pieces of shit and our government is a mess. Nothing new there.

By the way, we didn't put the same people in power who will do whatever you said; we put Brown in as Governor, and last time he was, California flourished. Only time will tell.

But as far as I can see: Sig, you pretty much nailed it.

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Wednesday, November 3, 2010 4:54 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Jongsstraw...I thought you were more intelligent than that. You're beginning ot sound like Rappy, with your endless recitation of non-facts.

Question: Fannie and Freddie: How many mortgages did they write?

Answer: NONE.

Economists... smart ones... have gone over this a zillion times. At worst, Fannie and Freddie contributed to the "bad mortgage" problem to the tune of about 15%, because that's about how many they bought. They didn't participate in the credit default swaps that brought down Shearson Lehman and almost brought down the bond insurers, AIG and Goldman Sachs, and brought down a number of banks like WAMU and mortgage companies like Countrywide.

So your point is...?

I had been warning since long before that the economy was going to tank, based on the extreme division of wealth which equaled 1929. Now, I made that prediction and it came true. In science, when you can accurately predict what's going to happen, you must have a pretty good grasp of the essential factors and a robust model of how they interact. The same holds for economics.

I've made another prediction: by 2012 the economy will look about the same or much worse than it does now.

You can call it Kool-Aid or dog-doo-doo or the SignyM Theory of Economics or anything you choose, but if I happen to be right ... again... then maybe you better start ingesting it.

And the Tea Baggers? Well, if facts mattered to them they would be bitterly disappointed when the Chamber of Commerce doesn't shower everyone with jobs. But facts don't matter to them, so all they will do is look for someone else to blame, instead of looking in the mirror.


Wednesday, November 3, 2010 5:07 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Here are some of criteria for a party to qualify as "anti-gubmint":

1. End the war on terrorism, including Iraq and Afghanistan.
2. End the war on drugs and legalize all substances.
3. End foreign aid.
4. End the Federal Reserve.
5. End legislation allowing the existence of corporations.
6. End all gubmint grants and private contracts to corporations, which suck up more money than all welfare programs put together.
7. End all income taxes, on individuals and businesses.
8. End all alphabet agencies.

Well, I'm with you on 7 of 8, but I'm accused of being a Kommunist. So where does that leave me?


Thursday, November 4, 2010 3:09 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Not so much for bringing "real" to RWE?

That's why I don't participate much anymore. Not trying to scare anyone into regretting their vote. Everyone for the foreseeable future will think they voted well. But by 2012 it should be evident which vote got the desired result. So, for those who have some intellectual rigor and who are not just flaccid recipients of the party line, my prediction is that the economy will be worse, and that we will be vigorously pursuing a whole laundry list of internal enemies by non-Constitutional means. If that's what you wanted, then you can congratulate yourselves.

See you in 2012 on this.







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