Here it is the libs are coming after our guns

UPDATED: Saturday, February 19, 2011 05:04
VIEWED: 12095
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Friday, January 14, 2011 10:11 AM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:
given how much of a pain in the ass I am to the local powers that be, it'd be all too easy to conjure up a few allegations and get a search warrant for drugs, then crash my place and taser me till my heart stopped, and insinuate that such was a result of extensive drug use and coerce a few students to corroborate that for the media, ALL TOO EASY, and it happens more often in our society than anyone but me seems willing to admit.

Oh how very freakin ironic.

Sudden cardiac arrest, Tasering caused man's death after Superior Township drug bust

According to the Oct. 4 report released Thursday afternoon, Jackson was shot with a Taser gun, then drive-stunned twice after police say he engaged in suspected illegal activity and resisted arrest. The report also says that when Jackson was at the hospital, he was given an injection of Lorazepam for agitation, roughly 36 minutes before he died.

The paper doesn't mention it, but this incident had a damn lot to do with a FOIA request the guy was trying to push through, and note they say "suspected drugs" (usually oregano or baking soda from the kitchen dumped into a baggie to look good for the media as they carry it out.) because they know damn well wasn't anything to be found.

And while Detroit might "officially" be pretty bad off, the residents have prettymuch resorted to ignoring Government and taking care of themselves, everything from underground-urban farming (and dodging the DNS bastards and their Monsanto friends regarding it), to tracking down criminals and dumping them on the police doorstep (Jackrabbit, Detroit 300) while not in any way cooperating with the rapacious badge bearing bastards - some communities have even gone as far as to start adding emergency medical transport to their pre-existing contracts with local security firms who not only do what the police wont and protect their community, but often protect their community FROM the police, they don't like their harrassment, abuse and extortion winding up on tape, you know...

And we're still gonna fight em tooth and claw over that posh new MGM Grand Casino HQ they want, bastards wanna live it up in style while the city they prey on starves ?
Not if we have anything to say about it!

So you gotta understand, I get to see, point blank, real world, every single day just how effective weapons in the hands of joe sixpack are at staving off tyranny, cause the DPD, malicious as it is, is remarkably well-behaved in the presence of a known CCW holder.

And given their obvious propensity for nastiness, the correlation between someone being armed, and their reluctance to agress, is freakin obvious to me.


I do not serve the Blind God.


Friday, January 14, 2011 10:25 AM



Originally posted by Wulfenstar:
Story is the Lefts version of Kane (no offense Kane).

Sure, I could see how a simpleton like yourself might think that.

But I post with a higher IQ, broader vocabulary, and better literacy skills, and without the reliance on vulgarity, empty threats, raging racism and homophobia.

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."


Friday, January 14, 2011 10:30 AM


"Sure, I could see how a simpleton like yourself might think that.

But I post with a higher IQ, broader vocabulary, and better literacy skills...."

So... you are a more elitist version of Kane. Good to know.

"Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies"


Friday, January 14, 2011 10:42 AM



Originally posted by Storymark:
Good thing the events in Arizona proved that old gun-nut meme that if people were allowed to carry, they'd stop a gunman before they could do much damage.

Oh, wait....

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."

Speaking of memes

from the greatest mind of the Cretaceous period, the Philosoraptor


Friday, January 14, 2011 10:49 AM


We, obviously, need to regulate spoons. Commen sense regulations of course. Like smaller spoons!

Or spoons with holes in them!

Won't someone think of how many children will be prevented from being fatties by this?!!

Spoons are made for one thing, and one thing only! Making people fat!

"Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies"


Friday, January 14, 2011 12:07 PM



Originally posted by Wulfenstar:
We, obviously, need to regulate spoons. Commen sense regulations of course. Like smaller spoons!

Or spoons with holes in them!

Won't someone think of how many children will be prevented from being fatties by this?!!

Spoons are made for one thing, and one thing only! Making people fat!

"Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies"

Heroic effort, but you are absolutely wrong! Spoons with holes in them?!?! Are you serious? The picture below illustrates how the fatties have conspired to keep functional spoons no matter what the cost!

They don't understand 'reasonable limits.' All they understand is 'rocky road ice cream,' and the hide their true intentions shameless and cowardly behind the skirts of the music industry. That's why we've taken action against music in all it's forms, starting with the public school system! It's the only way we can ensure our children's safety!

Did you know Asian country's use chop sticks instead of spoons? Did you also know they statistically are far less obese? There is factual proof that spoons and only spoons are the cause of weight gain. I rest my case.


Friday, January 14, 2011 12:10 PM



Originally posted by AnthonyT:
"However, the shell casing remains intact. The bullet and the casing are two separate components of the round. Firing pin imprint, and in the case of a semi-automatic, the extractor claw, will indelibly mark a case."


You've forgotten that there is no shell casing.

We are speaking of a silenced revolver, which does not eject shell-casings onto the scene.

Unless you imagine our murderer to empty his shells onto the dead body to make the job of the police easier? That would be like our imagined murderer leaving his knife at the scene of the crime, replete with fingerprints.

The Nagant revolver is the only revolver ever manufactured that can possibly be silenced. It fires the 7.62 Nagant round. Very odd round. The cylinder moves forward to seal the cylinder/barrel gap and prevent gas from escaping. But I'm pretty sure that the shape of the bullet and the odd caliber would be a dead giveaway.

The simplest ways are the best. Do it the Mob way and put a couple of .22 shorts behind the ear. They've got enough energy to get in and not enough to get out. A .22 short, even from an unsilenced pistol, is pretty darn quiet. I had to shoot a rabid skunk that my dogs had crippled. My neighbors were about 40 feet away in their front yard and they never heard the shots. We only talked about it because they heard a commotion from my dogs and smelled the skunk spray.

The more I get to know people the more I like my dogs.


Friday, January 14, 2011 12:21 PM



Originally posted by Wulfenstar:
"Sure, I could see how a simpleton like yourself might think that.

But I post with a higher IQ, broader vocabulary, and better literacy skills...."

So... you are a more elitist version of Kane. Good to know.

If you think basic literacy compared to threats of rape to make me elitist.... well no wonder you hillbillies hate people with an education so much.

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."


Friday, January 14, 2011 12:27 PM



I will not rest until spoons are shorter, less useful!

Spoons are SCARY! Ask any hispanic child (who got spanked with them by their mother...)!

Spoons cause fat! They allow for the easy feeding of people! They must be stopped!

Damn them, those people who dare say spoons are a necessary part of our civilization!

Now there are some who say that criminals could easily get spoons off the street! I say... I have NO ANSWER FOR THAT!

Its the SPOONS that are wrong! Not how they are used! If there was a delicious meal in front of you, and your spoon could not work or could not be found, WOULD YOU BE FAT?!!

I'm willing to say you are dumb enough to say NO!

Join me at the Wulf Centre for Spoon Control! (Dont forget to send lots and lots of money... please, we are starving here..)


"Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies"


Friday, January 14, 2011 1:29 PM


Fuken spoons....

"Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies"

P.S I'm all out of fuken bubblegum.


Friday, January 14, 2011 1:45 PM


... fully loaded, safety off...

Just another day in Wulfland:

< /just kidding fool >

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day -


Friday, January 14, 2011 1:56 PM


I believe you all are missing the point. Statistically, most people know the food that they are eating and are determined to eat it, buy whatever means necessary. If you take their spoons they'll just use forks and you just see more people getting forked up! Also, silverwere is a thing of the past, a relic. The founding fathers could have never anticipated the sandwiches and finger foods that are responsible for more fatness than all utensil related fatness combined?

Do we mean to do away with all finger foods now? What will we replace our sandwiches with? What will we tell our wives to make us? "Get in the kitchen and make me a... omolette?" Where does this madness end?

Peoples hands and mouths come in different sizes. Spoons make the serving sizes equal. If you ban spoons, you place the women, the children, the old and the infirm at the mercy of those with the biggest mouths, who by the way, could easily obtain silverware illegally. They do it all the time, I know this from watching procedurals like CSI and Law and Order.

God made men, spoons made them civilized.


Friday, January 14, 2011 2:02 PM



Originally posted by canttakesky:

Originally posted by Magonsdaughter:
Maybe we have incredibly disfunctional relationships, I'm not sure. I think that gun ownership in these circumstances would make things worse, not better as people who are demonstrating an incredible lack of control in conflict situations would have access to deadlier weapons than they already do.

I think this is a very good point. You don't want to give guns to insane people.

But the solution is not to take away guns. It is to make those people sane.

One might advocate taking away guns first, temporarily, and returning them when the people are sane. However, while the first is relatively easy, the second is overwhelmingly difficult. Once the first is done, why do the second?

However, if you leave the guns in the hands of the insane, you have a huge incentive now to cure their insanity, which is ultimately the true root of violence. And you'd want to do it as quickly as possible.

When shooting tragedies happen, the first question we need to ask is, "How do we prevent young men and women from going crazy like that?"

CTS, to be clear I'm not advocating anything for Americans at all. I don't want the kind of gun ownership that you guys have for where I live, but I'm not sure what you can do once the genie is out of the bottle.


Friday, January 14, 2011 2:20 PM


Freedom is Important because People are Important

"The Nagant revolver is the only revolver ever manufactured that can possibly be silenced. It fires the 7.62 Nagant round. Very odd round. The cylinder moves forward to seal the cylinder/barrel gap and prevent gas from escaping. But I'm pretty sure that the shape of the bullet and the odd caliber would be a dead giveaway."


The Nagant was the specific Russian gas-sealed revolver I had in mind. Available for a hundred bucks in the current market. Keep in mind that the bullet is not what is uniquely shaped in the revolver. Rather, it is the long casing. Also remember that a .30 inch frangible projectile is not easily discernable from the much more common .32.

A .22 short is not a bad idea, but it requires you to get so close to the target, and it has such anemic power, that I think you'd be better off with a knife or bludgeon in that case. The .22 is so unpredictable a bullet. It can zig-zag, it can ricochet, and it can skirt right around the brainpan without touching the target. .22 wound-channels can be erratic both for good and for ill. Even if you do get the brain... Phineas Gage haunts my imagination.

However, you should feel free to have your imaginary villain use whatever means you prefer. ;-)


Assured by friends that the signal-to-noise ratio has improved on this forum, I have disabled web filtering.


Friday, January 14, 2011 2:21 PM



Do we mean to do away with all finger foods now? What will we replace our sandwiches with? What will we tell our wives to make us? "Get in the kitchen and make me a... omolette?" Where does this madness end?

It's an omelette you illiterate hillbilly! You can't even read, how could you possibly think for yourself? This is further proof that the only solution to this problem is increased government intervention. As a whole, people are just not responsible and can't be trusted. They need an intrusive government who has their best interest at heart. We should strive as a country to be more like England or Australia, even though my argument is based off of made up statistics in a place like China.

You must be AURaptors sock puppet!


Saturday, January 15, 2011 3:12 AM


Won't someone think of the children? Everyday they are eating with these big spoons and just getting fatter... its an epidemic of spoon fatness.

We at the Wulf Centre to Prevent Spoon Fatness support reasonable spoon control. But the National Spoon Association controls too much of the Congress.

We need your support, if we are ever to get reasonable spoon laws enacted.

"Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies"


Saturday, January 15, 2011 4:07 AM



Originally posted by Magonsdaughter:
CTS, to be clear I'm not advocating anything for Americans at all.

Right, I knew you were talking about Australia.

When I said, "You don't give to guns to insane people," I meant generic you, not Magonsdaughter you. I was talking about us not giving guns to insane people. Sorry that was confusing.

Can't Take (my gorram) Sky
Everything I say is just my opinion, not fact.


Saturday, January 15, 2011 12:20 PM



Originally posted by canttakesky:

Originally posted by Magonsdaughter:
CTS, to be clear I'm not advocating anything for Americans at all.

Right, I knew you were talking about Australia.

When I said, "You don't give to guns to insane people," I meant generic you, not Magonsdaughter you. I was talking about us not giving guns to insane people. Sorry that was confusing.

Can't Take (my gorram) Sky
Everything I say is just my opinion, not fact.

That seems like a sane solution.


Saturday, January 15, 2011 2:35 PM


Sometimes you own the libs. Sometimes, the libs own you.


Originally posted by AnthonyT:

"2) In case citizens need to revolt against an oppressive government.

Two important things have changed since the time of the FF's. Firstly, the firepower and technology of the state has increased dramatically. Small arms are not really an equaliser...

Also these days the world has discovered peaceful protest as an effective way of shutting down and unseating governments. With this as a viable option, it makes the idea of armed resistance criminally stupid - not just needlessly bloody, but counterproductive (like Hamas)."


It continues to boggle my mind.

The U.S. is fighting a never-ending, resource-sapping war against largely disorganized people who are equipped with small-arms, small-explosives, and improvised weapons.

And yet the United States continues to be viewed as unopposeable by these same means.

I agree with the usefulness of peaceful protest, but I do not agree with the naivete' of discounting the alternative. An alternative which proves effective daily in bogging down the efforts and economy of our entire nation.

Afghanistan is slightly smaller than the state of Texas. There are ~438,000 allied troops there, plus the most advanced war machines in our arsenal. Surveillance is constant, and is of our most sophisticated variety. There are no real civil liberties there. We can and do shoot anyone if we even *think* they *might* be a terrorist. We have been fighting this war for over nine years, and have no clear expectation of victory. Allied forces there have suffered nearly 60,000 casualties.


Assured by friends that the signal-to-noise ratio has improved on this forum, I have disabled web filtering.

Hmm, well argued, I've probably been a little dismissive and unimaginative about the prospects of armed citizens' resistance in America. I do still find it hard to picture the scenario... Any government with a firm enough grip to quash mass protests/civil disobedience etc. (which I hope would be the first steps) - and then withstand the fallout from that, would also have a pretty firm grip on the military, and CIA, it seems to me. So you would have a determined and enthusiastic U.S military (assumedly stripped of most of its weak-willed/'traitorous' elements) waging war against U.S citizens who have taken up arms. As I say, it's hard for me to conjure the scenario, without resort to theories of government mass propaganda and military brain-washing, which I'm not a fan of...

But I'll concede, determined citizens with small arms most likely could resist with some effectiveness, in a kind of attritional guerilla campaign. It might be little more than nuisance value, I'm not sure (U.S citizens would likely not have some advantages that Iraqi/Afghan insurgents have had, like home advantage, poor infrastructure, safe havens/foreign backers in neighbouring countries, willing suicide bombers and tolerance of civilian casualties etc.)

So I wouldn't say citizen gun ownership is a vital barrier/obstacle to tyrannical government (there are others), nor a formidable one - but it is an obstacle, and has some deterrent value, so there is an argument for it. :-/

It's not personal. It's just war.


Saturday, January 15, 2011 3:22 PM


Don't forget spoons.

"Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies"

P.S I'm all out of fuken bubblegum.


Saturday, January 15, 2011 3:24 PM


"Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies"

P.S I'm all out of fuken bubblegum.


Saturday, January 15, 2011 3:24 PM


"Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies"

P.S I'm all out of fuken bubblegum.


Saturday, January 15, 2011 3:25 PM


"Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies"

P.S I'm all out of fuken bubblegum.


Saturday, January 15, 2011 4:04 PM


Sometimes you own the libs. Sometimes, the libs own you.

It's not personal. It's just war.


Saturday, January 15, 2011 4:06 PM


Sometimes you own the libs. Sometimes, the libs own you.

It's not personal. It's just war.


Saturday, January 15, 2011 10:35 PM


You see, this is why you'd never make it as a criminal, Anthony - your brain just ain't wired that way.

You wanna off someone, here's how ya do it.

First thing ya do, get dressed, jeans, sweater, flannel shirt, cap, like every damn body else around here, only you put on surgical gloves and then knit gloves over em so you're covered for prints without bein really obvious about it and all.

Then you go down to the airport and rent a car, something ridiculously anonymous, go ahead and card it, don't matter none - drive it down to the red light district and put it in one of them parking garages nearby, take yourself a walk down to the corner, and when the local pushers make their approach, get them to hook you up with a gat, they'll be more than glad to sell you a nine real cheap, no doubt stolen and maybe with a body or two already on it, this is what you WANT but go on and play it cool... I'd say get em to throw in some bullets but even the dumbest punk around here isn't gonna hand you ammo for it and stand the risk of being robbed with the piece he just sold you, so slip up the street a bit and buy a box of crummy ass nine-mil and some smokes from one of the bodegas and pay cash, ain't no one even gonna notice.
Then you find somewhere discreet to load it, and hump it or hop a bus to your target, depending on how far.

You spot em out, follow em, get em somewhere relatively discreet, and storm rush, get in close and fill them with lead, give em six, seven, real quick, point blank, all in the torso, no fancy shit - you put ENOUGH lead in someone from that range, they're gone no matter what, then you roll em up, watch-wallet-rings-cellphone (you DROP the cellphone on the way off though, like you fumbled it) and get the hell gone.
Won't nobody come lookin, a salvo like that, the locals might call it in, but sure as shit they're not stickin their heads up or coming to investigate any time soon.

So you hump it or lump it back to the red light district and pick up your car from the garage, and on your way out, you cut through one of them dark alleys and pitch the piece and the loot out the window, don't even slow down, them skells will be on it before it hits the ground, and whichever one bags the piece will wind up with the rest, sure enough.
You drop off the rental, go home, take a shower, do a little laundry, no worries.

Now, damn good chance, almost a certainty, this'll wind up pitched in the "drug related" file and forgotten, oh-what-a-tragedy, hand me another double-glazed, eh ?

Rare, outside chance, someone rolls the skell when he tries to fence the loot, and you really think the cops are gonna buy whatever bullshit story about where he got the stuff ? oh hell no.
And being a skell, prolly with priors and holding a hot piece, they're gonna beat a confession out of him quick enough, and maybe close off a couple cases on it, for them it's win-win.
For you too, cause that's the end of the story right there, innit now ?

Now, one in a million chance, your target was high profile enough to warrant actual investigation, AND the investigator is some hot-shit sherlock type, at BEST all they'll get from anyone is that airport rental sticker, and the first thing hot-shot boy is gonna think is professional hit, at which point he goes off barking up the wrong tree never to be seen again.

And in the one in a billion chance that someone, somewhere, got the plate, and they ask YOU about it, you *already* got a flawless alibi.

"Look man, I was gettin a blowjob and didn't want my wife/girlfriend catchin wise, ok ?
So what'd she look like ?
Fuck man, I wasn't lookin at her FACE...
Come on, give us something!
Screw you, get my lawyer!"

Even if they don't dump it then, they'll wind up chasing their own damn tails lookin for that hooker, as the case gets colder and colder, and no way could they coach one well enough to slip it past even the dumbest of judges, so they got nothin, jack diddly shit.

And THAT, old friend, is how this kinda thing is done.


I do not serve the Blind God.


Sunday, January 16, 2011 7:13 AM



Originally posted by kpo:

Originally posted by AnthonyT:

"2) In case citizens need to revolt against an oppressive government.

Two important things have changed since the time of the FF's. Firstly, the firepower and technology of the state has increased dramatically. Small arms are not really an equaliser...

Also these days the world has discovered peaceful protest as an effective way of shutting down and unseating governments. With this as a viable option, it makes the idea of armed resistance criminally stupid - not just needlessly bloody, but counterproductive (like Hamas)."


It continues to boggle my mind.

The U.S. is fighting a never-ending, resource-sapping war against largely disorganized people who are equipped with small-arms, small-explosives, and improvised weapons.

And yet the United States continues to be viewed as unopposeable by these same means.

I agree with the usefulness of peaceful protest, but I do not agree with the naivete' of discounting the alternative. An alternative which proves effective daily in bogging down the efforts and economy of our entire nation.

Afghanistan is slightly smaller than the state of Texas. There are ~438,000 allied troops there, plus the most advanced war machines in our arsenal. Surveillance is constant, and is of our most sophisticated variety. There are no real civil liberties there. We can and do shoot anyone if we even *think* they *might* be a terrorist. We have been fighting this war for over nine years, and have no clear expectation of victory. Allied forces there have suffered nearly 60,000 casualties.


Assured by friends that the signal-to-noise ratio has improved on this forum, I have disabled web filtering.

Hmm, well argued, I've probably been a little dismissive and unimaginative about the prospects of armed citizens' resistance in America. I do still find it hard to picture the scenario... Any government with a firm enough grip to quash mass protests/civil disobedience etc. (which I hope would be the first steps) - and then withstand the fallout from that, would also have a pretty firm grip on the military, and CIA, it seems to me. So you would have a determined and enthusiastic U.S military (assumedly stripped of most of its weak-willed/'traitorous' elements) waging war against U.S citizens who have taken up arms. As I say, it's hard for me to conjure the scenario, without resort to theories of government mass propaganda and military brain-washing, which I'm not a fan of...

But I'll concede, determined citizens with small arms most likely could resist with some effectiveness, in a kind of attritional guerilla campaign. It might be little more than nuisance value, I'm not sure (U.S citizens would likely not have some advantages that Iraqi/Afghan insurgents have had, like home advantage, poor infrastructure, safe havens/foreign backers in neighbouring countries, willing suicide bombers and tolerance of civilian casualties etc.)

So I wouldn't say citizen gun ownership is a vital barrier/obstacle to tyrannical government (there are others), nor a formidable one - but it is an obstacle, and has some deterrent value, so there is an argument for it. :-/

It's not personal. It's just war.

Well, not so fast kpo. An armed uprising in the US would topple our government in days. See, we are having a hard enough time in the middle east(as Anthony pointed out), can you imagine it here? First the size of our country is a major factor. Then you have to factor in that we are not arabs half way around the world. The men and women in our military, cia, local law would not turn guns on us. In fact a large majority would fight with their neighbors and family against their employer. We Americans have an extremly high internal value on freedom and nationalism...especially when threatened. Most people I know in the military have already said that their first responsibility is to the constitution and families and view their military lives as a job. Would you kill your neighbors and friends if your boss asked? Shit we had guys in Nam kill their superiors all the time, because they didn't like the orders. This is true for congressmen, police, cia, etc....

It would take days to topple this government...if we had guns.


Sunday, January 16, 2011 7:24 AM


Freedom is Important because People are Important

"It would take days to topple this government...if we had guns."


The trick is the hard part. It is a very hard part.

The trick is getting a serious percentage of everyone to revolt. I can't begin to imagine how horrible things would have to become to motivate a serious percentage of our populace into that.


Assured by friends that the signal-to-noise ratio has improved on this forum, I have disabled web filtering.


Sunday, January 16, 2011 7:48 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

This has gone on far too long, predictably, since I was last here to read the whole thing. Besides, I probably know everything that was written. So I stopped at the first two posts, since it was obvious where it was going.

Think one lefty commie shooting a congresswomen is bad...I shutter to think what real Americans will do to their congress people when they come for the guns...
Had to hit that one; first, he was anything BUT a "leftie commie", obviously by now everyone knows that. Second, it's a shame you can't make even a stupid point without misspelling "shudder".

I think the idea of a revolt in this country is absurd, and again, I'm sure I'm the lone holdout (or one of the very few). I did read the last couple of posts, and among the quotes and what people wrote, I guess I'm not the only one.

The comparison of Afghanistan to the US is not valid, in my opinion. If there were armed resistance in America, yes, it would take virtually the whole COUNTRY to revolt, and given those who've been talking in gun terms have been talking to their VERY TINY base, I don't see it happening. I also don't see us having a legislature stupid enough to try the kind of tyranny openly that would cause enough people to "raise up" to fight it. They do quite nicely, thank you, as it is.

I just think it's stupid to imagine our government become that tyrannical, and/or enough people taking up arms to be even slightly effective at anything. This isn't 1776, it's a whole different world.

It amuses me to see reactions here--not just to guns. We are an unquestionably reactionary bunch, which I hope (and believe) doesn't reflect the majority of the population. We're a thinking bunch, too, which also is not reflective of the majority of Americans.

But we're an awful black-and-white bunch, in the case of many. It's all or nothing; the government is the bad guy and in danger of destroying us, or whatever, and every SINGLE thing is immediately grasped as a conspiracy by some, there is no concept it might NOT be. We speak in very extreme terms on almost every issue, even leaving aside the personal attacks.

Says more about "Firefly" to me than it does about Joss, which is interesting in what a number of people are attracted to about it. Would be interesting to see profiles of each of us--especially those who see thing in every black-and-white terms (not counting those who are already off the deep end). But then, that would probably be viewed as a conspiracy...or an effort to enslave any opposition...or a conspiracy to enslave any opposition...

In my opinion, Maddow also made another good point; if there is NO conscription on the owning of weapons because we might have to overthrow the government, then it should be legal for all of us to own tanks, and everything up to and including nuclear weapons. Like I said, black-and-white, and it's all in where you draw the line. Me, I'd draw it at 30-round clips and some automatic weapons. They'd be useless against an armed government put-down and otherwise are only good for mass murder. Strangely, I think we managed to survive the restrictions against those clips for several years...

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Sunday, January 16, 2011 1:26 PM


Magazines. Clips feed magazines. Magazines feed weapons.

The more I get to know people the more I like my dogs.


Sunday, January 16, 2011 2:20 PM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Whatever. Everyone understood what I was saying.

Strikes me how funny it is, people about their guns. The title of this thread says it all; any tiny thing, and omigawd, the liberals are coming after our guns!!!! We're all gonna DIE! They're gonna GET US!

...have to pry 'em out of my cold, dead hands...

The recent run on those magazines in gun shops is a perfect example...ANYTHING happens with regard to guns, and the gun bunnies freak out. Funny.

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Sunday, January 16, 2011 2:39 PM


Freedom is Important because People are Important


Try to imagine that unlimited marijuana use had recently been made legal after years of prohibition.

Everyone interested in using the herb rejoiced.

But, from time to time, something happens that empowers the anti-weed lobby. Maybe someone high on marijuana commits a crime, or runs someone over. There is talk about limiting sales of the herb, so that you can no longer get as much of it as you'd like.

At those times, people fearful of future prohibitions might buy up a lot of marijuana at the local outlet. So that there's extra on hand to counteract the future constriction on supply.

In other words, there's no sponge like the Today sponge.

Everyone has something they enjoy that they'd prefer not to do without.


Assured by friends that the signal-to-noise ratio has improved on this forum, I have disabled web filtering.


Sunday, January 16, 2011 2:41 PM



Originally posted by Niki2:
Whatever. Everyone understood what I was saying.

Not arguing against your opinion. Just correcting the terminology. You present a better case that way.

Strikes me how funny it is, people about their guns. The title of this thread says it all; any tiny thing, and omigawd, the liberals are coming after our guns!!!! We're all gonna DIE! They're gonna GET US!

...have to pry 'em out of my cold, dead hands...

The recent run on those magazines in gun shops is a perfect example...ANYTHING happens with regard to guns, and the gun bunnies freak out. Funny.

Same can be said of the liberals, nanny staters or the label of your choice. Any one incident and omigawd, guns are evawl!!!! We're all gonna DIE! They're gonna GET US!

You forgot about the run on guns and ammo when 0b0m0 got in office. Of course I am counting on that panic buying. Sooner or later those guns, magazines and ammunition will hit the market for resale. Patience can turn a profit.

The more I get to know people the more I like my dogs.


Sunday, January 16, 2011 3:32 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

I'm still curious as to when Peter King (R-NY) became a "lib". After all, he's the one who proposed making it a crime to carry a firearm within 1000' of a government official. Seems pretty broad and overarching to me.

Meanwhile, that great "socialist" Obama signed such offensive, draconian, knee-jerk laws as the one that allows Americans to carry firearms in our national parks.

Damned dirty liberal! There he goes again, trying to take our guns. Trying to take them to a nice day at the park, it seems...

This Space For Rent!


Sunday, January 16, 2011 3:45 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by Hardware:

1934. FDR. Progressive president. Founder of numerous entitlement programs. Supporter of the NFA. 2011-1934=77 years. Nearly 80 years.
1938 Federal Firearms Act
1968 Gun Control Act (interesting, modeled after Nazi Germany's 1938 Law on Weapons by Senator Thomas Dodd. )
1972 Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms created
1986 Law Enforcement Officer's Protection Act
1990 Crime Control Act
1994 Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act

All these laws, at a Federal Level, and can you honestly say the streets are safer than they were in 1937?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but weren't the ones in '72, '86, and '90 signed by GOP Presidents? Not too often do I hear names like Nixon, Reagan, and Bush bandied about as "progressives" with the likes of FDR and Clinton, but thanks for confirming that there really are no conservatives anymore.

This Space For Rent!


Sunday, January 16, 2011 6:57 PM


Sometimes you own the libs. Sometimes, the libs own you.


The men and women in our military, cia, local law would not turn guns on us.

Excellent - and this is exactly my point Why then do you need guns to bring down the government, why can't you do it peacefully? Think of tyrannical regimes that have quelled non-violent mass protests - Iran, Zimbabwe are two recent examples. The government succeeded by turning the state security services on the people: violently breaking up the protests, rounding up the leaders and beating/imprisoning them. You say this wouldn't happen in America, and I agree! So what's the role for guns then? If anything they give an excuse to the security services to be heavy-handed, and a license for a tyrannical government to be tyrannical...

This is why I say I find a scenario where armed resistance is required hard to conjure. It would have to be a tyrannical government that somehow still had loyal (or at least 'firm') control of the security services.

It's not personal. It's just war.


Sunday, January 16, 2011 7:01 PM



Originally posted by kaneman:
The men and women in our military, cia, local law would not turn guns on us. In fact a large majority would fight with their neighbors and family against their employer. We Americans have an extremly high internal value on freedom and nationalism...especially when threatened. Most people I know in the military have already said that their first responsibility is to the constitution and families and view their military lives as a job. Would you kill your neighbors and friends if your boss asked? Shit we had guys in Nam kill their superiors all the time, because they didn't like the orders. This is true for congressmen, police, cia, etc.....

I disagree, bitterly.

Firstoff, ever since those infamous surveys and a pathetic but still sufficient resistance to the idea of shooting civvies for not handing over their guns, military training and conditioning has been enhanced and altered to solve that little problem - they WILL do it, absolutely and without question, tell me, did even ONE SINGLE MEMBER of the 82nd Airborne ground arms and refuse to confiscate arms during that mess in New Orleans, even ONE ?

No, they did not - and most of the folks they're training for "Homeland Security" are conditioned to see us as commie-librul terror-symps and so on and so forth, all but waiting the day they get to put us in our place, shit man, they're currently training for domestic civil unrest suppression, house to house work and mass incarceration, or have you not been LISTENING to me alluding to our surveillence and harrassment of such activities here in MI - since one of them damn camps, Grayling, is located up here, they even have specially designed armor units just for this purpose.

And remember all those cops who said they'd never, ever, ever help suppress the populace, who then went RUNNING down there for the extra bonus and overtime, and not only did it, but gleefully ?

The same guys you see talking such a good game, and then see later clubbing protestors with an obvious hard on and a BIG smile on their face ?

Shit man, you'd think TSA would have a hard time finding pyschos willing to feel people up at the airport, right - but our society breeds jackboot lickers and authoritarian nutters like fucking rabbits, man, only recently have we seen ANY progress in stemming the tide.

A very LARGE percentage of these goons, especially the alphabet boys, would practically come in their pants at the notion of being ALLOWED to slaughter americans who didn't toe the line, got that "Oh yeah, NOW we'll show em, hoo-rah!" fuckin attitude, and every single one of you knows it, but just doesn't wanna believe it....

Because you KNOW, you would have to kill them, and that is something you really do not wanna talk about, think about, that you would have to slaughter your own countrymen too, who found the jackboot a better fit that freedom and got off on the power it gave em - and on top of that some percentage of em will get away, slither under a rock and pray for forgiveness and short memories...

Only to slither out once again when the opportunity presents itself, as it will, history is unforgiving about that.

Jackals: "Finally, we have a strong leader ready to put those malcontents in their places! Where do I sign up?!"
Jackals are like Lemmings and Snakes: they eagerly collaborate with the villain because they think his campaign of terror and genocide are just causes. Whether it's out of hate, fanaticism, or ignorance, they prefer the villain's despotism to a more benevolent regime. Usually they're harmless once the villain is dethroned: their prejudice comes out only when the bad guys are in power.

Look anywhere in our society there is an official uniform, and odds are you'll find packs of jackals underneath em, many of em.

And how to you plan to DEAL with that, I ask you ?

Cause nobody seems to LIKE *my* answer.


I do not serve the Blind God.


Sunday, January 16, 2011 7:14 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by Fremdfirma:

Originally posted by kaneman:
The men and women in our military, cia, local law would not turn guns on us. In fact a large majority would fight with their neighbors and family against their employer. We Americans have an extremly high internal value on freedom and nationalism...especially when threatened. Most people I know in the military have already said that their first responsibility is to the constitution and families and view their military lives as a job. Would you kill your neighbors and friends if your boss asked? Shit we had guys in Nam kill their superiors all the time, because they didn't like the orders. This is true for congressmen, police, cia, etc.....

I disagree, bitterly.

Firstoff, ever since those infamous surveys and a pathetic but still sufficient resistance to the idea of shooting civvies for not handing over their guns, military training and conditioning has been enhanced and altered to solve that little problem - they WILL do it, absolutely and without question, tell me, did even ONE SINGLE MEMBER of the 82nd Airborne ground arms and refuse to confiscate arms during that mess in New Orleans, even ONE ?

No, they did not - and most of the folks they're training for "Homeland Security" are conditioned to see us as commie-librul terror-symps and so on and so forth, all but waiting the day they get to put us in our place, shit man, they're currently training for domestic civil unrest suppression, house to house work and mass incarceration, or have you not been LISTENING to me alluding to our surveillence and harrassment of such activities here in MI - since one of them damn camps, Grayling, is located up here, they even have specially designed armor units just for this purpose.

And remember all those cops who said they'd never, ever, ever help suppress the populace, who then went RUNNING down there for the extra bonus and overtime, and not only did it, but gleefully ?

The same guys you see talking such a good game, and then see later clubbing protestors with an obvious hard on and a BIG smile on their face ?

Shit man, you'd think TSA would have a hard time finding pyschos willing to feel people up at the airport, right - but our society breeds jackboot lickers and authoritarian nutters like fucking rabbits, man, only recently have we seen ANY progress in stemming the tide.

A very LARGE percentage of these goons, especially the alphabet boys, would practically come in their pants at the notion of being ALLOWED to slaughter americans who didn't toe the line, got that "Oh yeah, NOW we'll show em, hoo-rah!" fuckin attitude, and every single one of you knows it, but just doesn't wanna believe it....

Because you KNOW, you would have to kill them, and that is something you really do not wanna talk about, think about, that you would have to slaughter your own countrymen too, who found the jackboot a better fit that freedom and got off on the power it gave em - and on top of that some percentage of em will get away, slither under a rock and pray for forgiveness and short memories...

Only to slither out once again when the opportunity presents itself, as it will, history is unforgiving about that.

Jackals: "Finally, we have a strong leader ready to put those malcontents in their places! Where do I sign up?!"
Jackals are like Lemmings and Snakes: they eagerly collaborate with the villain because they think his campaign of terror and genocide are just causes. Whether it's out of hate, fanaticism, or ignorance, they prefer the villain's despotism to a more benevolent regime. Usually they're harmless once the villain is dethroned: their prejudice comes out only when the bad guys are in power.

Look anywhere in our society there is an official uniform, and odds are you'll find packs of jackals underneath em, many of em.

And how to you plan to DEAL with that, I ask you ?

Cause nobody seems to LIKE *my* answer.


I do not serve the Blind God.

Case in point, our own Wulfie here, who CLAIMS to stand for the Constitution and all those warm and fuzzies like "liberty" and "honor" of which he knows absolutely nothing but what's been presented to him via vidscreen... yet when given half a chance and half a voice, he'll GLADLY round up all those "enemies", all those "libs/progs", all those "hippies" he hates so much, all those people who are merely following THEIR OWN VERSION OF WHAT HE CALLS "LIBERTY" - he'd round them up, deport them, grind them under his heel, smash his boot into their face, stomp their faces into the curb, all for having the temerity to not follow HIS particular beliefs.

And he has said this more than a few times here. Make no mistake, this is EXACTLY what his kind are after, and Kane as well.

This Space For Rent!


Sunday, January 16, 2011 7:24 PM



Originally posted by Kwicko:

Originally posted by Hardware:

1934. FDR. Progressive president. Founder of numerous entitlement programs. Supporter of the NFA. 2011-1934=77 years. Nearly 80 years.
1938 Federal Firearms Act
1968 Gun Control Act (interesting, modeled after Nazi Germany's 1938 Law on Weapons by Senator Thomas Dodd. )
1972 Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms created
1986 Law Enforcement Officer's Protection Act
1990 Crime Control Act
1994 Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act

All these laws, at a Federal Level, and can you honestly say the streets are safer than they were in 1937?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but weren't the ones in '72, '86, and '90 signed by GOP Presidents? Not too often do I hear names like Nixon, Reagan, and Bush bandied about as "progressives" with the likes of FDR and Clinton, but thanks for confirming that there really are no conservatives anymore.

This Space For Rent!

Oh absolutely, and the worst of the bunch? Reagan. The 1986 law he signed in created a de facto ban on new machine guns. You see, it created a machine gun registry. No new machine gun receivers (the part the ATF considers the actual gun) could be created without being entered into the registry. Of course the registry has never been funded and this has artificially raised the cost of machine guns, since demand now outstrips supply.

It was a poison pill provision slipped into a piece of legislature that Reagan wanted. Just like that carry in national parks law that 0b0m0 signed into law. It was a poison pill provision slipped into a piece of legislation that 0 wanted.

You see, Thomas Jefferson said that the beauty of the 2nd amendment is that it will not be needed until they try to take it away. Food for thought, that.

The more I get to know people the more I like my dogs.


Sunday, January 16, 2011 9:16 PM



Originally posted by Kwicko:

Case in point, our own Wulfie here, who CLAIMS to stand for the Constitution and all those warm and fuzzies like "liberty" and "honor" of which he knows absolutely nothing but what's been presented to him via vidscreen... yet when given half a chance and half a voice, he'll GLADLY round up all those "enemies", all those "libs/progs", all those "hippies" he hates so much, all those people who are merely following THEIR OWN VERSION OF WHAT HE CALLS "LIBERTY" - he'd round them up, deport them, grind them under his heel, smash his boot into their face, stomp their faces into the curb, all for having the temerity to not follow HIS particular beliefs.

And he has said this more than a few times here. Make no mistake, this is EXACTLY what his kind are after, and Kane as well.

This Space For Rent!

see that is what would worry me about having a large population armed to the teeth with a philosophy of rising up against 'tyranny', especially given the recent hyperbole of the right who currently see health care reforms, all taxation, all government funded services as being a direct threat to their tyranny. That and talk about '2nd amendment solutions'. If you had enough people who actually believed all of this, then you could easily find yourself in a civil war situation, especially given the polarised debate that exists in the US. That would frighten me quite a bit. A lot of extremists marching on washington who don't like government policy and are in a state of mind to kill fellow countrymen. That's scary shit.


Sunday, January 16, 2011 11:08 PM



Originally posted by Magonsdaughter:
you could easily find yourself in a civil war situation...

That's what has me bashing people over the head with the fact of WHAT THAT WILL COST, not in money, mind you, but in every way that matters the cost of such a thing is so horrific as to be all but unmentionable - and so they don't mention it, never address it, don't acknowledge it, as if they can pretend it into non-existence.

I refuse to let that happen, cause if folks work themselves into believing otherwise, into forgetting just what an atrocity that would be, go on thinkin it'll be all quick and easy....

That's when people do some terribly stupid shit, yeah.

Mind you, that's why I hated the ending of V for Vendetta - cause it fed that quick-n-easy myth, which it ain't, never was, never will be, but people don't wanna FACE that, and soooo.

Which is why I am so damn anvilicious about beating them over the head with it.


I do not serve the Blind God.


Monday, January 17, 2011 2:01 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by Fremdfirma:

Originally posted by Magonsdaughter:
you could easily find yourself in a civil war situation...

That's what has me bashing people over the head with the fact of WHAT THAT WILL COST, not in money, mind you, but in every way that matters the cost of such a thing is so horrific as to be all but unmentionable - and so they don't mention it, never address it, don't acknowledge it, as if they can pretend it into non-existence.

I refuse to let that happen, cause if folks work themselves into believing otherwise, into forgetting just what an atrocity that would be, go on thinkin it'll be all quick and easy....

That's when people do some terribly stupid shit, yeah.

Like invading Iraq, for one. People forget the horror of war, or think we've managed to "sanitize" it. Just because we don't see it on the news, doesn't mean it isn't happening.

This Space For Rent!


Monday, January 17, 2011 3:31 AM



Originally posted by kpo:
Why then do you need guns to bring down the government, why can't you do it peacefully?

Sometimes, peace doesn't work.

Think of tyrannical regimes that have quelled non-violent mass protests - Iran, Zimbabwe are two recent examples.
Case in point.

You say this wouldn't happen in America, ...
I wouldn't say that. It most definitely COULD happen in America. It isn't there right now, but it's heading in that direction.

So what's the role for guns then?
For when it gets so bad that non-violent measures would be violently quashed.

If anything they give an excuse to the security services to be heavy-handed, and a license for a tyrannical government to be tyrannical...
By the time violence is used against the govt, they are ALREADY heavy-handed and tyrannical.

There is a time and place and method for non-violent protests. You try that first. But if it doesn't work (as in the case of Iran, for example), it is time to simply defend oneself with arms. If the Iranian people had arms, they would be having an armed revolution now.


It would have to be a tyrannical government that somehow still had loyal (or at least 'firm') control of the security services.

ALL tyrannical governments that have ever existed had loyal security services, from Rome to Czar's Russia to modern Iran. How else would they be tyrannical if they didn't have the means?

Revolution occurs when citizens clash with the security services.

Can't Take (my gorram) Sky
Everything I say is just my opinion, not fact.


Monday, January 17, 2011 3:41 AM



Originally posted by Magonsdaughter:
...especially given the recent hyperbole of the right who currently see health care reforms, all taxation, all government funded services as being a direct threat to their tyranny.

You're mixing different groups of people here. The ones who are rabid about the health care reforms (Tea Party folk)--they aren't against all taxation. After all, they want their War against Terror, a large military, and heavily patrolled borders. That doesn't come free. They aren't against all govt funded services, just those for poor people. For all their incendiary rhetoric, they won't ever take over the govt because they need THIS govt for their goals.

The ones against all taxation and all govt services, like myself--we're in the very small minority. These are the hardcore libertarians. There are not enough of us to take Waco, with it's cult leader and a bunch of women and kids, let alone the govt.

Like with the use of a nuclear weapon, you need to piss off a sizable number of extremist nuts.


A lot of extremists marching on washington who don't like government policy and are in a state of mind to kill fellow countrymen. That's scary shit.
It's the same scary shit that started the American Revolution. What did they revolt for? A tax on tea?

Can't Take (my gorram) Sky
Everything I say is just my opinion, not fact.


Monday, January 17, 2011 9:00 AM


Freedom is Important because People are Important

"If anything they give an excuse to the security services to be heavy-handed, and a license for a tyrannical government to be tyrannical..."


I am always aghast at this sort of suggestion.

It's like saying, 'She deserved it for dressing like that.'

Making yourself utterly defenseless before a potentially tyrannical power does not strike me as the best means for stopping tyranny.

"Oh, but if you hadn't been so potentially dangerous, they wouldn't have needed to violate you" sounds pretty repugnant to me.


Assured by friends that the signal-to-noise ratio has improved on this forum, I have disabled web filtering.


Monday, January 17, 2011 9:01 AM


Sometimes you own the libs. Sometimes, the libs own you.


ALL tyrannical governments that have ever existed had loyal security services, from Rome to Czar's Russia to modern Iran.

Yep, I and Kane were working on the agreed premise that US citizens working in the military and security services would not obey tyrannical orders against their fellow citizens... (or it's hard to conceive of a scenario where they would)

So Kane's in my camp now; but I never assumed everyone would agree with mine and Kane's premise. Some people think that a US government could conceivably wield the state security services tyrannically against the people successfully (and even I don't rule it out, just find it hard to imagine). With these ppl I simply point out that revolting against a government with such a tight grip on power would be a potentially bloody disaster - like the Shia uprising against Sadaam after the first Gulf War, or the Warsaw uprising against the Nazis in 1944.


If the Iranian people had arms, they would be having an armed revolution now.

Perhaps... Be careful what you wish for, the US government encouraged the Shia in Iraq to take up armed resistance against Sadaam - and they were quickly brutally crushed. Part of me would have liked to see an armed uprising in Zimbabwe long ago - but I cannot say that it would definitely succeed, or even that it would be worth the cost.

From Wikipedia on the Warsaw uprising:


Although the exact number of casualties remains unknown, it is estimated that about 16,000 members of the Polish resistance were killed and about 6,000 badly wounded. In addition, between 150,000 and 200,000 civilians died, mostly from mass murders conducted by troops fighting on the German side. German casualties totaled over 2,000 soldiers killed, 7,000 missing, and 9,000 wounded. During the urban combat approximately 25% of Warsaw's buildings were destroyed. Following the surrender of Polish forces, German troops systematically leveled 35% of the city block by block.

A dispute I have with you Americans is that I think the idea of tyranny that you have in your heads is the very genteel and quaint brand of 'tyranny' that we British imposed on you -taxation without representation or whatever. I still have strong doubts that an armed US citizens' uprising could succeed against REAL tyranny. All I know is it would be bloody.

It's not personal. It's just war.


Monday, January 17, 2011 9:04 AM


Sometimes you own the libs. Sometimes, the libs own you.


Originally posted by AnthonyT:
"If anything they give an excuse to the security services to be heavy-handed, and a license for a tyrannical government to be tyrannical..."


I am always aghast at this sort of suggestion.

It's like saying, 'She deserved it for dressing like that.'

Making yourself utterly defenseless before a potentially tyrannical power does not strike me as the best means for stopping tyranny.

"Oh, but if you hadn't been so potentially dangerous, they wouldn't have needed to violate you" sounds pretty repugnant to me.


Assured by friends that the signal-to-noise ratio has improved on this forum, I have disabled web filtering.

Don't get me wrong, I wasn't saying I would condone or approve of the subsequent tyranny, only that it would give the government an excuse - or a pretext.

My wording could've been better I'll admit.

It's not personal. It's just war.


Monday, January 17, 2011 9:58 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

I agree,’s always fascinated me how easily people can be stirred up to act out of fear.

KPO, wonderfully said, and exactly how I feel!

And yeah, Mike, I noticed that a long time ago. Problem is, I don’t think HE’D actually do it; he wants a government in place that will do it for him...then, of course, he’d grouse about that government infringing on “liberties”...

Magons, yup, but don’t worry about it; will never happen. We’re just too big and too independent of thought for anyone to get enough of an “army” to do anything serious. Small “cults”, sure, but they end up only able to control their own little populations, or being taken down by the government. It’s not something I fear; far more I fear this stupid gun rhetoric convincing enough idiots LIKE Wulf that it’s possible, and the blood that would flow as a result. As Frem said,

I refuse to let that happen, cause if folks work themselves into believing otherwise, into forgetting just what an atrocity that would be, go on thinkin it'll be all quick and easy....

That's when people do some terribly stupid shit, yeah.

That about says it; enough rhetoric encouraging people to think along those lines, and you’ve got a damned bad situation, little more.

And yeah, Frem, I agree about V; for me that was just a great visceral outlet, and I enjoyed the black-and-white terms of it...because it was a MOVIE, and they’re for getting entertained, not taking as reality (of course Wulf’s not listening...). Case in point, the mentality CTTS exhibits. Far too many people ALREADY think that way, so they don’t need encouraging. America will never be overthrown, from within or without, mostly ‘cuz of our size and diversity. Now, if the states were to break up, that would be a different matter, but I doubt that will happen in anyone alive’s foreseeable future either. It’s just too easy for people to think in black and white and forget all the about visceral!

We’re not headed for tyranny, far from it. The current rhetoric may make some people believe we are, which makes me sad for them. Too much energy/thought directed toward what I see as idiocy is always sad. Even sadder would be if they DID get their wish!

Ditto KPO again:

The dispute I have with you Americans is that I think the idea of tyranny that you have in your heads is the very genteel and quaint brand of 'tyranny' that we British imposed on you -taxation without representation or whatever. I still have strong doubts that an armed US citizens' uprising could succeed against REAL tyranny. All I know is it would be bloody.
Too many people view uprising as romantic and that it would unquestionably bring about what they want, without really knowing WHAT they want in the first place.

Mostly I suppose I just think it's silly--when you contrast America with REAL tyranny, we're just a bunch of spoiled kids throwing a tantrum 'cuz mom tells us to eat our veggies. In contrast to the vast majority of the rest of the world, we ARE terribly spoiled, in my opinion.

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Monday, January 17, 2011 5:13 PM



Originally posted by Niki2:

Too many people view uprising as romantic and that it would unquestionably bring about what they want, without really knowing WHAT they want in the first place.

Mostly I suppose I just think it's silly--when you contrast America with REAL tyranny, we're just a bunch of spoiled kids throwing a tantrum 'cuz mom tells us to eat our veggies. In contrast to the vast majority of the rest of the world, we ARE terribly spoiled, in my opinion.

We are living on the dividend of massive investment during the depression and in the post war years when we were incredibly flush from a total employment, even over-employment economy. There was a post-war recession, but ultimately our economy boomed and we had massive technological adavances in part due to the space race.

Unfortunately, the massive dividends have been squandered on entitlement programs. We've incentivized people to have children they cannot support and now there's no way to cut the incentives without a political backlash on any party that does the cutting. Entitlements now account for twice the amount of military spending the US federal budget does. Getting the government into the retirement and aid to the poor business has been demonstrated aptly to be a bad idea. Unfortunately it's a pit trap with no way out.

So, the amazing Hardware will now progonosticate on the future.

Within 15 years the US debt will grow to such proportions that nobody will be willing to extend credit to us.

The lack of credit to the federal budget will force the government to go on a starvation diet.

Wealthier states will start with complaints about paying more than their fair share. The complaints will grow until they refuse to pay out more in taxes to the federal government than they take in.

Military forces will be used to bring these "rebel" states back into line.

Meanwhile the end of entitlement programs will cause a run on the banks and dissolve the Federal Reserve system, as it collapses under it's own weight.

With no national body to create currency left, regional banks that remain solvent will begin to print their own fiat currencies. Several will collapse under mismanagement.

During this period of unrest and uncertainty, cities will become uninhabitable as decaying infrastructure and lack of resources makes it impossible to bring food and materials to the city centers. The remains will become abandoned wrecking yards that will be mined for materials.

With a growing distrust of fiat currencies the government(s) will have no choice but to issue bullion based currencies or bullion coinage.

With a resource based currency in place, the economy can now be rebooted and real, sustainable growth can occur.

May it please God that I am dead and buried before this comes to pass.

The more I get to know people the more I like my dogs.

...and he that has no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one. Luke 22:36


Monday, January 17, 2011 5:30 PM



Originally posted by Niki2:
Case in point, the mentality CTTS exhibits. Far too many people ALREADY think that way,....

What mentality is that?

I believe our govt COULD become tyrannical enough that a sizable portion might revolt. But it doesn't mean it WILL happen or that it will happen soon. COULD simply means possible. It doesn't mean probable.

The only thing I've advocated is keeping our right to own arms, as a deterrent against tyranny. (It is very similar to the idea that if the other side has nuclear weapons, we should too, as a deterrent, not to use.) I believe keeping our arms will slow down the road to tyranny, maybe even prevent the worst case scenario altogether.

I've never advocated using arms to overthrow tyranny.

I've advocated trying all non-violent methods of redress FIRST. Even then, I still do not agree with resorting to violence (remember, I am a pacifist), but I do understand it.

I advocate keeping arms precisely because I believe getting as close to an equilibrium in power between the people and the govt improves the chances of non-violent change.

So, I am very unclear what mentality you are speaking of.

Can't Take (my gorram) Sky
Everything I say is just my opinion, not fact.






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