The Absolutes here on RWED are damaging my calm...

UPDATED: Thursday, October 13, 2022 08:25
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Saturday, August 9, 2014 12:19 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Care to respond? Cause, yanno, I have a crap-ton of questions about YOUR belief that democracy in the USA no longer represents the will of the people.

Yes we are experiencing many problems within our system of governance that need addressing. Discussing them with someone who thrives on poking America or pushing an anti-American agenda is not particularly appealing to me.


Saturday, August 9, 2014 12:23 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Oh dear. You don't want to discuss our problems? You think that by recognizing our problems and thinking about solutions, that's being anti-American?


Saturday, August 9, 2014 12:44 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Oh dear. You don't want to discuss our problems? You think that by recognizing our problems and thinking about solutions, that's being anti-American?

Yup, apparently!


Saturday, August 9, 2014 12:56 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Oh dear. You don't want to discuss our problems? You think that by recognizing our problems and thinking about solutions, that's being anti-American?

Not what I said. Try again. You and 1kiki really need to learn to read.


Saturday, August 9, 2014 1:27 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Still, you refuse to discuss your own statement that our democracy no longer represents the will of the people.

It would be too much to expect any sort of moral honesty from you.


Saturday, August 9, 2014 1:41 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Still, you refuse to discuss your own statement that our democracy no longer represents the will of the people.

It would be too much to expect any sort of moral honesty from you.

Again as in other threads Sig you need to pay attention. What I implied earlier was I understand this country has problems that need addressing. Yet discussing them with someone who attacks this country relentless and is not objective but instead subjective serves no point.


Saturday, August 9, 2014 4:41 PM


America loves a winner!

Still searching, Frem ?


Saturday, August 9, 2014 5:08 PM



Originally posted by FREMDFIRMA:
Which irritates me somewhat, which is why, having better things to do, you don't see me around much any more.


You promise?


Saturday, August 9, 2014 5:11 PM


America loves a winner!

Yeah, typical. Make an outlandish claim he knows can't possibly be backed up, take another childish parting shot to insult, and then run away.

SOP for the likes of Frem.



Saturday, August 9, 2014 5:56 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
Yeah, typical. Make an outlandish claim he knows can't possibly be backed up, take another childish parting shot to insult, and then run away.

SOP for the likes of Frem.


Kinda like yellow-belly, or perhaps purple-belly. Next he'll say there are no Reavers around here - they don't exist.


Saturday, August 9, 2014 5:58 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

THUGR, why should I pay attention to anything you say on the topic of freedom, when you're a tyrant-loving militarist who listens to jihadist-supporting nations?


Saturday, August 9, 2014 6:50 PM



THUGR, why should I pay attention to anything you say on the topic of freedom, when you're a tyrant-loving militarist who listens to jihadist-supporting nations?

This is exactly was 1kiki does.

I never posted anything saying what you claim but when you get distraught you wind up posting shit like this. Many of your latest posts (in other threads as well) responding to me were heading in this direction. You have been answering my posts as though I was saying something else. Its subjective writing and something I pointed out about you and 1kiki a while ago. You do it because you have no good answer to what is being said back to you, so you pretend something else was said. No surprises here.


Saturday, August 9, 2014 10:25 PM


A brief summary of the views on RWED

Jongs - I hate libtards

AU - Islam is evil and I want to boff Sarah Palin

Whozit - Fucking Libtards. I hate Obama

Chris - Here is my latest awesome star wars model

G = Signy hates the US

Geezer - It's not as good as it was back in the day

Byte - I'm a psychopath no wonder you all hate me

JSF - Stupid libtards and use some energy supplements

Signym - I hate dems and repubs equally. US is responsible for a lot of shit in the world

KPO - I keep track of predictions to show how nutty the conservatives on this board are

Magons - Here is some totally irrelevant information about Australia

Agent - I'm going to shame you all with my significantly better use of english even though its my second language

Kiki - I'm going to confuse this thread by my lack of capacity to use quote codes

THGGRI - I'm going to jam up these threads with ad hominems

Brenda - I'm going come across as all reasonable and Canadian

MAL4 - I'm going to spew my sudden and explicable rage against Signy even though we've shared similiar views

Frem = I own guns and anyone who hurts kids is going to feel my vengence

6stringjack. I watch music videos and lots of porn and like to jack off

OldEngland - You Americans are just weird

OONJ - I like to talk about more personal and philosophical stuff


Sunday, August 10, 2014 1:00 AM



Many here’s beliefs are convictions based on ideologies, ill perceived moralities, or values and viewpoints that are generally wrong. Because their thinking shows up as subjective in their posts, it is obvious they have preconceived concepts that do not match the facts so their thoughts drift. They express truths held not on facts but instead, who reported what fits into their beliefs or viewpoints. This has been shown to be the case over and over again here. At best, prejudices are careless oversimplifications. At worst, they reflect a narrow-minded view of the world. It is what I find myself dealing with most here. Some post partially what cannot be disproved or even contested in a rational or logical manner (to kill is wrong) therefore sending in troops is murder. Since beliefs are inarguable, they cannot serve as the thesis of a formal argument but you cannot make them understand that. I have witnessed G and some others try to no avail. Along with this, their posts are plastered with so called Profs. G has been trying to explain how he research's at many, and the most consistently accurate places. Most whom we deal with here are not capable of that for reasons I have already proposed.

You say I am based on ad hominies. For that to be true what I argue against in your mind must be correct and I must be wrong. It can’t work both ways. Either that or you just got a little full of your self in your last post. At any rate I am sorry to see you read what we all post and come up on the side of ideologies and preconceived notions are good.


Sunday, August 10, 2014 1:12 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.



I laughed my ass off thru your post!

*wipes eyes*


Sunday, August 10, 2014 1:29 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


I never posted anything saying what you claim but when you get distraught you wind up posting shit like this


THUGR, I'm just posting about you the same way that you post about me! You claim I "hate America", that I'm pro-Russian, and you've even questioned my nationality. And that's your "answer" to everything I post.

BTW- do you know what an ad hominem is?

THUGR is a tyrant-loving pro-jihadist.


Sunday, August 10, 2014 1:42 AM



Originally posted by THGRRI:

Many here’s beliefs are convictions based on ideologies, ill perceived moralities, or values and viewpoints that are generally wrong.

I'd say that everyone's beliefs are based on ideologies, morality, values and viewpionts and they all differ. If we dont share the same beliefs we accuse the other of being wrong.


Because their thinking shows up as subjective in their posts, it is obvious they have preconceived concepts that do not match the facts so their thoughts drift. They express truths held not on facts but instead, who reported what fits into their beliefs or viewpoints. This has been shown to be the case over and over again here. At best, prejudices are careless oversimplifications. At worst, they reflect a narrow-minded view of the world. It is what I find myself dealing with most here. Some post partially what cannot be disproved or even contested in a rational or logical manner (to kill is wrong) therefore sending in troops is murder. Since beliefs are inarguable, they cannot serve as the thesis of a formal argument but you cannot make them understand that. I have witnessed G and some others try to no avail. Along with this, their posts are plastered with so called Profs. G has been trying to explain how he research's at many, and the most consistently accurate places. Most whom we deal with here are not capable of that for reasons I have already proposed.

I haven't seen much different from you to be truthful.

There was a thread here some time ago on cognitive dissonence and the need to find consistency in ones world view, which usually leads people to find information that backs up their belief system while they ignore facts that contradict it. I'd say we are all guilty of that here, some more than others, but basically views are fairly entrenched....on political issues at least. If you think YOU dont fall into that, you are fooling yourself son.


You say I am based on ad hominies. For that to be true what I argue against in your mind must be correct and I must be wrong. It can’t work both ways. Either that or you just got a little full of your self in your last post. At any rate I am sorry to see you read what we all post and come up on the side of ideologies and preconceived notions are good.

My last post was an attempt at humour, ascerbic but lighthearted.

BTW Ad hominem means to attack the man (or woman) rather than address the argument. It doesn't mean you are right or wrong, but you've chosen to get personal rather than discuss the subject.


Sunday, August 10, 2014 11:45 AM



BTW Ad hominem means to attack the man (or woman) rather than address the argument. It doesn't mean you are right or wrong, but you've chosen to get personal rather than discuss the subject.

And that is exactly what I addressed. Sorry you could not follow my inference the personalities behind the posts are affecting the accuracy of what they are saying. That, along with the unreliability of the sources they chose to use. That being the case, it is only natural to shed light on that as the basis behind the flaw in their thinking. That is, if you are perceptive enough to realize it. Why constantly argue their posted propaganda instead of what makes them post what they do, as well as how they manipulate it to serve their purpose? To do the first is like a dog chasing its tail from thread to thread. To call them on it with precision reveals them and deflates the value of their claims. If the poster is not credible then what they post should be suspect.

I see the subjective parts of their posts. I see the links to sites that do not substantiate what it is they are claiming. I see the way they post responses to myself and others that misrepresents what was said previously. I see them use absolutes as a justification for why they are correct. I see the absurd or hateful conspiracies woven throughout their posts. Apparently when these manipulations are being directed at you, you do not comprehend them. I suggest you try and learn to understand the nuances of someone trying to manipulate you or a conversation because therein lies the truth.

As for your humor, it fell flat.


Sunday, August 10, 2014 11:54 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by Magonsdaughter:

AU - Islam is evil and I want to boff Sarah Palin

Mostly true on the first, but no, I don't have any interest in hooking up w/ a married woman.


Sunday, August 10, 2014 12:28 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


And that is exactly what I addressed. Sorry you could not follow my inference the personalities behind the posts are affecting the accuracy of what they are saying.
Since you have NEVER addressed the accuracy of what I was saying by actually addressing what I was saying, then all of your supposed inferences about my personality are simply ad hominens.

That, along with the unreliability of the sources they chose to use.
Unreliability which you have not established either, so your point has not been made.

That being the case, it is only natural to shed light on that as the basis behind the flaw in their thinking.
Flaw which you have failed to demonstrate.

Like most Americans, you apparently don't know how to have an actual discussion. Here, let me sketch one out for you:

Speaker #1- I think that America is an empire. The reason why I say that is because we have military bases all over the world, and that is one of the hallmarks of an empire.

Speaker #2 - But empires are created to enhance the economies of their home nations. Just look at the British Empire, or the Roman Empire. The nations that we have bases in, or otherwise influence militarily, are more of a drain on our economy. We're just there to protect democracy.

Speaker #1 - Well, let's take a look at your first proposition and your examples. The benefits of empire didn't accrue equally to all British citizens, nor to the residents of Rome. At the height of both empires, there was a huge discrepancy in wealth.

As far as whether or not we are protecting democracy, many of the governments that we interfered with were democratically-elected, and we replaced them with military juntas, monarchies, or tyrannies.

Speaker #2- First of all, I contest your statements, I would like to see some reliable information on the topic. In addition, look at what we did for Japan and Germany.


See? Not an ad hominem nor an unsupported "inference" in there! Now that you know what a real adult conversation is like, do you suppose you might be able to have one?

Ad hominem: THUGR is a know-nothing militarist.


Sunday, August 10, 2014 12:45 PM


You have selective memory Sig. I have shown you to be incorrect in your accretions many times. It is how I have been able to pick apart your statements as being false and move on. The next step was to show your motivations as to why you would post so consistently one sided and incorrect. First though, I had show you to be constantly wrong, which was easily done. So easy in fact I will go back to that for a while. And trust me I will make a point of reminding you what I am doing and why.

Brace yourself....


Sunday, August 10, 2014 12:47 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


I have shown you to be incorrect in your accretions many times.
No, you haven't.

But please feel free to do so right here....

THUGR is a know-nothing militarist.


Sunday, August 10, 2014 12:51 PM



Originally posted by Magonsdaughter:

Chris - Here is my latest awesome star wars model

Sorry Magons, you are in error. I do mostly Star Trek models.
hehehehehehe, that was hi-larious BTW!


Sunday, August 10, 2014 12:55 PM



Originally posted by THGRRI:
I have shown you to be incorrect in your accretions many times. It is how I have been able to pick apart your statements as being false and move on.

What? Where was I? I read everything here and you've never even ONCE done that. You just plunk down an opinion or a vague quote and claim yourself the victor, just like AU does...
Silly silly British man.


Sunday, August 10, 2014 12:56 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

I have shown you to be incorrect in your accretions many times.
No, you haven't.

But please feel free to do so right here....

THUGR is a know-nothing militarist.

You lost this debate before it started. What will happen moving on is you will begin to post as you do on current events and then I will pick your so called facts apart. Remember it will be your interpretation of the facts that I will be addressing, and I know where to look to see where that interpretation comes from. I know exactly who else's interpretation it will match. This is going to be easy as it was in the past.


Sunday, August 10, 2014 1:05 PM



Originally posted by THGRRI:

You lost this debate before it started.

lol, this isn't a debate! You lost this argument before you used a brain cell.


Sunday, August 10, 2014 1:06 PM



Originally posted by CHRISISALL:

Originally posted by THGRRI:

You lost this debate before it started.

lol, this isn't a debate! You lost this argument before you used a brain cell.

Do yourself a favor precious and avoid interrupting when adults are speaking. You're to easy a target.


Sunday, August 10, 2014 1:07 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


You lost this debate before it started. What will happen moving on is you will begin to post as you do on current events and then I will pick your so called facts apart. Remember it will be your interpretation of the facts that I will be addressing, and I know where to look to see where that interpretation comes from. I know exactly who else's interpretation it will match. This is going to be easy as it was in the past.
Please feel free to go back to the past (as you said you would) and re-post where you showed me I was wrong. I'd be willing to bet a fair sum that you never do, but would love for you to bring that info forward so that we could have a REAL discussion.


Do yourself a favor precious and avoid interrupting when adults are speaking. You're to easy a target.
OOOOH! Another ad hominem!. Frankly, son, I'm not sure you could post without resorting to them.

THUGR is a know-nothing militarist.


Sunday, August 10, 2014 1:22 PM



Please feel free to go back to the past (as you said you would) and re-post where you showed me I was wrong.

Ok Sig. Go back and show me where I said I was going to go back into the past and prove you wrong. This should be interesting because I said no such thing. It didn’t take two seconds for you to once again misrepresent me by making something up.

This is what I said:

You lost this debate before it started. What will happen moving on is you will begin to post as you do on current events and then I will pick your so called facts apart. Remember it will be your interpretation of the facts that I will be addressing, and I know where to look to see where that interpretation comes from. I know exactly who else's interpretation it will match. This is going to be easy as it was in the past.

Two seconds to show how you misrepresent the facts. That has to be a record.


Sunday, August 10, 2014 1:27 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Ok Sig. Go back and show me where I said I was going to go back into the past and prove you wrong....


First though, I had show you to be constantly wrong, which was easily done. So easy in fact I will go back to that for a while

THUGR is a know-nothing militarist.


Sunday, August 10, 2014 1:30 PM



Originally posted by CHRISISALL:

Originally posted by THGRRI:
I have shown you to be incorrect in your accretions many times. It is how I have been able to pick apart your statements as being false and move on.

What? Where was I? I read everything here and you've never even ONCE done that. You just plunk down an opinion or a vague quote and claim yourself the victor, just like AU does...
Silly silly British man.

Me to precious, I read to and have come to learn your reading comprehension skills are subpar. No surprise to me you haven't understood enough of what you read to see me doing that.


Sunday, August 10, 2014 1:35 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Ok Sig. Go back and show me where I said I was going to go back into the past and prove you wrong....


First though, I had show you to be constantly wrong, which was easily done. So easy in fact I will go back to that for a while

THUGR is a know-nothing militarist.

Yes Sig, go back to proving what you post as facts to be false and based on bias subjective writing. Apparently you have selective times when you will be honest because you just got caughtt. It only took two seconds for you to get caught printing falsehoods about what someone else said and you won't own up to it. Well it doesn't matter because any one else who reads it, if honest, will see it for what it is. You can't be truthful.


Please feel free to go back to the past (as you said you would) and re-post where you showed me I was wrong.

How sad is that?

P.S. hey Chris, here you go. Me proving Sig wrong. Was that fast enough for ya? Do you get it or should I break it down for you?


Sunday, August 10, 2014 2:00 PM


Here you go Magon. When someone is making things up or spinning things that is where your focus should be. Not on the subjective writing that accompanies the falsehoods. like the insults made to distract. As though they serve some other relevant purpose you should pay attention to or even address.


Sunday, August 10, 2014 2:06 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


First though, I had show you to be constantly wrong, which was easily done. So easy in fact I will go back to that for a while

So, you DON'T intend to go back to where you showed me I was wrong?

THUGR is a know-nothing militarist.


Sunday, August 10, 2014 2:10 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

First though, I had show you to be constantly wrong, which was easily done. So easy in fact I will go back to that for a while

So, you DON'T intend to go back to where you showed me I was wrong?

THUGR is a know-nothing militarist.

I never said I would waste my time going back. It is to easy to prove my contentions about you in real time as I just did. Which is actually what I said I would do in the first place.

Every thing about going back comes from you not me. It was a part of you misrepresenting what I said, remember?


Sunday, August 10, 2014 2:14 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Every thing about going back comes from you not me.

So easy in fact I will go back to that for a while
Is this not what you said?

THUGR is a know-nothing militarist.


Sunday, August 10, 2014 2:18 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Every thing about going back comes from you not me.

So easy in fact I will go back to that for a while
Is this not what you said?

THUGR is a know-nothing militarist.

I love your stubborn refusal to acknowledge your twisting of the truth. Do you really expect others to read what you are using a prof that I said I would go back into past threads to dig through old posts to prove you wrong? I will post what I said again. I defy you to show me were the words going back are in that statement.



You lost this debate before it started. What will happen moving on is you will begin to post as you do on current events and then I will pick your so called facts apart. Remember it will be your interpretation of the facts that I will be addressing, and I know where to look to see where that interpretation comes from. I know exactly who else's interpretation it will match. This is going to be easy as it was in the past.


Sunday, August 10, 2014 2:20 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Well that's what you said. Maybe it's not what you meant. What did you mean?

THUGR is a know-nothing militarist.


Sunday, August 10, 2014 2:21 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Well that's what you said. Maybe it's not what you meant. What did you mean?

THUGR is a know-nothing militarist.

I meant what I said...... Not what you tried to imply which is what you do. Two seconds Sig. You could not even break your pattern of printing falsehoods by misrepresenting what someone else said for two seconds, even though you knew I was waiting for it.


Sunday, August 10, 2014 2:38 PM


Paying attention Magon?


Sunday, August 10, 2014 3:47 PM



Originally posted by THGRRI:

P.S. hey Chris, here you go. Me proving Sig wrong. Was that fast enough for ya? Do you get it or should I

Oh just shut the fuck up. You're an idiot.

And SHAME on you Signy for egging this moron on to look this desperate & stupid. You have much better things to do with your time.


Sunday, August 10, 2014 4:17 PM



Originally posted by CHRISISALL:

Originally posted by THGRRI:

P.S. hey Chris, here you go. Me proving Sig wrong. Was that fast enough for ya? Do you get it or should I

Oh just shut the fuck up. You're an idiot.

And SHAME on you Signy for egging this moron on to look this desperate & stupid. You have much better things to do with your time.

It was you precious who egged me on not Sig. You attacked and I reciprocated.


Sunday, August 10, 2014 5:02 PM



Originally posted by THGRRI:

It was you precious who egged me on not Sig. You attacked and I reciprocated.

I am not programmed to respond in that area.


Sunday, August 10, 2014 5:28 PM



Originally posted by THGRRI:

And that is exactly what I addressed. Sorry you could not follow my inference the personalities behind the posts are affecting the accuracy of what they are saying. That, along with the unreliability of the sources they chose to use. That being the case, it is only natural to shed light on that as the basis behind the flaw in their thinking. That is, if you are perceptive enough to realize it. Why constantly argue their posted propaganda instead of what makes them post what they do, as well as how they manipulate it to serve their purpose? To do the first is like a dog chasing its tail from thread to thread. To call them on it with precision reveals them and deflates the value of their claims. If the poster is not credible then what they post should be suspect.

I see the subjective parts of their posts. I see the links to sites that do not substantiate what it is they are claiming. I see the way they post responses to myself and others that misrepresents what was said previously. I see them use absolutes as a justification for why they are correct. I see the absurd or hateful conspiracies woven throughout their posts. Apparently when these manipulations are being directed at you, you do not comprehend them. I suggest you try and learn to understand the nuances of someone trying to manipulate you or a conversation because therein lies the truth.

As for your humor, it fell flat.

Sorry you didn't like my attempt at humour.

Carry on with your pointless attacks.


Sunday, August 10, 2014 5:33 PM


You too.


Sunday, August 10, 2014 7:29 PM


Lol! Once again, sig/thug = the old sig/rap. With Chris playing the same supporting role. Can it be more obvious?

Magons: brilliant. And thank you for referring to my "sudden and explicable" animosity for sig. If you'd said inexplicable I'd be bugged, because I think I have explained it very well. Not that she groks it, but that's part of her SOP.

FYI thug: I've recently joined a site where they *demand* that noobs lurk for some time. As they put it: (30 - your age) = # of weeks you should lurk and learn the ins and outs so you don't make an ass of yourself. I guess that math wouldn't work for you, maybe (your age - 30)?

Point is: netiquette. You might try learning it.

I do enjoy my new site. Among other things, they stress making threads readable by having 1) short signatures with no annoying large image to scroll past 2) proper quoting of posts you're responding to, ie not quoting the whole damn thing causing more needless scrolling (you know who I'm talking to!) @poster is all that's required, not a full quote 3) short non rambling posts that can be easily absorbed 4) banishment to the *loser* forum if you prove yourself to be an ass.

Hmm. If we tried that last one here no one would be left on the regular boards.

Tschus y'all.

What trolls reveal about themselves when they troll:


Sunday, August 10, 2014 7:47 PM


Originally posted by MIKER:


Mistakes do happen but not this time. When I did mistake your post for being hostel towards me, (the other post) you could have just pointed it out. After all you did recognize it as being a mistake and not directed at you? It does get a little confusing all these posts and all. So why did you respond the way you did????

I see with you, it is self praise your into. I love reading how you have my personality figured out. How you are so hip to me. So, your the groups psychoanalyst. I have enjoyed watching you slink in and out of conversations. Reappearing long enough to school the rest of us on our delusions or ignorance as perceived by you, only to disappear again. A bit of a narcissist huh.

"Again I can do nothing but point and laugh. I have not argued with "Miker" before tonight. On purpose. To flush you out".

This is a quote from you and appears to me to be narcissistic and even sadistic behavior. What do you think, your the expert?

"Sig undergoes an extreme change in personality after I poke her/it about her years-old symbiosis with Rap".

Another quote from you. You're so hip to us all. Yep, the psychoanalyst. I love the way you explain to the other participants in the thread what you are up to and how you have proceeded so brilliantly, because with you, that's what its really about is it not?

Which is why you have this link in your signature:
"Peer-reviewed scientific paper: Internet Trolls are Narcissistic, Machiavellian, psychopathic, and sadistic".

Yeah, you have to show all how you are so brilliant and can stalk your victim coming in for the kill with your super wit to expose our psychosis. You pick something here someone said and pick something there someone said, because really, offering some new insight into the discussion is not what you are about. Coming to the rescue is. Trying to be everyone's champion is. After the setup of pretending to offer some new truth( which is usually little more than something you have cut and pasted ), you character assonate the one you have picked for that particular performance.

"Trolls are Narcissistic", and judging from what you have written in the posts I am responding to, I would say that title fits you just fine.

Your problem is, you have no arrows in you quiver.

Nope, not impressed at all.

"Again I can do nothing but point and laugh. I have not argued with "Miker" before tonight. On purpose. To flush you out".

That quote is pretty sadistic don't ya think? Both narcissistic and sadistic. Quite a combo.

My turn to flush you out. How do you like it? I waited for you to respond to this post in the other thread, but like I say above in this post, your style is to post and run, in and out. Your little quote here is just a small part of the smart ass posts about me in the other thread. Now this post will show up every time you send someone hear with your signature. You want to play, OK.


Sunday, August 10, 2014 9:12 PM


Let's review. Miker, the guy who in an instant deleted all his posts and thread titles and disappeared forever, is your hero.

LLLLOOOOSSSEERRRR forum for you pal!


What trolls reveal about themselves when they troll:


Sunday, August 10, 2014 9:41 PM



Originally posted by MAL4PREZ:
With Chris playing the same supporting role. Can it be more obvious?

What? That I support Signy & her quest for truth? I do. I don't agree with her every take on things 100%, but that she strives to understand the hidden agendas impresses me a great deal. Frem impresses me as well. Byte rocks frequently.
THUGGIE & Crappy seem the same to me; both so sure of themselves without a hint of humility. The hallmark of fear-induced pathological need to be correct at all times.

Sadly, YOU Mal4Prez seem to have lost it a bit since the old days when I nominated you to run this country (remember that?).
I have become a bit more angry & cynical my own self, so I guess I'm not really one to talk...


Sunday, August 10, 2014 10:00 PM


"What they need's a damn good whacking!"






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Thu, October 17, 2024 13:36 - 141 posts
Thu, October 17, 2024 13:30 - 884 posts