The logic of raising taxes on the wealthy

UPDATED: Monday, August 22, 2011 05:48
VIEWED: 4540
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Monday, August 15, 2011 3:07 PM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

To start with, one of the wealthy says we should raise taxes on them: "Buffett to Congress: Don't 'coddle' me":

Billionaire investor Warren Buffett, saying he doesn't want to be "coddled" by Congress, says that wealthier Americans should pay higher taxes, and that higher taxes do not dampen job growth.

Buffett, chief executive of Berkshire Hathaway, wrote in an op-ed piece published Monday in The New York Times that taxes should be raised on Americans who make at least $1 million per year.

"While the poor and middle class fight for us in Afghanistan, and while most Americans struggle to make ends meet, we mega-rich continue to get our extraordinary tax breaks," wrote Buffett, who has mentioned in past interviews that the rich should pay higher taxes.
The philanthropist said that his 2010 federal tax bill, including income and payroll taxes, was $6,938,744.

"That sounds like a lot of money," wrote the Omaha, Neb.-based billionaire. "But what I paid was only 17.4% of my taxable income - and that's actually a lower percentage than was paid by any of the other 20 people in our office."

He added that some investment managers were taxed only 15% on billions of dollars in income. He compared that to the middle class, with its income tax bracket of up to 25%.

He said that 40 million jobs were created between 1980 and 2000, when the tax rate for the rich was higher than it is now. "You know what's happened since then: lower tax rates and far lower job creation," he wrote.

Buffett proposed that Congress impose a higher tax rate on millionaires, and an even higher tax rate on those making at least $10 million per year.

"My friends and I have been coddled long enough by a billionaire-friendly Congress," he wrote. "It's time for our government to get serious about shared sacrifice."
gawd, there's an adult in the room! Then there's the logic of it, and this--THIS is important!

In Sunday's New York Times, Warren Buffett discusses the need to raise taxes on the wealthy. He's absolutely right. Tax increases, in general -- as well as tax increases on the wealthiest households, in particular -- need to be a part of the solution.

Past major budget agreements, such as the 1983 Social Security reforms and the 1990 and 1993 budget deals, ultimately included both revenue increases and spending cuts. It's not hard to see why: Cutting deficits from both sides of the budget provides a sense of fairness, shared sacrifice and political equilibrium.

Also, raising taxes to pay for current spending has proved more effective at restraining spending than allowing the government to finance its outlays with deficits. Every time we have tried to cut spending by restraining taxes, we have failed. In the 1980s under President Ronald Reagan and in the past decade under President George W. Bush, taxes fell, but spending rose. The only time in the past 30 years when spending fell was in the 1990s, under President Bill Clinton, when taxes were also raised.

Even the massive tax increases during and after World War II -- amounting to a permanent rise of 10% to 15% of gross domestic product -- and the much smaller tax increases in 1990 and 1993 did no discernible damage to U.S. economic growth.

If we are going to raise taxes as part of the fiscal solution, the tax burden on high-income, high-wealth households needs to rise. The recently enacted debt deal contains only spending cuts and has little or no impact on high-income households. Rather, it puts the entire burden of closing the fiscal gap on low- and middle-income households. High-income households should not be exempted from helping resolve the nation's fiscal problem.

Households in the top 1% of the distribution can afford to contribute. They have done enormously well during the past 30-plus years. In 1979, their income accounted for 10% of total income. According to the most recent data (from 2008), their share of total household income more than doubled to 21%. In contrast, real income for middle-class workers has remained roughly constant over the same time frame.

There are, of course, better and worse ways to raise taxes. A general goal would be to broaden the tax base -- reduce the use of specialized credits, deductions, loopholes and so on -- and minimize the extent to which tax rates need to rise.

One good place to start? High-income households: Limit the rate at which itemized deductions can occur to 28%. This would affect only households in the highest income ranges, it would not raise their official marginal tax rate, and it would raise $293 billion over the next decade, relative to how much money would be raised according to current law, according to the Congressional Budget Office. This would be a small move in the right direction.

Of course, sticking to current law revenues -- that is, either not extending the Bush tax cuts after their scheduled expiration date of 2012 or paying for any extension with a reduction in various tax expenditures -- is even more important. Extending the Bush tax cuts would reduce revenues by about $2.5 trillion over the next decade, relative to current law. Counting net interest savings, it would cost $3 trillion. Letting the cuts expire could actually help economic growth since the lower deficits would more than offset the effect of slightly lower marginal tax rates, and it would be progressive. That would be a big move in the right direction.

Eventually, the nation will need to deal with the ballooning costs of Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security for an aging population. Even if substantial cuts are made to these programs, the combination of a greatly expanded elderly population and higher federal net interest payments than in the past (because of the higher public debt/GDP ratio) will create a need for additional revenues. There are good options there as well, including a value-added tax -- the equivalent of a national consumption tax and a feature of the tax system of every industrialized country except the U.S. -- and higher energy taxes, to promote a cleaner environment as well as raise revenues.

None of this means that the U.S. needs to move to European taxation levels. But between the depleted tax revenues we raise now -- the lowest share of the economy in six decades -- and the high taxes experienced in European countries, there is plenty of room to raise revenues in an economically sound manner to support a reasonable level of government.

Obviously I'm not writing this for the benefit of our self-deluded righties, but I thought others, the more rational among us, might find it interesting.


Monday, August 15, 2011 4:04 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Thanks Niki. I was going to post it, but you beat me to the punch.

Altho, I would change the title to specifically refer to Warren Buffet... knowing how much our right-whingers hold the super-rich in awe.


Monday, August 15, 2011 4:37 PM


America loves a winner!

He's just playing politics. Sad, really. He's not being 'coddled'. He knows damn well he can pay as much of his own $ to the federal govt he wants. Also, this fairy tale of the rich having to pay MORE of their fair share than they already are, is nothing but a ruse to get the politicians off the hook. It's their reckless spending, their addiction that makes the late Amy Winehouse look like cover girl for Healthy Living , that's the problem here.

It's not revenue, it's S P E N D I N G !


" I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend. "


Monday, August 15, 2011 4:40 PM




Originally posted by AURaptor:

It's not revenue, it's S P E N D I N G !


Simple answers often come from simple people!

The question I have is how is it spending 100% when the Bush tax cuts added to the deficit? Or the fact that revenue is down because of the economy?

I do not fear God, I fear the ignorance of man.


Monday, August 15, 2011 6:32 PM


God, what is ot with the Left and Warren Buffett?

Don't you get it?

The only reason Buffett wasnt his own taxes raised is that he wants spending to increase because he is a major recipient of spending.

The whole equation is not about punishing some people for having more than I do, I really don't care. Ihave no intention of ever being rich (I can't stand our economic system, I certainly have no sire to be a major player in it, ever.) it's the *recipients* of the spending which I oppose.

Frem says "lets cut off their supply of jackboots" and I would agree if I thought that was possible, but I think there will always be willing morons to pick up the billyclub.

My take is "cut off their supply of cash." (okay, he's undoubtedly said this too, but this one I think is doable.)

The thing is a giant killing machine with a side order of corruption. Why are you guys jonesing to give it more fuel?!?

What is it, you hate the rich? Who cares. I don't hate any group of people. I support Israel, I support Gaza. Why? They are both the human race. I also support squirrels. What I don't support is very powerful nefarious self appointed elites that have a track record of trampling people, the environment and civil liberties.

The rich are a demographic, they're the human race, lucky within our system. High wage earners, who we're really talking about when we say "tax the rich" are people who provide goods and services the poor and middle class purchase, and as Mikey says "of course all costs are passed on to the consumer, that's how capitalism works, that's where the money comes from."

Ergo, if you raise taxes on high wage earners, you do two things: 1) you raise the price of everything I buy, and 2) you hand fuel to the giant killing machine.

Warren loves this plan because he gets a big chunk of the money. Much bigger than the chunk he pays in taxes.

The smaller govt. Is, the less if can destroy.

That's what a ship is, you know - it's not just a keel and a hull and a deck and sails, that's what a ship needs.


Tuesday, August 16, 2011 1:03 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by m52nickerson:

Originally posted by AURaptor:

It's not revenue, it's S P E N D I N G !


Simple answers often come from simple people!

The question I have is how is it spending 100% when the Bush tax cuts added to the deficit? Or the fact that revenue is down because of the economy?

This is a simple problem, really. It's just that many want to continue to lie to themselves, and play games. It's like infighting between various religions, all claiming to be serving the one true god.

Simple answer is, there IS no god. So all your elaborate arguments for explaining the mind or reason for god's actions are futile, and moot.

" I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend. "


Tuesday, August 16, 2011 2:56 AM




Originally posted by dreamtrove:
God, what is ot with the Left and Warren Buffett?

Don't you get it?

The only reason Buffett wasnt his own taxes raised is that he wants spending to increase because he is a major recipient of spending.

If we are raising taxes to reduce the defict and not to increase spending your entire argument falls apart.

I do not fear God, I fear the ignorance of man.


Tuesday, August 16, 2011 2:57 AM




Originally posted by AURaptor:

Originally posted by m52nickerson:

Originally posted by AURaptor:

It's not revenue, it's S P E N D I N G !


Simple answers often come from simple people!

The question I have is how is it spending 100% when the Bush tax cuts added to the deficit? Or the fact that revenue is down because of the economy?

This is a simple problem, really. It's just that many want to continue to lie to themselves, and play games. It's like infighting between various religions, all claiming to be serving the one true god.

Simple answer is, there IS no god. So all your elaborate arguments for explaining the mind or reason for god's actions are futile, and moot.

Hey, good for you!

Now would you like to actually respond to my post?

I do not fear God, I fear the ignorance of man.


Tuesday, August 16, 2011 3:25 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


My take is "cut off their supply of cash."
How? Do you really think that money passes through corporate hands ONLY because of government? Do you really think that getting rid of government will get rid of corporate power? Really?




Tuesday, August 16, 2011 4:26 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

...and this turned out exactly as I expected. The righties, including our semi-rightie, DT, come racing in with political talking points, supposition and long-since-disproved ideology. No facts, no figures, no cites, nothing whatsoever to back up their claims, just "this is how it is and anyone who says otherwise is stupid". How boringly predictable.

IF anyone actually felt like debating the issue (which they obviously don't), they might try to make some valid points and back them up (which they obviously won't).

Questions were even asked, like

how is it spending 100% when the Bush tax cuts added to the deficit?
The answer?

This is a simple problem, really. It's just that many want to continue to lie to themselves, and play games. It's like infighting between various religions, all claiming to be serving the one true god.
Which has absolutely nothing to do with the question...or anything else.

DT goes on and on about how we hate the rich (a very old and tired talking point which is a downright lie, among other things), but his only POINT is tto dismiss what Buffet has to say as a con job. No debate points, no proof that anything Buffet says isn't true, just "you hate the rich".

Sig asks further questions:

Do you really think that money passes through corporate hands ONLY because of government?

Do you really think that getting rid of government will get rid of corporate power?

No response yet, but can anyone predict what it will be, if they even bother to come back to the discussion?

Oh, Sig, I didn't put Buffet's name in the title because I knew they'd just dismiss him anyway (he's one of the few wealthy people in this country who's willing to speak the truth--tho' there are a few others who've been bold enough to do so as well). I find it hysterical that someone who's made more money than all of us on FFF COMBINED is dismissed so easily. But that's not surprising.

We all know that the wealthy and corporations don't actually PAY what they're supposed to, because of all the ways they have of dodging taxes, given to them mostly by the government ("Best government money can buy!"). Just a couple of examples:

There are a lot of ways of sheltering income from taxes, and some of these are used by wealthy individuals. The classic is to have a "cattle ranch" which is run at a whopping loss, and the loss is taken as a deduction.

Another classic way is to "incorporate," and treat yourself as a "business." This allows you to get away with a lot of things that individuals could never do.

(I recently heard a story on the radio about how Nike has registered their "swoosh" trademark in a foreign country, and that they claim that much of their profits are due to brand name merchandising, specifically to the logo. Thus they declare a vast chunk of income as "foreign" income, not subject to U.S. corporate income tax. There are a LOT of giant corporations in the U.S., making trillions of dollars collectively, and not paying any taxes at all.)


Corporate taxes are not too high - they are way too low. In fact the majority of big corporations operating in the U.S. pay no taxes at all. That's right: zero.

According to a recent report by the Government Accounting Office requested by Senators Carl Levin of Michigan and Byron Dorgan of North Dakota, "72 percent of all foreign corporations and about 57 percent of U.S. companies doing business in the United States paid no federal income taxes for at least one year between 1998 and 2005."

It gets worse: for at least two of the years between 1998 to 2005 more than one-half of foreign corporations and 42 percent of those from the U.S. paid not one red penny in taxes, despite the astronomical growth of the deficit - now $418 billion and escalating.

These guys are taking it all the way to the bank: of those who do pay taxes, some 33 percent, only 2 percent pay more than 11 percent in taxes.

None of the corporations were named in the GAO report. At a minimum it's time for full public disclosure. The government must act in the public interest.
] As we approach April 15 th, one complaint we often hear is that Americans who work hard and become successful have to pay over a third of their income in federal income taxes. But a recent report from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) shows that this is not remotely true {Internal Revenue Service, “The 400 Individual Income Tax Returns Reporting the Highest Adjusted Gross Income Each Year, 1992-2006,” January 29, 2009.}. The IRS data show that the federal income tax rates paid by the highest-income Americans have dropped substantially since 2000, largely due to cuts in the tax rates on capital gains and dividends pushed through by the Bush Administration. While income from work (salaries and wages) is subject to rates as high as 35 percent, income from investments (long-term capital gains and stock dividends) is taxed at only 15 percent. The IRS report shows that in 2006 (the latest year for which data are available), the 400 richest income tax filers paid just 17.2 percent of their adjusted gross income (AGI) in federal income taxes. That is down from 22.3 percent in 2000, and is less than half of the top statutory income tax rate of 35 percent. Almost 65 percent of the income reported by those 400 taxpayers consisted of capital gains and dividends subject to the preferential rates.

The IRS report, which shows the effective federal income tax rates paid by the 400 highest-income Americans in each year since 1992, offers an important opportunity to understand how the tax system affects the most privileged Americans. The table above shows that:

Only those with at least $110 million of AGI were members of this group in 2006, and the average AGI for these 400 taxpayers was $263 million.

Each one of these 400 taxpayers enjoyed, on average, more than $169 million of net capital gains and dividend income that was subject to special lower tax rates in 2006.

Although 400 returns are less than 1/1000th of a percent of the total individual tax returns filed, these 400 taxpayers collected almost 8 percent of the total preferential-rate capital gains and dividends in the nation in 2006.

These 400 taxpayers paid income taxes averaging $45 million in 2006. As a share of AGI, their tax bills averaged 17.2 percent.

This decline from 22.3 percent to17.2 percent represented a total tax cut of $5.4 billion in 2006 for this group, or an average tax cut of over $13 million each.

“This valuable data confirms what we already knew—that the very richest Americans are paying much less of their income in tax than many would have us believe,” noted Citizens for Tax Justice director Robert S. McIntyre. “These taxpayers are now paying lower effective tax rates than at any time since the IRS began publishing these data in 1992—and the Bush Administration’s capital gains tax cuts are the main culprit.” Chart at - Most U.S. and foreign corporations doing business in the United States avoid paying any federal income taxes, despite trillions of dollars worth of sales, a government study released on Tuesday said.

The Government Accountability Office said 72 percent of all foreign corporations and about 57 percent of U.S. companies doing business in the United States paid no federal income taxes for at least one year between 1998 and 2005.

More than half of foreign companies and about 42 percent of U.S. companies paid no U.S. income taxes for two or more years in that period, the report said.

During that time corporate sales in the United States totaled $2.5 trillion, according to Democratic Sens. Carl Levin of Michigan and Byron Dorgan of North Dakota, who requested the GAO study.

The report did not name any companies. The GAO said corporations escaped paying federal income taxes for a variety of reasons including operating losses, tax credits and an ability to use transactions within the company to shift income to low tax countries.

With the U.S. budget deficit this year running close to the record $413 billion that was set in 2004 and projected to hit a record $486 billion next year, lawmakers are looking to plug holes in the U.S. tax code and generate more revenues.

Dorgan in a statement called the report "a shocking indictment of the current tax system." Levin said it made clear that "too many corporations are using tax trickery to send their profits overseas and avoid paying their fair share in the United States."

The study showed about 28 percent of large foreign corporations, those with more than $250 million in assets, doing business in the United States paid no federal income taxes in 2005 despite $372 billion in gross receipts, the senators said. About 25 percent of the largest U.S. companies paid no federal income taxes in 2005 despite $1.1 trillion in gross sales that year, they said.
that any of our righties will pay ANY attention to those facts and figures, complete with cites to the IRS itself; they'll just come back with the same old tired talking points. But it's there for the rest of you.

Whereas what was claimed to be "scare tactics" by the Dems that "Republicans will take away your Social Security" is in fact exactly what they WILL do, the "the rich are over-taxed" is a proven Republican talking point which is a flat-out lie. People hope to be rich, people feel the rich create jobs (they're not doing much now, are they, with all the extra money they've got??), and the right keeps drumming it into their heads that the wealthy pay a FAR higher percentage of their wealth than all the rest of us. It works pretty damned good, but it's a lie, pure and simple.

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Tuesday, August 16, 2011 9:32 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by m52nickerson:


The question I have is how is it spending 100% when the Bush tax cuts added to the deficit? Or the fact that revenue is down because of the economy?

Now would you like to actually respond to my post?

The Bush tax cuts didn't add to the deficit. That's the problem w/ the Left, is the out dated, 2 dimensional static scoring concept.

Which is curious, because you then acknowledge that we a more realistic, dynamic scoring.

The revenue IS down because of the slow economy, which everyone pretty much acknowledges. Which is why Mark Rubio correctly stated - " We don't need new taxes, we need new tax payers "

" I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend. "


Tuesday, August 16, 2011 9:51 AM




Originally posted by AURaptor:
The Bush tax cuts didn't add to the deficit. That's the problem w/ the Left, is the out dated, 2 dimensional static scoring concept.

Which is curious, because you then acknowledge that we a more realistic, dynamic scoring.

The revenue IS down because of the slow economy, which everyone pretty much acknowledges. Which is why Mark Rubio correctly stated - " We don't need new taxes, we need new tax payers "

Okay, now let us try facts:

...and those aren't score, but cold hard numbers.

Revenue is down now, of course the Buch tax cuts added to the defict long before the ressesion.

Oh, and dynamic scoring is also called guess work!

I do not fear God, I fear the ignorance of man.


Tuesday, August 16, 2011 10:08 AM


America loves a winner!

Yeah, cold hard numbers, as viewed in static scoring.

Suggesting that tax cuts add to the deficit assumes the money belongs to the fed govt in the first place.

It doesn't.

And Obama's former Budget Director was in favor of extending the Bush tax cuts.

( I'll guess you'll say that's why he's the FORMER Budget Director - LOL ! )

" I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend. "


Tuesday, August 16, 2011 10:16 AM




Originally posted by AURaptor:
Suggesting that tax cuts add to the deficit assumes the money belongs to the fed govt in the first place.

It doesn't.

Tax money does.

...but no matter who the money belongs to the fact is that the tax cuts added to the deficit. That is called math!


Originally posted by AURaptor:
And Obama's former Budget Director was in favor of extending the Bush tax cuts.

( I'll guess you'll say that's why he's the FORMER Budget Director - LOL ! )

Yes, so taxes were not increased during the economic low. Not as away to fight the deficit. The whole argument was that government spending should not be cut back until the economy gets better. Please understand the whole argument before you try and use it.

I do not fear God, I fear the ignorance of man.


Tuesday, August 16, 2011 10:20 AM


America loves a winner!


"How did we get into this problem of the big deficit?" Nelson said. "It's basically a fall-off of revenues and an increase in spending. So you got to correct that imbalance; otherwise you're not doing real deficit reduction."

From the link YOU provided.

Note, a Democrat is being quoted here, so he's of course toting the party line, that tax cuts dropped revenue. ( for those specific taxes, yes, but over all revenue was increased ) However, SPENDING out paced the revenue raised, which is the root of the problem.

" I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend. "


Tuesday, August 16, 2011 10:26 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

To say the Bush tax cuts didn't add to the deficit is patently absurd.

"The revenue went up every single year after those tax cuts were put in."
is also clearly debunked in the first article. If any of you who think the tax cuts didn't add to the deficit really believe that, you have to provide facts and figures to refute the facts and figures presented in the article. Just saying it doesn't make it so.

The simple logic is proven by the numbers. To simplify: If you've borrowed $1,000 and you borrowed that amount because you make $100 a week and know you can pay the loan off, then your pay gets cut by $50 a week, it takes you longer to pay off the loan, thereby incurring interest you can't pay off, your "deficit" is higher. It's that simple.

In FY2001 spending was $1,862.8 billion; by FY2009 spending was at $3,517.7 billion - more than $1.4 billion more than what was collected in taxes.
Given that taxe revenues went down immediately after Bush's first tax cut, and kept going down for each successive tax cut, it's obvious that the government had less to spend, ergo, higher deficit.

Beginning with $1,991.1 billion.
Bush institutes tax cut.
Revenue dropped to $1,853.1 billion.
Bush signs two more tax cuts.
revenue dropped further, to $1,782.3 billion.
This drop in tax revenue occurred even as economic activity - the nation's GDP - was continually rising.

So despite good economic activity, REVENUE WENT DOWN.

It went up again for four years, then down for two more. THEN the recession hit. Got it? Not the other way around.

I'd respond to

Which is curious, because you then acknowledge that we a more realistic, dynamic scoring.
if I could figure it out, but as it is, it's gobbledygook.

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Tuesday, August 16, 2011 10:33 AM




Originally posted by AURaptor:


"How did we get into this problem of the big deficit?" Nelson said. "It's basically a fall-off of revenues and an increase in spending. So you got to correct that imbalance; otherwise you're not doing real deficit reduction."

From the link YOU provided.

Note, a Democrat is being quoted here, so he's of course toting the party line, that tax cuts dropped revenue. ( for those specific taxes, yes, but over all revenue was increased ) However, SPENDING out paced the revenue raised, which is the root of the problem.

Congratulations you can read. You also understand that he is talking about the tax cuts. You fail because revenue went down not just income tax, which is the US government largest revenue stream, but overall.

I will give you a hint revenue is called receipts in the table.

I do not fear God, I fear the ignorance of man.


Tuesday, August 16, 2011 10:34 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...


In FY2001 spending was $1,862.8 billion; by FY2009 spending was at $3,517.7 billion - more than $1.4 billion more than what was collected in taxes.
So during the Bush Administration, spending went up HUGELY. While a President can't do everything, he's the leader and shares responibility for spending. You can't logically suddenly cut spending enormously, but you can certainly suddenly increse spending enormously, Bush did a great job of that. If he'd come into a "hole", it would be understandable that he'd use government spending as a way to try to get OUT, but he came into a SURPLUS, so why did spending increase so dramatically? Obama came into a GIGANTIC hole, so a lot of the spending he did was to try and fix the mess Bush got us into. Which won't mean diddly-squat to you, of course, reason never does.

Your statement that tax cuts didn't contribute to the deficit has been refuted; can you offer any logic, facts or figures to deny that? I'll bet you don't even try.


How did we get into this problem of the big deficit?" Nelson said. "It's basically a fall-off of revenues and an increase in spending. So you got to correct that imbalance; otherwise you're not doing real deficit reduction
In other words, if you're going to correct the deficit, you need to INCREASE revenues and DECREASE spending both. During the Bush term, revenue was decreased, spending increased. Democrats are quite willing to decrease spending, but nothing else. It is not logical.

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Tuesday, August 16, 2011 10:42 AM


America loves a winner!

Sorry Niki, but it takes time for economic polices to work their way through the system.

The drop in tax revenue coincides w/ the slow economy. As the economy picked up, the tax revenues went up.

But of course you won't see things that way, goes against your template.

" I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend. "


Tuesday, August 16, 2011 10:44 AM


America loves a winner!

nickerson - you see only what you want to see, much like Niki.

I answered your little question. Now I'm done w/ you.

" I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend. "


Tuesday, August 16, 2011 11:28 AM




Originally posted by AURaptor:
nickerson - you see only what you want to see, much like Niki.

I answered your little question. Now I'm done w/ you.

I see what is there. So go ahead, run away. You may be done with me but I'm not done with you.

I do not fear God, I fear the ignorance of man.


Tuesday, August 16, 2011 2:20 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

Once again, when faced with cold, hard facts... Rappy bitches out and runs away.

Score one for Kiki.

Oh, and the lefties came strong with facts and figures, backing up their assertions and positions with strong data.

So score one for me as well. :)

"Although it is not true that all conservatives are stupid people, it is true that most stupid people are conservatives." - John Stuart Mill


Tuesday, August 16, 2011 3:30 PM




Originally posted by Kwicko:
Once again, when faced with cold, hard facts... Rappy bitches out and runs away.

Run Baby Run

....because it fits and Shirley Manson is hot!

I do not fear God, I fear the ignorance of man.


Friday, August 19, 2011 2:14 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by Kwicko:
Once again, when faced with cold, hard facts... Rappy bitches out and runs away.

Score one for Kiki.

Oh, and the lefties came strong with facts and figures, backing up their assertions and positions with strong data.

So score one for me as well. :)

No, score one for me, as I didn't " run away " , but the game was over. I won. Y'all just continued playing, with yourselves.


Friday, August 19, 2011 2:27 AM


Keep the Shiny side up

Until taxes are raised on the wealthy, I'm not sure why Mr. Buffet and other rich folk (or any folk who think they should pay more for that matter) don't take advantage of this program.


Gift Contributions to Reduce Debt Held by the Public

The Bureau of the Public Debt may accept gifts donated to the United States Government to reduce debt held by the public. Acting for the Secretary of the Treasury, Public Debt may accept a gift of:
•Money, made only on the condition that it be used to reduce debt held by the public.
•An outstanding government obligation, made only on the condition that the obligation be retired and the redemption proceeds used to reduce debt held by the public.
•Other intangible personal property made only on the condition that the property is sold and the proceeds from the sale used to reduce the public debt.

Gifts to reduce debt held by the public may be inter vivos gifts or testamentary bequests.

Apparently they aren't using it, since the highest annual contribution total is a bit over $3 million. Maybe they have to be coerced by the tax laws rather than making voluntary contributions.

"Keep the Shiny side up"


Friday, August 19, 2011 2:36 AM




Originally posted by AURaptor:
No, score one for me, as I didn't " run away " , but the game was over. I won. Y'all just continued playing, with yourselves.

You don't win by igoring facts!

I do not fear God, I fear the ignorance of man.


Friday, August 19, 2011 2:37 AM




Originally posted by Geezer:
Until taxes are raised on the wealthy, I'm not sure why Mr. Buffet and other rich folk (or any folk who think they should pay more for that matter) don't take advantage of this program.

Who says they don't?

I do not fear God, I fear the ignorance of man.


Friday, August 19, 2011 2:57 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


You don't win by igoring facts!
He thinks he does. That's part of his delusion. There's nothing funnier than to see rappy crow I win! I win! ... and him being the only one who thinks so. Take it for whatever amusement you get out of it, because if you expect reality to intrude in rappy's little world, you'll be sorely disappointed.


Friday, August 19, 2011 3:05 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


My take is "cut off their supply of cash." - DT

How? Do you really think that money passes through corporate hands ONLY because of government? Do you really think that getting rid of government will get rid of corporate power? Really?



SO, DT, if you put your proposition to "cut off their supply of cash" along with the fact that an
Economic “superentity” controls more than one-third of global wealth

I am wondering how, exactly, you propose to cut off their supply? It's not like they need government to have a continual supply of money flowing through their books.

So if you would detail your proposal, I'd be very interested.


Friday, August 19, 2011 3:34 AM


Keep the Shiny side up


Originally posted by m52nickerson:
Who says they don't?

The fact that the most ever contributed in a year, from a population of 300 million citizens, is just over 3 million dollars (see the link above).

If Pickens contributed just 1% of his 1 billion dollar annual income, that'd be 10 million bucks right there. Add just that 1% from other rich folks who claim to be for higher taxes, like Michael Bloomberg, George Soros, Bill Gates, etc. and there should be a lot more paid in.

(Google "Bloomberg(or Soros or Gates) supports higher taxes" and you'll find cites)

"Keep the Shiny side up"


Friday, August 19, 2011 5:57 AM



Originally posted by SignyM:

My take is "cut off their supply of cash." - DT

How? Do you really think that money passes through corporate hands ONLY because of government? Do you really think that getting rid of government will get rid of corporate power? Really?



SO, DT, if you put your proposition to "cut off their supply of cash" along with the fact that an
Economic “superentity” controls more than one-third of global wealth

I am wondering how, exactly, you propose to cut off their supply? It's not like they need government to have a continual supply of money flowing through their books.

So if you would detail your proposal, I'd be very interested.


Yes, really.

It has actually been repeatedly demonstrated to be so. This is how the rich get our money. When McCain was campaigning for Obama whom he worships, he called redistribution of wealth "spreading the wealth around" to try to give voters the impression that Obama would give them free money, but once in office, who did he give money to? Banks and corporations.

The govt serves to redistriubte wealth, but not to the poor, rather, to the rich. The reason is that the poor have no power to influence policy. For fiscal 2012, the govt. Will now spend over four trillion dollars, taken from tax payers, ie, the people. Over 90% of that money will go to the richest 1% of americans once dispersed. Even social security, 70% of funds will go to millionaires. Over 80% of medicare will go for corporate overcharges, and all of it will go to corporations. Of nearly a trillion that will go in one form or another to defense, almost 90% will go to corporations. 100% of debt financing will go to corporations, as will all govt. Contracts.

Notice where taxes are coming from: wages. If you earn wages, you're most likely not a millionaire. Why would you get a 9-5 job if you were a millionaire? "high wage earners" are people who provide goods and services that I as a poor person use. When their taxes go up, my costs go up, but there's a more serious issue:

The recipients of the money, and how much they get to redistribute to themselves.

Sure, they sit on tons of cash, but that cash has no value unless people are invested in that economy. If all of us are dependent upon dollars rather than one another, we enable that economic imbalance.

There is really only one measure of wealth: human labor. That labor, multiplied times its efficiency, based on the level of skill, representing previous hours of training, creates work, and gets things done.

In a wage-hour economic system, the ruling elites would be powerless, because they have almost none of it and we have almost all of it. So, they need to trick us into wasting our time, and handing the proceeds to them. They can trap us into working for them with debt, or they can enslave us with taxes.

The average american spend over half their money on taxes, and the rest on consumer goods and services and interest on debt. Ultimately after a year's input of 2000 hours, you can get only about 250 hours worth of work back out (remember when tazes are compounded through the system 75% ultimately of the price of everything you're buying is tax) but in reality because you have to pay interest on your mortgage, student loans, credit cards, etc. You lose about 50% of your remaining buying power and get a return of 125 hours on about of other people's labor to your benefit.

That's not an economy, it's slavery. That means that the entire population is working to benefit the ruling classes 1,875 of their 2000 hours, or over 90% of the time.

No wonder the rich and powerful are so rich and powerful. It's not their possession of fiat tokens, which by themselves are worth nothing. I mean, I could be the Pog King and own all the Pogs, and it wouldn't do me a damn bit of good because there would be no Pog Slaves.

The final piece of the puzzle is to compare the total wealth of the world, around 100 trillion dollars in actual cash, to the yearly income of the world, which is around $55 trillion. That means the entire wealth of the world represents the last two years accumulation of wealth.

If we stop handing them our money and time, in two years, we will be more powerful than they are.


Apply that logic to all forms of financial investment in the public sector, political campaigns, etc. And you see one of the real problems with the system: who exactly is policy being written for?

Also, there's a serious issue with the taxes of the rich resulting in higher prices for goods sold to the poor.

As a great communist once said: govt. Should provide services that compete with the private sector, which would both enable it to set standards, and generate revenue to run the govt. - Mikhail Gorbachev

also, geez, consider this: i may not owe any taxes at the end of the year, but i have spent a lot of money on goods that had embedded taxes. My store does far more business than I have income, and I pay tax on everything I buy, and all the way through the cost of business. That turn over is generatjng a lot of tax revenue.

That's what a ship is, you know - it's not just a keel and a hull and a deck and sails, that's what a ship needs.


Friday, August 19, 2011 7:15 AM




Originally posted by dreamtrove:Yes, really.

It has actually been repeatedly demonstrated to be so. This is how the rich get our money. When McCain was campaigning for Obama whom he worships, he called redistribution of wealth "spreading the wealth around" to try to give voters the impression that Obama would give them free money, but once in office, who did he give money to? Banks and corporations.

The govt serves to redistriubte wealth, but not to the poor, rather, to the rich. The reason is that the poor have no power to influence policy. For fiscal 2012, the govt. Will now spend over four trillion dollars, taken from tax payers, ie, the people. Over 90% of that money will go to the richest 1% of americans once dispersed. Even social security, 70% of funds will go to millionaires. Over 80% of medicare will go for corporate overcharges, and all of it will go to corporations. Of nearly a trillion that will go in one form or another to defense, almost 90% will go to corporations. 100% of debt financing will go to corporations, as will all govt. Contracts.

First I would like to see some citations for those numbers.

Second, How do you not understand that all money spend will eventually go through a corporation. If you go out and buy something from the locally owned hardware store, they still get their merchandise from corporations. Plus corporations employ people so some of the money that flows into a corp. goes right back out to people. Hell, even investors who are not going to all be rich will see some of that money.

At the end of the day your argument that government spending just feeds corporations and nothing else is ridiculous.

I do not fear God, I fear the ignorance of man.


Friday, August 19, 2011 7:49 AM


Want numbers? Use the google. Do the math. I'm not here to teach economics or argue with people online, I'm here to read the news and discuss it with people who aren't bound to the mainstream perspective.

On corporations: if we buy products from them, they have our money, and we have their service, which we do when it is cheaper than doing it ourselves.

If the govt. taxes us, steals our money and then gives it to goldman sachs as a handout, we get nothing, and there went our money.

This kleptonomic scheme is making everything in america absurdly expensive because all the prices are padded with taxes every step of the way.

Also, it's funding the war machine.

I run a business, I'm not exactly the opponent of corporations, but I don't care for a model where no bid contracts for hundreds of billions of dollars are handed to the friends of the ruling elite. I don't like a so called welfare system that according to its defenders in the democratic party gives two thirds of its cash out to the richest 2% of americans, or a medicare system that is not allowed to negotiate for drug prices and so pays $700 a bottle for the same medications that are sold in canada (and yes also new york) for $4 a bottle at a profit.

And, before I hear anyone chirp up with "oh but the cost of R&D!" i would like to point out the toxic Lexapro is just Celexa remixed to a different aracemic proportion, a neat trick that must've cost them a penny a bottle, for which they got to kick the price up from $20 to $120. This is nonsense through and through.

Or, as someone I know who would prefer not to be identified put it: "Fight corruption? Why? Soups on. Grab a spoon."

That's what a ship is, you know - it's not just a keel and a hull and a deck and sails, that's what a ship needs.


Friday, August 19, 2011 8:01 AM



Originally posted by SignyM:
I am wondering how, exactly, you propose to cut off their supply? It's not like they need government to have a continual supply of money flowing through their books.

So if you would detail your proposal, I'd be very interested.

Outlaw Usury, and not just in the not-too-ruinous fashion, Outlaw it completely, with punitive triple-damages fines.

Problem solved.


I do not serve the Blind God.


Friday, August 19, 2011 8:27 AM


Maybe. Sometimes the usury is profitable. Remember, the guys with the printing press can always print more money to pay the fines or bribe the politicians to change the laws.

Create a new financial system in which lending is impossible.

That's what a ship is, you know - it's not just a keel and a hull and a deck and sails, that's what a ship needs.


Friday, August 19, 2011 8:47 AM


I would, but Mohammed beat me to it.
That's one of the many reasons corporate america hates em so, although these days a lot of them as just as corrupt mind you...

But the principle of the thing, you see ?



Friday, August 19, 2011 8:51 AM



Originally posted by m52nickerson:

The question I have is how is it spending 100% when the Bush tax cuts added to the deficit?

because you're responding to a moron, mainly.

Goram it kid, let's frak this thing and go home! Engage!


Friday, August 19, 2011 8:52 AM



Originally posted by dreamtrove:
Want numbers? Use the google. Do the math. I'm not here to teach economics or argue with people online, I'm here to read the news and discuss it with people who aren't bound to the mainstream perspective.

Yeah, but if you make a claim - and when asked to back it, answer with "Do it yourself"....well, screw that, bud. You make a claim, you back it.

Don't go all Raptard on us.

Goram it kid, let's frak this thing and go home! Engage!


Friday, August 19, 2011 9:30 AM



The numbercrunching was discussed at length in a thread a few weeks back, we talked about each section of the budget and how it could really be trimmed of corporate welfare and welfare for the rich.

Also, for better economists than me have detailed federal spending as the great unequalizer. Walking those who don't get it through economics is not my job.

The thing that gets me is people like Tim Geitner defending a four trillion dollar budget to the press conference as "we need this money for education, it's for the children." yeah, tim, you got $20 billion marked in that budget for childhood education, that's 0.4% of your spending.

The reality is

1) everything that people really want out of govt. Comes at the state level, the feds do little outside of feed the rich and fight wars

2) number crunching takes hours, and this number crunching I've already done twice on this forum, and like in other subjects, everyone arguing against the point did not even respond to the numbers and backup, same with the environmental threads, they just went right on arguing their emotional talking points at were based on pure partisan nonsense from both sides, and pretended the data had not been posted with t's crossed and i's dotted because they also didn't want to spend their own time trying to counter the math with their own gorram math.

Oh, and 3) I just did give a good start on it. Look at the major portions of the fed budget:

Soc. Sec.
Debt interest
Homeland Sec.

Now compare those spending disbursements to other major first world nations.

You see right away our soending is far higher than other free market systems that deliver univeral care and other govts with universal welfare programs.

The thing is, the counter argument here isn't even obama-huggers, it's reid-huggers. I mean obama said we should have means testing for soc sec, and we should negotiate for drug prices and care, but the gop doesn't even have a chance to shoot it down because the dem leadership shoots it down.

So, the essential portions of this

Medicare (iirc, around 16%)
Soc. Sec.(33% goes to people who need it according to the dnc)
Defense (82 billion for pay for military personnel is around 12%)
Debt interest (foreign bond holders and non-federal us citizens, holding around 20%)
Homeland Sec. (i can't see that any of this is essential.)

There's just an overwhelming trend here, and it doesn't get any better when you crunch the numbers. I recall that I covered all of the US govts. Needs without cutting any services and it cost $1.4 trillion. Realistically, I think we could trim this under a trillion, and pay for it all with import tariffs.

But where is the rest going? Giant contracts to halliburton, handouts to banks, artificial interest, a "name your price" deal for Rx medications, $2000 a person welfare checks to households with assets over a million dollars, (i know a number of people who fall in this category. Ironically, if you're poor, your alottment is now $300 and change.)

I get that liberals believe that govt. Spending goes tomthe poor, and taxes come from the rich, but I just don't think that looks deep enough into the mechanism. You have to look at who is actually getting the money, and where those high wages are coming from, which is high prices on goods and services that the poor and middle class buy.

So, yes, sure, not all of it goes through govt, some of it is direct, like mortgage payments. But if you remove the govt. With its special rules favoring mortgage brokers, its huge handouts, and its complete suppor for the industry, housing prices would collapse and people wouldn't need mortgages.

Seriously, is an apartment in a city really worth half a million, or one in a black neighborhood worth $150k? This is madness. I suspect those prices could stand to fall 90% if the support for the industry at a federal level was removed, and then the average family could actually afford housing without a mortgage.

That's what a ship is, you know - it's not just a keel and a hull and a deck and sails, that's what a ship needs.


Friday, August 19, 2011 9:35 AM



Originally posted by dreamtrove:

The numbercrunching was discussed at length in a thread a few weeks back, we talked about each section of the budget and how it could really be trimmed of corporate welfare and welfare for the rich.

Then it seems a link to said discussion would be appropo, rather than "Fuck you, google it."

Your claim - your responsibility.

The end.

Simple enough concept.

Goram it kid, let's frak this thing and go home! Engage!


Friday, August 19, 2011 11:22 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by m52nickerson:

You don't win by igoring facts!

But you apparently think you do.

" I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend. "


Friday, August 19, 2011 11:26 AM



Originally posted by AURaptor:

Originally posted by m52nickerson:

You don't win by igoring facts!

But you apparently think you do.

" I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend. "

Says the champion at ignoring facts.

Goram it kid, let's frak this thing and go home! Engage!


Friday, August 19, 2011 11:47 AM



Sorry, but I have to disagree. It's this simple: the "source it" counter is made all the time by both sides and those who make it:

A) will never ever stop making it, it's a simple "waste your time or forfeit the argument" gambit. We've all seen it many times.

B) they will always ignore the sourced data when you present it, which backs up A)

I don't have links to the thread off the top of my head, and there are many threads. It has come up for discussion several times. The last time I didn't even bother, that was the budget balancer program, twice before that I posted data. Last time it was me aggregating data I posted the first time, which I just listed above.


C) My interest in winning the argument is nonexistant

And more importantly

D) if he google's it he'll likely come up with better data than I originally sourced because time has passed, figures have changed and more information has come out.

Because I have nothing better to do atm I will google it, rather than dig through old threads.

Let's start with the soc. Sec. Claim, 2/3 of the $ goes to people who do not need it to live on.

If i Google soc sec recipients breakdown, and i will find totally new data...

On not, okay, i'm not finding anything solid. Lots of people are giving me a median non soc sec income of 25k, but no one is giving me the asset breakdown. It's a money in money out system, so i figure with the wealth looking like this...

It was jay rockefeller that said 1/3 of all payments making 2/3 of all moneys went to people with assets over a million.

Problem is, in searching, i can't find any support for obama's means testing for soc. Sec. Program.

The differential on payments is ten to one, so the top recipients are getting ten times the poorest. A lot of the breakdowns are in the number of checks going out, and not the number of dollars.

I strongly suspect the president is correct that this is a big money saver, but the republicans don't want it because all the $3000 checks are basically going to republicans, and a lot of those are coming back to the party. Democrats don't support it because they think soc. Sec. Is sacred, even though only a small fraction is going to the poor, and around a third of it, if you check past budgets, is being looted by presidents for war supplementals, etc.

Anyway, now I have wasted all the time I have allocated this week for the forum, so I'll see you around, maybe next week, maybe the week after,, I finally have to buckle down and get to work.

Btw, one thing you do learn googling it is who exactly it is that hates obama's means test proposal, and they are clearly very rich republicans. That says something about who is getting most of the money.

That's what a ship is, you know - it's not just a keel and a hull and a deck and sails, that's what a ship needs.


Friday, August 19, 2011 1:19 PM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by Storymark:

Originally posted by AURaptor:

Originally posted by m52nickerson:

You don't win by igoring facts!

But you apparently think you do."

Says the champion at ignoring facts.

What facts are I ignoring? That excessive spending is the primary cause for our deficit ?

Nope, not ignoring that one gorram bit. Others seem to have their head stuck in a hole over that matter.

" I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend. "


Friday, August 19, 2011 3:01 PM




Originally posted by dreamtrove:
Want numbers? Use the google. Do the math. I'm not here to teach economics or argue with people online, I'm here to read the news and discuss it with people who aren't bound to the mainstream perspective.

I highly doubt you could teach economics. If you don't want to argue feel free not to respond to my posts, even when they are to you.

So lets look at your numbers!


Originally posted by dreamtrove:social security, 70% of funds will go to millionaires

I find nothing that comes close to supporting that claim. I did find Now with there being about 3 million millionaires in the US all of them would have to be getting SS for you to be even close t right.


Originally posted by dreamtrove:Over 80% of medicare will go for corporate overcharges

Medicare cost about 500 billion a year. The highest overcharge extimate I found was 4.4 billion. That is less 10%. Even tripled it would not come near 80%.

You must be making these up!


Originally posted by dreamtrove:Of nearly a trillion that will go in one form or another to defense, almost 90% will go to corporations.

Well seeing as around 20% of the defense budget is pay for service men and women that is BS.


Originally posted by dreamtrove:On corporations: if we buy products from them, they have our money, and we have their service, which we do when it is cheaper than doing it ourselves.

...and if the government buys from them the government gets the services.


Originally posted by dreamtrove:If the govt. taxes us, steals our money and then gives it to goldman sachs as a handout, we get nothing, and there went our money.

This kleptonomic scheme is making everything in america absurdly expensive because all the prices are padded with taxes every step of the way.

The government can steal money it is owned in taxes. Second the money that went to bail out Goldman Sachs was re-payed with 23% return.


Originally posted by dreamtrove:Also, it's funding the war machine.

I love War Machine!


Originally posted by dreamtrove:I run a business, I'm not exactly the opponent of corporations, but I don't care for a model where no bid contracts for hundreds of billions of dollars are handed to the friends of the ruling elite. I don't like a so called welfare system that according to its defenders in the democratic party gives two thirds of its cash out to the richest 2% of americans, or a medicare system that is not allowed to negotiate for drug prices and so pays $700 a bottle for the same medications that are sold in canada (and yes also new york) for $4 a bottle at a profit.

Do you know why they are cheaper in Canada and other countries? Price Controls be the governments. Aren't a free-market guy?


Originally posted by dreamtrove:And, before I hear anyone chirp up with "oh but the cost of R&D!" i would like to point out the toxic Lexapro is just Celexa remixed to a different aracemic proportion, a neat trick that must've cost them a penny a bottle, for which they got to kick the price up from $20 to $120. This is nonsense through and through.

One is still patented protected and one is not. Plus Lexapro still had to go through the approval process. That being said, just get the Celexa and don't pay the higher price.

I do not fear God, I fear the ignorance of man.


Friday, August 19, 2011 3:07 PM




Originally posted by AURaptor:

What facts are I ignoring? That excessive spending is the primary cause for our deficit ?

No your ignoring that the Bush Tax cuts added to the deficit. That fact has been posted more then once.

Also notice that I did not say they were primary cause. They are a large part of it.

I do not fear God, I fear the ignorance of man.


Friday, August 19, 2011 4:42 PM



Let me know when your manual of style "how to lose friends and irritate people" comes out  

Military payroll is around 95 billion, that's readily accessible.

Low prices are the result of a free market. 

You completely missed this, even though all the info was in your own post: you said "patent protected" which is obvious an artificial govt. price control against the free market, stifling competition. Furthermore, you freely granted legitimacy to patent protection for something that was not a novel compound.

Aspirin is not $700 a bottle precisely because it is not under patent nor is it paid for by insurance of govt. So, when I say that the govt. Should have the right to negotiate for drug prices, I mean that the govt, like a corporation, is a citizen, and therefore has the rights of a citizen.

Your overcharge figures are way low. I would obvious never buy either celexa nor lexapro as both are toxic, but if drugs are $20 or $120 someone is being overcharged, if cost is $4 in ny but $400 in tx, then there is an overcharge. All medical services are filled with overcharge. The easiest way to see this is to compare internationally.

Seriously: Take some time and look over other countries spending habtis, and actually try to take in new information and learn, rather than fish to justify positions you already hold.


Goldman Sachs agreed to the Treasury’s request for $1.1 billion to repay warrants the government received when it invested $10 billion in the New York-based firm last October. The payment is in addition to $318 million in preferred dividends.

You're missing this one. They just said they paid back in derivatives. They all did. Sure, this can become momey, but doesn't have to, it hinges on clngress granting them the power to print money. It's an absolutely absurd economic situation.

I will give you this one:

Rockefeller's "millionaires" quote was probably hyperbola, and I shouldn't have repeated it without a good demographic check. Yet, anecdotally, his figures seemed right to me, I could come up with several off the top of my head.

I followed you link, but I had already found that data. Nothing in it pertained to the situation. How many were retired, average benefits by status said nothing about the distribution of funds.

Intrinsically I know that if rockefeller isn't exactly on the money, his trend has to be very close, and the degree to which rich people and right wing groups are fighting means testing tells me it's a large slice of GOP camoaign donors we're talking about.

But, yes, I should have cross examined the feasibility of the claim.

All of this said, I'm going to have to disappear on you, I go back to work tomorrow, and likely won't be online for a while.

ETA: when we did this before, I came up with 1.4 trillion for the budget in essential expenditures to cut no services and trim no military or other programs. I have to assume that 2.3 trillion is pure fat, flowing into the pockets of the wealthy. Given that the total wealth of the world is only twice the total income, the machine to generate that flow to the rich has to be running all the time for the inequity to persist.

That's what a ship is, you know - it's not just a keel and a hull and a deck and sails, that's what a ship needs.   


Friday, August 19, 2011 4:48 PM



Originally posted by m52nickerson:

Originally posted by AURaptor:

What facts are I ignoring? That excessive spending is the primary cause for our deficit ?

No your ignoring that the Bush Tax cuts added to the deficit. That fact has been posted more then once.

Also notice that I did not say they were primary cause. They are a large part of it.

I do not fear God, I fear the ignorance of man.

I have to say I'm with Rap on this one: the govt. Had a surplus. That means it was overcharging taxpayers. What increased the deficit were the wars and homeland security and bush's oil subsidies and his Rx drug program. Tax cuts don't add to the deficit, only borrowing money does, and yiu only borrow money when you're spending money. bush spent a lot of unnecessary money. This idea that tax cuts cost money and need to be paid for is voodoo.

Right now the govt. Has, as i see it, two trillion in revenue, and 1.4 t in nec. Expenses, which could be trkmmed further. It also has probably 6 t in legit long term debt, and the rest it can probably pawn off in one form or another. If I were president I would be lowering payroll taxes right now, not raising them.

That's what a ship is, you know - it's not just a keel and a hull and a deck and sails, that's what a ship needs.


Friday, August 19, 2011 5:51 PM




Originally posted by dreamtrove:

Let me know when your manual of style "how to lose friends and irritate people" comes out  

The only people that find me irritating are people who don't want to be challenged.


Originally posted by dreamtrove:Military payroll is around 95 billion, that's readily accessible.

Low prices are the result of a free market. 

You completely missed this, even though all the info was in your own post: you said "patent protected" which is obvious an artificial govt. price control against the free market, stifling competition. Furthermore, you freely granted legitimacy to patent protection for something that was not a novel compound.

Aspirin is not $700 a bottle precisely because it is not under patent nor is it paid for by insurance of govt. So, when I say that the govt. Should have the right to negotiate for drug prices, I mean that the govt, like a corporation, is a citizen, and therefore has the rights of a citizen.

I did not grant anything, I responded to why was was more expensive. I also stated that drugs are cheaper outside the US not because of the free-market but because of government price controls. Hey, you ignored that.


Originally posted by dreamtrove:Your overcharge figures are way low. I would obvious never buy either celexa nor lexapro as both are toxic, but if drugs are $20 or $120 someone is being overcharged, if cost is $4 in ny but $400 in tx, then there is an overcharge. All medical services are filled with overcharge. The easiest way to see this is to compare internationally.

Well I guess we should institute price controls. Oh, and unless you can cite a larger figure for the over charges amounts it is BS. See that is not overcharging that is just a higher price because of the lack of price controls.


Originally posted by dreamtrove:Seriously: Take some time and look over other countries spending habtis, and actually try to take in new information and learn, rather than fish to justify positions you already hold.

Or I could just make stuff up!


Originally posted by dreamtrove:You're missing this one. They just said they paid back in derivatives. They all did. Sure, this can become momey, but doesn't have to, it hinges on clngress granting them the power to print money. It's an absolutely absurd economic situation.

I do not fear God, I fear the ignorance of man.


Friday, August 19, 2011 5:55 PM




Originally posted by dreamtrove:
I have to say I'm with Rap on this one: the govt. Had a surplus. That means it was overcharging taxpayers. What increased the deficit were the wars and homeland security and bush's oil subsidies and his Rx drug program. Tax cuts don't add to the deficit, only borrowing money does, and yiu only borrow money when you're spending money. bush spent a lot of unnecessary money. This idea that tax cuts cost money and need to be paid for is voodoo.

One, it was a surplus for that those few years, which we could have paid down the debt. So it was not over charging.

Second, if you cut taxes and do not reduce spending those cuts will add to the deficit, that is called math! Why did you have to barrow money, oh because you cut taxes!

I do not fear God, I fear the ignorance of man.






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