'They cut into her brain' -- MKULTRA, demonic possession, Israeli Mossad and the mysterious disappearance/murder of beautiful anti-Zionist Alynn Pike

UPDATED: Friday, April 20, 2012 08:51
VIEWED: 15945
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Wednesday, April 18, 2012 7:42 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


On December 6th I remember being in the news room when I heard a dispatcher on the police radio say that there something peculiar happening on The Marquam Bridge. The bridge has an upper deck and lower deck and Interstate 5 is a main thoroughfare through the Portland metro area. The dispatcher was reporting that someone had parked their car on the lower level of the bridge blocking traffic. No one knew what was going on.

Then the dispatcher had reported that someone had got out of the car and walked to railing and jumped into the icy waters of the Willamette River. Drivers were certain that they saw a woman walk willingly to railing and without hesitation jumped. Some were saying it was as if her body disappeared and they weren’t sure if anyone had jumped.

According to the Associated press A Portland Fire and Rescue spokesman says several drivers reported that a woman parked her car on Interstate 5, then jumped off the city bridge into the River below. Spokesman Paul Corah says a sonar search failed to find a body.

Corah says 911 callers said the woman parked on the southbound freeway lanes about 5:10 p.m. and jumped over the railing of the Marquam Bridge’s lower deck. The Oregonian reported that the parked car blocked several lanes of traffic before police towed it away. A note was found but Corah didn’t know what it said.

Police spokesman Lt. Robert King said officers were trying to identify the woman, described as in her 50s. As of this writing her body still has not been found. After doing some research I found out that the missing woman and her story has a horrifying paranormal background to it.

Rev. Ted Pike & Wife Battle Satanic Forces After Brain Surgery


The Deputy Director of the CIA revealed that over thirty universities and institutions were involved in an "extensive testing and experimentation" program which included covert drug tests on unwitting citizens "at all social levels, high and low, native Americans and foreign." Several of these tests involved the administration of LSD to "unwitting subjects in social situations." At least one death, that of Dr. Olson, resulted from these activities.


Wednesday, April 18, 2012 10:09 AM


I've learned some other information. It makes me think there might really be more than I initially thought to some of these conspiracies.

I'm not sure about the time frame here, I can't see the videos. But the CIA was basically running their own version of Dollhouse in the 1960s, complete with involuntary human experimentation, brainwashing, prostitution, blackmail, and pedophilia.

People who got out of those programs weren't ever the same after that. Many of them committed suicide. And I don't believe for a minute that it's ever stopped.

I can't say for sure whether the two in this case were test subjects, not without seeing the videos, but I will say that trauma like that could surely lead someone to suicide like this. I await further information from PN, but am willing to hear out this story.


Wednesday, April 18, 2012 1:47 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Rev Pike's sculpture of his naked "dead" wife displayed at Governor's office... (MKULTRA?)

Report: Woman jumps off I-5 bridge into the Willamette River

Is Ted Pike a Monster for Not Calling an Exorcist? (could an exorcist perform better than a Quackshack?)

Ted Pike attacks Alex Jones for banning the word "jew" when discussing hatecrime legislation in Congress
(Alex Jones' wife, kids, employees, sponsors and Hollywood friends are jewish)

Rev Ted Pike is the world's #1 enemy of "Christian" Zionism who defeated jewish "hatecrime" legislation in Congress for many years. Losing his wife in this way is a horrofic blow to his ability to fight the so-called "jews" and their plan for world domination and enslavement of the human race. Lucky coincidence for the Rothschilds and Rockefellers?

Alynn Pike looks like escaped CIA MKULTRA sexslave Cathy O'Brien

Was Mrs Pike's "mental illness" and "suicide" due to:

1. brain tumor surgery causing hallucinations due to a stroke-like event?

2. anti-psychotic meds causing more psychosis?

3. their religious upbringing and career path manifesting in her medical delusions?

4. demonic possession?

5. MKULTRA radio brainwave transmissions, microwave covert audio heard only in the targeted braincase, holographic broadcast of fake objects, covert burgleries, torture and brainwashing for MPD in loonybins, LSD dosing by Mossad operatives?

6. fungal infection of the brain causing schizophrenia?

Was Ted Pike's hallucinations merely ESP (biological radio/video) of his wife's hallucinations from mental illness?

The Pikes did make several common mistakes that the majority of Americans and Westerners make:

1. they went to doctors, surgeons and psychiatrists, which are the leading cause of death in USA

2. she took psy meds that increase the risk of suicide

3. she was involuntarily locked in a coocoo nest several times as a danger to herself

4. excessive reliance on religion with undereliance on litigation

So was this a case of MKULTRA gaslighting, medical malpractice, demonic possession, or just another sad case from the hellish epidemic of "mental illness" that befalls the human race every day?

Enquiring minds want to know...

Christian John Todd locked in loonybin for escaping Satanic Illuminati


Wednesday, April 18, 2012 3:41 PM


Hmm. Well, keep digging, PN. If there's a connection between CIA and this you'll find it.


Thursday, April 19, 2012 4:08 AM



Originally posted by BYTEMITE:
I'm not sure about the time frame here, I can't see the videos. But the CIA was basically running their own version of Dollhouse in the 1960s, complete with involuntary human experimentation, brainwashing, prostitution, blackmail, and pedophilia.

People who got out of those programs weren't ever the same after that. Many of them committed suicide. And I don't believe for a minute that it's ever stopped.

No more than excessive surveillence was after the Pike and Church Committee, Byte - the promises of the alphabet boys are worth nothing, I mean all the crap about the spying which has come out since has made that abundantly clear.

Gotta remember too that they partially bankrolled Synanon to study their brainwashing tactics, and fed money into that same cult when they became The Seed, Straight, Inc. and WWASPS - taking the refined techniques and applying them first to military training and probably their own agents, as well as adapting them to places like Abu Gharib and Gitmo.
I do not, even for a second, believe they reverse engineered it from SERE, since we were USING those techniques before that guide was even produced, and beyond even that the comparison between the Hellcamp abuses I have described here and "Enhanced Interrogation" is almost a one-for-one match, right down to stress positions, isolation and sleep deprivation - and when you throw in the concept of Rendition versus what we used to call "Transporting" it's exactly the same fucking thing, really... practiced and refined first on american children.
But the REAL clincher is that many of the sites and infrastructure being used for rendition and interrogations now are former Hellcamp black sites, since the infrastructure was ideal for it, and many of their merry little torturers ARE former Hellcamp "graduates", just like they used to take the very worst of em, turn em, make em collaborators and put them in charge as Trustees or whatever the word of the day for such things were.

Black Sites
They do not give specifics, but I think you're very well aware I have a list of former Hellcamp black sites, and so far the match has correllated exactly - so they're using both those sites, and others as well.

Rendition Aircraft
These also happen to be the CIAs cocaine pipeline fleet, at one time serviced by DynCorp before DynCorp became a PMC.
Of particular interest N987SA.
Also one of the other aircraft I will not specify was the one I chose not to board when it took off for Nicaruagua, and there's a set of very specific initials carved into that bastard somewhere discreet, in case that ever becomes an issue.
Beyond that, some of them were used to transport the boy-toys to the whitehouse, thus producing those logs and even the credit card recipts PN is fond of displaying here and there, during the whole Franklin-Boystown mess, and one of the larger ones was used to ferry a larger "payload" of victims elsewhere who were deleted from the CPS/Foster Care System rolls - that's been corroborated by several survivors, one crewperson, and multiple investigators.

While the connections aren't nearly as direct, solid or expansive as PN likes to pretend they are, there ARE connections between these things, most often involving political money or intelligence agency involvement if not both, even if the latter is (as was in the case of Synanon even in the latter days of ULTRA) merely financial support and observation.

Thing that rooks me worst tho, is when there's hard proof, a paper trail, and STILL no one wants to step up to the plate, there's some serious shit flying in Poland right now about collaboration with something the Polish people would have NEVER voluntarily agreed with in large part due to their history...

Poland Probes Secret CIA Prison

Polish PM urges "discretion" around CIA prisons probe

Cooperation with people being dissappeared, tortured, on Polish soil ?
Man, the Polish people are PISSED, and I don't blame them a whit - ironic that one of the weapons in my collection, a gift from a very old man, is a Polish Radom ViS wz35 with as he told me "A very dark history", hell even TOUCHING the thing gives me the goddamn wiggies, I've still never been able to bring myself to fire it.



Thursday, April 19, 2012 8:41 AM


Thanks Frem, I'll have to cogitate over this.

I find it a little troubling that there's a secret CIA prison in Poland when I've also heard that Eastern Europe is a hot spot for human trafficking and disappeared kids.


Thursday, April 19, 2012 7:16 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Originally posted by BYTEMITE:
Thanks Frem, I'll have to cogitate over this.

I find it a little troubling that there's a secret CIA prison in Poland when I've also heard that Eastern Europe is a hot spot for human trafficking and disappeared kids.

These CIA redition torture dungeons are used for snuff kiddie porn, just like Bohemian Grove presidential retreat near San Francisco.

The Polish ambassador was my former mayor Victor "Victoria" Ashe, GW Bush's fellow cheerleader and college roommate at Yale Skull & Bones. They apparently murdered their dominatrix Leolla McConnell after she wrote a book about their 3-way gay sex romp. I warned her to be very careful, since Ashe allegedly murdered one of his gay lovers to shut him up, in the same building where I broadcast my TV show. I sued Ashe in a class action for running a massive cartheft racket with mobster copkilling towtruckers and dirty cops, then my lawyer got 2 guns put to his head and "voluntarily dismissed" my "slam dunk" case. Never got my 2 cars back.

THE SHOOTER by Pastor Ted Pike

In the following church Sunday school Bible study after his wife's disappearance, Pastor Ted Pike talks about a Bible verse where a jew CUT UP HIS WIFE IN LITTLE PIECES AND DISTRIBUTED HER ALL OVER ISRAEL/PALESTINE and how that was a GOOD thing. Pike's wife's body has never been found... WTF?!!!!


Is Ted Pike a Monster for Not Calling an Exorcist?

Who were the alleged "eyewitnesses" who called 911 and reported "a woman jumping off the bridge", and who did they work for or associate with -- is there a connection to Pike or an intelligence agency or Satanic cult? Satanic cults are often used by intelligence agencies for mind control (pedophile Col Michael Aquino founded the Temple of Set, kidnapped Johnny Gosch and ran the Pentagon's psywar dept), or assassination by vehicle "accident".

HYPOTHETICAL THEORY: It's possible Pike's wife was an MKULTRA sexslave with Multiple Personality Disorder assigned to seduce Pike (then spy and sabotage him), coincidentally after Pike wrote his first book attacking Israel. The first videos on this page show photos of Pastor Pike's artwork of his nude wife (de facto stripper/prostitute?). Cathy O'Brien (forced by torture to be in porn) says these girls (and boys) are preprogrammed to self destruct and kill themselves at a certain time (or be killed), and that both Ronald Reagan and Dick Cheney personally promised to kill her (escaped with help from a CIA asset). O'Brien says the MKULTRA controllers routinely give LSD to victims and play gaslight tricks on them to make them appear extra crazy to everybody else, thus destroyign their credibility. It's routine for covert ops to stage "arranged marriages" to control/sabotage VIPs and insiders, as seen in the movie, The Brotherhood Of The Bell. O'Brien says its routine for MKULTRA to continuously reprogram victims in loonybins or other places, as a "tune up", and Mrs Pike was sent to a loonybin several times (who knows what they really did to her behind locked doors?).

Or, medical malpractice left part of the brain tumor/cancer that spread, causing further brain damage. Or the brain surgeon cut out a part of her brain that regulated being able to judge dreams from waking life. No demonic possession.

Or, Pike says his wife was diagnosed with ADD. Prescription meds for ADD routinely cause hallucinations, psychosis and suicide. OTC diet pills do the same. This could explain his wife's delusions of seeing demons.

Or, all wives eventually go nuts and freak out on their husbands... (Twilight Zone theme)


Friday, April 20, 2012 5:45 AM



It's routine for covert ops to stage "arranged marriages" to control/sabotage VIPs and insiders

And in Dollhouse. It looks like pretty much everything that Joss showed in Dollhouse has to some degree actually happened.

It's a plausible theory, we just need the connection to CIA.


Friday, April 20, 2012 8:51 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Originally posted by BYTEMITE:

It's routine for covert ops to stage "arranged marriages" to control/sabotage VIPs and insiders

And in Dollhouse. It looks like pretty much everything that Joss showed in Dollhouse has to some degree actually happened.

It's a plausible theory, we just need the connection to CIA.

CIA and FBI are 2 criminal gangs of serial killers, often sending CIA/FBI hitmen to kill rival FBI/CIA hitmen. Both CIA and FBI are involved in the sexslave business, according to Noreen Gosch, mother of kidnapped Johnny Gosch (Jeff Gannon), who was raped 100s of times in the Reagan/Bush/Bush White House (Clinton/Rockefeller and Obama too?). Johnny gosch was the first Milk Carton Kid. Mrs Gosch threw a loaded coffee mug at an FBI agent in her home, for admitting FBI would never search for her son. She then founded the Center for Missing and Expoited Children, to replace FBI funding and conduct their own investigations using taxpayer funds.

Pastor Fritz Springmeir writes these sexslave/assassin women are often murdered during Satanic rituals, when their time is up. In retaliation for his book, Pastor Springmeir was framed, arrested and spent 8 years in federal prison for a bank robbery he officially did not participate in.

HYPOTHESIS: Pastor Pike wrote that his wife screamed she was programmed to murder him. If Mrs Pike was MKULTRA Project Monarch, it's possible her handlers kidnapped her, staged her "suicide" using fake callers to 911, then executed her in a Satanic ritual by The Elite (as routinely done to 1,000s of women and children every year, including the CIA's Iran-Contra sexslave cocaine pipeline during the Franklin Coverup). Remember, Mrs Pike's body was never found....

September 10 2011 Portland Oregon speech by Fritz Springmeir after his escape from prison:

Megan Fox breaks her MKULTRA Project Monarch conditioning?

EVERY type of diet pill causes psychoses (and tachycardia), especially OTC non-prescription "diet" pills at Wallymart.

Proof that ALL diet drugs are MKULTRA: