Obama Kill List whacks CIA 9/11 Truth pilot and family

UPDATED: Tuesday, February 26, 2013 08:33
VIEWED: 6055
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Monday, February 4, 2013 7:46 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

A lot of 9/11 witnesses and family members seem to get offed when they ask too many questions.

Slaying victims Alex and Macaila Marshall with their father, Phillip Marshall

Philip Marshall, 54, a career airline pilot who claimed to have once served as a contract pilot for the CIA and DEA during the Iran-Contra affair, shot and killed his two teenage children, and the family dog, then killed himself. The apparent murder-suicide was discovered at the family home in an upscale gated golfing community in Murphys, California.

According to local news reports, teen friends of Alex Marshall, 17 (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram), and Macaila Marshall (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram), 14, noticed the siblings had not been active on social media since Thursday and went by the house on Saturday to check on them.

The friends told police that when they arrived, they found Phillip Marshall, 54, "lying in a pool of blood inside the home," his 9mm Glock nearby.

Deputies believe the children were shot while sleeping on a couch. The dog was found in a bedroom. His estranged wife Sean Marshall, the children's mother, was out of the country at the time.

Philip Marshall has been identified as a former pilot for Eastern and United airlines. He self-published a number of books, including at least two about his 9/11 conspiracy theories: "The Big Bamboozle" (February 9, 2012) and "False Flag 911: How Bush, Cheney and the Saudis Created the Post-911 World" (July 29, 2008).

In his books, he claims to have served as a contract pilot for the US government during the Iran-Contra affair, flying shipments to and from Nicaragua. He appeared on "outsider truth" shows like Coast to Coast to promote his ideas.

From his author bio on,'s self-publishing service:

Philip Marshall, a veteran airline captain and former government "special activities" contract pilot, has authored three books on Top Secret America, a group presently conducting business as the United States Intelligence Community. Beginning with his role in the 1980s as a Learjet captain first as part of a Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) sting on Pablo Escobar, and later in the covert arming of the Nicaraguan Contras, Marshall has studied and written 30-years worth of covert government special activities and the revolving door of Wall Street tricksters, media moguls, and their well funded politicians.

I am unable to confirm the veracity of the claims in his self-authored bio at this time.

A Facebook page for "The Big Bamboozle" showed posts as recent as January 31 with titles like, "WHAT IS THE INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY HIDING?," "THE ARAB WORLD KNOWS THE RAID WAS A HOAX," and posts about the Bin Laden assassination having been faked.

"PICTURES PAINT A THOUSAND WORDS," read one such Facebook post from Marshall about photographs of the assassinated Al Qaeda leader. "Since bin Laden died in 2001, these would be "alleged" photos of bin Laden. Give us a break."

He once also pitched those theories to a television news journalist with whom this blogger is acquainted.

A young friend of the two slain teens with whom this blogger is personally acquainted described them as "sweet, funny, lively, good kids."

Photos from the siblings' Instagram feeds suggest that they were outgoing, well-liked by friends, and loved one another very much. In one, Macaila is in the hospital after a "golf cart accident," with her father sitting in the background.

In the last self-portrait she posted on January 28, her brother blows a hair dryer at her while she goofs in the mirror.

"I pretty much just wanted to say how great of a big brother you are," Macaila writes to her brother in another Instagram caption, "I love you so much!"


"America's top military leaders drafted plans to kill innocent people and commit acts of terrorism in U.S. cities to create public support for war. Code named Operation NORTHWOODS, the plans included assassination, sinking boats on the high seas, hijacking planes, blowing up a U.S. ship, and orchestrating violent terrorism in U.S. cities. The plans were developed as ways to trick the American public and the international community into supporting a war."
—David Ruppe, ABC News, "Friendly Fire - U.S. Military Drafted Plans to Terrorize U.S. Cities to Provoke War With Cuba," May 1, 2001

NOW GIVE UP YOUR DAMN GUNS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Tuesday, February 5, 2013 1:29 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


I just saw Shooter tonight with my wife. The "brace" or device they had on the FBI agent so that he would shoot himself in the head is going to give me nightmares until I die. I am sure they have such a device and it is used a lot, but my god, that is some scary shit. That device has to be the most distrubing thing I have seen. Does anyone have more info on this device?

Vince Foster knows how it works.

Never seen the movie, but about 50 years ago, someone in a small town in Mississippi was shot in the head 5 times from a .38. It was ruled a suicide.

Sorry to change the subject, but did anyone else think that dark brunette FBI agent was pretty hot?

If we believe Boing Boing and local California news, Philip Marshall was a “conspiracy theorist” who killed his teenage son and daughter, the family dog, and then himself.

Beginning with his role in the 1980s as a Learjet captain first as part of a Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) sting on Pablo Escobar, and later in the covert arming of the Nicaraguan Contras, Marshall has studied and written 30-years worth of covert government special activities and the revolving door of Wall Street tricksters, media moguls, and their well funded politicians.

As Pulitzer prize-winning investigative journalist Gary Webb discovered, doing research on Nicaraguans linked to CIA-backed Contras and their drug-running operations can get you 'suicided' with 2 shots to the back of the head. 9/11 conspiracy theories, on the other hand, will merely get you written off as a kook by the establishment, that is if they pay attention to you at all.

Is it possible Marshall’s links to the DEA and his role in taking down notorious drug kingpin Pablo Escobar might have had something to do with the murders? Did he know too much and was he ready to write about something the government did not want made public?

It wouldn’t be the first time the government killed somebody and made it look like a suicide. The suspicious suicide of DC Madam Deborah Jeane Palfrey comes to mind.

Police have not released a suicide note or offered any conclusive evidence Marshall killed himself and his family. Until they do, the possibility that he was killed for something he knew as a former government “special activities” contract pilot cannot be discounted.

Marshall’s books include The Big Bamboozle and False Flag 911: How Bush, Cheney and the Saudis Created the Post-911 World.

Senators ask Obama for legal basis for targeted killings of Americans

Obama's Attorney General Holder: It’s ‘Legal’ to Assassinate Americans

"American Sniper" author Chris Kyle in the process of assassinating 160 innocent patriots for Obama


Tuesday, February 5, 2013 2:05 PM


Obama is merciful. Bush was merciless. With Obama's drones it's...bam!...and you're dead. With Bush you got waterboarded first, and then you were forced to listen to The DeFranco Family's Greatest Hits album piped into your cell.
"A heartbeat, it's a love beat
and a love beat is a good vibration..."


Tuesday, February 26, 2013 8:33 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Captain Philip Marshall flew Barry Seal's Learjet for CIA in Iran-Contra

Today Philip Marshall's book "FALSE FLAG 9/11" arrived from Amazon, his first book on 9/11. This guy flew Boeing 747/757/767 airliners for 15 years with the pilots and stewardesses who died on 9/11/2001, and flew Learjets with assassianted CIA Iran-Contra cocaine pilot Barry Seal.

Boeing 747/757/767 Captain Philip Marshall

Marshall's ex-wife is a CIA agent in Turkey "on business" at the time of her famiy's assassination.

Captain Marshall's book says Bush/Cheney/Saudis did 9/11, but does provide some disinfo that the WhiteHouse/Pentagon/CIA/MI6/Mossad want you to "think" -- that Arabs actually boarded the airliners on 9/11 and are stil lalive today flying for Saudi Airlines and Saudi Air Force, that Operation Northwoods does not exist because it is not mentioned in the book, that Flight 93 crashed all by itself rather flown by remote control then shot down by Top Gun F16 pilot Col Rick Gibney, that the US Capitol building was targeted by 93 not the Pentagon, no mention of Israeli Mossad agents arrested on 9/11 dressed as happy/dancing Arabs.

Typical rich airline pilot "ignorance" of declassified facts reported extensively, or he was still doing "limited hangout" covert ops with his "Truth" books. His book is 90% accurate, which is 80% more accurate than the 9/11 Commission Report.

Perhaps his 3nd "9/11 Bamboozle" book was going to tell more Truth, which is why Obama whacked him before that book was published? Can't have airline pilots waking up other airline pilots, can we?

The locals know Captain Marshal and his kids and dog were assassinated by Obama's CIA Kill Teams, and post inside facts on local news sites:


Sounds pretty fishy.

Multiple doors open and/or unlocked at night, family dog shot too (why would someone want to prevent noise if they already planned on suicide?), neighbor heard strange noises but not gunshots (silencer?), Marshall says he has no ammo the day before, Sheriff declares it a murder/suicide before the toxicology and gunshot residue tests are complete, neighbors say it was way out of character for Marshall, multiple unmarked black cars parked in the driveway to investigate (was the Sheriff told to back-off the case?), quick crime scene clean up before test results, Marshall already screened for mental illness extensive during pilot career, motive and enemies based on his books and potentially what he was currently writing.

Why hasn't anyone asked where his computer or current work went? Will it be given to a family member for them to read and pass along? foul play?

If he was killed, of course there would be no evidence of foul play.

You're dealing with professionals.

Professional hitmen.

The book he was writing got him killed.

He OBVIOUSLY didn't kill his kids. Talk to the neighbors and apply a bit of common sense, ey media?

He was on very good terms with his ex-wife at the time of his death. They were also in business together. What is the evidence that Marshall was the shooter? There is NONE, apart from a hearsay story put out in the media BEFORE any scientific evidence has come in, as regards ballistics, toxicology, etc. If all the neighbors are saying that it is 100% out of character for Marshall to have done anything like this, why is it that people are blaming him on a kneejerk, without even a shred of discussion or rationality?

Phil was NOT depressed. He did NOT take his life. He did NOT murder his kids. Only a few days ago he said that "I have a gun, but it would be useless if I needed it because I got no bullets for it", (then he laughed!). I knew Phil, and he had everything to live for and he doted over his two beautiful kids.

Airlines conduct extensive health and background checks on their pilots - after all, the commercial fate of an airline is largely dependent upon the skill of its flight crew. Airlines DO NOT give jobs to people with psychological problems, and Phil, having been the captain of 7 different Boeing commercial airliners had won glowing reports from all who flew with him. His copilots have described him as being the "kind of guy you want in the other seat, especially in times of an emergency"... in other words, he was an expert, highly dependable pilot. In hisPhil was as stable, solid and down-to-earth as one can expect anyone to be. All his neighbors liked him and he was described as an upstanding member of the community.

The corporate "weasel" media have described Phil as being a "conspiracy theorist". Is that the only that these filthy, cowardly slime bags masquerading as "reporters" can can do - slander and vilify someone who is now unable to defend himself? Phil, his kids and his dog were clearly murdered, by parties unknown. Look at Phil's background and there are many people, from organized crime gangs, federal officials, CIA, thugs working for the Obama Administration, Saudi Arabian élite and other unsavory characters who wanted him dead, because he used his constitutionally granted first amendment rights, and said the wrong thing.

I do not believe he killed his children and then himself; such a man would die protecting his children and would never do such a thing.

@ 'info' post: 'suppressors are illegal in California so it is unlikely'. Are you serious? Someone commits a murder and you think they care about State laws. A CIA pilot, involved with flying large amounts of cocaine for Oliver North, speaking out against the 9/11 cover up, etc. is murdered along with his innocent, beautiful little children and all you hear are crickets. Over the past few months/years, we've witnessed the murder of dozens of highly skilled Navy Seals, the creation of literally thousands of new freedom limiting, unconstitutional laws/regulations and all you hear are crickets. To those of you who really care about the freedoms you enjoy here in America... Educate yourself and educate those you care about. Watch the following videos: #1 - Loose Change (explains 9/11 cover-up) #2 - Freedom to Fascism by Aaron Russo (Explains how the IRS was never ratified by Congress and therefore does not have the authority to enforce you to pay taxes) #3 - Become a regular visitor to

I wonder how they were able to tell so soon that a silencer wasn't used and had to make sure that was said. Especially since ballistics sometimes can't even tell if a silencer was used or not. Do we even know if the bullets match the gun yet?

"American Sniper" Chris Kyle brags his first murder was a woman holding her baby

American Sniper Chris Kyle whacked by Obama Kill List during libel lawsuit by Governor Jesse Ventura (dead men tell no tales under oath in court)

Senators ask Obama for legal basis for targeted killings of Americans

Obama's Attorney General Holder: It’s ‘Legal’ to Assassinate Americans
- department-memo-reveals-legal-case-for-drone-strikes-on-americans?lite

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