Former Arizona Sheriff Reveals Chilling Strategy to Put Women ‘Up at the Front’ During Bundy Ranch Standoff

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Wednesday, April 16, 2014 11:40 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...


Former Arizona Sheriff Richard Mack revealed on Monday that he and other organizers who traveled to Clark County, Nev., to support Cliven Bundy during his land dispute with the feds planned to put women on the front lines in case the “rogue federal officers” started shooting.

Mack made the chilling revelation on Fox News’ “The Real Story” Monday, two days after the tense standoff between Bundy and the federal government came to a peaceful end.

"We were actually strategizing to put all the women up at the front,” he said. “If they are going to start shooting, it’s going to be women that are going to be televised all across the world getting shot by these rogue federal officers."

“It was a tactical plot that I was trying to get them to use. If they’re going to start killing people, I’m sorry, but to show the world how ruthless these people are, women needed to be the first ones shot. I would have put my own wife or daughters there, and I would have been screaming bloody murder to watch them die.”

Mack apparently identifies with the Tea Party and claims to have spoken at numerous rallies. Mack was elected as Graham County sheriff in 1988 and he served two terms until 1997. Bundy does not recognize federal authority on land he insists belongs to Nevada. Excerpts from

So no, it’s not a radical Islamic terrorist who is wanting to use women as human shields. It’s just your typical gun toting, government hating conservative. Mack self-identifies with the Tea Party and is a featured Tea Party speaker ( I love this one:

During the past two years Sheriff Mack has been a speaker at more than 70 different Tea Party rallies all across the country, ranging all the way from Honolulu to Bangor, Maine. Mack has supported this noble movement, because it is both effective and peaceful.

Yeah, "noble" and "peaceful". Bunkered down, armed and ready, with women planned as shields.

Cliven Bundy owes the taxpayers more than $1 million for allowing his cattle to graze on government land, a rule which was put into place by executive order from the conservative God Ronald Reagan. Bundy purposely and consciously stopped paying taxes for grazing in the early 1990's. If people like Bundy don’t like the laws as they are, then vote for new elected officials who will change them. It’s called democracy, a concept apparently foreign to some. Among other concepts.


Wednesday, April 16, 2014 11:45 AM


This is about as nutty as they come without blowin' s**t up.


Wednesday, April 16, 2014 11:48 AM



Wednesday, April 16, 2014 6:54 PM



Originally posted by chrisisall:

This is about as nutty as they come without blowin' s**t up.

Yeah, independents standing up to Federal Govt. control and oppression ... the nerve! What was Firefly about again?


Wednesday, April 16, 2014 6:58 PM



Originally posted by Jongsstraw:
Yeah, independents standing up to Federal Govt. control and oppression ... the nerve! What was Firefly about again?

Not putting women in ruttin' front to get killed first!


Wednesday, April 16, 2014 7:06 PM


America loves a winner!

Both sides have their points, as well as their flaws.

The plans by the Feds to come in , guns a blazin, against civilians,don't seem to offend Niki too much. Just the tactics of the ranchers who are tired of being bullied by an over reacting Fed Govt.

Initial claims of $ 1 million in unpaid fees for grazing on BLM land are beyond ridiculous. No way could the bill be that much. I heard the came back and actually said the $ owed was a couple of hundred thousand dollars.

Also, key points -

Former Sheriff Mack was TRYING to get them to use this tactic. Nothing says that Bundy or anyone actually supported that idea.

And claiming that he IDENTIFIES with TEA party , doesn't necessarily mean he's a TEA party member, does it ? Or that it has any relevance to this issue ?

Anything and everything to drag the TEA party into this ,and try to tarnish that political movement w/ any negative association possible, huh?


Wednesday, April 16, 2014 7:09 PM



Originally posted by chrisisall

Not putting women in ruttin' front to get killed first!

No one is "putting" women in the front. That's just one man's psych-ops rhetoric for the Feds to fret over. But I have no doubt that some women would volunteer to take point despite the danger.


Wednesday, April 16, 2014 7:09 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:

Anything and everything to drag the TEA party into this

Anything ... yes. Everything ... yes.

Can't really blame them when a shiny new dedicated source box is the reward for being a gorram Alliance collaborator.


Wednesday, April 16, 2014 7:41 PM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by Jongsstraw:

Originally posted by AURaptor:

Anything and everything to drag the TEA party into this

Anything ... yes. Everything ... yes.

Can't really blame them when a dedicated source box is the reward for being a gorram Alliance collaborator.

Mayor Bloomberg - " “Home-grown, maybe a mentally deranged person or somebody with a political agenda that doesn’t like the health care bill…"

Brian Ross (ABC) - " There’s a Jim Holmes of Aurora, Colorado, page on the Colorado Tea party site as well, talking about him joining the Tea Party last year. Now, we don’t know if this is the same Jim Holmes. But it’s Jim Holmes of Aurora, Colorado."

Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured... but not everyone must prove they are a citizen

I'm just a red pill guy in a room full of blue pill addicts.

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Wednesday, April 16, 2014 7:47 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
Anything and everything to drag the TEA party into this ,and try to tarnish that political movement w/ any negative association possible, huh?

And anything & everything to drag down Obama, the Czar of the Hill.
Okay, maybe I've had my fill of this partisan masturbatory bullshit for now.
Being in the middle as I am means irritation from both sides; at least y'all leaning far left & far right need only be irritated from ONE direction.


Wednesday, April 16, 2014 8:04 PM


America loves a winner!

1st person to even mention Obama in this thread - Chrissy.


Wednesday, April 16, 2014 8:28 PM


Far left & far right peeps hate this...


Wednesday, April 16, 2014 10:41 PM


Captain Tracey was one of the series' best villains in one of Trek's best episodes.


Wednesday, April 16, 2014 10:41 PM


Before that role, Morgan Woodward had experienced the horrors of the neural neutralizer.


Wednesday, April 16, 2014 11:11 PM


'neural neutralizer'
Another name for today's PC bullshit & Tea party biscuits.


Wednesday, April 16, 2014 11:19 PM


You need a A few days of R&R on Argelius II. Kirk knows a little place where the women ....


Wednesday, April 16, 2014 11:32 PM


I know the place!


Thursday, April 17, 2014 1:27 AM


Between 7 years & 4 months ago, Kirk's powerful speech about
our Forefathers' clear and just intent has been posted on
Youtube Six times!
More if my seach terms, kirk & constitution, missed some.
Yep. Searching for "The Omega Glory," I get a Bunch more Hits.
If so many people love this episode and this scene, maybe
there's hope for We the People.


Hmmmm. Just a tad off topic, I am. :)


Thursday, April 17, 2014 10:30 AM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
Former Sheriff Mack was TRYING to get them to use this tactic. Nothing says that Bundy or anyone actually supported that idea.

This is a good point.

Any time the Feds come to a non-emergency situation armed to the teeth I gotta figure they're the potential bad guys.


Thursday, April 17, 2014 11:29 AM


"Former Arizona Sheriff Reveals Chilling Strategy to Put Women ‘Up at the Front’ During Bundy Ranch Standoff"

What's so unusual about putting women up at the front at The Bunny Ranch? They always come out to meet the new arrivals. The gals at the Bunny Ranch were HBO superstars until 'Cathouse' ended. They fear no man's weapon. They can handle whatever arises.


Thursday, April 17, 2014 1:01 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

To argue with a man who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead. - Thomas Paine The American Crisis
OONJERAH - We are too dumb to live and smart enough to wipe ourselves out.
"You, who live in any kind of comfort or convenience, do not know how these people can survive these things, do you? They will endure because there is no immediate escape from endurance. Some will die, the rest must live."


Thursday, April 17, 2014 1:03 PM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Jongs' post is so far beyond asinine...

Any time the Feds come to a non-emergency situation armed to the teeth...

Grant you the point has merit. Also, however, given past experience, they'd be stupid not to arrive armed, given the stated intention of the opposition and past experience.

None of that exculpates someone proposing putting women in the front lines expressly TO be killed, in my opinion.


Thursday, April 17, 2014 1:13 PM


Mack's a whack, totally.


Thursday, April 17, 2014 4:24 PM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by Niki2:

Jongs' post is so far beyond asinine...

It was humorous, though very silly. If you're silly, you toss up a half dozen emoticons, but if anyone else does it, " beyond asinine ".

Got it.



Any time the Feds come to a non-emergency situation armed to the teeth...

Grant you the point has merit. Also, however, given past experience, they'd be stupid not to arrive armed, given the stated intention of the opposition and past experience.

Ruby Ridge, Waco, Elian Gonzalez, all say " hello ".


None of that exculpates someone proposing putting women in the front lines expressly TO be killed, in my opinion.

Wouldn't want the impression that women are equal or something, would we ? That woudn't be proper.

( OK - I'm HALF kidding. It's a deplorable idea, but what if they were side by side, armed, and willing to defend their land, same as the men ? That'd make more sense, wouldn't it ? )

Dollars to donuts that Niki also calls my comment " beyond asinine " too. 3,2,1....

Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured... but not everyone must prove they are a citizen

I'm just a red pill guy in a room full of blue pill addicts.

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Thursday, April 17, 2014 4:40 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:

Originally posted by Niki2:

Jongs' post is so far beyond asinine...

It was humorous, though very silly. If you're silly, you toss up a half dozen emoticons, but if anyone else does it, " beyond asinine ".

Got it.

Yeah Rap. Asinine my muscular buttocks! The Bunny Ranch girls are hi-larious.


Thursday, April 17, 2014 6:15 PM


This is an interesting quote from Mr. Bundy, though:
“I abide by all state laws. But I abide by almost zero federal laws,”



Thursday, April 17, 2014 6:24 PM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by Jongsstraw:

The Bunny Ranch girls are hi-larious.

I didn't know it was a comedy club.

Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured... but not everyone must prove they are a citizen

I'm just a red pill guy in a room full of blue pill addicts.

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Sunday, April 20, 2014 9:29 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...


“I abide by all state laws. But I abide by almost zero federal laws,”

Yeah, Chris; "all men are created equal", but some are more "equal" than others, apparently.

The latest right-wing media poster-victim, Cliven Bundy, is just the latest in a long line of desert dwellers who thinks he or she should not have to follow the law and has a god-given right to unlimited use of public resources, in this case, rangeland. I know the mentality well, because I grew up in rural Nevada and clung desperately to such beliefs until only a few years ago.

Bundy has not paid grazing fees in close to 20 years, while the federal government has, with painful, stupid moves, tried to somehow deal with him. Bundy also faced restrictions because he continued to graze cattle on a slice of public land reserved for the endangered desert tortoise. He was invited to talk to Sean Hannity (of course) about the “standoff.”

“We want freedom,” Bundy said. I don’t know what freedom Bundy’s talking about. He does not own the land nor does he even pay the modest fees required to use it. Thousands of ranchers across the West pay fees for their businesses, but Bundy thinks he should get to use public resources to make a personal profit. Cliven Bundy, far from being a patriot, is also clearly a straight-up communist.

Bundy is using the language of freedom, patriotism and outright paranoia to further his business interests. He succeeded wildly in drawing other “patriots” to his slice of contested desert. I don’t know these exact people, but the words and phrases they used were the nursery rhymes of my childhood. I’ve been listening to ignorant people bitch about the federal “gub’met,” since I could crawl, and I’m weary of it. I can’t bear to hear poor people rally to the defense of moneyed interests like mining and ranching, like well-trained, bleating sheep. As tired and silly as I find his language, clearly it worked. He so inflamed the lunatic militia movement, that many rallied to him, often from out of state, with guns and naked threats. They created a real possibility that someone might get killed, so the feds backed down.

It is asinine in our age that an armed group of idiots can thwart reasonable government action. Bundy is not a hero, a victim or innocent in any way. Just think of real injustice of America, like people spending life in jail for marijuana charges. It’s hard to imagine the “militia,” a mostly fat, white and ignorant group, showing up to defend a kid in the inner city who was arrested for no reason. Also think what would happen to you, if you opted not to register your car for 20 years. Bundy exploits the most sickening version of white privilege to justify what amounts to theft.

The basic facts of this story obfuscate the decades of history, animosity and lies between the federal government and the so-called Sagebrush Rebellion that started in the late ’70s. The movement is centered in Elko, Nev., a town next door to Battle Mountain, the much smaller town where I grew up. If you’ve not spent time in the rural desert, you’ll have a hard time understanding the vast spaces in play. Lander County, where Battle Mountain is located, is the geographic size of Vermont but has no more than 5,000 people.

I grew up on 40 acres of brown sagebrush. Particularly when I was a child, cattle roamed carelessly across our property. They even had right of way on my father’s land unless he fenced the entire lot with four-strands of barbed wire, an expensive and ugly option. This is the freedom for which patriots are fighting: for cows to trump personal property rights.

We could argue about whether the land should belong to the federal government, but what is not in dispute is that Bundy has no ownership of it. He won’t even pay fees to use it. In short, he refuses to pay rent, like thousands of other ranchers do dutifully every year. Again, I’d like to observe if Bundy is not a communist, he’s at least an aggressive socialist.

Bundy’s foundational argument is that he “has been using the land for generations.” He claims to have “ancestors” who worked the land since the late 1800s. If Bundy wants to make this argument, he’ll need to chat to a Native American or two from one of the many different tribes in Nevada who were here far before Bundy’s ancestors. Also, I thought America was about building wealth through capitalism, rather than depending on your daddy to pass on his membership into the landed aristocracy. Bundy seems to think himself a member of the neo-nobility.

What is missed in this nonsense is that the land should not be managed based on feelings or business needs or family connections. In my Nevada experience, history and family too often trump concerns about what’s best for society and the public good. From where I sit, attitudes are changing for the better.

Bundy, like the sagebrush rebels who came before, has co-opted the language of the oppressed, wrapped in neo-Confederate sensibilities. The crazies have been loosed for good or ill, waving yellow flags and screaming the word “patriot,” none of which has anything to do with subsidizing one man’s business. Even some of my close friends and family are outraged over this latest assault on “freedom.” I’m not far enough removed from this opinion to forget how it feels. You feel powerless and angry. I can hear my former inner voice: We live out here, not them. We should get to decide how to use the desert. It is as understandable as it is ill-informed and misguided.

I have to concede that certain employees of the federal government can be stupid and ham-handed dealing with people like Bundy. In this case, the feds probably should have removed Bundy’s cattle when he stopped paying grazing fees. The agencies involved also fumbled some parts of the latest tactic, playing into fears of government overreach with “Free Speech Zones” for protesters. So often the feds seem to botch the details, but one must give them credit for backing down in the end. No one, perhaps other than the raging right, wanted actual shooting. Perhaps now, quietly, the federal government can work with Bundy to get him to either pay his grazing fees or remove his cattle without creating a spectacle.

Bundy has no right to public land. The federal government and other land managers can and should consider the interests of ranchers, just as they should consider mining, recreation and the needs of wildlife, but Bundy is not the only person who has lived in the desert. His should not be even close to the final vote. He can whittle, spit and reminisce, while the rest of us build a modern, cooperative state worth living in. More at


Sunday, April 20, 2014 9:52 AM


America loves a winner!

Stating that Bundy can ' whittle, spit and reminisce' while the rest of us city folk actually do something of value , is pretty demeaning to him and all ranchers.

BTW - who here is fine w/ the BLM taking and then shooting Bundy's cattle ?

Anyone ?

How does that help " the greater good " , if all they do is kill those animals, and not take them to be used for profit for the govt ?


Tuesday, April 22, 2014 5:56 PM



Originally posted by Niki2:

“I abide by all state laws. But I abide by almost zero federal laws,”

Yeah, Chris; "all men are created equal", but some are more "equal" than others, apparently.

I was giving him the benefit of the doubt until now. I've read up on this from both Conservative & Liberal sites, and watched the interviews now, and my verdict is that this guy is a nut. If a Republican was in the White House, he'd be described as a nut by most. But because Obama is in there, somehow this guy symbolizes 'freedom' to the anti-Barry wackjobs.


Tuesday, April 22, 2014 6:01 PM


America loves a winner!

Nut or not, does the use of force by the BLM make any sense ? They shot the man's cattle. They drew first blood.

Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured... but not everyone must prove they are a citizen

I'm just a red pill guy in a room full of blue pill addicts.

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Tuesday, April 22, 2014 6:06 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
Nut or not, does the use of force by the BLM make any sense ? They shot the man's cattle. They drew first blood.

They shot his cattle? Really?
I thought they just shot two of his Bulls out of fear for their pansy asses (No, I don't like how they handled themselves, but mess with the man & his FEES and shit WILL happen).


Tuesday, April 22, 2014 6:35 PM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by chrisisall:
They shot his cattle? Really?
I thought they just shot two of his Bulls out of fear for their pansy asses


Tuesday, April 22, 2014 11:10 PM


Yeah, that's funny, but the ultimate lesson here is that if you use force to fight a bigger force you will lose. Especially if you are a nut.


Wednesday, April 23, 2014 6:10 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by chrisisall:
Yeah, that's funny, but the ultimate lesson here is that if you use force to fight a bigger force you will lose. Especially if you are a nut.

Founding Fathers lol'd a bit. Good one.

Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured... but not everyone must prove they are a citizen

I'm just a red pill guy in a room full of blue pill addicts.

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Wednesday, April 23, 2014 8:28 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Then there's Bundy himself, who apparently has no problem lying outright:

“I’ve lived my lifetime here. My forefathers have been up and down the Virgin Valley here ever since 1877. All these rights that I claim, have been created through pre-emptive rights and beneficial use of the forage and the water and the access and range improvements.”

While it may come as no surprise that Fox news, along with all of the other right wing media outlets that pushed Bundy’s narrative, never bothered to fact check these claims, local reporters from KLAS -TV decided to check the historical records. What they discovered is that the Bundy family purchased the land on which Cliven Bundy’s ranch is located in 1948, from Raoul and Ruth Levin. The record also shows that prior to 1948, the Bundy family resided in the state of Arizona. So he lied.

Also, he claimed his family was there before the creation of the BLM:

“My rights are before the BLM even existed, but my rights are created by beneficial use. Beneficial use means we created the forage and the water from the time the very first pioneers come here...” “My rights are before the BLM even existed, but my rights are created by beneficial use. Beneficial use means we created the forage and the water from the time the very first pioneers come here,”

Records show that the Bundy family was never granted water rights for land that borders the 160 acre ranch. The BLM also began managing the land in question two years before the Bundy’s even moved from the state of Arizona to Nevada. What’s more, the Bundy family didn’t begin to graze cattle on the federal land in question until 1954, a full ten years after the BLM was formed. So he lied about several things.

Seems to me that while Cliven Bundy has never had the legal right to graze his cattle on land that he does not own, his fake plight has been hyped by conservative media outlets across the country, that right-wing media jumped on this story is because it furthers the narrative of the big, bad evil government encroaching on the ‘little guy.’ As it turns out, everything Bundy has said about his ‘ancestral rights’ is just another bold faced lie, being told by another right wing ‘patriot’ con artist who just wants to get richer and not pay his taxes.


Wednesday, April 23, 2014 9:32 AM


America loves a winner!

So, only there for 66 years, and not 137?

Wow. Game changer there alright.

When AlGore lies, it's minutiae.

Anyone else? That makes them liars & their cause phony & contrived.

Got it.


Wednesday, April 23, 2014 9:45 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by AURaptor:

Originally posted by chrisisall:
Yeah, that's funny, but the ultimate lesson here is that if you use force to fight a bigger force you will lose. Especially if you are a nut.

Founding Fathers lol'd a bit. Good one.

Have you heard of the Confederate States of America? Did it win defending Conservative Values? I was not surprised by where I found Auraptor's location on the Browncoat Map.

There is Auraptor's marker near Stonewall Jackson Drive. And close by is Stone Mountain with patriotic President Jefferson Davis on the Confederate Memorial Carving. (The memorial is east of Atlanta, if you want to look up Auraptor.)
For some, Stone Mountain is only a historical park. But for others it symbolizes conservative values very dear to their extremist hearts.

It is not a surprise that Auraptor is defending Bundy. It is probably in the Auraptor bloodline to defend lost causes.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, April 23, 2014 10:25 AM


America loves a winner!

Second - you literally have no idea of what you're saying. Please, stop. You're embarrassing yourself.


Wednesday, April 23, 2014 10:33 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by AURaptor:
Second - you literally have no idea of what you're saying. Please, stop. You're embarrassing yourself.

You're literally not in Georgia? You're literally not supporting a Lost Cause? That Bundy isn't claiming that the USA has no authority over federal land, which is very Confederate of him?

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, April 23, 2014 11:18 AM


America loves a winner!

Never lived in the town, area or on stone mountain. It was never my address. Zip code 30033, however, is where I use live, for a while. If you're so hell bent on assigning physical location as the determining factor of how one thinks, politically , then by YOUR standards, I'm a flaming elitist Left winger. Why? Because my former address was across the street of the campus of Emory University. I LIVED in Cynthia McKinney's old 4th district... Literally, you have no clue.

I'd continue, but you get the idea.

Try not to be such a bigot from now on, k?

Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured... but not everyone must prove they are a citizen

I'm just a red pill guy in a room full of blue pill addicts.

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Wednesday, April 23, 2014 11:27 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by AURaptor:
Never lived in the town, area or on stone mountain. It was never my address. Zip code 30033, however, is where I use live, for a while. If you're so hell bent on assigning physical location as the determining factor of how one thinks, politically , then by YOUR standards, I'm a flaming elitist Left winger. Why? Because my former address was across the street of the campus of Emory University. I LIVED in Cynthia McKinney's old 4th district... Literally, you have no clue.

I'd continue, but you get the idea.

Try not to be such a bigot from now on, k?

Not okay.

From the Browncoats map, AURaptor could only have gotten closer to the heart of the old Confederacy by building inside Stone Mountain Confederate Memorial with the entrance to the AURaptor cave through the high relief sculpture of President Jefferson Davis's horse's ass.

If there are two AURaptor's on this site, and the one on the map was never you, I apologize for mistaking you for somebody else, but the Confederacy and all its history really fits you well.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, April 23, 2014 11:55 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Yeah, Second...he's posted several things that indicate he's in Georgia, near Atlanta, over time; I caught onto that one a long time ago. He can deny it all day, but we all know he's quite happy to lie, so why engage him?


Wednesday, April 23, 2014 12:10 PM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

That map thing is neat, Second, I had fun with it for a bit. See myself, right there in San Rafael, and found a few others I know. There's Frem, outside Ypsilanti, and HCav in Seattle, Mike right where he's always said, Austin, Texas, Oonj up Placerville way (I'm envious, Oonj, but I've said that before, haven't I?). CTTS always said she was in Peru, and dang, there she is. Chris in Mass., just like he said, too, and Brenda near Vancouver, Canada--hey, lookit that, "BigDamnNobody" is a Canook!

So where you at, Second, and how did you find people? I know where some of them have said they live so looked 'em up, but how do you look 'em up without knowing? Tweaky! ;o)

ETA: Interesting..."Bluehandmenace" and Jongs right beside one another down there in Florida. And hey, Kiki and Sig right SMACK dab next to one another down in L.A.--I thought Kiki said she was in San Dimas, and Sig in Downey, "near Long Beach"... Might be an interesting way to find sockpuppets if it's accurate...hmmm... There are places where there are up to seven "Browncoats" right on top of one another...hee, hee, hee...


Wednesday, April 23, 2014 12:38 PM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by Niki2:

Yeah, Second...he's posted several things that indicate he's in Georgia, near Atlanta, over time; I caught onto that one a long time ago. He can deny it all day, but we all know he's quite happy to lie, so why engage him?

Hey Niki - go blank yourself. Seriously, this sort of bullshit pisses me off.

I freely stated I am from Atl, but no where near Stone Mt. I don't " indicate " it, I plainly state it as fact. ( Emory U., 4th District )

The map is wrong. Either by mistake, intent of who runs this site, or someone else, thinking if " funny ", by trying to cast aspirations ( lies ), I cannot tell.


Wednesday, April 23, 2014 12:42 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by Niki2:
Yeah, Second...he's posted several things that indicate he's in Georgia, near Atlanta, over time; I caught onto that one a long time ago. He can deny it all day, but we all know he's quite happy to lie, so why engage him?

There are good reasons. From top to bottom, American conservatism is in deep moral and intellectual decline. Conservatives try to distort the record. Their experts display a combination of mendacity and sheer incompetence. And the little fish, who post anonymously, are even less careful with facts. So let's crank up the rumor mill about the soil from which AURaptor sprung forth. He forever pretends to be reasonable and factual. The internet needs to put a tiny concern into him that his tricks can be traced back to a real person.

Yesterday AURaptor wrote “Signed, even though it was moveon dot org.


Gathering that fact together with the Zip code AURaptor left on this thread, I'm taking a stab that he is , on a petition yesterday about naming SpaceX hardware after Serenity.
is 20 miles north of Stone Mountain Confederacy Memorial. Zip Code is west of the Memorial. AURaptor could be orbiting the Memorial, I guess, searching for a place to rest his birdbrain.

See the problem with signing petitions at, AURaptor? It is possible to honorably defend conservatism, but you're falling short of all standards. Please do better in the future.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, April 23, 2014 1:02 PM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Fun...ny, Second. Interesting sleuthing, but I dunno. "Johns Creek" is a long ways from Stone Mountain, and even further from Atlanta, so who knows.

But I love how the map is so "wrong", Rap hinting that Haken's...what, out to get him? Or embarrass him?

...intent of who runs this site, or someone else, thinking if " funny ", by trying to cast aspirations ( lies )

(I assume he means "aspersions?") Despite being bang on for so many other's gotta be deliberate and aimed just at him!

In fairness, at least for me the map IS somewhat's got me out by Peacock Gap (don't I wish we had that kind of dough!), East of San Rafael, while we're actually West of town on the San Anselmo border, so it's definitely not spot on. In my case, about three miles off.

So, again, where're you? I'm off to more interesting things right now--I'm a Crazy Californian and Rap is a Georgia Cracker, who cares?


Wednesday, April 23, 2014 1:38 PM


America loves a winner!

this is the crazy I'm having to deal with here...


Despite being bang on for so many other's gotta be deliberate and aimed just at him!

Is followed by...


.In fairness, at least for me the map IS somewhat's got me out by Peacock Gap (don't I wish we had that kind of dough!), East of San Rafael, while we're actually West of town on the San Anselmo border, so it's definitely not spot on. In my case, about three miles off.


It's spot on, except when it isn't, huh?

The map is off by far more than 3 miles from anywhere I've ever lived.

* aspersions * is what I meant . Fast tapping fingers on a smart phone w/ auto correct . I've seen worse typos.


Wednesday, April 23, 2014 2:07 PM



Originally posted by Niki2:

But I love how the map is so "wrong", Rap hinting that Haken's...what, out to get him? Or embarrass him?

...intent of who runs this site, or someone else, thinking if " funny ", by trying to cast aspirations ( lies )

(I assume he means "aspersions?")

I think he got it right, Nickie. He's a Confederate wannabee, living in Fantasyland.


Wednesday, April 23, 2014 2:21 PM


America loves a winner!

And the false narrative continues. Anything to attack & besmirch, when honest debate just won't do.

Nothing about conservatism has a jot to do with the Confederacy. It really harkens to the basic ideals that forged the foundation of this great nation, the revolution ,which is why the TEA party symbol is the Gadsden flag, & not some confederate battle flag.

The disingenuous " CSA " crap is nothing but fodder for the ' dumb masses ' who back the occu-babies.






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