Fox "News" ha ha ha ha

UPDATED: Thursday, January 22, 2015 06:37
VIEWED: 4296
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Monday, January 12, 2015 1:56 AM


This is where Rappy Inc get their facts. Hahahahahahhaha. Explains a lot.


Washington: An American "terrorism expert" on the right-wing Fox News channel has declared that Birmingham is "a totally Muslim" city "where non-Muslims just simply don't go".

Steve Emerson made the claim, which may come as a surprise to the hundreds of thousands of non-Muslim residents of Britain's second-largest city, during a television discussion about no-go zones in Europe where Muslims are apparently in complete control.

"In Britain, it's not just no-go zones, there are actual cities like Birmingham that are totally Muslim where non-Muslims just simply don't go in," he said.

Mr Emerson, who describes himself as "an internationally recognised expert on terrorism", did not stop there.

"Parts of London, there are actually Muslim religious police that actually beat and actually wound seriously anyone who doesn't dress according to Muslim, religious Muslim attire," he proclaimed, without giving examples.

He described Birmingham as one of a number of European cities "where sharia courts were set up, where Muslim density is very intense, where the police don't go in, and where it's basically a separate country almost, a country within a country."

Mr Emerson is a regular contributor to Fox News and was appearing on Judge Pirro, a show hosted by the failed Republican politician Jeanine Pirro.

Judge Pirro responded to her guest's claim that the British government doesn't "exercise any sovereignty" in Birmingham by saying: "You know what it sounds like to me, Steve? It sounds like a caliphate within a particular country."

Mr Emerson later apologised for his gaffe.

I have clearly made a terrible error for which I am deeply sorry. My comments about Birmingham were totally in error. And I am issuing an apology and correction on my website immediately for having made this comment about the beautiful city of Birmingham. I do not intend to justify or mitigate my mistake by stating that I had relied on other sources because I should have been much more careful. There was no excuse for making this mistake and I owe an apology to every resident of Birmingham. I am not going to make any excuses. I made an inexcusable error. And I am obligated to openly acknowledge that mistake.


PS. I intend to make a donation to a Birmingham charity.

Disgruntled Brummies took to Twitter to express their disdain for Mr Emerson's characterisation of their home city.

And others quickly joining in, posting sarcastic retorts under the hashtag #foxnewsfacts.

Telegraph, London


Monday, January 12, 2015 2:35 AM


Fox News is a misnomer. Their motto is: "Facts!, we don't need no stinking facts!"

It does explain a lot.



Originally posted by Magonsdaughter:
This is where Rappy Inc get their facts. Hahahahahahhaha. Explains a lot.


Washington: An American "terrorism expert" on the right-wing Fox News channel has declared that Birmingham is "a totally Muslim" city "where non-Muslims just simply don't go".

Steve Emerson made the claim, which may come as a surprise to the hundreds of thousands of non-Muslim residents of Britain's second-largest city, during a television discussion about no-go zones in Europe where Muslims are apparently in complete control.

"In Britain, it's not just no-go zones, there are actual cities like Birmingham that are totally Muslim where non-Muslims just simply don't go in," he said.

Mr Emerson, who describes himself as "an internationally recognised expert on terrorism", did not stop there.

"Parts of London, there are actually Muslim religious police that actually beat and actually wound seriously anyone who doesn't dress according to Muslim, religious Muslim attire," he proclaimed, without giving examples.

He described Birmingham as one of a number of European cities "where sharia courts were set up, where Muslim density is very intense, where the police don't go in, and where it's basically a separate country almost, a country within a country."

Mr Emerson is a regular contributor to Fox News and was appearing on Judge Pirro, a show hosted by the failed Republican politician Jeanine Pirro.

Judge Pirro responded to her guest's claim that the British government doesn't "exercise any sovereignty" in Birmingham by saying: "You know what it sounds like to me, Steve? It sounds like a caliphate within a particular country."

Mr Emerson later apologised for his gaffe.

I have clearly made a terrible error for which I am deeply sorry. My comments about Birmingham were totally in error. And I am issuing an apology and correction on my website immediately for having made this comment about the beautiful city of Birmingham. I do not intend to justify or mitigate my mistake by stating that I had relied on other sources because I should have been much more careful. There was no excuse for making this mistake and I owe an apology to every resident of Birmingham. I am not going to make any excuses. I made an inexcusable error. And I am obligated to openly acknowledge that mistake.


PS. I intend to make a donation to a Birmingham charity.

Disgruntled Brummies took to Twitter to express their disdain for Mr Emerson's characterisation of their home city.

And others quickly joining in, posting sarcastic retorts under the hashtag #foxnewsfacts.

Telegraph, London


Monday, January 12, 2015 5:40 AM


America loves a winner!

1 guest contributor made 1 mistake & then apologized ...

Yet no such crisis when the dame of cnn called necro Muslim killers " activists ", then did not apologize of correct herself .

Your double standards are showing again.

But what do I know, huh ? I'm just a white southern male from SE USA. I thought Birmingham was in ALABAMA !

Yee Haw !


Monday, January 12, 2015 12:04 PM


Sometimes you own the libs. Sometimes, the libs own you.


Yet no such crisis when the dame of cnn called necro Muslim killers " activists "

She didn't say something factually totally wrong, she just used a bizarre term.

It's not personal. It's just war.


Monday, January 12, 2015 12:58 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by AURaptor:
1 guest contributor made 1 mistake & then apologized ...

More than one guest.

After the Staten Island grand jury decision not to return an indictment in the killing of Eric Garner, Fox News' Megyn Kelly’s coverage proved that there is almost no incident in which a black man is killed by cops that Fox cannot excuse or even defend. She bent over backwards to impugn protesters, to change the subject to Ferguson, to elide the crucial fact that the choke-hold was against police procedure, and to imply that Garner was strongly resisting arrest. There was no way to interpret Kelly’s coverage as anything but the baldest racism on cable news. Kelly didn't say the nigger got what the nigger deserved, so she's not really, really, really racist.

Her idea of balance was to interview two white, bald, bull-necked men to defend the cops, explain away any concerns about police treatment and to minimize the entire thing.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Monday, January 12, 2015 3:09 PM


Another example. Again see this type of comments in the Fox stooges on these boards. There is no news story that cannot be used for a political football, and everything is Obama's fault. You know, coz the world revolves around the US and nothing esle matters.

Je Suis Charlie? Not On Fox News Where It’s Je Suis Connerie
Posted by Mark NC on January 7, 2015 at 1:08 pm. 8 Comments :

This morning there was a gruesome terrorist attack in Paris that took the lives of twelve people at the French satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo. It was the sort of assault that generally stirs both outrage and an international commitment to unity in bringing the assailants to justice and preventing anything like it from occurring again.

For the most part that has been true. The governments of the world have expressed sympathy and solidarity for the victims and their families, the people of France, and journalists worldwide who are too often the targets of such violence.

Fox News Bullshit

President Obama issued a statement saying in part…

“I strongly condemn the horrific shooting at the offices of Charlie Hebdo magazine in Paris that has reportedly killed 12 people. Our thoughts and prayers are with the victims of this terrorist attack and the people of France at this difficult time.”

But leave it to Fox News to take this tragedy and politicize it in the most nauseating way possible. Before the blood stains on the floor have even dried, Fox News set out to grab political advantage by laying blame on the usual targets of their wrath. And, of course, it begins with attacks on Obama. Fox contributor Jonah Goldberg of National Review Online spent several minutes castigating Obama for his depiction of the attack, saying that it was not enough to call it terrorism, but it must also be labeled Islamic – even before there is any investigation that establishes whether that’s true.

And Goldberg was not alone in shifting the dialog from the attack and its victims to rank politics. Fox’s K.T. McFarland took the same path saying that “This is radical Muslim extremists […] Let’s take the political correctness away and call it what it is.” The abhorrent Ralph Peters (who has advocated for the rampant slaughter of civilians as a tactic in the war on terror) also demanded that the President specifically use the term “Islamist terror.” That was after he took a swipe at Sen. Diane Feinstein and the Senate’s report condemning the use of torture. Peters said that “These terrorists who did this monstrous attack in Paris are the people Sen. Feinstein doesn’t even want to waterboard.” Peters not only condones torture, but he has specifically called for military attacks against the media, which makes him an especially vulgar choice to interview after a tragedy like this.

Monica Crowley took up the political correctness theme in a segment with Fox’s Gretchen Carlson. Afterward, Carlson devoted the whole of her “My Take” commentary to criticizing Obama for not calling the Paris attack terrorism – which of course, is precisely what he called it. She ended by asking whether the United States will be the next victim of a terrorist attack. She must have forgotten that the U.S. was already a victim back in 2001, and that we have been on alert ever since. But there’s nothing like a little fear mongering to brighten up the Fox News morning.

Then there were the Kurvy Kouch Potatoes of Fox & Friends, who turned their bony fingers toward New York City Mayor Bill De Blasio. Elisabeth Hasselbeck said that “As soon as police act they’re painted with a racist brush, even by, in fact, our own mayor here.” What that had to do with anything is a complete mystery. But perhaps the worst offender was Fox’s military analyst Lt. Gen. Tom McInerney. He was prompted by co-host Brian Kilmeade to address some unattributed Tweets that alleged that in France “most cops choose not even to carry a gun.” Kilmeade added “That, thankfully, is not the case in New York.” to which McInerney responded…

“This is a classical radical Islamist attack. […] With the current leadership in New York — and I’m referring to the mayor, the communist mayor you have up there — that may change. […] The political correctness is killing us.”

For Chrissake! This imbecile is absolving the terrorists of responsibility for these attacks and assigning it to Mayor De Blasio and political correctness. What’s more, he holds the utterly delusional belief that De Blasio is planning to let NYPD officers choose whether or not to carry guns. Where does he get that idiot notion from? And finally, his incongruous and despicable insult that the mayor is a communist is the sort of stuff that is generally left to wingnut, conspiracy theorists like Alex Jones, Glenn Beck, and Sean Hannity.

The political correctness argument that Fox is so fond of is a thinly veiled desire for racist policies that accuse all Muslims of being terrorists. The insistence that acts of violent extremism be called, not just terrorism, but Islamic terrorism, is a demand that is rarely heard for any other act of violence. Why for instance, didn’t Fox News refer to the murder of Dr. George Tiller as Christian terrorism? And what about Eric Rudolph’s bombing of the Centennial Olympic Park? Or the bombings of Planned Parenthood offices? Or the murder of 77 children in Norway by radical Christian Anders Breivik? Or the Tea Party terrorists who murdered two police officers in Las Vegas? Or the entire history of the Ku Klux Klan and Christian Identity movements? [The SPLC has a more complete list here]

Get the ALL NEW 2nd volume of
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

These are all examples of what could be called Christian terrorism if the Fox News model of journalism were applied fairly. But don’t hold your breath waiting for that to happen. For the radical partisans at Fox the only priority is how can this or any event be exploited to inflict political pain on their ideological enemies. They don’t care about the victims of terrorism or the safety of society or even justice. They only care about slandering the President and other Democrats in pursuit of their ultra right-wing agenda. And if that means twisting a tragedy into a partisan political screed, then that’s what they will do. It’s shameful and contrary to every code of ethics for journalism or common decency.

* Connerie = Bullshit


Monday, January 12, 2015 7:07 PM



Monday, January 12, 2015 7:11 PM


America loves a winner!

Really ? Is that what her coverage " PROVED "

Absolute butchery of the English language, all to promote a nonsensical, lunatic agenda.


Monday, January 12, 2015 8:28 PM


This post is a "no go zone".



Tuesday, January 13, 2015 1:52 AM


Agreed! There is a BIG difference between a brain fart and diarrhea of the mouth. Between a moment's "faux pas" and a whole segment where a so-called "expert" rants on about something or another - 7 minutes as opposed to a couple of seconds.



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by AURaptor:
1 guest contributor made 1 mistake & then apologized ...

More than one guest.

After the Staten Island grand jury decision not to return an indictment in the killing of Eric Garner, Fox News' Megyn Kelly’s coverage proved that there is almost no incident in which a black man is killed by cops that Fox cannot excuse or even defend. She bent over backwards to impugn protesters, to change the subject to Ferguson, to elide the crucial fact that the choke-hold was against police procedure, and to imply that Garner was strongly resisting arrest. There was no way to interpret Kelly’s coverage as anything but the baldest racism on cable news. Kelly didn't say the nigger got what the nigger deserved, so she's not really, really, really racist.

Her idea of balance was to interview two white, bald, bull-necked men to defend the cops, explain away any concerns about police treatment and to minimize the entire thing.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Tuesday, January 13, 2015 3:29 AM


Bravo! Spot on criticism of the absolutely insane Fox News coverage, and I use the word coverage loosely.

As an aside, I've always been dumbstruck over the extreme christian right's lunacy in killing doctors who provide abortion services. I have 2 reasons: First, it goes against God's law of "Thou shall not kill" and secondly, isn't a doctor a grown human baby. Not to mention that if God created us all, then you are destroying one of his children, whom he put on this earth to do His will. So the very thing Christians accuse the doctors of doing, they are doing, only years later.

Some demented idiot thought, "I know, we'll kill the doctors who do abortions. That'll stop them from killing babies."

And bombing a clinic is domestic terrorism, plain and simple. Hell bombing anyplace is domestic terrorism. So why, indeed, is it not called Christian terrorism?



Originally posted by Magonsdaughter:
Another example. Again see this type of comments in the Fox stooges on these boards. There is no news story that cannot be used for a political football, and everything is Obama's fault. You know, coz the world revolves around the US and nothing esle matters.

Je Suis Charlie? Not On Fox News Where It’s Je Suis Connerie
Posted by Mark NC on January 7, 2015 at 1:08 pm. 8 Comments :

This morning there was a gruesome terrorist attack in Paris that took the lives of twelve people at the French satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo. It was the sort of assault that generally stirs both outrage and an international commitment to unity in bringing the assailants to justice and preventing anything like it from occurring again.

For the most part that has been true. The governments of the world have expressed sympathy and solidarity for the victims and their families, the people of France, and journalists worldwide who are too often the targets of such violence.

Fox News Bullshit

President Obama issued a statement saying in part…

“I strongly condemn the horrific shooting at the offices of Charlie Hebdo magazine in Paris that has reportedly killed 12 people. Our thoughts and prayers are with the victims of this terrorist attack and the people of France at this difficult time.”

But leave it to Fox News to take this tragedy and politicize it in the most nauseating way possible. Before the blood stains on the floor have even dried, Fox News set out to grab political advantage by laying blame on the usual targets of their wrath. And, of course, it begins with attacks on Obama. Fox contributor Jonah Goldberg of National Review Online spent several minutes castigating Obama for his depiction of the attack, saying that it was not enough to call it terrorism, but it must also be labeled Islamic – even before there is any investigation that establishes whether that’s true.

And Goldberg was not alone in shifting the dialog from the attack and its victims to rank politics. Fox’s K.T. McFarland took the same path saying that “This is radical Muslim extremists […] Let’s take the political correctness away and call it what it is.” The abhorrent Ralph Peters (who has advocated for the rampant slaughter of civilians as a tactic in the war on terror) also demanded that the President specifically use the term “Islamist terror.” That was after he took a swipe at Sen. Diane Feinstein and the Senate’s report condemning the use of torture. Peters said that “These terrorists who did this monstrous attack in Paris are the people Sen. Feinstein doesn’t even want to waterboard.” Peters not only condones torture, but he has specifically called for military attacks against the media, which makes him an especially vulgar choice to interview after a tragedy like this.

Monica Crowley took up the political correctness theme in a segment with Fox’s Gretchen Carlson. Afterward, Carlson devoted the whole of her “My Take” commentary to criticizing Obama for not calling the Paris attack terrorism – which of course, is precisely what he called it. She ended by asking whether the United States will be the next victim of a terrorist attack. She must have forgotten that the U.S. was already a victim back in 2001, and that we have been on alert ever since. But there’s nothing like a little fear mongering to brighten up the Fox News morning.

Then there were the Kurvy Kouch Potatoes of Fox & Friends, who turned their bony fingers toward New York City Mayor Bill De Blasio. Elisabeth Hasselbeck said that “As soon as police act they’re painted with a racist brush, even by, in fact, our own mayor here.” What that had to do with anything is a complete mystery. But perhaps the worst offender was Fox’s military analyst Lt. Gen. Tom McInerney. He was prompted by co-host Brian Kilmeade to address some unattributed Tweets that alleged that in France “most cops choose not even to carry a gun.” Kilmeade added “That, thankfully, is not the case in New York.” to which McInerney responded…

“This is a classical radical Islamist attack. […] With the current leadership in New York — and I’m referring to the mayor, the communist mayor you have up there — that may change. […] The political correctness is killing us.”

For Chrissake! This imbecile is absolving the terrorists of responsibility for these attacks and assigning it to Mayor De Blasio and political correctness. What’s more, he holds the utterly delusional belief that De Blasio is planning to let NYPD officers choose whether or not to carry guns. Where does he get that idiot notion from? And finally, his incongruous and despicable insult that the mayor is a communist is the sort of stuff that is generally left to wingnut, conspiracy theorists like Alex Jones, Glenn Beck, and Sean Hannity.

The political correctness argument that Fox is so fond of is a thinly veiled desire for racist policies that accuse all Muslims of being terrorists. The insistence that acts of violent extremism be called, not just terrorism, but Islamic terrorism, is a demand that is rarely heard for any other act of violence. Why for instance, didn’t Fox News refer to the murder of Dr. George Tiller as Christian terrorism? And what about Eric Rudolph’s bombing of the Centennial Olympic Park? Or the bombings of Planned Parenthood offices? Or the murder of 77 children in Norway by radical Christian Anders Breivik? Or the Tea Party terrorists who murdered two police officers in Las Vegas? Or the entire history of the Ku Klux Klan and Christian Identity movements? [The SPLC has a more complete list here]

Get the ALL NEW 2nd volume of
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

These are all examples of what could be called Christian terrorism if the Fox News model of journalism were applied fairly. But don’t hold your breath waiting for that to happen. For the radical partisans at Fox the only priority is how can this or any event be exploited to inflict political pain on their ideological enemies. They don’t care about the victims of terrorism or the safety of society or even justice. They only care about slandering the President and other Democrats in pursuit of their ultra right-wing agenda. And if that means twisting a tragedy into a partisan political screed, then that’s what they will do. It’s shameful and contrary to every code of ethics for journalism or common decency.

* Connerie = Bullshit


Tuesday, January 13, 2015 8:39 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
1 guest contributor made 1 mistake & then apologized ...

Yet no such crisis when the dame of cnn called necro Muslim killers " activists ", then did not apologize of correct herself .

Your double standards are showing again.

But what do I know, huh ? I'm just a white southern male from SE USA. I thought Birmingham was in ALABAMA !

Yee Haw !

Didn't they switch to "Extremist violence" or "extremist activists" or somesuch?


Tuesday, January 13, 2015 8:42 PM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by AURaptor:
1 guest contributor made 1 mistake & then apologized ...

More than one guest.

After the Staten Island grand jury decision not to return an indictment in the killing of Eric Garner, Fox News' Megyn Kelly’s coverage proved that there is almost no incident in which a black man is killed by cops that Fox cannot excuse or even defend. She bent over backwards to impugn protesters, to change the subject to Ferguson, to elide the crucial fact that the choke-hold was against police procedure, and to imply that Garner was strongly resisting arrest. There was no way to interpret Kelly’s coverage as anything but the baldest racism on cable news. Kelly didn't say the nigger got what the nigger deserved, so she's not really, really, really racist.

Her idea of balance was to interview two white, bald, bull-necked men to defend the cops, explain away any concerns about police treatment and to minimize the entire thing.

Clearly you don't get much news. You must not catch FNC - do you have Dish?


Wednesday, January 14, 2015 12:52 PM


Meanwhile, Fox has called out all other media for not showing the Mohamed cartoons - all while refusing themselves to show the cartoons.

What are they afraid of? Their Saudi masters?


Wednesday, January 14, 2015 2:06 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
1 guest contributor made 1 mistake & then apologized ...

Funny how a complete fabrication is a "mistake" when its on Fox. But actual mistakes (as in, misused words, not complete bullshit invented to stoke fear) made by anyone else, and you act like its treason.

You're so pathetically predictable.

“Anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.'”? Isaac Asimov


Wednesday, January 14, 2015 2:57 PM



Originally posted by Storymark:
You're so pathetically predictable.

Pot, meet kettle.


Wednesday, January 14, 2015 3:30 PM


America loves a winner!

SGG - When's the last time a doctor was killed by some Fundie whack job ?

Please, compare those attacks to the such events by Necro-Muslims, in Ottawa, Sydney, Paris...

I bet there are more Muslim attacks in past 6 months than all attacks on doctors - combined.

When's the last time a Christian fundie used a 10 yr old girl as a guided missile ?


Wednesday, January 14, 2015 7:16 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
SGG - When's the last time a doctor was killed by some Fundie whack job ?

What trolls reveal about themselves when they troll:


Wednesday, January 14, 2015 7:55 PM



Originally posted by BIGDAMNNOBODY:

Originally posted by Storymark:
You're so pathetically predictable.

Pot, meet kettle.

Kettle, pot.


Thursday, January 15, 2015 12:25 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by MAL4PREZ:

Originally posted by AURaptor:
SGG - When's the last time a doctor was killed by some Fundie whack job ?

So... been nearly 6 years ?

May 31, 2009: Dr. George Tiller was shot and killed by Scott Roeder as Tiller served as an usher at a church in Wichita, Kansas.[12]

And 6 murders in the USA , total, since... 1993.

That's about 1/2 the number killed at the Charlie Hebdo office, just about a week ago.



Thursday, January 15, 2015 12:48 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

‘We need to kill them': Fox News Judge Jeanine Pirro sparks outrage with ‘unhinged’ rant about ‘Muslim terrorists’ --

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Tuesday, January 20, 2015 7:23 PM


I couldn't believe it myself when I pasted it. So much so I clicked on it to made sure it brought you to where you were wanting to go.


Tuesday, January 20, 2015 7:23 PM


Double post


Tuesday, January 20, 2015 7:34 PM



Originally posted by THGRRI:
I couldn't believe it myself when I pasted it. So much so I clicked on it to made sure it brought you to where you were wanting to go.

It's so dam long it may really send me to Paris.


Tuesday, January 20, 2015 10:34 PM


It's gotta be the cheapest way to get there.


Wednesday, January 21, 2015 11:57 AM


America loves a winner!

When does every media outlet which calls govt officials who are the head of their depts as " Tsars ", which isn't an official titl, offer their apology ?

This is a non story. There are official terms for " no go zones " that are used by the French .

They're called Sensitive Urban Zones.

Any attempt to sue FOX will fail, miserably .

Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured... but not everyone must prove they are a citizen

I'm just a red pill guy in a room full of blue pill addicts.

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Wednesday, January 21, 2015 2:53 PM


And in English, thanks very much, they appear to be something quite different.

News flash 'Fox commentator talks shit for his own political purposes'

Quelle Surprise!


Wednesday, January 21, 2015 4:52 PM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by Magonsdaughter:
And in English, thanks very much, they appear to be something quite different.

News flash 'Fox commentator talks shit for his own political purposes'

Quelle Surprise!

Actually, it's not at all different.

In the common language, 'no go zones ' is on par w/ Drug Tsar or Death Panels. '

Not named exactly that, but the basic, common terms apply.


Wednesday, January 21, 2015 4:52 PM


America loves a winner!

dbl - that was my fault.


Thursday, January 22, 2015 6:08 AM



Originally posted by AURaptor:

Originally posted by Magonsdaughter:
And in English, thanks very much, they appear to be something quite different.

News flash 'Fox commentator talks shit for his own political purposes'

Quelle Surprise!

Actually, it's not at all different.

In the common language, 'no go zones ' is on par w/ Drug Tsar or Death Panels. '

Not named exactly that, but the basic, common terms apply.

Can you read?


A sensitive urban zone (French: Zone urbaine sensible, ZUS) is an urban area in France defined by the authorities to be a high-priority target for city policy, taking into consideration local circumstances related to the problems of its residents.[1]


Their problems include:

A high percentage of public housing, with little home ownership.
High unemployment.
A low percentage of high-school graduates.

NB Doesn't death panel relate to the paranoid nonsense about Obamacare?

"Oh my god, socialised medicine will lead to DEATH PANELS, folksies"


Thursday, January 22, 2015 6:37 AM



Originally posted by AURaptor:

Originally posted by MAL4PREZ:

Originally posted by AURaptor:
SGG - When's the last time a doctor was killed by some Fundie whack job ?

So... been nearly 6 years ?

May 31, 2009: Dr. George Tiller was shot and killed by Scott Roeder as Tiller served as an usher at a church in Wichita, Kansas.[12]

And 6 murders in the USA , total, since... 1993.

That's about 1/2 the number killed at the Charlie Hebdo office, just about a week ago.


This is known as "stochastic terrorism." This happened after Bill O'Reilly and others at Faux repeatedly referred to Tiller as "Tiller the baby killer."

That's right. Faux News created a little terrorist. Of course, they have total plausible deniability, but it's clear to see that this unstable person was pushed by the twisted media he paid attention to: Reichwing talk.

Right wing terrorism is the most deadly kind of terrorism in the US today. Far more than Islamic or any other sort of terrorist actors.

I'll bet you didn't know that.






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