Intelligence and Genetics and ... Propaganda?

UPDATED: Sunday, August 4, 2013 05:23
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Friday, August 2, 2013 11:41 AM


Listen, Frem gave me this and I think maybe this article has EVERYTHING. Pretty sure there was even a sword fight or something in the middle, because it was so exciting.

It is the literature we crave.

Now I'm going to go find some racisms, and serve them up like a pie. It will be... Delicious? :D


Friday, August 2, 2013 2:16 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

This is an important article.


Instead, their discussion and interest focused almost entirely on a different aspect of their findings: that three gene variants each contribute just 0.02% (one part in 5,000) to variation in educational attainment. Thus the final sentence of the summary concluded not with a plea to find effective ways to help all young people to reach their full potential but instead proposed that these three gene variants “provide promising candidate SNPs (DNA markers) for follow-up work”.

This is as spectacular a misdescription of a scientific finding as is to be found anywhere in the scientific literature. But the question is why? Why did the more than two hundred authors decide to highlight the unimpressive 0.02% and bury the 98%?

There are many reasons for this. We can see it in genetic studies of obesity too- as if our genes have changed in the past 60 years to explain today's preponderance of obesity! So much blame is evaded if we can only lay the problem at the feet of genetics- inequality, obesity, autism....


“The notion that the lower classes are biologically inferior to the upper classes…… meant to legitimate the structures of inequality in our society by putting a biological gloss on them”

Extreme Genetics

Recognition that this reasoning aligns the interests of both corporations and governments has coincided with the extraordinary funding opportunities for scientists willing to apply DNA analysis and genomic approaches to vast areas of mental and physical health.

Thanks for posting Byte.


Friday, August 2, 2013 5:41 PM


Also, of some interest, especially in regard to conscious versus subconscious processing, since some of us have an interest, is the phenomenae of "blindsight", which piques my interest a little in regard to something along the level of automatic reflexes, given we've recently figured out that about half the time, my reaction to a threat actually precedes ANY known method of detecting it, so it's making me wonder if humans might not have more senses than previously thought - mind you, we weren't even looking for this, it popped up while trying to figure out some way to stem the cognitive decline.

Also, there's an old novel, also titled "Blindsight", about contact with an alien species, that is intelligent, but not sentient, and it hints that sentience itself could potentially be considered an aberration and disadvantageous to species survival and advancement...
Not a theory I subscribe to cause I believe the exact opposite, but the book does a relatively decent job of proposing the notion.

As for genetics, that also ties in with my whole take on that Born Bad/Born Better bullshit which was an apologists excuse for the status quo to begin with, and later an attempt to justify divine right of kings and nobility and all that class based bullshit which came with it - the darkest side of the nature vs nurture debate, which I think the study above really slams a spike into, again, I say that genetics might load the gun, but it's environment which pulls the trigger... and so far all the science of the past thirty some years seems to agree with me.
Which is comforting, cause fer damn sure few people did.



Saturday, August 3, 2013 4:31 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


AFAIK people who are becoming demented remember that they had confusion and disorientation. OTOH if you were having a petit mal seizure, or a focal temporal lobe seizure, you wouldn't remember.

As I always encourage people I know, have you seen a doctor about this?


Saturday, August 3, 2013 6:01 PM


Sort of - my best doc is leaving at the end of the year, between harrassment by the DEA and FBI since he's a doctor, and of middle eastern descent despite having been born an american citizen, he's had it, it's so non-stop it's driving his patients away and his family has already left the country.

My prosthetic provider got bought out by some scumbag company which got caught defrauding medicare and then this was strongarmed into forcing them to service medical contracts at a cut rate, without sufficient oversight, and effectively putting the fox in charge of the henhouse, and with the necessary advance to keep them in business, they bought out my provider, sank the company and fired em all - I still have contact with ripper, and through him a few of the old guard, but any work we do has to be on the sly in auto shops after hours, argh.
(And I am on hostile terms with UofM's prosthetics dept for reasons detailed elsewhere)

And that leaves my old country scratch-n-dent doc, who's not really skilled in anything but basic first aid and a heavy trend towards profitable overdiagnosis.

So on the tech end, ALL I have left is college students and whatever you call the flunkies before they become doctors, and equipment/supply access is a problem, yeah.

Beyond that, I can't AFFORD medical care, as my provider is currently playing the ring-around-the-rosie of cutting me off, stalling and dragging their heels (all the while I have NO coverage) and then getting hammered the fuck UNDER by my lawyer at the hearing when it finally comes, and then within a week doing that shit AGAIN, on the same contrived excuses to the point of being handed an injuction with multiple contempt citations they get to ignore cause of qualified immunity, fun fun fun.

Gotta work with what I got here, and if it comes to cases really badly imma choose to take a dive rather than get vampirized, picked clean finanically, left up to my ass in debt as well as homeless and unemployed - fat lot of good medical care will do me then, and I've been down that road so many times before I ain't doin it again, and if the reaper comes for me cause of it, so be it.

Anyways, with what little we've been able to do it's prettymuch cascade failure so far as we can tell, and yeah the blank spots are not a good sign at all, although I could do WITHOUT being sent a tag-a-long for tonites workshift, if I needed two people to do it I woulda hired two!

Still working on UAV tech as well, my hope is to get all that set, then add a GPS system to make it autonomous so all they gotta do is pay someone to watch the screen and push a button if something is amiss, and any burgerflipper can do that.



Saturday, August 3, 2013 6:09 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Aw, shit. BTW, the other possibility is a TIA - a sort of temporary mini-stroke.
Can you get yourself a good BP cuff if high BP is an issue? I can recommend a good manual brand found at Amazon - also can provide pretty clear instructions on how to take it.


Sunday, August 4, 2013 5:23 AM


This sounds dire. :(






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