Kudos to Paul Ryan

UPDATED: Thursday, February 6, 2014 10:21
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Wednesday, February 5, 2014 2:25 PM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...


Paul Ryan Fact-Checks Republicans On Obamacare Job 'Costs'

At least one Republican is setting the record straight on what the Congressional Budget Office actually said this week about Obamacare and its effect on jobs.

House Budget Chair Paul Ryan (R-WI) explained in a Wednesday hearing with CBO director Steven Elmendorf that the health care reform law wouldn't cost the U.S. economy more than 2 million jobs, as many of his colleagues alleged, but that Americans would choose to work less.

"I want to make sure we accurately understand what it is you are saying," Ryan said, before leading Elmendorf through a series of questions to explain the report and its findings.

Ryan and Elmendorf combined to explain that Obamacare would lead to a decrease in the number of hours worked by up to 2 percent in 2024. Most of that drop, the CBO said, would be the result of Americans choosing not to work, for various reasons, but not because employers would want to hire fewer workers on account of the law. Translate those lost hours into full-time employment and it equals up to 2.5 million jobs by 2024. But that's not the same as jobs being cut.

"Just to understand, it is not that employers are laying people off," Ryan said.

"That is right," Elmendorf said.

That's a pretty direct contradiction for the attack adopted by many GOPers following the report's release. Senate Republicans blasted out an email, saying that Obamacare would "print more pink slips." Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and others alleged that the law would "cost" the country more than 2 million jobs. A number of conservative outlets framed the report as "pushing" Americans out of the workforce, rather than it being of their own volition.

To be clear, Ryan wasn't thrilled with the CBO's finding. He said he was "troubled" by the report because it suggested that Obamacare was encouraging Americans "not to get on the ladder of life, to begin working, getting the dignity of work, getting more opportunities, rising the income, joining the middle class."

"This means fewer people will do that," he said.

But, after a day in which official Washington spent most of its energy debating what the CBO report actually said, Ryan did make a point to get the truth out in the open.

I disagree with his idea that this situation encourages Americans "not to get on the ladder of life, to begin working, getting the dignity of work, getting more opportunities, rising the income, joining the middle class". Income inequality in our nation has gotten progressively worse, as of last year, the median wage hit its lowest level since 1998 (, and there is an increasing lack of opportunities. So the chances of anyone going UP the "ladder of life", increasing their opportunities or income, or joining the middle class (which so many of us have been dropped OUT OF), is highly questionable, and getting moreso all the time. Add to that the constantly-increasing cost of healthcare, the fact that some people who are making low wages in the first place can now choose to get health care by making a little bit less seems to me only logical. Where is the "dignity" in working herder and longer to make a few bucks more, while having to play Russian Roulette and just pray you don't get too sick TO work?

It's easy for Republicans like Ryan to talk about "rising income", "dignity", "opportunities" and such, but they don't live in the real world with the rest of us--where for many of us, working full time STILL doesn't pay enough to survive on.

Also, I believe that's part of what the ACA was all about, wasn't it? Finding a way for Americans to get health care, a gigantic problem in our country which is only getting worse?

That being said, I freely offer my congratulations to Mr. Ryan for being one of the few (only?) Republicans out there willing to speak the truth about the CBO's projections.


Wednesday, February 5, 2014 3:15 PM


I give him 36 hours before he's out in public talking about how many jobs this will cost us.


Wednesday, February 5, 2014 11:19 PM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

No, EC, he was very clear about that...he will, of course, spin any negatives just as hard as he can, as he already has, and find all fault possible, and try to tie it to something negative to the economy, etc., etc., but I can't see him back-tracking on this. I could certainly be wrong, but I don't see Ryan as being as willing to make a fool of himself as many of the others.


Thursday, February 6, 2014 3:12 AM


You thought similarly of Chris Christie and his "integrity" at one point, too, if I recall correctly.


Thursday, February 6, 2014 10:21 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Yes, I did; I'm not willing to paint everyone as evil just because they're Republican, and I don't see everyone on either side as all Good Guy or all Bad Guy...mostly. Idiots like Palin and Bachmann and Cruz, etc., behave the way they do for a reason and make themselves fair game, but there are sane people out there on both sides too, and crazies on the left as well.

Christie HAS done some good stuff; so much is coming out now, and he himself is behaving so bizarrely, that he's lost my respect. I don't agree with Ryan on a lot of stuff, but I can recognize when he's willing to buck the trend and speak the truth.

I don't like the ACA, I don't think any of us DO, it's just the first time in our history that we've been able to get ANYTHING, and as we've said so many times, just like Social Security, Medicare and about everything else, it starts out pretty shitty and we improve it. I leave it to our rabid Hate-Anything-From-The-Left guys to point out the bad things, since I know they'll always be first out the gate on that, and agree with those I think are appropriate while debunking the lies.

Parts of the law, such as the employer mandate penalty, WILL likely reduce the demand for workers among some businesses. The CBO was clear that it's impossible to make concrete projections about how all this is going to affect the economy, we just have to wait and see. And hopefully it will be offset, at least in part, because of the law's positive financial benefits, putting more money into the economy and increasing demand for goods and services, as well as lowering health care costs somewhat. And the fact remains that ANY effort to increase health insurance is going to cost, which I accept.

So yeah, any Republican who wants to debate the ACTUAL issues, I will respect. Any Republican who (gawd forbid) wants to actually IMPROVE the ACA, rather than just kill it and use it as a campaign tool, I will respect even more. I believe there are Republicans who can have good ideas, unfortunately at this time in our history they're pretty hog tied by their radical minority from expressing any ideas they might have. It shows character to stand up and speak the truth, when the rest of the right is screaming lies, Ryan didn't have to.






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