Corporate America- deeds, not words; who gets the thumbs up?

UPDATED: Wednesday, November 23, 2005 07:49
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Monday, November 21, 2005 11:55 AM


Let's all take time to list or thank American corporations that don't suck.
They deserve our respect; let's give it to 'em!

I like Trader Joes'.

And...uh...let's see, big companies....

gimme a minute here.....

a little help please?

Chrisisall, mired in corporate contempt


Monday, November 21, 2005 7:22 PM


I'm a big fan. Here are some I like:

Sun Microsystems, Cisco, Nangogen, Geron, Stem Cells, AT&T, Sprint, IBM, 3M, Ford, Home Depot, Subway, UPS, Electronic Arts, Mozilla, Motorola, AMD, Intel, Genentech, Lucent, TI, Beacon Power, Barnes and Noble,, Google, okay?

Some that have problems but still deserve respect:

Microsoft, Apple, General Mototrs, (sorry about the red car bit, but more recently they seem okay), General Electric (Still ticked about them leaving Schenectady), Enron, (What? am I kidding? No, I'm not kidding, all fraud aside, I'd be okay with someone putting this one back together), News Corp, Ely Lilly, and all right...

If I keep going this list will get very long.

Very very long.

In general I think the companies on the S&P small caps list are usually pretty good, and particularly small caps that end up on the active trader lists, usually a lot of those companies are out saving the world and stuff.

The deception is in the news. Mainstream Media only gives you bad news. There are some 15,000 publicly traded corporations in the United State, and some 5 million registered corporations in all. We only hear about the ones that keep f^&king up.

Big drug companies, particularly Pfizer, but others are also guilty of pushing questionable medications into widespread public use. But there are hundreds of publicly traded corporations in this industry, and countless smaller ones.

Right now, the problem is that the whole system has become corrupted in a way that rewards bad behavior. By controlling what doctors perscribe, and controlling what the FDA approves, companies with strong ties to politicians like Pfizer and Merck gain an abnormally large foothold whether or not their products merit the attention. Which is not to say these companies have never done anything good, simply that they are out of control.

The same is happening in many industries. In energy I am far more afraid of entrenched oil companies like Chevron than i ever was of alternative energy firms like Enron, or for that matter AT&T. For those who just said "Huh?" I have this to say about the AT&T breakup in 1984. At the time it was the world's largest alternative energy company, and it was using its vast monopoly to fund this research. While I am all for the introduction of competition, this break up created no competition. MCI and Sprint were already competing for long distance, and the division of local services created many small local monopolies. I can't help but feel that encouraging competition would have been a better anti-monopoly policy, but anti-monopoly was not the goal.

Certain crooked corporations are in good with crooked govt. and vice versa. Just like I think the Democrats and Republicans would be fine if we tossed out about five percent or maybe even one or two percent who are crooks, the same is true for corporate America. Once done, some nice rule changes would be in order to delay their return. It's probably not possible to prevent a return, but we have to at least try to keep it at bay.


Monday, November 21, 2005 8:08 PM


I like BP, formerly British Petroleum.

Why? Because I like their image, really. I’m sure their whole “global warming is real” stuff is a stunt to get people in Britain and California to buy their gas. But nonetheless, they have to keep up appearances if they want to keep Britain and California buying their gas, and as such they have been putting a lot of resources into things that I think are important such as cleaner petroleum fuels, hydrogen-cell technology and they are a leading producer of solar cells.

Qui desiderat pacem praeparet bellum.


Monday, November 21, 2005 8:15 PM



Originally posted by Finn mac Cumhal:
I like BP, formerly British Petroleum.

Why? Because I like their image, really. I’m sure their whole “global warming is real” stuff is a stunt to get people in Britain and California to buy their gas. But nonetheless, they have to keep up appearances if they want to keep Britain and California buying their gas, and as such they have been putting a lot of resources into things that I think are important such as cleaner petroleum fuels, hydrogen-cell technology and they are a leading producer of solar cells.

You know, for once I agree with you Finn. I really like BP also. I'm with you on questioning their motives (are they really benevolently creating new, cleaner tech, or is it a pub. stunt), but for now I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt and my money for gas. I like what they claim to be doing, and I sure as hell don't see the other big oilers coming out talking about GWarming or new technologies.

He looked bigger when I couldn't see him.


Tuesday, November 22, 2005 6:27 PM



They could be open on Sun. and Make more money. But they choose to remain closed on Sun. so employees can be with their families.
Of course I haven't researched their practices fully so they could be evil incarnate *shrugs*

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Wednesday, November 23, 2005 7:49 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

Chevron. They get international high marks for environmental conservation from Jared Diamond and various international monitoring groups. From personal observation, at times I and my collegues work with large refineries on specific pollution issues. Chevron is proactive and responsible. The information that has come out of other refineries - especially BP/Arco - re their basic practices, is shocking. Further, they defend their practices even when NO other refinery does the same thing. (I cannot divulge the specifics, but in terms of the public record, BP/Arco was recently fined > $100M for long-standing non-compliance with basic existing rules.)

Microsoft has an underserved aura. Poor boy makes good etc. Microsoft is where it is due to 1) daddy (a multi-millionaire) giving son millions to start a company to give the poor boy something to do since college wasn't working out 2) mommy getting u-soft the IBM contract to develop an OS (as far as I know, it was never fulfilled, u-soft then took the software they bought and used it for their own competing OS) 3) unfair marketing practices, and 4) unfair monopolistic practices, which they are still fighting in Europe. Further, they have poor labor practices. Fortunately they lost the one where they tried to evade labor regulations by using temporaries. (A tidbit that figured into our negotiations this year.)

Google and Amazon for sure.

Oh, and AMD.

Nearly everything I know I learned by the grace of others.