Please Tell Me This isn't True.....

UPDATED: Monday, March 24, 2014 13:38
VIEWED: 1061
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Sunday, March 23, 2014 12:11 PM


... or ...

Do Some Women Really Believe This Well Educated Lunatic?

My favorite quotes from the article:


The X [chromosome]has about 1000 genes left, too many relating to sex and intelligence, she says.

The smaller Y started with about 1700 genes but only has 45 left, and that's mostly "junk".

"It is a lovely example of what I call dumb design," she told AAP.

"It is an evolutionary accident."

If humans don't become extinct, new sex-determining genes and chromosomes will evolve, maybe leading to the evolution of new hominid species.

An accident, like a fox! or one of tens of thousands of other species of animals on the planet that procreate with X and Y chromosomes.

Methinks if the frog that can effectively go "f" itself and spit out some babies like some monsterish mutation from an amoeba were doing everything right, there might be more than 1% of the animal kingdom that's visible with the naked human eye that would reproduce asexually.

Interestingly enough though, my very religious grandmother who doesn't argue evolution says that we have been experienceing de-evolution ever since the days of Adam and Eve with each subsequent generation. Hell... it seems that every 10 years or so we hear that even more of our babies are born with at least some mild form of Autism.

I don't blame it on the male chromosome. Something is causing this to happen, but if the male chromosome were to be the culprit, we'd be even MORE ARROGANT about our superiority as a species since every other animal would be different from us in that they were all asexual females and just popped babies out all willie-nilley like they're Gremlins. (remember moms... no breastmilk after Midnight!).

Nobody here would actually take an article like this serious, would you?


Sunday, March 23, 2014 1:08 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Umm... I read this several years ago. I don't know much about genetics, but I DO know that different species handle their genetic code differently - some are very "catholic" about their genetic code, allowing reams and reams of junk (non-coding) DNA and even other species DNA into their code. Other species are parsimonious, and have a very "tight" genetic code, not allowing junk or foreign DNA but requiring very robust DNA repair mechanisms.

So I guess my point is that human DNA isn't necessarily going to be like gorilla, chimp, and bonobo DNA, and how the human species handles its sex differences isn't necessarily going to be the same either. It would be interesting to see if this pattern holds among all of the apes, but that's a study that hasn't been done yet, as far as I know.


Sunday, March 23, 2014 1:50 PM


Very interesting Sigs, and also very P.C., without even trying to be :)

I actually do love that "catholic" dig.

All I was saying is, although it's all very fascinating, I have to call Spaghetti Monster on this loon.

Perhaps Christianity is absolutly INSANE, but it's got a long history of thousands of years behind it.

I would no sooner give this kook any genuine consideration than I would that anything I've ever heard from anyone at anytime has a 50% chance of being true, no other things considered.

This woman was abused as a child. I am 100% sure of it. It was either an uncle or a grandfather, since nobody ever knew about it. At the very least, Daddy was nowhere in the picture.

This type of shit is what makes me sick about science, especially today with the internet.

This supposed "professional" woman, showing no subtlety in her lambasting of men in her "scientific" research experiments...... Going so far as to say that men will be Scientifically eradicated (a la Hitler), but saying that we are an abomination of nature when over 99% of animals with brains reproduce by heterosexual relations.

Sorry Sigs... I'll post my thoughts more direct this time.

She's absoultely full of shit, isn't she?


Sunday, March 23, 2014 2:45 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Her facts can be checked for accuracy. I personally am not going to do that, but maybe you could give it a try before dismissing the information as a product of an unhappy childhood. Here's a start - it's a link to a google search number of genes on human y chromosome: As for her conclusions, I personally don't have enough information to either agree or disagree. It's one of just a whole number of things I put into the 'miscellaneous whatever' mental junk drawer.

We are too dumb to live and smart enough to wipe ourselves out.


Monday, March 24, 2014 12:47 PM


Hey 1kiki,

I'll be the first to admit that I don't know much of anything about science, and although I'm probably the best budgeter in the world and have handled even the really tough years in my own taxes since the late 90's, I don't give two shits about how many "y" that "x" equals. I'm absolutely terrible at all but the most basic of Algebra and any math beyond.

I'm also 99.9999% sure that the True Facts in her article are at least widely considered a legitimate theory if they aren't actually based on stone-cold, proven truth.

What bothers me is what bothers me about most people and news outlets. Everyone seems to view the truth in their own way, for whatever reason, and then they take that mix of truth and fantasy and project it as truth on to more stupid people.

I'll concede that the Science is legit. I'm not even arguing that.

It's the opinions that I have a problem with let alone the flagrant lies.

She basically says that if we don't accidentally kill ourselves as an entire race (massive, purposeful implications here).... then men are just going to stop being born one day and women will be able to impregnate themselves or each other, and that's THE ONLY outcome she saw when she mixed "the" truth with her truth and what she is projecting onto us.

First off.....

Who gives a shit if that even were absolute truth? So what if men would cease to exist? I've seen that plot on no less than three cheesy sci-fi shows over my lifetime. It would happen so many mellinia after our great grandchildren died that it has nothing to do with us.

In my mind, her opinions truly have no more merit than me saying with absolute certainty that if I were rich and famous I'd be knockin' boots with Scarlett Johannson this very second instead of talking to you right now. It just doesn't make any sense, even though it could end up being true in a parallel universe, although it's something that will never happen in our lifetimes so we will never know the answer.

I'm asking you about the overall tone of this article and the idea the way it is presented.

How can people live so "wishy-washey" today because of "Scientific Theory"?

It's not enough that I truly believe that Evolution happened and it doesn't at all conflict with "my way of seeing how God just f'ked around until he got it right", but now I have to suspend any and all disbelief whenever some lunatic with a degree bends already extremely bendable theory to her own ends?

I'm just discovering my own thoughts on things as I write here 1kiki. Thanks for being my vent, although I would like to know your opinion on this too.

What I just found out about myself.....

Here's my line in the sand. Period.

I would never say that Evolution isn't real. I would never say that God wasn't real and that at least one religion got mostly everything right but everyone got at least something right.

The past is the past. Things actually happened. Whether you or I or the President know the "Truth" about "things" is irrelevant. However EVERYTHING worked out in the past is how we found our way right here, having this discussion in the RWED today.

I choose not to put any stock into something anybody says, no matter their background, about events so possibly remote that a billion-and-one variables could pop up that would make her story irrelevant tomorrow.

With the possibility of rapid climate change looming, I'm not DUMB to that.... My own personal answer to it is by not having any kids as preventative maintenance. I can just help my niece and hopefully a bro or sis in the future as things get rougher. In the mean time, I recycle, I only spend about $30 a month on gasoline and I no longer listen to any music that stereotypes black people and/or dehumanizes women.

I figure since I'm not out curing Cancer it's the least I could do.

Jesus Christ man.... One guy from back before soap was invented proved the world revolved around the sun and everybody thinks they're the next Einstein.

Seriously Jenny. No matter how smart I'm sure you test at, you are not the first person with an original thought. Chances are, what you think is original has been conceived by no less than 5,000 people before you, even if they didn't get a story written about it.

Put the beakers down. Go back home to your 12 kitty cats and tell them all about how much you hate men.


Originally posted by 1kiki:
Her facts can be checked for accuracy. I personally am not going to do that, but maybe you could give it a try before dismissing the information as a product of an unhappy childhood. Here's a start - it's a link to a google search number of genes on human y chromosome: As for her conclusions, I personally don't have enough information to either agree or disagree. It's one of just a whole number of things I put into the 'miscellaneous whatever' mental junk drawer.

We are too dumb to live and smart enough to wipe ourselves out.


Monday, March 24, 2014 1:38 PM


An actual Lifetime reinactment of Dr. Jennifer's nightly activities when she goes home after a gruling day of being womanized for her extremely attractive god given (accidental?) assets.

Awwww... It' must be really shitty to look sexy even after you're strung out of coffee, trans-fat (it was in the 90's), and whatever lactose intolerance you suffer after drinking straight from the carton.....

Poor you, Michelle.

Unfortunately, Jenny probably looks not too far from this in real life:






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