Liberalz twise az smart az conservativez

UPDATED: Thursday, June 18, 2015 19:43
VIEWED: 3497
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Tuesday, May 5, 2015 10:25 AM


rezident owtsidr

Just wanted to throw that true factoid into the title stream.

I debate idiots on both sidez and the democrats are notisably less idiotic. Still sement heded, still party line followerz for sure, but the low level iz not nearly az abyzmal, wich bringz the averaj up.


Tuesday, May 5, 2015 11:27 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Democrats are no smarter than Republicans. I know this because I'm around both, but they have different styles of reasoning. The different styles makes one side think the other is stupider and less honest than it really is. (The sad truth is neither side is smart.) Conservatives are thinking, and arguing, for what is best for themselves, exclusively, and for their close relatives, maybe. Liberals are arguing for what is best for a much wider population, even going so far as to include non-human lives on special occasions.

I'll give you an example how that works for something very tangible and ordinary: parking and housing in San Francisco because I saw it today at

But the politics of this idea are very challenging. The problem is that it takes something (parking, specifically) away from people who already live on McAllister Street in order to benefit hypothetical occupants of new homes who, by definition, don't live there. That would be good for San Francisco, good for California, good for America, and good for the world. But it's not good for the people currently living on the block — and those are the people the city council is going to respond to.
Mostly everybody would respond to this problem, if it was their own street rather than McAllister Street in S.F., as a Conservative would respond. One side will deliberately make stupid & irrelevant arguments because they don't want to concede to the other side. Let the smartypants sacrifice themselves and their street for the greater good, while the really smart people play dumb. It is a winning strategy in politics.

A more complicated example: Paul Ryan loves talking about poverty, but he keeps getting the basic facts wrong. Paul Ryan deliberately gets his facts wrong so he can justify spending less money on the poor. That may be very bad for the poor (Ryan will debate you on it), but very good for Paul Ryan's rise in his Party's hierarchy. Ryan's learning disability is pretty smart on his part, especially if he is only pretending to care about poverty.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Tuesday, May 5, 2015 4:45 PM


Hahahahah. Say it aint so. Isn't Fox News the new Encyclopedia of the right winged red neck. Hellooo Whozit.


Tuesday, May 5, 2015 6:36 PM



Originally posted by Magonsdaughter:
Hahahahah. Say it aint so. Isn't Fox News the new Encyclopedia of the right winged red neck. Hellooo Whozit.

Yes, those libs in Baltimore are really smart.


Tuesday, May 5, 2015 7:01 PM



Originally posted by whozit:

Yes, those libs in Baltimore are really smart.

Baltimore got $2 Billion dollars from Obama's STIMULUS in 2010 for education and infrastructure. Everyone can see the results. Great job Barry!

BTW .. what exactly did Baltimore do with the $2 BILLION?


Tuesday, May 5, 2015 8:48 PM



Originally posted by second:
A more complicated example: Paul Ryan loves talking about poverty, but he keeps getting the basic facts wrong. Paul Ryan deliberately gets his facts wrong so he can justify spending less money on the poor.

Which of your so-called wrong facts do you claim Ryan gets?


Wednesday, May 6, 2015 7:41 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by second:
A more complicated example: Paul Ryan loves talking about poverty, but he keeps getting the basic facts wrong. Paul Ryan deliberately gets his facts wrong so he can justify spending less money on the poor.

Which of your so-called wrong facts do you claim Ryan gets?



Thursday, May 7, 2015 1:45 AM


rezident owtsidr


Originally posted by second:
Democrats are no smarter than Republicans. I know this because I'm around both, but they have different styles of reasoning. The different styles makes one side think the other is stupider and less honest than it really is. (The sad truth is neither side is smart.) Conservatives are thinking, and arguing, for what is best for themselves now , exclusively, and for their close relatives, maybe.

Added 'now', an important condition. Republicanz cant think past the next move. Even going by the nonstop campaning, you can see this in their stratejy.
The Democrats coud hav equally faulty facts and feeble brainz and still be effectively smarter since they can think az far az the 2nd move.

The Party uv Stupid survivez only kuz there are so many stupid voterz out there.

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early


Saturday, May 9, 2015 3:26 PM



Originally posted by JO753:
Just wanted to throw that true factoid into the title stream.

Why did you want to throw out that false truly Libtard factoid?
All evidence to the contrary, no evidence to support it, what reasonable measure do you use?

I debate idiots on both sidez and the democrats are notisably less idiotic. Still sement heded, still party line followerz for sure, but the low level iz not nearly az abyzmal, wich bringz the averaj up.

Ah, the always unbiased and fair method of who agrees with the Libtard and bends to the bias of the Libtard. How original.

How is it that the vast majority of college graduates are conservatives, and not liberals?
How is it that the lowest scoring college students are relegated to the Libtard Utopia fields of Teacher and Journalist (because they cannot pass any real field, like hard science)?


Saturday, May 9, 2015 4:14 PM


98% of the worlds scientist say global warming is real. The Republicans have denied this for years. REPUBLICANS ARE NOT ONLY STUPID, BUT DISHONEST AS WELL.


Saturday, May 9, 2015 4:21 PM



Originally posted by THGRRI:
98% of the worlds scientist say global warming is real. The Republicans have denied this for years. REPUBLICANS ARE NOT ONLY STUPID, BUT DISHONEST AS WELL.

100% of Liberally retarded scientists also said that the Earth was Flat. That still did not make it fact, and still doesn't.
Reasonable (like conservatives) scientists who stated that the Earth was round were not stupid, nor dishonest, tho they risked their lives/necks to make the claims.


Tuesday, May 12, 2015 9:43 AM


rezident owtsidr

Straw man arguments from a conservativ?! I'm shocked! SHOCKED I tell you!

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early


Tuesday, May 12, 2015 10:06 AM


rezident owtsidr


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
All evidence to the contrary, no evidence to support it, what reasonable measure do you use?

Herez the measure:
Thats the smartest guy in the hedquarterz uv the entire conservativ propaganda machine. Clearly a pinhed (the term he likes to toss around all the time), yet hiz word iz gospel to all you Obama Deranjement Syndrome suffererz. How many best sellerz haz he published? The Factor haz been the top rated cable newz show forever. An intellectual jiant amongst hiz conservativ peerz.

I hav better lojik than him wen I'm sleeping. A meth addled zombie in my most incoherent dream can expoze the flawz in O'Riellyz arguments!

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early


Tuesday, May 12, 2015 6:24 PM



Originally posted by JO753:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
All evidence to the contrary, no evidence to support it, what reasonable measure do you use?

Herez the measure:
Thats the smartest guy in the hedquarterz uv the entire conservativ propaganda machine. Clearly a pinhed (the term he likes to toss around all the time), yet hiz word iz gospel to all you Obama Deranjement Syndrome suffererz. How many best sellerz haz he published? The Factor haz been the top rated cable newz show forever. An intellectual jiant amongst hiz conservativ peerz.

I hav better lojik than him wen I'm sleeping. A meth addled zombie in my most incoherent dream can expoze the flawz in O'Riellyz arguments!

What sublevel of Libtard do you need to be to think that O'Reilly is smart?
This may prove you do be really dumb.


Thursday, May 14, 2015 1:35 PM


rezident owtsidr

You totally misinterpreted my statements. Proof that you are filtering everything you see & hear to fit wut you want to believ.

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early


Thursday, May 14, 2015 6:40 PM



Originally posted by JO753:
You totally misinterpreted my statements. Proof that you are filtering everything you see & hear to fit wut you want to believ.

Your statemnet claims O-Reilly as the smartest person you see. That is what I ridiculed.
How is that accurate interpretation really a misinterpretation?


Friday, May 15, 2015 4:54 PM



Originally posted by JO753:
Straw man arguments from a conservativ?! I'm shocked! SHOCKED I tell you!

Factual allegories do not a strawman make.
That you again misidentified facts? I am shocked! SHOCKED I tell you!


Friday, May 15, 2015 4:59 PM



Originally posted by second:
Democrats are no smarter than Republicans. I know this because I'm around both, but they have different styles of reasoning. The different styles makes one side think the other is stupider and less honest than it really is. (The sad truth is neither side is smart.) Conservatives are thinking, and arguing, for what is best for themselves, exclusively, and for their close relatives, maybe. Liberals are arguing for what is best for a much wider population, even going so far as to include non-human lives on special occasions.

A poignant example of Libtard thinking and point of view. While Conservatives are thinking and arguing for the masses, the wider population, the Libtards are thinking only for themselves or their self-identified group, and ignoring the needs, viability, continuation of the population as a whole.
Yet the Libtard only sees the opposite of reality, and also somehow convinces themselves that they are not Libtard and/or wrong.


Friday, May 15, 2015 5:02 PM



Originally posted by JO753:
You totally misinterpreted my statements. Proof that you are filtering everything you see & hear to fit wut you want to believ.

Nice claim.
But it is merely proof that you only partially quoted your reference, and I failed to fully investigate what you neglected to quote. So it lacked adequate context.


Wednesday, May 20, 2015 3:32 PM


rezident owtsidr

Jujing from the replyz, I hav to admit I made a mistake.

The title shoud be '3 timez az smart'.

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early


Wednesday, May 27, 2015 7:30 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by second:
A more complicated example: Paul Ryan loves talking about poverty, but he keeps getting the basic facts wrong. Paul Ryan deliberately gets his facts wrong so he can justify spending less money on the poor.

Which of your so-called wrong facts do you claim Ryan gets?



Wednesday, May 27, 2015 7:57 PM



Originally posted by second:
Democrats are no smarter than Republicans. I know this because I'm around both, but they have different styles of reasoning. The different styles makes one side think the other is stupider and less honest than it really is. (The sad truth is neither side is smart.) Conservatives are thinking, and arguing, for what is best for themselves, exclusively, and for their close relatives, maybe. Liberals are arguing for what is best for a much wider population, even going so far as to include non-human lives on special occasions.

Here is a fairly decent example of Libtards trying to claim the opposite of truth. For those Libtards reading, opposite of truth means lies.

Most conservatives are thinking, and arguing, for what is best for the greater population, the helpless, innocent, vulnerable. Most libtards are thinking what is best for themselves, what selfish ways they can benefit. Criminal behavior is often what liberals strive for, why prison populations are more than 90% liberal, and why hopelessly ill-informed Libtards are so oft stoned or high. Libtards despise criminals being punished for their crimes.
Let us look at an example.
Conservatives are looking out for the most helpless, innocent, vulnerable humans in society. They want to protect these vulnerables from the selfish liberals.
There is a procedure which in medical terms is Rotate, Extract, Evacuate.
The first step is for the selfish Abortionist to manually insert via the birth canal and rotate the baby in the womb, to orient for Breach Birth. Reasonable people know that Breach Birth is the most dangerous form of birth, in terms of the mother's health - yet selfish Libtards incessantly argue this is done for the HEALTH of the MOTHER.
The second step is to birth the baby via the birth canal, albeit a breach birth. This birthing of the baby is the "Extract" part.
The third step is when the selfish Abortionist executes the baby by penetrating the back of the skull with an ice pick, and then vacuums out the brains from the cranial vault.
The conservatives worked very hard to protect the helpless, innocent, vulnerable baby from being murdered by the abortionists, abortion nurses, and liberal woemn insisting upon their "right" to murder the birthed baby. The libtards worked very hard to defend this practice, until in America it was outlawed a few years ago. The common name for this infanticide is Partial Birth Abortion.
The Libtard women selfishly insisted upon the "right" to have her baby murdered.
The selfish Abortionists insisted upon being paid for their murderous actions, and building their practice on the fees they charge for murdering the most helpless, innocent, vulnerable humans they encounter. These abortionists selfishly deny that any part of the Hippocratic Oath binds them to "First, do no harm" so they can proclaim these infanticides as reasonable.
The selfish abortion nurses demand to be paid for their parts in the murder of babies.

This seems a fair example of how Libtards try to mask their lies with costumes of "truth" while they know their truth is the opposite of factual truth.

What human is more helpless, more innocent, more vulnerable, than a baby freshly exiting the birth canal? The libtards insist on killing this human. The conservatives want to protect it


Wednesday, June 3, 2015 7:15 AM


rezident owtsidr

That remindz me uv a question I hav for your crowd.

How do you deside wuts conservative and wuts liberal?

The only thing that seemz to be a consistent factor iz that money will not be taken away from the rich, but there are a bunch uv thingz that dont obviously make a differens either way. The 'social conservativz' seem to go along with anything handed to them by the GoP propaganda machine wether it helps non-rich citizenz or hurts them.

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early


Wednesday, June 3, 2015 8:18 PM



Originally posted by JO753:
That remindz me uv a question I hav for your crowd.

How do you deside wuts conservative and wuts liberal?

The only thing that seemz to be a consistent factor iz that money will not be taken away from the rich, but there are a bunch uv thingz that dont obviously make a differens either way. The 'social conservativz' seem to go along with anything handed to them by the GoP propaganda machine wether it helps non-rich citizenz or hurts them.

You seem to confuse conservative with rich. Why are you confused? Are you claiming that gazillionaire criminals Bill and Hilliary Clinton are conservatives? or George Soros?


Thursday, June 4, 2015 12:45 AM


rezident owtsidr

No confusion here. It must be on your end.

Yep. Just ran a system check. You misinterpretted wut I rote. You sumhow got 'all conservativz are rich & all rich are conservativ' out uv wut wut I rote.

You need a software upgrade.

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early


Thursday, June 4, 2015 8:32 PM


As a conservative, I agree that those who earn the most should pay more taxes. This is technically known as progressive taxation, but Libtards oppose true progressive taxation and claim to prefer a tax formula which more heavily taxes the middle class and poor.

The most progressive tax formula is known as consumption tax, and Libtards vehemently oppose it.
Most reasonable people understand that the poorest would pay the least consumption tax while consuming non-taxables as rent, housing, education, grocery, medical (a major cost to elderly), etc. This consumption tax would also apply to the wealthy (which INCOME tax does not, unless the wealthy decide to work), and the criminally obtained (untaxed) incomes.

I have not heard reasonable people confuse conservative policies with the rich, only Libtards cl;aims such as what you posted above.


Wednesday, June 10, 2015 7:19 PM



Originally posted by JO753:
That remindz me uv a question I hav for your crowd.

How do you deside wuts conservative and wuts liberal?

The only thing that seemz to be a consistent factor iz that money will not be taken away from the rich, but there are a bunch uv thingz that dont obviously make a differens either way. The 'social conservativz' seem to go along with anything handed to them by the GoP propaganda machine wether it helps non-rich citizenz or hurts them.

bumpity so I don't lose it.


Thursday, June 11, 2015 12:52 AM


rezident owtsidr


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
As a conservative, I agree that those who earn the most should pay more taxes. This is technically known as progressive taxation, but Libtards oppose true progressive taxation and claim to prefer a tax formula which more heavily taxes the middle class and poor.

You must be reading, lissening and watching only GoP propaganda media. I woud refer you to sum Robert Riech videoz, but naturally you will refuze to watch them.


The most progressive tax formula is known as consumption tax,

Exactly the oppozit. You hav been led by the noze blindfolded into a lojikl contradiction. If you can do a little arithmatic, you hav a chans uv finding your way back to reality.

With the current tax structure:

Say a hej fund manajr earnz a billion a yir. In 1 yir, he will clear 850,000,000$ after taxez if he duznt bother to get hiz accountant to 'make the net disappear'.

How much uv that will he spend on houses?
How much uv that will he spend on carz?
How much uv that will he spend on boats?
How much uv that will he spend on groseryz?
How much uv that will he spend on jewelry?
How much uv that will he spend on clothez?
How much uv that will he spend on art?
How much uv that will he spend on etc.?

More revealing, how much can he spend?

Now, subtract all that from 850 million and how much he haz left over that he payed no consumtion tax on.

Now consider that he'd hav to do the same thing every year just to be paying so much in taxez! But, if insted he just keeps all that stuff and savez hiz money every yir, hiz consumption tax bite will be about the same az an ordinary factory worker. Hiz increase over the 15% iz virtually undetectable to him.

Hold on! it gets better!

Suppoze we did get rid uv the capital gainz tax (wich iz the 15% hej fund manajerz are mainly paying) and the regular income tax system and went to your consumption tax system.

Then our guy haz the entire billion$ to begin with, so the eensy beensy amount he must spend on stuff like food, utilityz & clothez like an ordinary guy iz such an infinitizmal persentaj uv hiz earningz that the consumption tax on it all coud be 1000% and he still woudnt care. But obviously, to ordinary Joe Sixpack, who iz struggling just to pay hiz living expensez, that 1000% woud be insane. Completely unsupportable.

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early


Thursday, June 11, 2015 6:30 PM



Originally posted by JO753:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
As a conservative, I agree that those who earn the most should pay more taxes. This is technically known as progressive taxation, but Libtards oppose true progressive taxation and claim to prefer a tax formula which more heavily taxes the middle class and poor.

You must be reading, lissening and watching only GoP propaganda media. I woud refer you to sum Robert Riech videoz, but naturally you will refuze to watch them.


The most progressive tax formula is known as consumption tax,

Exactly the oppozit. You hav been led by the noze blindfolded into a lojikl contradiction. If you can do a little arithmatic, you hav a chans uv finding your way back to reality.

With the current tax structure:

Say a hej fund manajr earnz a billion a yir. In 1 yir, he will clear 850,000,000$ after taxez if he duznt bother to get hiz accountant to 'make the net disappear'.

How much uv that will he spend on houses?
How much uv that will he spend on carz?
How much uv that will he spend on boats?
How much uv that will he spend on groseryz?
How much uv that will he spend on jewelry?
How much uv that will he spend on clothez?
How much uv that will he spend on art?
How much uv that will he spend on etc.?

More revealing, how much can he spend?

Now, subtract all that from 850 million and how much he haz left over that he payed no consumtion tax on.

Now consider that he'd hav to do the same thing every year just to be paying so much in taxez! But, if insted he just keeps all that stuff and savez hiz money every yir, hiz consumption tax bite will be about the same az an ordinary factory worker. Hiz increase over the 15% iz virtually undetectable to him.

Hold on! it gets better!

Suppoze we did get rid uv the capital gainz tax (wich iz the 15% hej fund manajerz are mainly paying) and the regular income tax system and went to your consumption tax system.

Then our guy haz the entire billion$ to begin with, so the eensy beensy amount he must spend on stuff like food, utilityz & clothez like an ordinary guy iz such an infinitizmal persentaj uv hiz earningz that the consumption tax on it all coud be 1000% and he still woudnt care. But obviously, to ordinary Joe Sixpack, who iz struggling just to pay hiz living expensez, that 1000% woud be insane. Completely unsupportable.

How reasonable for you to use the example of the 2 Americans who earned a billion dollars and apply it to everybody.
If they are not spending it on anything, why are they earning it?
He could have bought a $150 million house.
He could have picked up a yacht, which some have sold for $500 million.
He could have picked up a few business jets, Falcon 7x are only 41 million per.
If Consumption tax was 20%, and no luxury tax was applied, 155 million in taxes would have been paid already.
A couple other houses for the different countries he might visit could eat up all the rest of his remaining $75 million right quick. That's only about 60 million before taxes.
So when he's in the poor house he paid one sixth of his income as taxes, if the rate was 20%.

Joe Sixpack may earn 70K, and after buying non-taxable items like groceries, education, housing, medical, he only pays his 20% taxes on his nights out for dinner, and beer at the bar - like $20 per week average - for a whopping 1,000 dollars per year. Or more if he wants to throw more money at the government. But merely living, surviving, existing, is not killing him in taxes.


Thursday, June 11, 2015 9:44 PM


rezident owtsidr

Your arithmatic iz bad. Sorry, but you need to go back to 1st grade.

But even if it wuznt, you didnt understand the example.

You rote:

If they are not spending it on anything, why are they earning it?

A pearl laying in the swine trampled mud! Thats the 64 trillion $ Q.

If you coud get to the bottom uv that, you coud rule the world.

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early


Friday, June 12, 2015 6:00 PM



Originally posted by JO753:
Your arithmatic iz bad. Sorry, but you need to go back to 1st grade.

But even if it wuznt, you didnt understand the example.

You rote:

If they are not spending it on anything, why are they earning it?

A pearl laying in the swine trampled mud! Thats the 64 trillion $ Q.

If you coud get to the bottom uv that, you coud rule the world.

You, having proven repeatedly your poor math skills, must back up your ridiculous assertions with details. Which arithmetic was bad?
And you missed the point. They are spending the money.


Monday, June 15, 2015 7:49 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by JO753:
Your arithmatic iz bad. Sorry, but you need to go back to 1st grade.

But even if it wuznt, you didnt understand the example.

You rote:

If they are not spending it on anything, why are they earning it?

A pearl laying in the swine trampled mud! Thats the 64 trillion $ Q.

If you coud get to the bottom uv that, you coud rule the world.

You, having proven repeatedly your poor math skills, must back up your ridiculous assertions with details. Which arithmetic was bad?
And you missed the point. They are spending the money.

Example of bad arithmetic?


Tuesday, June 16, 2015 4:20 AM


rezident owtsidr

Dont need the detailz.

Youre forgetting that he gets a billion per yir. Iz he going to give away all hiz stuff at the end uv every yir?

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early


Thursday, June 18, 2015 7:43 PM



Originally posted by JO753:
Dont need the detailz.

Youre forgetting that he gets a billion per yir. Iz he going to give away all hiz stuff at the end uv every yir?

That doesn't sound correct. Didn't your hedge fund manager claim little or no income for 2012, 2013?






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