This piece says it for me, and is what I was afraid of when all these naive legislators and governors got into office. A government only works even half..."/>


The arrogance of the new budget-cutters

UPDATED: Wednesday, March 2, 2011 14:46
VIEWED: 2183
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Thursday, February 24, 2011 12:25 PM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

This piece says it for me, and is what I was afraid of when all these naive legislators and governors got into office. A government only works even halfway decently by compromise.

What's happening in Wisconsin is a perfect example of this, for me, as is the threat to shut down the government. I'm not in favor of the Washington insiders, they've screwed things up quite enough, but I'd like to see some legislators who are intelligent enough to recognize that insisting on THEIR ideological "purity" with no compromise just doesn't work.

NOTE that Walker is not "representing the people", given the underlined numbers. So his saying he's doing what "the people want" is an out-and-out lie.

Well, we said we wanted budget cutters, so that's what we have.

In fact, it's a downright frenzy of fiscal rectitude in Washington. You've heard it all: Every cut matters. No cut is too small. Nothing is off limits, even the unkindest cuts of all. After all, the problem is just too large to put off any longer.

Most convinced of their task are the 87 House Republican newcomers. They are not awestruck by Washington. (A good thing.) They are not remotely humbled by the hallowed and marbled halls. (Still good.) Instead, they come with the arrogance of absolute conviction. (Dangerous.) Here's the mantra: We were sent here to cut the budget, and that is what we intend to do. Period.

In one way, it's a devotion that should be applauded. The freshmen intend to test the notion that Washington can be changed, which we would all welcome. They believe that the previous GOP majority -- the one that came in with Gingrich's revolution in 1994 -- was itself co-opted by the system, and its own power and ran up the deficit. And they are also right about that. (Can anyone say Tom DeLay?)

Their brethren in this new movement for change are many of the newly minted Republican governors. They share the House GOPers' single-minded worship of the budget-knife. Again, in theory, it's a healthy shift. Then what's the problem? It's their way of doing business. It's their conviction that compromise is bad. "They could use a dose of humility," says one senior White House adviser. (And he should know: The White House, arrogant in its own use of the majority, got its humble pie in the midterm elections.)

Consider the noisiest business of the week: Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin now has a sit-in on his front stoop in Madison because -- apparently as part of his budget-cutting mission -- he wants to water down the state's collective bargaining agreements. It wasn't enough that state workers agreed to pay more for their pension and health benefits (which they previously got almost for free). That would have been a great start: Declare victory and fight the rest another day.

But the public sector unions were just too juicy a political target. They're influential in a special way: Who else gets to help choose the people who set your salary? Sure, they're potent and dominant Democratic political entities with an archaic hold on power. But did Walker have to take on collective bargaining now if he really wants to control spending immediately?

Didn't he know the fight would take a huge -- and potentially damaging -- detour? Of course he did. He wanted to be Ronald Reagan battling the air traffic controllers union. The point: He wanted the fight.

That's the way the newcomers work. And in the same arrogant vein, do House Republicans have to shut the government down rather than compromise on a temporary plan to fund the government? Their more establishment elders -- who rose from the ruins of the last Newt Gingrich created government shutdown -- would rather avoid it. But they're clearly held hostage by their bulge of freshmen who see compromise as capitulation to the enemy.

Yesterday, House Republicans told Senate Democrats they had a plan to put off a government shutdown for two weeks: Start making some of the $61 billion in House proposed cuts to the budget. It's a non-starter with some Democrats, and it gets the GOP where it wants to be: forcing Democrats to vote against a plan to reduce the deficit.

As for the Democrats, they say that once the public understands what the GOP is cutting, it will turn on them -- and run back into Democrats' arms. It's just more of the same.

The public voted for none of this. They did not vote for the overreach of Gov. Walker. In fact, a recent Gallup poll shows that 61% of the public -- and 63% of independent voters -- oppose the elimination of collective bargaining for public unions. Nor did they vote for a fight over shutting the government down. They just want results.

One of the most level-headed public officials in all of this budget frenzy is Indiana Republican Gov. Mitch Daniels. He's a grownup, having served both outside and inside Washington. Yes he also dealt with the public employee union issue, by signing an executive order ending collective bargaining for Indiana state workers, which cost him politically early on in his tenure.

Yet when state Republicans called for a vote on a proposal to weaken unions in the private sector -- and Democratic members started heading for the hills -- Daniels decided to lower the temperature and shelve the bill. "I thought there was a better time and place to have these very important and legitimate issues raised," he said.

Daniels is right. And at a recent speech in Washington before a conservative group, he was right again: "Purity in martyrdom," he warned his GOP audience, "is for suicide bombers."

His proposition is about to be tested.

He's right, ""Purity in martyrdom is for suicide bombers." We'll see how it goes.

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Thursday, February 24, 2011 12:55 PM


The following is from a local Milwaukee newspaper called thr Shepherd Express.

How is losing over $46 million helping the Wisconsin budget? The following is taken from the article.

"And federal transit aid requires that transit systems that allow workers to collectively bargain for wages and working conditions with local governments must continue to do so or lose their federal money. According to the state LFB, in 2010 Wisconsin received $60.9 million in federal aid. But an estimated $46.6 million would be in jeopardy if Walker kills public employees’ right to bargain for working conditions, pension, seniority, vacation, sick and personal leave and other issues."


Thursday, February 24, 2011 1:32 PM


Well, you wanna see what bubbles under the polite facade of these dystopian pricks, look no further than here.

Once you really begin to understand what goes on in the minds of these people - it becomes impossible to not hate them.


I do not serve the Blind God.


Friday, February 25, 2011 7:12 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Good. I'm glad the facts are getting out here and there.

Your question is easy to answer, Traveler: Losing federal money carries NO weight when it comes to the opportunity to kill the unions. They see far more profit down the line by doing so than some short-term gain of federal money.

It's not ABOUT the budget, that's the point. If it were, he wouldn't have given out $140 million in tax cuts to business just before saying there was a $137 deficit which "forced" him to do what he's doing. It's not about the budget; it's not about the people; it's about the AGENDA. I firmly believe the Republicans (or at least Republican governors) planned this together, as a trial balloon, to see if the "people" were scared and angry enough about the economic situation to let them get away with killing the unions in Wisconsin. If it worked, the dominoes would have fallen--which he said HIMSELF in that trick call. Notice others WERE lining up to follow suit, and are now falling back. The balloon isn't flying; they'll try another time...unless he can somehow pull it off.

As Frem said, you have to follow the money--the LONG-TERM money/power/ideological gain, actually.

Well, hell, the article you posted says it so much better than I can...who knows, maybe someone will actually read it if I condense it for the pertinent facts. I know our righties won't (notice they haven't even responded to this post):

His attempt to kill off public employee unions—along with his refusal of $810 million in federal high-speed rail funding—has made Walker the darling of conservatives across the nation and FOX News. Walker’s raised media profile is making him a strong contender for vice president in 2012—or president, if you believe the hype. Because if Walker busts unions in Wisconsin, Republicans and their corporate backers believe they can bust unions anywhere. Their plans begin with public employees in Wisconsin, but they won’t stop until all workers—whether they’re in the public or private sector—lose their rights to have a voice in their workplace.

Fact: Republicans claim the bill is all about money and necessary to balance the state budget, so therefore it could be put on a fast track and circumvent the normal legislative process. Walker has called his union-busting proposal “modest” and claimed “it’s about the money.” State Sen. Alberta Darling (R-River Hills) called it “fair” and a “small sacrifice” for represented workers.

But Walker’s budget repair bill is about far more than health care and pension contributions. The Senate Democrats and unions agreed to those concessions last week, but the Republicans rebuffed the offer, saying that the bill is not negotiable. Therefore, the bill the Democrats would have to vote for would disallow public employee unions from negotiating on health care coverage, staffing levels, seniority, workplace safety, sick days, vacation and more. Walker has even rejected a Republican proposal to suspend bargaining rights for two years.

But that’s not what this whole battle is about. The battle is about “power". Walker wants to bust unions, which will increase the power of lobbyists funded by billionaires like the ultra-libertarian Koch brothers, who own the largest privately held oil firm in the country and fund the Astroturf tea party group Americans for Prosperity (AFP).

The Times confirmed the union-busting-Walker-AFP connection, and reported that AFP’s head, Tim Phillips, plans to repeat the strategy in other states. “The effort to impose limits on public labor unions has been a particular focus in Ohio, Indiana, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, all states with Republican governors".

Wisconsin’s looming budget deficit is overstated. It’s estimated to be about $3.6 billion for 2011-2013. But that’s based on $3.9 billion in state agency budget requests (a 6.2% spending increase). As former co-chair of the powerful Joint Finance Committee state Rep. Mark Pocan (D-Madison) has pointed out, these requests are never approved in full. In fact, Pocan noted, the state LFB reported that agencies had requested a 9.7% increase in spending in the previous budget, but instead Democrats—then in charge—actually reduced state spending by 2.6%. Pocan called Walker’s economic emergency a “lie” and warned: Remember the Trojan War.

“The only way you can slip a bunch of bad public policy into law in Wisconsin is to disguise it as something else,” Pocan wrote on his blog. “Create a crisis, claim you are on the sole path to resolving that crisis, needing to enact whatever measures are necessary and be a hero to the people. Right…”

In addition, by carving out exemptions for unions that endorsed him in his campaign—law enforcement and firefighters—Walker is hamstringing local officials who need to craft a balanced budget while having to cope with reduced state aid.

Take Milwaukee, for example. Mayor Tom Barrett sent a letter to Sen. Darling and state Rep. Robin Vos (R-Racine), the co-chairs of the Joint Finance Committee, explaining his predicament. Fire and police employees account for 65% of the city’s operating budget salaries. They’d be spared from Walker’s shared revenue cuts. Therefore, the rest of Milwaukee’s employees would bear the burden of Walker’s cuts to municipalities.

As Barrett said on Monday in his State of the City speech, “A cut to shared revenue is a cut to public safety. I know [Walker is] trying to wash his hands of the public safety impacts of his decision by excluding Milwaukee police and fire from his proposals, but that just pushes the decision to the city level. There will be an impact.”

Walker’s refusal to negotiate with unions and recognize their right to bargain is nothing new. His 2010 and 2011 Milwaukee County budgets contained tens of millions of wage and benefits concessions that had never been presented to unions at the bargaining table. In fact, Walker’s handpicked labor negotiator had come up with a tentative agreement with most of the county’s unions in 2010, but Walker ignored his own negotiator’s deal with labor and instead created $32 million of concessions in his budget. Walker’s budget was so bad that the Wisconsin Employment Relations Commission found that Walker’s team had bargained in “bad faith.”

Walker broached the issue of a possible National Guard deployment while introducing his budget repair bill at a press conference on Feb. 11. “In state government, we have had, before I’ve taken office, plans for contingencies no matter what the circumstances,” Walker told reporters. “We have updated those. I got a full briefing from all the major, level-one state agencies as well as the National Guard yesterday. We are fully prepared and equipped to handle whatever may occur. So we have every confidence we can move on that. But again, you plan for the worst, you expect the best. And I expect from the good men and women who work for state and local government that they’re going to continue to do the good, professional job they do each and every day.”

Newspapers around the state picked up his comments in their headlines. “Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker says National Guard ready for any unrest over anti-union bill,” the Green Bay Press Gazette claimed. The Associated Press headlined its syndicated story with “Walker says National Guard is prepared.”

As to those "cowardly" Democrats, it says:

It’s been done before, under extreme circumstances. In 2002, the former majority leader of the U.S. House of Representatives, Tom Delay, engaged in illegal activities to elect Republican majorities in both houses of the Texas Legislature so they could redraw the lines for that state’s congressional delegation. This would be the first time in Texas history that the state Legislature would redraw the congressional lines mid-decade without being ordered to do so by the courts. (State legislatures draw the congressional boundary lines for their state’s congressional delegation.)

To try to prevent Tom Delay’s gerrymandered, pro-Republican congressional district map from being passed, in 2003 the minority Democrats went across the state line to New Mexico and Oklahoma to deprive the Legislature of a quorum necessary to conduct business. The Democrats eventually returned to Texas, the new gerrymandered congressional lines were passed and the Texas Republicans picked up six more seats in the Texas congressional delegation. Later, Delay was indicted for his illegal election activity that produced the Republican majorities, was convicted by a jury and sentenced to three years in prison for money laundering in connection with his campaign activities. The Texas Democrats used this last-ditch effort of leaving the state to hold off Delay’s corrupt abuse of power.

Let's see, that was TEXAS--and Delay got away with it in the end, note (I see no indication that the redistricting was amended). So it's not new and it's only been used in extreme circumstances such as this one and the illegal acts in Texas.

The facts are right there, easy to discern, but mean nothing to those whose ideologies outweigh their desire to actually understand.

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Friday, February 25, 2011 7:31 AM


I keep hearing these highly opinionated pieces on how he's trying to 'kill off the unions' and that may very well be true, but it's frustrating not being able to see the actual law and decide for ourselves. From one side I here Scott Walker wants to end union collective bargaining rights, from another I hear, state union rights in this law will become the same as private union rights. Then I hear he wants to kill the union and enslave the workers while also hearing, union mandatory membership for government jobs is what this law is actually ending, so this in effect promotes more freedom and jobs. Who's lying?

I don't suppose anyone has seen the actual law? I've tried googling but haven't found it. I'd prefer to view it for myself rather than relying on high opinion semi-maybe-truths (from both sides).


Friday, February 25, 2011 7:39 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

That makes good sense; I'll look for it too. The problem I have with believing it does what they say it does is that it follows a pattern, the way it was done (handing out tax cuts of almost exactly the same amount he is using to justify this bill), the fact that other governors jumped right on board--almost too fast for coincidence--and the knowledge of how much the right has been trying for literally decades to get rid of unions, social security, medicare, etc.

Frem, I am not a big fan of Mother Jones, and I think this is somewhat misrepresented ONE GUY, a crackpot obviously if you look at his blogs and tweets, feels that way; it doesn't condemn them all. He was also fired subsequent to this coming out--which yes, is saving face mostly, admittedly, but I maintain that he doesn't reflect that many others. For most of them it's a matter of furthering an agenda, not personal, I believe.

Beyond that, yes, definitely he reflects the mentality of Ghadafi, I would even say. "Shoot the protesters, they're thugs", etc., is pretty much a mirror mentality...

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Friday, February 25, 2011 8:01 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Well, I found a summary It's Scott Walker's summary, provided on his webpage at, so he chose the wording and how to present it, bear in mind. It's not the actual text (which I can't find, either), but here's his summary of the pertinent parts:

Collective bargaining

The bill would make various changes to limit collective bargaining for most public employees to wages. Total wage increases could not exceed a cap based on the consumer price index (CPI) unless approved by referendum.

Contracts would be limited to one year and wages would be frozen until the new contract is settled. Collective bargaining units are required to take annual votes to maintain certification as a union.

Employers would be prohibited from collecting union dues and members of collective bargaining units would not be required to pay dues. These changes take effect upon the expiration of existing contracts.

Local law enforcement and fire employees, and state troopers and inspectors would be exempt from these changes.

Career executive transfers

The bill would allow state employees in the career executive positions to be reassigned between agencies upon agreement of agency heads.

Limited term employees (LTE)

The bill would prohibit LTE's from being eligible for health insurance or participation in the Wisconsin Retirement System.

State employee absences and other work actions

If the Governor has declared a state of emergency, the bill authorizes appointing authorities to terminate any employees that are absent for three days without approval of the employer or any employees that participate in an organized action to stop or slow work.

Quality Health Care Authority

The bill repeals the authority of home health care workers under the Medicaid program to collectively bargain.

Child care labor relations

The bill repeals the authority of family child care workers to collectively bargain with the State.

University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics (UWHC) Board and Authority

The bill repeals collective bargaining for UWHC employees. State positions currently employed by the UWHC Board are eliminated and the incumbents are transferred to the UWHC Authority.

University of Wisconsin faculty and academic staff

The bill repeals the authority of UW faculty and academic staff to collectively bargain.

As you can see, it PROHIBITS collective bargaining for some groups completely. It does appear to do away with "mandatory" union membership

There are a few other things I find interesting, such as

Authorize DHS to restructure program notwithstanding current law

In order to reduce the growth in Medicaid costs, the bill authorizes the Department of Health Services to make program changes notwithstanding limits in state law related to specific program provisions. The department is expected to develop new approaches on program benefits, eligibility determination and provider cost-effectiveness.

"notwithstanding current law"? That seems strange to me, but I don't understand it.

There are other things I wonder about, but I don't understand the wording well enough to know what they mean. Do bear in mind this is a summary from WALKER's office, not an objective one. But it's the best a quick search could find.

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Friday, February 25, 2011 8:03 AM


Niki, alas this isn't uncommon around here, I dunno if it made enough waves for you to have heard of it, but this is coming on the heels of the mess with Andy Shirvell, too.

In a written statement, Cox said Shirvell was fired for "conduct unbecoming a state employee, especially that of an assistant attorney general."

"To be clear, I refuse to fire anyone for exercising their First Amendment rights, regardless of how popular or unpopular their positions might be," Cox said in the statement. "However, Mr. Shirvell repeatedly violated office policies, engaged in borderline stalking behavior, and inappropriately used state resources, our investigation showed.

Cox's investigation into Shirvell showed he:

* Showed up at Armstrong's home three separate times, including once at 1:30 a.m. "That incident is especially telling because it clearly was about harassing Mr. Armstrong, not engaging in free speech," the statement said.
* "Engaged in behavior that, while not perhaps sufficient to charge criminal stalking, was harassing, uninvited and showed a pattern that was in the everyday sense, stalking."
* Harassed Armstrong's friends as they were socializing in Ann Arbor.
* Called Speaker Nancy Pelosi's office, Armstrong's employer, in an attempt to "slander Armstrong and ultimately attempting to cause Pelosi to fire Armstrong.
* Attempted to "out" Armstrong's friends as homosexual — several of whom aren't gay.

The investigation found Shirvell engaged in his campaign on company time, Cox said. Shirvell called Pelosi's office while at work, during working hours, and sometimes posted online attacks about Armstrong while at work, the statement said.

In addition, Cox's statement said, Shirvell lied to investigating assistant attorneys general on several occasions during his disciplinary hearing.

"The cumulative effects of his use of state resources, harassing conduct that is not protected by the First Amendment, and his lies during the disciplinary conference all demonstrate adequate evidence of conduct unbecoming a state employee," the statement said. "Ultimately, Mr. Shirvell's conduct has brought his termination from state service."

Which is almost pathetically amusing to anyone who followed the mess cause at first Cox came out rather rabidly in his defense, and then turned on him and threw him to the wolves, cause Cox himself was hypocritically spending Govt time and resources campaigning for Devos, Erik Prince, and that whole nutbag end of the Rethug chain of stupid, to the exclusion of doing his job - especially since he interpreted "Consumer Protection" as protecting the abusive, exploitive Corpies FROM outraged and angry consumers...

So this isn't an isolated incident, in fact we've fired or recalled MULTIPLE officials in MI, IL and OH for this kind of shit, and all of em, EVERY SINGLE ONE, comes from guess *which* party ?

At what point do we stop pretending it's isolated incidents, then ?


I do not serve the Blind God.


Friday, February 25, 2011 8:57 AM



Originally posted by Niki2:

Your question is easy to answer, Traveler: Losing federal money carries NO weight when it comes to the opportunity to kill the unions.

Because that's federal public transit money. It pays salaries for UNIONIZED WORKERS, and for busses for POOR PEOPLE to ride on. Beating up unions, making workers poorer, and taking away services from the poorer in the society is a WIN-WIN-WIN...


Friday, February 25, 2011 9:04 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Yeah, Frem; while I don't think he reflects ALL, or hopefully not even MOST, I certainly understand he reflects a goodly number of that mentality. I had a friend for decades who lived in rural Illinois, was an environmentalist, and whose father was active in Chicago unions. She told me a lot about both the bad and the good. Actually, she was a lot like you in many ways, and had the scars to prove it. Her focus was the environment more than politics alone, but the things she did ended up with her blackballed from employment in her town, getting her and her young son run off the road, her horse killed and herself shot. She was a "trench fighter" just like you, and the stories she told curled my hair!

It speaks eloquently to the mentality, how much he got away with before they DID can him, so there's that, too.

Sick people...they're everywhere.

Newold: Yup, you nailed it. Or as Palin would say (and I haven't heard but I'm sure she approves of all this), "you betcha!"

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Friday, February 25, 2011 2:52 PM



Originally posted by Niki2:
It speaks eloquently to the mentality, how much he got away with before they DID can him, so there's that, too.

That's 90% of my problem with it, nasty nuttery I can handle, everyones gotta right to be a dick, look at Fred Phelps... but not on the publics time or dime, nor from a position of power that makes the position appear to have official support, oh hell no.

And the lady in question wouldn't happen to be Donna, would it - cause that tale does sound a bit familiar....



Friday, February 25, 2011 6:04 PM


This is the lamest of threads.


Saturday, February 26, 2011 9:59 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

No, her name was Pam...or Paula, or to me, Robin...people kept giving her nicknames. She had a house FILLED with cats, since there's no SPCA there and she lived in a baaad neighborhood. The lengths she went to for those cats--like a heated shed with nothing in it but cat shelves/bedding, because most of the strays came in Winter.

Busted puppy mills, was involved in saving an Eagle sanctuary from a "bridge to nowhere" pork-barrel project, wrote a local column on politics/environment/etc., and once sat on a keg of dynamite in her dad's union car...for some evil union purpose she was too young to know. Knew high-up politicians and ALL about Illinois politics ( !)

I assume you "know" about Illinois, and Chicago in particular. She grew up in Illinois, moved to Florida (husband) and back to Illinois (post-husband). She told me all about what happened in Florida when the election was stolen...some pretty effective, albeit abhorrent, tactics.

She died last year. We'd been in touch for over 20 years and she visited here once; I still miss her. She taught me a LOT about dirty politics, Chicago politics, unions and a lot more! Good woman.

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Saturday, February 26, 2011 4:07 PM


Oh, ok, yeah - knew her as Robin G - didn't have much contact, but as I recall she mostly confided in Jim March, especially what with the Florida thing, dunno if she was affiliated with Bev Harris, but her knowledge woulda been useful, yeah.

Of course, I don't much get along with other advocates/activists, sometimes for good reason since a lot of em think imma fekkin barbarian, and maybe so, but sometimes... you really DO need to put a boot up someones arse, yanno ?

Speakin of animals, Sabre retired yesterday, it was cool, but still kinda sad, I liked the old hoss and would sneak him goodies on the side (being a former cop, he was no stranger to bribery and corruption, hehehe.) when no one was looking.
Normally I got "issues" with that breed of dog, from having them sicced on me maliciously by the Prince Georges County, MD Police Dept, which is notorious for that kinda thing, as well as abusive to their K-9's, which IMHO shouldn't be stuck with police work anyways...
Not to mention, and they dance around this, often a cop retrains the dog to "hit" on a subtle signal, even if there ISN'T any contraband and everyone knows it.

Anyhows, imma miss Sabre, he was a great guy, had a way of diffusing potentially rough situations without being obviously threatening, and was very perceptive in ways most humans wouldn't realize.

Also, right after the most recent blizzard, I had one incident you might like - I take a really broad view of "see to the safety and comfort of the residents", and anyway all those little extra things break up the monotony of the work, so I can always be counted on to lend a hand, especially after a heavy snowfall, ain't no way imma let some of our eldery folk lug groceries to the door if the walks are not fully clear, stuff like that, right ?

Well, one of our older folks has a very sweet old fluffy dog who's getting a bit long in the tooth and isn't so mobile any more, and he's no spring chicken himself, so he found himself at wits end coming home from work and trying to figure out how to help her hobble to the door - and along comes me (who the dog ADORES, all the pets and wild animals are fond of me, obviously) and I scoop her up and carry her right to the doorstep, then wipe the doggie-kisses off my new glasses, lmao.

Ergo, you can *imagine* what my opinion of Puppy/Kitty mills is, and I have a rather low opinion of breeders and shows and all that mess anyhow given how terribly inbred, sickly, and miserable the average show cat is - mine are rescuees from the street, even Kallista.


I do not serve the Blind God.


Monday, February 28, 2011 11:30 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Omigawd, Frem, you DID know her! Yes, her last name started with G...what a kick in the head!! We were close for almost thirty years; she was a real original. I will always miss her. And as to show animals, yes, my opinion is the same. The only thing I give them is that they continue the breeds, which they wouldn't do if there weren't a profit in it.

There are probably more bad ones than good, but there are a LOT of responsible breeders/showers who are rabidly against over-breeding and whose dogs/cats are raised in far more comfort and with far more love than I would say the MAJORITY of pets are these days.

Unfortunately, we got our second dog from what I'm guessing was a small "mill", I discovered after the fact. Will never forgive myself for that one. Tashi came from Canada, from a couple who only breed to enhance their own team--they haul camera equipment, etc., into the wilds for documentaries on wildlife. They only breed their dogs naturally, which means the alphas only breed and only do so once a year, so getting a pup from them is tough, since they keep the ones that will add to their team or replace aging dogs.

Kochak was another matter. I didn't want a pup shipped to me again, so I looked locally. None of the reputable breeders I know had a litter, so in my search I ran across a breeder in Fresno. To make a long story short, she screwed me over, made excuses so I couldn't see the kennels (which should have tipped me off right away), lied, and when I investigated after the fact I found she had lied to quality breeders that she was going to show the pups she got from them ('cuz breeders won't sell their show-quality dogs to just anyone)--she never showed a dog, nor does she participate in ANY other husky-related activities. She had about three times as many females as males, and wasn't a member of SHCA or NCSHC or any other group.

Was sick at heart to learn all this (and more!), but there's no way we'd give Kochak up. The differences between the two, unquestionably, show the differences in how they were bred/raised, but such is life. We love her.

Robin did some great stuff while she was alive; in that rural area, I'm sad to think what will happen with her gone. Her son will carry on some of it, but he's not someone I'd put my faith in! It's really weird you knew her...goes again to what a small world it is, eh?

Sorry for the threadjack, but as this seems to have lost everyone's interest, I wanted to reply and figured it'll just go back down the list on its own.

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Tuesday, March 1, 2011 9:16 AM


Well, most of the "trench fighters" of one kind or another do know each other, you think about it, cause you get down there in the ditches and cause THAT much carnage upon the powers that be, while it never becomes public knowledge (not if you're smart, look what HAPPENS to whistleblowers and folk who go public!) in part because TPTB would have to admit fallability/vulnerability - those of us who strike at the belly of the beast tend to have an awareness of each others operations and M.O.

In fact, just by watching the effects and reactions one can usually tell when they're crossing paths with another on the same "turf" and there's a lot of unspoken rules about that sort of thing, kind of a mutual agreement so we don't carve each other up or foul each others operations by mistake - failure to follow those generally results in some of the ugliest possible incidents, there's been more than one case of some really bitter and brutal activist versus activist brawls down at the bottom of the rabbit hole, when someone crossed a line with someone else, but enough of that depressing thought.

The first kitty I ever had was actually a cull from a breeder, she was a gloriously beautiful turkish angora, cream white with golden eyes, but was unsuitable in temperment for breeding or showing, so she was dumped off on a guy I knew who had recently opened a pet store - mind, this was the same dude who later had that freakin Komodo Dragon Lizard, and the airbrushed bunnies (nontoxic dye, harmless), which I think I might have a picture of around here...

Indeed I do, hereyago.

Anyhows, my ratty shoulda-been-condemned apartment at the time, which was more like a glorified broom closet, had a mouse problem, and I couldn't bring myself to use poison or traps, cause the mice were just tryin to survive, a lot like me - but a cat, hey now, that's natural selection in action, way I see it.
I mentioned this to the guy, and he hands me the cat, carrier, food, litter, and a coupon for her first set of shots, gratis, tells me to pay him later cause he knows my word is solid gold, and so I had a kitty.

A kitty that seemed to think I was one of her kits, apparently she'd had a litter before they spayed her, and missed the kittens, cause she would bring me the mice to play with after knocking them silly, to which I would praise her effusively, and then put them in a margarine tub, and drop them off in the park on my way to work.
Sadly, being a "show" line and thus inbred with a weak immune system, she contracted FELV from the vets office, and passed on so quickly there was nothing I could do.
This something I think they should take responsibility for, but don't - the vet is *THE* most dangerous place to take your cat, so once they have their first battery of shots done, my indoor cats never return unless there is an actual need, the risks of a "routine checkup" are so damn high it's not worth it.

Out of the current six, well, Ghoster is afraid of mice, and too oafy and clumsy to catch one, Squirmy is TOO eager and tends to cause epic disaster and not manage to catch one, Lexi and Kallista are generally too lordly to stoop to such behavior, although with the proper bribe Kallista will, and Molly doesn't seem to have any clue she's even supposed to chase them at all...

Which leaves one.

The average mouse lasts a maximum of FOUR minutes up against Puppy, she's like a kitty-assassin, and she doesn't bother "playing" with em, when she has the shot, CRACK-WHACK, dead - and then she brings the corpse to you and drops it at your feet, expecting (and getting) tuna for payment, I keep a can handy, yanno ?

Oh, and speaking of animals, it's open-season on Wild Boar around here, they can call em "feral pigs" all they like, them are fekkin WILD BOAR, goddamn widowmakers if you screw with them unprepared - had one nosing around here a couple days ago after my work shift and freakin out my residents, so I hauled Forquet down there and gave him three rounds of cube shot to knock him down and two more to finish him off, and sat there with the rest of my drum mag ready in case he got back up while waiting for DNR to come collect the corpse, cause the *HELL* if I am damn fool enough to get anywhere near one of those monsters without a proper boar spear to keep it AWAY from me if it goes berserk, oh hell no...
And some smartass resident offered me dinner as a bonus, which I took her up on - pork chops (store bought), of course, lol.

And I hadda snowball bomb one of the possums, and call for a live trap to be set, this little bastard is unusually aggressive - yeah, I know they ain't supposed to leave bagged trash on their porch cause it attracts em, but you KNOW they'll do it cause no one wants to haul trash to the dumpster at 3am in the freezin wasteland, so they sit it out and take it over in the morning, and I am not allowed by policy to do so since they ain't supposed to leave it there in the first place... anyhow, this one will get into it, and when the resident tries to chase him off will hiss and growl aggressively, which really, REALLY freaked out one of our disabled residents, who is terrified of them to begin with, and was trying to shove him away with a broom - man that screech about curled my hair, she wants him GONE, and I don't blame her!
So I spotted his ass by the back fence night before last and pelted the bastard with snowballs, both to vent my ire and maybe put a little fear of humans back into him - hopefully the livetrap snags him and we can dump him somewhere more appropriate.

Anyhow, as for the wild boar -

The state wants the animals gone for good. Legislation passed last June declared feral pigs a nuisance in Michigan. Animal control officers, law enforcement, individuals with a concealed pistol permit and those with hunting licenses can shoot and kill the animals on public or private property. Property owners can shoot the animals on their own property without a hunting license.

So basically you're allowed and encouraged to blow them away on sight, provided you have a safe shot.
Back in 2008 one guy up in Augusta had to rescue a little girl being chased by two of them, which then chased HIM, and they holed up in the house and called in the State Police, who sent a trooper out with his hunting rifle to take care of the matter - they can be REALLY dangerous, so it's best not to take any chances.
I told Wendy to flee to safety and call me if she sees one, and tried to impress upon her how dangerous they can be, but imma worry anyway, especially since she thinks they're kind of cute...


I do not serve the Blind God.


Tuesday, March 1, 2011 5:19 PM


Oh HO, and so it comes out...

Anonymous Uncovers Corruption in Wisconsin Labor Dispute


Enter Anonymous. The hacker group discovered a little-noticed clause in the bill proposed by Walker which would allow the state to sell its utilities to anyone it chose, at any price, without the public even being notified. This clause would allow companies like Koch Industries to purchase publicly owned utility plants, and Anonymous believes this is the reason that Koch-funded "grassroots" organizations like Americans For Prosperity, Club for Growth and Citizens United are supporting Walker's plan to rid the unions of their collective power.

"It has come to our attention that the brothers, David and Charles Koch - the billionaire owners of Koch Industries - have long attempted to usurp American Democracy. Their actions to undermine the legitimate political process in Wisconsin are the final straw. Starting today we fight back," a statement purportedly from Anonymous read.

Oh hell no - THAT needs to be spread far and wide.

Also, I have far, far more respect for Anonymous than I do Wikileaks - they're not stupid enough to play by the "rules" of a rigged game only the victim is bound to, and being of a nonlinear cell structure bound by whim and mutual consent alone, are impossible to effectively infiltrate, sabotage, or prosecute save individually.

Not to mention I am still laughing up my sleeve at what they did to HBGary - especially since they made the mistake of threatening one of my favorite editorial bashers (Glenn Greenwald).

To which Mr Greenwald lobbed a blistering response...

And when HBGary, in the person of Barr, went after Anonymous, instead of a meek surrender and playing along like good little children like Julian (pansy!), they proceeded to "Own him like a bitch", quite successfully.

The chatlog of the Company Prez begging for mercy is just epic...

Anyhows, THAT provision of this booby prize bill needs to be shouted from the rooftops, immediately - can't shout it in the capitol building cause those asshats ran everyone out under the bullshit excuse it needed cleaning (yeah, right), which a circuit court judge called bullshit on, but of course so far they've ignored that too, as usual - I told the activists to bring mops and brooms, and ACTUALLY clean the place, since Walker and his ilk have sleazed it up...


I do not serve the Blind God.


Tuesday, March 1, 2011 6:55 PM



Originally posted by QuestionableQuestionality:
This is the lamest of threads.

You really haven't checked out the competition, have you?


Wednesday, March 2, 2011 4:55 AM


America loves a winner!


NOTE that Walker is not "representing the people", given the underlined numbers. So his saying he's doing what "the people want" is an out-and-out lie.

And this exemplifies your disconnect with reality.

Walker ran on a platform and is doing exactly what he was elected to do. The people wanted actual change, not simplistic, empty slogans. Walker is doing the pragmatic, necessary and sober business of fixing the state. Just as he said he'd do, during the election. The " people " wanted this, and now are getting exactly what they voted for.

Good for Walker, and shame on the cry babies and entitlement sycophants for bitching about it now.

Sad that the Right allowed this stuff to go on as long as it has, but it looks like the adults are finally taking control.

" I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend. "


Wednesday, March 2, 2011 8:08 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Oh, gawd, the Barr/Anonymous thing...don'tcha just LOVE it?? Do we have a thread about it yet? I haven't checked all the threads lately. If not, I'll start one...the story is HYSTERICAL and made me feel so damned good...

The rest I'll reply to in e-mail, Frem, as we've threadjacked this one in several different directions already

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Wednesday, March 2, 2011 9:19 AM



Originally posted by AURaptor:

Walker ran on a platform and is doing exactly what he was elected to do.

That is the talking point, but not factual. He talked about balancing the budget. His crusade against collective bargaining was not part of his promise. Nor was selling off the utilities to the Koch brothers.

The polls show a rather clear divide - the citizens of WI do not approve of his tactics.

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."


Wednesday, March 2, 2011 9:36 AM



Wednesday, March 2, 2011 10:52 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by Storymark:

Originally posted by AURaptor:

Walker ran on a platform and is doing exactly what he was elected to do.

That is the talking point, but not factual. He talked about balancing the budget. His crusade against collective bargaining was not part of his promise. Nor was selling off the utilities to the Koch brothers.

The polls show a rather clear divide - the citizens of WI do not approve of his tactics.

The polling at the ballot box says otherwise. Sober, adult thinking is required here to fix WI. Not empty slogans and filling the capitol with bussed in professional demonstrators and smelly college kids.

" I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend. "


Wednesday, March 2, 2011 11:38 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

The polling at the ballot box reflects what people BELIEVED they would get with Walker, not how they feel about what they're actually getting. They also reflect the fear rampant in America and the desperate seeking for someone--anyone--to "fix it". That's the truth. One has to ask what they think of his ACTIONS to find out whether they actually approve of same.

Also the truth:

As the standoff in Wisconsin rages on, two new nationwide polls indicate more people support the public sector union workers over the state's Republican governor in the battle over collective bargaining rights.

Forty-two percent of the public sides with the public employee unions and 31 percent backs Gov. Scott Walker, according to a Pew Research Center survey released Tuesday. Nearly one in ten say they don't support either side, with 18 percent unsure.

A new CBS News/New York Times survey indicates that six in ten oppose the elimination of collective bargaining rights for the public sector union workers, with 56 percent opposed to the cutting of pay or benefits to reduce state budget deficits.

A new CBS News/New York Times survey indicates that six in ten oppose the elimination of collective bargaining rights for the public sector union workers, with 56 percent opposed to the cutting of pay or benefits to reduce state budget deficits.

A USA Today/Gallup survey released last Wednesday also indicated that 61 percent of the public would oppose a move in their state to pass a bill that would take away some of the collective bargaining rights of union government workers.

From the same Gallup poll:

Walker has a 10% net disapproval -- 39% approve, 49% disapprove.

It goes without saying that this poll is sponsored by an interested party, though as I said it's done by a highly credible polling organization and is not loaded with leading questions -- specifically, neutral support/opposition questions come first and are only later followed by so-called 'messaging' questions. I'd still like to see a few more independent polls of this situation. But it is worth noting that these results are broadly in line the results released a few days ago by the GOP-aligned group WeAskAmerica.

More sections from the poll write up ...

Voters in Wisconsin strongly agree with the working families at the state capitol and oppose Governor Scott Walker's anti-worker agenda. Moreover, since the protests began, Governor Walker has seen real erosion in his standing, with a majority expressing disapproval of his job performance and disagreement with his agenda. Strong majorities disagree with eliminating collective bargaining for public employees and believe that if workers agree to concessions on pensions and healthcare benefits that the Governor should drop his plan to eliminate collective bargaining. Walker's Standing is Poor, while Most Agree with the Unions and Public Employees

Overall, a majority (51 percent) of Wisconsin voters disapprove of Walker's job performance and give him net negative favorability ratings (39 percent favorable, 49 percent unfavorable). In contrast, 62 percent of voters offer a favorable view of public employees (only 11 percent unfavorable) and 53 percent of voters rate labor unions favorably (31 percent unfavorable). When asked if they agree or disagree with the position different groups and individuals are taking in the current situation, voters side with the public employees (67 percent agree), the protesters (62 percent agree), the unions (59 percent agree), and the Democrats in the state legislature (56 percent agree). In contrast, 53 percent disagree with Walker and 46 percent disagree with the Republicans in the legislature.

Just over half of Wisconsin's voters oppose the agenda offered by Walker and the Republicans in the state legislature. Only 43 percent favor it. It is striking that there is a real intensity gap with 39 percent strongly opposing their proposals and only 28 percent strongly favoring it. When voters are presented with Walker's specific agenda, including cutting benefits, freezing wages and eliminating collective bargaining, 52 percent oppose. The intensity gap actually increases to 41 percent strongly oppose and 24 percent strongly favor. Finally, voters are convinced that if public employees accept concessions and pay more for retirement and healthcare that Governor Walker should drop his attempt to eliminate collective bargaining. Three quarters say that public employees should not have their collective bargaining rights eliminated including nearly half of Republicans.

Fifty-three percent of those surveyed said they opposed reducing pay or benefits for government employees, while 44 percent said they would support such a move.

Some of the text from the mentioned "GOP-aligned group WeAskAmerica":

Many now consider Wisconsin a swing state, so the political implications here cannot be ignored. And when President Obama jumped into the fray yesterday, his involvement was not by accident. Earlier polling showed a large margin of support for Gov. Walker’s initiative, but the national reaction since then has been truly remarkable. And when the President addresses the subject, it is bound to have an effect.

For those reasons, we polled nearly 2,400 Wisconsin residents last night about the issue and their views of the Senate Democrats’ disappearing act. Besides some demographic questions we asked two main questions. The first one was:

As you may know, Gov. Scott Walker has proposed a plan to limit the pay of government workers and teachers, increase their share of the cost of benefits, and strip some public-employ unions of much of their power. We’d like to know if APPROVE or DISAPPROVE of Gov. Walker’s plan; 51.9% disapproved; 43.05% approved.
It would appear that–for now, at least–the public tide has turned against Gov. Walker’s proposals.

That poll is broken down by category, if you want more specific information.

So in at least ONE case, a GOP-aligned group found people disapproved of Walker's actions more than they approved. What Walker ran on, and what he's doing, are two very different things. If one asks what people think of what he's actually DOING, that is the more accurate answer, and they disapprove of what he's DOING, apparently. In other words: I reject your point as fallacious.

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Wednesday, March 2, 2011 1:15 PM


America loves a winner!

Niki - your version of the truth is in direct contrast with reality.

" I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend. "


Wednesday, March 2, 2011 1:24 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:

Originally posted by Storymark:

Originally posted by AURaptor:

Walker ran on a platform and is doing exactly what he was elected to do.

That is the talking point, but not factual. He talked about balancing the budget. His crusade against collective bargaining was not part of his promise. Nor was selling off the utilities to the Koch brothers.

The polls show a rather clear divide - the citizens of WI do not approve of his tactics.

The polling at the ballot box says otherwise. Sober, adult thinking is required here to fix WI. Not empty slogans and filling the capitol with bussed in professional demonstrators and smelly college kids.

I'll just note for my own entertainment that you couldn't dispute what I said, so had to jump to a different track. Thanks.

The ballot box was before.... I'm talking about NOW. You realize those are different things right.....? No matter how much it may irk you, or how readily you ignore it - a majority of WI citizens are not happy with the way he's conducted his business. You'll just have to deal with that.

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."


Wednesday, March 2, 2011 1:25 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
Niki - your version of the truth is in direct contrast with reality.

" I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend. "

Her "version of the truth" has citations and facts backing it up.

Your version has... you saying "Nuh-uh".

Golly, which shows a clear disconnect with reality....hmmmmmm?

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."


Wednesday, March 2, 2011 1:55 PM


I find I agree with Niki and Rap a roughly equal amount of the time, if they were to stray from partisan wedge issues, they might find that they agreed with each other more than either would care to admit. Sure, I'd say they're polar opposites on the political left-right continuum, but that view of the human psyche is a very narrow and by definition, a one dimensional one.


Wednesday, March 2, 2011 2:12 PM


America loves a winner!

Niki posts volumes of irrelevant material which isn't worth my time to respond.

" I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend. "


Wednesday, March 2, 2011 2:46 PM


Yet in this case, she has posted hard info that eradicates your claim, and you have nothing in response....

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."






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