This is a perfect example of why video games are MOSTLY a bad thing.

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Thursday, September 25, 2014 9:11 AM


And before anyone can start, yes for some people they are good thing. People that can't leave the house much, have physical or social issues...But for the most part, THIS is what I have seen time and again.

*copied from a Dear Abby response

Sounds like typical East TN dating... Woman works while the "man" and "his family" sit around all day... Can't count how many times since I have moved into the area that my daughter AFTER THE 1st DATE has heard let's move in together and we can quit our jobs...

Of course the "boy friend" wants to move into my home. I have come home from shopping more than once to find truckloads of junk on my lawn from these 1st date fools. The Sheriff tells me that it happens all the time, the woman works the man sits. I have had to get the Sheriff and court orders taken out on these ? @#%$ as they feel it is their right to break into my home since they have dated my daughter once. Can't wait until her home is completed then at least my home should be safe once again.

I have seen it DOZENS of times, both in real life and even in the chat room here. One girl supported one of these leaches for FOUR years. It would be different if they were at least cleaning or taking care of kids, but mostly they just play n' pot. They should totally come with a warning label like cigarettes.

"Warning: if you play these video games too much you could look in the mirror at 40 and be broke and useless with varying degrees of rust on certain body parts"


Thursday, September 25, 2014 2:46 PM


I don't see how it really has anything to do with video games. Sounds like a lazy guy, and a woman who enables it. If it weren't video games, itd be football or something else.

Saying it's all because of video games is kinda silly, I feel.

“Anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.'”? Isaac Asimov


Thursday, September 25, 2014 6:10 PM



Originally posted by Storymark:

Saying it's all because of video games is kinda silly, I feel.

But at the end of the day, it IS video games that are causing it. They ARE addictive to many people- esp. with OCD and ADD and ADHD, and those disorders are suffered by men far more than women. It's like when Coke actually had cocaine in it, or tons of caffeine in a Red Bull, or nicotine in cigs. Pandering to people with little resistance is a dirty move, but no one seems willing to admit it.


Thursday, September 25, 2014 6:14 PM


^ What Story said. ... Dumb thread title.
I knew plenty of these guys before the Internet, before the home computer.
Read some O'Henry or Dickens. You'll find 'em there, too.

... oooOO}{OOooo ...

Part of being smart is knowing what you're dumb at.


Thursday, September 25, 2014 6:18 PM


America loves a winner!

Not about video games, but about dead beats and slackers.

I've known some real winners [/sarcasm] who met via computer games, and literally moved 1/2 across the country to 'shack up' with each other, only to call it quits in a few short weeks or months.


Thursday, September 25, 2014 6:29 PM


Silly seems right.

I see that exact thing lots in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan (Yoopers). Mostly has to do with their hosed up laws on marriage, bastard kids, welfare abuse, etc.

Their culture has learned to encourage it - the new lady just hasn't gotten the hang of it yet.


Thursday, September 25, 2014 7:12 PM


100% that person's daughters boyfriends also dated her daughter. Maybe the daughter was the problem? I bet they all drank water too... Could it be that?

Blaming videogames for this is just being out of touch. They are not above criticism, but like others said before me, it's silly to claim they're mostly a bad thing because of the reasons given.


Thursday, September 25, 2014 11:43 PM


OK, so we put out all these PSA about women who can be rocket scientists if they really want to and "if you weren't in this position nine months ago you wouldn't be in it now", but you all are against warning young boys that video games are highly addictive and can be a detriment to themselves and the people around them?

Pretty sexist.


Friday, September 26, 2014 9:06 AM


Just FYI, I know a couple boys here that have over 200 video games in their houses and not ONE book.

You tell me that isn't a problem?


Friday, September 26, 2014 2:59 PM


Your thinking that they need warnings for young boys specifically, and that it is making lazy men is sexist.
As many women play videogames as men. Most people who play videogames are fine. Some lazy people also do it. Lazy people also watch movies and TV.

Your posts just seem like those of a person who isn't keeping up. Like the people who claimed rock music would corrupt the youth back when it was getting started. It didn't.

While half the people who play videogames are women, they're terribly underrepresented in the medium and industry behind it. That is sexist, but it is slowly getting better. Videogames still have problems and I won't deny that, I just don't believe you gave any perfect examples to support your claim.


Friday, September 26, 2014 3:10 PM



Originally posted by Wishimay:

Originally posted by Storymark:

Saying it's all because of video games is kinda silly, I feel.

But at the end of the day, it IS video games that are causing it. They ARE addictive to many people- esp. with OCD and ADD and ADHD, and those disorders are suffered by men far more than women. It's like when Coke actually had cocaine in it, or tons of caffeine in a Red Bull, or nicotine in cigs. Pandering to people with little resistance is a dirty move, but no one seems willing to admit it.

They're not causing it. Those people would have found something else to fixate on, that's human nature, not magic coming from the teevee.

You just come off like you're looking for a way to rationalize your dislike.

“Anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.'”? Isaac Asimov


Friday, September 26, 2014 3:13 PM



Originally posted by NAVYSEILS:
Your thinking that they need warnings for young boys specifically, and that it is making lazy men is sexist.
As many women play videogames as men. Most people who play videogames are fine. Some lazy people also do it. Lazy people also watch movies and TV.

Your posts just seem like those of a person who isn't keeping up. Like the people who claimed rock music would corrupt the youth back when it was getting started. It didn't.

While half the people who play videogames are women, they're terribly underrepresented in the medium and industry behind it. That is sexist, but it is slowly getting better. Videogames still have problems and I won't deny that, I just don't believe you gave any perfect examples to support your claim.

Well said, on all points.

“Anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.'”? Isaac Asimov


Friday, September 26, 2014 9:09 PM


I consider video games to be just one of my many downfalls.....

I feel I'm justified. I'm not leaching off of anyone.

I have a girl at work who's trying really hard to make me her guy. I don't feel I'm leading her on. I enjoy her company, and I know it's driving her crazy that we haven't become more than friends yet.

She's got two kids though, and I know me. I'm at my best when I'm at work. Outside of work is spotty at best.

I don't want kids, and I don't want to have to listen to somebody else complain about their issues all day long.

I'm happy to offer her a safe place to hang out and relax and enjoy a few hours away from her hectic life once a week or so, but that's all this is.

She calls me at least 3 times a day now. She's a great girl, but the clingyness is reminding me of why I've been single and not looking for so long.

At the end of any given day, I'd rather be playing video games than raising kids or playing the good husband.

It is what it is...

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, September 26, 2014 11:21 PM



Originally posted by NAVYSEILS:

While half the people who play videogames are women, they're terribly underrepresented in the medium and industry behind it. That is sexist, but it is slowly getting better.

I've never met a woman so addicted she didn't have a job. I've never met a woman who couldn't do ANYTHING but play. I HAVE seen many, many articles about guys who play until they literally DIE doing it. Yes, many women play, but it's MEN that get addicted.

I doubt there is a stat that even exists on this, or I could give you the numbers you all crave. What I do have IS WHAT I SEE. Sometimes it IS better than the numbers.


Saturday, September 27, 2014 5:00 AM


Your observations on local kids and a few articles of fringe cases where people die (which have included women, both dying themselves and leaving children to die of neglect) do not make good evidence to support the claim. The articles also aim to make a good story, we probably don't have all the info.
These are a small part of a huge industry. It's bigger than Hollywood. These people would have got addicted to something else.

Changing the way videogames are made/sold/marketed off of the back of this would appear more like pandering to the minority in my opinion. I doubt you'll be swayed in your opinion, but everything I see suggests videogames are not the great evil you make them out to be.


Saturday, September 27, 2014 6:29 AM


Cart before the Horse.
Wish says some (esp. men & boys) have become useless because of video games.
I call this escapism. A very common human indulgence, its roots in antiquity.
People don't escape because video games exist. Video games exist because
people want to escape.

... oooOO}{OOooo ...

Part of being smart is knowing what you're dumb at.


Saturday, September 27, 2014 10:59 AM



Originally posted by NAVYSEILS:
(which have included women, both dying themselves and leaving children to die of neglect)

These people would have got addicted to something else..

Exception that proves the rule!

And it's OK to ignore the problem, because they would be nuts anyway? So you can just write off whole populations of kids so you can rationalize YOUR addiction as being OK? That's what I'm getting here. Don't say it's bad because I don't want to think what I do may not be so ethical. How many people DID you virtually kill today? I don't know how we got to the point as a society where pretending to kill people for hours on end is a GOOD thing...

Hands up, how many people here ARE gaming addicted? How many of you would have withdrawal if it were taken away?


Saturday, September 27, 2014 11:13 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Just as a totally unscientific comment...

I work in a lab with very well-educated, hardworking people, many of whom have teenage or slightly older children, and the lack of motivation in the boys is remarkable. They spend all day, literally, playing video games while their sisters or female cohorts are out playing soccer, winning scholarships for trips to Spain and South America or university placement, life-guarding or holding other responsible jobs while saving up for college. It's universal. There are six young woman and six young men in question, and it's like they're different species. I can't explain it, but it's very noticeable.

And it's not like "the dads" are uninvolved... one coaches soccer (including parallel coaching with his kids' teams), one was a Boy Scout leader until his boys made it past Eagle Scout, one works with his boys on homework and athletics. But once the parents are done pushing their boys, they veer straight back into videogames!

But I think it's more than that- this younger generation is general seems to feel "entitled". They spend a crap-ton of time on FB and Twitter, take selfies as if their lives didn't happen unless they didn't "share" it in some way.

I think electronics in general should be banned from children younger than eight, and strictly limited until 12. Kids need to experience life, in all of it's multi-sensorial complexity. They need time to get bored and then time to exercise their imaginations. They need to talk to others in real life, not be plugged into this sensorially -limited rapid-fire nonstop entertainment.

But that's just me, I'm a curmudgeon.

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Saturday, September 27, 2014 1:02 PM


Wishi: we don't demonize peanuts because some people have allergies. So yes, it is OK to ignore them with regards to the games. They need to be dealt with some other way.

What I'm getting here is "middle age person doesn't understand these kids today".

I wouldn't say I have an addiction I'm trying to rationalise. I play videogames. It's my favourite form of entertainment. I also have a degree and a good job and a perfectly normal social life that involves neither leeching from a girlfriend nor harming of others cause the big bad games made me do it. MOST people who play videogames will likely be the same. More are like me than like these examples you bring up.

I know many people my age and older who have had a lot of exposure to games. They're normal.

EDIT: maybe I got too on the defensive there. But I play many games and my experience and that of the many people I know who play games does not reflect your views. You notice the horror stories, because the people who play games and don't go wrong... They go unnoticed. You probably see loads of perfectly functional people who play games and you don't realise it.
But I'm not trying to say there are no problems. Like I said, the sexisim thing is kind of a big deal. I've saw that and my female friends have experienced it. That needs addressed. I just dont see your examples being a big problem, and I'll bet that I have more exposure to it than you do. I will admit that my position is not unbiased though.


Saturday, September 27, 2014 1:55 PM


America loves a winner!

6IX - stayin in and playing games has to be a far better choice for you than gettin' loaded and driving somewhere.

Not saying YOU do that, but as a general rule, harder to get into trouble if you're in your own castle.


Sunday, September 28, 2014 4:38 PM


rezident owtsidr

I know its mostly a guy thing. Its bekuz the video gamez fulfil sum uv our basic hardwired motivationz.

A man haz to hav theze elements in hiz life to be complete:

1. A wepon.
2. A vehicle
3. A woman
4. An adventure in wich he iz the hero.

Video gamez provide sum or all uv theze thingz better than any other media. And in a crowded world in wich not every man gets to be #1, they are providing an essential servis.

Keep in mind that this iz just a jeneralization. It duznt apply to everybody and every situation.

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early


Sunday, September 28, 2014 10:57 PM



Originally posted by JO753:
... they are providing an essential servis.

They ARE providing a service, AND they are taking over people's LIVES. I speak from experience here. My husband IS addicted. He will always BE addicted. He would sit there and play until he died. He would completely ignore his kid, his job, his health. For something that ISN'T REAL. It stimulates the reward center of his brain just like a drug. The problem? His family encourages gaming addiction. Every time I get them out of the house they "feel sorry for him" and buy him another. He has NO resistance. It's the way he is wired. He knows what it does to his marriage(which is actually what they want AND he knows it), he knows he neglects his kid and his home AND HE LITERALLY CANNOT STOP PLAYING. So when I say that these companies are preying on people I have first hand experience...........!

Playing also makes him hyper-aggressive and when he gets that way I CANNOT turn it off and he CANNOT be reasoned with. Which is another thing- let's talk about all the guys who stomped their GF's kids to DEATH because they interrupted a valuable gaming "service" No??? Lives lost?? Means NOTHING anymore right?

Also, if you wanna know, I've always thought that gaming devices companies are owned by the governments. What better way to take your subjects money, keep them controlled and complacent? And it does seem to me we spend waaaaaay more than we take in these days....

But hey, rationalize it all away people. Why not. I hate people and you all really aren't in a position to care about MY problems, so what does it matter anyway... Go back to your flashy beepy screens, something fake in a fake world needs stompin'. Go tell someone else who is addicted about your "conquests." I'm sure stories will be told of your "bravery" long after you're gone...Right?



Sunday, September 28, 2014 11:57 PM



Monday, September 29, 2014 1:25 AM


I dont know about MOSTLY bad. Video games can be educational, social, and improve a range of cognitive skills. But context is everything.

Anything that is pleasurable can be addictive if people don't check their behaviour.

Small children exposed to too much violence through video games, I reckon its doing their brain some damage. Limited exposure to non violent games and computer resources probably okay, but I agree with Signy to a degree is that children should be encouraged to learn through active play, you know outside with sticks and dirt and stuff. And I suppose whether that is possible depends on the environment you live in, whether its safe, whether there are outdoor play areas for kids. I'm pretty lucky where I live.

As for adults, some people are just pretty hopeless, if it's not endless video games, its endless pornography, or drinking, or drug taking, or watching sport all day. I dont know whether you can always blame the object for the behaviour.

So you know, all things in moderation. Look to your own behaviour rather than making excuses.


Monday, September 29, 2014 4:21 PM


rezident owtsidr


Originally posted by Wishimay:
They ARE providing a service, AND they are taking over people's LIVES.

No disagreement frum me.

Sum peepl are suseptibl, just like drugz and alkahol. Sum peepl who hav good livez giv them up to pursue an addiction.

There wuz a Marvel comic way back in the 70z called Killraven set in a distopian future. The main karacterz dad wuz a video game addict, wasting away to nothing.

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early


Monday, September 29, 2014 5:46 PM



Originally posted by Wishimay:

Originally posted by NAVYSEILS:

While half the people who play videogames are women, they're terribly underrepresented in the medium and industry behind it. That is sexist, but it is slowly getting better.

I've never met a woman so addicted she didn't have a job. I've never met a woman who couldn't do ANYTHING but play. I HAVE seen many, many articles about guys who play until they literally DIE doing it. Yes, many women play, but it's MEN that get addicted.

I doubt there is a stat that even exists on this, or I could give you the numbers you all crave. What I do have IS WHAT I SEE. Sometimes it IS better than the numbers.

You are meeting different women than I am - completely non-addictive? Right.


Monday, September 29, 2014 5:48 PM



Originally posted by Magonsdaughter:
As for adults, some people are just pretty hopeless, if it's not endless video games, its endless pornography, or drinking, or drug taking, or watching sport all day. I dont know whether you can always blame the object for the behaviour.

I dont know whether you can always blame the object for the behaviour.
I agree completely. In fact, I can't blame the object. Else we'd all be addicts.
^^ What JSF said: Plenty of women addicts.

... oooOO}{OOooo ...


Monday, September 29, 2014 6:27 PM

"Abnormally high degree connectivity of the orbitofrontal cortex in
obsessive-compulsive disorder.
"Neurobiological models of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) predict hyperactivity in brain circuits involving the orbitofrontal cortex and the basal ganglia, but it is unclear whether these areas are also characterized by altered brain network properties.

"To determine regions of abnormal degree connectivity in patients with OCD and to investigate whether connectivity measures are affected by antidepressant medication in OCD."

Oonj: ^^ Just one of thousands of scholarly papers on Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.

Back in the early 90's I think, I was recruited into a research project on
Depression, i.e., clinical, chronic, neurological depression of physical origin.
After the brain scans were analyzed, the Doc said to me, "By the way, you
also have hyperactivity in the left orbital gyrus. It's an indicator of obsessive
compulsive disorder."
It was a relief to learn that OCD, too, had a physical cause.
That is how I know how to look up this particular disorder.

OCD isn't always a bad thing. A lot of geniuses have it & have used it con-
structively. It's a matter of getting enuf control to channel the demon.

OCD is a physical brain disorder. Back in the bad old primitive days, maybe
most OCDs didn't survive long enuf to have kids. But now, they do have kids.
Bad breeding program.

My main problem now is this: these sci-guys are tryin' to treat it as depres-
sion, partly 'cause it often accompanies depression. But it's different. I don't
agree with they way they treat depression, either.

My thing: Stay away from Docs as much as possible. They aren't here to help
me. (So far, so good, no see Doc last 2 years.) Find my own cures. ... Still
working on that.

If I do find a natural remedy for OCD-fatigue-tinnitus, etc., I'll let you know.

Video games can become a boon to society now. If the video game addicts will
1) never leave home,
2) live in their mother's basement sitting in their dirty underwear glued
to the computer; Mom sends the cleaning lady in once a week,
3) do not associate with real people face-to-face, do not date, marry
or breed.

... oooOO}{OOooo ...

Part of being smart is knowing what you're dumb at.


Monday, September 29, 2014 9:02 PM


LOL. Like the Darwin awards

I'm not sure all of it can be attributed to inherited traits, although there is some evidence to suggesr it. How much of our brains get hardwired in early infancy by our experiences of care? Quite a lot, the evidence also suggests. While I'm not sure about OCD, I could be pretty certain about ADHD and ODD and perhaps some of the traits characterised by the autism spectrum.


Monday, September 29, 2014 10:26 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
You are meeting different women than I am - completely non-addictive? Right.

I didn't say I don't know any women who don't have addiction problems, I know several (who still are able to run their lives even with addiction, I might add). I said VIDEO GAMING is more addictive to MEN because we are discussing VIDEO GAMING. How many women you know still live in their parents basement playing?


Monday, September 29, 2014 10:32 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

You are meeting different women than I am - completely non-addictive? Right.

That's right, you're hanging out with the bunch that crave abuse.

Where are you hanging meeting all these women, exactly?


Monday, September 29, 2014 10:43 PM


Nature -vs- Nurture debate oughta be Nature + Nurture.

I know from reading & experience that inherited(nature) traits have a big
influence on a human personality. I know from reading & experience that
learned(nurture) traits have a big influence on a human personality.
If, for example, you have 2 parents with OCD + depression, it makes for a
double or triple whammy on the world view & self view of the kids. The kids
get both the genes & the examples x demands for ... strange, impractical ...

There is also some evidence that whatever we learn prior to the age of self-
aware decision making is set. It's hard-wired.

... oooOO}{OOooo ...

Part of being smart is knowing what you're dumb at.


Monday, September 29, 2014 10:50 PM



Originally posted by Oonjerah:

I agree completely. In fact, I can't blame the object. Else we'd all be addicts.

Except we CAN and we SHOULD in some cases.
Cigarettes. Cigarette companies put things they KNEW were addictive and toxic in their products. They KNEW as early as the twenties that they caused cancer just to be NEAR THEM and the eighties and nineties saw them become accountable for the ways they marketed to children and pushed it again and again on susceptible minds. Then let's talk about all the other products that have been knowingly misused and how the companies have had to admit responsibility and change or stop making it all together. I can think of a dozen just off the top of my head.

Gaming companies KNOW what they make are addictive. They engineer missions and levels that they KNOW will take hours to complete. They KNOW some people will play until they die. They KNOW that some children have no responsible oversight and they make such an addictive product that children can become so hooked they become obese and inactive.

You know those stupid tags on hair dryers that say "DO NOT IMMERSE IN WATER"?? Those are there because some people REALLY REALLY DO NOT KNOW THAT and hence need to be protected. It's not up to US to judge a persons intelligence, but I believe the onus of the burden of fighting addictability should ALSO fall on the product makers, as well as the people using them.

I'm NOT SAYING ban video games. I am saying that there should be more effort by the video game companies to limit addictiveness and increase awareness of the effects of video game addiction.


Monday, September 29, 2014 11:02 PM


Wish ... I'm sure you've figured out ... a good game is seriously addictive, it
is fully intended to be. Gaming companies have been studying game addiction
for years ... maybe even before Nintendos & home computers. To compete in
the market, to make money, make games that are as addictive as possible.

The Big Problem with blaming the object: When I blame, I give power away.
I'm saying that this "person or thing" has more control of my behavior than
I do. Unblame It = be Responsible Me.

... oooOO}{OOooo ...

Part of being smart is knowing what you're dumb at.


Monday, September 29, 2014 11:27 PM



Originally posted by Oonjerah:

Nature -vs- Nurture debate oughta be Nature + Nurture.

I know from reading & experience that inherited(nature) traits have a big
inlfuence on a human personality. I know from reading & experience that
learned(nurture) traits have a big inlfuence on a human personality.
If, for example, you have 2 parents with OCD + depression, it makes for a
double or triple whammy on the world view & self view of the kids. The kids
get both the genes & the examples x demands for ... strange, impractical ...

There is also some evidence that whatever we learn prior to the age of self-
aware decision making is set. It's hard-wired.

Nature and Nurture, yes, I agree.

Hardwired doesn't describe the brain however. The lastest term is 'plasticity', which means that the brain can change its wiring throughout its (our) lifespan. Which is good news, huh.

Of course, if you've got the big whammy of parents with mental health, plus neglect and or abuse as an infant, you've got a lifelong task to do the rewiring. It's gonnna take a lot of work, but it IS possible.


Tuesday, September 30, 2014 9:00 AM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
6IX - stayin in and playing games has to be a far better choice for you than gettin' loaded and driving somewhere.

Not saying YOU do that, but as a general rule, harder to get into trouble if you're in your own castle.

Thanks for lookin' out bro :)

Nah... I don't do any drunk driving anymore. That's for losers with nothing to lose. Best case scenario if I get a DUI is that nobody got hurt and I have to pay a lawyer half of my yearly income to get me out of it. I think you know enough about my love of money to trust that the days of drunk driving are long behind me.

The most egregious thing I do when I'm drinking these days is offend people here and other places on the Internets. :)

Given that, I don't think that I could choose between binge drinking or binge video gaming as being worse than the other. Sure, one is a lot easier on my liver, but I'm completely shutting myself out from any sort of human contact while I'm doing it....

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, September 30, 2014 9:09 AM



Originally posted by Wishimay:

Originally posted by NAVYSEILS:

While half the people who play videogames are women, they're terribly underrepresented in the medium and industry behind it. That is sexist, but it is slowly getting better.

I've never met a woman so addicted she didn't have a job. I've never met a woman who couldn't do ANYTHING but play. I HAVE seen many, many articles about guys who play until they literally DIE doing it. Yes, many women play, but it's MEN that get addicted.

I doubt there is a stat that even exists on this, or I could give you the numbers you all crave. What I do have IS WHAT I SEE. Sometimes it IS better than the numbers.

I don't know if I can say that I agree with this Wish. Even if there were supposed stats proving what you say here, I don't know if I would wholly believe them.

The fact that a lot of girls play games is shocking to me today, because when I grew up I didn't know a single girl who played video games.

I have never once heard of a guy dying while and because of playing video games. LOL... the image of somebody either starving to death, having a stroke because of too much Mountain Dew while playing, or dying of an insane diaper rash because they haven't gotten up to change their diaper in two weeks while playing is hilarious to me.

I've known quite a few losers in my life that were both male and female. I'm sure that video game playing was a part of at least some of their follies, but it certainly wasn't what they were known for. In most cases, of course, the worst thing that defined them was either drug/alcohol abuse and/or eating disorders.

I'm still waiting for my car insurance to decrease because women's car insurance increases. What an arcane pile of bullshit that is. There are at least as many women on the road today as men. Now I can only speak for the offence of "tail-gating" because it is my NUMBER ONE pet peeve on the road.... But seriously, 9 out of 10 times I'm being tailgated it's by a woman.

Just sayin' ;)

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, September 30, 2014 9:28 AM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
There are at least as many women on the road today as men.

It's called Deep Vein Thrombosis. When you sit for long periods with high blood pressures of gaming or flight travel you accumulate blood clots until you throw one in your brain or heart. Activity tends to break those up. Some have been the result of extreme over caffeination, and some have been due to lack of sleep or dehydration. I do recall one where a bladder actually burst.

As for the driving thing, we already had that conversation. There ARE MORE MALE DRIVERS and more males get into accidents and when they get into accidents it is in more expensive vehicles and they do more damage. I'm not looking up the numbers again. Let the girls pass, Mr. Sensitive. I'm sure they got kids waiting for them somewhere...


Tuesday, September 30, 2014 9:39 AM



Originally posted by Oonjerah:

The Big Problem with blaming the object: When I blame, I give power away.
I'm saying that this "person or thing" has more control of my behavior than
I do. Unblame It = be Responsible Me.

AND I'M SAYING "You should consider yourself fortunate you have the ability to decide that for yourself"

There are a great many people out there that do not have that luxury. Have you not heard of people with OCD so bad it KILLS them? That one girl a while back that stayed in a shower until she literally died of water exposure- don't you think she would have liked to get out and dry off if her brain had let her??? If something as innocuous as a shower can go wrong, imagine what an addiction machine engineered to addict can do to someone's life! They may not have a LEGAL duty to negate that, but they sure as hell have a MORAL duty.

Not that anyone on this planet understands "Moral Duty." And we're back to "I hate humans" and it's only 8:30.... I think it's a RECORD.


Tuesday, September 30, 2014 10:04 AM



Originally posted by Wishimay:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
There are at least as many women on the road today as men.

It's called Deep Vein Thrombosis. When you sit for long periods with high blood pressures of gaming or flight travel you accumulate blood clots until you throw one in your brain or heart. Activity tends to break those up. Some have been the result of extreme over caffeination, and some have been due to lack of sleep or dehydration. I do recall one where a bladder actually burst.

As for the driving thing, we already had that conversation. There ARE MORE MALE DRIVERS and more males get into accidents and when they get into accidents it is in more expensive vehicles and they do more damage. I'm not looking up the numbers again. Let the girls pass, Mr. Sensitive. I'm sure they got kids waiting for them somewhere...

LOL... Whatever the name for it, I do think that this is a hilariously pathetic way to die. It only gets funnier the younger the person is.

I still can't blame that on video games. If somebody were SO addicted to video games that they actually clot up and die or their bladder bursts, these people would have had a shortened lifespan because of some other extreme addiction.

I know it sounds cold, but I don't feel sorry for anyone in this situation. The addict got what they diserved. The family, especially the children, are better off without that negative influence in their life. Humanity as a whole is better off if this person isn't around to procreate... and if we're lucky, they never did.

I still don't believe that there are less women drivers than men drivers. Maybe it's true because in rural areas women drive far less, but having lived close to Chicago or Milwaukee all of my life I just don't see it.

Tailgating is a very serious offense and should not be written off. It's completely unsafe and irresponsible.

I know you were joking, but needing to get home to your kids is no reason to risk both of our lives.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, September 30, 2014 1:31 PM


Wishi: Now I'm thinking that it's less you hold opinions of someone just not keeping up with the kids today (though I get the impression that's certainly part of it), but perhaps more that you have a serious personal life problem, for which you blame videogames. I'm sorry to hear about the situation with your husband. I still don't think you've given a good example of why they're mostly a bad thing though.

6IXSTRINGJACK: There have definitely been many articles and news reports written of people dying due to videogames. I've no doubt that some korean girl did neglect a baby at home to stay at a web cafe playing starcraft, or that a british guy dropped out of Uni and ruined his family life to play some more call of duty. There's probably an element of truth to all these weird tales, but videogames are a popular scapegoat. I'm with you though, if someone sits and plays a game until they die of starvation... well, it's their fault. People will be sad, but there is no sense in trying to blame other things.

I don't buy that we're always being given an accurate picture of what happened though, and I certainly don't think that the numbers are significant enough to be noteworthy.


Tuesday, September 30, 2014 2:04 PM



Originally posted by NAVYSEILS:
Wishi: Now I'm thinking that it's less you hold opinions of someone just not keeping up with the kids today (though I get the impression that's certainly part of it), but perhaps more that you have a serious personal life problem, for which you blame videogames. I'm sorry to hear about the situation with your husband. I still don't think you've given a good example of why they're mostly a bad thing though.

6IXSTRINGJACK: There have definitely been many articles and news reports written of people dying due to videogames. I've no doubt that some korean girl did neglect a baby at home to stay at a web cafe playing starcraft, or that a british guy dropped out of Uni and ruined his family life to play some more call of duty. There's probably an element of truth to all these weird tales, but videogames are a popular scapegoat. I'm with you though, if someone sits and plays a game until they die of starvation... well, it's their fault. People will be sad, but there is no sense in trying to blame other things.

I don't buy that we're always being given an accurate picture of what happened though, and I certainly don't think that the numbers are significant enough to be noteworthy.

If I am anything here, I'm living proof why you SHOULDN'T post while drinking, among other things.

I'm so bad that not only do most of the narrow minded women liberal types here want nothing to do with me, but even the much more even-keeled anarchist type males tell me to go to hell because I'm just that bad...



At the end of the day the only promise I can give is I WILL SEE YOU TOMORROW.

Until I get diagnosed with a terminal disease, that's just like a never-ending hand-shake promise, but i means the world to me.

I'm not Captain-Fucking-Kangaroo....

I'm sure the road will be littered with drugs and alcohol and bad decisions.......

I'm not going anywhere though :)

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, September 30, 2014 3:42 PM



Originally posted by NAVYSEILS:
I still don't think you've given a good example of why they're mostly a bad thing though.

And that's the whole crux of the human FAIL. It's never going to mean anything to YOU until it happens to someone you care about or it happens to YOU. Unfortunately, we ALL can't experience every emotion or every problem from all angles, so we go with what we know and what we know is hopelessly, infinitesimally small.

Feeling something for other people doesn't mean you have to justify a behavior. Feeling doesn't mean YOU have to take responsibility. Feeling is just a part of understanding. It's clear a great many people here don't understand and don't feel and don't want to. It's easier to blame and then write people off so you DON'T HAVE TO FEEL ANYTHING, isn't it??


Tuesday, September 30, 2014 3:48 PM



Originally posted by NAVYSEILS:
and I certainly don't think that the numbers are significant enough to be noteworthy.

As with all these people going out with a gun and blowing away a whole block...

HOW MANY IS ENOUGH? How many rotting corpses do you need?? 10? 1000? How many would it take for you to care? How many would it take for you to just change an opinion, not to even DO anything- just change an opinion?

If every single person on this planet was addicted and useless WOULD YOU FEEL ANYTHING???

God damn us. God damn us every one. Useless species.....


Tuesday, September 30, 2014 3:52 PM



Originally posted by Oonjerah:

Video games can become a boon to society now. If the video game addicts will
1) never leave home,
2) live in their mother's basement sitting in their dirty underwear glued
to the computer; Mom sends the cleaning lady in once a week,
3) do not associate with real people face-to-face, do not date, marry
or breed.

If this thought doesn't make you sick, there's nothing left of humanKIND in you.


Tuesday, September 30, 2014 4:11 PM


I do care, that's why I'm bothering to have a conversation about this in the first place.

People going out with guns and blowing people away is not relevant to this conversation, that's a different matter entirely. Unless you're suggesting that as well as game designers being involved in a conspiracy with the government and wanting to break up marriages, they're also the reason for mass shootings?


It's easier to blame and then write people off so you DON'T HAVE TO FEEL ANYTHING, isn't it??

Could I not argue that this is sort of what you are doing? Easier to blame the videogames than than feel that the you and the people you care about are responsible? Lay off the hyperbole, disagreeing with your view doesn't make me an emotionless husk. I can have empathy and see that you don't like videogames because you associate them with the situations you've seen around you. I can still think you are blaming a symptom of a problem rather than the source though.


Tuesday, September 30, 2014 5:44 PM


Fun lists of consequences of extreme game addiction.
True? I suspect so.
Worse than heroine? I think so.

Top 10 Cases of Extreme Game Addiction

9 People Who Died Playing Video Games

Top 8 Most Fatally Negligent Gamer Parents of All Time

As those parents of dead kids were dragged off to jail, I can only imagine
them asking their lawyers to please bring their games to them there.

Quote NavySeils, "I can still think you are blaming a symptom of a problem rather
than the source though."

... oooOO}{OOooo ...

Part of being smart is knowing what you're dumb at.


Tuesday, September 30, 2014 6:39 PM


If you think from reading those lists that it shows videogames as being the source of the problem, and go on to suggest the consequences are worse than heroin, then I don't really know what else I can say.

But even supposing that in each of these cases, videogames removed there would have been no problems at all. It's still not significant enough numbers to claim they're mostly a bad thing. Those stories get attention because they are so ridiculous and people read them for some kind of schadenfreude entertainment value.


Tuesday, September 30, 2014 7:37 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

I'm still waiting for my car insurance to decrease because women's car insurance increases. What an arcane pile of bullshit that is. There are at least as many women on the road today as men. Now I can only speak for the offence of "tail-gating" because it is my NUMBER ONE pet peeve on the road.... But seriously, 9 out of 10 times I'm being tailgated it's by a woman.

That's not how insurance works. They do the number crunching on who is involved in accidents. So here if you are under 25 your premiums go up, and if you are male and under 25 you have an extra premium.

Of all the recent shitful driving I have come across, it's been young males pumped full of testosterone, and very possibly ice. Fuckers, I wish I had a camera attached to my car.






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