Kansas set to prevent poor from using aid for swimming pools, psychics

UPDATED: Tuesday, April 21, 2015 17:18
VIEWED: 6302
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Tuesday, April 7, 2015 10:10 PM


America loves a winner!

Really? This wasn't done already ?


Kansas is close to telling poor families by law that they can't use cash assistance from the state to visit swimming pools, get tattoos or consult with psychics among a list of other things, leading critics to focus on whether tighter rules for social services will make life more unpleasant for the needy.

Republican Gov. Sam Brownback and his allies are emphasizing how they believe a social services bill approved by lawmakers this week helps move people from state assistance into decent jobs.

The bill puts policies imposed by Brownback's administration into state law, so they'll be harder to undo later. A key policy requires able-bodied adults receiving temporary cash assistance to work, be looking for a job, or to enroll in job training.

Note, this law doesn't forbid the poor from using swimming pools or getting tattoos, but just not on the public's dime. Sounds pretty damn fair to me.


Wednesday, April 8, 2015 6:58 PM


"life more unpleasant for the needy"
The needy need tattoos?
Kansas must have some serious gravy train.

Is the whole state full of Obamabots?


Friday, April 10, 2015 12:50 PM


The swimming pool ban is a bit rough....


Friday, April 10, 2015 1:50 PM


I doubt they do any of that, anyway. Can't afford it.

Yes, just more hate for the poor.


Friday, April 10, 2015 3:47 PM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by Magonsdaughter:
The swimming pool ban is a bit rough....

It's not a ban. They're welcome to enter into public pools, just as anyone else, as long as they pay.


Friday, April 10, 2015 5:55 PM



Originally posted by reaverfan:
I doubt they do any of that, anyway. Can't afford it.

Yes, just more hate for the poor.

If they don't do that, then there is no harm in banning the use of public assistance to pay for what you claim they won't do.
You really are a complete failure in logic, aren't you?


Friday, April 10, 2015 7:28 PM


Meh, I don't understand your system in the States. It seems weird and draconian.


Saturday, April 11, 2015 12:12 PM



Originally posted by Magonsdaughter:
Meh, I don't understand your system in the States. It seems weird and draconian.

Rob from Peter (the working) to pay Paul (the lazy, the criminal, the crooked) - the Democrat way.


Saturday, April 11, 2015 8:09 PM


Or use government handouts to subsidise the shitty wages provided by corporations who expect the lowest strata of your country to work as semi slaves.


Sunday, April 12, 2015 10:32 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by Magonsdaughter:
Or use government handouts to subsidise the shitty wages provided by corporations who expect the lowest strata of your country to work as semi slaves.

Not the proper function of govt, for starters, and our " poor " probably live better than most middle class in other nations.

The poor are free enough to work harder and make more money , if they want. Many simply don't want to.


Sunday, April 12, 2015 12:27 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by reaverfan:
I doubt they do any of that, anyway. Can't afford it.

Yes, just more hate for the poor.

If they don't do that, then there is no harm in banning the use of public assistance to pay for what you claim they won't do.
You really are a complete failure in logic, aren't you?

Not at all. It seems the "small government" types really like getting up in people's business, tho.

As bad as things are in Kansas, you'd think they might spend a little time addressing real issues, not fabricated ones.


Sunday, April 12, 2015 4:51 PM



Originally posted by Magonsdaughter:
Or use government handouts to subsidise the shitty wages provided by corporations who expect the lowest strata of your country to work as semi slaves.

I'm not familiar with a lot of things Aussie.
Do you not have free market, or free enterprise? I don't recall how your system works.


Sunday, April 12, 2015 7:22 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:

Not the proper function of govt, for starters, and our " poor " probably live better than most middle class in other nations.

The poor are free enough to work harder and make more money , if they want. Many simply don't want to.

Not if you are comparing western nations.


Sunday, April 12, 2015 7:34 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

I'm not familiar with a lot of things Aussie.
Do you not have free market, or free enterprise? I don't recall how your system works.

Australia is a socialist utopia. we don't have a government, per se, but the population all live in self sufficent, self governing cells call 'Hooroos'. Each Hooroo generates its own power through wind and solar power and produces most of its food. Hooroos trade with one another for resources that one might have that the other does, and different Hooroos have specialities, ie textiles, electronics etc. Each citizen receives free education, free health care and free aged care. In between, you are expected to be productive and gainfully contribute to the Hooroo, but if you hit a period of hardship, you are looked after until you can get back on your feet.

Each year a representative of each Hooroo meets for Parliament, to make decisions and vote on behalf of their Hooroo for country wide decisions.

You really shouldn't bother to check wikipedia or anything regarding the above, because wikipedia is a capitalist conspiracy.

Any other questions?


Sunday, April 12, 2015 8:15 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

I'm not familiar with a lot of things Aussie.
Do you not have free market, or free enterprise? I don't recall how your system works.

I read a book about Australia. It had pictures and everything.

It's a pretty boring country. The typical Aussie on a typical day :

Morning: gets raped by a pack of wild dingos.

Afternoon: plays tennis

Evening: tosses a koala on the barbie


Monday, April 13, 2015 7:11 PM



Originally posted by Jongsstraw:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

I'm not familiar with a lot of things Aussie.
Do you not have free market, or free enterprise? I don't recall how your system works.

I read a book about Australia. It had pictures and everything.

It's a pretty boring country. The typical Aussie on a typical day :

Morning: gets raped by a pack of wild dingos.

Afternoon: plays tennis

Evening: tosses a koala on the barbie

When I visited, the airport message board had gobs of notes with phone numbers of hot babes who wanted to get banged by visitors. Maybe that helped to keep the gene pool diversified.


Monday, April 13, 2015 7:19 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

When I visited, the airport message board had gobs of notes with phone numbers of hot babes who wanted to get banged by visitors. Maybe that helped to keep the gene pool diversified.

Vouldn't hoit!


Monday, April 13, 2015 7:19 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

When I visited, the airport message board had gobs of notes with phone numbers of hot babes who wanted to get banged by visitors. Maybe that helped to keep the gene pool diversified.

Vouldn't hoit!


Monday, April 13, 2015 7:19 PM



Originally posted by Magonsdaughter:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

I'm not familiar with a lot of things Aussie.
Do you not have free market, or free enterprise? I don't recall how your system works.

Australia is a socialist utopia.

America lost many patriotic lives (while socialists and other cowards stayed home) fighting a war against the National SOCIALIST Party until defeating Hitler, and then endured another 50 years of Cold War against the United Soviet SOCIALIST Republic until Ronald Reagan finally saved us, and has been infected by the Socialist Party whose platform has been adopted by the America-hating Democrats.
A "socialist utopia" is oxymoronic for patriotic Americans.

You really shouldn't bother to check wikipedia or anything regarding the above, because wikipedia is a capitalist conspiracy.

Any other questions?


Tuesday, April 14, 2015 4:15 PM


Anyway nuff nuffs, back from the Crazy Town some of you appear to live inand into reality.


Kansas issues its TANF benefits on debit cards instead of checks, and the bill currently on Governor Sam Brownback’s desk would disallow certain types of vendors from accepting payment from TANF debit cards. Traditional purveyors of vice such as tattoo parlors, liquor stores, and strip clubs all make the list (which is already required by federal regulations), but so do some more unexpected vendors. Under the bill, TANF recipients are barred from spending benefits at movie theaters, swimming pools, and even cruise ships. (Yes, cruise ships. In Kansas). In addition, the bill would limit ATM withdrawals on TANF debit cards to $25 a day—which is not only a massive inconvenience, but also significantly increases the bank fees that TANF recipients would have to pay in a month.

We're talking about $497 a month.

As it is, the maximum benefit in Kansas under TANF is fairly meager. According to the Washington Post, Kansans on the program can receive at most $497 a month in the priciest counties in the state. Families who are poor enough to be relying on that extra monthly income to pay the bills aren’t the likeliest candidates to be spending money on tattoos and French manicures, much less booking a spot on Royal Caribbean. The Kansas bill, however, isn’t just about tackling the imaginary problem of nonexistent welfare queens spending public assistance on a steak dinner at a casino -- it’s about punishing people for the crime of being poor.

Imagine being a person on public assistance in Kansas and scrimping even more on an already-tight food budget so you can afford the rare luxury of taking your kid to a movie or a public pool or even a theme park. In effect, the state of Kansas is about to say: As long as you’re poor, we’re going to prevent you and your children from having any fun.

In the conservative mindset that produced this bill, poverty is not the result of circumstance or a lack of striving; instead, it’s the result of shiftlessness, laziness, and a lack of motivation. From this point of view, people choose to be poor because being poor isn’t a hard enough lifestyle. So, if the government makes it even harder to be poor, most poor people will buck up, pull themselves up by their bootstraps, and magically find good-paying work and stop being poor. It’s a privileged position that’s insulting to anyone who has ever struggled to make ends meet while looking for work, but it’s the basis behind a surprising amount of conservative legislation.

Kansas isn’t the only state contemplating laws of this kind, but its version is the most extreme. Missouri Republicans are considering a bill that would ban purchasing steak and seafood with welfare benefits. They insist, without any actual data, that people on welfare in the state are buying steak and lobster under the guise of nutrition assistance. And earlier this year, New Hampshire’s legislature was contemplating restrictions similar to the Kansas bill. Why? As one of the legislators pushing the reform said, “I can’t tell you how many times my constituents stand in line and watch someone pull out an EBT card to buy lobster or something like that.”

Is there any evidence beyond random anecdotes to suggest that poor people engage in this type of profligacy with any regularity? Absolutely not. In fact, poor people tend to be much more cost-conscious because they have no choice but to be. Meanwhile, we don’t drug-test wealthy people to make sure they’re not abusing the government benefits they receive, like tax deductions on mortgage interest or IRA contributions. But random anecdotes about poor people buying lobster with government benefits taps into a deeply held conservative belief about the nature of poverty and the character of those who experience it.

The end result of this obsession? Laws that will accomplish little besides inflicting even more misery, inconvenience, and expense on the people who can least afford it and do nothing to help lift people out of poverty.


Tuesday, April 14, 2015 5:05 PM


America loves a winner!

If " the poor " stopped abusing the system and getting tattoos w/ govt $, then maybe there'd be no reason to reform this stuff.

But they do, and there is.

No, that's not entirely correct. The idiots in Govt , those elected officials who want to give out more and more goodies to potential voters ALLOW them to commit such abuse, which they do, and dutifully vote they way they're suppose to.

Kinda like how Wall St. acted when Govt set the rules for the housing bubble, which made it possible for banks to make out like banshees , coming and going.

Then we have Princess Lies A Lot Warren railing against her own party , who made it all possible ? NO ! She and her Lefty kooks go after those who simply gamed the system which they were forced to deal with.

Much like those on food stamps, who got free access to swimming pools, tattoos and 'Gentlemen's ' Clubs.


Tuesday, April 14, 2015 8:54 PM



Originally posted by Magonsdaughter:
Anyway nuff nuffs, back from the Crazy Town some of you appear to live inand into reality.


Kansas issues its TANF benefits on debit cards instead of checks, and the bill currently on Governor Sam Brownback’s desk would disallow certain types of vendors from accepting payment from TANF debit cards. Traditional purveyors of vice such as tattoo parlors, liquor stores, and strip clubs all make the list (which is already required by federal regulations), but so do some more unexpected vendors. Under the bill, TANF recipients are barred from spending benefits at movie theaters, swimming pools, and even cruise ships. (Yes, cruise ships. In Kansas). In addition, the bill would limit ATM withdrawals on TANF debit cards to $25 a day—which is not only a massive inconvenience, but also significantly increases the bank fees that TANF recipients would have to pay in a month.

We're talking about $497 a month.

As it is, the maximum benefit in Kansas under TANF is fairly meager. According to the Washington Post, Kansans on the program can receive at most $497 a month in the priciest counties in the state. Families who are poor enough to be relying on that extra monthly income to pay the bills aren’t the likeliest candidates to be spending money on tattoos and French manicures, much less booking a spot on Royal Caribbean. The Kansas bill, however, isn’t just about tackling the imaginary problem of nonexistent welfare queens spending public assistance on a steak dinner at a casino -- it’s about punishing people for the crime of being poor.

Imagine being a person on public assistance in Kansas and scrimping even more on an already-tight food budget so you can afford the rare luxury of taking your kid to a movie or a public pool or even a theme park.

Despite the attempts of this article to disparage the reasonable and much-needed legislative restrictions, it does accidentally swerve into the truth of the matter.
LUXURY items are not what public assistance is for. If you desire LUXURIES you do not have need of minimum assistance funds. If the funds have been used for LUXURY activities, it was certainly an abuse of the system. Confiscating the hard-earned income of the working to subsidize the LUXURY activities of the lazy is the way of the SOCIALISTS or COMMUNISTS (aka Democrats).
This undermines the entire concept of Safety Net.


In effect, the state of Kansas is about to say: As long as you’re poor, we’re going to prevent you and your children from having any fun.

In the conservative mindset that produced this bill, poverty is not the result of circumstance or a lack of striving; instead, it’s the result of shiftlessness, laziness, and a lack of motivation. From this point of view, people choose to be poor because being poor isn’t a hard enough lifestyle. So, if the government makes it even harder to be poor, most poor people will buck up, pull themselves up by their bootstraps, and magically find good-paying work and stop being poor. It’s a privileged position that’s insulting to anyone who has ever struggled to make ends meet while looking for work, but it’s the basis behind a surprising amount of conservative legislation.

Kansas isn’t the only state contemplating laws of this kind, but its version is the most extreme. Missouri Republicans are considering a bill that would ban purchasing steak and seafood with welfare benefits. They insist, without any actual data, that people on welfare in the state are buying steak and lobster under the guise of nutrition assistance. And earlier this year, New Hampshire’s legislature was contemplating restrictions similar to the Kansas bill. Why? As one of the legislators pushing the reform said, “I can’t tell you how many times my constituents stand in line and watch someone pull out an EBT card to buy lobster or something like that.”

Is there any evidence beyond random anecdotes to suggest that poor people engage in this type of profligacy with any regularity? Absolutely not. In fact, poor people tend to be much more cost-conscious because they have no choice but to be. Meanwhile, we don’t drug-test wealthy people to make sure they’re not abusing the government benefits they receive, like tax deductions on mortgage interest or IRA contributions. But random anecdotes about poor people buying lobster with government benefits taps into a deeply held conservative belief about the nature of poverty and the character of those who experience it.

The end result of this obsession? Laws that will accomplish little besides inflicting even more misery, inconvenience, and expense on the people who can least afford it and do nothing to help lift people out of poverty.


Wednesday, April 15, 2015 1:47 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:

Much like those on food stamps, who got free access to swimming pools, tattoos and 'Gentlemen's ' Clubs.

At least Food Stamp celebrity 'Surfer Dude' bought food with his Govt. handout. "Like steak and lobster tails rules man!"


Wednesday, April 15, 2015 7:01 PM



Originally posted by Jongsstraw:

Originally posted by AURaptor:

Much like those on food stamps, who got free access to swimming pools, tattoos and 'Gentlemen's ' Clubs.

At least Food Stamp celebrity 'Surfer Dude' bought food with his Govt. handout. "Like steak and lobster tails rules man!"

So steak and lobster are not considered LUXURY when compared to mac-n-cheese or hot dogs?


Wednesday, April 15, 2015 9:51 PM


America loves a winner!

Not a lobster tail fan myself, but at least I'd not steal any from Publix, as Jameis Winston from FSU did.


Wednesday, April 15, 2015 10:35 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by Jongsstraw:

Originally posted by AURaptor:

Much like those on food stamps, who got free access to swimming pools, tattoos and 'Gentlemen's ' Clubs.

At least Food Stamp celebrity 'Surfer Dude' bought food with his Govt. handout. "Like steak and lobster tails rules man!"

So steak and lobster are not considered LUXURY when compared to mac-n-cheese or hot dogs?



Thursday, April 16, 2015 8:45 PM



Originally posted by Jongsstraw:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by Jongsstraw:

Originally posted by AURaptor:
Much like those on food stamps, who got free access to swimming pools, tattoos and 'Gentlemen's ' Clubs.

At least Food Stamp celebrity 'Surfer Dude' bought food with his Govt. handout. "Like steak and lobster tails rules man!"

So steak and lobster are not considered LUXURY when compared to mac-n-cheese or hot dogs?


Public Assistance was intended to be part of the Social Safety Net for those who are poor, needy. Basic staple items are to be purchased, the intent is to stretch the government confiscated dollars out when distributed to the poor, not to be lavished upon luxuries. Steak and lobster are not examples of stretching out the food dollars to last as long as possible, they are examples of luxurious spending. Many programs also prohibit spending their funds on premium ultra orange juice, when the plain 100% orange juice is allowed.


Friday, April 17, 2015 11:07 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Not the proper function of govt, for starters, and our " poor " probably live better than most middle class in other nations.
Only if you're using Afghanistan or Bangladesh as your measuring stick.

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Friday, April 17, 2015 11:42 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Not the proper function of govt, for starters, and our " poor " probably live better than most middle class in other nations.
Only if you're using Afghanistan or Bangladesh as your measuring stick.

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.

No, I'm talking about such back waters as Western Europe. But thanks for playing.


Friday, April 17, 2015 12:41 PM


What Would Mal do ?

we've had to tell our kids for several years that we couldn't afford the pool membership...they get a bit confused cause the poor kids down the block all get to go...I have to explain to my kids that I work for a living..that's why we can't go to the pool...confused yet? lol

serioulsy...there's gonna be some messy protesting as austerity measures start to kick in where cities and states simply can't afford to give so much to so many who give so little back to the community.

Think about wrong would it be for a welfare family with kids to get up in the morning, go over to the pool, use the pole vacume, maybe spruce up a bit, trim the grass, etc..just a small small amount of work that would mean reducing the cost of having to pay contractors or staff...the family would learn from doing the work and would have some pride in their pool.

same with free housing...they sit in it all day and do nothing..but they complain when it comes time for the city to upgrade the place..displaces them for a month...while the city installs wifi, new HVAC, bout the residents get to do an understudy with the contractors...they'd learn ow to cable, how to program routers, how to install drywall, electrical, plumbing..think of the value of all the various components of upgrading an apartment building that would help these people get real jobs that pay decent money...instead..they have time to lay around the public pool and get tatts...? no..gonna be ulgy come the day the EBT cards don't reload.


Friday, April 17, 2015 12:58 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by AURaptor:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Not the proper function of govt, for starters, and our " poor " probably live better than most middle class in other nations.
Only if you're using Afghanistan or Bangladesh as your measuring stick.

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.

No, I'm talking about such back waters as Western Europe. But thanks for playing.

"You have just entered the Twilight Zone."

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Friday, April 17, 2015 1:03 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by OLDGUY:
we've had to tell our kids for several years that we couldn't afford the pool membership...they get a bit confused cause the poor kids down the block all get to go...I have to explain to my kids that I work for a living..that's why we can't go to the pool...confused yet? lol

Once there is a JOB FOR EVERYONE AT LIVING WAGES then you can make having a job a requirement. State welfare was put in place during the Great Depression to prevent capitalism from collapsing. It was meant to keep unemployed people from revolting, and so far it's done a great job. Remove welfare from the economy, and it truly WILL get ugly... people will be demanding jobs, and those "job creators" (whose purpose is really to destroy jobs) will find their heads upon pikes (or the equivalent).

So unless you're prepared to come up with meaningful work at living wages for everyone who can work, you might want to keep the system in place.

So here's the funny thing: When so much needs doing, why are jobs so scarce?

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Friday, April 17, 2015 3:26 PM



Originally posted by OLDGUY:
we've had to tell our kids for several years that we couldn't afford the pool membership...they get a bit confused cause the poor kids down the block all get to go...I have to explain to my kids that I work for a living..that's why we can't go to the pool...confused yet? lol

serioulsy...there's gonna be some messy protesting as austerity measures start to kick in where cities and states simply can't afford to give so much to so many who give so little back to the community.

Think about wrong would it be for a welfare family with kids to get up in the morning, go over to the pool, use the pole vacume, maybe spruce up a bit, trim the grass, etc..just a small small amount of work that would mean reducing the cost of having to pay contractors or staff...the family would learn from doing the work and would have some pride in their pool.

same with free housing...they sit in it all day and do nothing..but they complain when it comes time for the city to upgrade the place..displaces them for a month...while the city installs wifi, new HVAC, bout the residents get to do an understudy with the contractors...they'd learn ow to cable, how to program routers, how to install drywall, electrical, plumbing..think of the value of all the various components of upgrading an apartment building that would help these people get real jobs that pay decent money...instead..they have time to lay around the public pool and get tatts...? no..gonna be ulgy come the day the EBT cards don't reload.

Perhaps you should work a little harder. Go back to school and learn about bigotry. The problem with you morons is you always attack in the wrong direction. Down instead of up at those who hoard all the resources for themselves, then gets idiots like you to deflect attention away from them and onto the poor.

You're too stupid to realize that while you work hard all day, others are working twice as hard to keep your wages low. Open your eyes, it may pay off.


Friday, April 17, 2015 4:59 PM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

"You have just entered the Twilight Zone."

Astonishing Numbers: America's Poor Still Live Better Than Most Of The Rest Of Humanity

There’s a lot of debate (from certain quarters it’s less debate than whining actually) about the increasing inequality in the United States. Sure, maybe it’s true that the country continues to grow but what about the poor and their incomes?

And there might even be something worth worrying about in all of that too. But just as a short reality check, a few charts that show what it’s really like to be poor in America: as opposed to being actually poor that is...

However, look at it a little more closely in relation to other countries. We’re often told that to be poor in the US is much worse than being poor in the social democracies of Europe. And the bottom 10% in the US are indeed worse off than the bottom 10% in Sweden. But they’re better off than the bottom 10% in Germany or France: places where we are told that there is indeed that social democracy.

Maybe there’s something for this capitalism red in tooth and claw then: given that it does seem to improve the lives of the poor.

Take another look as well: we know that Russia is where bloated plutocrats loot everything from the country: and yet the bottom 10% in the US have, by this measure at least, better lives than the top 10% in Russia. And the top 10% in Portugal (where I live) and Mexico.


Friday, April 17, 2015 5:56 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Not the proper function of govt, for starters, and our " poor " probably live better than most middle class in other nations.
Only if you're using Afghanistan or Bangladesh as your measuring stick.

Are you incapable of following the news, or visiting reality?
If the black population of America was classified as one country, it would be the 13th wealthiest in the world. I suspect Afghanistan and Bangladesh may be below that, along with the other 150 odd countries in the world. I use "black" population because many try to claim that much of the poor population are minorities - and they aren't talking about Asians or Jews.


Friday, April 17, 2015 5:59 PM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

If the black population of America was classified as one country, it would be the 13th wealthiest in the world. I suspect Afghanistan and Bangladesh may be below that, along with the other 150 odd countries in the world. I use "black" population because many try to claim that much of the poor population are minorities - and they aren't talking about Asians or Jews.

Oh, sure, if you're including Oprah , Beyonce', Jay-Z, and Will Smith, along with all those who play in the NFL and NBA...



Friday, April 17, 2015 6:00 PM



Originally posted by OLDGUY:
we've had to tell our kids for several years that we couldn't afford the pool membership...they get a bit confused cause the poor kids down the block all get to go...I have to explain to my kids that I work for a living..that's why we can't go to the pool...confused yet? lol

serioulsy...there's gonna be some messy protesting as austerity measures start to kick in where cities and states simply can't afford to give so much to so many who give so little back to the community.

Think about wrong would it be for a welfare family with kids to get up in the morning, go over to the pool, use the pole vacume, maybe spruce up a bit, trim the grass, etc..just a small small amount of work

Can't you at least try to avoid swearing in this forum? Connecting poor and the W-word is racist and discriminatory, you cannot expect the poor to perform those evil excessive tasks. Next you'll ask them to pass a drug test before receiving benefits.
You racist misogynistic insensitive brute.

that would mean reducing the cost of having to pay contractors or staff...the family would learn from doing the work and would have some pride in their pool.

same with free housing...they sit in it all day and do nothing..but they complain when it comes time for the city to upgrade the place..displaces them for a month...while the city installs wifi, new HVAC, bout the residents get to do an understudy with the contractors...they'd learn ow to cable, how to program routers, how to install drywall, electrical, plumbing..think of the value of all the various components of upgrading an apartment building that would help these people get real jobs that pay decent money...instead..they have time to lay around the public pool and get tatts...? no..gonna be ulgy come the day the EBT cards don't reload.


Friday, April 17, 2015 8:25 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:

"You have just entered the Twilight Zone."

Astonishing Numbers: America's Poor Still Live Better Than Most Of The Rest Of Humanity

There’s a lot of debate (from certain quarters it’s less debate than whining actually) about the increasing inequality in the United States. Sure, maybe it’s true that the country continues to grow but what about the poor and their incomes?

And there might even be something worth worrying about in all of that too. But just as a short reality check, a few charts that show what it’s really like to be poor in America: as opposed to being actually poor that is...

However, look at it a little more closely in relation to other countries. We’re often told that to be poor in the US is much worse than being poor in the social democracies of Europe. And the bottom 10% in the US are indeed worse off than the bottom 10% in Sweden. But they’re better off than the bottom 10% in Germany or France: places where we are told that there is indeed that social democracy.

Maybe there’s something for this capitalism red in tooth and claw then: given that it does seem to improve the lives of the poor.

Take another look as well: we know that Russia is where bloated plutocrats loot everything from the country: and yet the bottom 10% in the US have, by this measure at least, better lives than the top 10% in Russia. And the top 10% in Portugal (where I live) and Mexico.

So you are saying, because our poor are better off then their poor, our poor have nothing to complain about.

It's a moron's argument and stupid to the point of being absurd.


Friday, April 17, 2015 8:50 PM


America loves a winner!

Yeah . Get angry & name call at a argument no one here even made.

Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured... but not everyone must prove they are a citizen

I'm just a red pill guy in a room full of blue pill addicts.

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Saturday, April 18, 2015 3:17 AM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

America lost many patriotic lives (while socialists and other cowards stayed home) fighting a war against the National SOCIALIST Party until defeating Hitler, and then endured another 50 years of Cold War against the United Soviet SOCIALIST Republic until Ronald Reagan finally saved us, and has been infected by the Socialist Party whose platform has been adopted by the America-hating Democrats.
A "socialist utopia" is oxymoronic for patriotic Americans.

You're so funny


Saturday, April 18, 2015 10:48 AM


This stuff is beyond addressing any more. Have at it....


Saturday, April 18, 2015 11:47 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

RAPPY- If you recall, your point was


... our " poor " probably live better than most middle class in other nations.- RAPPY

Only if you're using Afghanistan or Bangladesh as your measuring stick. -SIGNY

To which you replied


Astonishing Numbers: America's Poor Still Live Better Than Most Of The Rest Of Humanity

That wasn't your point. You made the point that OUR "poor" live better than the "middle class" in "other nations". Not that "our poor" are better off than "their poor".

What the article you linked points out is that "our poor" are worse off than "their poor" in Canada, Australia and Sweden. And BTW, the chart is missing a whole bunch of nations like Belgium, Denmark, Netherlands, Luxemburg, Norway, Austria, Iceland ... nations which have a long history of strong welfare programs, where "our poor" might compare very unfavorably to "their poor". (Not that they're cherry-picking their data or anything!)

It also shows that "our poor" are doing better than the top 10% in Italy, Israel (yes, Israel is a poor nation), Russia, China, Portugal, Brazil, Mexico and Turkey. They could add, without argument, Bangladesh, Pakistan, and India- which was my point.

CHINA, strangely, is not on the list.

The other point I would like to hear more about:

Germany's poor.

From what I understand, Germany depends a lot on immigrant labor for their worst-paid jobs. Twenty years ago, it was Turkish immigrants. Today, they tend to come from Romania, Slovenia, etc. I believe it's pretty much the same throughout the EU. So "their poor" are more like "our illegal immigrants" - although there is nothing illegal about immigrant labor, the immigrants don't share in the benefits of being citizens. Kind of like Korean and Philippine labor in Japan.

I don't think that illegal immigrants were counted in the USA "our poor" stats, since everything they do is off the books, not counted in the census etc. But if anyone has more information on the topic of "EU poor", please let me know.

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Saturday, April 18, 2015 12:15 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

To be clear, I'm not for giving the poor luxury items. I'm actually not in favor of welfare. "Charity" makes me cringe. I believe that "Pity would be no more, if we did not make men poor".

Welfare is really just the state propping up capitalism- and the capitalists are too stupid to see that. Far as I'm concerned, the wealthy SHOULD get rid of welfare. Then the whole place will burn, including them.

As an alternative, there should be a meaningful job at a living wage for everyone who can work. Charity, handouts, whatever you want to call it, should be reserved for the young, the old, and the sick, parents of the very young, and students - because that is the price you pay for having "a society"- the security that its member feel in their old age and illness/disability, and the cost of raising the next generation. Those who don't "want" to work can mooch off the charity of their families.

At this stage of our technological development, when we CAN do so many things, the only reason why there is poverty is misallocation of labor. So although we CAN build more houses, provide education and medical care, move towards sustainable energy, rehabilitate the environment, and clean public pools, is not because we CAN'T but because we DON'T. There is no money for restoring our wildlands, or building housing for "the poor" ... even though "the poor" could build their own housing.

Like I said- get rid of welfare. I'm all for it. Burn, baby. Burn.

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Saturday, April 18, 2015 3:29 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

If the black population of America was classified as one country, it would be the 13th wealthiest in the world. I suspect Afghanistan and Bangladesh may be below that, along with the other 150 odd countries in the world. I use "black" population because many try to claim that much of the poor population are minorities - and they aren't talking about Asians or Jews.

Oh, sure, if you're including Oprah , Beyonce', Jay-Z, and Will Smith, along with all those who play in the NFL and NBA...


Are you trying to claim that blacks can be one-percenters? That's racist, you insensitive misogynist brute.


Saturday, April 18, 2015 3:39 PM



Originally posted by Magonsdaughter:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

America lost many patriotic lives (while socialists and other cowards stayed home) fighting a war against the National SOCIALIST Party until defeating Hitler, and then endured another 50 years of Cold War against the United Soviet SOCIALIST Republic until Ronald Reagan finally saved us, and has been infected by the Socialist Party whose platform has been adopted by the America-hating Democrats.
A "socialist utopia" is oxymoronic for patriotic Americans.

You're so funny

Looks like I forgot to post linkys.

Having trouble finding the one that shows the Congressional members who most faithfully vote in accordance with the Democrat Party Platform are the Socialists.


Sunday, April 19, 2015 2:33 AM


Really!? How else are the poor to get a tan, in the middle of nowhere, where the cows have better rights.



Originally posted by AURaptor:
Really? This wasn't done already ?


Kansas is close to telling poor families by law that they can't use cash assistance from the state to visit swimming pools, get tattoos or consult with psychics among a list of other things, leading critics to focus on whether tighter rules for social services will make life more unpleasant for the needy.

Republican Gov. Sam Brownback and his allies are emphasizing how they believe a social services bill approved by lawmakers this week helps move people from state assistance into decent jobs.

The bill puts policies imposed by Brownback's administration into state law, so they'll be harder to undo later. A key policy requires able-bodied adults receiving temporary cash assistance to work, be looking for a job, or to enroll in job training.

Note, this law doesn't forbid the poor from using swimming pools or getting tattoos, but just not on the public's dime. Sounds pretty damn fair to me.


Sunday, April 19, 2015 2:36 AM


Did you really come up with that answer? Man are you guys brainwashed!

Here's a lovely fact: There is no ban on buying guns!



Originally posted by AURaptor:

Originally posted by Magonsdaughter:
The swimming pool ban is a bit rough....

It's not a ban. They're welcome to enter into public pools, just as anyone else, as long as they pay.


Sunday, April 19, 2015 2:37 AM


Yes, I agree............Enron, that's the way to steal!

Never steal anything small!



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by Magonsdaughter:
Meh, I don't understand your system in the States. It seems weird and draconian.

Rob from Peter (the working) to pay Paul (the lazy, the criminal, the crooked) - the Democrat way.


Sunday, April 19, 2015 2:42 AM


Then why didn't they ban GUNS! Riddle me that Batman!



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by reaverfan:
I doubt they do any of that, anyway. Can't afford it.

Yes, just more hate for the poor.

If they don't do that, then there is no harm in banning the use of public assistance to pay for what you claim they won't do.
You really are a complete failure in logic, aren't you?


Sunday, April 19, 2015 2:51 AM



There should be a law against anyone wanting to be poor. If we had a law against "those" people, we would have a better country. It's simple, make a law banning poor people. Anyone caught being poor should be deported to, hmmmmm, India or Pakistan or Somalia, or some such. You know, where those dirty unwashed poor people live. Then we would only have people with jobs and money.

Wait, who would the rich make money from if all the poor people are gone. Who would be blamed when things go wrong? Hmmmm, gotta think about this law some more. I work for a living, I don't want to be the Rich's guinea pig, or am I already. Hmmmmmmm



Originally posted by AURaptor:

Originally posted by Magonsdaughter:
Or use government handouts to subsidise the shitty wages provided by corporations who expect the lowest strata of your country to work as semi slaves.

Not the proper function of govt, for starters, and our " poor " probably live better than most middle class in other nations.

The poor are free enough to work harder and make more money , if they want. Many simply don't want to.






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