OJ & Pahrump- 2 free speech cases

UPDATED: Tuesday, November 21, 2006 13:58
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Tuesday, November 21, 2006 8:08 AM


so the Rupert Murdoch publishing empire ( most evil empire since Darth Vader? ) was gonna publish a book by O J Simpson about how he would have klled his ex-wife, and publicize it on the Fux network. It got enough bad publicity and Fux killed it.

free speech- they can publish or broadcast what they want, no matter how bad an idea, and I can not buy or not watch, as I choose, and I can even protest , if necessary, and I can certainly remember who broadcast, or sold, this gose, and hold them accountable, personally, in the market place later.

Meanwhile, Pahrump, Nevada, a town well known in the West as home of institutions similar to the Heart of Gold, has passed a city ordinance forbidding anyone from flying any foreign nation's flag by itself, or unless the Stars & Stripes is flown adjacent, and higher. This is aimed explicitly at Mexicans, say the backers. They got offended last year when there were those parades protesting immigration law changes, and all those demonstrators carried Mexican flags.

Wouldn't want to upset those Canadian illegals flying the Maple Leaf, or Israelis passing thru showing the star of David, or Japanese tourists with the Rising Sun on their cars come there to spend money.

I'm of two minds on this one. The US Flag Code already forbids flying any foreign flag higher than, or to the right of, the US flag. And it would be good manners to respect the flag of your host country-- the US Navy does that on warships in foreign ports; but to make rudeness a crime, even a misdemeanor?

But isn't it proper pride to acknowlege your roots? Can't the Irish wear shamrocks, the Italians march in parades, the Vietnamese fly the old South Vietnam flag?
And isn't a law intended to only affect Mexicans discriminatory?

And isn't flying a flag, even of Iraq or Iran, political speech, permitted under the First Amendment right of free speech, in fact the specific intent of that amendment?
Isn't this law pretty much uncondtitutional, on its face?


Tuesday, November 21, 2006 9:48 AM


America loves a winner!


Meanwhile, Pahrump, Nevada, a town well known in the West as home of institutions similar to the Heart of Gold, has passed a city ordinance forbidding anyone from flying any foreign nation's flag by itself, or unless the Stars & Stripes is flown adjacent, and higher.

Sure hope the whores are pettier than their city ordinances. Since they're not flags of 'nations', I guess that means the NAZI swastika or a Confederate Battle emblem are given a free pass to fly all by their lonesome, huh? And what about flags with profane images or words? This could get REAL interesting.

People love a happy ending. So every episode, I will explain once again that I don't like people. And then Mal will shoot someone. Someone we like. And their puppy. - Joss

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Tuesday, November 21, 2006 10:40 AM


I wondered about Swastikas myself. Or the old boater's flag with the martini glass tipped on it, signifying," Party onboard."
Prob'ly a lot of those could be flyin' there.


Tuesday, November 21, 2006 1:58 PM



Originally posted by NewOldBrownCoat:
so the Rupert Murdoch publishing empire ( most evil empire since Darth Vader? ) was gonna publish a book by O J Simpson about how he would have klled his ex-wife, and publicize it on the Fux network. It got enough bad publicity and Fux killed it.

free speech- they can publish or broadcast what they want, no matter how bad an idea, and I can not buy or not watch, as I choose, and I can even protest , if necessary, and I can certainly remember who broadcast, or sold, this gose, and hold them accountable, personally, in the market place later.

The unnecessary commentary about Murdoch aside, there is no violation of free speech here. The Fox Network is not being prevented from broadcasting this hideous display of indecency; they simply chose not to because of market pressure. Something the Dixie Chicks could take a lesson from. I, like millions of other Americans, have a First Amendment right to be disgusted by Simpson’s book and this television show, and I also have every right not to watch Fox as a result of it and I have every right to boycott anyone who may have advertised on this show. As a result Fox isn’t broadcasting this because of the First Amendment, not in spite of it.

Originally posted by NewOldBrownCoat:
Meanwhile, Pahrump, Nevada, a town well known in the West as home of institutions similar to the Heart of Gold, has passed a city ordinance forbidding anyone from flying any foreign nation's flag by itself, or unless the Stars & Stripes is flown adjacent, and higher. This is aimed explicitly at Mexicans, say the backers. They got offended last year when there were those parades protesting immigration law changes, and all those demonstrators carried Mexican flags.

This, on the other hand, might be a violation of the First Amendment, depending on what it actually is. I’ve not read the law, so I can’t really say anything about it for sure. If the law applies to federal or state buildings or assemblies, that’s one thing, but if it applies to civilians outside of the public office, that may be something else. The federal flag code already specifies certain rules for how the flag is to be displayed, but those rules are not always followed as closely as they should be. Maybe Nevada needs an enforceable law governing how Nevada civilians treat the flag.

Nihil est incertius vulgo, nihil obscurius voluntate hominum, nihil fallacius ratione tota comitiorum.

Nothing is more unpredictable than the mob, nothing more obscure than public opinion, nothing more deceptive than the whole political system.

-- Cicero