He just doesn't get why nobody's taking him seriously:[quote]Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee said he hasn't decided whether he'll run for president, b..."/>


Poor Huck

UPDATED: Wednesday, December 8, 2010 08:56
PAGE 1 of 1

Monday, December 6, 2010 11:23 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

He just doesn't get why nobody's taking him seriously:

Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee said he hasn't decided whether he'll run for president, but thinks people should be paying attention to him.

"I just don't understand how it is that a person can read these polls day after day and the narrative is constantly everybody but me," Huckabee told Politico.

"Whether I do it or not, the fact is that if one looks at the overall body of information that's available, nobody would be in a better position to take it all the way to November."

Huckabee also drew a contrast between the attention given to former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, with whom he shares a base of support among religious and conservative groups.

Palin, who is also considering a presidential run, has drawn large crowds - and intense media attention - across the country during her book tour for her latest bestselling book, "America by Heart."

"She's brought an enormous amount of energy to the party. As to why she seemingly draws 10 times the attention, I don't know," Huckabee said of his Fox News colleague. Huckabee noted that his own book signings have drawn crowds of up to 1,400 people, a feat the media has largely ignored.

"You're never going to read that. I'm never going to be breaking news because I made a comment on Twitter and Facebook. Why is that? I don't know," he said.


"Why? Oh, why?"

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Monday, December 6, 2010 11:25 AM


Huck just said we should assassinate Assange. Fuck Huck. I used to like him, but he's kinda scary.


Monday, December 6, 2010 1:19 PM


This is why the GOP is doomed.

Really, what to they have, Huck the fuck ? That monster Romney ? (oh don't EEEEVEN get me started) Rand Paul, hanging off his daddys ass like a pimple... Palin the clown lady ?

They're a goddamn laughingstock, and that image is hard to shed to begin with, not to mention them diggin themselves in deeper every day.

They gotta bring something to the table if they wanna play, and it rooks me that by FAILING utterly, to compete (as they've chosen sabotage and obstruction, which is makin them no friends either) the Democrats have no pressure to up their game, cause all they gotta be is three drops better than pond scum...


I do not serve the Blind God.


Monday, December 6, 2010 1:27 PM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:
This is why the GOP is doomed.

Really, what to they have, Huck the fuck ? That monster Romney ? (oh don't EEEEVEN get me started) Rand Paul, hanging off his daddys ass like a pimple... Palin the clown lady ?

They're a goddamn laughingstock, and that image is hard to shed to begin with, not to mention them diggin themselves in deeper every day.

They gotta bring something to the table if they wanna play, and it rooks me that by FAILING utterly, to compete (as they've chosen sabotage and obstruction, which is makin them no friends either) the Democrats have no pressure to up their game, cause all they gotta be is three drops better than pond scum...


I do not serve the Blind God.

Doomed? They just picked up 64 seats in the house and you're saying they're doomed? Is this what they're saying at the meetings of the left-wing cartoon hate group you're a member of?

You liberals are losers, just give up.


Monday, December 6, 2010 4:03 PM



They're a goddamn laughingstock


Of course they are. The whole point of second term elections is to lose to the incumbent. You can't really think that the moneyed and ideological interests that control both parties are *actually* unhappy with Obama? He has been their guy on wars, bailouts, and radical legislation that bestows limitless power on the feds, I don't think they're going to be taking him down anytime soon.

The only reason they *might* try to do so is that he lost congress, and that makes him less effectual, but I think they only pull that one if you lose both houses.

Also, it's not like Bush and Gore weren't laughing stocks. They want to just make sure that we're dumb enough to vote for one of these assholes.


Monday, December 6, 2010 4:42 PM


There's also that they're not ready to slither out from under the rock just yet, collective memory may be short, but it ain't *THAT* short - look how Rumsfelds second-chance play on Swine Flu blew up in his face when he made the mistake of tryin it while people who remembered the first one were still around...

I'm of the opinion we shoulda stomped on that fuckin rock after Nixon, finished the goddamn job, but nooo... we let em sleaze away, and sure enough, it got us Shrub... and here we are letting em sleaze away again - can we *afford* to do so, when we never really do recover all the ground we lose to madness each time ?

When we have no Frank Church, no Edward Murrow, no Investigative Media to stand against them ?

We *MUST* finish the job, tear them down root and branch, everywhere they hide, crush the phony-facade and tear the masks off the places they have taken seed in and corrupted in hopes of rising to power with a new name but the same game, fuck the "Libertarians", fuck the "Tea Party", they're just paper-thin masks so that the slobbering fools don't see whos raping them in the dark...

And then, ONLY then, will I be willing to push these Democratic nitwits off the cliff after em, cause they're such halfassed little milquetoast quislings that by the time they DO get their shit together even the face of an imminent threat, they'll be flattened by it - especially if we hit them from behind while they're dancing on the ashes as if they had anything to do with it.

But First Things First.


I do not serve the Blind God.


Monday, December 6, 2010 6:27 PM



I still see the Tea Party as an open side door to take control of the monster. I think that the brand names Democrat and Republican won't die until the brand name USA dies, and the union with it, which will happen. But until then, we're stuck with them, and they are the tool we can use to bring down the whole fucking system, which IMHO should be a goal.

Also, a couple quibbles:

1) Like Johnson was a lick better than Nixon? I mean, the democrats are not just aiding and abetting republican evil, the democrats are every bit as fucking evil as the republicans, they just have a better PR dept.

If you go back through history and look at what the Dems have done from Jackson straight through Clinton, there's not a hell of a lot of policy change there, and there's not a hell of a lot now. It's genocidal slaughter, every time, and the only thing that changes is the target minority.

Not saying the Republicans are better. I think once, they were, back when they were just thieves, and the dems were murderers, but now they're both, both, and they're both the same beast, once split, now reunited into one entity, a two-headed beast.

But also, you're missing a danger: If you kill the GOP to help the Dems, who you intend to kill anyway, you create an untennable interim situation: A one party system. Once the dems are a one party system there's a potential they just go to a totalitarian rule, because what you have then is essentially communism.

Also, you're underestimating these shapeshifters. Anyone who makes policy for the likes of Rummy, etc. can easily become a democrat when the wind changes, and they have, but the whole machine can just as easily re-invent itself as a third party resistance to democrats and republicans if you start to win your battle.

IMHO, the way to do this one is to take over the beasts and use them *against* themselves, against TPTB. I generally don't see this obstructionism as a flaw, but as a means of grinding the whole thing to a halt. The only thing we need is about a 2 year window of power where we spend one year enacting basically fair policies, and the second year implementing our "Superglue the system" plan, so that it can never move again.

We're getting very close to permanent deadlock now. All we really need is to make it so that a supermajority is always needed, and that no party ever gets a supermajority and everyone is always 100% partisan, which is pretty much where we are... but we need to undo a few very bad policies, like torture, the halliburton loophole, etc. Then I'm okay with throwing the thing in park.

I'd be blissfully happy if the US govt. were comprised of 50% ideological socialists who would not compromise a lick on their ant hill utopia while being diametrically opposed by 50% wingnuts who didn't believe in evolution. That, and a supermajority policy, infinite fillibuster, and oh, proportional voting:

If we had a system as they do in some democracies of proportional voting, then 50% of the seats would automatically be democratic, and 50% republican, or pretty close, by the demographics of the country. This would prevent a supermajority from ever forming.


Monday, December 6, 2010 6:29 PM


We actually have an investigative media. We have Pirate News. I'm not joking of course, we have Bloggers and the internet. It will take a while before this becomes the main news source for the majority of Americans, but how long can people watch the Fox Upskirt channel and pretend that it's news?


Tuesday, December 7, 2010 3:19 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by dreamtrove:
Huck just said we should assassinate Assange. Fuck Huck. I used to like him, but he's kinda scary.

He is scary, and he's a mean SOB. Don't cross Huck, or he'll come after ya, big time. I'm always skeptical of the folksy, awww shucks sort of religious types ,and Huck is a brilliant example of why.

Beneath that smiling, guitar playing, friendly exterior , lies a seething, angry and bitter man.

" I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend. "


Tuesday, December 7, 2010 4:23 AM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:
They're a goddamn laughingstock, and that image is hard to shed to begin with, not to mention them diggin themselves in deeper every day.

I agree, its the same laughingstock that just swept the Democrats out of the House in one of the largest landslides in history.

Liberals keep laughing, conservatives keep winning elections.

Asking who the Republicans have is a good question, one with a variety of answers. Every potential GOP candidate has both strengths and weaknesses. Some have popularity, some have money, some have great ability, and some have a great record. Some have personal baggage, others a poor record, some lack money, some lack recognition. No candidate on either side, with the possible exception of Ronald Reagan, has ever been perfect.

In the end what really matters is that all the Democrats have is Barrack Obama....

And I want to thank the Democrats for keeping Pelosi as their Speaker. This way no matter if Biden is on the ticket or they replace him with somebody else...its still gonna be the Obama/Pelosi ticket and they're gonna lose.


"Hero. I have come to respect you." "I am forced to agree with Hero here."- Chrisisall, 2009.
"I would rather not ignore your contributions." Niki2, 2010.


Tuesday, December 7, 2010 4:25 AM



Originally posted by dreamtrove:
We actually have an investigative media. We have Pirate News.

Yep, all the crazy, ranting, drug-induced, delusional, Jew-hating news fit to print.


"Hero. I have come to respect you." "I am forced to agree with Hero here."- Chrisisall, 2009.
"I would rather not ignore your contributions." Niki2, 2010.


Tuesday, December 7, 2010 7:10 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Fascinating, isn't it, how pro-Republicans here see one midterm win of one House as a landslide of epic proportions, destined to change the world. I wonder if it's the desperation of watching Bush and the Republicans destroy the country for eight years, the embarrassment of the REAL Democratic landslide (President and BOTH Houses, and a fillibuster-proof Senate, if Dems weren't like herding cats and had a smaller "tent")) that makes it feel like they've won the world now?

What you guys don't get is this is a unique time in our history. We are in the second worst "recession" (reads "depression", they just don't want to use the word) in our history, Wall Street not only didn't really suffer from it, but have GAINED power (probably portending another crash to come); we're a crumbling power; the gap between rich and poor has grown to astronomical proportions; we're close to losing (if we haven't already) our manufacturing base; and jobs have been outsourced beyond a sustainable level. People are scared, and rightfully so; some voted a "message", some voted because they bought into the Tea Party and Fox News, some just voted out of fear. The pendulum will swing back when they're disappointed, just as it swung back when Obama didn't fix everything immediately. A majority in one House is not a mandate, nor a permanent turning point in anything.

It's weird to me that you see it as such a be-all, end-all and think it means the Republicans will be in control...what, "forever"? The lack of reasoning in that belief leaves me shaking my head in dismay, given it probably represents a good portion of Repubican and Tea Party thinking.

The problem is the GOP is being pushed further to the right by the Tea Party folks and their ilk. That's not good for them or the country. If they can't incorporate those radicals to a more measured mentality, they're going to continue to look ridiculous, and I don't want that.

Of course nobody in their right mind wants a one-party system! That leaves out the Republican pols of course, who have been working for a "Permanent Republican Majority" for decades now--I think they thought they had it in Bush, but he (and his guys) overplayed their hand and fucked it up.

The pendulum will ALWAYS swing, and thank goodness for that. But in the past the Repubs have had candidates to put up who at least had SOME "gravitas"; currently not so much so. I hope they get their act together before 2012; given what they've got now, it'll be a pretty sad election.

I guess it's not fair, however, to try and moderate your elation; enjoy it while you can...this has virtually always been a two-party country, and will continue as such. Would be nice if a third party could begin to get even a BIT of a hold so they could survive and grow, but I don't see it happening in my lifetime.

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Wednesday, December 8, 2010 7:15 AM



Originally posted by Niki2:
Fascinating, isn't it, how pro-Republicans here see one midterm win of one House as a landslide of epic proportions, destined to change the world.

One win? Historically Democrat wins are unusual and mostly personality driven while Republican wins are mostly idealogical. In the last thirty years Democratic one-party control has both times been followed by massive Republican victories because the Liberal ideolgy is uniformly rejected on its merits.

1980- Landslide Rep win
1982- Good Dem Win
1984- Hisorical Landslide Rep Win
1986- Minor Rep Win
1988- Rep Win
1990- Dem Win
1992- Good size Dem Win
1994- Landslide Rep Win
1996- Dem Win
1998- Rep Win
2000- Rep Win
2002- Rep Win or Draw
2004- Rep Win
2006- Big Dem Win
2008- Big Dem Win
2010- Near Historical Rep Win


"Hero. I have come to respect you." "I am forced to agree with Hero here."- Chrisisall, 2009.
"I would rather not ignore your contributions." Niki2, 2010.


Wednesday, December 8, 2010 8:56 AM



Originally posted by dreamtrove:
But also, you're missing a danger: If you kill the GOP to help the Dems, who you intend to kill anyway, you create an untennable interim situation: A one party system. Once the dems are a one party system there's a potential they just go to a totalitarian rule..

Not missing it, COUNTING on it - you really think that once you got we-the-people riled up enough to pull what'd amount to a full on freakin pogrom, that when the Dems (who'd be stupid enough) throw down with "Muahahaha, you're all OUR bitches now!" that they're just gonna stop and bend the knee ?
Oh hell no, they're gonna go twofer on it, neat as you please, likely even if the Dems half-competently try to be subtle about it, cause that cauldron of rage has been simmering for a hundred years and more.

Revolts on Sale: Buy One, Get One Free!

Only thing that keeps me from really helping push that along is the potential casualties, you let that monster out of the box, you don't get it back in till it's not hungry anymore...

I do not serve the Blind God.






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