Feeding the cows & pigs...

UPDATED: Wednesday, November 17, 2010 09:40
VIEWED: 1287
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Monday, November 15, 2010 2:23 PM


So, kill the planet for steak & bacon. Toxic foods anyway (as raised today). You carnivores suck. You suck the life out of the Earth. Eat your dead mammal flesh, while you can. Punks.

Am I being offensive now?

The laughing Chrisisall


Monday, November 15, 2010 2:29 PM


Dam, a "Bacon Chesseburger" would be great right now, I think I'll drive my SUV to the butcher shop and fill it with meat.


Monday, November 15, 2010 2:39 PM



Originally posted by whozit:
Dam, a "Bacon Chesseburger" would be great right now, I think I'll drive my SUV to the butcher shop and fill it with meat.

Carnivore pussy asswipe. (trying to be offensive & get rid of my 'good' rep here)
If you were a MAN, you'd slaughter your meals-to-be your own self! Dickwad. Jerkface.
Go on and contribute to the destruction of our world- you won't feel the REAL pain of it, but your KIDS will. Or THEIR kids. Whatever.
He who dies with the most undigested meat in their colon wins, eh?

Parties weren't meant to last.

The laughing Chrisisall


Monday, November 15, 2010 2:40 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

This post made me hungry. So I ordered a large bacon cheeseburger pizza. Yummy! :)


Monday, November 15, 2010 4:18 PM


I can haz cheeseburger?

Actually, it's now the Icanhazcheeseburger empire. I'm not kidding of course.

Oh, and Mike, it's the buddy system, and your buddy was apparently insulted on me calling him calm cool and collected. So he blew himself to pieces, revealing that he is actually Kaneman.

ETA: Meat is a pretty sucky diet, except for fish.


Monday, November 15, 2010 5:05 PM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
Am I being offensive now?

You don't have the right evil vibe. Sorry. Your ability to make people hate you is just... pathetic.

Me on the other hand... I can say:

"You meat eating people need to think more about veggies."

and that will magically morph into:

"You fucking carcass-raping retards don't have the right to live until you start respecting other forms of life."

See me? I GOT TALENT. I can turn ANYTHING into hateful speech. I'm arrogant for good reason.

Arrogant and proud of it.


Monday, November 15, 2010 5:32 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

CTS, I can't really remember; have you and I been at crossed daggers before? I've probably gone toe-to-toe or mano-a-mano with most everyone here at one point or another, but I don't recall every being horribly offended or put off by anything you've said.

If I see you as largely a reasonable person, would you say that I've misread you?

DT: I think you may have lost me. Continuity error.


Monday, November 15, 2010 5:41 PM



Originally posted by Kwicko:
If I see you as largely a reasonable person, would you say that I've misread you?

You just made my eyes tear up.

Thank you, Kwicko.

And while I'm at it, thanks to everyone who doesn't hate my guts. (I don't know who you all are, but I think you're out there.)

Arrogant and proud of it.


Monday, November 15, 2010 5:57 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

CTS, we may have disagreements here and there, but these are petty things.

DT (and Chris): I'm unlikely to go full vegetarian any time soon, but I do eat more produce these days.


Monday, November 15, 2010 9:21 PM


Mmm, tasty....

Heh heh heh - Man, if I ever wind up in Arizona imma have to hit that place up, well, after buying Anthony some scotch and harrassing the Maricopa County Sheriffs dept a lil bit..


PS. What's your stance on cloneburgers, Chris, just outta curiosity ?


Tuesday, November 16, 2010 2:13 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

Frem, get yourself over to Slow's BBQ in Detroit and try the Triple Threat. Applewood smoked bacon, pulled pork, and grilled ham piled on a fresh poppy-seed roll. Looks AMAZING!

Just saw it on "Man-vs-Food". It actually made me want to take a trip to Detroit!


Tuesday, November 16, 2010 4:01 AM



I was just thinking about Nurses. Or waitresses in nurse fetish costumes. Notice that no one who ate there had their body types. They don't eat there. The customers were mostly under 350, but none of them were health or thin.

I'd go there and get the nurses to try to tease me into eating it. I'd make it a challenge.


Tuesday, November 16, 2010 4:46 AM


You need Ally Sheedy in a Nurse outfit.

Arrogant and proud of it.


Tuesday, November 16, 2010 7:47 AM


Umm, I *DO* eat those, Mikey, damn good too, the real trouble is finding decent Mead to wash it down with, since commercial brands suck so badly and most of the Detroit City homebrewers tend to wine or grappa.

The townships southeast of D-town are where to go for that, a little out of the way but they are kinda en-route and it's worth it - one of them guys gets his honey from a bunch of Hutterite folk and it's the real deal instead of that processed shit, his mead is better than mine and that's just bloody annoyin (and boy does he crow about it).

But if you want big, if you want extreme, you gotta bip down to Pontiac (and hey, look, no fucking POLICE to harrass you and give you bullshit parking tickets no more! ) and hit up this joint called Rockets...
And get the MONSTER burger, heh heh heh.

They ain't kiddin about that thing being frisbee sized.

And for the quick snack, there's a local place down the street here I nip into occasionally which has the Bastard Burger - named for yours truly, and I so hafta explain that one, don't I ?

Ok, they offered 1/4lb burgers, but nothing bigger, and after the third or forth time I'd ordered two of em and "bastardized" them into a single stack they decided to just roll with it - I like em cause the beef they use has kind of a salisbury flavor to it, goes real good with the cheddar, and they favor local suppliers...

Anyhow, after a while they made it an actual menu item complete with it's own demonic lookin logo text - still not completely sure whether they mean the burger, remember they live and work in this neighborhood and not everyone is all that pleased with my presence and/or meddling.

It *IS* nice however to be able to walk in and not bother with a menu, but rather have the waitress just bring me coffee and an ETA.


I do not serve the Blind God.


Tuesday, November 16, 2010 10:23 AM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:

PS. What's your stance on cloneburgers, Chris, just outta curiosity ?

I never take a stance on them; it'd be too slippery.

The laughing Chrisisall


Tuesday, November 16, 2010 1:10 PM



Originally posted by chrisisall:

Originally posted by whozit:
Dam, a "Bacon Chesseburger" would be great right now, I think I'll drive my SUV to the butcher shop and fill it with meat.

Carnivore pussy asswipe. (trying to be offensive & get rid of my 'good' rep here)
If you were a MAN, you'd slaughter your meals-to-be your own self! Dickwad. Jerkface.
Go on and contribute to the destruction of our world- you won't feel the REAL pain of it, but your KIDS will. Or THEIR kids. Whatever.
He who dies with the most undigested meat in their colon wins, eh?

Parties weren't meant to last.

The laughing Chrisisall

Ouch! That hurt! I couldn't reply lastnight because I'd rather look at Summewr Glau then read the worthless dreck you big brains post. Please post this -->

Have you big brains ever thought about posting your thoughts on the MSNBC web site? They love loonatics there.

THAT'S HOW YOU LOSE YOUR REP CHRIS!!........ Ya radish licking moron.


Tuesday, November 16, 2010 1:17 PM



Originally posted by whozit:

THAT'S HOW YOU LOSE YOUR REP CHRIS!!........ Ya radish licking moron.

I didn't lose it; it was in my other jacket!

The laughing Chrisisall


Tuesday, November 16, 2010 1:28 PM



Originally posted by chrisisall:

Originally posted by whozit:

THAT'S HOW YOU LOSE YOUR REP CHRIS!!........ Ya radish licking moron.

I didn't lose it; it was in my other jacket!

The laughing Chrisisall

AHHAHAHAHAHA!! I just ate a turkey sandwich, I killed the turkey myself and ate it feathers and all.


Tuesday, November 16, 2010 1:55 PM



Originally posted by whozit:
AHHAHAHAHAHA!! I just ate a turkey sandwich, I killed the turkey myself and ate it feathers and all.

Back when I ate dead birds, I never thought the feathers were a good taste mix with the bread, but, whatever.
Mayonnaise makes it all good.

The laughing Chrisisall


Tuesday, November 16, 2010 2:20 PM


OK, Chris, I got only two words for you, you tree-huggin health-lovin earth-savin bead-wearing hippy veggie-eatin freak:

Duck Bacon

Oh, yes, it's real. And what's the only thing that can make bacon better than bacon? Duck fat.

Frem: what's your favorite mead? I'm a fan of wildflower honey mead, but I've yet to recreate my buddy's sweet and tart cranberry mead. Mmmm good. I've turned to brewing beers lately though, because I've got a Guinness recipe that's quite nice.

hmm-burble-blah, blah-blah-blah, take a left


Tuesday, November 16, 2010 2:25 PM


Pizza (GOOD pizza) is a food of the Gods. I have no need of any other. Eat your dead animals.

The laughing Chrisisall


Tuesday, November 16, 2010 2:34 PM


You must be talking about pepperoni and pineapple... the food of the gods!

OK, but to be unhappily serious - yeah, it's icky where meat comes from these days. I have tried to go organic and free range with meat and dairy when I can. It's not easy.

But I could not survive on purely vegetarian food.

hmm-burble-blah, blah-blah-blah, take a left


Tuesday, November 16, 2010 2:42 PM


Who said 'purely vegetarian'? Eggs from happy hens are cool. Organic milk, cheese... better for YOU AND the planet. A little dolphin-safe dead tuna or salmon can help in the serious amino-acid needs area.

The laughing Chrisisall


Tuesday, November 16, 2010 2:42 PM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
Pizza (GOOD pizza) is a food of the Gods. I have no need of any other. Eat your dead animals.

The laughing Chrisisall

Bacon Chesseburgers w/ onion rings and an ice cold Coors are the food of the Gods, pizza is the food of collage kids.

FYI, I like my pizza with extra chesse and PORK SAUSAGE!! AHHAHAHAHAHA!!....oink.


Tuesday, November 16, 2010 2:52 PM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
Who said 'purely vegetarian'? Eggs from happy hens are cool. Organic milk, cheese... better for YOU AND the planet. A little dolphin-safe dead tuna or salmon can help in the serious amino-acid needs area.

So if you could get chicken or beef from a local farm you knew to be chemical free and open range, would that still be a no-no? How would that be different from dolphin-safe fishies? There's still a dead critter on the other end of the food chain, and fish have their own dangers as far as toxins in the flesh and environmental dangers from over-harvesting.

Myself, I don't worry about amino acids as much as protein. Not that I eat meat every day. I'm having a nice bowl of cheesy pasta right now - my usual weeknight snack. But I definitely crave the protein when it's been a while.

hmm-burble-blah, blah-blah-blah, take a left


Tuesday, November 16, 2010 2:53 PM


Some peeps like to eat pig a*s, others, human liver with fava beans.
It's all relative, I suppose.

The laughing Chrisisall


Tuesday, November 16, 2010 2:59 PM



Originally posted by mal4prez:
So if you could get chicken or beef from a local farm you knew to be chemical free and open range, would that still be a no-no?


How would that be different from dolphin-safe fishies?
Less self awareness of the victim=less evil in the killing. IMO.

There's still a dead critter on the other end of the food chain, and fish have their own dangers as far as toxins in the flesh and environmental dangers from over-harvesting.
Bah. It's all bad in that way.

Myself, I don't worry about amino acids as much as protein.

Amino acids are protein.

The laughing Chrisisall


Tuesday, November 16, 2010 3:08 PM



Originally posted by chrisisall:

How would that be different from dolphin-safe fishies?
Less self awareness of the victim=less evil in the killing. IMO.

Did you ever hear that bizarre Tool song? "These... are the cries... of the carrots..." I think it's Tool. Who else could it be?

Just because we don't empathize with its means of expression, doesn't mean a critter feels no pain, is my point.

I humbly admit my hypocrisy; the only critter (larger than a spider) that I ever killed with my own hands was a fish. And that was horrifying. (I didn't do it well.)

File this under Problems I Have Not Solved And So For Now Ignore.

Except that I try to buy free range and such when I can.


Amino acids are protein.

Really? Hmm. Must be the fat I crave then. Skirt steak, marinated for 3-4 days. Mmmm. No fish is that satisfying. And eggs are only good with lots of bacon on the side.

ETA: And how about the algebra? Killing one big fat cow provides as much sustenance as many little fish...

hmm-burble-blah, blah-blah-blah, take a left


Tuesday, November 16, 2010 3:27 PM



Originally posted by mal4prez:

Just because we don't empathize with its means of expression, doesn't mean a critter feels no pain, is my point.

Remember your young life well? I do. I burned my leg badly at two, but it was just an 'oww'. I cut my fingers badly at 4 & 1/2, and it was a 'huh? Owwww.' Both these things would have made me scream bloody murder not much later in life.
Now, scale that evolved yet immature nervous system down to the pure survival reaction in much less evolved yet mature animals.
Now you have my take on fishies vs. pigs.

ETA: And how about the algebra? Killing one big fat cow provides as much sustenance as many little fish...

That one big fat cow eats 20 times what the same weight in fishies consume in the open sea, and farts CO2, & necessitates cutting down of forest to make open grassland available to feed it.

I humbly submit that your math skills suck, M4P.

The laughing Chrisisall


Tuesday, November 16, 2010 3:30 PM


Sometimes you own the libs. Sometimes, the libs own you.

It's not personal. It's just war.


Tuesday, November 16, 2010 3:49 PM


My favorite would have to be "Northern Light", which is what that guy just south of here calls his stuff, like I said he gets some serious honey from a buncha Hutterites, dunno what they feed the bees on tho - problem is how long it takes for him to run a batch.

I have a few myself that I used to brew, only thing I got runnin at the moment is "Backslash", which is like a mead with a hard edge to it, I won't divulge the secret behind it but it processes very fast in comparison although it's a little more effort and resource intensive.

Come next spring I might start rolling a batch of "Halleluah", which is sack mead with white chocolate and caramel aftertouch - pretty close to a fav of mine, but the last time I popped a cork on that it was at a convention and I got *MOBBED* on that so badly I joked that I could make mint selling it as cologne!

Most of my own variations are on the smooth & heavy side, skipping mere decadence and diving headfirst into outright hedonism.



Tuesday, November 16, 2010 3:56 PM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
That one big fat cow eats 20 times what the same weight in fishies consume in the open sea, and farts CO2, & necessitates cutting down of forest to make open grassland available to feed it.

I humbly submit that your math skills suck, M4P.

I humbly disagree: the cow does not *create* carbon. The carbon in the corn/grass that the cow eats would be out there in the ecosystem when the corn/grass died and rotted anyway. It's still there whether we eat the corn/grass directly or we eat the corn/grass after it's been processed by the cow system. The only way to remove carbon from the cycle is to leave it underground or bind it up in hardwood forests. (Or absorb it in the ocean, but that takes time and who knows what effects it has.)

So what if we don't eat cows? The nutrients in the corn/grass could be processed by humans and farted out just the same, or not quite the same because that'd be in my living space (ew!). Replace the nutrients that the cow provide by plants such as rice, and that means the land has to be cleared and flooded to make rice paddies, and those artificial wetlands are damned good at making methane, as argued here:

(Methane levels taking off about the time that rice farming got popular.)

And another interesting thing here:

(CO2 levels taking off 3000 years earlier, about the time agriculture took off)

My point: not that eating animals is better, just that not eating animals isn't necessarily better either.

I think the only solution is that there should be less humans. But I'm not willing to pick who stays and who goes. In the end, mother nature will take care of that choice for us. Sadly. And frighteningly.

hmm-burble-blah, blah-blah-blah, take a left


Tuesday, November 16, 2010 3:56 PM




Tuesday, November 16, 2010 4:03 PM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:
My favorite would have to be "Northern Light", which is what that guy just south of here calls his stuff, like I said he gets some serious honey from a buncha Hutterites, dunno what they feed the bees on tho - problem is how long it takes for him to run a batch.

How long is that? I find the blueberry and raspberry quite tasty after only a month or two, but the wildflower needs years. Then... it's heaven. Like drinking a field of flowers.


Come next spring I might start rolling a batch of "Halleluah", which is sack mead with white chocolate and caramel aftertouch
Oh man. You have to share this recipe. Please?

I made a ginger that's quite tasty. A big ole bag of ginger root through a juicer, and this stuff is potent. Who'd have thought?

hmm-burble-blah, blah-blah-blah, take a left


Tuesday, November 16, 2010 4:19 PM



Originally posted by mal4prez:

My point: not that eating animals is better, just that not eating animals isn't necessarily better either.

Methane arguments aside (I may be wrong on that point anyway), I notice you did not address the more humane aspects of my post. As in, species awareness & actual pain to higher functioning mammals vs. aquatic-types.

*goes to get a Mickey D's fillet-O-fish*

The planet-killing-enabler Chrisisall


Tuesday, November 16, 2010 4:44 PM



Originally posted by chrisisall:

Originally posted by mal4prez:

My point: not that eating animals is better, just that not eating animals isn't necessarily better either.

Methane arguments aside (I may be wrong on that point anyway), I notice you did not address the more humane aspects of my post. As in, species awareness & actual pain to higher functioning mammals vs. aquatic-types.

*goes to get a Mickey D's fillet-O-fish*

Oh. I thought I did.

I cannot really address it, because I'm not a fish and I can't swear that fish feel pain less than animals which are genetically more similar to me.

Surely, I empathize with cats and dogs. Less so with snakes. Even less with fish. Not at all with spiders. But in my non-lizard brain, in my logic center, I can't swear that spiders aren't just as scared as me when they go scuttling across my shower wall, and I can't be sure that wide open fishy eyes don't get just a bit wider with fear and pain when the jaws of a predator tear into their delicate sides.

Some creatures may not express themselves in a way I can easily register and understand, and they may seem less valuable than mammals because there's a school of a hundred thousand fish rather than a herd of hundreds of cows, but who's to place value on an individual based on total population size?

If we're going to talk about health and "being natural": humans evolved to scrounge after dead things (as far as I recall from undergrad courses that I wasn't so interested in at the time). Our systems are built to take in nutrients that have processed a few steps up the food chain. Our tummies are processors for meat as much as veggies.

Not that it isn't cruel. Cruelty is built right into nature. And now humans have reached the point where we can actually choose to not be cruel for a change. Wouldn't that be nice? Yeah, I admit it would. But is it possible? Other than not eating at all, is it possible to be absolutely completely not cruel? Who's to say the Tool was wrong and carrots feel no pain?

There's some rationalizing there, sure. Perhaps I am less forward-thinking than others when it comes to this. I like the idea of no meat, but I can't argue myself into it, neither to make myself feel more honorable, nor for health reasons, nor for the environment. It's a good theory, is as far as I can get. It's just not convincing enough to make me give up duck in a light orange sauce...

hmm-burble-blah, blah-blah-blah, take a left


Tuesday, November 16, 2010 4:59 PM



Originally posted by mal4prez:

Surely, I empathize with cats and dogs. Less so with snakes. Even less with fish. Not at all with spiders. But in my non-lizard brain, in my logic center, I can't swear that spiders aren't just as scared as me when they go scuttling across my shower wall, and I can't be sure that wide open fishy eyes don't get just a bit wider with fear and pain when the jaws of a predator tear into their delicate sides.

I'm suddenly ashamed to be a killer of flies....

Cruelty is built right into nature.

Which is why I learned martial arts, kick the a*s of the aggressor. In nature I'd be the mongoose effin' with the cobra!!

I like the idea of no meat, but I can't argue myself into it, neither to make myself feel more honorable, nor for health reasons, nor for the environment. It's a good theory, is as far as I can get. It's just not convincing enough to make me give up duck in a light orange sauce...

We had pet chickens for a spell- Wife & Sonisall gave up eating poultry. The grown foul friends went to live on a farm, and, roasted birds & chicken nuggets came back into our house.

I think too much, I think.

The laughing Chrisisall


Tuesday, November 16, 2010 5:30 PM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
We had pet chickens for a spell- Wife & Sonisall gave up eating poultry. The grown foul friends went to live on a farm, and, roasted birds & chicken nuggets came back into our house.

I think too much, I think.

Don't we all?

Uh... no, unfortunately, we don't all...

I'd love to raise my own chickens. Even better, I have friends in VT who raise goats. The get milk and wool, and send off a bunch every year to become meat. Hey, it's better than buying at stop-n-shop, where lord knows what life the poor creature had.

And there is something more honest about helping a creature be born before you eat it. OK, I don't know if I'd be happy to do that, but they said they got used to it. It was a necessary part of keeping the herd to a manageable size.

OK, off to bed. Night all! Dream sweet dreams of the pizza of your choice!

hmm-burble-blah, blah-blah-blah, take a left


Tuesday, November 16, 2010 5:56 PM


Sicilian with extra cheese & tomato slices & basil, half spinach.... ummmmmm....



olive oil.....

The sleepy Chrisisall


Tuesday, November 16, 2010 6:10 PM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
Who said 'purely vegetarian'? Eggs from happy hens are cool. Organic milk, cheese... better for YOU AND the planet. A little dolphin-safe dead tuna or salmon can help in the serious amino-acid needs area.

The laughing Chrisisall

Ah, there's a man thinking like an ape. That's a compliment btw. Apes have a far superior diet to humans, which is why they live so long.

Okay, now some of you looked it up and saw the average life expectancy of various apes was shorter than humans. Sure, but did you check the average life expectancy of humans that are adjacent to them? Now, sure, those humans are largely dying from an overdose of lead in their diet if you know what I mean...

But still, the ape diet is very close to the optimum diet as per what I've read so far on biochem.


Tuesday, November 16, 2010 6:13 PM



Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins. Proteins are peptides.

also, Pizza? It isn't enough. Which pizza?

I know that there is a part of me that betrays my New York pizza which I'm very fond of for Chicago. Giordano's or Uno's.


Tuesday, November 16, 2010 6:15 PM



Originally posted by dreamtrove:

Ah, there's a man thinking like an ape. That's a compliment btw. Apes have a far superior diet to humans, which is why they live so long.


Tuesday, November 16, 2010 6:25 PM



Originally posted by dreamtrove:
Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins. Proteins are peptides.

Peptides are amino acids in sequence. HA!

Which pizza?

THIS pizza!

The laughing Chrisisall


Tuesday, November 16, 2010 6:30 PM




ETA: And how about the algebra? Killing one big fat cow provides as much sustenance as many little fish...

I believe Chris said a Tuna or a Salmon.

A few small points.

1) Fish has far more food value for a human per weight of meat, because most of the meat is undigestible since we do not have a carnivore metabolism capable of breaking down mammal flesh or using its nutrients. We're distant descents of eels or sharks, but not descendents of any land predator, and our biology shows it very clearly.

2) Fish are basicaly all muscle, and so there's must more of the total mass of the fish which is meat.

3) Most importantly, who said anything about little fish? There is more meat on a single tunafish than on a cow. Tuna are fucking huge. That's why you never get tuna steak in any form that ever remotely resembles a fish. It would have to cover the table.

Nice catch? Nah, not really, that's pretty small. the average tuna is three times the weight of a human. That's about his size, probably heavier than him, but below average.

When I was younger, common tuna weights were around 1000, but now it's just over 500, which is an effect of overfishing.

Salmon are somewhat smaller. Large salmon are human sized, but most range from cat to dog sized. It's rare that I get a salmon steak that is at all fish shaped. It's more like a cow or pig stake: Unlike the tuna, you can tell the shape of the animal from the slab, but it's not the whole shape, just a curve, part of a cross section. By contrast, a cod or haddock tends to be more like chicken: The meal is an obvious portion of the whole animal.

Fish is a very potent food and high is human useable value. The Chilean miners were trapped for 17 days *prior* to their discovery. They survived these seventeen days on a ration of one ounce of tuna and two ounces of milk per day.


Tuesday, November 16, 2010 6:47 PM



Thanks. This potentially illustrates the point, because this is a major time of deforestation. As deforestation is accellerating, and has been, this makes the whole graph a perfect match.

The only snag with the above is "natural co2 trend" lacks justification. I'm not sure it's a meaningful term, or what it's based on.

Still, nice chart, very telling.

Continues on the proper thread.


Tuesday, November 16, 2010 7:06 PM



Originally posted by dreamtrove:
We're distant descents of eels or sharks, but not descendents of any land predator, and our biology shows it very clearly.

I can hold my breath pretty comfortably under water for about two minutes.

*crickets chirping*


The laughing Chrisisall


Wednesday, November 17, 2010 3:06 AM


... fully loaded, safety off...

Chris, you think a lion would be so nice to you? Now imagine if cows were carnivores (got to be a SyFy movie in there somewhere). Eat or be Eaten!

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day -


Wednesday, November 17, 2010 3:56 AM


Fuck pork. Pork is for the Muslims and Jews....I'll stick with my veggies....really?


Wednesday, November 17, 2010 9:40 AM



I'm pretty sure "Northern Light" is wildflower, then, from the taste.

The recipe itself for "Hallejuah" ?

No way, nu-uh, that comes from "The Book" - my black recipe book which is kept in a locked box.

But I'll give you the general theme enough to work your own, the trick is caramelizing real cane sugar and adding a bit of cocoa butter and evaporated milk just after cutting the heat - and NOT adding too much to the Mead, also it has to be added at first racking while still warm, as well.

One my other tricks is avoiding as much as possible use of cleaner/sanitizer chems, cause even trace amounts can affect the taste, so I am a big fan of heat-cleaning (I use a small blowtorch) or pure grain alcohol, depending on what I am brewing, Mead can be a tricky biz, almost an art, you see.

Oh, and just for kicks we tested the last batch of "Backslash" for kick-power, and it comes in at 15-17%
So I don't think it technically even qualifies as Mead, plus it's got a hard edge, kinda sharp, like a lighter version of Applejack, but still honey based - the cool thing about "Backslash" is that you can roll a batch out in 18 days.

Far as that kind of "understanding" goes, I think anyone who eats meat should know how it's gotten - that knowledge seems to bother most folk but it sure don't bother me, prolly cause I have a closer bond with that whole food-chain/life-cycle thing, and I got *no* problem with scoring my own if I have to, although I am a little weird about even that...

I wouldn't hunt for sport, and so one reason I don't is all the nitpicks about it to try and make it entertainment instead of FOOD COLLECTION, I feel this demeans it, which is maybe strange coming from a guy who's idea of "Fishing" is a stick of dynamite and a pole net, but that's why I don't "hunt", I figure it for a cruelty, see ?

That and if my would be victim can convince me to do so, I'll lay off - which is why the Turkey I was GOING to execute today got hisself a reprieve...
He gave me the Turkey version of "Fuck off, pick on someone your own size you bloody ham-handed git!" and decided he was gonna make a fight of it, and me, being highly amused, told the farmer to keep that one and breed it.

Oh, and just cause it'll amuse you - when I was younger this stupid duck kept snarking at me while I was drinking beer pretending to "fish" with a buddy of mine, and eventually I got sick of his yappin, and swept up a nice, smooth palm-sized rock and WHACK, brained him good from maybe fifteen yards.
Guess what was for dinner ?
Duck ain't half bad if you're smart enough to use citrus to counter the oily, but pluckin one's a bitch.


I do not serve the Blind God.






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