Another Unarmed Black Teen Killed

UPDATED: Sunday, November 3, 2024 14:41
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Sunday, August 24, 2014 9:39 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by 1kiki:
Autopsy hired by the Brown family themselves shows no gun wounds in the back ...

Hmmm. No one said 'in the back'. However, one wound IN THE ARM could have come from either direction. Your sources - and your mind - full of snakes. Can't seem to grasp simple reality and keep it straight.

Interesting that you should NOW be waiting for facts. Why don't you go back and erase all the bogus stuff unsupported by facts that you so freely posted earlier? It would make this thread a lot shorter.

Many 'eye witnesses ' were claiming he was shot 'in the back'. Full of snakes ? You're muttering nonsense now. All I've done is present the FACTS and offer little on wild speculation. I've left that up to the likes of you, and those calling for the PROSECUTION of the cop.

There's nothing ' bogus ' I need to erase. You have me confused w/ someone else, and are projecting your faults onto others.


Sunday, August 24, 2014 10:45 AM


Why are there so few black police officers working in predominantly black communities across the country? Most here think it is because whites refuse them the opportunity. I think it has more to do with the job requiring two years of college. Why are there are so few blacks in Ferguson holding public office representing their communitie since blacks represent 67 percent of Fergusons population? Well if no one runs or only 6% of eligible black voters show up at the polls, of course the white guy is going to win.

Most of the bullshit posted here is nothing but a typical distraction. That this is all about whites hating blacks. Then there are those who push back with the same rhetoric of the past. None of which helps to move the discussion to where it needs to go.

Come on Frem, you need to up your game since you understand the streets so well. Why Frem does this always happen and what can be done about it? Please don't just say the politically correct thing like jobs. The ones who need the most help are not capable of showing up each day and taking direction from authority figures. No jobs does not get to the root of the problem and business owners certainly do not want to invest there. These people are raising the next generation of victims as we speak.


Sunday, August 24, 2014 11:04 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Otherwise you have marshall law.
Already there.

Yanno, if you have to shoot at a lot of people to convince them of the rightness of your laws, your ethics, your "way of life", you've already lost in the marketplace of ideas. Your society is dying and corrupted. It doesn't offer enough to generate enthusiastic support from the masses.

That's where we are now.

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Sunday, August 24, 2014 1:32 PM



Originally posted by THGRRI:
Why are there so few black police officers working in predominantly black communities across the country? Most here think it is because whites refuse them the opportunity. I think it has more to do with the job requiring two years of college. Why are there are so few blacks in Ferguson holding public office representing their communitie since blacks represent 67 percent of Fergusons population? Well if no one runs or only 6% of eligible black voters show up at the polls, of course the white guy is going to win.

Most of the bullshit posted here is nothing but a typical distraction. That this is all about whites hating blacks. Then there are those who push back with the same rhetoric of the past. None of which helps to move the discussion to where it needs to go.

Come on Frem, you need to up your game since you understand the streets so well. Why Frem does this always happen and what can be done about it? Please don't just say the politically correct thing like jobs. The ones who need the most help are not capable of showing up each day and taking direction from authority figures. No jobs does not get to the root of the problem and business owners certainly do not want to invest there. These people are raising the next generation of victims as we speak.

Surprised no one else has made the connection.
It's already been posted in this thread, statistical evidence that the police and courts of the region engage in en-masse shakedown and harrassment of the black community, which means by the time they hit their late teens most of em have a record, not cause of anything they do different but because you throw ENOUGH shit at someone over time some is gonna stick - hell the average american commits three felonies a day.

Three Felonies A Day: How the Feds Target the Innocent

And of course, BECAUSE of that record they're then blocked from a lot of jobs, AND from the kinds of assistance which could make up the lack, leaving them but one option to survive, which almost inevitably results in an eventual Felony conviction, with me so far ?

Well yanno what that means - IT MEANS THEY CAN NOT VOTE.
Which is the ENTIRE FUCKING POINT of this lameass bullshit, to disenfranchise them (also depriving them of the right to bear arms, further crushing potential resistance) so that the fuckers in power around there REMAIN in power.

But of course such inconvenient facts are ignored in the rush to blame the victims of such policies lest we be forced to admit culpability in a broken system which feeds on those helpless against it.
Nobody wants to talk about how those petty bullshit arrests for loitering or whatnot balloon when some poor bastard can't pay the fines, how that cripples their employment prospects even if anybody WAS hiring, leaving many with quite literally no choice BUT to play the cards they been dealt and turn to crime, a self-fulfilling prophecy often as not started by nothing more than some cop wanting to fuck with a teenager for no better reason than what color they are.

Awful hard for people to better themselves when so many of em get slapped with the forever mark of doom before they ever have a chance to.



Sunday, August 24, 2014 1:39 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Thank you Frem.

SAGAN: We are releasing vast quantities of carbon dioxide, increasing the greenhouse effect. It may not take much to destabilize the Earth's climate, to convert this heaven, our only home in the cosmos, into a kind of hell.


Sunday, August 24, 2014 2:00 PM


My point is not to deny the obvious Frem. What you suggest about Ferguson is happening around the country in all Black communities. Just maybe more so in Ferguson. It does appear to be a community stuck in the past. My point is everyone looks for the statistics you post, and not why it is the way it is. Keep it real, the average American does not commit three felonies in a life time. Most do not commit one.

They are blocked from jobs and such yes due to the Felonies but if they changed their lifestyles a bit at a time that would improve. If you think their situation will improve without changing the culture in those neighborhoods good luck. It is my opinion things stay the way they are because within the black community they are calling for everyone else to change.


Sunday, August 24, 2014 2:40 PM


America loves a winner!

Stop acting like deluquent thugs, or worse, and the cops won't have a reason to " harass " anyone.


Sunday, August 24, 2014 3:01 PM


Horse shit, you are denying the obvious, the statistics have been presented, the facts have been laid out, and you ignore every goddamn bit of it to go on blaming the victims, this so-called-culture which is just a lameass excuse to turn a blind eye.

Tell me, how many cops have so far been suspended for the nasty shit they're willing to do in public, on camera, just in this mess alone, four, five ?
Just imagine the crap they pull when no ones looking.
Not to mention that every single measure that's been brought to the table which would improve accountability they've fought tooth and nail, that smacks of premeditation, and you wanna talk "culture", how bout the thin blue line and resultant culture of corruption ?
And here's a handy little fact for you.

Darren Wilson’s former police force was disbanded for excessive force and corruption

The department also endured a corruption scandal. In 2011, city council members voted 6-1 to shut down the force and start over, bringing in a new set of officers. Everyone was let go, including Wilson, but he soon found a job at the Ferguson police department, where he has been since.

This is a known phenomenon, one also remaining unaddressed by any potential reforms.

In law enforcement, the phrase gypsy cop is law enforcement slang for a nomadic or itinerant lawman, a peace officer who floats from department to department regardless of, or because of, misconduct or poor job performance.

So even firing the bastards, hard as it is to do, and rare that it happens, still accomplishes little cause they just move on to the next department over and lather, rinse, repeat.

As to "why it is the way it is", the answer to that is simple.
Fuckheads like YOU cockblocking any useful discussion or implementation of the reforms necessary to reign in these badge bearing psychopaths, because they're so fucking intent to blame people of color for being harrassed that it escapes them completely that the harrassment *IS* the problem.

Oh, and in regards to your ridiculous assertion that the whole three-felonies-a-day is bunk ?
Tell me, are you on a broadband connection right now, hrm ?
Are you perhaps, connecting to the internet at ANY speed in excess of 28,800bps ?
Bang, one Felony.

Can your phone speed dial ?
(As example, and yes people can and have been prosecuted for this, See Also: Bernie S)

Bang, two Felonies.

And in reference to the above statue, or related one in your state...
Do you own a Television or PC ?
Bang, three Felonies.

Just cause they don't PROSECUTE em unless they wanna fuck with you, don't mean that they ain't there.



Sunday, August 24, 2014 3:44 PM


America loves a winner!

blah blah blah...

Getting contorted and spewing all manner of hate and vitriol,in all your glorious phony self rightiousness, just to make yourself feel better. Pretty gorram pathetic.


Shortly after 2 A.M. that Sunday, they pulled into the parking lot of so-called “University McDonald's” and beheld a scene unlike anything portrayed in all those wholesome McDonald's television commercials. Before them, hundreds of young black males were loitering about, some without shirts.

Other local residents -- the more cynical and world-weary, both whites and most blacks -- would have taken one look at the crowd and driven off, dismissing many of the young and posturing black males as thugs. But not them: innocent white kids from the suburbs. They presumed this was post-racial America -- and that they were in an easy-going college town.

Twenty minutes later, two of them were dead.


Sunday, August 24, 2014 4:10 PM


You keep suggesting society has to change Frem and I will keep suggesting the culture within the black community has to. If they want more black cops. Then more need to graduate from a two year college. If they want better representation within their community. Than more that 6% of eligible black voters need to show up at the polls. You want a job, pull up your pants and speak to me like there is something other than air filling the space between your ears. No, go home then and take up your position on the corner of nowhere and useless. There is nothing for you here.

And that's the way life is for the rest of us. If they want a way out to a better life. That's the door, they need to walk through it.


Sunday, August 24, 2014 5:25 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

THUGR is a know-nothing racist.

This has been addressed many, many times. You've failed to respond with facts at every instance. All you care to know is you dislike blacks, and that you 'know' that they're to blame for - everything.

SAGAN: We are releasing vast quantities of carbon dioxide, increasing the greenhouse effect. It may not take much to destabilize the Earth's climate, to convert this heaven, our only home in the cosmos, into a kind of hell.


Sunday, August 24, 2014 5:46 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


I have some yes/ no questions for you:

1) blacks have urban schools at least equal in quality to suburban white schools: yes/ no
2) blacks own the housing in the slums: yes/ no
3) blacks were not denied standard housing loans despite qualifying incomes: yes/ no
4) blacks own the businesses in the slums: yes/ no
5) blacks have on average the same employment rates and the same income as whites with an equal amount of education: yes/ no
6) blacks can get the same quality schools, the same housing ownership, the same loans, the same business opportunities, the same employment rate, and the same income levels with zero changes in the larger society: yes/ no

For each answer, include a cite with statistics to validate your response.

SAGAN: We are releasing vast quantities of carbon dioxide, increasing the greenhouse effect. It may not take much to destabilize the Earth's climate, to convert this heaven, our only home in the cosmos, into a kind of hell.


Sunday, August 24, 2014 6:05 PM




I have some yes/ no questions for you:

1) blacks have urban schools at least equal in quality to suburban white schools: yes/ no


2) blacks own the housing in the slums: yes/ no


3) blacks were not denied standard housing loans despite qualifying incomes: yes/ no


4) blacks own the businesses in the slums: yes/ no


5) blacks have on average the same employment rates and the same income as whites with an equal amount of schooling: yes/ no


6) blacks can get the same quality schools, the same housing ownership, the same loans, the same business opportunities, the same employment rate, and the same income levels with zero changes in the larger society: yes/ no


Their quality of schools will remain the same until they start using the schools they have properly and raise their graduation rates. They will not own the homes they live in until they can afford to buy them. Their unemployment rates will not change because no one wants to invest in their neighborhoods. Their income levels are unfair but may be somewhat due to location. If you remember the charts you produced about that before, go back and you will see that whites are paid less that Asians across the education spectrum.

You can bitch about the plight of the African American race all you wish. If they don't fix it, it won't get fixed.


Sunday, August 24, 2014 6:20 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Originally posted by THGRRI:

1) blacks have urban schools at least equal in quality to suburban white schools: yes/ no

2) blacks own the housing in the slums: yes/ no

3) blacks were not denied standard housing loans despite qualifying incomes: yes/ no
Yes Incorrect. During the housing bubble many blacks were only given 'balloon payment' loans despite having incomes that would have qualified them for conventional loans.

4) blacks own the businesses in the slums: yes/ no

5) blacks have on average the same employment rates and the same income as whites with an equal amount of schooling: yes/ no

6) blacks can get the same quality schools, the same housing ownership, the same loans, the same business opportunities, the same employment rate, and the same income levels with zero changes in the larger society: yes/ no

Their quality of schools will remain the same until they start using the schools they have properly and raise their graduation rates. They will not own the homes they live in until they can afford to buy them. Their unemployment rates will not change because no one wants to invest in their neighborhoods. Their income levels are unfair but may be somewhat due to location. If you remember the charts you produced about that before, go back and you will see that whites are paid less that Asians across the education spectrum.

You can bitch about the plight of the African American race all you wish. If they don't fix it, it won't get fixed.

I see you've failed to provide cites for your choices. Furthermore, you've failed to provide (a) cite(s) for you incorrect supposition about schools, incomes, employment rates etc. You seem to think school resources are alloted on the basis of 'deserving-ness' and not on local property tax revenues; that people are restricted to jobs in their immediate neighborhood; and that because some people experience positive bias compared to whites, it makes negative bias against other groups fair.

SAGAN: We are releasing vast quantities of carbon dioxide, increasing the greenhouse effect. It may not take much to destabilize the Earth's climate, to convert this heaven, our only home in the cosmos, into a kind of hell.


Sunday, August 24, 2014 6:46 PM


This is how stupid you are. You ask for yes/no answers. What followed me answering your questions was my opinion. I don't care if you agree. When it comes to you understanding issues, you don't. You are all emotions so your judgment is clouded.

I have a question for you. Do you think things will change with this latest incident?


Sunday, August 24, 2014 6:59 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

"For each answer, include a cite with statistics to validate your response."

I clearly typed that in my post. I could assume you don't know how to read. Or you're ignorant. Or you don't know how to engage in logical argument. But you see THUGR, I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt. Rather than assume anything, I've asked for you to show that you have facts at your disposal and can organize a logical answer using them appropriately.

Or I could simply subject you to "the soft bigotry of low expectations" and accept your say-so with a dismissive pat on the head.

What would you prefer?

SAGAN: We are releasing vast quantities of carbon dioxide, increasing the greenhouse effect. It may not take much to destabilize the Earth's climate, to convert this heaven, our only home in the cosmos, into a kind of hell.


Sunday, August 24, 2014 7:12 PM


Yes or no moron means yes or no.


Sunday, August 24, 2014 10:13 PM


There is usually a structural reason why groups of people are disenfranchised within a society, unless of course you want to go down the curly path (which some here go) of blaming a particular group or class of being lazy, stupid or born bad.

I have a great example for you which blows 'this group sucks' rather than
'this society gas a structure which keeps certain people poor and encourages criminal behaviour;' and that is the example of mine own country, probably similar to yours as well.

We were basically colonised by the poorest, most desperate, most criminal class that were despised and blamed in England and Ireland. They hated them, couldn't wait to get rid of them, they were seen as being a separate race who were incapable of achieving or living like the other classes.

They actually won the lottery by deportation, those that survived the journey, because once they had done their term they stuck around and built a pretty decent society because their skills and labour was valued and needed, there was plenty of land to farm, they often rose to positions of influence and prosperity, yeah and a few were hard core and landed back in jail.

So if I visit a country and I see lots of poor, beggars, street urchins - I never think 'these people are too lazy and stupid to work' I think that this society has structural issues which means that part of their population suffer.



Sunday, August 24, 2014 11:08 PM


My answer to your post is the one word I have used over and over again to suggest what has to happen to change things here for the black community. The word you used to describe how it was done in your country that I have repeatedly used is, THEY. THEY need to build what THEY want just as THEY did it in your country. There is a lot of public assistance to help and much more would be forth coming if THEY did some simple things.


Monday, August 25, 2014 1:01 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

"For each answer, include a cite with statistics to validate your response."
Originally posted by THGRRI:

Yes or no moron means yes or no.

So you pick illiterate.

SAGAN: We are releasing vast quantities of carbon dioxide, increasing the greenhouse effect. It may not take much to destabilize the Earth's climate, to convert this heaven, our only home in the cosmos, into a kind of hell.


Monday, August 25, 2014 1:42 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

"The word you used to describe how it was done in your country that I have repeatedly used is, THEY ..."

were able to accomplish much since since THEY were freed of the repressive larger society that kept them poor.

SAGAN: We are releasing vast quantities of carbon dioxide, increasing the greenhouse effect. It may not take much to destabilize the Earth's climate, to convert this heaven, our only home in the cosmos, into a kind of hell.


Monday, August 25, 2014 2:04 AM



Originally posted by THGRRI:
My answer to your post is the one word I have used over and over again to suggest what has to happen to change things here for the black community. The word you used to describe how it was done in your country that I have repeatedly used is, THEY. THEY need to build what THEY want just as THEY did it in your country. There is a lot of public assistance to help and much more would be forth coming if THEY did some simple things.

well done with the not understanding anything I wrote and in fact taking the exact opposite meaning

THEY were powerless to create change in one country under one kind of class/social structure yet the same THEY managed to do well in another place with a different social structure.

Systems matter. They can promote opportunity for all people of different social standing or they can entrench class structures and division.

I know in the US its more common to talk about race than class, but in this instance the two are pretty much the same. The difference is that with 'race' people such as yourself can identify characteristics of a group and make judgements about that group. ie Black people are lazy, they dont help themselves, they take government handouts. As if these features were to do with skin colour???? Weird. Your logic is deeply, deeply filled with prejudice.


Monday, August 25, 2014 4:02 AM


Yes, witnesses can and do get it wrong, or worse, lie.
But in this case 4 witnesses lying is highly unlikely, all did not know each other and all four witnessed pretty much the same thing, with very few differences.

One woman who was driving directly behind the officer's cruiser, saw the whole thing. She witnessed the struggle between Brown and Wilson at the beginning of the incident. Her story was generally the same as others saying Brown ran away from the officer, who got out and immediately began shooting.

Kind of hard to attack when you're running away, unless you know of some new fangled strategy whereby you dazzle your "victim" by running into him backwards. I know, the element of surprise, you run into him with your butt.

Fact: Brown's body was found some 35 feet away from the vehicle.

By the way, the eye socket, you think that a human being could fracture someone's eye socket with his hands? Look who I'm asking.......of course, you do. Then where is the doctor's report? What hospital did he report to for medical assistance? Let me guess, it wasn't so bad, so he went home to heal.

Can you believe a hero cop, such as our true American Darren Wilson, so afraid to show his face in public, even though he saved the world from a savage like Mike Brown. What is this country coming to when a hero cop, who braved a facial pummeling from a desperate criminal who jaywalked and pilfered a box of cigarillos, can't go on the morning show circuit because he's so afraid of................exactly what is he afraid of? He's a hero!

Yes sir! It is a bit misleading, everyone knows that unarmed black teens is a misnomer. They always walk around with their "gats" at the ready, and are always in search of white folks to shoot, stab and maim. Don't be fooled, they always are packing, even when the evidence determines they weren't. It's time people knew the truth, they have magical powers that makes the weapon disappear. Cops knew about this little-known fact, but were withholding the truth so as not to cause a panic. But, you heard it here first!

Fact: The autopsy was inconclusive. According to the medical examiner, the wound to the hand and wrist could have entered the body from behind, but they could not definitively make that determination.


Originally posted by AURaptor:
Fact: Witnesses can get it wrong, or worse, lie.

Fact: * Fifty-one officers were killed when their department-issued firearms or another officer’s gun were turned against them. So all this banter about cops shooting " unarmed teenagers " is a bit misleading. If Officer Wilson had been injured from a blow by Brown, and Brown was coming back again towards the officer, it may be a legitimate use of force the officer used for self defense.

Fact: Autopsy hired by the Brown family themselves shows no gun wounds in the back.

We'll find out soon enough what, if any injuries Officer Wilson sustained.

Yes, that's something I would like to see. A doctor's report and x-rays of his eye socket. Various reports by news outlets indicate that Wilson, our hero, was treated with a swollen face, but that the x-rays came back negative for any serious injury.

Where's ANY evidence that Brown was in the fetal position?

4 witnesses, although it is hearsay. Much like your eye socket stories, since there's no proof of any serious injury to our HERO cop.



Monday, August 25, 2014 4:12 AM


Well put Frem.



Originally posted by FREMDFIRMA:

Originally posted by THGRRI:
Why are there so few black police officers working in predominantly black communities across the country? Most here think it is because whites refuse them the opportunity. I think it has more to do with the job requiring two years of college. Why are there are so few blacks in Ferguson holding public office representing their communitie since blacks represent 67 percent of Fergusons population? Well if no one runs or only 6% of eligible black voters show up at the polls, of course the white guy is going to win.

Most of the bullshit posted here is nothing but a typical distraction. That this is all about whites hating blacks. Then there are those who push back with the same rhetoric of the past. None of which helps to move the discussion to where it needs to go.

Come on Frem, you need to up your game since you understand the streets so well. Why Frem does this always happen and what can be done about it? Please don't just say the politically correct thing like jobs. The ones who need the most help are not capable of showing up each day and taking direction from authority figures. No jobs does not get to the root of the problem and business owners certainly do not want to invest there. These people are raising the next generation of victims as we speak.

Surprised no one else has made the connection.
It's already been posted in this thread, statistical evidence that the police and courts of the region engage in en-masse shakedown and harrassment of the black community, which means by the time they hit their late teens most of em have a record, not cause of anything they do different but because you throw ENOUGH shit at someone over time some is gonna stick - hell the average american commits three felonies a day.

Three Felonies A Day: How the Feds Target the Innocent

And of course, BECAUSE of that record they're then blocked from a lot of jobs, AND from the kinds of assistance which could make up the lack, leaving them but one option to survive, which almost inevitably results in an eventual Felony conviction, with me so far ?

Well yanno what that means - IT MEANS THEY CAN NOT VOTE.
Which is the ENTIRE FUCKING POINT of this lameass bullshit, to disenfranchise them (also depriving them of the right to bear arms, further crushing potential resistance) so that the fuckers in power around there REMAIN in power.

But of course such inconvenient facts are ignored in the rush to blame the victims of such policies lest we be forced to admit culpability in a broken system which feeds on those helpless against it.
Nobody wants to talk about how those petty bullshit arrests for loitering or whatnot balloon when some poor bastard can't pay the fines, how that cripples their employment prospects even if anybody WAS hiring, leaving many with quite literally no choice BUT to play the cards they been dealt and turn to crime, a self-fulfilling prophecy often as not started by nothing more than some cop wanting to fuck with a teenager for no better reason than what color they are.

Awful hard for people to better themselves when so many of em get slapped with the forever mark of doom before they ever have a chance to.



Monday, August 25, 2014 4:21 AM


During one night of the protests, it was caught on video, a cop from one of the surrounding counties was pointing his long gun at a peaceful protester.
He was summarily removed from the scene by a supervising chief. Plus all the journalists that were harassed and arrested for merely filming the festivities.

The Third Reich would have been proud. What pisses me off most is when people, T-Party folks, talk shit about the Federal government coming to get you, and all along it's these fuckers in the little towns who fuck the people and the country's principles of freedom. And poor fuckers like Rappy and JSF don't realize that pretty soon they'll be asked to bend over and grab their ankles. And it will be the high hard boot in the ass.

Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose.



Originally posted by FREMDFIRMA:

Horse shit, you are denying the obvious, the statistics have been presented, the facts have been laid out, and you ignore every goddamn bit of it to go on blaming the victims, this so-called-culture which is just a lameass excuse to turn a blind eye.

Tell me, how many cops have so far been suspended for the nasty shit they're willing to do in public, on camera, just in this mess alone, four, five ?
Just imagine the crap they pull when no ones looking.
Not to mention that every single measure that's been brought to the table which would improve accountability they've fought tooth and nail, that smacks of premeditation, and you wanna talk "culture", how bout the thin blue line and resultant culture of corruption ?
And here's a handy little fact for you.

Darren Wilson’s former police force was disbanded for excessive force and corruption

The department also endured a corruption scandal. In 2011, city council members voted 6-1 to shut down the force and start over, bringing in a new set of officers. Everyone was let go, including Wilson, but he soon found a job at the Ferguson police department, where he has been since.

This is a known phenomenon, one also remaining unaddressed by any potential reforms.

In law enforcement, the phrase gypsy cop is law enforcement slang for a nomadic or itinerant lawman, a peace officer who floats from department to department regardless of, or because of, misconduct or poor job performance.

So even firing the bastards, hard as it is to do, and rare that it happens, still accomplishes little cause they just move on to the next department over and lather, rinse, repeat.

As to "why it is the way it is", the answer to that is simple.
Fuckheads like YOU cockblocking any useful discussion or implementation of the reforms necessary to reign in these badge bearing psychopaths, because they're so fucking intent to blame people of color for being harrassed that it escapes them completely that the harrassment *IS* the problem.

Oh, and in regards to your ridiculous assertion that the whole three-felonies-a-day is bunk ?
Tell me, are you on a broadband connection right now, hrm ?
Are you perhaps, connecting to the internet at ANY speed in excess of 28,800bps ?
Bang, one Felony.

Can your phone speed dial ?
(As example, and yes people can and have been prosecuted for this, See Also: Bernie S)

Bang, two Felonies.

And in reference to the above statue, or related one in your state...
Do you own a Television or PC ?
Bang, three Felonies.

Just cause they don't PROSECUTE em unless they wanna fuck with you, don't mean that they ain't there.



Monday, August 25, 2014 9:04 AM



Originally posted by Magonsdaughter:

Originally posted by THGRRI:
My answer to your post is the one word I have used over and over again to suggest what has to happen to change things here for the black community. The word you used to describe how it was done in your country that I have repeatedly used is, THEY. THEY need to build what THEY want just as THEY did it in your country. There is a lot of public assistance to help and much more would be forth coming if THEY did some simple things.

well done with the not understanding anything I wrote and in fact taking the exact opposite meaning

THEY were powerless to create change in one country under one kind of class/social structure yet the same THEY managed to do well in another place with a different social structure.

Systems matter. They can promote opportunity for all people of different social standing or they can entrench class structures and division.

I know in the US its more common to talk about race than class, but in this instance the two are pretty much the same. The difference is that with 'race' people such as yourself can identify characteristics of a group and make judgements about that group. ie Black people are lazy, they dont help themselves, they take government handouts. As if these features were to do with skin colour???? Weird. Your logic is deeply, deeply filled with prejudice.

I see what you are saying but I have a question. What is the difference between your style government and England's? Also, how are the aborigines doing? They must all be successful business owners by now? They make up what, 3% of your population. Are 3% of your government officials Aborigines? Do they have equal representation within the government or did they start their own?

Try and look at it that way. They have to want it and they have to join in, not try and put a square peg(their culture)into a round hole(society). If it does not fit then you have to make adjustments. If you demand society change it is going to be a long cold winter.

Blacks make up 13% of our population and over 60% are illiterate. Many of those who did receive a high school education read on a 5th grade reading level, some lower than that. It has nothing to do with society in a direct way and everything to do with a lack of engagement on their part. It is a mental health issue. As your aborigines practice violence in Australia, blacks practice it here. Local cops get tired of living under that threat, along with the lack of civility that exists within the black communities they police. It effects and frustrates them causing friction. It is not our government or our society that is holding them down, it is there behavior, anger and antisocial tendencies. Why would someone wish to open a business within a neighborhood that functions at this level?

72 Shot in Chicago in Wave of Holiday Weekend Violence


Monday, August 25, 2014 11:30 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by THGRRI:
It is not our government or our society that is holding them down, it is there behavior, anger and antisocial tendencies. Why would someone wish to open a business within a neighborhood that functions at this level?

Ta-Nehisi Coates, national correspondent for The Atlantic, addresses the issues raised in his article "The Case for Reparations," detailing the history of slavery in America and arguing that the resulting and persisting social, economic and political injustices, especially in housing, should be addressed through government reparations.


Monday, August 25, 2014 2:45 PM


Yes two they have been screaming for this for a long time, then what?


Monday, August 25, 2014 3:07 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by THGRRI:
Yes two they have been screaming for this for a long time, then what?

Didn't read the article about reparations, did you? If you got to part X: “There Will Be No ‘Reparations’ From Germany” you are provided a road map for how a great civilization might make itself worthy of the adjective great. Or, looked at another way, how to solve a problem in this century that the USA had for centuries. Whichever you prefer.

But some problems aren't problems at all worth solving unless they're your personal problem.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Monday, August 25, 2014 5:29 PM



Originally posted by THGRRI:

I see what you are saying but I have a question. What is the difference between your style government and England's?

yeah, so we're talking 18th and 19th century here. You have a world power with deeply entrenched class system, not to mention total contempt and blame for the underclasses (sound familiar) and a new colony both in need of labour, but with seemingly unlimited resources. It would appear to surprise you, but London didn't just uproot and land on the Sydney harbour. I wont go on about the history of our nation, but we actually do have one separate from the UK, if you care to look it up one day.


Also, how are the aborigines doing? They must all be successful business owners by now? They make up what, 3% of your population. Are 3% of your government officials Aborigines? Do they have equal representation within the government or did they start their own?

Try and look at it that way. They have to want it and they have to join in, not try and put a square peg(their culture)into a round hole(society). If it does not fit then you have to make adjustments. If you demand society change it is going to be a long cold winter.

Listen, Rap, your ignorance is showing. Do you know anything of the history of the Aboriginal people, the opportunities weren't there for them. They were murdered, rounded up like cattle, their population decimated, their children stolen . They weren't even considered PEOPLE for fucking crying out loud but part of flora and fauna, not given the vote until 1967, still struggling to take back land that was stolen from them. So your ignorant views that they they are not doing so well because of their SKIN colour, is once again, a sign of your deep prejudice against people who have dark skin.


Blacks make up 13% of our population and over 60% are illiterate. Many of those who did receive a high school education read on a 5th grade reading level, some lower than that. It has nothing to do with society in a direct way and everything to do with a lack of engagement on their part. It is a mental health issue. As your aborigines practice violence in Australia, blacks practice it here. Local cops get tired of living under that threat, along with the lack of civility that exists within the black communities they police. It effects and frustrates them causing friction. It is not our government or our society that is holding them down, it is there behavior, anger and antisocial tendencies. Why would someone wish to open a business within a neighborhood that functions at this level?

Yeah, this is you with your 'Blacks are inherently stupid and violent' narrative. This is prejudice at its worst.


Monday, August 25, 2014 7:28 PM


Has everybody been celebrating the glorious funeral presided over by Alby Sharpieton, who was able to fit this in before his next big fundraiser for ISIS (errr, I mean the American translation for ISIS, AKA CAIR, which funds ISIS)?

Praise Glory be!!
No instigator here, nossirree!


Tuesday, August 26, 2014 12:38 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
Has everybody been celebrating the glorious funeral presided over by Alby Sharpieton, who was able to fit this in before his next big fundraiser for ISIS (errr, I mean the American translation for ISIS, AKA CAIR, which funds ISIS)?

Praise Glory be!!
No instigator here, nossirree!

Are you being sarcastic? Or just ordinary slanderous? Right-wing radio host Laura Ingraham does says CAIR equals ISIS but she don't care what bull she says when she gets rolling on the radio.

(WASHINGTON, DC, 7/7/2104) -- The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the nation's largest Muslim civil rights and advocacy organization, today condemned as "un-Islamic and morally repugnant" violence and hostilities perpetrated by the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) and repudiated those who encourage Americans to join that and other extremist groups. --


Tuesday, August 26, 2014 12:06 PM



I am talking about what needs to be done today. You seem to think you can do what you point out to a population with little consequence to the mental health of the population. What is going on in the black community is a direct result of 400 years of oppression. Yes we are a world class power but as you see, so far we have been powerless to effect change. We have a damaged community whose advancement depends on some form of change from within. More and more, black community leaders are realizing without those necessary changes things are destined to remain the same.

You talk about the Aboriginal people as though they suffered in a way that was different from the way the black community has suffered here. The list of grievances you point to match verbatim what happened to blacks in this country and others. The one difference being African Americans were brought here from abroad. How that affected Africans is a subject for another thread. You talk about Aborigines not getting the right to vote untill 1967. Here the Civil Rights Act was enacted in 1964. It was in 1963 that Martin Luther King gave his, I have a dream speech. I remember vividly the fire hoses, police batons and dogs that were unleashed on the terrified and peaceful protesters of that era.

Civil Rights Act of 1964:

We hear of the oppression of blacks continuing on to this day. The underlying current is whites do this because they hate blacks. Or because they are so indifferent they see blacks as less than anything important. It is that belief that that restricts blacks assenting into the mainstream. We refuse to speak of the obvious hatred of whites that feeds this self-regulated path of despair and idleness. This hatred that feeds their desire to forgo any path to success they perceive to be the way of the whites. School is not cool. Or by adopting a culture that creates no distinction between the culture of jail, and their culture in general for much of the communities population. The point is no longer what got them here, but instead how does change come about?

The logic behind whites not being affected negatively by the isolation of blacks within failed communities is foolish. Every time a white person makes a mistake everyone suffers and we all get blamed. Instead of contributing into the economy they drain it. This in not what society in general wishes. It is not how I want this country to move forward. I welcome the idea of investing into the future of these communities. They in turn need to start realizing how hard others work to get what they have and how they need to follow suite. I am not denying the special burdens they have to overcome. Yet they need to understand there are very few born with the good life handed to them.

We all come from societies that reinvent themselves to adapt to what the future will demand. For the first time in our history parents do not believe their children will do better or even as good as they did. The next generation of all cultures need to navigate this and chart their course forward. The black community is no different. To see them as incapable is to see them as less than the sum of a whole, and that is what it is to be a bigot.


Tuesday, August 26, 2014 2:48 PM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by THGRRI:
Yes two they have been screaming for this for a long time, then what?

Didn't read the article about reparations, did you? If you got to part X: “There Will Be No ‘Reparations’ From Germany” you are provided a road map for how a great civilization might make itself worthy of the adjective great. Or, looked at another way, how to solve a problem in this century that the USA had for centuries. Whichever you prefer.

But some problems aren't problems at all worth solving unless they're your personal problem.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

No but I did watch the video, all of it. It is very enlightening and I learned a lot. The case he lays out for reparations still changes nothing. By his standards reparations are due to every culture throughout history in one way or another. China can say this providence used to be a part of china so we demand reparations. Parts of china can declare the same and demand their own. England would be paying off reparations to most of the world including this country for the rest of its fore seeable future, and Russia is hiding behind its former ties to the Ukraine to do a land grab today. How about the American Indian? How about reparations for all the deaths the Spaniards caused by bringing the pox to South America? About 20 million I think. About the same number as American Indians killed by it in this country.

I see the case he made as showing two things that I will address because all the lessons taken from watching this man speak are to numerous to go into. One is that what he presents is his take on the history of this country that he now documents along with many others who have done so before him. It is an understanding of our past I do not disagree with. The second thing is that he is suggesting to the African American community to wait for that check. It is my opinion that, that lesson has been learned and he need not repeat it. Deserved or not the check is not coming. This is the mindset that feeds into the biases separating the two cultures. It is a reoccurring suggestion to the African American community that they are owed something and keeps them emotionally reliving things a time long past.


Tuesday, August 26, 2014 7:35 PM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
Has everybody been celebrating the glorious funeral presided over by Alby Sharpieton, who was able to fit this in before his next big fundraiser for ISIS (errr, I mean the American translation for ISIS, AKA CAIR, which funds ISIS)?

Praise Glory be!!
No instigator here, nossirree!

Are you being sarcastic? Or just ordinary slanderous? Right-wing radio host Laura Ingraham does says CAIR equals ISIS but she don't care what bull she says when she gets rolling on the radio.

(WASHINGTON, DC, 7/7/2104) -- The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the nation's largest Muslim civil rights and advocacy organization, today condemned as "un-Islamic and morally repugnant" violence and hostilities perpetrated by the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) and repudiated those who encourage Americans to join that and other extremist groups. --

I have heard of her, don't think I have heard her.
Not being sarcastic.
Do you believe everything your leader drones tell you to believe?
Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.


Tuesday, August 26, 2014 11:20 PM


Frankly, THGRRI, I am having a hard time working out what you are on about.

Let's have a look at what you say.


Originally posted by THGRRI:

I am talking about what needs to be done today. You seem to think you can do what you point out to a population with little consequence to the mental health of the population.

Yeah, this doesn't even make sense as a cohesive thought. Could you try again?


What is going on in the black community is a direct result of 400 years of oppression. Yes we are a world class power but as you see, so far we have been powerless to effect change. We have a damaged community whose advancement depends on some form of change from within. More and more, black community leaders are realizing without those necessary changes things are destined to remain the same.

Well we might almost be in agreement. Yes, about the 400 years of oppression and kudos to the leaders within the community who try to bring about change. I'd add that change needs to come from both within, and clearly it does happen - ahem *blackpresident* ahem, but also within the broader society. You have spent an awful lot of words demanding that black communities make changes, but you haven't considered what societal structures and forces might contribute to keeping a people oppressed. For example, why so few black coppers? Surely it would be in the interest of the police force to recruit within racial and ethnic communities if those communities are most likely to be involved with the police force. And if some part of the recruitment process discourages them from applying, then change that part. That's just one example. The other one is about past conviction and voting. That's just plain wrong. You should be able to vote in jail, for crying out loud. It's a democracy. All people. All circumstances.


You talk about the Aboriginal people as though they suffered in a way that was different from the way the black community has suffered here. The list of grievances you point to match verbatim what happened to blacks in this country and others. The one difference being African Americans were brought here from abroad. How that affected Africans is a subject for another thread. You talk about Aborigines not getting the right to vote untill 1967. Here the Civil Rights Act was enacted in 1964. It was in 1963 that Martin Luther King gave his, I have a dream speech. I remember vividly the fire hoses, police batons and dogs that were unleashed on the terrified and peaceful protesters of that era.

Frankly, you are just hallucinating that I said any such thing. You brought up Aborignial people and I quote " As your aborigines practice violence in Australia, blacks practice it here. " as if they were learning the violin.

Aboriginals practice violence? There is violence in lots of communities in Australia, mostly where there are groups of people living in poverty, and who also suffer mental illness, family breakdown and alcohol and drug problems. Some areas where there are lots of Aboriginals, also have these sort of problems, but it is a fallacy to say all Aboriginals (or African Americans) 'practice' violence.

We hear of the oppression of blacks continuing on to this day. The underlying current is whites do this because they hate blacks. Or because they are so indifferent they see blacks as less than anything important. It is that belief that that restricts blacks assenting into the mainstream. We refuse to speak of the obvious hatred of whites that feeds this self-regulated path of despair and idleness. This hatred that feeds their desire to forgo any path to success they perceive to be the way of the whites. School is not cool. Or by adopting a culture that creates no distinction between the culture of jail, and their culture in general for much of the communities population. The point is no longer what got them here, but instead how does change come about?

Again that there are a lot of African Americans who hold positions of power in the US, and I would think that there are a lot of wealthy African Americans, but there also seems to be a higher percentage of African Americans in prison and below the poverty line.

Often inequity exists in society, not because of a raging hatred of a group by the ruling classes, but because the system contains lots of subtle and sometimes not so subtle means of keeping people 'in their place'. For some people, 'in their place' means wealthy and privledged. It is in those people's best interest to keep the current system in place and resist changes, except ones that will positively affect them. They often justify their place by perpetrating beliefs that their wealth and privilege was earned and justified, and the flip side of the argument is that poor people and poor and disenfranchised because they do not help themselves. This argument, which you have made constantly, reinforces the right of the privileged to keep their wealth and privilege because they 'deserve' it whereas poor folks as you Americans call them, deserve their status.


Wednesday, August 27, 2014 7:50 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Yes, witnesses can and do get it wrong, or worse, lie.
But in this case 4 witnesses lying is highly unlikely, all did not know each other and all four witnessed pretty much the same thing, with very few differences.

One woman who was driving directly behind the officer's cruiser, saw the whole thing. She witnessed the struggle between Brown and Wilson at the beginning of the incident. Her story was generally the same as others saying Brown ran away from the officer, who got out and immediately began shooting.

Kind of hard to attack when you're running away, unless you know of some new fangled strategy whereby you dazzle your "victim" by running into him backwards. I know, the element of surprise, you run into him with your butt.

Fact: Brown's body was found some 35 feet away from the vehicle.

Cop pulls up next to suspect, words are exchanged, struggle ensues, suspect reaches in to assault the officer ( possibly reach for his gun) , gun goes off, suspect runs, officer gets out of the car to pursue, suspect turns at him and rushes at officer. Very likely to have happened in that manner.


By the way, the eye socket, you think that a human being could fracture someone's eye socket with his hands? Look who I'm asking.......of course, you do. Then where is the doctor's report? What hospital did he report to for medical assistance? Let me guess, it wasn't so bad, so he went home to heal.

You're interjecting views I never suggested on this matter now. First of all, there are several ways a person could give another person a broken eye socket. Yes, it would take a severe blow, at the right point, by a large individual, to cause such a injury. The suspect was 6'4", and over 300lbs , and likely striking down on the officer, who was still in his car. OR, it could be that the officer was attempting to get out, and the suspect grabbed the door, and tried to shove it closed, there by striking the officer in the temple, around the eye socket.

The news reports were that the eye socket was broken. Whether true or not, the officer was still struck in the head. That can't be dismissed. That's assaulting an officer.


Can you believe a hero cop, such as our true American Darren Wilson, so afraid to show his face in public, even though he saved the world from a savage like Mike Brown. What is this country coming to when a hero cop, who braved a facial pummeling from a desperate criminal who jaywalked and pilfered a box of cigarillos, can't go on the morning show circuit because he's so afraid of................exactly what is he afraid of? He's a hero!

When have I once suggested anyone here was a hero ? More fictional view points out of thin air.


Yes sir! It is a bit misleading, everyone knows that unarmed black teens is a misnomer. They always walk around with their "gats" at the ready, and are always in search of white folks to shoot, stab and maim. Don't be fooled, they always are packing, even when the evidence determines they weren't. It's time people knew the truth, they have magical powers that makes the weapon disappear. Cops knew about this little-known fact, but were withholding the truth so as not to cause a panic. But, you heard it here first!

Why even bother trying to converse w/ you when you're having such a fine time making up shit all on your own?


Wednesday, August 27, 2014 8:54 AM


Virtually every "fact" that the raptard has posted has been roundly debunked, save one: Darren Wilson killed an unarmed teenager.


Wednesday, August 27, 2014 9:16 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by ElvisChrist:

Virtually every "fact" that the raptard has posted has been roundly debunked.

Yet another lie from the troll.

The " official " narrative, as presented by the main stream media has gradually fallen completely apart.

The physical evidence is telling the real story.

Sad, tragic story, no matter what, but to personally attack me for what's been reported is the height of troll nonsense.


Wednesday, August 27, 2014 5:00 PM


Ah the shoe is on the other foot! Yes, I made up most of the shit you read to prove a point. Anyone could engage in hearsay, actually no one, not even the eyewitnesses, can give a full account as to what happened that day.

There are only 2 people who know the truth, and one of them is dead, the other is hiding. Please I don't want to hear about death threats; personally, I think it's all bullshit. So, what we do know was that there was a struggle, but we don't know why.

My theory is this: If Brown did reach for the gun inside the police cruiser (although it's beyond me why he would do that), then we need to consider was Wilson right or left-handed. Why is that important? Because, if he's right-handed then Brown would have to not only shove his considerable girth inside the driver side window of the cruiser, but he would have to reach across the steering wheel and Wilson's body, to then un-clip the holster and pull out the gun before Wilson could react to try and stop him. By the way, there is one way to determine if Brown actually touched the gun, DNA. Question is, was it collected into evidence?

Possible, but highly unlikely.

Wilson probably did attempt to exit the car and Brown most likely tried to keep him from doing so. Wilson parked the car and pursued on foot as Brown ran away. How do I know this without having been there? Because Brown's body was found some 30 feet from the police cruiser. Unless Wilson shot him at close range (which the Medical Examiner ruled out during his autopsy report), and then dragged his lifeless body away from the car. But that doesn't work because Brown's body, as you repeatedly remind me, was 6' 4" and 300 lbs. Of course, your theory is that Brown was charging at Wilson. I remember that. But what would possess a young teen to charge at an armed police officer?

Don't know the answer to that one, but it makes you think, doesn't it?

Oh, by the way, anyone calling me names or insulting me does not work because I don't give a flying fuck. This forum is for intelligent discussion and observation. But, if that's what floats you boat - have at it/



Originally posted by AURaptor:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Yes, witnesses can and do get it wrong, or worse, lie.
But in this case 4 witnesses lying is highly unlikely, all did not know each other and all four witnessed pretty much the same thing, with very few differences.

One woman who was driving directly behind the officer's cruiser, saw the whole thing. She witnessed the struggle between Brown and Wilson at the beginning of the incident. Her story was generally the same as others saying Brown ran away from the officer, who got out and immediately began shooting.

Kind of hard to attack when you're running away, unless you know of some new fangled strategy whereby you dazzle your "victim" by running into him backwards. I know, the element of surprise, you run into him with your butt.

Fact: Brown's body was found some 35 feet away from the vehicle.

Cop pulls up next to suspect, words are exchanged, struggle ensues, suspect reaches in to assault the officer ( possibly reach for his gun) , gun goes off, suspect runs, officer gets out of the car to pursue, suspect turns at him and rushes at officer. Very likely to have happened in that manner.


By the way, the eye socket, you think that a human being could fracture someone's eye socket with his hands? Look who I'm asking.......of course, you do. Then where is the doctor's report? What hospital did he report to for medical assistance? Let me guess, it wasn't so bad, so he went home to heal.

You're interjecting views I never suggested on this matter now. First of all, there are several ways a person could give another person a broken eye socket. Yes, it would take a severe blow, at the right point, by a large individual, to cause such a injury. The suspect was 6'4", and over 300lbs , and likely striking down on the officer, who was still in his car. OR, it could be that the officer was attempting to get out, and the suspect grabbed the door, and tried to shove it closed, there by striking the officer in the temple, around the eye socket.

The news reports were that the eye socket was broken. Whether true or not, the officer was still struck in the head. That can't be dismissed. That's assaulting an officer.


Can you believe a hero cop, such as our true American Darren Wilson, so afraid to show his face in public, even though he saved the world from a savage like Mike Brown. What is this country coming to when a hero cop, who braved a facial pummeling from a desperate criminal who jaywalked and pilfered a box of cigarillos, can't go on the morning show circuit because he's so afraid of................exactly what is he afraid of? He's a hero!

When have I once suggested anyone here was a hero ? More fictional view points out of thin air.


Yes sir! It is a bit misleading, everyone knows that unarmed black teens is a misnomer. They always walk around with their "gats" at the ready, and are always in search of white folks to shoot, stab and maim. Don't be fooled, they always are packing, even when the evidence determines they weren't. It's time people knew the truth, they have magical powers that makes the weapon disappear. Cops knew about this little-known fact, but were withholding the truth so as not to cause a panic. But, you heard it here first!

Why even bother trying to converse w/ you when you're having such a fine time making up shit all on your own?


Wednesday, August 27, 2014 6:38 PM


America loves a winner!

It's beyond me why a 6'4" 300 lb " kid " would shove a store clerk if the " kid " had indeed paid for the cigars in the first place. (As some here have suggested )

Why was the clerk trying to keep him from leaving ? Was he trying to sell the Gentle Giant incense oil ?


Please I don't want to hear about death threats; personally, I think it's all bullshit.

You're kidding, right ? There were mobs of folks who wanted to lynch the cop, and certainly would have, if given 1/2 a chance. Granted , most of the trouble makers weren't even residents of Ferguson, but to claim there weren't any death threats is to be naive, or worse.


Thursday, August 28, 2014 6:18 PM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Of course, your theory is that Brown was charging at Wilson. I remember that. But what would possess a young teen to charge at an armed police officer?

Don't know the answer to that one, but it makes you think, doesn't it?


Trevon Martin kept saying he tried killing armed citizens for fun. Haven't heard this moron Brown's excuse, but could it be far off?
Highly qualified to be another Darwin Award finalist.


Friday, August 29, 2014 5:05 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
Fact: Witnesses can get it wrong, or worse, lie.

Not sure I understand why you say this. Why would criminals ever choose to lie to the police? Shouldn't all witnesses who are criminals tell the truth about their crimes to police so they can be imprisoned as they deserve? It would seem juvenile and deceitful to lie about the crimes you are committing or have committed.
Perhaps you are saying that lying to police is a racial issue.


Friday, August 29, 2014 5:42 PM



Friday, August 29, 2014 6:28 PM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by oldenglanddry:
Hey Rappy, this guy is talking directly to you;


Let's see... the over use of " unarmed teen " which automatically implies that he's harmless and was doing absolutely nothing wrong.

Highly edited video, followed by biased and well crafted ' comedy ' which is posing as serious editorializing of a news story doesn't make Jon's point anywhere near valid.

" The actual facts of the case " Hey Jon, we DON'T HAVE all the facts, and you KNOW it ! And yet, you prattle on, raised voice and well rehearsed inflections suggest otherwise.

He then tries to paint over the fact that while some token gestures have been made w/ regards to black on black crime, nothing's been effective. So instead of actually TRYING to do more, why, just stir up some racial animosity in Ferguson, and put out the donation cup , while you're at it !!


Oh, and the world isn't getting hotter.

The heavily edited attack on Hannity , taking his remarks completely out of context, are a fine example of Jon Stewart's idiocy.

Michael Brown never raised his hands over his head. That's a lovely urban legend, being repeated as if it were Holy canon.

We have no idea whether this had 1 iota to do w/ race, what so ever.

And then Jon goes on to show completely irrelevant clips, out of context, so he can draw some phony parallel between what WHITE Americans bitch about, while BLACK Americans are being gunned down in the streets by over militarized cops.

Only, it's not actually happening. Save for the occasional maybe once a decade occurrence, most of the time, cops are doing a pretty good job at protecting the innocent from the truly criminal.

Jon paints a wholly false picture of this discussion.

If blacks can't get a cab, guess what ? It's not because of their skin color, it's because so many of them COMMIT CRIMES !!! Way out of proportion to the % of blacks who live in this country.

Yes, Jon. I AM tired of hearing about race and how it's the fault of WHITES in this country for how BLACKS are treated.

Sorry, oed, but your attempt to use a silly, inane Jon Stewart rant failed to some how shame me or wake me up to some eureka moment has failed.



Saturday, August 30, 2014 2:07 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

It's beyond me why a 6'4" 300 lb " kid " would shove a store clerk if the " kid " had indeed paid for the cigars in the first place.
because they were thrown on the floor rather than politely handed over.

SAGAN: We are releasing vast quantities of carbon dioxide, increasing the greenhouse effect. It may not take much to destabilize the Earth's climate, to convert this heaven, our only home in the cosmos, into a kind of hell.


Saturday, August 30, 2014 6:54 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:

Originally posted by oldenglanddry:
Hey Rappy, this guy is talking directly to you;


Let's see... the over use of " unarmed teen " which automatically implies that he's harmless and was doing absolutely nothing wrong.

Highly edited video, followed by biased and well crafted ' comedy ' which is posing as serious editorializing of a news story doesn't make Jon's point anywhere near valid.

" The actual facts of the case " Hey Jon, we DON'T HAVE all the facts, and you KNOW it ! And yet, you prattle on, raised voice and well rehearsed inflections suggest otherwise.

He then tries to paint over the fact that while some token gestures have been made w/ regards to black on black crime, nothing's been effective. So instead of actually TRYING to do more, why, just stir up some racial animosity in Ferguson, and put out the donation cup , while you're at it !!


Oh, and the world isn't getting hotter.

The heavily edited attack on Hannity , taking his remarks completely out of context, are a fine example of Jon Stewart's idiocy.

Michael Brown never raised his hands over his head. That's a lovely urban legend, being repeated as if it were Holy canon.

We have no idea whether this had 1 iota to do w/ race, what so ever.

And then Jon goes on to show completely irrelevant clips, out of context, so he can draw some phony parallel between what WHITE Americans bitch about, while BLACK Americans are being gunned down in the streets by over militarized cops.

Only, it's not actually happening. Save for the occasional maybe once a decade occurrence, most of the time, cops are doing a pretty good job at protecting the innocent from the truly criminal.

Jon paints a wholly false picture of this discussion.

If blacks can't get a cab, guess what ? It's not because of their skin color, it's because so many of them COMMIT CRIMES !!! Way out of proportion to the % of blacks who live in this country.

Yes, Jon. I AM tired of hearing about race and how it's the fault of WHITES in this country for how BLACKS are treated.

Sorry, oed, but your attempt to use a silly, inane Jon Stewart rant failed to some how shame me or wake me up to some eureka moment has failed.


I hope some of that was absorbed. I fear it all went over the head of your target.


Saturday, August 30, 2014 7:26 PM


America loves a winner!



Originally posted by 1kiki:

It's beyond me why a 6'4" 300 lb " kid " would shove a store clerk if the " kid " had indeed paid for the cigars in the first place.

because they were thrown on the floor rather than politely handed over.

The STOLEN cigars were 'thrown' on the ground ? Where do you see that in the video ? Who did the throwing, do you think ?

I see MB reaching over the counter, knocking the pack of cigars w/ his elbow, and them falling to the ground. MB then bends over , picking them up, and promptly walks out of the store. When the store owner tries to stop him, MB shoves him, and then comes at him.

What the hell do YOU see ?


Saturday, August 30, 2014 7:50 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

I'm sure you can link the video and give us the time stamp. Yanno, to prove to us all this isn't just another RapFact™.

Yeah. Like that'll ever happen ...

SAGAN: We are releasing vast quantities of carbon dioxide, increasing the greenhouse effect. It may not take much to destabilize the Earth's climate, to convert this heaven, our only home in the cosmos, into a kind of hell.


Saturday, August 30, 2014 9:29 PM


Keep the Shiny side up


Originally posted by AURaptor:
Let's see... the over use of " unarmed teen " which automatically implies that he's harmless and was doing absolutely nothing wrong.

I would note that in the 2011 FBI crime statistics (last ones I can find) 728 murders were committed with "Hands, fists, and feet". 1,659 murders were committed with "other weapons" (not firearms or knives).

"When your heart breaks, you choose what to fill the cracks with. Love or hate. But hate won't ever heal. Only love can do that."






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