Frem de la crem

UPDATED: Friday, December 24, 2010 16:38
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Friday, December 24, 2010 2:28 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Anarchy a la cart:

A very Dickensonian Christmas gift from a Pirate of the Scarabbean.


Friday, December 24, 2010 6:03 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Using signs as shields, and fire extinguishers as weapons.


Friday, December 24, 2010 2:07 PM


Of course, but even as I admire their courage I question their good sense - what is the point of skimming the top, deposing one set of sociopaths only to have another rise, and repeating this process till the devastation such inevitably causes leaves a complete friggin disaster, presided over by yet another cartel of sociopaths no one can be bothered to remove cause of the high cost of doing so, the massive collateral damage as they destroy all around them in retaliation for not being heeded ?

Again, this is why Robespierre FAILED, not only was he as wicked as most of those he was throwing down, he was also blind to the nature of his opponent, for every head you cut off that beast, two more pop up just as quickly, you must get to the root, and stop CREATING such monsters, rather than run around after the fact trying to remove them from the power they naturally obtain within a society that ultimately rewards sociopathy while discouraging and penalizing humanity and altruism - and you must change the NATURE of that society by changing the people that form it, and you do not do that from the top down, it's idiotic, workin from the wrong end of the telescope.

Siggy made an anology about someone chucking babies in the river a while back which summed up my policy quite handily - I seek to go upstream and stop the root cause, rather than deal primarily with the symptoms and effects, save to abate them as I may.

And what we MUST do, is stop crushing and destroying our future leaders and visionaries in the cradle - we're paying the price for it now, and will continue to pay it for a long time...

Again, folks like to wonder what mighta happened if you had eliminated Hitler or Stalin or whoever before they came to power - but I posit to you this, what if we had instead eliminated Mother Theresa, Ghandi, or whatever humanitarian/visionary you care to name...

Cause we *DID* that, on purpose and by design, we made it a policy to do so, and the the fruit of that awful vine is our bitter harvest of shame, and just because some of us managed to thrash most of the official infrastructure which was doing that, there's still the social structures and mores which unofficially support crushing the humanity out of our kids - all our efforts have really done is give them a fighting chance, but they WILL have to fight for it, which is also why depriving the ruling cabals of the very troops which they need to carry out their agendas is so important as well, cause they do got the numbers, and numbers do tell.

And so we strike at their support, financial, social, political, while depriving them of their shock troops and trying to smash the blind pigheaded ignorance that causes otherwise decent folk to take orders without the realization that they are enabling the very abuses they find so abhorrent, trying to give a little breathing room to future generations who haven't been mediciated or beaten down into total compliance - we are the forlon hope which buys the time for reinforcements to arrive, we are the lost children who slipped through the cracks of the machine, or one might say...
But then, ain't much in the way of "we" when I happen to be the sole survivor of the original intent, but I'll stand till I fall, ever a thorn to their side, ever a burr to their hide, a galling reminder that the harder they squeeze, the more slips right through their grasping fingers into my open hands.

And if you really want a video that touched my heart this holiday season, it's this one.

Seriously, I got all misty...

And yes, I know there are actual disorders, and medication has a place in symptom abatement while they are treated, but we have been using them en masse as excuses for old school soviet style re-education, and I think denying this is a fools bargain, myself.

And I gotta run, apparently I seem to be facing something of a palace coup from my own employees cause I refuse to work for, or take money from, TSA, DepHomeSec, and their various security-theatre cronies, which can be amazingly lucrative, but once you take the money, sooner or later you'll wind up takin their orders, and I will NOT HAVE THAT...

Only it doesn't look like my say in the matter is gonna run a lot further than my own former rescuees and devees, since many of our common hires see the glint of gold and the lure of power, the big shiny bait... and don't seem inclined to listen to me about the razor edged hook buried within - and so it goes, cause I rather suspect some of our clients are gonna side with me if it comes to it, and our Xmas party is gonna be a lot less pleasant cause of this than it'd otherwise be.


I do not serve the Blind God.


Friday, December 24, 2010 2:11 PM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:
Seriously, I got all misty...

I got all misty too. Thank you for that.

Can't Take (my gorram) Sky
Everything I say is just my opinion, not fact.


Friday, December 24, 2010 4:38 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Merry Xmas. God bless the anarchists, every one.






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