Flirting with Fascism

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Tuesday, May 27, 2014 5:51 AM


Flirting with Fascism.

Okay, now I mentioned in another thread how Nazis are the go-to bad example cause no one PUBLICLY admits to liking them...

Here's the other side of that coin - within this country, there's always been a substantial faction which idolized them to the point of all but licking their jackboots.

From the very pre-fascism beginnings, the first "Red Scare", which was all about breaking the power of labor and peace, cause of those damn peacenik union commie-anarchists who dared to want a fair wage and decent working hours...
Who, mind you, spilled their own blood to buy that for you, despite the fact that you're encouraged to hate them for this and slobber all over the "benevolent corporate masters" who in all truth were more or less forced into it in order to not face a goddamn revolution...

To our support of Franco, which lasted well into the 1970's, despite some americans (See Also: Abraham Lincoln Brigade) defying this and fighting for the other side.

And our cuddling up to "Uncle Joe" Stalin, and all them rightwing dictator scum we propped up, not least of which was the fucking Shah in 1953, which is what lead to the immense blowback we're suffering even now, aggravated by further support of such criminal slime like Osama, Saddam, and Kharazi, all of which we created or propped up in the first goddamn place.

The NeoCons are only an extension of this, and while mostly without regard to "side" given that they started as Democrats (See Also: Scoop Jackson), these days without fail the balance of these NeoFeudoFascist scum are all on ONE side of the political spectrum, as so-called-conservatives, following the proven failure of Mussolinnis economic policies ever since Shrub was "installed" to office in an "election" less credible than that which lofted ole Adolph to power.

And yes, that ratbastard Hitler was ELECTED, mostly by people who had been so totally fucked economically by (conservative) bankers over supposed war reperations that children starved in the streets, which OF COURSE, lead to those people grabbing at any straw that could save them, only to find out in the end what poison it was.

But all the while, right here in America there was SO MUCH support for Fascism it wasn't even funny - to the point of the Corporate overlords who thought it was the greatest thing since sliced bread to watch Franco and Mussolinni slaughter those damn uppity peons, wanting to stage a fucking coup, and getting cockblocked by Smedley Butler, who had a change of heart upon realizing the consequences of such things.
(See Also: Business Plot)

To the Silver Shirts (who ran a candidate for president in 1936) and the American Legion , the Fascist League, and the German-American Bund, a substantive portion of America was all rah-rah-rah for this bullshit, only when the truth of it came to pass suddently none of them ever supported it ever - the same way all those "W" bumperstickers disappeared with a quiet little scrape-scrape in the middle of the night when they realized what a moron and disaster he was, not that they'd ADMIT it no.
And yes, that is not hyperbole, if you go and check newspaper articles of the time, the American Legion (already notorious for violence against Labor) WHOLEHEARTEDLY supported Fascism well up into the 1940s.

Which is why I find them despicable and let them fucking know it - cause they're still racist, sexist, antiunion troglodytes of the worst order... oh and don't try telling me so-and-so is a good person who doesn't know this, any more than telling me so-and-so is a good person despite being in the fuckin Klan, they are what they are.

This support included such noteables as Charles Lindbergh, Henry Ford, William Heart, fuck, prettymuch ALL of "Corporate America", really.

Of course, there were some who were against it - George Orwell actually fought in Catalonia for the Anarchists, and his experiences with both Fascism and the Authoritarian Socialism practiced by Stalin were fundamental in his later writings, for more on that, read Homage to Catalonia.
(And that mess, don't even get me started, since the Anarchists wound up fighting the Fascists, Communists, Corporatists, AND every other goddamn Authoritarian front all at once and without proper supplies or equipment, neither*)
But again, damn few, and mostly us powerless peons who'd end up doing the fighting, for folks without our best interests in mind.

Case in point - you know how Patton and MacArthur "made their bones" as future generals, given they don't hand out them stars for humanitarian behavior, but rather loyalty to the dominion ?
By stomping all over fucked-over veterans, that's how.
Yeah, THERE is your "War Heros" folks.
Eisenhowers commentary, and later skepticism of the Military-Industrial Combine, is one of the reasons I ever respected him whatever.

Anyhows, due to all this epidemic jackboot licking, Roosevelt knew damn well if he wanted to get us into that war it was gonna have to be by the back door, and so concocted his eight point plan to provoke an attack while keeping the poor bastards who'd be hung out to dry in the dark about it.
It was a dickheaded thing to do, and I am still unsure how to feel about it, particularly since we nuked two mostly civilian populations to show American dominance and cow other nations into accepting violently installed dictator scum who then let us loot their goddamn counties in exchange for us keeping them in power - a game we've played many times, and especially enraging to the State Dept is our FAILURE to have pulled it off in Cuba and Venezuela (and don't even get me started on Nicaruagua either cause that's kinda fuckin personal with me...)

AND, it was this, in the end, which killed Kennedy, not only was he sick and tired of being baited and lied to (he was told MONGOOSE would be a walkover) - he was so horrified when they presented NORTHWOODS that he ordered Lemnitzer to be fired, but he wasn't, the military outright and plainly defied the CinC, and we all know what happened to Kennedy shortly thereafter, don't we ?

So Victoria Nuland and Geoffrey Pyatt supporting 2nd/3rd Gen OG Nazis and their Neonazi hangers-on with American tax dollars doesn't exactly surprise me, you see.
A very large portion of the Conservative spectrum, and particularly the Neocons, have always been secret jackboot lickers, given that their ideology rests heavily on the writings of Leo Strauss, who was as staunch a Fascist cheeleader as ever existed.

Which is why I see these folk for what they truly ARE.

The threat that Black Shirts represent is a latent one. While they're harmless on their own or in peacetime, they quickly organize into a formidable force in service of the Big Bad. Heroes are nominally obliged not to kill them, but even the Messianic Archetype would be hard pressed to make them turn to the side of good. What's more, they completely agree with the Evil Overlord's agenda, no matter how cruel, inhuman or insane — even if it means that they'll end up dying themselves by its conclusion (a fact they usually ignore).

See, the real threat doesn't actually COME from would-be dictators, it comes from people.... people just like this, who serve Evil willingly, gleefully, and with all their hearts.
And the only place those hearts belong, in my opinion, is torn out and eaten, although I'd settle for not-beating-anymore - this is also why you wouldn't want me 'in charge', like EVER, cause you might as well elect Mola Ram or Robespierre, yanno ?

But without folk like me to counter folk like THEM, where are you, hrmm ?



Tuesday, May 27, 2014 6:07 AM


*And a little followup, regarding Catalonian Anarchists.

It was the kind of effort that
could probably only be made by people who were fighting with a
revolutionary intention--i.e. believed that they were fighting for
something better than the status quo. In the various centres of revolt
it is thought that three thousand people died in the streets in a single
day. Men and women armed only with sticks of dynamite rushed across the
open squares and stormed stone buildings held by trained soldiers with
machine-guns. Machine-gun nests that the Fascists had placed at
strategic spots were smashed by rushing taxis at them at sixty miles an
hour. Even if one had heard nothing of the seizure of the land by the
peasants, the setting up of local Soviets, etc., it would be hard to
believe that the Anarchists and Socialists who were the backbone of the
resistance were doing this kind of thing for the preservation of
capitalist democracy, which especially in the Anarchist view was no more
than a centralized swindling machine.

Orwell - Homage to Catalonia

They fought until there prettmuch WERE no Anarchists left - with rifles, then dynamite, and finally, bricks, and knives and bare hands.
And all for naught, thanks in part to AMERICAN support of Franco.
Never for a moment have we ever forgotten it.
And this is why Anarchists, as a whole, have not thrown in with Occupy or any other movement since, cause they will only ever do that again if they think victory is possible, if the rug will not be pulled out from under em midstream by collaboration or surrender on behalf of their "allies" - as I have said many a time, if they ever weigh in for real, you will KNOW.
Believe me, if you ever hear "A las Barricadas"... *RUN*.
(Anarchists use this in the same fashion as a Viking Death Chant, when they know they're finished and plan to go down swinging.)



Tuesday, May 27, 2014 11:59 AM


It's always really funny when pictures get posted of someone somewhat famous dressed up as a Nazi for the kicks, and it ain't Halloween. Because then you know.

(Sometimes even when it's Halloween)


Tuesday, May 27, 2014 12:27 PM


FF to Citizens United, the Kochs' $125 million to buy the government they want just this term, and voter purges.

The best democracy money can buy.


Tuesday, May 27, 2014 2:43 PM


Great thread, Frem.


Tuesday, May 27, 2014 4:26 PM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
Great thread, Frem.

Yeah, great. I think he wants you to empty his chamber pot now Horatio.


Tuesday, May 27, 2014 10:07 PM


Uh huh, Jongsie has nothin, so he pulls out his last go-to straw there.
But answer me this.

Who was right about the infiltration and sabotage of Occupy ?
Who was right about the degree of spying going on, Main Core, and all the other dragnets ?
Who was right about Gardasil ?
Who was right, chapter and verse, and called the whole damn situation in advance regarding Lower Merion ?
Who was right about Romney getting handed his ass by Obama ?

Seriously, do I need to go down the whole goddamn list of just how many times us "crazies" were correct, chapter and verse, in the face of the laughable and pathetic denials and excuses of enablers like you ?

Might be worth evaluating on the basis of historical record here just which one of us needs the straightjacket, you drooling troglodyte, especially since every single one of the statements above has massive historical evidence to support it.

And what do you have, but a crazy handful of nothin.



Wednesday, May 28, 2014 12:15 AM


Jackbooted thugs ... got it. Massive historical evidence ... okay. Drooling troglodytes ... check. All good stuff for your manifesto, because after all, deranged social misfit psychos like you simply must have a manifesto.


Saturday, November 1, 2014 2:40 AM


Oh Jongsie, remember THIS thread, hmmm ?

In Cold War, U.S. Spy Agencies Used 1,000 Nazis


WASHINGTON — In the decades after World War II, the C.I.A. and other United States agencies employed at least a thousand Nazis as Cold War spies and informants and, as recently as the 1990s, concealed the government’s ties to some still living in America, newly disclosed records and interviews show.

At the height of the Cold War in the 1950s, law enforcement and intelligence leaders like J. Edgar Hoover at the F.B.I. and Allen Dulles at the C.I.A. aggressively recruited onetime Nazis of all ranks as secret, anti-Soviet “assets,” declassified records show.

Because the only folk who loved the Nazis even *more* than Corporate America were the fucking jackboots of our alphabet agencies, who more or less wanted to BE them, sure hell they act like it.

Worth a mention since this article skips it, is how these murderous pissants were neck deep in Operation Gladio and the terrorism spawned from it, particularly in Italy.

And of course, if even THAT ain't enough evidence of goosestepper bootlicking for you, how about this one.

Expelled Nazis paid millions in Social Security


In 1989, as the U.S. government prepared to strip him of his citizenship, Denzinger packed a pair of suitcases and fled to Germany. Denzinger later settled in this pleasant town on the Drava River, where he lives comfortably, courtesy of U.S. taxpayers. He collects a Social Security payment of about $1,500 each month, nearly twice the take-home pay of an average Croatian worker.

Denzinger, 90, is among dozens of suspected Nazi war criminals and SS guards who collected millions of dollars in Social Security payments after being forced out of the United States, an Associated Press investigation found.

The payments flowed through a legal loophole that has given the U.S. Justice Department leverage to persuade Nazi suspects to leave. If they agreed to go, or simply fled before deportation, they could keep their Social Security, according to interviews and internal government records.

Of course, that is only part of the truth, because this story in combination with the one above makes it obvious that this was how the "assets" above were being paid, elsewise it might have been a little hard to explain why the american govt or factions thereof were paying Nazis.

And of course, this traditional affection has obviously held up all these years, given Victoria Nuland and Geoffrey Pyatts wholehearted support of both Neo and 2nd/3rd generation OG Nazis in fucking over the Ukraine, including at least five million in direct payments, by their own admission in a recorded telephone call which has been independently verified.

So once again, here we are, what with us "crazies" being dead-bang-right...
Perhaps you oughta start reinvestigating your definition of that word, cause I don't think it means what you wish it did.



Saturday, November 1, 2014 11:40 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Wow FREM, you got the picture of a person in a straightjacket, I got pictures of happy pigs!!!!

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Friday, November 7, 2014 5:56 AM


Siggy, what really has me kinda wondering, is how prophetic our media and entertainment sometimes is.

I recently got my hands on Captain America: The Winter Soldier, and of course mass spying and pre-emptive drone strikes is part of the storyline, which is particularly interesting cause due to the time/effort constraints of filming a production like this the basic plot had to have been laid out BEFORE casting and filming, which means they meant to run with this prior to all the recent revelations about that sort of thing.

And now that I think about it, the infiltration by Hydra, in light of the above, could be an allegory for just how badly Fascism has infiltrated our own intelligence and political systems, although in this case more of Mussolinis Italian brand of it given the Corp sponsored economics of the thing.

Socially it's more Straussian, and ole Leo was most certainly a jackboot licker of the very worst order - this isn't party based so much, given that the damn Neocons originated in the office of a Democrat (Henry "scoop" Jackson) and have no real loyalty save to their own agenda.

But yanno, just cause they don't CALL it Fascism, doesn't mean it ain't.
And as the above thread shows, Corporate America and it's fucking alphabet agencies loooooove that sort of thing, always have, always will.
So it's not too far afield to consider the modern Republican party an extension of the fourth reich, yanno, no matter what they CALL it.

In a more just world they'd be outlawed, purged, and hunted down to the very ends of the earth, stomped out of existence and mostly forgotten, but of course I worry about the collateral, sure.

Still, the possibility DOES remain, because people are not infinitely abuseable, and their continued squeezing and abuses are trying the patience of even the most noble souls in this world, who will one day turn their back and not say a word as the nightmare of that purge comes around, because all the alternatives are worse.

For mine own, the only factor of interest is keeping them from blowing our living space into a radioactive wasteland once they realize the jig is up, cause they'd be perfectly happy to blow the planet out from under us rather than not be in charge of it.



Friday, November 7, 2014 12:05 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


For mine own, the only factor of interest is keeping them from blowing our living space into a radioactive wasteland once they realize the jig is up, cause they'd be perfectly happy to blow the planet out from under us rather than not be in charge of it.
Unfortunately, I don't see you, me, or even a few hundred million being able to effect this in any way. The deep state is, well, deeply entrenched and pretty invisible given that most people like to believe that (1) there are no such things as conspiracies and (2) every person has agency over their own lives. (It gives us little people a feeling of such power to think that our choices affect the shape of our lives.)

I saw an interesting Keiser report... in it, they describe an experiment by the famous behaviorist BF Skinner, at a mental institution in Riverside where he got inmates to behave by having therapists pay them in plastic chips when they did something "right". These plastic chips could be used to buy dinner at the "good table", with a tablecloth, silverware, and flowers. And the inmates didn't feel controlled, they felt empowered, because it was their actions which made a "difference" in their lives. They just didn't look past the plastic chips and flowers to see that there was a system set and controlled up by somebody other than them. It seems that most people are like that- give them their iPhones and their TVs and they won't look past the funny money and goodies to see that they're being set up too.

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Friday, November 7, 2014 3:53 PM



Originally posted by FREMDFIRMA:

Abbnd now that I think about it, the infiltration by Hydra, in light of the above, could be an allegory for just how badly Fascism has infiltrated our own intelligence and political systems, although in this case more of Mussolinis Italian brand of it given the Corp sponsored economics of the thing.

Socially it's more Straussian, and ole Leo was most certainly a jackboot licker of the very worst order - this isn't party based so much, given that the damn Neocons originated in the office of a Democrat (Henry "scoop" Jackson) and have no real loyalty save to their own agenda.

But yanno, just cause they don't CALL it Fascism, doesn't mean it ain't.
And as the above thread shows, Corporate America and it's fucking alphabet agencies loooooove that sort of thing, always have, always will.
So it's not too far afield to consider the modern Republican party an extension of the fourth reich, yanno, no matter what they CALL it.

In a more just world they'd be outlawed, purged, and hunted down to the very ends of the earth, stomped out of existence and mostly forgotten, but of course I worry about the collateral, sure.

Still, the possibility DOES remain, because people are not infinitely abuseable, and their continued squeezing and abuses are trying the patience of even the most noble souls in this world, who will one day turn their back and not say a word as the nightmare of that purge comes around, because all the alternatives are worse.

For mine own, the only factor of interest is keeping them from blowing our living space into a radioactive wasteland once they realize the jig is up, cause they'd be perfectly happy to blow the planet out from under us rather than not be in charge of it. -Frem


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