If you like your Internet you can keep your Internet. Period.

UPDATED: Sunday, March 8, 2015 14:16
VIEWED: 5172
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Friday, February 27, 2015 5:27 PM


At Obama's directive, the FCC has made the dictated power grab, citing language from the Federal Communications Act of 1934 and the Railroad Act of 1855. Applied to that ungoverned frontier of the Internet that Algore invented.
And the tech weenies think that this removal of their freedoms and liberties is a great thing, they are celebrating.

On a party-line vote, the supposedly independent from the President 5 Commissioners - of whom none had read the 340 page decree - got their 3 Obamabots to grab this freedom from the American people. And then the Chairman Wheeler made a statement confusing the "Regulation of the First Amendment" with a Right bestowed by the Creator (or Founders), and compared that pesky First Amendment Regulation with their power grab.

I did not see a pertinent thread here yet - did I miss it?

BTW, this confiscation of freedoms and liberties is called by Obamabots and other Libtards "Net Neutrality"


Friday, February 27, 2015 6:34 PM


America loves a winner!

Resistance is futile.

We're all part of the collective.


Friday, February 27, 2015 10:24 PM


So much for "can't stop the signal." If shuts down because of this I swear there's gonna be hell to pay!


Saturday, February 28, 2015 12:15 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


The new rules aim to ensure that Internet service providers (ISPs) cannot discriminate between content-makers by blocking or deliberately slowing some content while offering prioritization for those willing or able to pay. Mobile data service for smartphones and tablets also are being placed under the new rules. The directive also includes requirements to protect consumer privacy and to ensure Internet service is available for people with disabilities and in remote areas.
So, basically, you will be able to download at the same speed as before, instead of being bumped to a snail's-pace by Netflix.

Is that a bad thing?

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Saturday, February 28, 2015 7:39 AM


America loves a winner!

It's a bad thing if Netflix has proprietary material it's sending down the line, and this , as much as I do enjoy it, is far less urgent.

And even though I do donate, this is still a 'free' website. Not so with Netflix.


Saturday, February 28, 2015 3:59 PM


I did forget to mention that Verizon issued a press release as reply. The message was in Morse Code, reflecting the 1855 level of government control now in effect.


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

The new rules aim to ensure that Internet service providers (ISPs) cannot discriminate between content-makers by blocking or deliberately slowing some content while offering prioritization for those willing or able to pay. Mobile data service for smartphones and tablets also are being placed under the new rules. The directive also includes requirements to protect consumer privacy and to ensure Internet service is available for people with disabilities and in remote areas.
So, basically, you will be able to download at the same speed as before, instead of being bumped to a snail's-pace by Netflix.

Is that a bad thing?

Never mind than man behind the curtain.

Nice of you to quote the Obamabot proposition of the problem that doesn't exist.
Now with Obama control over the internet, websites are like radio stations. Websites being required to apply for Obama's big government permission to exist? Websites being required to pay for license to exist? Websites being required to adapt content restrictions - only that content which Obama accepts and agrees with?
It took 50 years for the details of the FCA to be exposed - such as the Unfairness Doctrine - as uncontrolled censorship.
FCC has not issued any information about when, or even if the 340 pages of this new regulation will ever be released to find out what it contains.

Good to know the Imperial Forces and other Libtards have succumbed to the Jedi Mind Tricks of Obama.


Saturday, February 28, 2015 6:28 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

"The problem that doesn't exist."?

It most certainly does!

We have known for YEARS that Verizon is gating our traffic. We pay for dsl, our ISP is a third-party who leases Verizon lines, but at times all we get is dial-up speed.

We have called our ISP. One time, they changed our router connections, which helped somewhat. But other times, they refer us to Verizon, and Verizon gives us the same story every time .... you're more than 5000 feet from the central hub, you can't expect faster service.

But YES, WE CAN! Because occasionally, we get blazing fast service... full speed! Up to the level that we're actually paying for!

And then... well, the service drops off. Hubby has run diagnostics, where he repeatedly "pings" a known server and measures the response time and ... darn it, if it doesn't occasionally hit a very steady limit for hours, days, or weeks at a time. Far lower than what is (and has been) technically-achievable by the physical infrastructure... which (btw) doesn't change from day to day and week to week, so that doesn't explain the variation of speed.

WE know that we're being gated, I'm pretty sure our dsl provider knows we're being gated, but what can we do??? Go to another phone system??? Go to Time Warner cable? Wireless? (The various cell services that we've tried in our very urban area suck. We rarely get good signal in our house/ on our block.)

As far as "investment" is concerned.... Verizon has not put a penny into infrastructure. The FIOS lines that they STARTED to install (eight years ago) are still unfinished.

All we're doing is paying monopoly prices for horrible service.

So fuck 'em. I don't care if they get their ass kicked from here to eternity. Hang 'em high, as far as I'm concerned.

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Saturday, February 28, 2015 8:25 PM


America loves a winner!

To quote Peter Parker...I missed the part where that's my problem.


Saturday, February 28, 2015 8:31 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by AURaptor:

To quote Peter Parker...I missed the part where that's my problem.

Don't politically support the telecom monopoly pigs.

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Saturday, February 28, 2015 8:46 PM


America loves a winner!

Better them than the Imperial Federal Govt.

Alliance lovin' pigs, I got no use for 'em.

Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured... but not everyone must prove they are a citizen

I'm just a red pill guy in a room full of blue pill addicts.

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Sunday, March 1, 2015 10:11 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Rappy, how do you KNOW it's "not your problem"?

You don't.

"We're" not the only one being "gated", and "we're" not the only one suffering from decrepit infrastructure. I'll bet that you personally don't have the expertise to even find out if you're getting butt-fucked by the telecoms.

And unless you're living in Chattanooga TN or Wilson NC (which operate their own municipal broadband) the chances are, you are getting shafted. Americans have poor broadband service - worse than Romania and Canada! - and pay more per megabit per second than anyone else.


Cost (compared the average EU)

How does having slow, expensive internet service boost competitiveness and innovation? Requiring net neutrality only introduces competition back into the telecom world, and isn't that the basis of capitalism?

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Sunday, March 1, 2015 11:03 AM


America loves a winner!

All I know is that more govt control is not the answer.

330+ pages of new regulations, and the public STILL has not seen it yet.

That truly is unheard of.

Pelosi once insanely said that they had to pass the bill before we could find out what is in it.

This " law " wasn't even passed by Congress, and yet we are still stuck w/ it, and no one knows what's in it yet.


Sunday, March 1, 2015 2:21 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:



Cost (compared the average EU)

How does having slow, expensive internet service boost competitiveness and innovation? Requiring net neutrality only introduces competition back into the telecom world, and isn't that the basis of capitalism?

Sorry, Big Government is not the harbinger of competition that you seem to think it is. The basis of capitalism is to offer a market price for a market service. You are willing to pay your price for your service, and speed. You might have a reliable service and speed available, but you just don't want to pay that price.

Shirley, it must be the same enormous project to revamp every tower in Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea as it must be in USA.
Note how UK, Spain, Italy, France, Portugal, Isreal, Austria, Poland, Greece, Turkey are all slower than US, and they have far fewer towers to upgrade every year.


Sunday, March 1, 2015 6:42 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Sorry, Big Government is not the harbinger of competition that you seem to think it is.
Who do you think designed the internet anyway? (No, not Al Gore.) Do you KNOW? If you did, you wouldn't have made such an ignorant statement!


Shirley, it must be the same enormous project to revamp every tower in Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea as it must be in USA.
Do you even know how to read? They don't use towers, they use fiberoptic cable.

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Sunday, March 1, 2015 10:07 PM


America loves a winner!

I've gone from no internet, dial up, DSL , and high speed ... I swear, the spoiled, entitlement mindset of some people baffles me. Healthcare & high speed internet are NOT F-ing Rights!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

" government " did not lay those cable lines. Get a gorram clue!


Sunday, March 1, 2015 11:44 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:

I've gone from no internet, dial up, DSL , and high speed ... I swear, the spoiled, entitlement mindset of some people baffles me. Healthcare & high speed internet are NOT F-ing Rights!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I switched from "high-speed" 6 mbps to Xfinity 50 mbps. There's hardly any noticeable difference, but the good news is I'm paying less now than I was before. Free market capitalism at its best.


Monday, March 2, 2015 3:26 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by Jongsstraw:

Originally posted by AURaptor:

I've gone from no internet, dial up, DSL , and high speed ... I swear, the spoiled, entitlement mindset of some people baffles me. Healthcare & high speed internet are NOT F-ing Rights!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I switched from "high-speed" 6 mbps to Xfinity 50 mbps. There's hardly any noticeable difference, but the good news is I'm paying less now than I was before. Free market capitalism at its best.

You DO realize how sad that is, don't you? Being satisfied with bottom swill like that, and promoting it like some kind of achievement?

I have a question: Who is your avatar? That looks like a very young Patricia Neal.

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Monday, March 2, 2015 5:45 AM


America loves a winner!

Govt take over of the internet isn't going to ignite new competition.


Monday, March 2, 2015 11:59 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by AURaptor:
Govt take over of the internet isn't going to ignite new competition.

Neither will telecom dominance. Once upon a time, Facebook, Google, Amazon, and Netflix were exactly the kind of small company that would be locked out of the telecom's desired pricing structure. Since you NEVER know which startup is going to ignite, which small ideas will go big, you need to give a fertile ground for all small ventures. A slow, expensive internet benefits nobody- except the company that controls it, of course.

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Monday, March 2, 2015 4:32 PM


Its fun to come back here and see that our resident wingnuts are against something the citizens support, because their favorite whack jobs whined, and that can't NOT be in lock step.

“Anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.'”? Isaac Asimov


Monday, March 2, 2015 5:37 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Sorry, Big Government is not the harbinger of competition that you seem to think it is.
Who do you think designed the internet anyway? (No, not Al Gore.) Do you KNOW? If you did, you wouldn't have made such an ignorant statement!

Shirley you jest. Perhaps you are merely pretending to be blissfully ignorant while asking if somebody else is ignorant. Could that be?
For those reading and interested, the origins of the internet which Algore invented arose from a project within DARPA (yes, the D stands for Defense, which translates to MILITARY) to provide exclusively to research facilities, and only between them - the military did not intend to freely share worldwide all of it's military secrets (aka Advancements), as Siggy would seem to have you believe - a SECURE and high-speed communications system and protocol. This was highly exclusive, highly exclusionary, available to only projects and research which fell within the DARPA umbrella, and was paid for and utilized exclusively for Defense Research and among Defense-funded facilities.
What level of ignoramus would suggest that the most exclusive and exclusionary of networks would be an adequate example of a "more free and open" communications system? Although DARPA's creation did post date the FCA of 1934 and The Railroad Act of 1855, perhaps Siggy either deviously or unintentionally really did use an applicable reference, pointing out this new "Internet Tollroad" will be reigning in all the freedom and liberty we've had to be a more restrictive entity, like the original "internet" creation of the DARPA program.


Shirley, it must be the same enormous project to revamp every tower in Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea as it must be in USA.
Do you even know how to read? They don't use towers, they use fiberoptic cable.

Shirley you must have a point here.
It must be immeasurably easier to replace every fiber instead of merely the box in the tower.

How long of a cable do you take to McDonald's to connect to their Hi-Speed WiFi?

This 10Mbps would be faster than all of those on your chart, except S. Korea. But since it is WIRELESS, your fiber would take a long time to get installed - because high-speed does not use TOWERS, according to you.
Have you heard of this new thing called smart phones, with 4G capability? These phones are not even required to plug into any cable or wire, fiber or otherwise - these newfangled "Mobile Phones" use WIRELESS connectivity.


Monday, March 2, 2015 6:45 PM


America loves a winner!

I saw a blue dress w/ black stripes.

Others saw a white dress with gold stripes.

Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured... but not everyone must prove they are a citizen

I'm just a red pill guy in a room full of blue pill addicts.

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Monday, March 2, 2015 7:09 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:

I saw a blue dress w/ black stripes.

Others saw a white dress with gold stripes.

Today, everybody on The Talk wore that dress. Guest panelists were Lisa Kudrow and Alyssa Milano. They both are supposed to be smarter than the rest.


Monday, March 2, 2015 10:46 PM


America loves a winner!

WTH is " The Talk " , and why are you watching ?


Tuesday, March 3, 2015 4:26 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
WTH is " The Talk " , and why are you watching ?

Some show that comes on after Craig Ferguson's Celebrity Name Game. It normally has Aisha Tyler, Sharon Osborne, Sara Gilbert, and the Chen married to Moonves, so not worth watching. But Alyssa and Lisa are rumored to have some sense in their heads, so I wanted to see if they were allowed to talk. Gilbert is on maternity leave with her wife, so there might be some reasonable chicks on the show until her return.


Tuesday, March 3, 2015 5:53 PM


America loves a winner!

Aisha Tyler = Agent Lana Kane. Archer.

That's all I need to know. All the others may be excused.


Tuesday, March 3, 2015 7:08 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Gilbert is on maternity leave with her wife

What was it Mal said ... "Oh God, I can't know that!"


Wednesday, March 4, 2015 6:24 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Sorry, Big Government is not the harbinger of competition that you seem to think it is.-JSF

Who do you think designed the internet anyway? (No, not Al Gore.) Do you KNOW? If you did, you wouldn't have made such an ignorant statement! -SIGNY

Shirley you jest. Perhaps you are merely pretending to be blissfully ignorant while asking if somebody else is ignorant. Could that be?
For those reading and interested, the origins of the internet which Algore invented arose from a project within DARPA (yes, the D stands for Defense, which translates to MILITARY)...

...which translates to government...

to provide exclusively to research facilities, and only between them - the military did not intend to freely share worldwide all of it's military secrets (aka Advancements), as Siggy would seem to have you believe - a SECURE and high-speed communications system and protocol. This was highly exclusive, highly exclusionary, available to only projects and research which fell within the DARPA umbrella, and was paid for and utilized exclusively for Defense Research and among Defense-funded facilities.
The special thing about the DARPA-net wasn't that it was secure, but that it was designed to be un-interruptable because it was DISTRIBUTED.

- blah blah blah- JSF


Shirley, it must be the same enormous project to revamp every tower in Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea as it must be in USA.

Do you even know how to read? They don't use towers, they use fiberoptic cable. - SIGNY

Shirley you must have a point here.
It must be immeasurably easier to replace every fiber instead of merely the box in the tower.

What do you think connects the towers?


Today's users of mobile devices depend on wireless connections for their voice, data and even video communications. Even homes and businesses may depend on wireless, especially those who are not in urban or suburban areas served by FTTH (fiber to the home) or FTTC (fiber to the curb.) Some of us in the business now use the term FTTW for fiber to wireless, since wireless depends on fiber for the communications backbone and increasingly the connection to the wireless antennas, no matter what kinds of wireless we use.

So even "wireless" isn't really "wireless". It's true that the slowest part of the connection is the last 100 feet (or 1/8 mile if you're talking cell towers) but there's really no such thing as a "wireless" internet. Even satellite connections at some point rely on cable.


(CNN) -- People in the United States basically invented the Internet. So U.S. connections must be the fastest and cheapest in the world, right?

Not so much.

Broadband Internet speeds in the United States are only about one-fourth as fast as those in South Korea, the world leader, according to the Internet monitoring firm Akamai.

And, as if to add insult to injury, U.S. Internet connections are more expensive than those in South Korea, too.

The slower connection here in the U.S. costs about $45.50 per month on average, according to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. In South Korea, the much-faster hookup costs $17 per month less. An average broadband bill there runs about $28.50.

So why is U.S. Internet so much slower and pricier than broadband connections in South Korea?....

Countries with fast, cheap Internet connections tend to have more competition.

In the U.S., competition among companies that provide broadband connections is relatively slim. Most people choose between a cable company and a telephone company when they sign up for Internet service.

In other countries, including South Korea, the choices are more varied....

There is vigorous debate in the telecommunications world about the role "open networks" have in creating fast, cheap Internet connections.

The idea behind an "open" system is essentially that, for a fee, broadband providers must share the cables that carry Internet signals into people's homes.

Companies that build those lines typically oppose this sharing. A number of governments, including South Korea and Japan and several European countries, have experimented with or embraced infrastructure-sharing as a way to get new companies to compete in the broadband market.

The U.S. does not require broadband providers to share their lines, and some experts cite Korea's relative openness as one reason the Internet there is so much faster and cheaper than it is here.

The most important thing is that countries create a way for companies to enter the broadband market without having to pay for huge amounts of infrastructure, said Faris.

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Wednesday, March 4, 2015 1:15 PM


What Would Mal do ?

come a day..won't be room for naughty men like us to slip about..

ya know.. I've started, more than once, to open a new thread asking if us Whedon fans think that Joss would create Firefly today...I am speaking about how so many hollywood were so ready to make shows like Boston Legal and even Firefly where the big federal govt is bad and should be mocked..when it was Bush in office...but they go quiet, and even defensive now that Obama has been in place.

Don't get me wrong.. some of my favorite shows were Boston Legals and of course my beloved Firefly...not saying i support Bush or Obama..but saying that the episodes, the very underpinning thoughts of the stories are even more appropriate today than they were a decade ago...
Govt's hand in the Web will not end well... no matter who is in the on it baby!


Wednesday, March 4, 2015 6:36 PM



Originally posted by Jongsstraw:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
Gilbert is on maternity leave with her wife

What was it Mal said ... "Oh God, I can't know that!"

Are you confusing fear of perversion with disgust?
Why can't Gilbert get paternity leave when her wife gave birth? It doesn't seem to matter anymore that she did not impregnate her wife.


Wednesday, March 4, 2015 7:14 PM



Originally posted by OLDGUY:
come a day..won't be room for naughty men like us to slip about..

ya know.. I've started, more than once, to open a new thread asking if us Whedon fans think that Joss would create Firefly today...I am speaking about how so many hollywood were so ready to make shows like Boston Legal and even Firefly where the big federal govt is bad and should be mocked..when it was Bush in office...but they go quiet, and even defensive now that Obama has been in place.

Don't get me wrong.. some of my favorite shows were Boston Legals and of course my beloved Firefly...not saying i support Bush or Obama..but saying that the episodes, the very underpinning thoughts of the stories are even more appropriate today than they were a decade ago...
Govt's hand in the Web will not end well... no matter who is in the on it baby!

Considering that maybe if Nixon wasn't in office then maybe MASH wouldn't have devolved so quickly and irreversibly does not sway me to downgrade Nixon's tenure. I certainly hope Joss has more sense. Let's see.
Under Bush, Firefly was anti-government. Alliance was the villain.
Under Obama, Dollhouse was anti-corporation. Corporation was the villain.
Avengers seems to be pro-government, anti-capitalist. That Stark guy needs to be controlled better.
Don't know enough about Buffy, Angel.

On the other hand, using examples of Japan (smaller than the state of Montana) with all of it's government-owned utilities and communications providers are devoid of the concept of free enterprise, or free-market, or the needs and requirements of a nation of far greater size, and far less density of population.
And saying that laying wire to many thousands of customers from a tower instead of just upgrading the box in the tower is the same or similar cost is preposterous.


Thursday, March 5, 2015 6:19 PM




Friday, March 6, 2015 7:27 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by OLDGUY:
come a day..won't be room for naughty men like us to slip about..

ya know.. I've started, more than once, to open a new thread asking if us Whedon fans think that Joss would create Firefly today...I am speaking about how so many hollywood were so ready to make shows like Boston Legal and even Firefly where the big federal govt is bad and should be mocked..when it was Bush in office...but they go quiet, and even defensive now that Obama has been in place.

Don't get me wrong.. some of my favorite shows were Boston Legals and of course my beloved Firefly...not saying i support Bush or Obama..but saying that the episodes, the very underpinning thoughts of the stories are even more appropriate today than they were a decade ago...
Govt's hand in the Web will not end well... no matter who is in the on it baby!

I think neither of us knows what's in the FCC proposals, since none of us has read it.
As a reviewer of many things technical, the devil is often in the details. However, in the face of a clear danger to a cost-neutral internet (which is what the multi-tier pricing structure would mean) any action to thwart that action is a good one until demonstrated otherwise.

Yes, I know- the government has slipped a lot of "actions" into the queue on the basis of responding to a "threat" ... The Clone of the Revenge (Iraq War II), the Patriot Act, the GWOT, Obamacare, the bank bailout .... but once in a while, by accident, the gubmint actually manages to do something useful. This may be one of those times.

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Sunday, March 8, 2015 2:16 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by OLDGUY:
come a day..won't be room for naughty men like us to slip about..

ya know.. I've started, more than once, to open a new thread asking if us Whedon fans think that Joss would create Firefly today...I am speaking about how so many hollywood were so ready to make shows like Boston Legal and even Firefly where the big federal govt is bad and should be mocked..when it was Bush in office...but they go quiet, and even defensive now that Obama has been in place.

Don't get me wrong.. some of my favorite shows were Boston Legals and of course my beloved Firefly...not saying i support Bush or Obama..but saying that the episodes, the very underpinning thoughts of the stories are even more appropriate today than they were a decade ago...
Govt's hand in the Web will not end well... no matter who is in the on it baby!

I think neither of us knows what's in the FCC proposals, since none of us has read it.
As a reviewer of many things technical, the devil is often in the details. However, in the face of a clear danger to a cost-neutral internet (which is what the multi-tier pricing structure would mean) any action to thwart that action is a good one until demonstrated otherwise.

Yes, I know- the government has slipped a lot of "actions" into the queue on the basis of responding to a "threat" ... The Clone of the Revenge (Iraq War II), the Patriot Act, the GWOT, Obamacare, the bank bailout .... but once in a while, by accident, the gubmint actually manages to do something useful. This may be one of those times.

This is not one of those times. You seem to be adhering to the Talking Points of whatever Lefty Libtard Leader you're listening to lately.
The key part of the ruling is not exactly what was in the "proposals" that Obama has been trying to cram down everybody's throat - it is the fact that they have re-classified the entirety of the Internet, the Web, to be a communications system like Radio (all forms, not merely your music) and Television, and a company like the Railroads which needs to be forever under government control. Government censorship, restriction, taxation, authorization.
Remember when there was no "rock" on radio prior to Van Halen? No metal, punk, heavy metal - just bluesy pop rock.






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