UPDATED: Monday, July 6, 2015 21:33
VIEWED: 2471
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Friday, June 26, 2015 11:14 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Which just goes to prove that if corporations have an interest in the survival of a program, it will survive!


Friday, June 26, 2015 12:21 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Dissenting in the King v. Burwell case, Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia complained that "words no longer have meaning if an Exchange that is not established by a State is 'established by the state.'" This is an amusing piece of trolling, but the reality is that words have never "had meaning" in the way Scalia thinks.

Individual stringz of letterz r efforts to express meaningful propositions in an intelligible way. To succeed at this mission does not require the youse of any particular rite series of words and, in fact, a sntnce fll of gibberish cn B prfctly comprehensible and meaningful 2 an intelligent reader. To understand a phrse or paragraf or an entire txt rekwires the use of human understanding and contextual infrmation not just a dctionry.

That's why the one-sentence version of Chief Justice Roberts's ruling seems compelling to everyone who understands the politics and policy around the Affordable Care Act. He is saying that you have to interpret the individual sections, subsections, clauses, and words of a statute as if you are an intelligent human being who is interpreting the work of other intelligent human beings, not just looking at a bunch of random marks on a piece of paper.


Friday, June 26, 2015 5:39 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Which just goes to prove that if corporations have an interest in the survival of a program, it will survive!

...or they'll just lay people off, not hire people or make them part timers. WIN WIN FOR THEM!!

My health benny went up, they'll go up again in January...shut up.


Friday, June 26, 2015 9:39 PM



Originally posted by whozit:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Which just goes to prove that if corporations have an interest in the survival of a program, it will survive!

...or they'll just lay people off, not hire people or make them part timers. WIN WIN FOR THEM!!

Except that historically that isn't at all what has happened.

That's the same tired argument opponents of a higher minimum-wage have been using, and the data just doesn't support the argument in any meaningful way.


My health benny went up, they'll go up again in January...shut up.

Welcome to getting older. Or are you suggesting that everyone should have the same insurance for the same price, regardless of their age, health concerns, or situation?

Because that sounds very like collectivism. Or possibly even *SOCIALISM*!


Friday, June 26, 2015 10:17 PM


"Damn yokels, can't even tell a transport ship ain't got no guns on it." - Jayne Cobb


Originally posted by ElvisChrist:

Originally posted by whozit:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Which just goes to prove that if corporations have an interest in the survival of a program, it will survive!

...or they'll just lay people off, not hire people or make them part timers. WIN WIN FOR THEM!!

Except that historically that isn't at all what has happened.

That's the same tired argument opponents of a higher minimum-wage have been using, and the data just doesn't support the argument in any meaningful way.


My health benny went up, they'll go up again in January...shut up.

Welcome to getting older. Or are you suggesting that everyone should have the same insurance for the same price, regardless of their age, health concerns, or situation?

Because that sounds very like collectivism. Or possibly even *SOCIALISM*!

It's also the same crap the rich/corpies/job creators "predict" that's what'll happen before, during, and after they get their tax breaks. You can put shipping jobs overseas on the list, also.

Find here the Serenity you seek. -Tara Maclay


Saturday, June 27, 2015 10:21 AM



Originally posted by ElvisChrist:

Originally posted by whozit:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Which just goes to prove that if corporations have an interest in the survival of a program, it will survive!

...or they'll just lay people off, not hire people or make them part timers. WIN WIN FOR THEM!!

Except that historically that isn't at all what has happened.

That's the same tired argument opponents of a higher minimum-wage have been using, and the data just doesn't support the argument in any meaningful way.


My health benny went up, they'll go up again in January...shut up.

Welcome to getting older. Or are you suggesting that everyone should have the same insurance for the same price, regardless of their age, health concerns, or situation?

Because that sounds very like collectivism. Or possibly even *SOCIALISM*!

MY HEALTHCARE COSTS WENT UP BECAUSE OF BARRYCARE!! Jugears said the other day that I'm saving $1,800 a year? HE'S LYING GARBAGE!! Unlike most of you libs I'm not on food stamps or welfare or section 8 housing, I don't have an Obamaphone. I PAY MY OWN BILLS!! I make $18.75 an hour that I have to WORK for, I don't get free shit from the government like most lib voters get. It really pisses me off that I'm paying for someone else's food and home and health care, I'm busting my ass so they can sit on theirs.


Sunday, June 28, 2015 12:01 AM



Originally posted by whozit:

MY HEALTHCARE COSTS WENT UP BECAUSE OF BARRYCARE!! Jugears said the other day that I'm saving $1,800 a year? HE'S LYING GARBAGE!! Unlike most of you libs I'm not on food stamps or welfare or section 8 housing, I don't have an Obamaphone. I PAY MY OWN BILLS!! I make $18.75 an hour that I have to WORK for, I don't get free shit from the government like most lib voters get. It really pisses me off that I'm paying for someone else's food and home and health care, I'm busting my ass so they can sit on theirs.


Sunday, June 28, 2015 9:52 AM


In 1999 the average family income was $56,080. In 2012 it was $51.017. The top one percent is to blame. Here is one example.

Delaware's wealthiest residents hoarded all of the income gains as the state recovered from the recession, according to a study from the Economic Policy Institute that provided yet more evidence of an imbalanced economic recovery.

From 2009 to 2012, the top 1 percent of Delaware earners saw income growth of 15 percent.

The bottom 99 percent? Their incomes fell 1.6 percent. The study was based on Internal Revenue Service data of adjusted gross income.

While we argue amongst ourselves at our level they are keeping the increases that used to come our way. This started happening in the 70's. Unions are what prevented it before. Sorry but if you vote Republican you are mostly to blame.


Sunday, June 28, 2015 1:33 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

I hate to say it, but Dems are as much to blame. Who was the one who pushed NAFTA? Who was the one who signed the repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act, which led to the "too big to fail" banks capable of investing your deposits in risky financial products? Who signed the DMCA (Digital Millenium Copyright Act) which gave the software companies and music/entertainment industry unprecedented control over your use of YOUR software, virtually eliminating "fair use"? Who signed the Commodities Futures Modernization Act which gave us Enron?


A LOT of what we experienced in 2008 can be traced back to 1999.

As far as Obama is concerned, when the FIRST THING that he did was appoint Tim Geithner - Goldman-Sachs devotee (What was Timothy Geithner thinking when he decided to give Goldman Sachs a $30 billion interest-free loan as part of an $80 billion secret float to favored banks?
) a red flag went up. Because if Obama REALLY wanted to fix the banks, he should have appointed Sheila Bair, Chair of the FDIC.

So, here are the many other Obama misdeeds which show he does NOT have the middle class at heart:

He's pushing TPP and TTIP. These trade agreements are like NAFTA, but worse. You want to talk about more lost jobs?

He floated the idea very early on in his first term (2009) of indefinite preventive detention because of crimes somebody MIGHT commit

If THAT doesn't send a jolt of ice-water through your veins, nothing will!

The single-payer/ public option for health care, supported by a robust majority of Americans?? Tabled, by President Obama.

All of that easy-money going to banks? Started by Bush, but MORE than doubled-down by Obama!

Oh, and that illegal surveillance that Bush started? Obama had no problem expanding the program to hundreds of millions of Americans (and keeping it secret). And in regards to that, Obama has jailed more whistleblowers than any other President combined.

And let's not forget his destruction of Libya and his attempted (and still ongoing) destruction of Syria, both actions forwarded by enlisting and aiding terrorists.

The few "successes" of the liberal left, such as the cancellation of Keystone XL, have been achieved at MUCH cost, and are largely symbolic.

The only areas where Obama has made any "progress" are in gay rights and net neutrality, and that's because many of our powerful corporations are behind those ideas.

Obama has done little but sell Americans down the river, over and over again. Ten years form now, you'll look back at his terms in office and ask yourself What was I thinking?. I think it's time that people recognized that Democrats, with a few exceptions, are no better than Republicans. They are as wedded to banks and other corporations (for the most part) and are as apt to be neocons (Like Hillary).

The big exceptions are Bernie Sanders (Independent who caucuses with Dems), Elizabeth Warren (Dem), and Rand Paul (Repub).

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Sunday, June 28, 2015 6:18 PM


Mostly definition; for the most part, played a bigger role. Like breaking the backs of unions stripping them of their ability to fight outsourcing. Like being responsible for blocking an increase in minimum wage. For refusing to increase taxes on the one percent to put to use in updating our failing infrastructure, and creating better paying jobs. For the concept of trickle down economics.

For Christ's sake SIG, buy a clue.


Monday, June 29, 2015 3:03 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

THUGR, once again you seem to be responding to the voices in your head.

Did I say that Republicans weren't responsible for a good portion of the disaster visiting everyday Americans? I know about Reagan breaking the air traffic controllers union and re-jiggering the tax code to favor the rich. OTOH, Dem politicians have shoved us under the same juggernaut. After Clinton's NAFTA there was Bush's WTO and now Obama's TPP/TTIP. After Clinton repealed Glass Steagall, Bush shoved more taxes at the rich, and Obama shoved cheap money at the banks.

Do you see any difference in how this plays out for the average American? I don't.

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Monday, June 29, 2015 1:01 PM


Sometimes you own the libs. Sometimes, the libs own you.

It's not personal. It's just war.


Monday, July 6, 2015 4:23 AM


Ya know, it's funny. I'm a Democrat (my president was JFK - Fuck Reagan and Bush). And I say, Good for Obamacare (which is really Romneycare). Why is it that other developed countries have successful National Health care, and this, the richest country in the world, bitches and moans anytime it is discussed?

I work for a living. I pay my taxes (unlike those BIG Piece of shit corporations, who pay next to nothing). Everything I own I bought with my hard-earned money. Libtards, as you call them, many of whom earn much more than $18/hour, are not on welfare, live in Section 8 housing or have "Obamaphones", they also don't scratch their balls in public (like some of you hardcore Right wing nut jobs!)

It really pisses me off that my tax dollars go to Corporations that poison our air, make weapons of mass destruction, pollute our food supply and then bitch and moan when they have to clean up an Oil spill (which we who work for a living have to pay for). Fuck BP! And here you go, half-cocked, complaining about shit you have no idea about. My tax dollars pays for the roads and bridges you drive on to get to your shitty job. So quit yer bellyaching and stop listening to Rush Limbaugh; because he's a rich motherfucker who doesn't give a shit about you or this country.

This country is the best thing to happen to right-wingers since the invention of the Cotton Gin. If you don't like what's happening then get up off yer lazy ass and do something. Write yer Congressman/Senator. If they don't respond, Vote the bums out and get someone in there that'll listen to yer racist views and beliefs. That the way it usually works. Otherwise buy a ticket to England, or Sweden, or whatever other country (as if they'll have you) and STFU!

Sorry for the language, but that's how I talk whenever I'm pissed.

Have a nice day!



Originally posted by whozit:

Originally posted by ElvisChrist:

Originally posted by whozit:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Which just goes to prove that if corporations have an interest in the survival of a program, it will survive!

...or they'll just lay people off, not hire people or make them part timers. WIN WIN FOR THEM!!

Except that historically that isn't at all what has happened.

That's the same tired argument opponents of a higher minimum-wage have been using, and the data just doesn't support the argument in any meaningful way.


My health benny went up, they'll go up again in January...shut up.

Welcome to getting older. Or are you suggesting that everyone should have the same insurance for the same price, regardless of their age, health concerns, or situation?

Because that sounds very like collectivism. Or possibly even *SOCIALISM*!

MY HEALTHCARE COSTS WENT UP BECAUSE OF BARRYCARE!! Jugears said the other day that I'm saving $1,800 a year? HE'S LYING GARBAGE!! Unlike most of you libs I'm not on food stamps or welfare or section 8 housing, I don't have an Obamaphone. I PAY MY OWN BILLS!! I make $18.75 an hour that I have to WORK for, I don't get free shit from the government like most lib voters get. It really pisses me off that I'm paying for someone else's food and home and health care, I'm busting my ass so they can sit on theirs.


Monday, July 6, 2015 4:41 AM


Obamacare fucked me.

Glad it's working out for you... 1%er...

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, July 6, 2015 9:33 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

"To be considered in the top 1 percent, household income is at least $521,411."

SAGAN: We are releasing vast quantities of carbon dioxide, increasing the greenhouse effect. It may not take much to destabilize the Earth's climate, to convert this heaven, our only home in the cosmos, into a kind of hell.






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