Occupy Bilderburg Secret Society: Willard Mitt Romney sneaks in with rat army, Bilderburg doc from Communist Party union leader agrees to export US factories in 1966

UPDATED: Wednesday, June 6, 2012 07:34
VIEWED: 2978
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Wednesday, June 6, 2012 7:34 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

No tips from Bilderburg for "cockroach" Marriott workers in Virginia, "Ron Paul must die!"

Four separate eyewitnesses inside the Westfields Marriott hotel in Chantilly Virginia told London Guardian writer Charlie Skelton that Mitt Romney was in attendance at Bilderberg 2012, suggesting the Republican candidate could be the elite’s pick for the upcoming U.S. presidential election.

“Four eyewitnesses on the hotel staff told me Willard Mitt Romney was here at Bilderberg 2012. My four eyewitnesses place him inside. That’s one more than Woodward and Bernstein used. Romney’s office initially refused to confirm or deny his attendance as Bilderberg is “not public”. They later said it was not him,” writes Skelton.

The London Guardian writer adds that the fact Romney’s name did not appear on the official list of attendees is meaningless. Numerous power brokers, including Bill Gates, were photographed arriving at the event yet were not included on the list of participants, as is routinely the case.

With speculation already raging that Romney’s potential VP – Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels – was already being groomed by Bilderberg cronies, Romney’s appearance at the secretive confab of global power brokers suggests that he is being favored by the elite, who have seemingly lost faith in Barack Obama.

As Skelton noted in a separate report, on Saturday afternoon a limousine arrived at the hotel surrounded by a police motorcade, signaling the arrival of a “heavyweight politician”. Could this have been Mitt Romney? It’s unlikely given the fact that he was appearing at fundraisers on the west coast all weekend, but Romney’s schedule for Thursday, the first day of the Bilderberg meeting, was clear.

An invite to the Bilderberg conference has routinely proven beneficial to future Presidents and Prime Ministers.

Four years ago during a heated battle on the campaign trail, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton gave reporters the slip to attend the 2008 Bilderberg meeting at the same hotel. On precisely the same weekend as the confab was taking place, the Washington Post announced that Hillary was withdrawing from the presidential race and would support Obama.

Bill Clinton and Tony Blair were both groomed by the secretive organization in the early 1990's before rising to prominence. Portugal’s Pedro Santana Lopes and Jose Socrates attended the 2004 meeting in Stresa, Italy before both going on to become Prime Minster of Portugal.

Bilderberg also played a key role in selecting John Edwards and John Kerry’s running mate in 2004 and Bilderberg luminary James A. Johnson also hand-picked Joe Biden as VP in 2008.

Confirmation that Romney attended Bilderberg 2012 may be hard to come by, but news that the former Governor of Minnesota’s email account was compromised by a hacker could offer proof, although no emails have been leaked thus far.

What a Bilderberg it's been. Big names, big money, big decisions, big crowds. Somewhere around 800 activists outside the gates (up from about a dozen in 2009), and inside? Well, here's what we learned.

A Mitt Romney attendance?
Four eyewitnesses on the hotel staff told me Willard Mitt Romney was here at Bilderberg 2012. My four eyewitnesses place him inside. That's one more than Woodward and Bernstein used. Romney's office initially refused to confirm or deny his attendance as Bilderberg is "not public". They later said it was not him.

So, was he being crowned, or singing for his supper? Will Mitt Romney follow in the august footsteps of Clinton, Cameron and Blair to have attended Bilderberg and then shortly become leader? Four years ago, Senator Obama shook off his press detail and nipped (many think) into Bilderberg. This exact same hotel.

Did Romney have to get down on one knee in front of David Rockefeller? This sounds flippant, but it's a serious question: has Bilderberg switched allegiance? Are they going to toss away Obama after just one term?

I put this question to author and Bilderberg expert Webster Tarpley. Is Wall Street going to throw its chips in with Romney? "I think there's a frisson that's gone through the ruling class against Obama," he says. The leak we had from the flirty hotel staffer corroborated this. "They don't seem to like Obama very much," he said.

Tarpley's conclusion is this: "They want Romney and Mitch Daniels, who will run together as moderate rightists." Governor Daniels of Indiana was on the official list.

The Washington Post saw Bill Gates come in. And I've got three eyewitnesses from inside who confirmed he was here. This is his ear:

You won't see the names Mitt Romney or Bill Gates on the officially released Final List of Participants because, well, the list is a nonsense. It's nothing like a complete list of people who attend Bilderberg. It's a smokescreen, a bit of spin. So can we all, please, stop repeating it as gospel?

The Washington Post saw Bill Gates come in. And I've got three eyewitnesses from inside who confirmed he was here. This is his ear:

You won't see the names Mitt Romney or Bill Gates on the officially released Final List of Participants because, well, the list is a nonsense. It's nothing like a complete list of people who attend Bilderberg. It's a smokescreen, a bit of spin. So can we all, please, stop repeating it as gospel?

Bassma Kodmani of the Syrian National Council leaves Bilderberg 2012 as CIA genocides her nation apart

Attending Bilderberg 2012 as an 'international' participant was Bassma Kodmani.

So who is Bassma Kodmani? The answer to that question is also the answer to the question: what the hell is happening in Syria? This is where it gets interesting (and worrying) for Bilderberg followers.

Kodmani was at Bilderberg in 2008, the last time it was here in Chantilly. She is a member of the European Council on foreign relations – its parent group, the council on foreign relations, is a sort of über lobby group, a couple of rungs down from Bilderberg, but still hugely powerful.

There's a lot of CFR/Bilderberg crossover. Honorary chairman of both is David Rockefeller; co-chairman of the CFR is Robert Rubin (he was here); and on the CFR's board of directors are Fouad Ajami and Henry Kravis, both at Bilderberg 2012.

Bassma Kodmani is also the executive director of the Arab Reform Initiative. This body, set up in 2004 by the CFR, is helping to steer "a comprehensive process" of "democratic reform" in the region. In 2005, the Syrian National Council came into being. Bassma Kodmani was a founding member, and is on the executive committee. Kodmani is one of the SNC's two spokespeople, alongside Radwan Ziadeh (who has a flawless Washington pedigree – look him up). According to its website, the SNC is a non profit public policy research organization register in the District of Colombia and headquartered in Washington DC. Just up the road.

I asked Tarpley about Kodmani. He doesn't mince words. "She's a Nato agent, a destabilizer, a colour revolution queen. The fact that Kodmani was there is a scary one for Syria", says Tarpley.

To those gathered outside, at least, it looks increasingly like, at this year's Bilderberg, the war of regime change got signed off. In the airport lobby, on the way home from Bilderberg, I looked up at a TV monitor to see Bilderberg attendee and CFR board member Fouad Ajami talking about how Syria is about to become another Libya. That sound you can hear? It's all those juicy defence contracts being scratched out around Chantilly. Fuel the jets and open the champagne, boys. We're going in.

A statement of support from Occupy London was read out at Occupy Bilderberg. A symbol of Anglo-American unity, like Bilderberg itself. The statement protested against (amongst other things): the rise of an undemocratic "technocracy" – a "network of cronies" in which financial "experts", largely from the international banking community, who have been appointed rather than elected, are handed the reins of government.

So here you've got the (broadly speaking) liberal left protest movement, with its anti-corruption and pro-transparency agenda, finding common ground with US libertarians and an anti-Obama, anti-fascist, pro-union New Deal American like Webster Tarpley.

As Tarpley says: "Bilderberg creates a singularity, where a lot of seemingly disparate things come together." That applies not just to the people inside – megabank money and government – outside the security cordon you've got Occupy Bilderberg rubbing shoulders with US veterans, German students who've flown over for the event, truckers from Michigan, Orthodox Jews, Ron Paul supporters, anarcho-syndicalists, academics and grandmothers.
Why? In the words of the statement from Occupy London: "the profound denial of a participatory, direct democracy which the Bilderberg Conference represents."

Mainstream news turned up

Finally. The Washington Times sent Ben Wolfgang, the Guardian sent Ryan Devereaux and the Times of London actually tried to get a journalist inside – Alexandra Frean was turned away at the gates. But she tried. At least she tried. That's a start. We can work with that.

There was speculation before the conference that on the Bilderberg agenda this year would be how to implement a unique EU internet ID. Who would be pushing that through? Step up Neelie Kroes, EU commissioner for digital agenda.

Presumably Eric Schmidt (Google) and Reid Hoffman (LinkedIn) would have been sharing podium-space with Bill Gates at that session. That's if there was one, of course.

Collin versus the new world order

I'm not sure global governance stands a chance against Collin Abramowicz. Here – by popular request – is a last blast from the frontline of the resistance:

Hopefully Collin and I will see you all again in 2013. You can email me at – if we had 800 this year, I think we could be having ourselves a party. The Bilderburgers are on me.

Leaked Bilderberg Documents: “Nationalism Is Dangerous”

Leaked documents from the 1966 Bilderberg Group conference exclusively obtained by Infowars betray how even as far back as five decades ago U.S. Senators were being indoctrinated with the belief that “nationalism is dangerous” by Bilderberg elitists, in addition to top union heads scheming behind their members’ backs with titans of capitalism and industry.

Previously leaked documents from meetings have illustrated how the Bilderberg Group, contrary to the media-generated myth that the confab represents a harmless talking shop, sets the consensus for policy decisions sometimes decades in advance.

A clear example is the 1955 Bilderberg meeting held in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, West Germany. Documents read by the BBC and later released by Wikileaks divulge how Bilderberg members were discussing the creation of the euro single currency nearly 40 years before it was officially introduced in the 1992 Maastricht Treaty.

The documents obtained by Infowars are from the Bilderberg Group meeting which took place in Wiesbaden, Germany in late March 1966.. The files are marked “personal and strictly confidential,” and “Not for publication either in whole or in part.” They consist of Bilderberg’s agenda for that year’s confab along with hand-written notes made by Democratic U.S. Senator for Oklahoma Fred R. Harris, who attended the meeting.

Participants in the 1966 conference included well known figures such as David Rockefeller, Zbigniew Brzezinski, and John J. McCloy, who served on the Warren Commission and was a member of the foreign policy establishment group of elders called “The Wise Men.”

Harris had only been in office for less than two years before he was invited to the Bilderberg confab, suggesting he was being sounded out for potential grooming for higher office. The former Senator is still alive and currently works as a professor of political science at the University of New Mexico.

Included in the documents is the official invitation Harris received from Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, Bilderberg founder and member of the German Nazi party. The letter is personally signed by the Prince.

The most alarming portion of Harris’ hand-written notes concern a speech given during the Bilderberg confab by one time Communist Party member and union leader Walter P. Reuther, who was politically active from the 1930's up until his death in 1970. Reuther was a leading force in the United Automobile Workers (UAW) and later helped set up the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions.

Conservative icon Barry Goldwater once characterized Reuther as a “more dangerous menace than the Sputnik or anything Soviet Russia might do to America.” Reuther also appeared in Time magazine’s list of the 100 most influential people of the 20th century.

The documents show that even as far back as 1966, Union representatives like Reuther, who called themselves socialists, were selling out their members in favor of secretly scheming with Bilderberg power brokers, many of whomwere titans of capitalism and industry – illustrating how the left/right political paradigm is a fraud.

In addition, Senators like Harris were being indoctrinated by Bilderberg elitists that national sovereignty must end and be replaced by a system of global government.

Harris’ notes, made while Reuther was giving his presentation, reveal how Bilderberg were panicked about NATO’s declining relevance and sought to manufacture a new threat to elevate its importance.

“NATO is in trouble because common fears are reduced,” he writes.

The primary threat to Bilderberg’s goal of establishing global government is made clear in Harris’ notes.

“Nationalism is dangerous,” he writes.

In a letter Harris sent to Reuther a few weeks after the conference, the Senator thanks the Union head, writing, “The Bilderberg Conference gave me a real opportunity to learn and widen my horizons. One of the memorable highlights of the meeting was the opportunity to get to know and visit with you.”

We will have more astounding revelations from these leaked documents in the coming days.

View screenshots of the 1966 documents below (click for enlargements).