Meanwhile, back on the Insane Right...

UPDATED: Saturday, April 27, 2013 11:43
VIEWED: 2168
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Tuesday, April 23, 2013 7:07 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

News from the Land of the Right-Wing Crazies:

Republican Newsletter From Arkansas Advocates Shooting People Who Step Out Of Line

From the Benton County, Ark. Republican Newsletter:

We need to let those who will come in the future to represent us [know] that we are serious. The 2nd amendment means nothing unless those in power believe you would have no problem simply walking up and shooting them if they got too far out of line and stopped responding as representatives. It seems that we are unable to muster that belief in any of our representatives on a state or federal level, but we have to have something, something costly, something that they will fear that we will use if they step out of line. FAR too much more at]
By the way, on the subject of Obamacare, he feels the same:

Part of me feels that this betrayal deserves a quick implementation of my 2nd amendment rights to remove a threat domestic.

How about "Liberals Thrilled About Mayhem In Boston Says Gun Nut Larry Pratt"


Gun Owners of America head Larry Pratt agrees with Stan Solomon and Steve Davis that liberals are happy about the Boston bombing because it will foster more government contorl

Then there's

GOP Lawmaker Doubles Down On Demanding Torture For Teenaged Boston Bombing Suspect

New York State Senator Greg Ball (R-NY) caused quite the stir over the weekend with his over-the-top demands for torturing 19-year-old Boston bombing suspect, Dzokhar Tsarnaev. On Friday evening — just moments after Tsarnaev was taken into custody – the chairman of the New York State Senate Veterans, Homeland Security and Military Affairs Committee posted on his twitter feed: "So, scum bag #2 in custody. Who wouldn't use torture on this punk to save more lives?"

On Sunday, April 21st, Ball tossed more brush on the fire by doubling down on his pro-torture stance, with the following statement:

Terrorists play by a different set of rules by manipulating the greatest strengths of our open society against us. One of the questions to be asked is this: is “torture” ever justified in the war against terror, if it can save lives? I am not shy in joining those who say yes, and I believe we must give those tasked with protecting us every constitutional and effective tool to do so.

Wow. Considering that Tsarnaev is an American citizen, was unconscious, and technically has not been proven guilty, them’s fighting words. Then again, since when have Republicans ever cared about proving guilt before torturing people? And what, exactly, does Ball mean by saving “more lives?” According to Bryan Bender from The Boston Globe, city officials report that “all evidence thus far indicates they [Dzokhar and his brother Tamerlan] were acting alone and were not part of a broader conspiracy.” Tamerlan's dead and Dzhokar is in custody. So what life-saving information could Tsarnaev possibly reveal under torture?

When asked if he felt surprised by the all the negative feedback, Ball replied:

At the end of the day, I think a lot of politicians typically are, quite honestly, full of crap, they’re scared to say how they feel. And I basically said what I believe a lot of red-blooded Americans felt. And it comes down to this: When you talk about terrorism, information matters. And if getting that information, including torture, would save one innocent life — including that we’ve seen children — you know, would you use torture? And I can tell you I would be first in line.

If you can stand it:

He says the war against terror "scares the hell out of me", which probably explains why he's convinced Al Qaeda is going to "bring this country to it's knees". Scared people in power are scary as hell...

That's your dose of right-wing crazy for the morning. And I was kind enough to leave out Glenn Beck's latest paranoid asshattery, wasn't that nice of me?


Tuesday, April 23, 2013 7:17 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Okay, maybe just one more:

‘You’ve Got To Be Kidding Me’: Fox Host Tears Into ‘Laughable’ Questioning Of Boston Suspect

As Fox & Friends reported the latest developments in the questioning of Boston bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, the some of the hosts were a bit skeptical about the new developments. Brian Kilmeade, in particular, criticized the way the interrogation is being conducted and deemed it “laughable” that the suspect was read his Miranda rights in hospital.

Going through some of the information about Tsarnaev being shot in the neck, Kilmeade noted it’s being called into question based on an eyewitness report. He further pointed to the suspect alleging his brother was the driving force and they acted alone, calling Tsarnaev’s account “convenient.”

As the topic of religion arose, believed to be the older brother’s motivation, Steve Doocy also chimed in, discussing the brother’s past attendance at a mosque in Cambridge and the anti-American “outbursts” he’d supposedly had there.

To that point, Gretchen Carlson added that the older brother appeared to be the radicalized one who influence the 19-year-old suspect. “There’s no way you should believe — everyone’s apparently running with this story,” Kilmeade immediately jumped in.

“You’ve got to be kidding me. You question him for 90 seconds as he’s come out of a harrowing situation like this. He’s in self-preservation mode. This guy needs to be questioned for a couple of weeks, they need to see if his story lines up. They all have the same explanation to get out of it in the beginning. And then you’ve got to drill down on it with professional interrogators. He does not need to see his Miranda rights read to him in bed. Laughable.”

Doocy turned to the older brother’s widow, wondering what she knew about the plans. While she’s said to have been in the dark, Carlson remarked that she’d been “brainwashed” by radical Islam, converting from Christianity.

Kilmeade, meanwhile, pressed on:

“There is no way logically — how do you not know the man you converted to Islam for is not involved in extracurricular activities? You’ve already switched to his religion. … You don’t think it ever came up that, ‘By the way, honey, I’m taking it to another level.’”

Man, these righties reeeely love America and our dedication to the rule of law and our Constitution and stuff...until it's inconvenient, or someone scares them, or they don't like someone...


Tuesday, April 23, 2013 7:23 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Oh, hell, there's just too damned much..."Freedom of religion" don't mean shit to 'em, either, obviously:

Coulter To Geraldo: We Should Have Police Surveillance In Every Mosque — ‘It’s Not A Private Relationship’

Agreeing with co-panelist Alan Dershowitz‘s suggestion that “surveillance is a very good thing” and that “we should learn to live with video cameras” because a mosque, church, or synagogue are “not a private place,” Coulter told Rivera:

“I have long disagreed with my libertarian friends on this. It’s not difficult to explain: Any place a cop can be, or an undercover cop — standing, watching, and observing — you should be able to have a camera. We see how incredibly useful this was, the various cameras out at the Boston Marathon. As Alan says, we’re not talking about invading a private relationship — You wouldn’t be talking to your shrink with an undercover cop standing there; you wouldn’t be in the ladies’ room with an undercover cop standing there.”

But, see, that’s the thing: a mosque is a private institution. The Lord & Taylor surveillance camera that at least partially helped identify the Boston suspects was installed by a private business that decided to install the cameras for security reasons. If a mosque or church or synagogue decide to install cameras for their own security’s sake, then fine — as private institutions, they have the right to do so and their members can choose not to attend if they don’t like the tape rolling.

But private institutions also have the right not to install cameras, and so the two Geraldo guests’ proposal rings ever-so-slightly in the direction of mandating that surveillance be installed where necessary.

And as for Coulter’s and Dershowitz’s logic that “anywhere an undercover cop can be” is where we should put cameras? That’s a seriously dangerous suggestion. An undercover cop can go to some Tea Party gathering at a local VFW. Would Coulter be okay with government surveilling that — you know, just in case?

And would Dershowitz really be okay with government forcing synagogues to install surveillance? Or did he just throw that suggestion out there to mitigate his specific desire that we have the cameras rolling on all mosques?

These people are amazing...they claim it's the LEFT who wants to do away with our rights???


Tuesday, April 23, 2013 7:45 AM


Nothing new there. They're only interested in preserving the rights they approve of.

Excuse me while I soak in all these sweet, sweet conservative tears.

"We will never have the elite, smart people on our side." -- Rick "Frothy" Santorum

"Goram it kid, let's frak this thing and go home! Engage!"


Wednesday, April 24, 2013 5:01 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Oh, Brenda, you shouldn't even bother! I can't resist putting this shit up, but mostly it's to remind any potentially intelligent right winger just HOW stupid his/her party has become. I quit the Democratic party a long time ago because of their assininity, tho' I'm still a liberal certainly, but the reasons I quit were NOTHING like as stupid as we see from the right on virtually a daily basis. I don't comprehend how they can continue to support these...uh, "people" (I use the term advisedly at best). I suppose on some level I keep thinking surely eventually they just HAVE to wake up... (I know, silly me )

It's really gotten so far out of hand it even continues to amaze ME, and that's saying something. I certainly don't put this shit up to remind the rest of the world what horrible shape we're in; it's just embarrassing!

I suppose I ought to keep a scrapbook of all the times some politician on the right wants to jail or shoot or whatever people they disagree with, so every time Rap throws out his little non sequitors, I can remind him of exactly WHICH side it is that wants to ignore the Constitution and laws when they're pissed at someone...


Wednesday, April 24, 2013 10:31 AM



Originally posted by Storymark:
Nothing new there. They're only interested in preserving the rights they approve of.

Which is exactly my problem with both "sides", neither of which admits it.

Mind you, I dun think anymore highly of the rightwingnuts than you do, but as has been made abundantly clear, the supposedly liberal end of the spectrum does exactly that same pick and choose bullshit, only the rights in question they wanna protect or suppress are different, which makes em not a whit better and I take umbrage they get such a free pass for that bullshit.

If one is unwilling to stand for all rights, for all humans, they're just one more wannabe petty tyrant cause the moment you introduce different rulesets you restore social classes and the caste system, one of the primary things this entire goddamn country was founded on a basis of preventing.

So, while you're claim about the rightwingnuts picking and choosing is accurate, look to the beam in thy own eye here cause your own are every bit as guilty and should not be handed a free pass for it.



Wednesday, April 24, 2013 1:00 PM


America loves a winner!

Not familiar w/ the Founders of this country, I see.


Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured... but not everyone must prove they are a citizen

Resident USA Freedom Fundie

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Wednesday, April 24, 2013 1:36 PM



Originally posted by FREMDFIRMA:

Originally posted by Storymark:
Nothing new there. They're only interested in preserving the rights they approve of.

Which is exactly my problem with both "sides", neither of which admits it.

Mind you, I dun think anymore highly of the rightwingnuts than you do, but as has been made abundantly clear, the supposedly liberal end of the spectrum does exactly that same pick and choose bullshit, only the rights in question they wanna protect or suppress are different, which makes em not a whit better and I take umbrage they get such a free pass for that bullshit.

If one is unwilling to stand for all rights, for all humans, they're just one more wannabe petty tyrant cause the moment you introduce different rulesets you restore social classes and the caste system, one of the primary things this entire goddamn country was founded on a basis of preventing.

So, while you're claim about the rightwingnuts picking and choosing is accurate, look to the beam in thy own eye here cause your own are every bit as guilty and should not be handed a free pass for it.


I'm right there with ya Frem.
I'm disgusted with this country's politics now more than ever.
The only thing the Right & Left can agree on is total control of...
We are a nation of wingnuts now.


Wednesday, April 24, 2013 1:45 PM


Blue Squadron is launched! You did it Bree. Stay close to your wingnut.


Wednesday, April 24, 2013 11:04 PM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
I'm right there with ya Frem.
I'm disgusted with this country's politics now more than ever.
The only thing the Right & Left can agree on is total control of...

*produces card*
Might I interest you in a subscription of Anarchism-whenever-we-get-round-to-it?

Seriously though, that whole "Rights for me and not for thee" (aka I got mine, fuck you) bullshit is just plain pissin me off - meet the new boss, same as the old boss, and the only goddamn difference is WHICH rights they wanna piss all over - and I will have none of it, thus making me and mine hated by em both, which is fine, but them pretending to be better-than annoys the crap outta me.

I note, profoundly, that no explaination has been coming from not a single one of em in regards to why the right to vote, a very dangerous thing given that more people have been killed via strokes of political pens than every weapon in the world ever, is so sacrosanct it should not suffer any restriction whatsoever, no way, no how....

And yet the right to own weapons, they mean to infringe, for the very same fucking reasons the other side wants to infringe on the right to vote, a statistically NEGLIGABLE amount of issues with it.

Nor do they even have the excuse that the right to vote and misuse of it never harmed anyone, as there's a whole lotta dead Afghan and Iraqi people who might not otherwise be so, in regards to abuses which folks were tried and convicted for in Ohio, and were it not for Shrubs relatives blocking any legal investigation, mighta happened in Florida too.

So that there, my little acid test, shows up their hypocrisy crystal clear, cause every single time I ask it they run like cockroaches when someone flips the light on, revealing their true nature for all to see.

I remember when we had that whole discussion about Right-Wing-Authoritarians (RWA), and I pointed out that yes, there WAS such a thing as Left-Wing-Authoritarians (LWA), and that given half a chance, they'd be just as malicious, and just as dangerous - and Lo and Behold, here we are.

That's one of the primary reasons Anthony doesn't come round here much no more, he found that the people he thought would be natural allies were in fact truly no different from any other enemy of freedom and the enlightenment of humanity and that upset him quite a bit.

Me being a paranoid, cynical bastard, it neither upset nor surprised me.
There's REASONS imma Anarchist, yanno.



Thursday, April 25, 2013 2:59 AM


America loves a winner!

The main problem I have w/ anarchists is that they don't offer any solutions.


Well, OK. Then what are you left with? A non functional heap of society. Now what ?

*** crickets ****

Yeah, no thanks.

Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured... but not everyone must prove they are a citizen

Resident USA Freedom Fundie

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Thursday, April 25, 2013 4:53 AM



Originally posted by AURaptor:

The main problem I have w/ anarchists is that they don't offer any solutions.


Well, OK. Then what are you left with? A non functional heap of society. Now what ?

*** crickets ****

Yeah, no thanks.

You don't know what you're talking about here, but what's different about that?
And more importantly, it doesn't matter anyway...


Thursday, April 25, 2013 5:17 AM



Originally posted by FREMDFIRMA:

Mind you, I dun think anymore highly of the rightwingnuts than you do, but as has been made abundantly clear, the supposedly liberal end of the spectrum does exactly that same pick and choose bullshit, only the rights in question they wanna protect or suppress are different,

Such as?

A background check doesn't take away any rights. So what else have you got?

Excuse me while I soak in all these sweet, sweet conservative tears.

"We will never have the elite, smart people on our side." -- Rick "Frothy" Santorum

"Goram it kid, let's frak this thing and go home! Engage!"


Thursday, April 25, 2013 11:26 AM


Nor does demanding identification at the voting both - but that's different, eh ?

The very same kinda "reasonable restrictions" (a base lie, proven by repeated goalpost moving by those who supported it here) applied to the right to vote, sends the supposed liberal folk into howling fits of fury, despite having exactly the same rationale behind it, despite both supposed problems being in fact statistically negligable.

And again, I cite Jonathan Turleys very interesting bit regarding where one might draw the line in regards to what might be cause to forbid/revoke.
What is mental illness? Where is the bright line drawn?

The problematic case in question was IMHO, some faction seeing how far they could push it as a test, and frankly this aspect concerns me more than most since I have a pre-existing fight going on in regards to considering normal childhood behavior and reactions to abusive conditions to be "mental illness", thus potentially blocking youth from the right to self defense before they're even old enough to legally fight back - it doesn't take a genius to see the pyschological doom spiral this can cause, especially when the very damage caused by that abuse then becomes the excuse used to prevent one from obtaining the means to put a stop to it.

Also, to call the lie what it is, explain to me how that bolus about no intent to confiscate stands in the fact of California allocating funds to do just that, and without the bullshit-dodge of "but they're illegal" given that such is based on a blatantly ex-post-facto and Unconstitutional act.

What I "have", is the simple fact that the statements I made in regard to the lying and hypocrisy of those intent on infringing upon the Second Amendment have all been proven out beyond reasonable doubt.

For the record, mind you - I am every bit as against infringing on the right to vote, me pointing out the similarities is not an endorsement of that intent or policy, I am simply showing an example of why neither "side" is in any way trustworthy as a defender of human and civil rights, as the only difference here seems WHICH rights they wish to support or oppress, and both of them are quite willing to engage in everything from vague distortions to outright and blatant lies in order to do so.

And yet somehow the supposed liberals are expected to be handed a free pass for doing the very self-same shit the rightwingnuts did ?

Fuck. That. Noise.

As for Anarchists supposedly not offering solutions, obviously one hasn't been listening to em, cause all one really needs do to stop abuses in their tracks is withdraw consent for them, to not support, enforce, or engage in them, only that never seems to work its way through the heads of folks busy climbing over each other in a mad scramble for power, wanting bigger, stronger leashes to clamp around each others neck in a desperate bid for a kind of control any rational Anarchist finds repulsive, and despicable to even desire.

Even the meanest, cruelest tyrant in the world is no more dangerous than the average mugger without folks willing to carry out their orders, and whenever one does so, no matter their excuses, they willingly become part of that machinery and sell some level of their humanity in order to live with it or pretend that is not what is happening.

Which brings us to where we are, in a society gone mad, sociopathic, exploitive and malicious, and suggesting to folks that if we only OBEY, it'll all be glitter and rainbows is about as credible as any other promise coming from some jackass with a leash in the other hand and obvious intentions on who should be holding it.

You wanna step on peoples rights, well, you'll do what you'll do, sure...

But don't fucking pretend that ain't what's going on, nor that it's for our benefit instead of that of you and your agendas.



Thursday, April 25, 2013 11:32 AM



Originally posted by FREMDFIRMA:

Nor does demanding identification at the voting both - but that's different, eh ?

Under the currents system which requires payment for said ID, or transportation to areas difficult to reach by the elderly or poor - yes.

You really have to have such concepts explained to you?


The problematic case in question was IMHO, some faction seeing how far they could push it as a test,

And didn't ask for an opinion piece, nor a conspiracy theory - but that's a handy way to avoid a simple question.

The rest is just noise drowning out your lack of signal.

Excuse me while I soak in all these sweet, sweet conservative tears.

"We will never have the elite, smart people on our side." -- Rick "Frothy" Santorum

"Goram it kid, let's frak this thing and go home! Engage!"


Thursday, April 25, 2013 7:02 PM


Nice bit of cherry picking and question dodging.

Also, false equivalence - since the cost and difficulty of attempting to exercise ones right to bear arms is substantially greater, yet you see no problem with raising barriers there, do you ?

Both bits of gamesmanship are malicious in intent, given that the intended end result is to bar people from exercising the right in question, and both are full of disingenious attempts to pretend this is not the case.

I did answer your question, you just didn't LIKE the answer you got, too full of facts and irrefuteable evidence, and not the usual brand of easily-dismissed wingnuttery spouted by folks who lack any clue about the matter beyond what some demaguoge tells em.

Not to mention I find your attempt to play the conspiracy theory card here downright laughable in light of the complete dearth of anything even remotely resembling credibility on your end of the issue, especially given how it was thrown at the beginning of all this and yet my initial assessment of the entire matter has so far been proven correct in every particular.
Nor is pointing out the logical and obvious consequences of such actions in the current political environment any kind of theoretical when there's already proven case examples.

That you do not like those consequences renders them no less real, and ignoring them and anyone pointing them out to you pushes you into the same facet of la-la-land as the Bush crowd when they claimed Iraq would throw parades for us.

But of course, you seem hell bent on sticking your fingers in your ears here and ignoring the fact that I am more or less beating you in the head with your own lies and hypocrisy, since none of you wish to own up to behaving in exactly the same fashion you once stood against the rightwing horde over - proving it was all about "side" rather than right or wrong.

Again, you'll do what you'll do - but quit pretending you're any better than they are.



Thursday, April 25, 2013 7:30 PM


Better watch yourself there Frem. You're going against the grain of the all-knowing lefty groupthink mentality here. Could be dangerous for ya.

By the way, you ever been to American Jewelry & Pawn on 8 Mile? Have you seen Hardcore Pawn on tv? I don't want to pick on the fine folks of Detroit, but honestly man, what's up with all the psycho anger and attitude from the patrons there? That show has become one of the highest rated shows on cable tv because it's absolutely hi-larious and hysterically real. The owners and staff are even bigger psychos than their customers. Is it something in the water supply?


Thursday, April 25, 2013 7:51 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

"Could be dangerous for ya."

Yes, b/c we're going to track him down, drive over in our volvos wearing birkenstocks and granny glasses, drinking lattes, then beat him with his own prosthetic leg, shoot him, and burn his house, all the while shouting allahu akbar! right on ... got any weed?

Did I miss anything?


Thursday, April 25, 2013 11:01 PM


We wouldn't shoot him, ikiki, we'd have to stab him because we're philosophical against guns even if we commit violent crime.


Friday, April 26, 2013 2:15 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by chrisisall:

Originally posted by AURaptor:

The main problem I have w/ anarchists is that they don't offer any solutions.


Well, OK. Then what are you left with? A non functional heap of society. Now what ?

*** crickets ****

Yeah, no thanks.

You don't know what you're talking about here, but what's different about that?
And more importantly, it doesn't matter anyway...

Thanks for taking the time to tell me what I don't know, with such informative and insightful input.

What do I not know ? How about you tell me, specifically, where I'm missing the point. Help me out here. You tell ME how things would be different, what the "plan " would be, once we have our anarchy hissy fit. As I said before... THEN what ?

Opportunity missed there, Chrissy.

Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured... but not everyone must prove they are a citizen

Resident USA Freedom Fundie

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Friday, April 26, 2013 3:22 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Well, I think I'm going to give up reading Frem, too, given that he's gone from obsessive protection of the rights of CHILDREN (which I thought was fantastic) to little if anything except excessive conspiracy theorizing about protection of the right to own GUNS... Which right, it might be noted, couldn't conceivably be MORE protected, and has continued to get more and MORE protection throughout our more recent history...

One might note that nothing has ever been passed or enforced about gun confiscation, nor ever will, but that'd go right over his head. There are crazy bills proposed every day in virtually every state, but none of them pass, nor will they. In our final exchange, my point was that nobody HERE, nor any reasonable person, wants to confiscate guns--he's turned that into every "librul" everywhere lying about wanting to confiscate guns, and what he puts up to "back it up" is offensively irrelevant. Given that's his obsession, and only subject anymore, it's not worth the irritation of trying to read through his screeds.

The fact is the rights-trampling LAWS and attempted laws, and stated desires to act upon, from the right EXIST, are being passed around the country, I post them constantly, and they do trample on specific rights, and were INTENDED to trample on rights; they've even slipped and SAID SO on a few occasions, like Voter ID winning a state for Romney, and crowing about having made abortion impossible in another state. Means nothing to those like Frem, whose minds are so swathed in paranoia and illogic that they can't see reality. So be it.

By the way, I have nothing against voter ID laws, as long as they are made available long enough before an election not to affect it because of the difficulties they create, and as long as they are provided freely to all citizens and made available to all citizens. At least it would shut them up about it, despite the fact that said laws would do nothing to affect any voting irregularities, found on the right at least as often as on the left. As it's been done, it's intent was perfectly clear and it did in fact serve its purpose in some cases (not that it helped the election, as they'd hoped). Abortion laws will result in women suffering and dying, and more women ending up in poverty with children, and nothing else. But that's neither here nor there.

But yeah, it's real dangerous for Frem to express his opinions here, you betcha. He might have to endure {{{gasp!}}} unkind words from the other side, be called names, told he should die, things which never happen to anyone here on the left, yes? Yeah, damned "dangerous"...


Friday, April 26, 2013 6:02 PM



Originally posted by Niki2:
The fact is the rights-trampling LAWS and attempted laws, and stated desires to act upon, from the right EXIST, are being passed around the country, I post them constantly, and they do trample on specific rights, and were INTENDED to trample on rights; they've even slipped and SAID SO on a few occasions, like Voter ID winning a state for Romney, and crowing about having made abortion impossible in another state. Means nothing to those like Frem, whose minds are so swathed in paranoia and illogic that they can't see reality. So be it.

Horse Shit.

I stand against them all, you're just pissed off that when you wanna trample on human and civil rights, you find me in your way just as quickly as anyone else does.

Oh what a tragedy, not.

It is quite telling that the fact that I always stand against such trampling of rights is suddenly somehow meaningless, because I dared stand between you and the ones you wanted to trample.

So yanno that bitter rage you feel towards those who mean to stomp all over the rights of women and minorities and so on, which I do feel too, and get all up in their shit just as quick ?
Note that I also feel it toward you - cause end of the day, you've proven no different.



Saturday, April 27, 2013 11:43 AM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
What do I not know ? How about you tell me, specifically, where I'm missing the point. Help me out here.

Waste of both our time.






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