Texas - They're Coming!

UPDATED: Monday, May 11, 2015 13:11
VIEWED: 1697
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Saturday, May 9, 2015 5:19 AM


Jade Helm 15

Pretty soon Texas will be a pile of rubble, thanks to Operation Hammer of The Gods.
President Obama is at it again, sending troops to take away the guns. They're coming and the Texas faithful can't do shit about it. So bring out your guns and throw them in a pile in the town square because you don't stand a chance against the Emperor's Army.

Man oh man! I don't know whether to laugh or shake my head in disgust and disbelief.
These guys will say anything to rile up the lunatic fringe, and what's even funnier is that these folks are still on that "they're coming to take our guns" kick.

Well Round Up the Blackhawks and let's get to stompin'!!!

Wait............I forgot to say "YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE HAAAAAaaaaaaaaaa!!!



Saturday, May 9, 2015 5:29 AM



Saturday, May 9, 2015 6:59 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

I posted about this earlier, and one of my comments is that the military has to practice somewhere. I get that. It's far more cost-effective to practice within the boundaries than OCONUS.


There are a few .... mission statements? Training goals? ... as explained by the promoters of Jade Helm itself .... which give me pause. And one of them in particular is their desire to learn how to operate "undetected" among civilian populations.

That makes no logical sense.

I "get" that you might want to learn how to operate undetected - or less detected- among Pakistani or Afghani or even Saudi populations. After all, the military is to be deployed overseas.

BUT what can you learn about "operating undetected" from the AMERICAN milieu? After all, being "undetected" means that you know the language and the accent and the customs, that you "blend in" enough not to raise any flags. And the towns in which this training is to occur are supposedly encouraged to report anything suspicious. But "blending in" is culturally determined. You can't learn how to "blend in" to Pakistan or UAE or Gabon or Brazil by training in the USA. It just doesn't effing work. THe only place this practice makes sense is within the USA itself, and specifically within the communities in which it's practiced.

So, what IS the purpose of learning how to "blend in" to the USA population?

I think you're way too naive. I wondered about that goal from the minute I heard it, and it turns out that others wonder about it too.


The other day I was wondering aloud if we should be worried about the upcoming Jade Helm 15 Special Ops training operation scheduled to take place very soon in California, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, Colorado and yes, glorious Texas.

I concluded that we should be worried because it seemed to me that the operation was going to be very different from regular training exercises in that it was going to be extremely covert with Special Ops guys infiltrating communities looking to them to rat out the undesirables and forming groups who could be trusted to help them round those people up and get rid of them.

“Among the planned exercises, soldiers will try to operate undetected amongst civilian populations in some towns and cities where residents will be advised to report any suspicious activity they notice as a means of testing the military’s effectiveness, said county law enforcement officials who had been briefed by the Army.

“They’re going to set up cells of people and test how well they’re able to move around without getting too noticed in the community,” said Roy Boyd, chief deputy with the Victoria County Sheriff’s Office. “They’re testing their abilities to basically blend in with the local environment and not stand out and blow their cover.

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Saturday, May 9, 2015 8:01 AM


America loves a winner!


These guys will say anything to rile up the lunatic fringe

During a protracted segment tonight devoted to slamming Mitt Romney as a racist because of his campaign ads critical of the Obama administration's recent gutting of welfare reform, MSNBC's Melissa Harris-Perry and Al Sharpton took issue with token Republican panelist Steve Schmidt's complaint that both sides of the political aisle use race-baiting and extreme appeals to prejudicial fears of voters. Schmidt, who advised the 2008 McCain campaign, reminded his fellow panelists of a 2000 anti-Bush ad run by the NAACP which suggested that Bush was in some way to blame for James Byrd's dragging death , as well as a 2008 ad that compared John McCain to segregationist George Wallace. "Both sides, when they use these tactics, and both sides have used these tactics, my view is it's wrong. It doesn't have a place in American politics," he argued. -

It's funny, but that ad has been nearly scrubbed from the internet. Gee, wonder why. But at least all references haven't been erased. Yet.


Saturday, May 9, 2015 2:00 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:

These guys will say anything to rile up the lunatic fringe

MSNBC's Melissa Harris-Perry and Al Sharpton took issue with token Republican panelist Steve Schmidt's
Schmidt, who advised the 2008 McCain campaign,

Not to detract from the point made, but buried in there was the concept that MSNBC's version of a balanced panel was the Republicans being represented by Steve Schmidt, who torpedoed the McCain Campaign, viciously attacked and undermined Sarah Palin at every opportunity, and managed to lose the election in 2008. What, was Richard Dreyfus too busy to pretend to be a Republican for an hour? Was Bill Maher forced to lend him out for a bit?
Schmidt was able to help Democrats with Bill Bradley's campaign in 78, and then managed to serve the Libtards by continuing to fail in practically every election since. Thankfully, even when he hooked up with Rove he wasn't able to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory for Bush 2004 or Schwartznegger 2006. But pretending this Libtard could speak for those thinking opposite the Democrats is laughable. He is the biggest enemy that conservatives have.


Monday, May 11, 2015 1:02 AM


Yes, I am naive when it comes to the military industrial complex and the path to world domination. But to suggest that anyone actually knows the motives of the MIC, well I wouldn't exactly bet the farm.

Granted military games on US soil, iffy. Now you know how the good people of Culebra, P.R. felt whenever the military would conduct their war games. Perhaps they're preparing for a civil war here in the US, who knows.



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
I posted about this earlier, and one of my comments is that the military has to practice somewhere. I get that. It's far more cost-effective to practice within the boundaries than OCONUS.


There are a few .... mission statements? Training goals? ... as explained by the promoters of Jade Helm itself .... which give me pause. And one of them in particular is their desire to learn how to operate "undetected" among civilian populations.

That makes no logical sense.

I "get" that you might want to learn how to operate undetected - or less detected- among Pakistani or Afghani or even Saudi populations. After all, the military is to be deployed overseas.

BUT what can you learn about "operating undetected" from the AMERICAN milieu? After all, being "undetected" means that you know the language and the accent and the customs, that you "blend in" enough not to raise any flags. And the towns in which this training is to occur are supposedly encouraged to report anything suspicious. But "blending in" is culturally determined. You can't learn how to "blend in" to Pakistan or UAE or Gabon or Brazil by training in the USA. It just doesn't effing work. THe only place this practice makes sense is within the USA itself, and specifically within the communities in which it's practiced.

So, what IS the purpose of learning how to "blend in" to the USA population?

I think you're way too naive. I wondered about that goal from the minute I heard it, and it turns out that others wonder about it too.


The other day I was wondering aloud if we should be worried about the upcoming Jade Helm 15 Special Ops training operation scheduled to take place very soon in California, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, Colorado and yes, glorious Texas.

I concluded that we should be worried because it seemed to me that the operation was going to be very different from regular training exercises in that it was going to be extremely covert with Special Ops guys infiltrating communities looking to them to rat out the undesirables and forming groups who could be trusted to help them round those people up and get rid of them.

“Among the planned exercises, soldiers will try to operate undetected amongst civilian populations in some towns and cities where residents will be advised to report any suspicious activity they notice as a means of testing the military’s effectiveness, said county law enforcement officials who had been briefed by the Army.

“They’re going to set up cells of people and test how well they’re able to move around without getting too noticed in the community,” said Roy Boyd, chief deputy with the Victoria County Sheriff’s Office. “They’re testing their abilities to basically blend in with the local environment and not stand out and blow their cover.

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Monday, May 11, 2015 1:11 PM







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