I hear that I'm going to Die.

UPDATED: Saturday, June 6, 2015 02:26
VIEWED: 3796
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Thursday, May 14, 2015 10:59 PM


I can't think of anyone who would argue that more than FFF RWED'ers.....


I'm probably dying, and even my knowledge of base 255t..+\\\7.7\] is very unlikely 2 help me.

I'm just glad to understand it now :)



Thursday, May 14, 2015 11:08 PM


Say what you want about Haken, but Suicide by relays doesn't happen on his watch in 2115, or whatever...

fucking Vulcan....

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Thursday, May 14, 2015 11:11 PM


human 9 s so much different in BCD.



Do Right, Be Right. :)


Thursday, May 14, 2015 11:11 PM


human 9 s so much different in BCD.


Do Right, Be Right. :)


Thursday, May 14, 2015 11:20 PM


Is there a difference between 10 and 10?\\....

My program will vaporize you if you don't know that answer and you're poking around....


Thursday, May 14, 2015 11:41 PM


as much as i've evolved, i don't help Nikki. (NOT 1ikiki)

She ruined the enjoyment of my online life here.

I know a million things I didn't know 365 days ago.

She will not gain anything from my new knowledge without stealing it.

This is my only physical barrier.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Thursday, May 14, 2015 11:49 PM


I'm just learning this week how to convert base2 and base8 and base16....

It doesn't matter how much smarter than I am than idiots.

Every idiot I grew up with will now outlive me...


Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, May 15, 2015 12:03 AM



1..... through 9 in Binary.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, May 16, 2015 12:30 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

we're all dying, Jack. Do you have a diagnosis that makes you think that you're going to die any time soon??

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Friday, May 22, 2015 10:52 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
we're all dying, Jack. Do you have a diagnosis that makes you think that you're going to die any time soon??

Yes. And for once I really don't want to get into it.

Eating a dorito, a stray part went up a certain way in my mouth as to take a chunk out of my gums on my "smiling teeth" last week.

According to my Dental People, my gums are the only things holding my teeth in anymore.

I wish we could just call this "shitty dental hygiene" and call it a day.

I have the jaw bone loss of an 80 year old man at 35. Do the math.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, May 23, 2015 11:41 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Sorry to hear that, Jack. Is there something that can be done?

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Sunday, May 24, 2015 12:07 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Ouch. That really sucks.

SAGAN: We are releasing vast quantities of carbon dioxide, increasing the greenhouse effect. It may not take much to destabilize the Earth's climate, to convert this heaven, our only home in the cosmos, into a kind of hell.


Sunday, May 24, 2015 10:45 AM


I don't know how to respond to that except to say make peace with yourself. That may help you come to terms with this. We all share with you our own mortality and will have to face our own end at some point. Know you have others in your life who wish better for you.


Sunday, May 24, 2015 5:17 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

I've done some inet searching, based on what I surmise Jack is referring to. Bone loss, infection and/or necrosis in either or both jaws are treatable conditions involving antibiotics and/or bone-graft surgery. Needless to say those are expensive procedures.

In my lifetime observation, within the last 8 years, one of my co-workers had a long-standing infection at the root of one of his upper molars that ate away a significant portion of the underlying bone. Treatment involved implanted antibiotics, and, once the infection was cleared up, restoring the bone with a bone graft (using his own powdered live bone mixed into a bio-compatible absorbable cement). Needless to say the natural tooth didn't survive. But once the bone was restored he was able to get an implant which has served him very well.

So hopefully Jack will be able to get treatment that'll stop whatever caused, or is still causing, the bone loss, and then eventually get the bone restored, and good health and function will be returned to his mouth.

My observation overall is that the health conditions that cause the most severe stress are the ones we never see coming. For many decades I had normal mammograms. Then I didn't. For my entire life I had low blood pressure. Then I didn't. And I've seen it happen in others. Men who were exceptionally strong, fit and quick in their youth became unnerved as they aged and lost those characteristics. Women with an exceptional memory were deeply distressed at becoming forgetful. A 30+ year old who unexpectedly developed cancer became permanently fearful about their health. The things about yourself you take so much for granted that they're part of your identity - when those things change it's extremely unnerving. Your identity is threatened. And that does cause a deep sense of your impermanence. I suspect that for Jack, one of the elements of his identity is - was - his smile.

Though facing our own mortality is something we all do, eventually, if we live long enough. Most people don't seem to have the psychological tools to do that until about the age of 30. Until then, like most youth, they are immortal.

SAGAN: We are releasing vast quantities of carbon dioxide, increasing the greenhouse effect. It may not take much to destabilize the Earth's climate, to convert this heaven, our only home in the cosmos, into a kind of hell.


Sunday, May 24, 2015 11:06 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

I have the jaw bone loss of an 80 year old man at 35. Do the math.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

So, you are using "die" as in "this is going to hurt, a lot" or as in... something else?

'Cuz "die" usually means "year or two" not "decade or two"...

Sorry, either way. I hate dental stuff.

P.S. my grandpa had dentures in his thirties, he did OK with them for thirty years. Just sayin'


Sunday, May 24, 2015 11:17 PM


Words of wisdom wishimay.


Wednesday, June 3, 2015 10:35 PM


My smile is my life, Wish....

My full head of hair is a 2nd place, but lest's remember that I'm still single.

Perhaps the lack of a wedding ring on my ring finger at my age might be a third, but that's a stretch.....

Even if it's grey, my hair will be full on my head.

I don't have a SINGLE cavity, and I never had.

My teeth themselves are awesome.

It just turns out that the bones that are supposed to hold them in are non-extant. The only thing holding most of them in now are my gums.

NOBODY can tell me why, although they have plenty of theories.

I really don't care. Without my smile, I might as well be 80 years old. Kill me now.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Thursday, June 4, 2015 12:20 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Smoking could be a cause.

But yanno Jack - plenty of people have great smiles they bought from a dentist and/ or oral surgeon.

SAGAN: We are releasing vast quantities of carbon dioxide, increasing the greenhouse effect. It may not take much to destabilize the Earth's climate, to convert this heaven, our only home in the cosmos, into a kind of hell.


Thursday, June 4, 2015 10:23 PM



Originally posted by 1kiki:
Smoking could be a cause.

But yanno Jack - plenty of people have great smiles they bought from a dentist and/ or oral surgeon.

I remember an account a doctor gave of a women who wanted a boob job. He gave her three months, and said I won't do it if you are still drinking and smoking, because you will not heal and your nipples can FALL OFF.

Sure enough, she said she had given them up and he did the surgery. And then her nipples fell off. He said she came to the office reeking from cigs.

Smoking and drinking inhibit your bodies' natural ability to regulate and repair. The damage is microcellular for decades, until it is not.

Hubbs smoked two packs a day when I met him, due to undiagnosed anxiety problems. He ended up with gingivitis. I had him rub his gums twice a week with vitamin E and gargle with garlic. I make him eat lots of berries. His dentist can no longer see any gingivitis, though he still has a LOT of cavities.

It can get better, if you want it too.

You just have to thoroughly understand the consequences of what you do. I'm not sure you are self aware enough to do that. No offence.

Take better care, maybe keep your teeth.

Keep doing whatcha doin, wear dentures.

It really is up to you.

Good luck.


Friday, June 5, 2015 10:51 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Jack, sometimes I just want to smack you upside the head.

You kept telling us (a little proudly, I think) about your smoking and drinking and your substandard diet...

... and NOW you're panicking about the results???

Son, poor people from the past weren't toothless because of cavities. They were toothless because of smoking, drinking, chewing tobacco, lack of oral hygiene substandard diet.

So, in order to make (and keep) bone, you need

magnesium (found in whole grains, nuts, and green veggies)
calcium (found in milk products)
protein (to make the framework on which bone is built, found in meat, fish, eggs, some milk products)
vitamin D3 (salmon, sardines, tuna, eggs, liver, vitamins)
vitamin C (fresh, raw fruits and vegetables. helps knit the proteins together that make up the bone scaffolding)


Yeah, I thought not.

Smoking leads to (among other things) vitamin D deficiency. (And drinking, BTW, leads to various B vitamin deficiencies.)

IF you must smoke and drink (and it seems that you must) then please for your own sake take a good multivitamin, an extra D vitamin (1000 IU), a magnesium supplement, and one 500 mg TUMS equivalent. It will help make up for the good nutrition that you're not eating, and start to stabilize your bones and keep them from dissolving (more).

If there is some way that you can get in touch with me, I'd be more than happy to send you a care package - two month's worth of vitamins. You really need them.

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Friday, June 5, 2015 11:18 PM


Thanks everybody....


I've been taking Multi-vitamins and separate Vitamin D pills for the last two months daily. I know it's a little late, but maybe it will save the other 25 or so teeth that they say still can be saved.

I've cut out most of the salty shit I ate. I've cut out pop. I've been drinking mostly skim milk, water, and a variety of fruit juices when I'm not getting drunk. I have been buying a salad for every day and if I miss one day I throw two in my big salad bowl and eat them. They have Romain and onions and carrots and cherry tomatoes and cucumber slices made by the deli at a very reasonable cost.

I brush 3 times a day or more, floss at least once and rinse with mouthwash at least 3 times a day or more.

Unfortunately, the infections that need to be taken care of with my surgeries starting next week are under the gums and nothing I do can fix that stuff until we peel my gums away and scrape all of it out. That's 10 to 15 years of bad stuff growing under there, and my gums are actually protecting the bad stuff that has been gnawing at my bones now.

Do I still smoke? Sure....

Do I still drink? Yes, but my monthly expenses for cheap beer has gone from over $200 a month to less than $60 a month.

Am I working out? Not yet, but next week is the last of my free school and I have two certification exams. I will be getting a gym membership with one of my old work friends at a local gym while I continue to study for 4 other Certifications available to me outside of this class while I'm healing from these surgeries. I don't want to start an internship when I know that I'm going to have to bail a few days here and there because of surgeries I knew about in advance. My co-ordinater today told me to let her know when my doctor gives me the all-clear to work.

My step-brother-in-law and all of his people assure me that when they're done with their work my teeth will look so good that I won't believe it. That's cool and all, but my teeth were pretty fucking perfect before I fucked them up.....

I still haven't told my real Dad who paid for all my orthodontist visits. I'm hoping I don't see him at all between surgeries. Paying for my Perfect Teeth was one of the luxuries he allowed himself. He actually told me one day a few years back "boy, I thought I was cheap".

I learned everything I know about money from him. Maybe he'd sympathize with my plight now if he knew, but I'm just worried he'd get all pissed off about money he wasted on my perfect teeth if he knew I let them fall out.

If, somehow, I get this all done without him knowing... I wonder if he will notice the fake chicklets I got in my mouth????

I'm thinking he won't though. My "moneymakers" are my top 6-8 teeth and all signs point to me being able to keep those. All I have to do is come up with reasons why we can't get together for the next few months.

Thanks for the care-package offer, but I'm good. I'm only here because I'm an idiot. Not because I'm poor.

I mean, currently I am poor, but that's not the reason I'm losing my teeth. I'm losing my teeth because I'm an idiot ;)

Hugs :)

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, June 5, 2015 11:23 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Hugs back. I'm so glad that you're taking better care of yourself!

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Saturday, June 6, 2015 12:16 AM


Too little to late, some might say....

It is what it is.

Just weird that I'm 35 and this is happening.....

I always thought I'd be older....

Hugs back!


BEST SONG EVER!!!!! At least a decade before i was born..

In HQ for the kiddies...


Saturday, June 6, 2015 1:24 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

I'm not trying to be a hardass - but these people working on your mouth - do they know you smoke?

How Is Smoking Related to Gum Disease?

Smoking weakens your body's infection fighters (your immune system). This makes it harder to fight off a gum infection. Once you have gum damage, smoking also makes it harder for your gums to heal.4,5,6

What does this mean for me if I am a smoker?

You have twice the risk for gum disease compared with a nonsmoker.1
The more cigarettes you smoke, the greater your risk for gum disease.5
The longer you smoke, the greater your risk for gum disease.5
Treatments for gum disease may not work as well for people who smoke.3

Tobacco use in any form—cigarettes, pipes, and smokeless (spit) tobacco—raises your risk for gum disease.7

SAGAN: We are releasing vast quantities of carbon dioxide, increasing the greenhouse effect. It may not take much to destabilize the Earth's climate, to convert this heaven, our only home in the cosmos, into a kind of hell.


Saturday, June 6, 2015 1:44 AM


Yeah 1iki,

They know. They have Doctorates, so they try to get me to quit.

The problem is, I don't have many things in life I care about or enjoy.

Drinking and Smoking are my top two that I can legally do if I want to get a good job.

Now that things are looking up for once, I think I could probably curb a lot of that bad behavior if I was legally allowed to smoke weed to even it out, but that's off the table... at least until I find a good job and take a piss or hair folicle test.

I hate to admit it, but even my angel of a niece is a distant 3rd or 4th to my daily vices.

I think Jewel said it best when She said "So you bargain with the Devil so your okay for Today."

I'm an awesome Uncle, but I'd make a shitty dad or husband for the very same reason that I'm a shitty owner of what was once a pretty awesome human vessle for this soul when it was young.

"You ask for it, you got it."

That joke that part of my "5 year plan" being that I wasn't going to live beyond 50 was more of a prophetic vision than a musing.

No use crying about it now. I'm decaying from the inside.

No sense in putting the breaks on now. Worst case scenario, I'm the awesome Uncle my niece wishes was still alive.

Best case, I make my awesome brother, the father of my niece, wake the fuck up and get his ass in the gym or Jenny Craig and lose some of that massive obesity and live long enough to see her to college or even her wedding.

I might have to die early to spur him to action.

I'm a selfish dick. He loves everybody. Everyone he knows is a better person after spending time with him.

If he somehow died before I did, the world would make even less sense to me than it already does.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, June 6, 2015 1:56 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

I feel sorry for you because you don't like yourself better - but then - it just may be the addictions talking.
If you ever remember being happy as a kid, then the biochemistry is there to be a happy adult. But I can tell you from personal experience that something may drive one to an addiction, but that once you're addicted you have two things to fix - your addiction AND whatever underlying issue drove you to it. It's a tough proposition.

SAGAN: We are releasing vast quantities of carbon dioxide, increasing the greenhouse effect. It may not take much to destabilize the Earth's climate, to convert this heaven, our only home in the cosmos, into a kind of hell.


Saturday, June 6, 2015 2:26 AM


The only part of me worth saving is the part of me that goes out of my way to help other people.

Do I do it out of Guilt? Possibly.

I don't need some bullshit religion to do it.

I'm far from an athiest, but I don't subscribe to any religion.

I find that I've spent a large amount of my free time recently helping other people.

I don't have much, but I'm comfortable living off of barely anything. I do what I can to help others get better, short of givng them a loan.

My rich White family can suck my balls. Anything outside of my immediate family that isn't my Grams can eat a dick.

I hate people like that.

Fucking pretend do-gooders that do everything they do out of guilt that they have more money than they know what to do with.

They'd all go bat-shit crazy if they had to exist off of my monthly income.

Whatever.... they'll live 40 years longer than me and die with Pearly White teeth.

I'm pretty sure that I'm currently in Hell for whatever bad shit I did in a previous life.

Do Right, Be Right. :)






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