So, when I hear Iraq is being taken over by I.S.I.S. ...

UPDATED: Friday, October 10, 2014 20:15
VIEWED: 11688
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Monday, June 16, 2014 1:01 PM



Originally posted by Jongsstraw:
Muslims killing Muslims ... does it get any better than this? And with thousands of them being summarily machine-gunned, and hundreds of 'em getting their heads chopped off, it's almost as good as the years of Syrian carnage or the season 4 finale of Game Of Thrones. Can't wait for the Iranians to start killing the Sunni ISIS so we'll at least have a little balance to the glorious spectacle.

Hey Obama, good plan ... Thanks! But don't you dare go all Nobel Prize humanitarian mushy now and interfere with this. Stay on the golf course.

I am sure everyone who knows you is as impressed with you as I am because of your unbridled concern for the Iraqi people and Muslims in general. Way to go.

si shen


Monday, June 16, 2014 6:37 PM


And the absolute BEST part of this wonderful Muslim slaughter is that the top commander of ISIS in Iraq was let out of Gitmo by Obama during his first term. Boy that Ba'raq can sure pick 'em! He's nobody's bitch!

This swell "poses no danger" ISIS guy is tweeting and instagramming that his fellow "pose no danger" pals are playing soccer during the World Cup using the heads of decapitated Iraqi soldiers and policemen as balls. I wonder if they shave the hair off the heads to provide a truer bounce. Severed arms, legs, and torsos as goal posts and sideline markers, I wonder if this could be a new career opportunity for old Baghdad Bob .... G O A L !!!


Monday, June 16, 2014 7:09 PM


The problem is that it is always up to us. The rest of the world likes to point out how young and inexperienced we are in America. To boast their history and prior experiences while they sit on their laurels. So satisfied with their own achievements that they make no effort to improve or protect the stability of their surroundings. Russia has invaded two countries and what are they doing to discourage this? What did they do in Bosnia? They waited for us to fix it. If we get it wrong they destroy us with the only thing they have to fight with, words. I exclude England from this analogy because where we go so do the Brits, and where they go so should we. Sorry about Iraq, what a bone headed move by Bush.

Well Europe is a mess and while I think it only right they enjoy the World Cup, how about a little consideration for cleaning up their own back yard.

What happens in the Middle East is the world’s problem and they need to get up and going. If they don’t like what we are doing I am sure we will step back and observe the professionals at work. I see many posts by the same few about the way Obama is handling this. I weigh their posts against the thoughts of those who have been studying and writing about this region of the world for years. What I see with those few here is nothing more than petty politics.

si shen


Tuesday, June 17, 2014 11:25 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Yanno, it occurs to me.... the occupation of Iraq by ISIS ... this might BE Obama's foreign policy. I know that the admin was never too enthralled by Prime Minister al-Maliki, who refused to sign an agreement of forces (I believe it's called), which would have allowed a residual US force in Iraq. That's ONE way to dump an uncooperative foreign leader... bring in the replacements! I think what will happen is that in effect Iraq will be partitioned, except rather than being partitioned into three (Kurds in the north, Sunnis in the center and Shias in the south) the north (and its oil) will be taken over by the Sunni ISIS. With all of the attendant blood-letting.

SO don't expect Obama to do much about this; as awful as it looks, it's prolly all part of the plan.


“Anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.'”? Isaac Asimov


Wednesday, June 18, 2014 10:37 AM



Another potential piece of evidence is how the USA responds... if our government does not engage in robust pushback, and/or does not ask Iran for help... then perhaps this is another piece of evidence that ISIS is not entirely unwelcome.

Just another piece of your logic that shows you have no real understanding of what is what in the Middle East and why we respond the way we do. If we do not jump into this it is because of the message it would send to Sunni’s across the Middle East. That we side with the Shiites. Not because we welcome ISIS. If we do jump in it is because Maliki started working with the Sunni offering them a more inclusive role in government, or because we needed to do some things selectively to protect our interests in the region. Kind of a no choice thing.

si shen


Thursday, June 19, 2014 8:36 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


You have no idea if the US tacitly approved or not, nor will you know if we do anything or to what extent. Some things don't end up on the internet.
But many things do. One of the points I DIDN'T bring up is that the USA has a training center in Jordan for Syrian "rebels", which included ISIS. Additionally, there is strong evidence that the USA CIA knew, approved of, and facilitated the shipment of arms from Libya to Syria. I don't put EVERYTHING I know online. There's a limit to the amount of time I have to post and the time you're willing to spend reading. You would be much better served by using giburu or ixquick and looking for weapons+syria+libya+cia or similar and finding this out for yourself. It's not hard, and you're an intelligent person, so rather than letting the media tell you the story it prefers you should be your own news-hound. In general, I find to be an interesting source. They don't get everything right, but they do far better analysis than the western mainstream press.


Thursday, June 19, 2014 8:45 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Just another piece of your logic that shows you have no real understanding of what is what in the Middle East and why we respond the way we do.
It's all about oil and the petrodollar


If we do not jump into this it is because of the message it would send to Sunni’s across the Middle East. That we side with the Shiites.
Because... just think of the OIL and the petrodollar!


Not because we welcome ISIS.
We will, if they export oil and take dollars!


If we do jump in it is because Maliki started working with the Sunni offering them a more inclusive role in government, or because we needed to do some things selectively to protect our interests in the region. Kind of a no choice thing.

Yanno, we threw up a pretty good blockade on Iran, and one of the most effective things we did was a bank blockade. ISIS would get nowhere if the bank accounts stolen from Mosul were frozen, and the oil production facilities normal money xfer mechanisms were blocked. After that, their only source of income would be their Saudi friends, which BTW DO send a lot of $$$ to jihadists everywhere (except Saudi Arabia, of course)


Thursday, June 19, 2014 11:10 AM



But many things do. One of the points I DIDN'T bring up is that the USA has a training center in Jordan for Syrian "rebels", which included ISIS.

Your nuts. You are absolutely clueless about what our objective is when it comes to the Middle East. We want stability. It means cheaper Oil. We don’t care who runs what so long as there is stability. With nuts like ISIS peace is not possible. As we trained the Afghani army some Taliban fighters would infiltrate the ranks. It is near impossible to tell. Shit happens, but to suggest we trained ISIS fighters to become ISIS shows a complete lack of understanding, a hidden agenda or that you are simply nuts.

Personally I think you are nuts. I think you must be damaged goods who finds the worst and a hidden agenda in everything. Nothing is what it seems and all are lying all the time.

si shen


Thursday, June 19, 2014 11:28 AM



Originally posted by THGRRI:



But many things do. One of the points I DIDN'T bring up is that the USA has a training center in Jordan for Syrian "rebels", which included ISIS.

Your nuts. You are absolutely clueless about what our objective is when it comes to the Middle East. We want stability. It means cheaper Oil. We don’t care who runs what so long as there is stability. With nuts like ISIS peace is not possible. As we trained the Afghani army some Taliban fighters would infiltrate the ranks. It is near impossible to tell. Shit happens, but to suggest we trained ISIS fighters to become ISIS shows a complete lack of understanding, a hidden agenda or that you are simply nuts.

Personally I think you are nuts. I think you must be damaged goods who finds the worst and a hidden agenda in everything. Nothing is what it seems and all are lying all the time.

si shen

I think you nailed it. She is nuts.


Thursday, June 19, 2014 11:52 AM



You would be much better served by using giburu or ixquick and looking for weapons+syria+libya+cia or similar and finding this out for yourself. It's not hard, and you're an intelligent person, so rather than letting the media tell you the story it prefers you should be your own news-hound.

You say rather than letting the media tell you the story go to gibiru or ixwuick as though they give you insights into better reporting. They are search engines and report nothing. They are like Google or Bing only they claim to protect your privacy. Once there you are searching media. I think you are reading some very heavy propaganda. Again you offer up something as though it is something it is not. You suggest the CIA is giving arms to some Syrian rebels like it is some great insight. The president said he was offering assistance and who doesn’t know we are helping with arms. We are keeping it to small arms because we are not sure who is who. The news and reputable sources on the internet tells us all they know of what is going on. The reporters on the ground there tell us what is going on.

You are what we who know the street call an easy mark. You have what we call a tell. It is your complete infatuation with conspiracy and portraying the United States in a bad light. We would take that and lead you around by the nose with it. I could do it here but it would confuse the others. Serf ice it to say I would feed your posts back to you as being brilliant and this would allow you to feel safer and reveal more of the lunacy about your ideas and thoughts.

You imagine that everything we think we understand about how the world works is, in fact, an elaborate hoax. Democracy is a sham designed to fool us into believing we are in control. That a small group of unknown, unaccountable elites is actually pulling the strings and pretty much deciding the course of history; everything from the world economy and the conduct of nations to the media and pop culture is under their complete control. Anyone who says otherwise has either been fooled by the conspiracy or is an agent of disinformation. It is your underlying lack of trust; you see conspiracies behind everything and are simply projecting your own jaded view of the world onto events. The only thing missing is implying we all suffer from mind control and our thoughts are not our own.

si shen


Friday, June 20, 2014 11:42 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


The news and reputable sources on the internet tells us all they know of what is going on. The reporters on the ground there tell us what is going on.
Well, there's your problem right there.

"The news" has wittingly passed on false stories, and knowingly withheld information, and this has come out as fact weeks, months... and sometimes years later. Heck, look at Judith Miller of the NYT who flogged the Iraqi WMD story for all it was worth. And SHE knew it was crap, and was rightly disgraced and fired.


"Ms. Miller may still be best known for her role in a series of Times articles in 2002 and 2003 that strongly suggested Saddam Hussein already had or was acquiring an arsenal of weapons of mass destruction… Many of those articles turned out to be inaccurate ... [T]he problems facing her inside and outside the newsroom will make it difficult for her to return to the paper as a reporter."

Most news items are official releases by SOME arm of the government, from a "high White House source" to the "county commissioner" to the local animal shelter. If it's not an official release, it's a leak - either to plant a story or to test public response. Foreign reporters get their news "helpfully" provided to them by the side we're supporting, with pictures and dog-and-pony shows all arranged. You will seldom see the "other side" in the MSM. But you can tell a load of crap from a mile off, if you know what you're looking for.

This goes for EVERY press outlet. The secret is to look at MANY sources... not just the official sources but Tehran Times (for example) or wherever you need to go to find as many views as possible, and then keep the interests of the organization releasing the news in mind, because everyone wants to project a certain message/ image and will tailor their news accordingly.


Democracy is a sham designed to fool us into believing we are in control. That a small group of unknown, unaccountable elites is actually pulling the strings and pretty much deciding the course of history;
Funny, but there was just a paper about that recently, written by well-respected scholars -one from an Ivy league school - and they came up with exactly that conclusion. You might want to read it.


Friday, June 20, 2014 12:46 PM




Well, there's your problem right there.

"The news" has wittingly passed on false stories, and knowingly withheld information, and this has come out as fact weeks, months... and sometimes years later. Heck, look at Judith Miller of the NYT who flogged the Iraqi WMD story for all it was worth. And SHE knew it was crap, and was rightly disgraced and fired.

There’s your problem right there.

You pick an anecdotal story and use it to paint a whole industry with the same brush. I do not listen to the talking heads on the news but instead the guests who have a long history of experience. I hear them out weather I agree with them or not. Not opinion columnists like Bill Crystal but people like Zbigniew Brzezinski or Ken Pollack. Stanley McChrystal, Michael Hayden, Michael Morell, Richard Haass, Richard Engel, and some of the White House Press Core or Dr Roham Alvandi.

What’s my point? I have to see you have an understanding or position that you can defend and explain in a cohesive framework. Experience in the history of the region which is relevant. I then form an opinion that is agreeable to yours or not that is based on my best assessment of all I have learned. You should try it.

Most news items are official releases by SOME arm of the government, from a "high White House source" to the "county commissioner" to the local animal shelter

I read what you wright destroying the credibility of the way news is disseminated in this country right down to the local dog catcher and then suggest I read the “Tehran Times”. It is very easy to cut through all the subjective crap you post and get right down to why you imply what you imply. Let’s see if the others following this thread can catch it.

si shen


Friday, June 20, 2014 1:24 PM


I want to add this discussion and remind people Joe Biden Called this many years ago when he first became Vice President; maybe before.

Yes they are both MSNBC links but look at who is speaking not where.

si shen


Friday, June 20, 2014 5:39 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

So, what has Dexter Filkins gotten right??
One of the great things about the inet is that what you write is there for all to see. But unlike KPO's PREDICTIONS THREAD, nobody ever seems to go back and see if ... after the passage of time and the revelation of more information... any of the bloviating was ever validated. Scrolling thru his articles, I find this, from the New Yorker June 2013


Timing is everything: the White House’s announcement, on Thursday afternoon, that America’s intelligence agencies had concluded that Bashar al-Assad’s regime was deploying chemical weapons came just as the dictator appeared to be turning back the rebels in Syria’s terrible civil war.... Ben Rhodes, a deputy national-security advisor, said that the White House had “high confidence” in the finding that chemical weapons like sarin gas had been used, and that Assad—and not the rebels—had used them. The White House conclusion dovetailed with those of other governments, including France, and non-governmental organizations, such as the Syrian Support Group. It also mirrored what a Syrian eyewitness to an apparent chemical attack told me when I interviewed him for a piece in The New Yorker.

It all evaporated.... not only did Obama's "intel" and outrage evaporate, so did the call to action.


people like Zbigniew Brzezinski or Ken Pollack. Stanley McChrystal, Michael Hayden, Michael Morell, Richard Haass, Richard Engel, and some of the White House Press Core or Dr Roham Alvandi.

Who said what??

“This regionalization is in keeping with the Tri-Lateral Plan which calls for a gradual convergence of East and West, ultimately leading toward the goal of one world government. National sovereignty is no longer a viable concept."

“The technotronic era involves the gradual appearance of a more controlled society. Such a society would be dominated by an elite, unrestrained by traditional values. Soon it will be possible to assert almost continuous surveillance over every citizen and maintain up-to-date complete files containing even the most personal information about the citizen. These files will be subject to instantaneous retrieval by the authorities.”

“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. ...We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society. ...In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons...who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind."

"The illegal we do immediately. The unconstitutional takes a little longer."

"Right after 9/11, I mean, every agency can give their own gradation, but a nice, popular rule of thumb is everybody doubled down. I ended up [...]A with about twice as much money as I had prior to 9/11."


Friday, June 20, 2014 6:05 PM


Oh no signym look, a house hold item used to create chlorine gas.

(New York) – Evidence strongly suggests that Syrian government helicopters dropped barrel bombs embedded with cylinders of chlorine gas on three towns in Northern Syria in mid-April 2014, Human Rights Watch said today. These attacks used an industrial chemical as a weapon, an act banned by the international treaty prohibiting chemical weapons that Syria joined in October 2013. The Syrian government is the only party to the conflict with helicopters and other aircraft.

Syria’s apparent use of chlorine gas as a weapon – not to mention targeting of civilians – is a plain violation of international law. This is one more reason for the UN Security Council to refer the situation in Syria to the International Criminal Court.

si shen


Friday, June 20, 2014 6:07 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Seriously? I doubt that Assad used chlorine gas. I also question that he used Sarin. I think we can lay that at the hands of others.

AFA what the White House said... well, the WH said that Saddam had WMD deployed around Baghdad. I can point to many casus belli that turned out to be pure unalloyed bullshit.


Friday, June 20, 2014 6:09 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Seriously? I doubt that Assad used chlorine gas. I also question that he used Sarin. I think we can lay that at the hands of others.

The UN investigation team reported that it had confirmed the use of sarin in the Ghouta attack.

Yeah it must have been us working with the Israelis' right.

si shen


Friday, June 20, 2014 6:44 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

But the UN made no claims about WHO used it. And seeing that jihadists with Sarin had been arrested earlier at the Turkish border... and that Assad had absolutely no reason whatsoever to use it, partly because he was winning on the ground and mostly because it stood a good chance of bringing the USA into the war ... plus other evidence that I posted about at the time ... there is every reason to suspect jihadists rather than Assad. As I posted earlier


At the time, I was extremely doubtful that Assad's government was to blame. As you may recall, I said that government-made chemical weapons have stabilizers in them, which vary depending on who is doing the manufacturing, and that they're loaded and delivered in mass-produced shells. It should be possible, then, by collecting samples of the chemical agent and by looking for the shells in which the chemicals were delivered to assign blame with less uncertainty.

Oh, and please be a dear and look up some of those quotes. You SAID you follow certain people, do you not?


Friday, June 20, 2014 7:37 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
But the UN made no claims about WHO used it. And seeing that jihadists with Sarin had been arrested earlier at the Turkish border... and that Assad had absolutely no reason whatsoever to use it, partly because he was winning on the ground and mostly because it stood a good chance of bringing the USA into the war ... plus other evidence that I posted about at the time ... there is every reason to suspect jihadists rather than Assad. As I posted earlier


At the time, I was extremely doubtful that Assad's government was to blame. As you may recall, I said that government-made chemical weapons have stabilizers in them, which vary depending on who is doing the manufacturing, and that they're loaded and delivered in mass-produced shells. It should be possible, then, by collecting samples of the chemical agent and by looking for the shells in which the chemicals were delivered to assign blame with less uncertainty.

Oh, and please be a dear and look up some of those quotes. You SAID you follow certain people, do you not?

In the case I sited they were delivered by helicopter in 50 gallon drums, something the rebels do not have. I have 0 expectations of you seeing the truth if it falls from the sky and hits you on the head. After all, you get your news from a source that says the Holocaust did not happen.

"The Tehran Times".

si shen


Friday, June 20, 2014 8:03 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


In the case I sited they said they were delivered by helicopter in 50 gallon drums
fixed that for you.

you get your news from a source that says the Holocaust did not happen.
You get our news from people who believe in one-world government?


Friday, June 20, 2014 9:40 PM


America loves a winner!

Sunni Extremists in Iraq Occupy Hussein's Chemical Weapons Facility

Officials Don't Believe the Militants Will Be Able to Create a Functional Weapon From the Material

Also, does anyone know WHY Obama and his administration insists on calling the militants ISIL, when damn near everyone else in the media refers to them as ISIS ??

Just curious, is all.


Friday, June 20, 2014 10:20 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

In the case I sited they said they were delivered by helicopter in 50 gallon drums
fixed that for you.

you get your news from a source that says the Holocaust did not happen.
You get our news from people who believe in one-world government?

I show you an article that says the UN believes helicopters were used in a gas attack and you still imply it was the rebels. Every one reading this thread knows the rebels in Syria do not have helicopters.


But the UN made no claims about WHO used it. And seeing that jihadists with Sarin had been arrested earlier at the Turkish border... and that Assad had absolutely no reason whatsoever to use it,

You continue to expose your opinions to be irrational. There will come a point where nothing you say will be credible. I don't think it will take to long. Perhaps most already think that?

si shen


Friday, June 20, 2014 11:40 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


In the case I sited they were delivered by helicopter in 50 gallon drums,
Well, first of all, you didn't provide a link, so it's impossible to read the article that you cited. But in the quote you provided, the organization that is cited is Human Rights Watch, which- believe it or not- is NOT the UN! Yes, I know... so easyto get the two organizations mixed up!

Also, I looked this before I replied up to see if the UN had anything specific to add to the information, and the answer is.... they didn't. As before, the UN only confirmed that that chlorine gas (or some industrial chemical) was likely used, but they didn't make any claims as to who used it, or whether or not it was delivered by helicopter or not. If you read the articles carefully, and separate out what the USA claims and what the UN says, you'll find that the statements are intermingled but that the UN and the USA aren't saying the same thing at all, it's just a journalistic legerdemain.

You should do more research before you post.

Also, next time- post links.

And BTW- have you figured out yet who made those statements that I quoted?


Friday, June 20, 2014 11:45 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
You should do more research before you post.

Where's that get fun?


Saturday, June 21, 2014 12:52 AM


WASHINGTON — In comments to reporters Tuesday, French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius said there was strong evidence that Syrian President Bashar Assad’s forces had used chemical weapons, including chlorine gas, in 14 small-scale attacks since Syria agreed to join the world’s ban on such weapons last fall.

Fabius made his comments shortly after the advocacy group Human Rights Watch released a report that said that evidence it has reviewed “strongly suggests” that regime helicopters dropped improvised explosives known as barrel bombs loaded with chlorine gas cylinders on three towns in northern Syria in mid-April. The report noted that only the Syrian government operates helicopters.

French foreign minister says Syria has likely used chlorine gas in recent attacks

Syrian Helicopters Dropped Chlorine Gas Bombs on Northern Towns: HRW

A helicopter dropped two bombs laden with gas on the town of Al-Tamanah in the early hours of the morning, according to local activists, who said this was the third such attack.

HRW: Strong evidence that Assad regime used chemical weapons .

You criticize my sources and post you believe what is printed in Iranian papers. You give all this detailed information about chemical weapons like how to identify them, and all other kinds of nonsense that you believe gives you creditability and do not realize you are arguing with the world.


At the time, I was extremely doubtful that Assad's government was to blame. As you may recall, I said that government-made chemical weapons have stabilizers in them, which vary depending on who is doing the manufacturing, and that they're loaded and delivered in mass-produced shells. It should be possible, then, by collecting samples of the chemical agent and by looking for the shells in which the chemicals were delivered to assign blame with less uncertainty.

Again, Subjective Garbage.

si shen


Saturday, June 21, 2014 10:52 AM



I think I found out one of the problems. That is called "Reporting." What you are doing is called "Guessing." It's freeing to do what you do because you don't have to be right and you can be as creative as you like.

G you nailed it. This is what SIGNYM does. She mixes true and false statements with conjecture “guess work” which many times is not relevant to the topic. Except perhaps in an abstract way. It is nothing more than subjective writing skewed with all her biases.

I have found all her hypothesis come to the same conclusion. We did it, which tells me there is a flaw in her equations.

si shen


Sunday, June 22, 2014 12:58 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Didn't I say that one of my ideas was a guess? Wow, it sure take you a long time to catch on!

AFA "reporting" is concerned... the reporter is faced with a welter of information. The trick is to figure out which is true and -of that- which is important.


Sunday, June 22, 2014 11:39 AM



Didn't I say that one of my ideas was a guess? Wow, it sure take you a long time to catch on!

Suggesting that one of your ideas was a guess would mean something if all your guesses on different threads had different targets. The fact that the target remains the same points to a single minded purpose.


AFA "reporting" is concerned... the reporter is faced with a welter of information. The trick is to figure out which is true and -of that- which is important.

As for reporting G has it right, you do not understand the concept.


That is called "Reporting." What you are doing is called "Guessing’s. It’s freeing to do what you do because you don't have to be right and you can be as creative as you like.

I think it is a convenient lack of understanding on your part so you can weave your conspiracy theories against your chosen target.

si shen


Sunday, June 22, 2014 11:47 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Guessing is like jumping off a cliff. Except that the only thing that goes "splat" in the end in an idea, so I guess it's a relatively safe experience.

Guessing is the source of insight. It is the basis of science, because the one thing that the scientific method can't explain is where the hypothesis that is to be tested came from. Well, the hypothesis came from an AHA! moment, a guess... when the mind ditched its constraints, went sideways, and finally saw what had been there all along.

I'm a terrible guesser. Not only that, I'm married to a wonderful guesser. Inference, he calls it, developed from gleaning little facts over the weeks, months, and (sometimes) years which tell a story. But over the years I've learned that guessing can be a game, I just had to lose my fear of being wrong, 'cause I've been wrong lots and lots of times!

By the way, there was one good guesser in the board, and in my opinion he was just this side... or maybe just the other side... of a dx of schizophrenia. In between the stories of being related to a wealthy family, the "treatments" that he endured abroad, the value to the wealthy and bored of being amusing, and his current status as a poor tomato farmer in NY state he came up with some brilliant insights. He also laid a few eggs, but I think back fondly on the poster who guessed so often and so fearlessly. I love listening to people guess... I call it "getting my dose of crazy" because you have to live outside of the box in order not the be brainwashed.


Sunday, June 22, 2014 11:56 AM


What you say about guessing may be true unless you have an agenda in mind while guessing. That is my point, you have an agenda.

si shen


Sunday, June 22, 2014 12:22 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

And you don't?

I didn't bring it up in the Ukraine pipeline thread, but your ideas were and are just plain stupid, and showed - and ALWAYS show - a significant anti-Russian bias. You claimed that somehow it was supposed to be a lesson to Russia.

You know what would happen if Ukrainians blew up a through-pipeline? EUROPE would be pissed off AT THE UKRAINE. Especially if it looked like part of an official policy.

Man are you dumb. AND BIASED!


SAGAN: We are releasing vast quantities of carbon dioxide, increasing the greenhouse effect. It may not take much to destabilize the Earth's climate, to convert this heaven, our only home in the cosmos, into a kind of hell.


Sunday, June 22, 2014 12:29 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Also, hubby's view is different that mine. In his opinion, nobody has drawn a direct line between "ISIS" in Irag and ISIS in Syria. He thinks "ISIS" in Iraq is really the deposed leadership of the former Iraqi (Sunni) army. One interview that I heard, which I thought was interesting, was that jihadists always claim credit - even for things they haven't done- which takes nothing more than putting black flags with Arabic writing on a few trucks and driving around. In other words, nothing more than a publicity stunt involving a dozen men and a few trucks and several flags.

The population welcomed the victors. According to eyewitness reports the city of Mosul is freer now than it was under Maliki's army.

I don't bring this up because I think it's true, but just to add more ideas to the speculation that's already going on.


Sunday, June 22, 2014 1:04 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


What you say about guessing may be true unless you have an agenda in mind while guessing. That is my point, you have an agenda.
You are hardly the one to be accusing people of having "an agenda". You can't even answer the question about where those quotes came from, because it puts your intellectual idols in a bad light. You're basically fact-avoidant because your agenda won't let you be otherwise.

In order to make good guesses, you have to put yourself in the shoes of ALL of the players. That means identifying key interests. With Russia, it was clearly Sevastopol specifically, home of the Black Sea Fleet, and Crimea generally.

With Iraq, I can imagine that the (fundamentalist Sunni) Saudi Royal family has a significant interest in denting the Shia government of Iraq (which is backed by Iran, the Saudi Royal Family's key nemesis) so they can put in a pipeline via Iraq and Syria to the eastern Mediterranean. A person can't make those kinds of projections if they are blind to the real interests of ALL the key players, and particularly if they're running around with such big blinders on that that fail to see 99% of events.


Sunday, June 22, 2014 1:38 PM



And you don't?
I didn't bring it up in the Ukraine pipeline thread, but your ideas were and are just plain stupid, and showed - and ALWAYS show - a significant anti-Russian bias. You claimed that somehow it was supposed to be a lesson to Russia.
You know what would happen if Ukrainians blew up a through-pipeline? EUROPE would be pissed off AT THE UKRAINE. Especially if it looked like part of an official policy.
Man are you dumb. AND BIASED!

Yes, yes, without a doubt I had, have an agenda, although not the agenda you suggest. It should be apparent to all that read my posts responding to sigynm what that agenda was, is. That signym was placing all the blame for the problems in the Ukraine at the feet of the Europeans and the United States while plastering the site with Russian propaganda…stupid

And yes, I am on the side of the Ukrainians in this matter. After all, Russia has invaded their country with most of the current trouble makers being from Russia. They should do all they can to fight back. If that means forcing Europe into stronger sanctions against Russia by cutting off their oil supply, so be it. Why should Europe benefit from pipelines running across the Ukraine if the Ukrainians do not? And yes we should help them with money and advice.

She is doing exactly the same thing with the Middle East by suggesting the United States is sponsoring terrorists, and as you have pointed out my agenda is the same in this thread as well. No denial here.

Another difference I have from the two of you is I will state what I think outright and not try to fill the post with subjective crap and slide in through the back door so I still have a certain amount of deniability. ….Troll

si shen


Sunday, June 22, 2014 1:44 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

What you say about guessing may be true unless you have an agenda in mind while guessing. That is my point, you have an agenda.
You are hardly the one to be accusing people of having "an agenda". You can't even answer the question about where those quotes came from, because it puts your intellectual idols in a bad light. You're basically fact-avoidant because your agenda won't let you be otherwise.

In order to make good guesses, you have to put yourself in the shoes of ALL of the players. That means identifying key interests. With Russia, it was clearly Sevastopol specifically, home of the Black Sea Fleet, and Crimea generally.

With Iraq, I can imagine that the (fundamentalist Sunni) Saudi Royal family has a significant interest in denting the Shia government of Iraq (which is backed by Iran, the Saudi Royal Family's key nemesis) so they can put in a pipeline via Iraq and Syria to the eastern Mediterranean. A person can't make those kinds of projections if they are blind to the real interests of ALL the key players, and particularly if they're running around with such big blinders on that that fail to see 99% of events.

Save you teaching points for someone who does not see right through you and knows how you operate.

Want to get a hint on what's going on in the Middle East. Try looking at what the borders were a hundred or so years ago.

si shen


Sunday, June 22, 2014 1:47 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


SAGAN: We are releasing vast quantities of carbon dioxide, increasing the greenhouse effect. It may not take much to destabilize the Earth's climate, to convert this heaven, our only home in the cosmos, into a kind of hell.


Sunday, June 22, 2014 2:01 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


She is doing exactly the same thing with the Middle East by suggesting the United States is sponsoring terrorists
I'm not "suggesting" that the United States is sponsoring terrorists, I'm saying it outright. We tolerate, aid, and abet the terrorists sponsored by Saudi Arabia, and we've been doing it for years.

Not only have we been doing that in the Middle East, we've been doing it everywhere for years, whether they were neo-Nazis (like Franco in Spain) in Europe or generalissomos in Central and South America. It's a little hard to deny, there are far too many real-life examples with names and dates attached.

Also, as I have quite plainly said, the United States government has LIED its way into wars quite routinely. Again, it's a little hard to deny as there are too many names, dates, and historic facts to back this up.

I think someone washed your brain a little too aggressively because they sure didn't leave much for you to work with.


Sunday, June 22, 2014 2:09 PM


Middle East today:

During Ottoman Empire 1914

si shen


Sunday, June 22, 2014 2:20 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.





Sunday, June 22, 2014 2:33 PM



I'm not "suggesting" that the United States is sponsoring terrorists, I'm saying it outright. We tolerate, aid, and abet the terrorists sponsored by Saudi Arabia, and we've been doing it for years.

Thank you that is all I am saying. That it took till now for you to outright admit it is how it works with you. It takes time to pull you out. Back to my agenda which is that going forward your biases against this country will be easier to expose. What you suggest going forward, no matter what the topic, what the thread, now becomes easier to place into the real perspective you intend, not what you hide behind. This also applies to your minion 1kiki. Other posters will bypass all the garbage you post like:


Not only have we been doing that in the Middle East, we've been doing it everywhere for years, whether they were neo-Nazis (like Franco in Spain) in Europe or generalissomos in Central and South America. It's a little hard to deny, there are far too many real-life examples with names and dates attached.

And get right back to the focus of the thread and bring to light your bias driven opinions. The world is a far more complicated place than you appear to be able to wrap your head around.

si shen


Sunday, June 22, 2014 5:34 PM


America loves a winner!

Iraq crisis: As the Sunni terror spreads, its fighters look for wives

Patrick Cockburn,The Independent | Jun 22, 2014, 01.41 PM

BAGHDAD: The Iraqi army and the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS) are battling for control of Iraq's largest refinery outside Baiji north of Baghdad, with each side holding part of the complex. But in the town of Baiji itself, a few miles away, which is completely under the control of ISIS, residents say they are most frightened by ISIS militants going door to door asking about the numbers of married and unmarried women in the house.

"I told them that there were only two women in the house and both were married," said Abu Lahid. "They said that many of their mujahedin (fighters) were unmarried and wanted a wife. They insisted on coming into my house to look at the women's ID cards (which in Iraq show marital status)."


Sunday, June 22, 2014 5:48 PM


This is what happens when you jump into bed with lunatics. The moderate Sunni's are in tandem with these Sunni nuts and now there own families are in real danger. There is a good chance you will see some serious infighting soon?

si shen


Monday, June 23, 2014 12:18 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


That it took till now for you to outright admit it is how it works with you.
YOIKS! Not the sharpest knife in the drawer, are you??? I've been saying this ALL ALONG. You think you're digging dirt? You're not "exposing" anything... people here already know what I think and how I feel. That it took you this long to FIGURE IT OUT says more about you than me!


Monday, June 23, 2014 12:57 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
YOIKS! Not the sharpest knife in the drawer, are you???

Heh, no. But you suffer the fools well, I must say.


Monday, June 23, 2014 1:34 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

That it took till now for you to outright admit it is how it works with you.
YOIKS! Not the sharpest knife in the drawer, are you??? I've been saying this ALL ALONG. You think you're digging dirt? You're not "exposing" anything... people here already know what I think and how I feel. That it took you this long to FIGURE IT OUT says more about you than me!

Picked it up right off. Don’t tell me you didn’t notice me challenging your statements from the get go. Just needed time to lay it out. To take enough of your posts to task to present what your style of debating was, (subjective) and to show it was skewed and biased (easy). It took a minute to sort through your posts and show you were misrepresenting many of the facts you posted (The Chinese Royal Fleet). How you folded information into your conversations that were irrelevant to the topics designed to confuse( the history lessons). I thoroughly enjoyed you enlightening us all by suggesting we investigate our facts through some of your sources. Sources like the (Tehran Times) in Iran (that was special). Once that was done your arguments crumbled. I don’t usually like to go where I go with you but the RWDT teaches a person quickly not to worry about it. Give back what you get. Your holier than thou attitude need to be put in check.

Loved doing it.

si shen


Monday, June 23, 2014 1:44 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:
YOIKS! Not the sharpest knife in the drawer, are you???

Heh, no. But you suffer the fools well, I must say.

Hello preciousss………. We be nice to them, if they be nice to us.


si shen


Monday, June 23, 2014 10:22 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Still not the brightest bulb in the pack, are you?

The one thing you never did was challenge the facts.

I said that the USA was helping to ship arms from Libyan jihadists to Syria, and posted links. You never once followed up on that to prove whether it was true or false.

I said that the USA has destroyed many democracies and many cultures in its history, and listed a crap-ton of examples. You never challenged any of that, either.

I posted pictures of people who had been killed, and THEN burned, in the Odessa trades Union building, with a link. No real discussion there, either.

I said that the USA has left great smoking ruins of the last several nations it interfered with, pointed to those great smoking ruins of Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Sudan and Ukraine, and you came back with... nothing?

For every statement I made, I posted evidence, often multiply-sourced, but all of that was somehow missing from your responses.

In fact, that was the one thing you DIDN'T do - dispute and disprove the facts I brought to the table, and bring evidence of your own for discussion. All you posted about was your feelings, and quite often your feelings about me, for god's sake!

REALLY??? I mean, REALLY??? Wow, if I didn't know any better, I'd say you had a hard-on for me, your feelings are so intense!

And - you're the one who accuses other people of being subjective? Excuse me while I go off and have a good laugh!

Select to view spoiler:





tee hee tee hee tee hee tee hee tee hee tee hee tee hee!!!

heh heh heh heh heh heh heh!!

eheh eheh eheh!


*wipes eyes*

You're a hoot, MIKER! You made my morning.

Anyway, back to the subject at-hand...


Monday, June 23, 2014 10:53 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Oh, I wanted to respond to this, and forgot:

Fwiw ZeroHedge cites the NYTimes, Reuters and WSJ as sources - maybe they don't know they are Gov stooges?

WHAT have I been saying all along about looking at MULTIPLE sources? I even said that I look at Reuters, cnn, yahoonews etc myself. (WSJ requires a subscription, which is a little too stiff for me, which is why I appreciate a source that looks at it for me.)

Sheesh, G. I say things outright, over and over, like...

Look at a variety of sources and This is just a guess but... and you come back a couple-dozen posts later, just to discover that I look at multiple source and that I'm guessing on some items????

Are you sure that you and THGRRI/MIKER aren't the same person?


Monday, June 23, 2014 12:26 PM


What we have here signym is a failure to communicate. Everything you suggest I did not address I did, and more to the point I showed my arguments to be spot on. Go back and read the thread again (or not) because it is all there.

I noticed you like to deny past encounters as being complete or suggest that answered questions are still unanswered. You like to litigate argued points that have been settled as well. I have to ask you. Don’t you feel at the end of the debate to start accusing your opponent of what you have been accused of all along, isn’t a bit obvious? That and the name calling has been a signal to me the point we have reached in our discussion. It is all a part of your posting style that allows you to feel satisfied and adjudicated in your favor as the debate winds down. It is now duly noted.

I see in this particular case we have reached the name calling and you wish to litigate the settled points again.

Have fun, Miker says ……..

si shen


Monday, June 23, 2014 12:53 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Everything you suggest I did not address I did, and more to the point I showed my arguments to be spot on.
No, you didn't. You didn't disprove my points, nor did you bring any facts to the board of your own. All you did was call me "subjective" (speaking of name-calling) and claim I had a "secret agenda" (innuendo). Apparently, you have no respect for reality or the truth.

Later, dude. Much, much later.






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