Duke Lacrosse accuser, Cyrstal Mangum...

UPDATED: Friday, December 13, 2013 19:36
VIEWED: 3565
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Sunday, November 24, 2013 9:04 AM


America loves a winner!

Crystal Mangum found guilty of 2nd-degree murder

DURHAM — A jury found Crystal Mangum guilty of second-degree murder Friday for stabbing and killing her boyfriend, Reginald Daye, in 2011.

After Superior Court Judge Paul Ridgeway sentenced Mangum to 14 years and two months to 18 years in prison, deputies immediately led her handcuffed out of the courtroom.

Mangum’s attorney, Daniel Meir, said she will appeal.

The case was unusual because, unlike most murder cases, the jury heard the victim’s side of the story.

Mangum, 35, stabbed Daye on April 3, 2011, and an investigator spoke with him twice before he died April 13, 2011.

Read more here:


Monday, November 25, 2013 8:49 AM


America loves a winner!

And in case ya missed it, there's another high profile alleged rape case on a college campus, this one down in Tallahassee, FL.

- State Attorney Willie Meggs said Saturday it is unlikely that a final decision will be made before Thanksgiving on whether to charge Florida State quarterback Jameis Winston in a sexual assault case.

Meggs's comments came just a day after the family of the alleged victim sent out a statement disputing the victim consented to sex with Winston as had been suggested by his attorney earlier this week.

Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured... but not everyone must prove they are a citizen

Resident USA Freedom Fundie

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Thursday, December 5, 2013 10:03 AM


America loves a winner!

DA to announce at 2pm today on whether charges will be filed or not.

Stay tuned

Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured... but not everyone must prove they are a citizen

I'm just a red pill guy in a room full of blue pill addicts.

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Thursday, December 5, 2013 11:09 AM


Uh what? I fail to see how the behaviour and crimes of Crystal Magnum discredits her initial accusation.

Or what this other rape allegation has to do with that.

I also find I don't want to think too hard about why there's so much interest in whether the Winston guy is charged or not one way or another. This thread is so disturbing, in fact, that I think I will abandon it promptly.


Thursday, December 5, 2013 11:17 AM


Any bad karma hitting any of the accusers in this case is fully endorsed by me.

One of my ex-girlfriends tried to tell me that one of my friends raped her at a party. I didn't "leave her out to pasture" because she was an ex. I checked up on them three times over the night.

I'm sorry babe. I loved you once, and in a way I'll always love you.

Don't tell me that something that was completely consensual at the time was rape 12 hours later.

CM and all of her evil little friends should have already been in jail before this story was even an issue...


Falsely accusing rape, to me, should be as big an offense as actually committing it.

Do any of you crazy girls have any idea how hard it would be for a guy to ever find a job for the rest of his life after you lied?


Thursday, December 5, 2013 11:20 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by BYTEMITE:
Uh what? I fail to see how the behaviour and crimes of Crystal Magnum discredits her initial accusation.

Or what this other rape allegation has to do with that.

I also find I don't want to think too hard about why there's so much interest in whether the Winston guy is charged or not one way or another. This thread is so disturbing, in fact, that I think I will abandon it promptly.

Ms Magnum's initial claims were debunked well before her latest troubles.

The current issue down @ FSU is curious, as the alleged victim chose to NOT press charges, over a year ago, but now , right at the end of the football season, some are suggesting the info was " leaked ", specifically to derail the season of a very successful team, & right before the Heisman voting period ends.

It looks suspicious.

But I do agree w/ you in part. The implications of letting an athlete skate on such charges, because of how important he is to a football team, a University and the culture of football fandom, vs the POTENTIAL of this young man's life being ruined, should these claims of rape be false.

As was the case in the Duke case.

There are no winners here.

Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured... but not everyone must prove they are a citizen

I'm just a red pill guy in a room full of blue pill addicts.

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Thursday, December 5, 2013 11:21 AM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Any bad karma hitting any of the accusers in this case is fully endorsed by me.

One of my ex-girlfriends tried to tell me that one of my friends raped her at a party. I didn't "leave her out to pasture" because she was an ex. I checked up on them three times over the night.

I'm sorry babe. I loved you once, and in a way I'll always love you.

Don't tell me that something that was completely consensual at the time was rape 12 hours later.

CM and all of her evil little friends should have already been in jail before this story was even an issue...


I bet you'd side with those guys who got that one girl completely wasted and then took photographs and posted it on twitter.

Yep, it's looking more and more like the get the hell out of here option is what this thread deserves.

The fuck is wrong with you all.


Thursday, December 5, 2013 11:30 AM



Originally posted by BYTEMITE:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Any bad karma hitting any of the accusers in this case is fully endorsed by me.

One of my ex-girlfriends tried to tell me that one of my friends raped her at a party. I didn't "leave her out to pasture" because she was an ex. I checked up on them three times over the night.

I'm sorry babe. I loved you once, and in a way I'll always love you.

Don't tell me that something that was completely consensual at the time was rape 12 hours later.

CM and all of her evil little friends should have already been in jail before this story was even an issue...


I bet you'd side with those guys who got that one girl completely wasted and then took photographs and posted it on twitter.

Yep, it's looking more and more like the get the hell out of here option is what this thread deserves.

The fuck is wrong with you all.

That's unfair Byte....

Do you really believe that I'm one of "those types?"

There's not a bad thing about me that people here that dislike me have said that I've denied, at least fully.

I have to do it here though....

People, both male and female, over the years have called me "Papa G". Sure, that was originated because I seemed to be the only person who could drive a car-load of people home without being pulled-over while not charging them even for gas, but I watched out for friends. Any one of my ex-girlfriends have always been friends of mine if they wanted to still be friends.

Let me break it down for you.....

When I opened the door, I didn't ask how the Dick was doing. I asked how the Pussy was doing.

She was smiling and having a good time.

She wasn't 12 years old. She was 22 fucking years old. I'm not her father. The fact that I intruded on their "fun" 3 times that night, on a "local" level, makes me the "jealous ex" and/or "borderline perv".

Forgive me when she came to me for "help" a day later claiming she was "raped".

There were no drugs involved other than alcohol or weed, which I know we were both far from virgins on either....

I'm sorry Byte. My inherent "gaydar" tells me that you were VERY "passed around" by horrible old men as a youth. I'm terribly humbled by that. I don't want to argue with you. I just don't want you of all people insinuating that I would allow something that horrible to happen to somebody I cared about on my watch, especially since this event was in my mid-20's.


Thursday, December 5, 2013 11:42 AM


Bullshit and bullshit. Just because she was smiling or laughing doesn't mean anything - ALL DRUNKS do that. Doesn't mean they're conscious or know what's going on.

Alcohol and beer are THE most common rape drugs, and you're ignorant. You sided with your bro before the ho because she's a slutty sloppy drunk, huh? What I said was absolutely one hundred percent deserved you douchenozzle.

Also, you don't know me, and you don't care what I have to say anyway. So don't put on some I'm so hurt act, or act like you're so sensitive to my feels.

I've seen every guy except Frem on this board say some appalling shit, and you're in for the same treatment I gave all of them. You're both sitting here lawling in anticipation 'bout them bitches 'bout to get the karma coming at them.

I repeat: the fuck is wrong with you all.


Thursday, December 5, 2013 12:00 PM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by BYTEMITE:
I've seen every guy except Frem on this board say some appalling shit, and you're in for the same treatment I gave all of them. You're both sitting here lawling in anticipation 'bout them bitches 'bout to get the karma coming at them.

I repeat: the fuck is wrong with you all.

Huh? What the hell have I said that's got your boxers in a bunch ?

Don't sweep me in with what others have you all in knots.

Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured... but not everyone must prove they are a citizen

I'm just a red pill guy in a room full of blue pill addicts.

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Thursday, December 5, 2013 12:01 PM


Bullshit and Bullshit..... OKAY... Sure.... I'll give that to you.

I make bad decisions every week. Most of them made when I post online here or completely embarrassing on the few occasions I have an open Facebook profile.

I guess she gets a bye for enjoying herself because she has a gash instead of a protrusion?

I'm just saying Byte..... and I would think a strong Woman like you would concur......


I'm just figuring this shit out on my own. I display at least 20% of my failures to be judged here on a "whenever-i-feel-like-it-basis".

It's MY FAULT that I willingly get drunk alone 4 nights out of the week. It's MY FAULT that I elect to do it with bargain beer and shitty weed. It's MY FAULT that I post here and make an ass of myself when I do.

That has seemed to bleed into my real life. I guess I've had conversations while drunk on the phone with family members that I don't even remember having. I find myself having to fulfill promises I made that I drank the memory of away....

Don't you DARE fucking judge me for not imposing my will in what looked like a happy time together.

As drunk as she was taking and enjoying it, I was just as drunk outside that room, getting drunker and hitting weed off a 6 foot glass bong.

I'm the first person who would grow Wolverine Claws and defend "my own".

Before that night, she was no longer "my own". I checked up on her regularly and she wasn't in any trouble or wanting to leave.

She's an ex-fucking-girlfriend Byte. If I thought something bad were happening, I would have done something about it.

I'm sorry... but just because you have a vagina you don't get public "do-overs".

If she ever said anything to me, or even gave me a look in her eye that it wasn't what she wanted the three times i checked up on her, I would have done something about it.

Don't tell me about "rape" 48 hours later....


Originally posted by BYTEMITE:
Bullshit and bullshit. Just because she was smiling or laughing doesn't mean anything - ALL DRUNKS do that. Doesn't mean they're conscious or know what's going on.

Alcohol and beer are THE most common rape drugs, and you're ignorant. You sided with your bro before the ho because she's a slutty sloppy drunk, huh? What I said was absolutely one hundred percent deserved you douchenozzle.

Also, you don't know me, and you don't care what I have to say anyway. So don't put on some I'm so hurt act, or act like you're so sensitive to my feels.

I've seen every guy except Frem on this board say some appalling shit, and you're in for the same treatment I gave all of them. You're both sitting here lawling in anticipation 'bout them bitches 'bout to get the karma coming at them.

I repeat: the fuck is wrong with you all.


Thursday, December 5, 2013 12:11 PM


Yet you didn't.

But, fine, to be fair, you were drunk and your own judgement was probably impaired.

Doesn't change what you said in this thread about a situation where you weren't there. Though if you were, you would have again been too drunk to do anything about it. Not that you actually would have anyway because of what you think while you're presumably sober.

And don't you make this some sexism thing, because men get raped by women all the time when they're drunk. They too are perfectly in their rights to go to the cops if they realized someone got them drunk and is trying to play a baby trap game with them.

One hundred percent deserved.


Thursday, December 5, 2013 12:21 PM


Bullshit Byte.....

Almost any girl you knew or WERE would have gone about their business.

Maybe not you, because you're neurotic like me.

You don't know me.

What do you expect of me?

I said that people called me "Papa G", but does that mean that at 24 years old I have to be every girls "Dad"?


You think I liked seeing an ex-lover fucking another guy?

There was no bondage or involuntary play.

All I'm saying is that I get wasted at least once a week enough that I'm embarassed about posts I make here.

I don't find it inconceivable at all that a woman would be embarassed about who she fucked while drunk.

If I had the power to go out and get free drinks and get fucked every night, I'm sure I would.

Once again, Fuck you for judging me. I defend people like you.

Oh..... and.....

EDITED TO ADD: I don't think anyone here thinks I'm sober when I post here. It might start that way, but the only way I'm wasting time here these days is if I'm drunk or half on my way. Sorry for making the RWED my "outhouse", but then again, doesn't the overall tone of this place lend itself to that?

Originally posted by BYTEMITE:
Yet you didn't.

But, fine, to be fair, you were drunk and your own judgement was probably impaired.

Doesn't change what you said in this thread about a situation where you weren't there. Though if you were, you would have again been too drunk to do anything about it. Not that you actually would have anyway because of what you think while you're presumably sober.

And don't you make this some sexism thing, because men get raped by women all the time when they're drunk. They too are perfectly in their rights to go to the cops if they realized someone got them drunk and is trying to play a baby trap game with them.

One hundred percent deserved.


Thursday, December 5, 2013 12:22 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:

Originally posted by BYTEMITE:
I've seen every guy except Frem on this board say some appalling shit, and you're in for the same treatment I gave all of them. You're both sitting here lawling in anticipation 'bout them bitches 'bout to get the karma coming at them.

I repeat: the fuck is wrong with you all.

Huh? What the hell have I said that's got your boxers in a bunch ?

Don't sweep me in with what others have you all in knots.

At this point I'm seriously disturbed that so many guys around here seem to be utterly dismissive about date rape that it's actually become a question of who ISN'T. I've started assuming the negative until I hear otherwise. This thread and the apparent reason for posting it did not help my perceptions.


Thursday, December 5, 2013 12:25 PM



Once again, Fuck you for judging me. I defend people like you.

You clearly don't, and you've admitted it. Both in attitude, and in being too drunk to do anything.

You have no CLUE whatsoever what constitutes rape. It's unbelievable.

It doesn't have to be bondage or coerced or forced, and it doesn't have to be violent. The other person just has to be unable to give consent. Period. If they are too drunk to consent, no matter how happy they seemed, it's rape.

The only thing I can say in your favour right now is that you were not actually the one having sex with that girl. So you're only guilty of not being aware enough to stop what was happening.


Thursday, December 5, 2013 12:29 PM



Originally posted by BYTEMITE:

Once again, Fuck you for judging me. I defend people like you.

You clearly don't, and you've admitted it.

You have no CLUE whatsoever what constitutes rape. It's unBELIEVABLE.

It doesn't have to be bondage or coerced or forced, and it doesn't have to be violent. The other person just has to be unable to give consent. Period. If they are too drunk to consent, no matter how happy they seemed, it's rape.

And what amazes me, from a woman who has been raped (or has clearly been bff's of another woman who has been raped), is that you hold no empathy at all for any males.

No single straight man with his shit together could understand.

This argument isn't even about the topic Byte. It's about your hatered for men in general.

You are either completely incapable of empathy, or you just flat out hate men.


Thursday, December 5, 2013 12:30 PM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by BYTEMITE:

At this point I'm seriously disturbed that so many guys around here seem to be utterly dismissive about date rape that it's actually become a question of who ISN'T. I've started assuming the negative until I hear otherwise. This thread and the apparent reason for posting it did not help my perceptions.

" So many guys " ? As I read THIS thread, I only see 1 that you're at odds with, and I ain't him. So again, I ask the question... how did I get dragged into this mess ?

Re-read my comments above, and point out the offense, please.

Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured... but not everyone must prove they are a citizen

I'm just a red pill guy in a room full of blue pill addicts.

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Thursday, December 5, 2013 12:34 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
" So many guys " ? As I read THIS thread, I only see 1 that you're at odds with, and I ain't him. So again, I ask the question... how did I get dragged into this mess ?

Re-read my comments above, and point out the offense, please.

Without his consent, I have to agree with Rappy here. Why is "this" his fault, any argument we have about the subject?

I guess because he admits to having a penis he's a bad guy too?


Thursday, December 5, 2013 12:35 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by BYTEMITE:

Once again, Fuck you for judging me. I defend people like you.

You clearly don't, and you've admitted it.

You have no CLUE whatsoever what constitutes rape. It's unBELIEVABLE.

It doesn't have to be bondage or coerced or forced, and it doesn't have to be violent. The other person just has to be unable to give consent. Period. If they are too drunk to consent, no matter how happy they seemed, it's rape.

And what amazes me, from a woman who has been raped (or has clearly been bff's of another woman who has been raped), is that you hold no empathy at all for any males.

No single straight man with his shit together could understand.

This argument isn't even about the topic Byte. It's about your hatered for men in general.

You are either completely incapable of empathy, or you just flat out hate men.

Are you drunk right now? Because that argument is flat out brain damaged.

You actually equate being okay with someone plowing someone who is unconscious as a measure of whether or not someone is a man hater.

Sober up. You're not worth my time right now.


Thursday, December 5, 2013 12:39 PM


Where did I EVER say my ex was unconscious??????????

I'm not even reading the rest of your post yet, because I'd like you to rethink it and re-word it before I actually get pissed at you Byte.

I like you. If you try to put me in "THAT" category of men you hate for no reason, we're likely to bump heads. :)

EDITED TO ADD: Mayhap you were unconscious at some point when something bad was happening. I would fight tooth and nail to stop that. Let's not needlessly get our wires crossed anymore than they already seem to be.


Originally posted by BYTEMITE:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by BYTEMITE:

Once again, Fuck you for judging me. I defend people like you.

You clearly don't, and you've admitted it.

You have no CLUE whatsoever what constitutes rape. It's unBELIEVABLE.

It doesn't have to be bondage or coerced or forced, and it doesn't have to be violent. The other person just has to be unable to give consent. Period. If they are too drunk to consent, no matter how happy they seemed, it's rape.

And what amazes me, from a woman who has been raped (or has clearly been bff's of another woman who has been raped), is that you hold no empathy at all for any males.

No single straight man with his shit together could understand.

This argument isn't even about the topic Byte. It's about your hatered for men in general.

You are either completely incapable of empathy, or you just flat out hate men.

Are you drunk right now? Because that argument is flat out brain damaged.

You actually equate being okay with someone plowing someone who is unconscious as a measure of whether or not someone is a man hater.

Sober up. You're not worth my time right now.


Thursday, December 5, 2013 12:40 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:

Originally posted by BYTEMITE:

At this point I'm seriously disturbed that so many guys around here seem to be utterly dismissive about date rape that it's actually become a question of who ISN'T. I've started assuming the negative until I hear otherwise. This thread and the apparent reason for posting it did not help my perceptions.

" So many guys " ? As I read THIS thread, I only see 1 that you're at odds with, and I ain't him. So again, I ask the question... how did I get dragged into this mess ?

Re-read my comments above, and point out the offense, please.

MkNickerson, kpo, Storymark, and G have all made comments that have been dismissive of date rape. Jack is the latest addition to that proud group.

I'm trying to determine if you are or not. I get the feeling that you posted this thread because you're anticipating that charges will not be filed and that this somehow will verify some kind of truth for you about false rape accusations. In which case, yes, I'm pretty pissed off at you.

Look. False rape accusations do happen. They account for less than 1% of all rapes.

But doing some sort of "false rape accusation wait" for any high profile rape case and then going "I knew it" if you hear a confirmation is... sort of messed up, man. Hence my "wtf is wrong with you all" comments.


Thursday, December 5, 2013 12:50 PM


Really Byte?

If I was at all dismissive about date rape, please tell me how I could correct that.

Rape of any kind is evil.

I don't hold myself in very high regards, but at the end of the day I get to sleep at least a few hours because I'm not dwelling on all of the evil things I've done.

I really hope you take a step back, maybe even take a few days, and come back here and post your thoughts.

I honestly can't believe that I've said ONE SINGLE THING that would piss of a flannel and/or burkenstock wearing lesbian here if they read it all the way through.

Any current "girlfriend" of any of the ex-girlfriends I'm talking about would be wise not to step in too much further. Girls like sex just as much as guys do. I have two ex-girlfriends who had kids with ex-friends over the years.

Honestly, and you know it, in general I hate women. It's a bad generalization, but I base it off of what I know. I own a house free and clear now, and the ONLY reason is because I wasn't wasting my extra money buying things for some beautiful young trifling bitch who was always looking for her next step up.

Wish I was gay. It would make things SO much easier....

Cocks are easy to please. You girls are just a quagmire of bullshit.


Thursday, December 5, 2013 1:24 PM


America loves a winner!

So, this sins of others & the comments they made, as perceived by you, has you pissed off @ ME?

Slow your roll there, butter cup.

I'm the one who said there are now winners in all this, remember?

Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured... but not everyone must prove they are a citizen

I'm just a red pill guy in a room full of blue pill addicts.

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Thursday, December 5, 2013 1:34 PM



I'm the one who said there are now winners in all this, remember?

I was a little troubled by that too. I mean, okay, yes, someone getting accused of rape will have their life ruined even if the accusation is false. But, there seemed to be an inordinate focus on that as opposed to the possibility that someone might have been RAPED and that's why there might be criminal charges filed.

It's really not just what Jack said, it was a whole vibe I was getting and implications of this thread itself.

If I'm wrong, then I am sorry. This was a whole lot of drama. I know it's not everyone except Frem, Geezer also contributed in a positive way that seemed to suggest he was informed, and there are other guys out there on the board that didn't participate in the conversation that lead to my reaction in this one.

It's just... I'm really getting the feeling that I'm not wrong.

If it's any consolation, then even if, in my view, you might be dismissive of rape, you're in good company with a lot of other guys who I normally get along with when we're not talking about this issue. I'm starting to realize certain mindsets are ridiculously common, and it might be futile to flail against them unless the issue is an immediate and present danger.


Thursday, December 5, 2013 1:42 PM



Originally posted by BYTEMITE:

I'm the one who said there are now winners in all this, remember?
If I'm wrong, then I am sorry. This was a whole lot of drama. I know it's not everyone except Frem, Geezer also contributed in a positive way that seemed to suggest he was informed, and there are other guys out there on the board that didn't participate in the conversation that lead to my reaction in this one.

It's just... I'm really getting the feeling that I'm not wrong.

If it's any consolation, then even if, in my view, you might be dismissive of rape, you're in good company with a lot of other guys who I normally get along with when we're not talking about this issue.

You're not wrong Byte.

I'm just trying to enlighten you to the REAL real world....

I would think that as big of an asshole as I have "allegedly" been for all of these years, that I would NEVER be one considered to be even passively copacetic with actual rape.

I was just reliving a personal experience with a personal Ex and a personal Ex-friend.....

I still, in court if necessary, will say that it wasn't rape.

"DRUNK" isn't an excuse. Ask Niki. I've been pleasant to her for over a year and even made a grand show about agreeing with her, but she will never live down the time I called her a cunt.

Chances are, me and Niki agree on over 70% of shit, but I've made a mortal enemy for life by uttering that word about her on one of my absolute worst days. It's not that I don't have bad days now, but I'm a lot better. It kinda sucks that she ignores me. She has the political leverage to do so though..... I'm just a drunk guy with issues.

Unfortunatly, if you ever argued her in a public forum, she'd have no problem exploiting any weekeness you've admitted to friends in the RWED too.

Niki wasn't born better at the game. She's just had more practice.

Unfortunately for us, I don't think we will ever be as good as her because deep down I think we both have a much deeper respect for man than she was bread with.

I'd LOVE you to prove me wrong though and make her look like a modern-day idiot Barbie.


Thursday, December 5, 2013 1:45 PM


Jack, you're drunk. I'm not talking to you when you're drunk, I've realized it's not fair to you.

I also decided I'm going to try to stop blindsiding you with random jibes in various threads because honestly I don't know why I was doing that.

But on this issue, we simply disagree. That's all that needs to be said for now.


Thursday, December 5, 2013 1:54 PM


*Face palm*

Well, all right then. If you're going to snark at me then go ahead and expose exactly what I'm saying.

Because clearly someone on the internet saying that you're dismissive of date rape is a lot more important than, oh, I don't know, paying attention to the victim in a potential case of date rape in Tallahassee.


Thursday, December 5, 2013 1:57 PM



Originally posted by BYTEMITE:
Jack, you're drunk. I'm not talking to you when you're drunk, I've realized it's not fair to you.

I also decided I'm going to try to stop blindsiding you with random jibes in various threads because honestly I don't know why I was doing that.

But on this issue, we simply disagree. That's all that needs to be said for now.

That's mighty big of you Byte :)

I'm a little disappointed with you though, because if you feel that I'm totally defenseless it's because you buy into the hype that I'm nothing more than a common drunk and I have no chance in defending myself ever.

Sure, I might be a drunk....

Sure, I might be a "woman hater"....

I sleep mediocre at least every night knowing that I'm sleeping in my own home.

I work a "shit" job for "shit" pay, but honestly, I've enjoyed it because I'm 50lbs lighter than I was when I made 4 times as much.

"Shit" in the "Real" world is likely to get bad when our "suppliers" realize we're not paying them in American Gold.

You don't even appreciate real men like me now, because you don't need real men like me with our pseudo-government.

There's no need for me to even work hard. It's NOTHING different than what I've been preparing for, for the last decade.

They called me crazy during Bush Jr...

I only wish I could stop the flow. The most I can do is make sure I got rations to survive a bump in the flow for me and Mine.....


Thursday, December 5, 2013 2:09 PM


Yes, that would be why you mocked Crystal Magnum's name. You clearly take this issue very seriously and are very sensitive to potential victims.


Thursday, December 5, 2013 2:52 PM


America loves a winner!

* no charges *.

More later

Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured... but not everyone must prove they are a citizen

I'm just a red pill guy in a room full of blue pill addicts.

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Thursday, December 5, 2013 4:40 PM


Which is why I was yelling at people again. A dismissal of the case does not mean that nothing questionable happened.

But that doesn't really absolve you of your opinion on these issues in previous conversations. I heard what you thought, and it is remarkably similar to what Jack thinks.


Thursday, December 5, 2013 6:11 PM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by BYTEMITE:

I'm the one who said there are now winners in all this, remember?

I was a little troubled by that too. I mean, okay, yes, someone getting accused of rape will have their life ruined even if the accusation is false. But, there seemed to be an inordinate focus on that as opposed to the possibility that someone might have been RAPED and that's why there might be criminal charges filed.

Inordinate focus ? Again, that's YOUR perception and not based on anything *I've* said. I don't dismiss your feelings at some comments others may have given, but please, don't sweep me up in w/ them. If you have a specific point of contention, please share.


It's really not just what Jack said, it was a whole vibe I was getting and implications of this thread itself.

If I'm wrong, then I am sorry. This was a whole lot of drama. I know it's not everyone except Frem, Geezer also contributed in a positive way that seemed to suggest he was informed, and there are other guys out there on the board that didn't participate in the conversation that lead to my reaction in this one.

It's just... I'm really getting the feeling that I'm not wrong.

Again, I do see your point.


If it's any consolation, then even if, in my view, you might be dismissive of rape, you're in good company with a lot of other guys who I normally get along with when we're not talking about this issue. I'm starting to realize certain mindsets are ridiculously common, and it might be futile to flail against them unless the issue is an immediate and present danger.

Not in the least bit dismissive. I posted the FSU case in w/ the former Duke Lacrosse accuser because of the sketchy circumstances which are associated w/ the case.

Facts such as...

The victim and the suspect ( Jameis Winston ) indeed did have sex. That's not in dispute.

While she was prompt in reporting the incident, and went to the hospital for an exam, it was over a month after the event where she named the attacker.

Inconsistencies w/ the description of the attacker. 'Black Male', between 5'9" and 5'11 ". The allege attacker, Jameis Winston, is 6'4".

* But rape is a traumatic experience, and memory of the details about the attacker and events may be often hard to recall. *

True! And also, she claimed to admitted to being under the influence of alcohol, which would sync up w/ the testimony that specifics of the evening were sketchy in her memory.

However, toxicology tests showed she was barely over the legal DUI level, 1.0, which doesn't corroborate w/ her claim that she'd had " 4-5 shots ". Dunno her ht / wt, but she should have had FAR more alcohol in her system.

There were no other drugs , like Rohypnol, found in her system either.

So, what's all this mean?

Dunno. Except that the case is now closed, and no arrest will be made.

The DA said there wasn't enough evidence to convict. He stopped short of saying if he thought a rape had occurred.

As I said... there are no real winners, except maybe those who root for FSU football.

Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured... but not everyone must prove they are a citizen

I'm just a red pill guy in a room full of blue pill addicts.

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Thursday, December 5, 2013 6:29 PM



However, toxicology tests showed she was barely over the legal DUI level, 1.0, which doesn't corroborate w/ her claim that she'd had " 4-5 shots ". Dunno her ht / wt, but she should have had FAR more alcohol in her system.

Might depend on if she spaced them out over the evening and just how quickly the test was performed. Or, heck, 1.0 is enough that she might have lost count.

That BAC does pretty solidly indicate the law would have considered her impaired and her consent would be questionable. She would have been stumbling and obviously drunk at that point, even to other people who might have been drunk.

The decision not to file charges might be due to the likely attitude of the jury. Something tells me Tallahassee might be pretty quick to judge against the girl (football and social stigmas against girls and drinking).


So, what's all this mean?


I am slightly to somewhat mollified.

Apologies for drama.


Saturday, December 7, 2013 12:03 AM


The D.A. in Tallahassee who decided not to prosecute the FSU QB for rape is an FSU graduate and an FSU football booster. Considering that the QB is a Heisman candidate and FSU is headed to a BCS national title game, I find that decision highly suspicious, and very deserving of an investigation by the Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi. I want to hear her say there was no rape before I believe this D.A. who actually joked and laughed about the case during a recent press conference.


Saturday, December 7, 2013 7:24 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by Jongsstraw:
The D.A. in Tallahassee who decided not to prosecute the FSU QB for rape is an FSU graduate and an FSU football booster. Considering that the QB is a Heisman candidate and FSU is headed to a BCS national title game, I find that decision highly suspicious, and very deserving of an investigation by the Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi. I want to hear her say there was no rape before I believe this D.A. who actually joked and laughed about the case during a recent press conference.

From what I gleaned from the national media on this case...

Meggs has a reputation of NOT being too friendly to FSU athletes who get into trouble. However, his presser antics weren't too fondly received either. As a man whose been in office for so long ( I believe he's elected, not appointed ) , he ought to have known better. But to be fair, it was many of the reporters who were sniggering during the presser, as well.

And no, he didn't say whether or not a rape had occurred. He said there wasn't enough evidence for the case to proceed with a reasonable expectation of conviction.

The term 'cleat chaser' has been tossed around a lot w/ this girl. Dunno how valid it is , but I fail to see the upside for her claiming rape, going through the clinical examination if she didn't feel she'd been attacked.

Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured... but not everyone must prove they are a citizen

I'm just a red pill guy in a room full of blue pill addicts.

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Saturday, December 7, 2013 8:13 AM


This story was under reported by the MSM, and we all know why.


Saturday, December 7, 2013 8:32 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by G:

Totally agree, great idea. The way this came out was suspicious from the start, then there were delays as the season - and the team's best player - continued to play. It's a f*cking game, or at least it should be next to this. The press conference...
State Attorney Willie Meggs... there isn't better poster boy for "good old boy network." Considering how Penn State tried to hide Sandusky, our default setting should be to assume they are lying until they prove otherwise.

You want to talk delays ? There was a month from the " attack " and when the victim got around to naming the player.

The player, who at the time wasn't even known by anyone, outside the FSU community. He was red shrited, so he wasn't even playing then. It wasn't until well into his extremely successful and well publicized season,nearly a year later, that the story broke.

Some are suggesting, rather openly, that those wishing to sabotage FSU's season might have leaked the story, where as otherwise the whole thing would have been simply ignored.

That's what makes this case so damn confusing. Both sides have curious or suspicious issues of their own. It's far from clear cut, either way.

Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured... but not everyone must prove they are a citizen

I'm just a red pill guy in a room full of blue pill addicts.

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Saturday, December 7, 2013 8:33 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by whozit:
This story was under reported by the MSM, and we all know why.

It was, as Joe Biden would say, a big fucking deal,in the sports world.

Then Nelson Mandela died.

Go figure.

Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured... but not everyone must prove they are a citizen

I'm just a red pill guy in a room full of blue pill addicts.

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Saturday, December 7, 2013 9:36 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by G:
I wondered that too initially - why now? Sabotage? Or could it just not be quieted any longer? Those multiple, opposing scenarios are definitely easy to arrive at, and that's why there needs to be more digging on this. I fear in the end that we'll come back to an old familiar place though: "we'll never really know what happened."

Did you happen to catch the question by one reporter, if the victim or anyone in the family had any ties to... The University of ALABAMA ???
Now, I'd heard that someone from Florida may have leaked the info, as they are FSU's biggest rival. But ALABAMA ? At the time this broke, they were # 1 ranked and had a Heisman hopeful candidate of their own.

And don't think their fans aren't above sinking to such levels, either. Because they absolutely are !


There was something about Miggs demeanor (on top of the smirking) that made me think he was trying to down play the seriousness of the situation and wanted to have us all just move on, nothing to see here.

I only heard segments of the presser. Didn't SEE Meggs expression , or smirks. It sounds, from all accounts, that it was a pretty unprofessional scene. Which only adds to the WTF factor of all this.

Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured... but not everyone must prove they are a citizen

I'm just a red pill guy in a room full of blue pill addicts.

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Saturday, December 7, 2013 10:44 AM


Geraldo Rivera has been investigating the case and he's pretty upset with Meggs over this. He says the criminal complaint cites:

1. Witnesses who saw her drinking at the bar and saw her getting into a car with several of the QB's friends.
2. Witnesses who said she was taken to the QB's home.
3. A witness who said she was resisting the QB's advances.
4. A witness who said he saw the QB lift her up and take her into the bathroom and close the door.
5. Police report and hospital said she had bruises on her body ... elbows, neck, and knees.

I know Geraldo is given to be somewhat dramatic and unreliable at times, but he is an attorney, and he does know how to read a criminal complaint. Sounds to me there is a case there, and a possible conspiracy to protect the QB. The victim has since dropped out of school.


Sunday, December 8, 2013 10:23 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by Jongsstraw:

5. Police report and hospital said she had bruises on her body ... elbows, neck, and knees.

Where's it say that ? A little help, please.

Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured... but not everyone must prove they are a citizen

I'm just a red pill guy in a room full of blue pill addicts.

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Monday, December 9, 2013 8:58 AM


America loves a winner!

You probably won't be hearing much more about this as the case is closed.

One sports reporter tried to ask Jameis about it, after the ACC title game, and he just ignored her, and walked away. Most see it now as a taboo topic, and in poor taste to bring it up any more.

Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured... but not everyone must prove they are a citizen

I'm just a red pill guy in a room full of blue pill addicts.

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Monday, December 9, 2013 11:13 AM



"believed" is not good.

It's fine, especially since it was backed up by DNA evidence. Saying she wasn't sure who it was, then later saying she believed it was someone is pretty common in these investigations. Rape victims are often very ashamed and it can be difficult for them to name their attacker.

Moreso in this case where she might have been intimidated by the prestige of her attacker. And rightly so, considering how her case was quashed and silenced.


Twice I noticed the mention of someone with dreads coming into the bedroom and telling Jamies to stop.

One decent person in an entire campus taken over by blind fanaticism. *Gives FSU the bird*

This thread evolved into a better thread than I was anticipating. At least in this case, most of fireflyfans seems to have their heads on straight.


Monday, December 9, 2013 12:17 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
You probably won't be hearing much more about this as the case is closed.

I can't believe that the Florida Governor and Attorney General, who live and work right there next to FSU in Tallahassee, are just gonna do nothing but accept the decision by the FSU football booster/state attorney Willie Meggs. The whole thing reeks.


Monday, December 9, 2013 12:23 PM



Originally posted by G:
"Believing" and not "knowing" was why the case was dropped.

If a girl is drunk or gets a roofie slipped into her drink she likely won't know anything when she wakes up other than she was assaulted. It's up to the police to investigate and find out who did it. "Believing" and not "knowing" are not by themselves causes for dismissing anything.


Monday, December 9, 2013 12:26 PM


And I'll just add one little more thing ... if my wife or daughter told me that she was raped by a football quarterback and nothing was done about it, I'd be running onto the field during the National Championship game to blow his head off.


Monday, December 9, 2013 1:29 PM



Originally posted by Jongsstraw:

Originally posted by G:
"Believing" and not "knowing" was why the case was dropped.

If a girl is drunk or gets a roofie slipped into her drink she likely won't know anything when she wakes up other than she was assaulted. It's up to the police to investigate and find out who did it. "Believing" and not "knowing" are not by themselves causes for dismissing anything.

Exactly. That's why the DNA evidence coupled with the witness accounts was what was damning, not just the girl's personal account.

Though I really think we could make the argument that she was probably intimidated about revealing the identity.

G- Damn right I'm sanctimonious. I still have problems with that last conversation and I still do not agree with the definitions and ideas espoused there. I reserve the right to be sanctimonious, dogmatic, and belligerent when it comes to basic human decency and ethics.

That we came up with the same conclusion here is astounding based on the premises I know you're working from. So don't question my understanding. I understand all too well what you are, and would caution anyone to avoid drinking in your presence lest you think them fair game.


Monday, December 9, 2013 2:22 PM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by Jongsstraw:

Originally posted by AURaptor:
You probably won't be hearing much more about this as the case is closed.

I can't believe that the Florida Governor and Attorney General, who live and work right there next to FSU in Tallahassee, are just gonna do nothing but accept the decision by the FSU football booster/state attorney Willie Meggs. The whole thing reeks.

Tickets to the BCS title game aren't easy to come by.

Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured... but not everyone must prove they are a citizen

I'm just a red pill guy in a room full of blue pill addicts.

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Monday, December 9, 2013 2:26 PM



Fuck-you very kindly for that cheap smear.

Oh? And you didn't say it's just fine to have sex with people when they've been drinking? That if they get taken advantage of, it's their own fault for drinking and lowering their inhibitions? I only accused you of exactly what you've admitted to.


By your definition that makes him susceptible for rape charges.

Yes. It would.

Frankly, I have never trusted Frem, and he has never trusted me. We only started talking in emails about a year ago because of the security concerns involved.

The difference is, after the discussion in question, I now have doubts about everyone. But especially towards people who openly EMBRACE the tactic of plying sex out of people with alcohol.

It is dishonest, and immoral. You defend the inexcusable. And that is why I have been "sanctimonious" on this issue.

I have never taken advantage of anyone, nor thought that was an acceptable thing to do. Everyone is a hypocrite, but I am not a hypocrite about THAT.

You can ignore me. You can ignore what I'm saying. I don't care, and actually would encourage you to do so, as it's less drama for everyone.

Doesn't make me less right.


Monday, December 9, 2013 7:16 PM



Originally posted by G:

Originally posted by Jongsstraw:

Originally posted by AURaptor:
You probably won't be hearing much more about this as the case is closed.

I can't believe that the Florida Governor and Attorney General, who live and work right there next to FSU in Tallahassee, are just gonna do nothing but accept the decision by the FSU football booster/state attorney Willie Meggs. The whole thing reeks.

Assistant Attorney general did investigate - not the same, but maybe enough for them to feel they'd done enough?

Yeah, this one reeks about as bad as it gets.

Seems we're in the minority about this. I was watching "The Five" today and Eric Bolling, who I like a lot, said "the matter is over and let's play football!" They were discussing how the FSU quarterback walked away from an ESPN reporter on camera Saturday when she asked him if he was relieved that there would be no charges.

So FSU has Jameis Winston for the big game. Jameis Winston will likely win the Heisman Trophy. Eric Bolling is excited and ready for the big game. Rick Scott and Pam Bondi are looking forward to another national championship for their party college and hick town. State Attorney Willie Meggs is restocking his lawn shed/man cave with gallons of pickled pig's feet and lizard jerky. The FSU cheerleaders are going over new routines and checking their birth control pill supply. Team mascot Chief Osceola is sharpening his tomahawk and mixing his war paint. All hail mighty football! Remember the Titans!






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