OBL is dead....thank you god

UPDATED: Monday, May 9, 2011 12:18
VIEWED: 18691
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Wednesday, May 4, 2011 12:23 PM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Mike: You probably know by now that he wasn't behind his wife, in fact he wasn't using anyone as a shield; they're saying that was "confusion of battle", but I think it had more to do with trying to make him look like a coward.

I'd like to think you're right about the celebration, and I'm sure for a good number of those people you are. But no, I've heard some of them being QUITE gleeful that he was killed, some expressing rather unpleasant and gory wishes of how it should have happened better. It's out there. I like to think not as much as what we're seeing and that you're right about the majority of them, but there are those no better than radical Muslims cheering 9/11, in their way.

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Wednesday, May 4, 2011 1:35 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Obama Bin Laden during Pakistan's raid in the White House Situation Closet

Facts as admitted by the White House so far:

Navy SEALS made no raid on the "compound"

Paki raided the house for routine arrests

There was no "firefight"

Navy SEALS picked up the arrested man who "looked a little like Bin Laden because he had a beard"

Navy SEALS then tortured and executed that unarmed POW and dumped his body in the ocean, no lawyer and no trial allowed

CIA director General BetrayUS was staying 100 yards from that house 1 year ago, at the Paki military compound next door in that city

Obama said on 60 Minutes yesterday that NO photos nor videos will EVER be released on this fake Bin Laden patsy

Osama Bin Laden is an Israeli jew whose mother is a jew living in Israel, where only jews are allowed citizenship or land ownership. Osama Bin Laden made most of his $100-million fortune working for Israeli jewish diamond dealers. Al Qaeda is run entirely by jews in USA, like Adam Gadahn Perlman and Zbigniew Brezenski the founder of AllCIA with Osama Bin Laden (CIA code name Tim Osman). Barack Hussein Obama Soetoro has been a member of Al Qaeda since 1980, when he traveled to Pakistan to meet with Brezenski and Bin Laden.



Purported “Bin Laden Raid Kill Photos Released”

Earlier today, Osama announced he will not release photographs taken by the U.S. military after it purportedly executed Osama bin Laden, members of his family, and others at a house located in the military garrison town of Abbottabad, just north of Pakistan’s capital.

In an ongoing effort to bait the hook and heighten the drama around the release of photos the government will eventually offer as definitive proof Osama bin Laden was killed by Nay Seals, the corporate media has released a gruesome photo of a dead man in Pakistan. A second photo shows the trash-strewn grounds of the compound where the government alleges Bin Laden was hiding out.

The man is not Osama bin Laden. It is one of several said to have been sold to Reuters by an anonymous Pakistani security official. The close-cropped pictures do not show any weapons on the dead men, according to Reuters.

Top US government insider Dr. Steve R. Pieczenik, a man who held numerous different influential positions under three different Presidents and still works with the Defense Department, shockingly told The Alex Jones Show yesterday that Osama Bin Laden died in 2001 and that he was prepared to testify in front of a grand jury how a top general told him directly that 9/11 was a false flag inside job.

Pieczenik cannot be dismissed as a “conspiracy theorist”. He served as the Deputy Assistant Secretary of State under three different administrations, Nixon, Ford and Carter, while also working under Reagan and Bush senior, and still works as a consultant for the Department of Defense. A former US Navy Captain, Pieczenik achieved two prestigious Harry C. Solomon Awards at the Harvard Medical School as he simultaneously completed a PhD at MIT.

Recruited by Lawrence Eagleburger as Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Management, Pieczenik went on to develop, “the basic tenets for psychological warfare, counter terrorism, strategy and tactics for transcultural negotiations for the US State Department, military and intelligence communities and other agencies of the US Government,” while also developing foundational strategies for hostage rescue that were later employed around the world.

Pieczenik also served as a senior policy planner under Secretaries Henry Kissinger, Cyrus Vance, George Schultz and James Baker and worked on George W. Bush’s election campaign against Al Gore. His record underscores the fact that he is one of the most deeply connected men in intelligence circles over the past three decades plus.

The character of Jack Ryan, who appears in many Tom Clancy novels and was also played by Harrison Ford in the popular 1992 movie Patriot Games, is also based on Steve Pieczenik.

Back in April 2002, over nine years ago, Pieczenik told the Alex Jones Show that Bin Laden had already been “dead for months,” and that the government was waiting for the most politically expedient time to roll out his corpse. Pieczenik would be in a position to know, having personally met Bin Laden and worked with him during the proxy war against the Soviets in Afghanistan back in the early 80′s.

Pieczenik said that Osama Bin Laden died in 2001, “Not because special forces had killed him, but because as a physician I had known that the CIA physicians had treated him and it was on the intelligence roster that he had marfan syndrome,” adding that the US government knew Bin Laden was dead before they invaded Afghanistan.

Marfan syndrome is a degenerative genetic disease for which there is no permanent cure. The illness severely shortens the life span of the sufferer.
“He died of marfan syndrome, Bush junior knew about it, the intelligence community knew about it,” said Pieczenik, noting how CIA physicians had visited Bin Laden in July 2001 at the American Hospital in Dubai.

“He was already very sick from marfan syndrome and he was already dying, so nobody had to kill him,” added Pieczenik, stating that Bin Laden died shortly after 9/11 in his Tora Bora cave complex.
“Did the intelligence community or the CIA doctor up this situation, the answer is yes, categorically yes,” said Pieczenik, referring to Sunday’s claim that Bin Laden was killed at his compound in Pakistan, adding, “This whole scenario where you see a bunch of people sitting there looking at a screen and they look as if they’re intense, that’s nonsense,” referring to the images released by the White House which claim to show Biden, Obama and Hillary Clinton watching the operation to kill Bin Laden live on a television screen.

“It’s a total make-up, make believe, we’re in an American theater of the absurd….why are we doing this again….nine years ago this man was already dead….why does the government repeatedly have to lie to the American people,” asked Pieczenik.

“Osama Bin Laden was totally dead, so there’s no way they could have attacked or confronted or killed Osama Bin laden,” said Pieczenik, joking that the only way it could have happened was if special forces had attacked a mortuary.

Pieczenik said that the decision to launch the hoax now was made because Obama had reached a low with plummeting approval ratings and the fact that the birther issue was blowing up in his face.
“He had to prove that he was more than American….he had to be aggressive,” said Pieczenik, adding that the farce was also a way of isolating Pakistan as a retaliation for intense opposition to the Predator drone program, which has killed hundreds of Pakistanis.

“This is orchestrated, I mean when you have people sitting around and watching a sitcom, basically the operations center of the White House, and you have a president coming out almost zombie-like telling you they just killed Osama Bin Laden who was already dead nine years ago,” said Pieczenik, calling the episode, “the greatest falsehood I’ve ever heard, I mean it was absurd.”

Dismissing the government’s account of the assassination of Bin Laden as a “sick joke” on the American people, Pieczenik said, “They are so desperate to make Obama viable, to negate the fact that he may not have been born here, any questions about his background, any irregularities about his background, to make him look assertive….to re-elect this president so the American public can be duped once again.”

Pieczenik’s assertion that Bin Laden died almost ten years ago is echoed by numerous intelligence professionals as well as heads of state across the world.

Bin Laden, “Was used in the same way that 9/11 was used to mobilize the emotions and feelings of the American people in order to go to a war that had to be justified through a narrative that Bush junior created and Cheney created about the world of terrorism,” stated Pieczenik.

During his interview with the Alex Jones Show yesterday, Pieczenik also asserted he was directly told by a prominent general that 9/11 was a stand down and a false flag operation, and that he is prepared to go to a grand jury to reveal the general’s name.

“They ran the attacks,” said Pieczenik, naming Dick Cheney, Paul Wolfowitz, Stephen Hadley, Elliott Abrams, and Condoleezza Rice amongst others as having been directly involved.

“It was called a stand down, a false flag operation in order to mobilize the American public under false pretenses….it was told to me even by the general on the staff of Wolfowitz – I will go in front of a federal committee and swear on perjury who the name was of the individual so that we can break it open,” said Pieczenik, adding that he was “furious” and “knew it had happened”.
“I taught stand down and false flag operations at the national war college, I’ve taught it with all my operatives so I knew exactly what was done to the American public,” he added.

Pieczenik re-iterated that he was perfectly willing to reveal the name of the general who told him 9/11 was an inside job in a federal court, “so that we can unravel this thing legally, not with the stupid 9/11 Commission that was absurd.”
Pieczenik explained that he was not a liberal, a conservative or a tea party member, merely an American who is deeply concerned about the direction in which his country is heading.
Watch the full interviews with Dr. Pieczenik below.


Pieczenik interview today:

Ger ready for Israeli nukes to hit USA ASAP in a false flag attack to "justify" invasion of nuclear Pakistan, to officially kick off World War 3 against Communist China.


Wednesday, May 4, 2011 1:52 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by Niki2:

Mike: You probably know by now that he wasn't behind his wife, in fact he wasn't using anyone as a shield; they're saying that was "confusion of battle", but I think it had more to do with trying to make him look like a coward.

Yup. Guy's dead, but our "news" still can't help but keep trying to dehumanize him just a little more. I'm sure there'll be reports that he was on his period when he was shot, too. Or that he was circumcised and was secretly a Jew, and his real name wasn't even Osama Bin Laden, and he was wearing women's panties and bra when he was shot.

Dude was an asshole, and now he's gone for good. It doesn't bring anyone back, not 3,000 dead on 9/11, nor 4000+ dead soldiers in the aftermath, but isn't him just being dead and gone enough?


I'd like to think you're right about the celebration, and I'm sure for a good number of those people you are. But no, I've heard some of them being QUITE gleeful that he was killed, some expressing rather unpleasant and gory wishes of how it should have happened better. It's out there. I like to think not as much as what we're seeing and that you're right about the majority of them, but there are those no better than radical Muslims cheering 9/11, in their way.

Yup, I've seen some of the posts.

I've also seen people posting things like "Obama deserves NONE of the credit for this. This was all because of BUSH!" At one point, I just had to reply, "Saying Obama doesn't deserve credit because he didn't personally pull the trigger is like saying Osama wasn't responsible because he didn't personally fly the airplanes."


Wednesday, May 4, 2011 6:54 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

BTW - given that no REAL photos of bin Laden have been released, any link or website which purports to have one is fake - and possibly malicious. Don't click on anything PN posts or links you find elsewhere. Just a caution.


Wednesday, May 4, 2011 7:33 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Obama Bin Laden watching his TV Black Screen of Death in the White House Situation Closet

CIA admits: no live footage of raid (White House never saw video confirmation of OBL)


"Are we shooting this in the studio where we faked the moon landing?"
-David Letterman, Top 10 Things Overheard During This Moment in the Situation Room, 3 May 2011

Facts as admitted by the White House so far:

Navy SEALS made no raid on the "compound"

Paki raided the house for routine arrests

There was no "firefight"

Navy SEALS picked up the arrested man who "looked a little like Bin Laden because he had a beard"

Navy SEALS then tortured and executed that unarmed POW and dumped his body in the ocean, no lawyer and no trial allowed

CIA director General BetrayUS was staying 100 yards from that house 1 year ago, at the Paki military compound next door in that city

Obama said on 60 Minutes yesterday that NO photos nor videos will EVER be released on this fake Bin Laden patsy

Osama Bin Laden is an Israeli jew whose mother is a jew living in Israel, where only jews are allowed citizenship or land ownership. Osama Bin Laden made most of his $100-million fortune working for Israeli jewish diamond dealers. Al Qaeda is run entirely by jews in USA, like Adam Gadahn Perlman (whose parents and grandparents run ADL), and Zbigniew Brezenski the founder of AllCIA with Osama Bin Laden (CIA code name Tim Osman). Barack Hussein Obama Soetoro has been a member of Al Qaeda since 1980, when he traveled to Pakistan to meet with Brezenski and Bin Laden.



Purported “Bin Laden Raid Kill Photos Released”

Earlier today, Osama announced he will not release photographs taken by the U.S. military after it purportedly executed Osama bin Laden, members of his family, and others at a house located in the military garrison town of Abbottabad, just north of Pakistan’s capital.

In an ongoing effort to bait the hook and heighten the drama around the release of photos the government will eventually offer as definitive proof Osama bin Laden was killed by Nay Seals, the corporate media has released a gruesome photo of a dead man in Pakistan. A second photo shows the trash-strewn grounds of the compound where the government alleges Bin Laden was hiding out.

The man is not Osama bin Laden. It is one of several said to have been sold to Reuters by an anonymous Pakistani security official. The close-cropped pictures do not show any weapons on the dead men, according to Reuters.

Top US government insider Dr. Steve R. Pieczenik, a man who held numerous different influential positions under three different Presidents and still works with the Defense Department, shockingly told The Alex Jones Show yesterday that Osama Bin Laden died in 2001 and that he was prepared to testify in front of a grand jury how a top general told him directly that 9/11 was a false flag inside job.

Pieczenik cannot be dismissed as a “conspiracy theorist”. He served as the Deputy Assistant Secretary of State under three different administrations, Nixon, Ford and Carter, while also working under Reagan and Bush senior, and still works as a consultant for the Department of Defense. A former US Navy Captain, Pieczenik achieved two prestigious Harry C. Solomon Awards at the Harvard Medical School as he simultaneously completed a PhD at MIT.

Recruited by Lawrence Eagleburger as Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Management, Pieczenik went on to develop, “the basic tenets for psychological warfare, counter terrorism, strategy and tactics for transcultural negotiations for the US State Department, military and intelligence communities and other agencies of the US Government,” while also developing foundational strategies for hostage rescue that were later employed around the world.

Pieczenik also served as a senior policy planner under Secretaries Henry Kissinger, Cyrus Vance, George Schultz and James Baker and worked on George W. Bush’s election campaign against Al Gore. His record underscores the fact that he is one of the most deeply connected men in intelligence circles over the past three decades plus.

The character of Jack Ryan, who appears in many Tom Clancy novels and was also played by Harrison Ford in the popular 1992 movie Patriot Games, is also based on Steve Pieczenik.

Back in April 2002, over nine years ago, Pieczenik told the Alex Jones Show that Bin Laden had already been “dead for months,” and that the government was waiting for the most politically expedient time to roll out his corpse. Pieczenik would be in a position to know, having personally met Bin Laden and worked with him during the proxy war against the Soviets in Afghanistan back in the early 80′s.

Pieczenik said that Osama Bin Laden died in 2001, “Not because special forces had killed him, but because as a physician I had known that the CIA physicians had treated him and it was on the intelligence roster that he had marfan syndrome,” adding that the US government knew Bin Laden was dead before they invaded Afghanistan.

Marfan syndrome is a degenerative genetic disease for which there is no permanent cure. The illness severely shortens the life span of the sufferer.
“He died of marfan syndrome, Bush junior knew about it, the intelligence community knew about it,” said Pieczenik, noting how CIA physicians had visited Bin Laden in July 2001 at the American Hospital in Dubai.

“He was already very sick from marfan syndrome and he was already dying, so nobody had to kill him,” added Pieczenik, stating that Bin Laden died shortly after 9/11 in his Tora Bora cave complex.
“Did the intelligence community or the CIA doctor up this situation, the answer is yes, categorically yes,” said Pieczenik, referring to Sunday’s claim that Bin Laden was killed at his compound in Pakistan, adding, “This whole scenario where you see a bunch of people sitting there looking at a screen and they look as if they’re intense, that’s nonsense,” referring to the images released by the White House which claim to show Biden, Obama and Hillary Clinton watching the operation to kill Bin Laden live on a television screen.

“It’s a total make-up, make believe, we’re in an American theater of the absurd….why are we doing this again….nine years ago this man was already dead….why does the government repeatedly have to lie to the American people,” asked Pieczenik.

“Osama Bin Laden was totally dead, so there’s no way they could have attacked or confronted or killed Osama Bin laden,” said Pieczenik, joking that the only way it could have happened was if special forces had attacked a mortuary.

Pieczenik said that the decision to launch the hoax now was made because Obama had reached a low with plummeting approval ratings and the fact that the birther issue was blowing up in his face.
“He had to prove that he was more than American….he had to be aggressive,” said Pieczenik, adding that the farce was also a way of isolating Pakistan as a retaliation for intense opposition to the Predator drone program, which has killed hundreds of Pakistanis.

“This is orchestrated, I mean when you have people sitting around and watching a sitcom, basically the operations center of the White House, and you have a president coming out almost zombie-like telling you they just killed Osama Bin Laden who was already dead nine years ago,” said Pieczenik, calling the episode, “the greatest falsehood I’ve ever heard, I mean it was absurd.”

Dismissing the government’s account of the assassination of Bin Laden as a “sick joke” on the American people, Pieczenik said, “They are so desperate to make Obama viable, to negate the fact that he may not have been born here, any questions about his background, any irregularities about his background, to make him look assertive….to re-elect this president so the American public can be duped once again.”

Pieczenik’s assertion that Bin Laden died almost ten years ago is echoed by numerous intelligence professionals as well as heads of state across the world.

Bin Laden, “Was used in the same way that 9/11 was used to mobilize the emotions and feelings of the American people in order to go to a war that had to be justified through a narrative that Bush junior created and Cheney created about the world of terrorism,” stated Pieczenik.

During his interview with the Alex Jones Show yesterday, Pieczenik also asserted he was directly told by a prominent general that 9/11 was a stand down and a false flag operation, and that he is prepared to go to a grand jury to reveal the general’s name.

“They ran the attacks,” said Pieczenik, naming Dick Cheney, Paul Wolfowitz, Stephen Hadley, Elliott Abrams, and Condoleezza Rice amongst others as having been directly involved.

“It was called a stand down, a false flag operation in order to mobilize the American public under false pretenses….it was told to me even by the general on the staff of Wolfowitz – I will go in front of a federal committee and swear on perjury who the name was of the individual so that we can break it open,” said Pieczenik, adding that he was “furious” and “knew it had happened”.
“I taught stand down and false flag operations at the national war college, I’ve taught it with all my operatives so I knew exactly what was done to the American public,” he added.

Pieczenik re-iterated that he was perfectly willing to reveal the name of the general who told him 9/11 was an inside job in a federal court, “so that we can unravel this thing legally, not with the stupid 9/11 Commission that was absurd.”
Pieczenik explained that he was not a liberal, a conservative or a tea party member, merely an American who is deeply concerned about the direction in which his country is heading.
Watch the full interviews with Dr. Pieczenik below.



Ger ready for Israeli nukes to hit USA ASAP in a false flag attack to "justify" invasion of nuclear Pakistan, to officially kick off World War 3 against Communist China.

FBI: "USAma Bin Laden deceased November 2001, had nothing to do with 9/11"


"The FBI has issued a BOLO on suspected terrorists driving a white delivery van from New York City to the Mexican border. The suspects are using Israeli passports. They are armed and dangerous."
-Knox County TN Emergency 911 Dispatch, Sept 11, 2001, 11am EST

Fed Govt excited that burying Obama Bin Laden evidence at sea can work to bury other evidence at sea, such as OK City controlled demolition bombing videotapes and videos of no Muslims boarding any hijacked airliners on 9/11:

Navy SEAL Governor Jesse Ventura don't buy the Obama Bin Laden Hoax


Wednesday, May 4, 2011 7:49 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

BTW - given that no REAL photos of bin Laden have been released, any link or website which purports to have one is fake - and possibly malicious. Don't click on anything PN posts or links you find elsewhere. Just a caution.


Thursday, May 5, 2011 1:09 PM


America loves a winner!

" I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend. "


Thursday, May 5, 2011 1:47 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by 1kiki:
BTW - given that no REAL photos of bin Laden have been released, any link or website which purports to have one is fake - and possibly malicious. Don't click on anything PN posts or links you find elsewhere. Just a caution.

It's funny, because PN keeps whinging about all the faked photos. In his posts filled with faked photos. Go figure...


Friday, May 6, 2011 8:50 AM



Originally posted by Kwicko:
Don't click on anything PN posts or links you find elsewhere. Just a caution.

Its PirateNews. His credibility is so bad you can tell him the truth and the fabric of reality will change to make it false the minute he passes it on.

He's the only person I know who would fail a true/false test even if provided the answer key.

I'm surprised we're even hearing from him since the Tennessee State Highway Patrol NaziJew Her Majesty's Royal Death Squads have been planning a raid on his compound for years. Although I hear he was actually killed in 2001 just before he was due to testify that his recent speeding ticket was a 'false flag'...


"Hero. I have come to respect you." "I am forced to agree with Hero here."- Chrisisall, 2009.
"I would rather not ignore your contributions." Niki2, 2010.


Friday, May 6, 2011 2:50 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by Hero:

Originally posted by Kwicko:
Don't click on anything PN posts or links you find elsewhere. Just a caution.

Its PirateNews. His credibility is so bad you can tell him the truth and the fabric of reality will change to make it false the minute he passes it on.

He's the only person I know who would fail a true/false test even if provided the answer key.

I'm surprised we're even hearing from him since the Tennessee State Highway Patrol NaziJew Her Majesty's Royal Death Squads have been planning a raid on his compound for years. Although I hear he was actually killed in 2001 just before he was due to testify that his recent speeding ticket was a 'false flag'...

Ummmm... Thanks? I guess, but I didn't post that. 1Kiki did.


Friday, May 6, 2011 4:32 PM



Originally posted by Kwicko:
I viewed the crowds that showed up at Ground Zero and the White House as more of a collective "Thank god THAT'S over!" kind of moment. Not so much a "Yay, we KILLED a motherfucker!" moment, but a sense of a great psychological weight being lifted after a long period of struggling with it and dealing with it.

Sorry Kwicko, that is EXACTLY how it came across. It may be how it was edited, but I saw crowds jumping up and down, shouting USA USA. from an outsiders POV, it made me feel uncomfortable and kind of sick. Took me back to the 9/11 responses from some parts of the Muslim world, which were edited as well, I might add.

I saw Obama at Ground Zero and thought he was trying to set a different tone, more sombre and reflective. He does the people to people stuff very well, I think. I'd say he has genuine compassion.


Friday, May 6, 2011 4:36 PM


America loves a winner!

New Yorkers have been through far more than most of us could imagine. And they're New Yorkers. So many of their friends and family never came home after that day....

I'm willing to give them that, at least.

I don't 'get' the cheering for blood, even for Osama, to that extent. I may have quietly given a fist pump, or two, but that's about it.

For the fallen, and those who avenge the fallen....

" I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend. "


Sunday, May 8, 2011 3:35 PM


America loves a winner!

" I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend. "


Monday, May 9, 2011 12:18 PM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...


Its PirateNews. His credibility is so bad you can tell him the truth and the fabric of reality will change to make it false the minute he passes it on.

He's the only person I know who would fail a true/false test even if provided the answer key.

I'm surprised we're even hearing from him since the Tennessee State Highway Patrol NaziJew Her Majesty's Royal Death Squads have been planning a raid on his compound for years. Although I hear he was actually killed in 2001 just before he was due to testify that his recent speeding ticket was a 'false flag'...

Hero: Priceless. You EASILY get the prize for the first guffaw of the day, many thanx.

given that no REAL photos of bin Laden have been released, any link or website which purports to have one is fake - and possibly malicious. Don't click on anything PN posts or links you find elsewhere. Just a caution.
Yes, Kiki; if what Mike said a while back is true, PN is here for no better reason than to GET people to click on his links, from which apparently he gets paid. Aside from that, I just scroll past his filth anyway, he’s not a real member of this forum, just here to post his bullshit. I’d hazard a bet he’s not even a Browncoat...may never even have SEEN Firefly for all we know, he just somehow found this site and added to his other spew-places.

Yes, Magons, I agree. I haven’t seen the videos of the celebrations, I avoid them, but I’ve heard enough about them to be sickened. There’s no way we can consider ourselves one whit better than our enemies if we behave the same way. While I recognize there’s a big difference between 3,000+ innocent people and one evil man, the concept is the me. I’ve also heard quite a few pundits making the same point, that it’s wrong to be celebrating. It was good to hear that. There will always be idiots “celebrating” the wrong things, but this makes us look really bad and I condemn it.

I’m glad to hear you say you wouldn’t cheer, Raptor, tho’ I’m not sure whether to believe it or not, given the way you communicate. But I hope it’s the truth. I understand some of the reasons people would celebrate, but I’d like to believe there are far more THINKING people who wouldn’t.

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off






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