The Cutest Thing Happend On My Way To Get Drunk.....

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Tuesday, November 11, 2014 11:59 AM



Kid's Are Pretty Awesome.....

So I'm in line at the grocery store this morning to buy a case of Milwaukee's "Best" and for whatever reason me and the nice old register lady I know and the woman in line behind us get into a conversation that lasts a few minutes. We're there at 6:30 and nobody else is waiting in line, so whatever....

I'm the only white guy in the equation, and the woman behind me has a little girl with her who was cute as a button and couldn't be a day over 5 years old.

Out of nowhere when we were talking she skips up to me and gives me a huge hug. :) My heart melted a 'lil and I gave her a little hug back.

When I left I said "have a great day ladies" and I gave the girl a smile and a wave and she was nothing but smiles when she waved back.

I dunno what that was all about, but I'm just going to call it the perfect ending to an otherwise superbly normal day. :)

Kids are pretty awesome.


Tuesday, November 11, 2014 12:07 PM


You just got a taste of innocent, unprejuidiced, unconditional love my friend.......however long it lasted, feel lucky and blessed..............

There's nothing greater! Seriously!



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Kid's Are Pretty Awesome.....

So I'm in line at the grocery store this morning to buy a case of Milwaukee's "Best" and for whatever reason me and the nice old register lady I know and the woman in line behind us get into a conversation that lasts a few minutes. We're there at 6:30 and nobody else is waiting in line, so whatever....

I'm the only white guy in the equation, and the woman behind me has a little girl with her who was cute as a button and couldn't be a day over 5 years old.

Out of nowhere when we were talking she skips up to me and gives me a huge hug. :) My heart melted a 'lil and I gave her a little hug back.

When I left I said "have a great day ladies" and I gave the girl a smile and a wave and she was nothing but smiles when she waved back.

I dunno what that was all about, but I'm just going to call it the perfect ending to an otherwise superbly normal day. :)

Kids are pretty awesome.


Tuesday, November 11, 2014 12:21 PM


I really can't figure it, but Kids love me. Dogs and Cats love me. If only I could find a girl that loved me that I could tolerate living with for more than a few weeks, right???.... :)

Seriously though... When does that ever happen to anyone? I'm going to smile a week just off of that awesome memory.

I just hope that it wasn't something she does on a normal basis and she somehow got the vibe from her mom that it was okay. Her mom didn't even acknowledge it happened, actually. I'd say that was kind of weird in and of itself, but I think I just got one of those disarming, "friendly guy" faces.

Like I said... I have no idea what that was. It was just a magical moment. As imaginative as I was at her age, the last thing I ever would have done is run up and give a total stranger a big hug. :)

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, November 11, 2014 2:14 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Awesome! You have dog-cat-and-kid magic, 6IX!

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Tuesday, November 11, 2014 7:12 PM


America loves a winner!

So, you're buying a case of really cheap beer at 6:30 AM ? And are we suppose to understand that you started consuming said beer shortly there after ?

Do you work the 3rd shift or something ? Knock off early to get a good morning buzz on ?


Tuesday, November 11, 2014 7:44 PM


Young children have a sweet innocence and a natural instinct to love and embrace helpless creatures.


Tuesday, November 11, 2014 8:04 PM


America loves a winner!

Actually, I think kids pick up on the cues from their parents. If the little tyke saw that mom was being friendly to a funny looking man, then that funny looking man must be A-O.K. And who doesn't need a hug ?

Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured... but not everyone must prove they are a citizen

I'm just a red pill guy in a room full of blue pill addicts.

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Tuesday, November 11, 2014 8:38 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:

And who doesn't need a hug ?

I don't know, but a guy buying a case of beer at 6:30 in the morning probably does. The little girl knew that.


Wednesday, November 12, 2014 3:59 AM


Ha, ha, ha................come on guys, lay off of Six and let him enjoy that magical Kodak moment for a bit.


Okay, that was long enough...................


Enjoy it Six, everyone does indeed deserve a hug now and again!


Originally posted by Jongsstraw:

Originally posted by AURaptor:

And who doesn't need a hug ?

I don't know, but a guy buying a case of beer at 6:30 in the morning probably does. The little girl knew that.


Wednesday, November 12, 2014 4:30 AM


Haha. Lovely


Wednesday, November 12, 2014 10:04 AM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
So, you're buying a case of really cheap beer at 6:30 AM ? And are we suppose to understand that you started consuming said beer shortly there after ?

Do you work the 3rd shift or something ? Knock off early to get a good morning buzz on ?

Yeah.... I'm scheduled 10:00PM to 8:00AM, but I usually come in an hour early and sometimes stay until 10:00AM. Working 5 days a week is for suckers when you can get your 29 hours done in 3 days, right?

By the time I posted this message, I was probably 6 beers into it :)

I'm glad I don't work Sunday night anymore. I mean, I know that I've just worked a 10-12 hour shift, but everyone else just sees some guy wearing beat up clothes and shoes walking out of the grocery store with a case of cheap beer first thing on a Monday morning. ;)

BTW... you guys are being total dicks right now, you know that, right?

Also, I am pretty amazing looking and my million dollar smile is all real teeth, thanks to three very painful years of braces. I actually had a girl at work ask me if I had dentures because my teeth were so perfect.

If what was inside of me was half as beautiful as the delicious candy shell everyone gets to enjoy on the outside, I'd convert to Mormonism just so I could keep getting married. ;)

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, November 12, 2014 10:14 AM



Originally posted by Brenda:
That's a great story 6Six. Brightens my day.

Thank you Brenda. I'm glad to be able to share that awesome story and be able to make somebody else smile. It's kind of like that little girl made you smile too. ;)

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, November 12, 2014 12:50 PM


America loves a winner!

6IX - cute story ? Hell yeah. But how am I being a dick? You're the one getting loaded on cheap beer in the morning. Granted, I did give ya 1/2 a pass for just getting off work. If it were a random morning & you stared getting loaded before 7 am, that's different.


Wednesday, November 12, 2014 2:05 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
6IX - cute story ? Hell yeah. But how am I being a dick? You're the one getting loaded on cheap beer in the morning. Granted, I did give ya 1/2 a pass for just getting off work. If it were a random morning & you stared getting loaded before 7 am, that's different.

I dunno Rap... you said something about a "funny looking man", but the "helpless creatures" comment from J cuts quite a bit deeper, I think. I've known you long enough at least to at least be able to imagine that you're just making a joke out of things, so sorry if my calling the both of you dicks is offensive to you. I take it back. Also, I'm not helpless, but I do obviously have a love for the beer. I'm not hurting anyone but myself, if I look at it in the most selfish way possible... that is to say that my proclivities have never financially impacted anyone but myself, and as long as I'm single, they never will.

I know what I am. I don't hide it from anybody. I'm not all that good, but I'm not all that bad. Don't tread on me, brother, and I promise never to tread on you. ;)

In our story here, the woman who I assume was the mother of this child was also purchasing booze two minutes before the computers said it was okay to legally sell liquor in my sate. I loved her showing me her cell phone that showed the Satellite Time as 7:01. I used the same argument when trying to buy beer 10 years ago at 1:58AM in Illinois but White Hen's computer said it was 2:00 and the computer wouldn't allow the sale. (The hijinx that ensued on the quest to get beer and the after-hours party that night is an AWESOME ride, but that is another story) ;)

Yesterday though, I did manage to keep what could have been a very loud rant into a friendly conversation among peers right away and put the blame on the computers and that register lady wasn't at all at fault and was just doing her job.

That's what started this whole like 5 minute conversation, and she was sassy and she knew exactly how she felt about computers and technology revolving mostly around what I assume is also a barely-above minimum-wage job she has and I found myself smiling and agreeing with everything she said about it all. Seriously...... EVERY. DAMN. THING.

All the while, this kid who was just bouncing around and latching on to Mom like kids do just came running up to me and gave me a monster hug. I just kind of giggled and said awwwwwww and gave her a little hug back.

Mom didn't miss a single beat in her story though and just kept right on going like it didn't even happen.

I dunno... If I did look like Mel Gibson in Man Without a Face and I was penniless on the street, I suppose this would be an Epic Story about some special child who was able to selflessly went out of her way to bring brightness into every dark and hopeless soul she ever encountered.

If I wanted to be a real cynical dick about it all I might think that maybe it was a mother/daughter con team that was trying to get me to talk more outside of the store and give them 20 bucks for groceries because of some sob story.....

I don't want to think negative things like that though. In this basically bullshit world the majority of us live in, I want to take moments like these believe that they were just pure magic. Some special flash points in your life that you remember 30 or 40 or more years if you live that long.

I'm not a child psychologist, but that this girl's mother was going to the grocery store to buy liquor, kid in tow, at exactly 7:00AM. It's 50/50 that she wasn't just getting off of work.

My supposition is that either this girl's father works 2-3 jobs to make ends meet and they never see each other, or he took off when she was a baby and mom get's no child support, or he's just a deadbeat, drug addict dad that mooches off mom and doesn't even really acknowledge the kid because he's too busy getting fucked up with friends while mom has to play both roles and balance a job.

Maybe I AM being the dick here and she's happily married and she was just getting a head start on supplying booze for a bachleroette party and her Union Member husband left for work 2 hours prior.....

5 year old girl picks up on the positive vibes between mother and this attractive stranger man and doesn't even think before running up and hugging, since all kids yearn for both a positive male and female love and role-modeling(ing?).

She was well above the age for speaking, although she never said a word. Maybe she was only like 3 and really tall for her age, but I would say at least 5.

I don't care if you were the 3 year old love-child of Ghandi and Celene Dion.... No matter how much some rando stranger guy makes your mom laugh, If you're a toddler, you're not running up to that stranger and giving them a hug if they're a big, fat, weird-looking uggo...

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, November 12, 2014 2:55 PM


This thread is funny


Wednesday, November 12, 2014 3:10 PM


Thank you very much. I'll be here all week. ;)

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, November 12, 2014 3:57 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Don't pay Rap and Jong any mind.

I'm friends with an ex-cop who used to work the o-nite at the LA county hospital. And yeah, she and her co-workers would go and get dinner and beer in the AM.

The only thing that bothers me about you in the story is the quantities. I know you say you're only hurting yourself, but that pains me some that you're doing that.

Nothing at all to do with anything - but you mentioned your smile. How are your teeth doing?

SAGAN: We are releasing vast quantities of carbon dioxide, increasing the greenhouse effect. It may not take much to destabilize the Earth's climate, to convert this heaven, our only home in the cosmos, into a kind of hell.


Wednesday, November 12, 2014 6:33 PM


America loves a winner!

6IX - Might just be a guess, but I bet if you didn't imbibe so much cheap ass beer, you wouldn't' have such thin skin.

C'mon....funny lookin' guy? I have no idea what you even look like, but my mental image of anyone buying a case of beer at 6:30 in the morning who isn't headed to the beach or to a tailgate party conjures up funny lookin' folk, no matter what. You could like like Captain Mal, for all I know.

Lighten up, Francis!

Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured... but not everyone must prove they are a citizen

I'm just a red pill guy in a room full of blue pill addicts.

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Friday, November 14, 2014 8:40 AM



Originally posted by 1kiki:

Don't pay Rap and Jong any mind.

I'm friends with an ex-cop who used to work the o-nite at the LA county hospital. And yeah, she and her co-workers would go and get dinner and beer in the AM.

The only thing that bothers me about you in the story is the quantities. I know you say you're only hurting yourself, but that pains me some that you're doing that.

Nothing at all to do with anything - but you mentioned your smile. How are your teeth doing?

SAGAN: We are releasing vast quantities of carbon dioxide, increasing the greenhouse effect. It may not take much to destabilize the Earth's climate, to convert this heaven, our only home in the cosmos, into a kind of hell.

Thanks 1kiki. ;)

I think from now on if I'm running low on beer I'm just going to buy it the night before I go to work. This thread actually prompted me to do that very thing last night and it worked out perfect. Here in Indiana, you have to pay an extra buck or two for "cold" beer, which I never do. Left it in my car all night last night with a low of 20 degrees and it is the perfect temperature. I don't suppose that will work so well in a month or two when it's negative temps out though. :(

Then again, if I didn't buy beer that other morning, I wouldn't have that awesome story to tell.

I do have to cut back on the quantities though, for sure. I usually try to stop drinking all together at least a month or two out of the year, and I think sooner would be better than later. Kinda feeling a little worn down. If I spread that quantity out and drank 6 or 7 every day it wouldn't be so bad, but 18-20 6% beers in a marathon sitting with two days off in between isn't a good idea kiddies....

Fortunately, for my smile, the top teeth are the only that show and they're straight as an arrow and the gum recession isn't very bad. It's my bottom two front teeth I'm worried about. They haven't gotten any worse. I've been flossing once a day religiously and putting up with that Listerine burn for at least a minute at least once a day. I know I can't grow my gums back, so I just gotta work double time to make sure that it doesn't get any worse.

Thanks for asking ;)

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, November 14, 2014 8:53 AM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
6IX - Might just be a guess, but I bet if you didn't imbibe so much cheap ass beer, you wouldn't' have such thin skin.

C'mon....funny lookin' guy? I have no idea what you even look like, but my mental image of anyone buying a case of beer at 6:30 in the morning who isn't headed to the beach or to a tailgate party conjures up funny lookin' folk, no matter what. You could like like Captain Mal, for all I know.

Lighten up, Francis!

I don't know if I'd blame the beer for my thin skin, at least directly.

I think I just need a job that I am proud of having again. I kick ass at what I do, and I'm respected within the building for that by peers and management, but the store has had a hiring freeze for 7 years so I still make what I made 2+ years ago, just like everybody else. There is no meaninful "upward mobility" here. There's just a few thankless positions that might offer a buck more an hour and then I'd have to work days and deal with all the customers and have 5 different bosses instead of one. We did get an extra 5 bucks a night starting last paycheck for a "shift differential" though, so that's nice. But again, I'm still making just as much as the laziest guys and gals we've got, and there are quite a few of them. :)

I got another story about buying beer that early for you. This one, I thought, was funny as hell...

The couple walking out in front of me was probably in their mid 40's. They were playfully arguing about something or another but the only thing I caught was her saying something like "where would you be if you didn't have me". To which he replied in a pretty comical manner "I'd be THAT guy!", pointing his thumb back to me. (I didn't even have any groceries that day, just the beer... and it might have even been a Monday morning since I was working Sunday nights back then).

To which, I replied, "No offense, but the only part of me that wishes I was married is my liver". We all got a pretty good laugh out of that.

You're right. I'll try to lighten up. Sometimes I feel like my good looks are the only thing I got going for me these days, and just like everyone else they don't last forever, and I'm not getting any younger. Guess I let you get under my skin there.

My bad ;)

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, November 14, 2014 10:22 AM


America loves a winner!

That IS funny, and well timed too! Usually those sorts of quips aren't thought of until well after paying cashier and half way back to the car. Well done.

Actually, I will often have a immediate come back / addition to say in those situations, but thankfully I rarely ever say them. Either not well thought out, or you may not know your audience, and how a line will go over w/ perfect strangers.


Friday, November 14, 2014 11:27 AM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
That IS funny, and well timed too! Usually those sorts of quips aren't thought of until well after paying cashier and half way back to the car. Well done.

Actually, I will often have a immediate come back / addition to say in those situations, but thankfully I rarely ever say them. Either not well thought out, or you may not know your audience, and how a line will go over w/ perfect strangers.

Yeah, but at the end of the day if either of them took offense to that they're dicks since he burned me first.

I can't say much for other people, but I think that at least he and I had a good awareness of our surroundings.

If I had come off as threatening or at least questionable in any exchange I had with anyone else inside, he wouldn't have said that about me on the way out. I may be giving a lot of allowance there, but I do have a sense of humor in the real world.

I seriously know that I work with at least two people that might cut you for saying something like that. Shame on them.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, November 15, 2014 12:10 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

"Fortunately, for my smile, the top teeth are the only that show and they're straight as an arrow and the gum recession isn't very bad. It's my bottom two front teeth I'm worried about. They haven't gotten any worse. I've been flossing once a day religiously and putting up with that Listerine burn for at least a minute at least once a day. I know I can't grow my gums back, so I just gotta work double time to make sure that it doesn't get any worse."

Hey Jack! I'm glad to hear you're taking care of that.

SAGAN: We are releasing vast quantities of carbon dioxide, increasing the greenhouse effect. It may not take much to destabilize the Earth's climate, to convert this heaven, our only home in the cosmos, into a kind of hell.


Monday, November 17, 2014 4:43 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

You're right. I'll try to lighten up. Sometimes I feel like my good looks are the only thing I got going for me these days, and just like everyone else they don't last forever, and I'm not getting any younger. Guess I let you get under my skin there.

I tell ya, as I get older I notice the difference that lifestyle has on people's looks. Particularly as you hit the 40 mark. 40 really does seem to be some kind of milestone. Whereas you can get by with the heavy drinking and ciggies and still look like Marlon Brando at 30, if you keep going you end up, well looking like Brando at 40 come to think of it.

So beware, Six. If your looks are important to you, maybe you need to think about a few lifestyle improvements, as sympathetic as I am to the need to wipe oneself out after work.


Tuesday, November 18, 2014 12:00 PM



Originally posted by 1kiki:
"Fortunately, for my smile, the top teeth are the only that show and they're straight as an arrow and the gum recession isn't very bad. It's my bottom two front teeth I'm worried about. They haven't gotten any worse. I've been flossing once a day religiously and putting up with that Listerine burn for at least a minute at least once a day. I know I can't grow my gums back, so I just gotta work double time to make sure that it doesn't get any worse."

Hey Jack! I'm glad to hear you're taking care of that.]

Doing what I can with the tools I've got ;)

I did have another horrible dream about my teeth falling out the other night though.

This one was particularly heinous since I was actually pulling my teeth out to save for the dentist and I should have known it was a dream since the parts under the gums looked like very wicked talons.

I'm kind of ashamed that at this point in the story I didn't figure out that it was a dream and then start flying around everywhere and shoot lazers out of my eyes while calling everyone else bitches.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, November 18, 2014 12:06 PM



Originally posted by Magonsdaughter:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

You're right. I'll try to lighten up. Sometimes I feel like my good looks are the only thing I got going for me these days, and just like everyone else they don't last forever, and I'm not getting any younger. Guess I let you get under my skin there.

I tell ya, as I get older I notice the difference that lifestyle has on people's looks. Particularly as you hit the 40 mark. 40 really does seem to be some kind of milestone. Whereas you can get by with the heavy drinking and ciggies and still look like Marlon Brando at 30, if you keep going you end up, well looking like Brando at 40 come to think of it.

So beware, Six. If your looks are important to you, maybe you need to think about a few lifestyle improvements, as sympathetic as I am to the need to wipe oneself out after work.

I'm 35 and if it wasn't for my worry lines I'd still pass for at the very most 28 years old.

I see where you're going with this though. When I was 30, I looked like I was 20.

The inevitable discrepancy between real age and actual age is starting to catch up with me and I've done it absolutely ZERO favors, what with the 5,000 cartons of smokes and 2,000 cases of beers I've ingested so far in my life ;)

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, November 18, 2014 12:32 PM


Self absorbed much? I mean really ... your pathetic and pitiful personal adventures of woe and misery are so tiresome and boring. I don't know how you live with yourself. If you're so desperate for love and a whole life, try getting married and starting a family. You want fulfillment? Wait 'til you have your first child ... it's feels like no one else ever had one. And every growth step they take over the next two decades will bring you joy, love, pride, and satisfaction that cannot be matched by anything else in the world.

That's just some friendly advice. If you want to call me a dick again it's okay.


Tuesday, November 18, 2014 12:46 PM



Originally posted by Jongsstraw:
Self absorbed much? I mean really ... your pathetic and pitiful personal adventures of woe and misery are so tiresome and boring. I don't know how you live with yourself. If you're so desperate for love and a whole life, try getting married and starting a family. You want fulfillment? Wait 'til you have your first child ... it's feels like no one else ever had one. And every growth step they take over the next two decades will bring you joy, love, pride, and satisfaction that cannot be matched by anything else in the world.

That's just some friendly advice. If you want to call me a dick again it's okay.

Hi Jongs ;)

Some people know what a PN post is going to be about more-or-less at this point, and will either dive in head first, ignore it completely, or just make fun of it.

Congrats on being the 3rd Type. :)

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, November 18, 2014 3:37 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

I'm 35 and if it wasn't for my worry lines I'd still pass for at the very most 28 years old.

I see where you're going with this though. When I was 30, I looked like I was 20.

The inevitable discrepancy between real age and actual age is starting to catch up with me and I've done it absolutely ZERO favors, what with the 5,000 cartons of smokes and 2,000 cases of beers I've ingested so far in my life ;)

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Yeah, well as I said, 40 is kind of the mark you tend to notice. Obviously this doesn't apply to Johnny Depp, but having a shit load of money is a bit of an antidote to the wrinkles and bad teeth, occasionally anyway.

There is a website somewhere where you can upload a photo of your face, and they calculate the impact of your drinking by showing what you will look like in 10 years. I'd add a bunch if you smoke as well. Ouch.

Smoking tends to add the wrinkles around your eyes and mouth as well as the teeth discolouration. Whereas drinking adds weight, and also causes skin discolouration and bloating.

Ah wasted youth, poor Jack. It's why most of us prefer to find someone to love us warts and all, rather than chasing some adolescent dream of the partmer who we must find perpetually hot. It's the downside to be shallow, I think, that we all end up crones and then bones. Perhaps there is a god after all.


Tuesday, November 18, 2014 5:42 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by Jongsstraw:
Self absorbed much? I mean really ... your pathetic and pitiful personal adventures of woe and misery are so tiresome and boring. I don't know how you live with yourself. If you're so desperate for love and a whole life, try getting married and starting a family. You want fulfillment? Wait 'til you have your first child ... it's feels like no one else ever had one. And every growth step they take over the next two decades will bring you joy, love, pride, and satisfaction that cannot be matched by anything else in the world.

That's just some friendly advice. If you want to call me a dick again it's okay.

Hi Jongs ;)

Some people know what a PN post is going to be about more-or-less at this point, and will either dive in head first, ignore it completely, or just make fun of it.

Congrats on being the 3rd Type.

You can run but you can't hide, especially from yourself. The day will come when you wake up once again surrounded by empty beer cans and pizza boxes and realize that you have nothing of any real value. A life is a terrible thing to waste.


Wednesday, June 5, 2024 4:42 AM


Prosecutors say Hunter Biden lied to hide drug addiction

Booze days

Hunter Biden says constant 'demonization' of his alcohol addiction is making it harder for others to get sober

I've a theory on this thread, Daddy picks up contracts online but it forces him to drive all over the place, at that time he was a Trucker he would drive across America to deliver goods and be away from the family ... ok, getting there with the theory...and he kind looked ALMOST EXACTKLY like SixString he even smells of the same booze, when he got home from working his back was so sore and his eyes so red and hurting from the lights on the road he would open up beer and just fall asleep

Kiddo thought the guy smelling of beer was her Dad who got back home early


Wednesday, June 5, 2024 12:17 PM



Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
Prosecutors say Hunter Biden lied to hide drug addiction

Booze days

Hunter Biden says constant 'demonization' of his alcohol addiction is making it harder for others to get sober

I've a theory on this thread, Daddy picks up contracts online but it forces him to drive all over the place, at that time he was a Trucker he would drive across America to deliver goods and be away from the family ... ok, getting there with the theory...and he kind looked ALMOST EXACTKLY like SixString he even smells of the same booze, when he got home from working his back was so sore and his eyes so red and hurting from the lights on the road he would open up beer and just fall asleep

Kiddo thought the guy smelling of beer was her Dad who got back home early

I've got a theory on this thread too. I was out of my mind back in 2014.

I have absolutely no memory whatsoever of any of this.

I WISH I fell asleep after 1 beer. Back during those last 2 or 3 years before I quit, I had started binge drinking sessions that would last several days before I finally passed out. Sometimes I would start my night drinking with over 30 cans of Icehouse in the fridge. I'd wake up several days later with all those cans overflowing in the kitchen garbage, and then I'd open up the fridge and see another Icehouse 30 pack I had no memory of buying, and that was almost empty too. Which means I had just enough wits about me to gather myself up, drive a mile to the liquor store, pay for the liquor and not come off like I was already whacked out of my mind so they didn't deny me the sale, and then I drove home and went right back to it.

The last 6 months I was doing this to myself, I would regularly vomit at least once if not twice or more during these binge sessions, and right after I wiped my mouth off I was grabbing another beer. At least I was puking in the toilet and not just any random corner of the house. Thank god for small miracles.

Jesus Christ... I'm glad most people I knew didn't ever see me like that.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.






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