Mass shooting at Elementary School

UPDATED: Sunday, December 16, 2012 06:08
VIEWED: 7380
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Saturday, December 15, 2012 11:47 AM



Originally posted by AnthonyT:

Originally posted by MAL4PREZ:
So what the hell? You can only choose a "legal" level of armament if it means you're armed equal to the "constabulary,: and yet you admit that you can never fight them?


I didn't say the people couldn't fight the government, just that it was an awful prospect and they'd be feeding themselves to the graveyard in droves. Any battle fought against the government would be fought against a force with superior arms and coordination. It would be an insurgency. It might last for a very long time. I don't even like to think about it for very long.

I should have said: "you're armed equal to the "constabulary, and yet you admit that you can never beat them?"

My understanding is that you want everything the police have to be available to the general public so we can fight them (which is a point with some merit, I believe, given how power tends to concentrate and authority turn bad). But then you say we the people aren't like to be successful in any such violent confrontation. So why again do we allow horrible weapons to be as easy to acquire as chewing gum?


My hope is that the inconvenience of suppressing a heavily armed population causes that route to never be pursued in earnest. Not because the government wouldn't outgun the population (they have full access to military resources, after all), but rather because it would be a horrific prospect, a nightmare scenario where even if you win, you have lived through a bone-chilling, blood curdling awfulness the likes of which no human should ever hope to endure.
And I have to hope that the direction of an advanced civilization is toward power shifts without violence or threat of violence. I believe your argument - that only such threats lead to security - is the basis of the insanity of human beings. It's the basis of war and of things like what happened yesterday.


In other words, just because you might come out ahead in a nuclear exchange with Russia doesn't mean it will be fun to nuke them. Nor, from their perspective, does a disparity in armament mean that they should just shrug their shoulders and consign themselves to oblivion.
We're not talking nukes that really can't be used in "small" squirmishes. We're talking about weapons that have no use but to be stroked by people (mostly men) who need such things to stroke and nutjobs who decide to walk into a theater or a place of worship or an elementary school and kill as many people as quickly as possible.



So your insecurities do not make you secure - they only serve to put scary guns in the closets of old ladies so that their developmentally disabled sons can use those weapons to murder the children the old ladies teach?

I'm rather surprised about this "old lady's" armaments.

Which doesn't answer the question. You ignore the data - countries with less free availability of horrible gun have less of this shit happening. Period.



Please answer the question YOU asked me: what level of weaponry/ammo do you think appropriate to modern times?

There are so many uses for guns in modern times that you are asking for a very long list. Do you mean for defense?

I definitely do NOT mean that I want a list of your favorite penile-stroking stand-ins. I'm asking you to, in very very general terms, define the maximum level of armature that the average American gun enthusiast should have. And what is the maximum level of inconvenience this person should experience in getting their hands on such things?

Example: "Every American should be able to acquire 10 fully automatic Uzis at the corner store if they show their NRA member card, but rocket launchers should only be available with a 30 day wait and background check."


If I chart civil liberties on a graph, using my life as a timeline, I find that we are living in the worst time for civil liberties that I have ever known. We have less personal privacy and less protection from illegal search and seizure than ever before. Women's bodies are being assaulted in ways I did not see in my youth, with invasive abortion procedures and technical outlawing of abortion in one state by making the clinics unavailable.

Abortion was fully and completely illegal just before I was born, and let's just not talk about what my mom faced entering the professional work force in the 80s. Let's not get into how black people and woman were portrayed in the media back then.

I agree that we some pretty serious privacy issues, the corporatization of America is very troublesome, and we are in many ways a big evil hegemony. But these problems have existed in some form or another for a long time. They seem more extreme now because we KNOW about them, and that gives me hope.

I wish I could live 200 years to see what historians will say about the age of the budding internet. The free access to knowledge, to real first hand awareness of people all over the world, is just crushing old barriers.


Saturday, December 15, 2012 12:02 PM


America loves a winner!

Yes. Mal4, you ignoring the substantive points of a discussion, and instead childishly posting up lame stick figures is ' outmanning me ', huh ?

I'm sure you're totally hot, too.

In your pathetic dreams.


I shut down his inflammatory Faux news statements, so he went to personal insults. How trite.

Not in this thread you didn't. Not even close, doll. YOU were the one who ignored the issue, and went juvenile w/ the personal insults.

"False words are not only evil in themselves, but they infect the soul with evil." - Socrates

" I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend. "


Saturday, December 15, 2012 12:08 PM



Originally posted by MAL4PREZ:

I wish I could live 200 years to see what historians will say about the age of the budding internet. The free access to knowledge, to real first hand awareness of people all over the world, is just crushing old barriers.

Good luck, Mal. I wish real change on your country. Even though I am a long way away and in a different country, I still feel moved by these tragedies and outraged at the clinging on to outdated ideology which enables them.

Maybe this is the last straw....


Saturday, December 15, 2012 12:13 PM


In one respect it's all about consequences. Serial killers, mass murderers all of 'em have great doubts about their own masculinity, f'risntance. They prove their manhood by committing these crimes which in our culture GUARRAN-fuckin'-TEE they are gonna be famous, and not just famous, but immortal, like Jack the Ripper and Jeffrey Dahmer. Famous for being "a monster," a "sexual predator," (how badass is that? "Sexual predator!" Who wouldn't want to be one of those???) a man so over-full of man-stuff that he kills and kills and kills and likes it! It's our mythology.

My favorite James Bond movie was Quantum of Solace because it was all about our boy James struggling with grief. The combination to me was fascinating to watch. It was an evolution of our mythology. This man who was seemingly prepared for everything, was entirely unprepared for grief. He was forced to do the heavy lifting of finding his way through loss. And he did. Everybody else on the planet hated that movie. Boring! So they make this latest one and fill it with the same old, same old bullshit from the James Bond of our youth, complete with an evil fag to kill. Suddenly James Bond was cool again! Suddenly, instead of the guy making us queasy, he made us envious again. Envious of a professional murderer who has no friends and no children.

We let O.J. get away with murder and he continues to make the news. Kids who weren't even alive for the trial know who O.J. Simpson is. We let Bush/Cheney go, after proudly admitting to torture. We now OPENLY torture our enemies and rail against the President because he has the gall to come within a country mile of "apologizing for America." All of that gets downloaded to our childrens' squishy human hardrives. We commit atrocities throughout the world and tell our children that we're "the good guys." None of which is lost on any of 'em. Kids know when they're being lied to. They learn the game and learn it well from us. From our government and our judicial system, from our art and from our heroes.

Money never trickles down from the top, but morality always does. Our leaders set the tone and tell us what's celebrated and what's forbidden. These murderers, in their search for greater and greater fame will just keep upping their game until we've had enough. Until we grow the fuck up and stop rewarding them for this crap. This latest guy shot up a bunch of six year olds. That's not a monster, that's just a loser.


Hey, hey, hey, don't be mean. We don't have to be mean, because, remember, no matter where you go, there you are.


Saturday, December 15, 2012 12:43 PM



Originally posted by Magonsdaughter:

Originally posted by MAL4PREZ:

I wish I could live 200 years to see what historians will say about the age of the budding internet. The free access to knowledge, to real first hand awareness of people all over the world, is just crushing old barriers.

Good luck, Mal. I wish real change on your country. Even though I am a long way away and in a different country, I still feel moved by these tragedies and outraged at the clinging on to outdated ideology which enables them.

Maybe this is the last straw....

Sorry, Magon's, I post in bits now and then so I lose track of the histories - are you in Australia? If so - man do I like that part of the world! OK, I haven't been there, but next door in New Zealand. It made me realize what a paranoid police state the US is. Can you imagine - I was allowed to bring my coffee with me when boarding an airplane. Shocker!

Yeah, that's trivial, but it's amazing what Americans are willing to accept because we're so afraid that everyone's out to get us. It's sad.

HK - yes to all that. How come a naked body on screen is horribly shocking and not allowed, while all manner of violence is A-OK? We are, absolutely, nuts.

Interesting take on QoS. I just watched both old bond movies in the past week. I hadn't seen them, but wanted to get some background before seeing Skyfall (which I still haven't gotten to, due to a theater sell out and a missed train curses!). I agree on your take. I've read some harsh reviews of both earlier movies, but I like the gritty take and the human side of Bond. Someone (Anthony?) posted something about the gay bad guy in the new movie, and how Bond's reaction to him was actually a good thing, in that Bond didn't go all defensive "get-away-from-me-you-f##!" Apparently, Bond was secure enough to even flirt with the character. Like I said, I haven't seen it yet, but I'll definitely assess that interaction.

Unrelated to other matters: I absolutely loved the stadium opera scene in QoS. Brilliant on so many levels.

Frem - I feel like I might be trying to pat the head of a snarling dog. (Not meant as an insult, please!) I know you have strong feelings about gun control and such, and I hope to discuss it with you because I think you know a lot and have good ideas. But I think I'm going to disagree with you and you might just bite over it. I hope not. I hope you (and Anthony and others) don't think there's an argument to take away all guns. That is certainly not something I'd support.

Also, I was wrong last night to say that this was 100% about gun control. The mental health issue is at least as important. I keep forgetting to follow that up. I guess there's not much to say, except that medical help is good for brains as much as bodies - duh!


Saturday, December 15, 2012 1:26 PM


Yep, in Australia, incidentally where you can't bring your coffee on a plane (or at least not at city airports).

I still feel prickles of anger when I hear people talking about mental health issues being to blame, coz I am becoming less and less convinced that this is about mental health. Unless of course you want to talk about cultural mental well being.

Do these people really suffer from mental illness? Sure they have distorted thinking, but I am not sure you can describe them in the same way that someone suffers from skizophrenia, depression, bipolar et al.

I recently visited the site of Australia's worst gun massacre, down at Port Arthur in Tasmania, not because I love visiting massacre sites but it was a tourist attraction before and after the event. Actually in a trip a couple of years after the event, I couldn't bring myself to go, but it has been 15 plus years since the event, and it is definitely worth going to.

They pulled down the cafe where most of the people were gunned down, and now the remnants have been made into a shrine. Not at the centre of the tourist site, but just a place to go and reflect. Like the gunman in Connecticut, the Port Arthur gunman killed first before going to the site. He also murdered a mother and the two year old child she held in her arms, and chased the poor terrified four year old who had witnessed that atrocity behind a tree where he shot her dead, point blank.

That kind of behaviour is never going to be prevented by mental health treatments. Sorry. You can see all the psychs in the world, but a bit of talky therapy or drugs for that matter is not going to stop someone who just gets a kick out of killing and has no capacity to understand conseqences either for himself or for others whose lives he has ruined.

Whose life gets ruined in all these events. Not just the poor children and teachers shot dead, and their devestated families, but the children who witnessed these events and survived and will live with these events ALL their lives and their families and loved ones who will be managing PTSD and other mental illness as a result. What about the poor emergency services workers who have to pick up the tattered bodies of small children, or the paramedics, medical professionals trying to treat the injured, or the community who will be in collective shock or the kids at the other ends of the country who are now terrified of stepping into a school?

All this causes mental illness, - lives not fully lived, or lived fearfully or in pain and despair. Is it bloody worth it for what is most people - nothing more than a freakin hobby.


Saturday, December 15, 2012 2:19 PM



Originally posted by HKCavalier:

My favorite James Bond movie was Quantum of Solace because it was all about our boy James struggling with grief. The combination to me was fascinating to watch. It was an evolution of our mythology. This man who was seemingly prepared for everything, was entirely unprepared for grief. He was forced to do the heavy lifting of finding his way through loss. And he did. Everybody else on the planet hated that movie.

No, I liked it best of Craig's movies so far for the reasons you stated, and I know others who agree.

We let O.J. get away with murder and he continues to make the news. Kids who weren't even alive for the trial know who O.J. Simpson is. We let Bush/Cheney go, after proudly admitting to torture. We now OPENLY torture our enemies and rail against the President because he has the gall to come within a country mile of "apologizing for America." All of that gets downloaded to our childrens' squishy human hardrives. We commit atrocities throughout the world and tell our children that we're "the good guys." None of which is lost on any of 'em. Kids know when they're being lied to. They learn the game and learn it well from us. From our government and our judicial system, from our art and from our heroes.



Saturday, December 15, 2012 3:38 PM


In Australia,
"The Port Arthur massacre of 28 April 1996 was a killing spree in
which 35 people were killed and 23 wounded. Martin Bryant, 28 ...
plead guilty ... is now imprisoned in the Wilfred Lopes Centre near
Risdon Prison."

Just before the PA shootings, in Seascape, Bryant killed David and
Noelene Martin. That part of his day was fully premeditated.

Bryant was on disability; had been diagnosed as severely deficient
intellectually and emotionally, functional age of 11 or less. Did not
graduate from the special ED unit of his high school.

A very successful mass murderer. Monster? Child? Monsterous child?


A man's gotta know his limitations. ~Dirty Harry


Saturday, December 15, 2012 4:59 PM


Mass Murders – Expect More
by Louis Wynne, 8/2/12

"We can expect many more mass murders until America looks in the mirror
and sees that these perpetrators have become alienated by a society that
no longer has compassion for the poor, the rejected, and the chronically
unemployed. Passing another gun control law misses the point entirely."

No shit?

A man's gotta know his limitations. ~Dirty Harry


Saturday, December 15, 2012 5:55 PM



Originally posted by Oonjerah:
You'd bring excellent insight to it.
So I hope you will discuss it.

Sorry, no.
It's a terrible tragedy and no mistake, but there's no point in discussing causes and solutions because no one here has proposed any, just demanded more problems.


(after seeing post above this one)
Especially since you just made the point I woulda....


Saturday, December 15, 2012 6:28 PM


Isn't it always a problem to solve the problems that we have created?

We can't go back to the Golden Age. And up to now, I can't really find
a good handle on this One, tho some seem to think the freedom of the
internet will bring many solutions.

A man's gotta know his limitations. ~Dirty Harry


Saturday, December 15, 2012 7:10 PM



Originally posted by FREMDFIRMA:

Sorry, no.
It's a terrible tragedy and no mistake, but there's no point in discussing causes and solutions because no one here has proposed any, just demanded more problems.

Originally posted by FREMDFIRMA:

This is a mental health issue.
It is an issue of social sanity.

This here is the actual center of the problem.

But the answer to this, like most answers to problems, is not a simple single thing.

1) Sick people should be undergoing treatment.
2) The right to sell an assault weapon is nonsense.
3) Guns are too easy to get in America.
4) 'Security' should not mean video cameras with no one watching the monitors- we have to employ REAL PEOPLE as security guards.

But all this results in a net profit loss all around, so it won't likely change in my lifetime...

Liberals and Conservatives are equally lazy & stupid regarding this issue, and all too ready for the fun political 'gun' fight rather than discussing the actual solutions to the problem.


Saturday, December 15, 2012 8:29 PM


For the last 50 years or so, we've had a mind-boggling acceleration
in technological advancement.

I don't see how space travel has affected us socially tho it must have;
it sure didn't upgrade our open-mindedness.

But electronics, computers, the 'Net fostered awesome social changes,
too fast, as a revolution. We have outrun ourselves which creates a
sort of emotional chaos.

It's a little bit like the plague they had in Johnny Mnemonic.
This creates numerous control issues, to say the least.

As far as the mental health profession goes, most of it needs to be
reinvented, for it's useless. Example: Can we keep Big Pharm out of
controlling it?

I feel sure that most of the healing will be from people caring about
people, if we all can manage to do that well.


A man's gotta know his limitations. ~Dirty Harry


Saturday, December 15, 2012 8:34 PM


Freedom is Important because People are Important


My understanding is that you want everything the police have to be available to the general public so we can fight them (which is a point with some merit, I believe, given how power tends to concentrate and authority turn bad). But then you say we the people aren't like to be successful in any such violent confrontation. So why again do we allow horrible weapons to be as easy to acquire as chewing gum?


I will assume your chewing gum analogy is a stab at humor and hyperbole.

There are battles which are so terrible and so costly that people pause in contemplation of them. People decide not to fight them. There is a deterrent factor in unceasing horror. It is possible to be outmatched by an opponent and still make it so that it is not in that opponent's interests to make war with you.

Or you can serve yourself up on a platter, in which case there is no cost to devouring you, and no deterrent.


And I have to hope that the direction of an advanced civilization is toward power shifts without violence or threat of violence. I believe your argument - that only such threats lead to security - is the basis of the insanity of human beings. It's the basis of war and of things like what happened yesterday.

When the government does not perceive the need to threaten the citizenry with violence in order to maintain order, I will embrace the belief that we have evolved past it.


We're not talking nukes that really can't be used in "small" squirmishes. We're talking about weapons that have no use but to be stroked by people (mostly men) who need such things to stroke and nutjobs who decide to walk into a theater or a place of worship or an elementary school and kill as many people as quickly as possible.

If those are the solitary uses you perceive for firearms, then it is no surprise that you have no desire to see them around.


I definitely do NOT mean that I want a list of your favorite penile-stroking stand-ins.

You seem to be fixated on masturbation.


I'm asking you to, in very very general terms, define the maximum level of armature that the average American gun enthusiast should have. And what is the maximum level of inconvenience this person should experience in getting their hands on such things?

You know, I gave you a very good answer with my reasoning of what was useful for defense and why I choose different weapons for defense. I put a lot of time into my response, and you were simply dismissive and rude to me.

I'm going to give you the general response you've asked for in the hopes that we'll be civil.

I believe any adult American should be able to buy any small arm (read: man-portable slugthrowers) for their use if a check reveals that their Constitutional rights have not been suspended. That I have no interest or use for particular arms has no bearing on what I think others should be allowed to have.


Note to Self:
Raptor - woman testifying about birth control is a slut (the term applies.)
Six - Wow, isn't Niki quite the CUNT? And, yes, I spell that in all caps....
Wulf - Niki is a stupid fucking bitch who should hurry up and die.

“The stupid neither forgive nor forget; the naive forgive and forget; the wise forgive but do not forget.” -T. S. Szasz


Sunday, December 16, 2012 6:08 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

This latest 2 shootings this week sure were "convenient" propaganda distrations for Hilliary's brain damage excuse to avoid testilying to Congress and going straight to jail hell.

Google "JAMESTOWN MASSACRES" -- not JONEStown CIA coolaid you flunkies!

400 years ago Native AMERICANS wiped out 350 British Communist terrorists AND THEIR SCHOOL CHILDREN using ROCKS to defeat firearms, then came back 10 years later while UNARMED and butchered another 500 British terrorists and their school kids using only the Brit terrorists' own FARM TOOLS.

Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it, or die trying.

Obama genocided over 10-million black AMERICAN babies so far






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